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Fantasy Not Your Average Fantasy High School V.2 || IGNORE POST COUNT - STILL ACCEPTING


Within the Depths of a Dream

Not Your Average Fantasy High School V.2

We've all heard of 'em whether we want to or not, and to be honest it's all quite a gigantic steaming pile of shit. Those so called high schools that have been built to train the new supernaturally inclined youth how to control themselves. And if you haven't noticed, it's failed horribly. I mean, hell, they've done destroyed entire worlds for their own sick amusement, no teachers are present, classes aren't attended, sex is being had in the halls...it's just one large embarrassment not only for the schools but the parents of the children there.

But...what if we were to switch that around?

What I mean is simple.

The students are human.

The teachers aren't.

In theory, this should work given they act as adults should. If any one should misbehave, it's much more terrifying to receive a detention slip from say a vampire than a seventy-five year old man who's going blind and deaf.


[SIZE= 22px]OOC Information[/SIZE]

Alright, so with that short intro above, what I'm trying to say is that this roleplay would focus on the main characters being those instructing the students. They would be inhuman within reason of course and also teaching a chosen subject. The main plot will be based off of this new experimental set up, the students being fully aware of their instructor's identity and trying to coexist in a classroom setting. But why stop there? How are they going to handle students turning up dead in the halls, each framing a different staff member?

I'm on the fence about the limit of players for now, so that'll be determined once I see how much interest this generates. Not only that, but what classes are able to be taught and what grades. Most likely core subjects and I'm more inclined to go with either eleventh (16-17) or twelfth (17-18) but it'll depend on if I should limit it or not. Another thing I still need to consider are students. Should they be able to be played or are strictly NPCs that are controlled by the given teacher? I need input considering they aren't the main focus. (Unless people wanted to play them after the spots for teachers are filled, thus creating some interesting interaction.)

This would also be fairly detailed I would prefer at least two well written paragraphs per post because quite of a bit of this roleplay is going to be interaction with NPCs.

Anyways, lemme know what you people think.

Also, sorry for the shitty formatting. Made on mobile.

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Hello, I am feeling the need for speed..no wait, I want in. yeah. 

Hahah, no but I would love to play a teacher, seems pretty fun! So much different from all these young shitheads I always plays!

 Just wanna put in that I am swedish, so my knowledge about american schoolsystems are based in movies and books. Hehe. Oh, and the fact thay I write long, but maybe not long enough? I don't really know how long a paragraph is suppose to be.

And I did fail English last year, so my grammar might be a bit shitty.

Oh, and I live on my phone so my layouts are even shittier than my grammar.
Hello, I am feeling the need for speed..no wait, I want in. yeah. 

Hahah, no but I would love to play a teacher, seems pretty fun! So much different from all these young shitheads I always plays!

 Just wanna put in that I am swedish, so my knowledge about american schoolsystems are based in movies and books. Hehe. Oh, and the fact thay I write long, but maybe not long enough? I don't really know how long a paragraph is suppose to be.

And I did fail English last year, so my grammar might be a bit shitty.

Oh, and I live on my phone so my layouts are even shittier than my grammar.

Lovely! And yeah, I wanted to try something different considering I can't stand playing underage characters.

Okay, take whatever you know about 'Merican schools from those stereotypical movies and books and throw it out the window. Classes should run rather similar, although there will be difference with schedules and such. Gah, you'll be fine. Just ask if you have any questions!

When interacting with other players, I'd say at least two paragraphs of twenty+ lines on mobile (seeing as I'm confined as well) when able. But if the majority of students are going to be NPCs then you shoudn't have a problem cranking out 4+ paragraphs because you'll be roleplaying with yourself...kinda.

Oh and please, your grammar is better than some native speakers that I know.
Paragraph Reference:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lobortis lorem volutpat finibus placerat. Donec pellentesque diam congue elit scelerisque mattis. Fusce eget porttitor felis. In vel tortor commodo, vulputate massa eu, vehicula erat. Vivamus aliquam dictum purus vitae consectetur. Nunc tincidunt odio odio, et bibendum nisl viverra non. Donec arcu tortor, feugiat id lacus id, euismod vulputate mi. Nullam pulvinar nibh sit amet lectus volutpat convallis. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum aliquam congue fringilla. Mauris accumsan consequat commodo. Nullam varius blandit lobortis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc vitae mi semper, iaculis est laoreet, dictum ante. Duis ut ipsum vel felis pretium semper in vitae sapien. Nam sit amet ultrices ante. Nullam a diam nisl. Mauris metus enim, feugiat ut sem sit amet, congue feugiat tellus. Sed auctor in magna ut auctor. Sed et velit a nisi semper condimentum. Donec in lectus dolor. Pellentesque eget cursus odio.
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Okay, thank you!

I think I am good enough for this! 

Woop woop and shit, underage character are so smol and shit. Like no, I can not put my over tattooed super ace boy in high school? Like no, you fab girl is not about 16 in that pic. That is Miranda, she's a fucking Victoria Secret star, she's 33! <- me in about every rp ever
Okay, thank you!

I think I am good enough for this! 

Woop woop and shit, underage character are so smol and shit. Like no, I can not put my over tattooed super ace boy in high school? Like no, you fab girl is not about 16 in that pic. That is Miranda, she's a fucking Victoria Secret star, she's 33! <- me in about every rp ever

Exactly. And then in a fantasy setting its all "Sir...why the fuck would a kitsune-vampire-angel-demon hybird need to attend a mortal high school or exist in the first place?"
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Don't even get me started on "no mate, I'm just a student..what do you mean op? No, he just happens to be a nuclear and such. I would never use it, it will be just as if he didn't have it! Wait wblhat? Take it away? No way! It's his poweeeersss! Put in weaknesses? But then everyone would know them and use them!"

And those potatos who think they are almighty so their characters just happens to know you cs outside in..gah peps and shit!
*a wild vampunk rears its ugly head*

should've tagged me, now i'm saad
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Don't even get me started on "no mate, I'm just a student..what do you mean op? No, he just happens to be a nuclear and such. I would never use it, it will be just as if he didn't have it! Wait wblhat? Take it away? No way! It's his poweeeersss! Put in weaknesses? But then everyone would know them and use them!"

And those potatos who think they are almighty so their characters just happens to know you cs outside in..gah peps and shit!

I think you have a few spelling errors xD  But overall, yeah. I haven't seen much meta-gaming here but that might be because I prefer detailed Roleplays over casual or simple. (Defiantly not the latter.) "His mother was a god and father a dragon, he needs to be unstoppablleeee!!!" -Thows tantrum like a child-
Gawww, here.


[SIZE= 14px]That work?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]But I am a bit confused...why in the hell would your default character be a teacher of all things? xD  [/SIZE]

-A lot of time to slack off

-rather "easy" "work"

-Tons of holidays and such

-school trips, huh?

buuut I just may go for a completely different character alltogether^^
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-A lot of time to slack off

-rather "easy" "work"

-Tons of holidays and such

-school trips, huh?

buuut I just may go for a completely different character alltogether^^

-A lot of time to slack off

-rather "easy" "work"

-Tons of holidays and such

-school trips, huh?

buuut I just may go for a completely different character alltogether^^

Try something new for once! (No vampire maybe? ;3)

Don't spam the reply button. -_-  
Ido try to write my posts on the computer so it tells me when I fuck up, but my spelling is terrible i every language I know #swedishsucks...but like fuck that. Hahah, but I'm going for a while now, will be in tonight (i about 4 hours).

So far we have interested....

@juniper ali - My favorite pole dancing, hog ploughing, basic ass bitch.

@Vampunk - Who's having a heart attack because I told her she couldn't make a vampire. (Trying out a new character, spot's mine Hun.)

@Neastlarsson - An amazing English speaking Swede who shares my dislike of overpowered characters.

And @ChocolateSwirl who just kinda popped in and popped out.
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I might just create the cheesiest wendigo character you'll ever see then >:7

also, I ain't spamming the button, it just... Happens
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Please spare me.

And it's not happening now so....

It did, I just deleted the second half.

sooo, I'm not allowed to use Mads Mikkleswn as an inspiration? O_o


Please spare me.

And it's not happening now so....

It did, I just deleted the second half.

sooo, I'm not allowed to use Mads Mikkleswn as an inspiration? O_o
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