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Dice North Shore [Setting Overview]


Junior Member

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This is the North Shore (the starting area), it is a peninsula and the former empire of an accent race. Epics tell of the dragon hordes that once ruled this land and it's people, though their end came at the hands of divine dwarf-like constructs who defeated them throughout the continent in a series of battles. The gods that created these constructs became angered with them and, as these constructs destroyed the dragons, their gods destroyed them.

Demographics consist mostly of humans and a variety of elves depending on the location, though orcs can be found in the many great planes (lighter green) and dwarves in the few mountainous areas (dark grey). The only other substantial population of races are a group of cactus-like beings and sand dwarves that co-cohabitate together deep within' the desert (yellow) in the south. Many other races can be found throughout the North Shore, though they tend to either be small in number or their presences does not reach past their town/village.

This land is far from a unified nation as politically it has slowly devolved into a nation of city states. It is not uncommon for warbands to form and harass villagers. Bandits, pirates, and other road-side robbers have take refuge in the now vastly extended wilderness. The rest of the continent, west of the wall, is a war torn battlefield. The dragons have returned, plaguing most of the continent for just over a hundred years now. The increase in refugees, and fear of the dragons' approach, has been the main factor in destabilizing this peninsula. Still, other than a few chance encounters, it is still well accepted that the dragons have not yet noticed this part of the continent. Life, although less stable, goes on.

Magic is relatively common and holds little controversy. Necromancy, blood magic, and other "dark arts" are not all that accepted. There also exists a magical forces called laylines, a major, several mile wide layline passes right through Lordsmoore. That being said, lesser laylines that fracture off the main one can be found throughout the land. They tend to be more active, spewing out magic as they glow. These lesser laylines tend to go off naturally from time-to-time, though they also can be a sign of people tampering with magical forces they do not understand. If you were to stand in one as it was active, you could keep casting magic till it died down or you grew to tired to go on.

Due to the effect of the laylines; it is not uncommon for metals, crystals, gems, stones, and other minerals to be infused with magical forces originating from their activity. These items are mined for countless uses, often even being sloted into a weapon or some equipment.

This Continent


It is huge, which gives me plenty of space to add in any additional locations you'd like. Although most locations are named, the only other location your characters will be familiar with is "The Tower of Broken Worlds". Portals called Rifts are rips in space and time which allow you or others to travel to different planes of existence, although they occur somewhat irregularly, The Tower of Broken Worlds allows you travel to an infinite amount of different worlds & dimensions. It was build by the divine ancient race of this continent and is considered by many to be the reason that the gods became angered with their creation. This location is the most well defended location in this world, though it is far from the safest. On top of the dragon hordes of this world, armies here do battle with invasion forces from other worlds. Still. . . The inhabitants here have managed to scrape by pretty well as the tower, and the fact that all major laylines converge on this locations, has attracted most of this worlds most powerful magic-users and scholars.

Other than the main continent in the center, the one to the far right has always been under control of the dragons. Not much is known about this location, though many assert it is the ancestral homeland of the dragons. The only thing that is know for sure is that this bit of land has always been ruled by the dragons (long before and after the coming of the ancient race).

The two continents to the bottom left are considered the origins of most life in this world. In a time before the ancients, it is believed many races set sail to the great continent in to center. What forced or enticed them to travel across the seas is unknown, though it is believed that this is when the races began to be ruled by the dragons as they populated the great continent. Once the divines created their race, the dragons where forced back east with some heading south-west and it's believed by many that the dragons also rule over these two southern continents. In truth, no one knows for sure.
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