[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.


Gavin gives a somewhat self-mocking bow. "I shall be guided by you in this. In all seriousness, Lord knows I'm not exactly suited to the more nitty-gritty side of battle. A historian's place is recording those battles, not taking part in them on the field... the worst I'll endure is a paper-cut, God-willing." A bad omen that, perhaps.

"If you're heading out for the night, I won't keep you." He pushes away from the counter.
To Valentine and Blake

Cutting through an empty lot overgrown with weeds, you'll skip onto Dresden Street and be inside the Drears. Dirge is off down the street along with a few bars and late-night tattoo parlors. The canal is probably a half mile down the way and Clink Change is beyond Dirge.

Valentine nods. "I was sort of hoping you'd all say that. Let's hit the Canal first. It's this way."
To Gavin

"Feel free to have the run of the house, Gavin. Truly." Belham says, looking old and weary, but smiling. His skin is thin and dry as parchment, his hair looking brittle. He's not even trying to blink. He really does need to feed.
To Valentine and Blake

Now, Valentine DOES know this is near wolf land, the length of the canal is, some parts of Clink Change too. So wariness is advised. The pavement is a bit shoddier here, potholes every so often, a few ruined and old factories towering overhead filled with rats, the poor and with broken and dusty windows. The Dresden Bridge passes over said Canal, heading out toward the highway. Small enough, just two lanes, but even if it is Wolf territory, plenty of homeless linger around here and make damn good eats for local Kindred of the Drears.

"Lovely area, I wonder why I don't come here more often." Selene sighs, squatting down to look into the canal. "Full house, bunch of hobos sleepin' down there."

Valentine shrugs. "Well, the whole 'Werewolf territory' thing might have something to do with it... I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary. Let's go."

Valentine starts picking his way along the canal, scanning the surroundings.
Garrison Blake

Looking up and down the canal, and then over at the men Selene pointed out, Blake scratches his nose. "Anyone know what this guy looks like?"

Valentine shrugs as he moves. "Nope. Don't need to. He's a vampire. The Taint will find him."
To Blake

"One would assume we could feel him out if he's Kindred." Selene shrugs. "So...I can't really feel anything from here, looks like they're all sleeping." Thunder rumbles from the sky overhead, lightning continues striking far to the north. "Joy. To be a soaked rat."

She signs and rests upon her knees, peering into the darkness, letting her eyes go out of focus. "Pretty..." she murmurs. "Always is. No pale ones though...but I suggest we get the fuck out of here, some of those are pretty strong auras."

A deep, throaty growl rises up from under the bridge. "Yes, we leave now."

"Good plan." Valentine backs away slowly. He could probably hold his own against a single Wolf, but he knew they never worked alone.
Garrison Blake

Blake nods. "Of course. I should have known that. Let's..." His head whips around at the growling voice. He takes a defensive stance, but nothing further. He keeps his eye on the other figure, as the three of them move off...

"Might I suggest the Salvation Army kitchen?" Valentine continues to back away to a nice safe distance.

"Nahh, I wouldn't want to impose." He exchanges some further light pleasantries with the couple and the traditionally protracted farewells before moseying back out onto the street, pondering where to go next.
To Blake and Valentine

The growl fades away with a guttural sound nearly beyond hearing, somewhat like a child's laughter. Soup kitchens, right. Beyond Dresden and the ever drug and gang ridden Culver Boulevard, lies the very modern Salvation Army complex, complete with a wrought iron fence with concertina wire along the top. They've had issues with hobos trying to break in or junkies looking for a quick steal to pawn for the next high. The build is a typical office affair, but with smaller windows and darker tinting. The soup kitchen is actually outside the main building and the gates, nestled in a downtown mission, 44th Street Church.

When you approach the doors, the old one-legged priest at the door leans on his crutch with a toothy smile from behind a shaggy gray beard, "Welcome brothers and sisters, please, c'mon in."
To Gavin

Hmm, where to go, where to go. Lucrecia and Belham take their leave with a few of the house servants out the sidedoor in the ballroom. As you ponder, you find yourself drifting to the front door when there comes a knocking from that old door. Soft, but its there.

Valentine smiles politely. "Evening Father. We're looking for a guy. Calls himself Old Kenneth, seen him lately?"
Garrison Blake

Blake bows his head. "If you haven't seen him, perhaps you know the areas he frequents?"

How very odd. Looking around vaguely and acknowledging no one else is going to answer it, he hazards "Who is it?" before coming closer.
To Valentine and Blake

"Mm, Kenny, saw him...three nights ago, me thinks." The old priest pulls out a pack of gum and slips a piece out. Stuffing the wrapper in his pockert and the piece in his mouth he chews. "Hmm, he may come by tonight, if you'd all like to have a seat and wait. I don't rightly know where he goes when he doesn't drop in here. Friends of his are you? I always worried about that man, he had so few friends. And these are times when even the Lord can't be your only friend."

Valentine smiles. "Family, actually. We've been looking for Kenneth a long time. It's good to see he's had a good soul like you to look out for him."

Valentine turns on the charm, easy as breathing.

Activating Awe. Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 9 0 8 9 7 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 0 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 8 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

6 successes total.
To Gavin

"A package for one Belham Carter, sir." A deep baritone answers from beyond the door.

clack-clack! The sound of a cane tapping the ground twice, nothing else like it.
To Valentine and Blake

The old priest smiles wide, "That's most kind of you, sir. Please, please come in!" He goes at ease instantly, forgetting that none of your are really blinking. Something else he can't put his finger on. Oh, right, breathing. Doesn't notice it at all. The inside is crowded with tables and homeless folk and some from the Section 8 projects at the southern end of the Drears getting a free meal. Stew by the looks of it with wheat rolls and coffee, juice for the kids.

Hmm. "He's just stepped out, I'm afraid, would you care to call back later? I'm sure I can find someone to take a message, if you'd prefer."
To Gavin

"Hmph. What becomes of us?" He sighs.


Soon the sound of footsteps walking away is all you hear.

Valentine walks over to a free table, grinning openly, occasionally nodding to one of the people who turns to look at him, eyes wide with wonder. He's like a magnet; every eye is drawn for a moment before turning away. Sitting down, he gestures to the free seats for Selene and Blake. "Let's wait here for a bit. Hopefully we won't be disappointed."

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