[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

Garrison Blake

If Blake still breathed, he'd be sighing right now. He'd made the Castellan angry, and he didn't know why. Focus on that later. Explain your findings to Valentine and Selene.

"Well," Blake says, coming closer to the pair, "interesting news. Seems Buffalo is under siege. According to the source that was contacted, not many Kindred are left in Buffalo. They're also under siege by someone or something called Tremere. Don't know what that means. I've got to go back and start researching."

This time, Blake does sigh. "I hate research." He is quiet for several seconds, then a quick shake of the head brings him back. "Nevertheless. I should get started. Unless you have anything further to discuss?"
OOC: Sorry I've missed so much. Trip up to the folks' and all that (1000+ km round trip in 26 hours? *shudder*)

To Anna
It's only as class is winding down that you notice him. You never once saw when he came in, but Adulio is sitting and smiling by your office door, watching the kids go. He's remarkably well behaved. He comes in fed and never even tries to put the moves on any of the dancers. He loves dance. In fact, many of your nights together, he simply asks you to dance for him, slow, fast, any of it. You make him weep, and for that, he loves you.
"Good evening darling," she smiles as she sashays over to him. "Did you get to watch much of the class?" She trails her fingers along his collar, straightening it a little. "I'd hoped you'd show up tonight." She is nearly purring.
To Valentine

Blake takes his leave shortly thereafter, amazingly calling a cab.

Selene takes your hand, humming, "Come, let's at least get away from Clink Change, I think wolves roam this area along with a few other...things."
To Anna

The old Spaniard smiles, lifting his chin so you can fuss with the collar. "I just got here, to speak in truth." His english was a little odd at times, but kinda cute. "I was painting and I figured it was time to take a break, One month's work can wait a night. How are you? How are they?"
To Valentine

Somewhere in the distance, toward Clink Change, you hear a horn. Not a car's, but like out of the movies or something, a war horn. Soon after distant gunshots rattle out like firecrackers popping in the night air. A sudden scream punctuates the ebbing of the gunfire. The tension finally broke for someone.

The old streetlights show nothing coming down the street, save for a rattling city taxi. The old station wagon rolls by with nary a glance from the driver. Didn't pay to pick up many fares in the Drears. Really, all you hear now is Selene's humming. So you walk uphill in the general direction of your haven. You'll be passing outside a closed diner when you first hear the sound.

clack clop Quietly at first. clack clop The louder and more numerous, loud footsteps, kind of reminds you of a horse drawn carriage. Not behind you, but somewhere nearby...

Wordlessly, Valentine draws his machete clear of his sheath. Glancing at Selene, he shrugs.

"Bottle rockets."
To Valentine

Snorting, Selene draws out her kukri, long and sharp as metal can be. Continuing her little musical moment, she starts looking around.

"Something in the alley? Few of them at least. And something very unfriendly..."

She's doing her magic trick with sight again.

Valentine tests the weight of his weapon, almost on instinct. He knows it like an old friend.

"Any idea what they are?"
To Valentine

"Some aren't alive if that's what you mean. They're just...standing there. Their auras sparkle...like nothing I've seen yet...they don't know we're here. I think the big one is talking to those others. Five of 'em." Selene lowers herself and slinks in a crab-like fashion into the shadows of the diner's doorway. "C'mere..."

You'll hear whatever it is speak in a voice like stones breaking, "Go. Find. Kill. Find me someone sweet to talk to. I'd like a new soul. Now, for the Thousand Young, go!"

clack clop click clop Five shadowed figures, tall and unnaturally slender emerge from the shadows with glowing white eyes.

Valentine whispers to Selene "well, I don't think we can let this happen..."

Here goes nothing. Valentine steps out in front of them, and sketches a quick salute, tipping the crossguard of his weapon to his forehead.

"Evening, boys."

Tentatively opening the door, Gavin looks to and fro outside, head sticking out from the doorframe. "Hello?" Finding the gentleman has indeed departed, he scratches his head in puzzlement and shuts the door quietly, peering harder into the darkness. "How very odd."

Sparing one last slightly suspicious glance for the shadows, he pads away from the door, drifting (as is his wont) in the most interesting direction that presents itself, having neither intention nor obligations this night.
To Valentine

They stare at you for a heartbeat as Selene slinks up in the shadows behind them.

To Spot Selene (-3 dice from darkness): Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 5 2 ] (TN: 8 )

Selene's arm arcs out, quicker than you can truly follow. Metal cuts deep into the hard wood of the creation's elongated head. With a hearty THUNK, the blade digs through one of its painted eyes, making the creature falter, grabbing at the blade and its assassin.

Results for Weaponry: 7 dice (-3 for Armor) : 2 successes [ 0 5 3 4 6 0 5 ] (TN: 8 ) Re-roll tens: Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 8 4 ] (TN: 8 ) Whoops, forgot her Vigor: Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 9 3 5 8 ] (TN: 8 )

Total Damage: 5

Initative, please.

For the Whittlin' Men: Results for 1 dice: [ 3 ] + I. Mod of 4 = 7.

For Selene: Results for 1 dice: [ 9 ] + I. Mod of 7 = 16

Stirring the Blood, Valentine melts into a blur of speed and bladed death. Even as Selene strikes one, he barrels toward the one beside it, blade lashing out.

Activating Celerity. Initiative mod is 9, Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 9 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Initiative: 18

Attack: Dexterity: 5 + Weaponry 4 + specialty 1 + damage bonus +2L - Defense and armour 4 = 8

Results for 8 dice: 3 successes [ 2 8 2 1 2 1 8 0 ] (TN: 8 )

Re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 9 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

4 lethal inflicted
To Valentine

Selene wrenches her blade out of her kill's head, taking a stance ready for it to turn and come at her.

Your blade digs an impressive hunk of wood out of the wide chest of the servitor. The smell of fresh cut lumber fills the air, alas, you don't breathe. It looks at you, unblinking, as you to it. Then it winds up in an almost comical pitcher's stance of wooden arms and legs to take a swing at you. For a block of polished and carved lathes of wood, they move pretty fast. For all that, however, you're faster and it just barely clips your jaw in a blur of finished wood. Ow, you can feel a goddamn splinter!

Brawl (5) + Strength (5) = 10 dice - 5 = 5. Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 9 3 8 3 2 ] (TN: 8 )

The others are splitting. Two for Selene and the other is coming at you.

In a deliberate fashion, it strolls around opening its arms wide in a creaking hug, going to bind you with its thick arms. And suddenly it darts forward, heavy wooden bars suddenly wrap around your chest.

Grapple: 10 dice - 4 Defense = 6 Dice. Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 7 4 1 1 8 8 ] (TN: 8 )

He halts. Where are the guards?

He peers harder. Fair, the guy a little too quick to jump the gun, had vanished - truly this time, not simply gone back to whatever shadowy hiding places they had secreted. He can't see any guards nearby, nor anyone walking away down the street. Whatever about the strange caller getting away, surely the Carters didn't take everyone with them on their little jaunt? What could be-

Huh. He squints uncertainly and walks towards the gate, bending over to pick something small off the ground. Alittle ragdoll, limp and vacantly staring...
To Valentine

"VAL!" Selene shouts, cutting one of the servitor's down with a second slice to its broken head. A nice new pile of firewood tumbles onto the concrete. Light fades from its eyes, but the light doesn't from the painted eyes of the two hammering on you. A vise begins to crush your arms and lungs as the creature applies the simplest of pressures. Something in your back pops. A shot of pain runs up and down your arms.

Results for 8 dice: 4 successes [ 9 4 2 4 7 8 8 0 ] (TN: 8 ) Re-roll ten: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 3 ] (TN: 8 )

The other takes up a stance like a '20s boxer, fists upright, palms inward, thumbs pointing out in a jaunty manner. Like a Rock'em-Sock'em robot, a fist whips out to chin you mighty hard.

Results for 10 dice -2 = 8 dice: Results for 8 dice: 2 successes [ 2 8 8 5 4 3 1 3 ] (TN: 8 )

Blood starts to seep from between your lips.

For the first time since before being turned, the man who was Amadeo Perelli knows helplessness. And anger.

"Fuck... *hack* you.... Not... *coff* like.... THIS!" Howling, blood spraying from his lips, Valentine stirs the blood inside him for a quick burst of strength, putting all his will into breaking free.

+2 from a blood buff, +3 from a point of willpower, Roll is 3 dice. Results for 3 dice: 1 success [ 8 6 6 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Valentine manages to force the arms apart and stagger clear, spitting globs of Vitae as he does so.
To Gavin

Slowly, like a clumsy child taking its first steps, the doll gets up and waves at you again, wide button eyes looking in your general direction. Wobbling on its feet, the little thing opens the gate and walks out onto the sidewalk, looking back toward you.
To Valentine

It sounds like a crew of lumberjacks going to town on virgin forests behind you. Selene is whipping around like a wild beast, new cuts dripping with sap appearing on the wide and carved bodies of the servitors.

Just a second Selene. I'll be right there.

Valentine concentrates for a moment, allowing the blood to flow, mending cracked bone and closing minor wounds. There was no time for more. Then, he went inside, to where the Beast roared, demanding release.

Alright. You can come out. But you're working for me, understand?

Valentine begins whipping up the anger, the frenzy. Time to Ride the Wave.

1 vitae spent to heal two bashing. 1 willpower spent to Ride the Wave. Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 0 8 5 3 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 9 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

3 successes accumulated.
To Valentine

The one in the 'fisticuffmanship' stance is looking at you with something passing curiosity. I suppose they're not used to things getting away from them. They punch like a motherfucker and are as strong as Musgrave. The one that was holding you is wiping blood off and circling round you, waiting for an opening.

The great redwoods of Washington are wincing in sympathy to what Selene is doing to the servitors behind you.

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