[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.


Black Sun in a White World
World Headlines

Astronomers Baffled by Vanishing Stars still (“No explanations have been revealedâ€)

UN Meeting on Astronomical Events Stalled by Violence in Southern Russia

“End of Days†Cry Christian Ministries across South

“The Hyades is still bright†Declares NASA


“Mysterious deaths of murder suspects being investigated†promises Mayor Guillard.

Search called off for missing family after three weeks.

Federal investigators called in to aid with local efforts, says police chief.

The stars are going out, the night skies nearly dark but for the cycle of the Moon.

Autumn has come. With the cooling air and the changing of the leaves, the world waits on baited breath. Both mortal and supernatural have taken the disappearance of the stars to heart since that fateful August night. A furious two months have followed. The world at large is dealing with an upsurge in religious fervor and terror in the usual areas, with science and governments utterly flabbergasted in how to deal with the situation.

The stars going out have unhinged something deep in the primal mind of Man. Each country has coped as it could. Terrorist action and insurgency have gripped several nations, such as Russia, Israel, and Malaysia.

The supernatural world has taken it just as badly. Boston is said to be a madhouse of activity for Kindred and mage alike. The Miskatonic Valley is stirring, some whisper. Strange creatures sighted in the reefs out in the bays. Old native spirits rousing.

Within the streets of Roanton, dark things have begun to leave the shadows. A war has broken out in the ‘hinterlands’ of Roan County since late August between the Outsiders and the Werewolves. Rumor persists that Acolytes of the Circle have been seen joining the wolves in battle against bizarre creatures the likes of which have never been seen. A sense of dread has fallen over the Kindred in the City of Gates. As the nights grow longer, the shadows get deeper and deeper still.

Small measure of comfort is found by the Kindred. The Carthian domain begins to feel the pressure of the larger beasts lurking in the night. Since mid-September, over two dozen thralls and ghouls have vanished, along with kine hikers, and even a family in a bizarre home invasion that still graces the news sites.

At the Remembrance Ceremony, terror and memories of the honored dead were remembered over solemn glasses of wine mixed with blood. Prince Djomon and many of the survivors kept a grim vigil as tales were told by the Carters, Gavin Cosgrave of his time here in the twenties, Peter Thames, and the Prince himself. The Prince wept after his tale was done.

Rumor has it that the tenurial domains of several withdrawn northern Kindred in Clarksville and Dalwart sections of town have been pulled into the madness. But Lord Minageese and Iron Colebrook have not mentioned a thing at the past three Elysium. Since the murders that night in August, the town is in a state of shock. Police have taken to hiring more officers for round-the-clock patrols. The ‘crackdown’ has arrested a number of gang members in the Drears and the busting of a number of drug labs in the upper middle class Clarksville and charging some of them with ‘probable cause’ in some of the killings.

The nights march on. Moonless nights have taken on a dread countenance for many Kindred, some absolutely refusing to leave on such nights.

Word and whispers of the demons stalking the city have gotten out. The war in the north was a large help in that. Yet no one knows exactly what the werewolves and the Acolytes face in the north, a nameless fear. Its minions are bizarre and of a frightful nature. Reports are never the same.

Rumors filtering in on the grapevine have held no true reprieve. The creatures are gathering a host. The brutal rampage that occurred in August was a lone vampire, maybe that bizarre Dragon Ourobouros. Hunters are congregating in the city, come to kill us all! Shooting stars are becoming more frequent. Once the stars all finally disappear, the Long Night will begin and mankind is damned! Trees in Roanton Park are weeping blood on the moonless nights. Strange wolves stalk the night, looking for wayward travelers. And did you hear about Jack? I hear he beats his servants often, uses blood in their drinks to win their affection. Disgusting.

And so it goes.

Doomsaying has reached the supernatural world as well, it seems.

Carter House is packed with Unaligned looking for succor from the terrors in the night. The Prince has declared several warehouses not in use in downtown as free zones for Unaligned to bed down for the night if they so choose. Surprisingly little violence has come from this, though the risks to the Traditions grow greater. The city is taught as a bowstring. The Prince has personally killed three Kindred for extreme violence and frenzying in public areas. Three others now sleep at the bottom of the bay. In some measure of luck, the Unaligned are slowly filtering out of the city due to the dangers. Not all, but a good number of the once burgeoning population.

The more things change, though, the more they stay the same. Some Kindred ignore the prodigies and portents willfully and go about their Danse.

And so we come to tonight, October 15th. The night is chilly with a chance of rain, the thunder in the distance a herald of said rain and of the deepening shadows in all minds and in the city itself. The sun begins to set and a new night, a virtually starless night, begins.
Garrison Blake

Blake wakes up in the Chapter House, slipping from the day's sleep and into consciousness. He spends a minute or two gathering his thoughts, then pulls out his yoga mat and meditation beads. Settling himself on the floor, Garrison settles into his daily meditation routine, focusing the mind and readying himself for the night's trials. It is during these meditations where the Gangrel wrestles with The Beast, using these techniques to...not quell The Beast, so much, but to guide it. Allow The Beast to work for him, instead of against him. He spends one hour in meditation, then rises, his mind clear and centered.

He is ready for the night.

It's been nearly two months since we've heard from the Crone. Time to see if Yuri has heard from them. It might be time to pay them a visit. Garrison makes his way to the library, to see if Yuri is there. If not, he will try the Twilight Dragon's lab....

First Roll: Composure (3) + Wits (3) + yoga mat (1) + meditation beads (2) = Results for 8 dice: 3 successes [ 8 2 0 6 7 3 0 3 ] (TN: 8 )

Re-roll for two dice: Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 6 5 ] (TN: 8 )

Second Roll: Results for 8 dice: 2 successes [ 8 3 3 1 6 0 5 2 ] (TN: 8 )

Re-roll for one die: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 3 ] (TN: 8 )

Total of 5 successes for the meditation roll, for a total of one hour spent in meditation.
To Blake

The Twilight is indeed within the library. Currently pouring over a tome of some astrological lore. Without even looking up he speaks, "You know, I tend to agree with kine skeptics. Astrology may be nothing more than bullshit. And yet I read it. Curiosity I suppose. Luckily, this won't kill the cat."
Garrison Blake

A small smile plays on Blake's lips. "Were I a believer, I wouldn't know which sign to use. The one I was born under, in my real life. Or the day I received the kiss. Which event, in our lives - or unlives - is more important? Which event do the stars take notice of? It's very confusing."

Blake comes into the library and stands before Yuri. "I was wondering. Have you heard anything from the Crone? They were supposed to look into some things for us. And the rumors. About the conflicts. I'm not a man used to sitting on the sidelines. I'd like to offer my...assistance. Can you put me in touch?"
The Ourobouros

The Ourobouros skulks alien through the corridors towards Yuri's lab. Hiding in the sanctuary all this time, it has not taken a fully human shape every night. Indeed, tonight it is a nightmare of limbs and talons, low to the ground when it is not crawling along the ceiling.

It goes to ask Yuri about a... volunteer test subject.

Perhaps Robert would like to age a little?

This town is about to boil. Valentine stalks the streets, collar turned up against a cold he doesn't truly feel physically, though there's a chill in what passes for his soul. He'd taken to patrolling, recently. Every night it seemed like some fool vamp was just about ready to bust a gut and tear up, and when that happened, the supernatural side of this town heaved like it was going to tear itself in half. Normally Valentine wasn't much for talking, but awakening his Vitae had given him a knack for the right words to cool a situation. Or heat it up. He grinned to himself; Jack's reputation was tarnishing fast. Soon he wouldn't have any support left. Someone else was working at him from another angle, too. They covered their tracks, but he suspected it was the dancer, Annabelle. Little hints, nothing more; he considered making contact with her about it.

As he walked under an unnaturally dark sky, he occasionally patted at his coat, to make sure the machete and the stakes were still there. He always carried a full complement now. Three times he'd had to stake a vamp; once, he'd had to use the machete. Jimmy'd taught him the tricks of the Blood that hide things, and though he was still learning the ability to conceal his weapons was a great boon.

Valentine stalks through a dark night. The Keeper of the Traditions. Traditions he kept with blood.

Gavin ponders the quandary he'd gotten himself into - his newly acquired abode simply had too much furniture: specifically piled in front of the doors and windows. This little expenditure of time and effort was now preventing him from conveniently finding more abandoned junk with which to build more elaborate barricades. Or at least, prevent him from conveniently getting junk inside.

Not that it will do much good. Yes, paranoia had struck even Gavin, though he knew in his heart that if anything HE had to worry about was out there, it was coming through the door whether he liked it or not. The barricades were just a way of keeping the homeless and the addicts out - it was too much hassle to deal with some crazed idiot falling through the door and then being able to get out.

"Like a cat," he said aloud. "No, no... more like a moth...or a buzzing fly, batting helplessly against the glass." Wow, wasn't that a warming thought for the night. With a sigh, he put his book down - he couldn't absorb anything when he felt like this, he knew. He moseys to the bathroom and climbs to the high, small frosted window near the ceiling by standing on the cistern, scooping the homemade caltrops off the sill and squeezing out. He always ran the risk of being seen (or worse, caught) doing this, but it was now the only way to actually leave the house. He scatters the caltrops back on the sill to discourage unwanted visitors and replaces the board which was previous nailed over the window, before wandering towards the Carter place.
To Ourobouros

The Lab is empty for now. But there are several other Dragons down here in their own studies. You can hear the electric arcs of Tennison's lab working still into the night as he pursues the Great Work. Robert...is out, you think.
To Blake

"We haven't heard much because Willie has been leading murders of Acolytes in aiding the wolves in their little brushfire war. But I have recieved a few calls, a few points in the directions we need. They said Parliament might as well be a bunch of British Lords in long wigs for all they know. As for our demon friend, well, they're not scholars but they know a man in Arkham who is looking in on it. Contact him via this email, we have a computer upstairs." He hands you a slip of paper with the email address. "But as you talk about stars, I wonder if they matter anymore. If we'll see them again. Surely some of the ones that faded are truly gone. Maybe before the dinosaurs died out. But many of them are still vibrant..."

Valentine grinned at the name. Vampires didn't make friends easily, but there was something likeable about the ugly little bastard. That and he taught some nice tricks.

"Valentine here."
To Gavin

Oh, how things have gotten quiet. The city is still active, to be sure, but once 8 o'clock rolls around anymore, things dry up like rainwater in the desert. It's eerie. Almost as eerie as the night sky. Only a few stars and the planets linger up there anymore. And the moon, of course. It hasn't betrayed mankind yet. It reminds you of the twenties, only a different kind of tension. Not so much anger and hate but paranoia and fear. The murders, that rampage a while back on Main, the increased Masquerade breaches, seemed like a lot was spinning out of control.

In just twenty minutes of walking, you'll be approaching the campus.
Garrison Blake

"Thank you. I will contact him after we finish. As to Willie. Can you get in touch? Or give me a way to contact him? Like I said. I wish to offer my services. Payment for services rendered. Can you do this?"
To Valentine

"V-man! I've been hitting the books and I've got two relays in Boston and Hartford, they ain't got shit on this Parliament business, brother. Nothing. I mean, we've got references to flocks of birds, owls, Britain, the Dominions and now free countries, but...nothing supernatural. How's the streets tonight?"

"Tense. No trouble yet, though. Owls, flocks of birds..." Owls.... There was something...

"Any further leads on Kyle Martin?"
To Blake

"He calls me, each time from an unknown number, once every few nights or so. I'll pass the word for you." The Haunt intones. "How are your studies going?"
Gavin Cosgrave

The moon's an errant thief. And there's honour amongst thieves so she hasn't abandoned us yet. Guess I'm sort of mixing metaphor and quotation there...

Keeping one eye on the dim sky and one on the moonlight-dappled ground, he makes his way through the shadows, under trees and down the quiet street.
To Gavin

Hmm, seems the school's hired more security. You see rather large shuttles ferrying kids from building to building. Curious. But they'll take little note of you as you slip into the Carter House gate. But the ghouls will.

"Who goes there?" Fair whispers.
Garrison Blake

"They go well, Master Yuri. I have recently learned Lure the Beast. I thank you for the introduction to Castellan Elderton. Thank you for passing on my message to Willie. If there's nothing else, I will go email this contact of yours. Does he have a name? If not, what should I call him?"
To Valentine

"Martin was an interesting man. Man being the operative word. I don't think he's a Mage, he's not rolling with any of those magic-users we got a bead on in Boston. He doesn't roll in the right crowds. I think he's a hedger. One of the mage wannabes. But that still doesn't explain how he helped big, tall and fugly come screaming out of Elsewhere. He rolled with a few vampires of lesser quality, shall we say. I guess they used him for cheap trick bullshit to wiggle out more territory for Gore."

The Haunt audibly sighs. He does that when he's frustrated. "It's like chasing ghosts. Hell, we have easier times doing that, really. But one piece did come up gangbusters, as grandpa used to say. This fucker was loaded. Heavy payments to his accounts at banks in Boston and one in Europe. Amazingly, not Switzerland like all good villains."
To Gavin

You'll see Fair walk out from the hedges, gently placing something back in his coat, free hand palm upraised in peace. "Go on in, sir, sorry." He holds the door open for you, the face for which he got his name noticably flushed in embarrassment.

The house is quiet, but stirred, people coming and going. You'll catch Lucrecia in a very formal pants suit, black scarf asserted by a white rose upon her neck, in the foyer.

"Oh! Gavin. How are you tonight?" She kisses your cheek and gives you a hug.
To Blake

Yuri quirks a grin. "He has a sort of wit. His moniker is 'Lovecraft is Missing.' An amusing title, to be assured, but unnerving considering recent events."
To Valentine

Jimmy actually burps. "Yeah, yeah I can. Dummy Corporation that Gore has ties too. He never was that bright, so my sire says."

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