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Graded [ Norroburry/Frontier] The Road of the Rambling Rover

Maggot Corpse
Mood: Ghoulish
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


The ensemble of interesting locations had blurred past Maggot Corpse who had taken an affinity to reading the letters from the donated parchment out loud. An obnoxious and throaty practice of vowels and consonants would occur seemingly at all hours of the day. While Reed's enthusiasm for the bands learning served as a powerful tool of cultivation it could just as easily serve as a point of annoyance for the rest of the caravan. The dedication to the craft continued well into the night as the rucksacks and campfire were pitched in the open air. The only time at night Maggot Corpse seemed to respect the urge for silence was when Reed played his lute. Perhaps it was one musicians way of respecting another or alternatively, Maggot could have been struggling with whatever came between letters T and V.

"A- B- C- D- UHHH NO. A- B- C- D- E..."

So went on Maggot Corpse as he practiced both the letters of the alphabet and the words that were carved into dirt. The words that Reed had educated Maggot Corpse & Bloatfly Incubator on were elementary. Greetings of 'hello' and departures of 'goodbye' as well as many of the objects and things that surrounded the group of adventurers. By the time the lesson had concluded Maggot Corpse had committed a list to memory:

- Night
- Sky
- Stars
- Lute
- Fire
- Log
- Bed
- Moon
- Song

Among a few other random assortments of words. The nightmare of repetition only ceased once Maggot Corpse had finally passed out from his body's exhaustion. Maggot slept in a rather precarious position where he seemed to be almost bridging. The slumber remained until the morning, arising to Reed conversing with the caravan of armed guards. When Reed returned to the group to inform them that they would be accompanying the band of traders on an escort he became infatuated with the term 'protection'. Immediately, Maggot Corpse had dedicated himself to trying to spell protection. With a considerable amount of dedication he continuously misspelt the word by carving it into the wood of the wagon, most of the misspellings were as such:

- Protecshin
- Protekshin
- Protectchin
- Protetshun
- Proketchkin
- Pruticshn
- Prudochsun

Suffice to say they were wrong every single time. The closest Maggot Corpse got to actually spelling the word was when he spelled 'production' on complete accident before persisting forth and spelling out 'pretecshon.' This would go on until he was corrected or something would come up to the potential chagrin of the caravan and the company he was keeping outside of Bloatfly Incubator.
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Seira spent the rest of the evening sitting by the fire the group had managed to light as Reed taught the 2 band guys the basics of the written language. It was an odd thing though, just where are these guys from anyways? As she sat there by the fire, she tended to her sword. Those who yield the blade know that the quality and maintenance of one's weapon is just as important, if not more so, than one's skill with it. After all, all the sword skills in the world aren't going to help you out if your blade shatters in the middle of a fight. The young swordswoman on the run had no issues falling asleep that night, grown used to spending nights on the road.

Walking through the next town the following morning, Seira's eyes scanned over the town as it gradually came to life the higher the sun rose into the sky. It was a quaint, peaceful, somewhat nostalgic sight watching all the townsfolk go about their daily routines. She gave a little nod of the head to the driver as she boarded the wagon. "A blade unused eventually goes dull, a sword arm frail. Now this is a better use of my talents than another performance." Seira settled onto another bale of hay, resting her hand on the pommel of her sword. "I assume by that you got some tricks up your sleeves yourself?" She said to Giovanna in response to her statement.
Okami was rather quiet that night.

Her attention seemed to drift between their surroundings and the lesson in Common that Reed had been giving... the corpse. It was like watching a father teach their child. A stranger committing so much time to help another for no foreseeable reason. It was a rare display of kindness that one would not see very often in this world. Probably not in any. And as the night drew on, The Ronin would be one of the last to fall asleep leaning against a great oak.

And one of the first to awake the next morning.

A smile spread across her lips as Reed introduced the group as hired muscle for the next caravan.

"Very good."

Though her brow furrowed as she heard Giovanna's words. There was truth to them. This work was certainly preferable to performing. But then... neither her name nor the name of her weapon had come from saving lives, either...

"Yeah. I suppose you could say that."

She climbed into the back of the wagon and got comfortable. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be able to remain seated for long, but it wasn't exactly an unpleasant one.

Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Femboy Femboy

As the caravan winds its way toward the vibrant heart of Ryke, the landscape unfolds like a painted scroll, each scene a masterpiece crafted by nature's hand. Under the vast canvas of the sky, Reed sits with his lute among the rolling wagons, plucking strings that weave harmonies with the whisper of the wind through the tall, swaying grasses.

Mornings dawn with golden light spilling over rolling hills, and Reed's music mingles with the chorus of the waking world. His pupils, Maggot Corpse and Bloatfly Incubator, grapple with the intricacies of letters, their recitations a tentative melody against the backdrop of rustling leaves and distant birdcalls.

The road carries them through patches of dense forest where sunlight dapples through the canopy, casting patterns of light and shadow that dance across their path. Here, Reed's lessons are punctuated by the rich, earthy aroma of the woods, enhancing the sensory tapestry of their journey.

As twilight deepens into a velvet night, the caravan circles around a fire, its crackling flames casting a warm glow on eager faces. Reed's voice, rich and soothing, tells tales of ancient heroes and distant lands, his words floating up to mingle with the stars.

When the spires of the capital finally crest the horizon, signaling the end of their path, Reed gathers his companions. "Thank you, my friends, for the melody of your fellowship and the rhythm of our shared journey," he declares, his voice carrying over the bustling noise of the city gates. "May the stories we’ve shared inspire your paths onward, and may our songs linger in your hearts like the echo of a beloved refrain."

With heartfelt farewells, each member of the caravan steps into the capital, carrying with them not just the knowledge of words, but the enduring memory of a journey punctuated by music, learning, and the beauty of the road less traveled. Reed’s lute plays one final, lingering note—a farewell filled with hope and the promise of future meetings.

The End​

I apologize that this is an abrupt and unsatisfying end. It didn't quite turn into the grand learning adventure I'd hoped. But they made it. Hooray. You're all free to leave now. Thank you for putting up with the slow posts.
Isekai Hell Grade

The group traveled with the bard, while two aspiring musicians gained a few more ounces of wisdom which was parted to them upon their arrival in Ryken. Though the entertainment value might have been lack luster in some regards, they somehow managed to make it through without getting booed off a stage or mess anything up too badly.


Moonberry- 35 Points

Seira- 34 Points

Minashigo- 25 Points

Giovanna- 33 Points

Bloatfly/Maggot- Contact me Points

Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Novama Novama

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