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Graded [ Norroburry/Frontier] The Road of the Rambling Rover

Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

A bit of a smirk formed on Seira's face upon Okami's reaction to her little probe. Judging from that smile, it looks like her guess was right on the money. How interesting. From the looks of her, she resembled the kind of swordsman she'd only ever read about in Japanese history books in her past life.

As the other swordswoman got up from her seat, Seira noticed that she gradually began raising the volume of her voice as she went on. Looks like she's going along with that bard's theatrics... She let out a bit of a sigh getting up from her chair. Seira wasn't usually the type for theatrical performance, but for what was basically a dramatized sword fight for lodging and good food for the night, she could try, if only for this one night. It seemed like a good way to blow off some steam while she was at it too. "You're not the only one who's sword arm could use a bit of exercise." She said, matching Okami's volume. "Sparring for when these good times come to an end you say? Ha! The good times have long since ended. All one can do now is prepare for the thorny road ahead."

The silver haired swordswoman gradually made her way to the right side of the stage, her slow approach akin to a lion creeping up to its prey. "You know," Seira started, grasping the scabbard at her hip with her left hand. "Some say you can glean what kind of a person a practitioner of the blade is by the way they handle it. Their thoughts... desires... regrets... their reason for being... So..." Seira stopped in her tracks once she reached the right of the stage, her right hand grabbing her sword's grip before slowly drawing it out of the scabbard, producing that unmistakable sound of steel being drawn. She held her blade vertically in front of her for a moment, eyes closed and sharp end facing left, before opening her eyes once more and assuming a position not too dissimilar to those she had done at the beginning of every training duel she had with her father, the sharp end of the blade now pointing at the other swordswoman across the stage.

"Show me what kind of person lies behind your blade, Okami."

Let the musicians assign whatever tune they may to this dance.

Let the audience whisper their critiques as they wish.

Let the bard be the best hype-man he could be.

Right now, The Orphaned Wolf would put on her first and likely last performance. There was no enemy to slay. No battle to be won. Only a captivating spectacle to captivate an audience of strangers. There existed not a single form in her repertoire suited towards showmanship. All that she had for a night like this was the discipline to wield her sword against another without drawing blood. Luckily for Okami, Seira had already drawn her blade.

It gave her something she could comfortably target.

The Ronin grew incredibly still. Only her hand continued to move as it slowly gripped the tsuka of her sword. And she would unleash a strike so quickly, that most in the audience would struggle to perceive it. Little more than a blur of motion to the trained eye. But those close enough to the stage might've felt it. And everyone in the room would hear it. And the show would being with a bang.

The sound of the [Playful Thunderclap].

"Let's begin."

A shockwave unleashed by a blade drawn with immense speed and directed straight towards Seira's sword. A blow that threatened to drive the swordman back a foot from where she'd previously been standing, and little else beyond waking anyone up who may have been dozing off. A strike that sent the sound of thunder echoing throughout the tavern. And when Seira turned her sights back to Okami?

She'd find The Wolf smiling; her sword already returned to its scabbard, ready for her reply.

Actions (3/3)
1) Used
[Playful Thunderclap] to drive Seira back on the stage and wow the audience.
[Playful Thunderclap]- Deflect(1) F, Flare(1) F, Knockback(1) F, Non-lethal F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Range F, Vorpal F- An improptu form created by Okami for the most unlikely of shows. The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. Her movements unleash the sound of thunder as the whip of her blade through the air unleashes a shockwave upon an enemy within 10ft of her. Despite it's appearance, this particular move is relatively harmless and does little more than reflect incoming attacks, make a lot of noise, and a drive a target back. - Grade F- 3 Actions- 10ft range- 0 post cooldown.

Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Femboy Femboy

Maggot Corpse
Time: Evening
Mood: Abandoned
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


Maggot Corpse had been aimlessly staring throughout the environment. Frothing from the mouth he had began to amass a collective of foam atop the microphone. Maggot listened attentively as Reed began to speak once again, something about the way he spoke allured many to him. Maggot's attention was sporadically split between what he was offering and miscellaneous baubles that perched about the establishment. One such bauble would be the head of his microphone at one point or another. At the end of Reed's grandiose introduction he had began to teeth over the top of the microphone. It coincided conveniently enough to Reed's gesturing for the song and dance to begin. The sound of his vocal cords flapping made an amusing bass tone.

Maggot Corpse developed awareness soon after, the microphone's plunge from Maggot Corpse's mouth was enveloped by the sound of booming regurgitation, then a revolting scream in protest. It was a guttural sound, yet it stood in stark contrast to the noise that Maggot Corpse would make in casual interaction. There was noticeable intent in the way he let the sound rip into the airwaves. It cut through to the audience with the same heavy jarring of a chainsaw on bark. A heavy feeling would begin to place its pressure on the chests of every patron who had been within the confines of the building. A powerful reverb precluded an egregious whistling pitch.

Maggot's eyes focused and began to scan the environment, this time taking in the faces of every participant in the audience. The vocalist's bleeding gaze sunk low to the two duelists locked in the preliminary stages of their battle. Maggot would provide the backdrop to their fight thereafter, the song had officially begun. A rolling thunder of noise and sensation began to cloud the inn. The heat of the performance had transcended the lyrics & the song, the barrage of noise was heavy. Each strum of Bloatfly's guitar had an initial pop loud enough to compare to a gunshot.

Then came the noise. Maggot carried the microphone stand across the floor of the stage, the random various objects that Maggot Corpse strung along with them in trash bags began to appear. A plate smashed into the floor where glass immediately fractured into discordant patterns. Maggot would step on the pieces with his boot before hammering another one into the floor with the same effect. The vocals began to become more sickly and vile in sound, a great calamity was conveyed in the apexes of the song. The noise rarely if ever had moments to quiet; peaks competed with other peaks to the point of exhaustion. When the moment for quiet did come it was immediately disrupted by another torrent of vocal assault or obnoxious drilling from the power drill in his hand. The dissonance would carry on in accordance to the dance of swords occurring just a few feet from the stage.
♫To The Last Breath ♫


In the dim glow of the boarding house, where candles cast soft shadows and moonlight spilled through the windows like liquid silver, the audience sat wrapped in awe. Each feint and parry from the two swordswomen unfolded like a dance, their movements a dialogue written in the air between them, illuminated by the flickering light.

Amidst the hushed murmurs, a tension arose, a palpable current charged by the initial strums of an enigmatic bass. As the two dancers swayed, the unsettling tones began to find their place, harmonizing strangely with the rhythm of their blades. When the guitar’s magical chords cut sharply through the room, some spectators jolted as if touched by a spell, the notes mirroring the aggressive lunges and graceful arcs of the swordswomen. The acoustics of the room played to the collective adrenaline, each note pacing the heartbeat of the audience.

From the sidelines, Reed observed with a thoughtful air, arms crossed, his gaze reflective as he considered the raw technique and the chaotic artistry unfurling on stage. The crash of shattered glass and the rhythmic stomping on stage wove into the dance, crafting an aesthetic that mirrored a battlefield frozen in time—two warriors locked in a duel where every movement was both an assertion of life and a flirtation with death.

He inhaled deeply, a blend of admiration for the unexpected artistry and a preemptive cringe for the cleanup that would inevitably follow. The boarding house matron, he knew, would not appreciate the creative disarray. He surreptitiously crept around the audience, towards where the woman stood now. Which was actually still close to Giovanni. Clearing his throat as he moved to stand next to her, he began to quietly speak. His arms folded across his chest again, the patchwork travelers cloak pulled tight around his shoulders.
"What do you think of the fine few youths I've procured?" He gazed sideways at the matron who was still standing next to the Giovannis table. They were both faced towards the performance. She didn't take her eyes off of it, as she answered. Her own hands placed on her hips as she considered the group.

The matron, hands on hips, never took her eyes off the performance. "They're eclectic, Reed. That's certain," she responded with a warm chuckle that quickly shifted to a stern tone. "Just make sure all this... creativity... is tidied up."

Her gaze was firm on Reed, but it softened as she turned to Giovanna, promising a hearty meal soon to come. Reed, catching himself, smiled broadly at Giovanna.

"Well, hello, my azure acquaintance. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, his voice kept low to not drown out the ongoing spectacle. "And may I be so bold as to inquire what it is that your heart seeks? Forgive the forwardness; curiosity often gets the better of me. I find myself compelled by the stories of those who strike me as possessing a soul as unique as those currently commanding our stage."

He gestured towards the performance, where the clash of swords and the symphony of destruction continued to captivate the audience, his expression one of genuine interest and an unspoken invitation for her to share her own tale.

Menstions: Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy

Alright guys forgive this creature for the late post. Rounds up finally though. Use this one to close up the performance. You can post as many times as you want as long as it's not back to back. I will be attempting to follow up with the next round on Tuesday. And Perhaps get back on a schedule. Thanks for sticking with me, we'll get through this story and the boys will learn to read. One way or another ! Can't wait for your posts !
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur
Moonberry Moonberry

Calmly awaiting and sitting through the performance that was given, Giovanna's ears gently twitched at the audible discussion going on next to her between the house matron and Reed and deciding to not seem like she was putting any focus to it. Keeping her eyes on the performance with merely a current half-interest, she finally heard the male voice address her as one ear lightly raised up to better hear the one who spoke to her for just a moment. Turning her attention to him, she gave a soft smile.

"Why hello there, I've heard some things about you that has quite peaked my interest" the minotaur started, looking him up and down for a moment as he asked about what her heart had sought. Gently humming quietly and putting a finger to her lips in thought, the smile quickly returned back to her face as she gave an answer.
"What I seek is quite a nice little welcome mat, though what I'm really after is for my name to be heard as power and royalty, with an abundance of wealth and resource and those willing to do what I ask, though what the heart desires doesn't always come first I suppose. Maybe I need a nice little place to find a starting whereabouts or place to make home and business, or a lucky jump-start in success and to find some friends willing to get their hands dirty at my request... " she said, the smile on her face growing to a rather devious smirk as she spoke of it. Hearing his apology for his curiosity, she merely shook her hand in dismissal.

"It is fine, to whom isn't a handsome fine lad able to ask questions to? Most maidens certainly not. But anyway, I was simply considering asking you things all the same, someone who has been all around and heard many a tale must have interesting things to say about the local area and beyond about all types of people. While I'm sure you probably have important plans and all, I was wondering if you're free soon enough we can have a nice little chat about the wonders and tales of the world~? I don't mind if you're a little held up and it''ll have to wait, I have time. Or if you'd like to clear your mind with dinner or a walk, or even if you're feeling a little worn I don't mind talking it over privately in a room into the night~?" Giovanna asked, humming a little giggle as she yet held a devious smirk and traced little circles on the table with her finger. He would prove a great start to finding gossip or information that could help grant her a fast head-start in her own work and business, or simply interacting and being around him a little would help provide answer and direction. Whichever hopefully came first. Maybe there'd be unused buildings or businesses for cheap or easy gain somewhere on the road, or simply working with others would give her a better idea on what kind of help she had been looking for. Hopefully this bard knew something about shady and shifty characters or places that could hold her interest, though his company and tales would be likely great all the same.

1. Good Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Seduction (F), Energized (F) - Sweet talk and charm a target by 'playing Good Cop', acting all nice and kind to convince or get what is wanted - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Not too long after Seira had drawn her sword against Okami, some sort of shockwave shook the tavern, with Seira being right in its path. She took one step back from the force of the wave, her eyes never being taken off of her opponent across the stage. The direction it came from was most certainly from Okami, yet it looked like she had never drawn her sword.

"So that's now it is, huh? Looks like you’re the type to have a bunch of tricks up your sleeve." Seira dashed forward, weaving about and jumping the occasional chair or table so that she wasn't running in a completely straight line, just in case her opponent pulled something like that again. With no such fancy tricks up her sleeve, she used her speed to close the gap between her and the other swordswoman before channeling her pent up emotions from the moment she fled home to fuel a swift and hard hitting strike directed against Okami's blade. Dancing, stress relief, whatever you wanted to call it at that point, the blade was the only target for her to hit anyways, not wanting to spill any blood in a public place like this.
Maggot Corpse
Time: ???
Mood: Boorish
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


The amps had steadily grown heavier, the atmosphere had thickened and become an overburdening mass that pulled on the ears and drowned listeners in its juddering. The singer had reached a point in the performance where his hearing was already faltering from the mortar of decibels. The churn of guitars emanating from the amps caused a nauseating feeling that was startlingly familiar to Maggot Corpse. Despite projecting his voice with all his ferocity he could only hear himself as a distant echo from the amps behind him. The soundwaves bounced across the walls and greeted the patrons eardrums with their many jolts.

Maggot felt himself disintegrating on the stage as one song peak climaxed over the other. Maggot's hand outstretched toward the floor in between a throaty caterwaul, grasping at the final glass plates that were not splintered & thusly splintering them with a momentous chuck against the hardwood that supported the stage. The front man's vocal chords began to curdle from the strain. It was becoming clear to him that the performance was winding to an end. There was another breath of life that he spat before the amps began to wind down. The crescendo passed them by and the intensity of the tempo began to drown.

When all was said and done, Maggot Corpse had began to clear his throat intermittently. Looking down he noticed that there was a small shard of glass which seemed to affix itself just a few angles off from his shin bone. The singer reached down and plucked out the shard against all reasonable medical intuition. Quite expectedly this led to a stream of blood running down his leg and into the sock. Even more expectedly the pain and sudden pressure relief caused a very knee jerk reaction from Maggot.


This same sound was unfortunately reverberated through the microphone and carried out a final exhaustive squall. Maggot would stop and stare at the audience for an uncomfortably long time before he determined it was time to get off the stage. Gripping the stand that held his instrument he leapt off stage and approached a stranger in the crowd to inform them that he had finished. All the while blood kept seeping into the top portion of his socks, forming a puddle of red on cloth.
Reed listened to Giovanna intently, his attention deftly weaving between the fervor of the stage and the allure of her ambition. As the cacophony of the band infused the room, he occasionally strummed his lute, the subtle notes mingling with the wilder sounds, underscoring the conversation with a melodic thread.

"Yes, power is indeed intoxicating," Reed murmured, his voice a low harmony to the room's rhythm. "To hold sway over fate itself—an allure hard to resist. Wealth often paves the path to such dominion." His gaze shifted to meet Giovanna's, reflecting a spark of intrigue. "But remember, all things yield to time—power wanes, wealth dwindles. What endures, then? Is it the empire built, or the legends it spawns?"

As the din of shattered dishes ebbed and the final note trembled into silence, the audience lingered in a suspended pause, then gradually, their applause rippled through the air, a sincere acknowledgment of the night's spectacle.

When Maggot Corpse clambered off the stage, Reed excused himself with a charming smile and approached the musicians. He clapped them each heartily on the shoulder, his lute swinging behind him. "Astounding performance, truly. Yet, remember," he advised, pulling out a well-worn book and quickly flipping it open to a scribbled page, "hospitality deserves gratitude. Let's not wear out our welcome." With a snap, he closed the book, his smile broadening. "A once-in-a-lifetime show indeed, but let's ensure this inn invites us back."

He then turned his attention to Seira and Okami. [color=#CC8800"Splendid, truly splendid! Such vigor and grace—it's a rare dance that earns one's keep as yours has tonight." [/color]His laughter echoed warmly as he beckoned Giovanna to join him for a stroll beneath the stars.

"Shall we wander the night and exchange tales of ambition and adventure?" Reed suggested, gesturing grandly toward the door. "The night is ours to fill with dreams of what might be."

Outside, the quiet village lay bathed under a velvet sky, stars twinkling like distant fires. Reed drew deeply from his pipe, the smoke swirling into the cool air as he contemplated their next conversation.

"So, what tales seek you in the whispers of the night? Is it the route to fame and fortune, or perhaps a darker quest for power born of vengeance?" He glanced upward, inviting Giovanna to share in the serene beauty of the celestial canopy. "What drives your quest for dominion? Tell me, what stories stir your soul?"

Inside, the matron handed brooms and a mop to the musicians, her gaze stern yet not unkind. "Tend to your wounds, then help tidy up. We'll all rest easier tonight." To Seira and Okami, she offered a nod of respect, "Excellent work. Tom will show you to your rooms once you're done here."

The night wound down as the last patrons departed, leaving only the echo of music and the promise of tomorrow's tales. Reed, his pipe in hand, awaited Giovanna's response, ready to delve into the depths of ambition and the allure of power under the watchful gaze of the stars.

Mentions: Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy

Alright guys. Wrapping up the night. Clean up and head to bed. Next round will be ending the night and starting the morning and the road trip!
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Moonberry Moonberry
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur

The 'music' that would reach her eyes, with the cacophany of what felt like barbaric screaming felt like the worst performance she had ever known to even exist, but just forcibly faked a smile and gritted through the horrific audio as she tried to keep her attention and focus on Reed whom kept conversation with her. A thoughtful hum as she pondered, she gently tapped her chin as she considered an answer to his little point about what lasts after.
"What lasts is truly important, though, I suppose that's just a testament as to if you succeeded or not. Though if I wish to make something for myself, then as long as I have all which I need to keep myself happy, or to keep my legacy remembered, then I would have succeeded" she mentioned. The ideas he spawned within her head were truly intriguing, they were things for anyone with high desires to wish for. Though it would always have to remain one step at a time, especially when working from rock-bottom.

Though, even though it felt like said performance was his doing to cause it to begin, it appeared as if he had been inviting her on a stroll to make talk and leave it behind for the time being. While that was basically her initial goal, it was a pretty big boon to have a safe reason to walk out of all the noise going on. Smiling and nodding, she slowly got up in an agreement to join him.
"Yes, I think that'd be wonderful" she answered briefly, following him out to the night-adorned outdoors of the village as the cooler air of the evening was a rather quaint and calming feeling. Going along with him as she considered an answer to his query of what drove her towards what she sought, thinking long on it before giving an answer.

"I suppose it's perhaps a little bit of a drive to be in control of something. Having all the assets and resources I could want at my disposal to live in luxury the way I want, or to shape the world around me how I please or wish to put my mind to, is something one could reasonably desire if they had the strive to go the distance for it. People as willing pawns who respect me and will listen to me for what I ask of them, now I'd like to be in control and all that, but I'd rather keep my name from being known as a dark person. Like a good respectable person everyone knows the name, but they consider truly powerful and rich, without the hassle of politics and nobility or something" she gave as an answer, looking up at the stars in the sky for a little brief moment before back to Reed.

"Though, I have wandered to Ryke and around a little. Honestly, quite unsure where to begin, it's not an easy undertaking, and to find companions who even desire leadership from a no-name in the first place is not so simple. I believed that just travelling the road for now and hearing what there had to be might prove answers that may enlighten me. To hear from someone like you who may have learned and experience the tales of many others, well at least to me may have sounded like an educated voice I would have felt interested in hearing from" she continued, giving him a soft smile as if inviting him to go on and tell stories and tales he was aware of to fulfil her desire for such information and inspiration.

1. Good Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Seduction (F), Energized (F) - Sweet talk and charm a target by 'playing Good Cop', acting all nice and kind to convince or get what is wanted - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Okami chuckled to herself.

"My master taught me well."

In contrast to Seira's agile approach, Okami remained relatively still; her footing adjusting ever-so-slightly to keep her dance partner right in front of her. And as the knight entered into her range, The Fang would fly once more and fill the air with vibrant, blinding sparks as the two blades met. They would dance until the crowd was satisfied. Then, they would dance a little more.

When The Fang came to rest within Okami's scabbard for the final time that night, The Ronin would mark the end of their dance with a bow. Then she would walk to Seira's side and share a whisper-

"There are many things I would ask you. But not now. Let's find some place in Ryken with fewer prying eyes. For now, get some rest."

Okami would take her leave and head towards her room; a light wave as she departed.

"I would see you at your best for our long journey."

Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk

Nights End

Under the vast canopy of stars, Reed listened intently as Giovanna outlined her ambitions. The quiet of the night enveloped them, providing a serene backdrop for a conversation that delved into the intricacies of power and legacy.

"Indeed, miss, to wield influence with respect and to be remembered kindly in the annals of history—these are noble aspirations," Reed affirmed, his voice soft yet earnest. "The road to such achievements is fraught with challenges, but it is also ripe with opportunities for those brave enough to walk it."

As the evening air grew cooler, hinting at the end of their conversation, Reed tapped out the remnants of his pipe. "I appreciate your insights, Giovanna. They are as vast as the night sky above us. But let us return inside; our companions need our help to restore order after tonight's revelry."

When they turned back towards the boarding house, Reed paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Speaking of roads," he began, his tone inviting, "Tomorrow we set forth for the capital. Your vision, your desire for control and a respected legacy—these could be well-served by the companions and opportunities you might find along our path."

Reed gestured towards the quiet village around them, now slumbering under the night sky. "Consider joining us on this journey. The road through Ryke could prove invaluable in building the connections and influence you seek. What say you, Giovanna? Will you share this road with us?"

Together, they made their way back to the boarding house. Inside, the atmosphere had shifted from chaotic to cooperative as everyone pitched in with the cleanup. Reed rolled up his sleeves and joined in, sweeping up broken glass and righting overturned chairs. The sound of brooms sweeping and people moving about filled the room, a harmonious end to an eventful night.

Once the last piece of debris was cleared away, Reed bade goodnight Each of them. "Rest well, everyone. Tomorrow, we journey onwards," he said with a smile, making his way to his room. The inn gradually quieted down as each person retreated to their quarters, the silence a stark contrast to the evening's earlier tumult.

When dawn broke, Reed was already up and about, knocking on doors with a cheerful energy. "Good morning! I've secured a ride that will take us a quarter of the way to Ryke. Meet outside when you're ready," he called out, his voice echoing down the hallway.

Outside, Reed stood next to a sturdy wagon, packed with goods and ready for the road. The driver, an old acquaintance with a robust laugh and a ready smile, greeted him warmly. "Ready for another adventure, Reed?" the driver asked, clapping him on the back.

"Always," Reed replied, grinning. He turned to watch as his companions emerged from the inn, their faces still showing traces of last night's excitement and this morning's sleep. As they approached, he introduced them to the driver. "This is Tom. He'll be our trusty guide for part of our journey to Ryke." The man was somewhat young with long blonde hair and green eyes. But he had a confident grin and seemed to be familiar with Reed.

Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

As the morning light shown through the window, Seira awoke with a groan. If it weren't for the fact that she was sleeping in the boarding house right now, she would have called whatever the heck that "performance' last night was a weird dream. Her body still ached a bit from the days of travel fleeing the Empire and from her little show last night plus subsequent clean-up. Her morning fatigue was almost enough for her to start drifting back into unconsciousness if it weren't for the knocking at the door and shouting in the hall by a certain bard.

Seira begrudgingly sat up in bed and started getting ready to head out, gathering her things and changing into her regular travel wear. As she stepped outside, it looked like she was the first aside from Reed himself to meet outside. Maybe I could have just slept in for a few more minutes...

Seira simply gave a small nod to Tom as Reed introduced him before turning to Reed. Between the way her interacted with the proprietor of the boarding house and now this guy, it did make her a bit curious, and suspicious, about what kind of guy she was travelling with. "You certainly seem to know people. What, you some sort of celebrity around these parts or something?"
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur
Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707

Having heard what he had to answer with, she nodded and considered the invitation.
"I'll think about it, it could do good being on the road among others... thank you" she briefly answered by the end of their conversation, returning with him back to the boarding house since it seemed like the best place to spend the night whilst considering his offer of travelling with them. It might provide some great insight after all and give her some pointers on where to go and newfound companions that may be willing cooperators. Surprised by all the chaotic mess that had been returned to after their little walk about, eventually she got and retired to a room of her own to think about the thoughts on her mind before heading to sleep. It was a decision she'd have to consider in the morning.

When morning did come around, she had plenty enough time to consider as she ended up leaving her room to follow and join at the wagon outside. Not wholly surprised that Reed's capabilities carried the potential to set them up for methods to make the trip easier, she supposed that now might as well be the best time to introduce herself.

"Hello, fair travellers, I take it you are all accompanying Reed the way to Ryke. You can call me Giovanna, I have my own intents and purposes that coming along to see what there is to see may offer. I hope being in eachother's company can prove to be a smooth and pleasant experience... " she said, though the potential noise that might come from the two bandmembers was probably the biggest personal concern to the 'smooth and pleasant experience'. Giving a smile and nod to Reed in acknowledgement that she was indeed accepting his offer to take the road with them the morning after, she truly hoped this would prove to be worth the time. At least ending up in Ryke without having to walk the whole way on her own will be a benefit.​

Okami awoke long before she emerged from her room the next morning. A few hours of silent meditation to reflect on the day before and contemplate the journey to come. When the sun drew high and the others began to gather to depart on their journey, The Ronin got herself together and followed them out to the wagon where Reed had been conversing with the driver.

She nodded to everyone as she met each gaze, but she found herself drawn to the newcomer. She'd seen Giovanna last night- there was no way to avoid noticing someone like that- but she certainly hadn't been expecting her to join them.

"So that bard's enticed another wanderer to join him on this grand adventure? Hmm. I suppose I have no room to talk. Welcome to the party."

Okami chortled to herself before turning her attention to Reed.

"So. Is there anything we need to know before hitting the road?"

Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Femboy Femboy Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707
The morning sun rose gently, casting a soft golden light that danced upon the dew-kissed leaves. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying the earthy scent of damp soil and the subtle fragrance of wildflowers. As Reed lit his pipe, the sweet, woody aroma of the smoke mingled with the morning air, creating a comforting blend that spoke of warmth and adventure.

He chuckled, the sound like leaves rustling in a gentle breeze. "A celebrity? No, my dear Seira. My name is but a seed drifting on the wind. This is my spirit and way, to be a rambling rover." His eyes sparkled with the joy of endless journeys, reflecting the soft morning light.

To Okami, he nodded thoughtfully. "There might be bandits or a few monsters on the road. We'll probably camp out a night or two before reaching the next town. Half a day's journey from there, and we'll be in the capital."

Tom, friendly and efficient, nodded to them all as he prepared the horses and wagon. The leather harnesses creaked, and the horses snorted, their breath visible in the cool morning air. Reed waited a minute for the band members, but when they didn't show, he sighed, lighting his pipe. "What a loss it is they won't join us on the road. But the road calls."

As they set off, the journey began quietly. Reed strummed his lute, the strings vibrating with a soft, melodious hum that blended harmoniously with the sounds of nature. The birds sang their morning songs, and the wagon wheels creaked rhythmically on the cobblestones, creating a soothing symphony of travel.

Turning to the girls, Reed asked, "Giovanna mentioned she seeks fame and power. What is it that you seek in life, Seira and Okami? And why?"

The fresh scent of earth and foliage mingled with the pipe's sweet smoke, creating a sense of calm as they ventured into the unknown. Reed's question hung in the air, inviting dreams and revelations from his companions. The path ahead was filled with possibilities, and the road whispered promises of adventure and discovery.

Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy

"Standard fare then," The Ronin replied with a yawn before making her way into the wagon.

For a short while, Okami was silent. Still as a tree with both eyes closed, leaned up against the back of her seat. Partly because she was trying to get some extra rest before they ran into any problems on the road. Mostly because the sound of Reed's lute put her at ease. As the bard's question graced her ears, her brow would furrow; but she wouldn't move an inch and her eyes would remain shut.

"What don't I desire? Fame and Fortune, sure. Power. Joy. Comfort. Health. Love. Sex. Pretty things. Delicious food. Land. It would probably take me all day to really answer that question. But then, I think I'd be just fine without most of that at the end of the day."

Slowly, she opened her eyes and sat forward. And the bard would find her... not looking at anything in particular, really. It was as though she were living through a memory. A far distant memory. A memory so fond as to force a smile on her face.

"The happiest I've been is when I was fighting alongside real warriors for a home that I loved. Surrounded by comrades so dear that they made even hell bearable. Nothing on my mind but a task I have been given; an inhuman focus. There is no greater joy than living in a moment where what one must do and what one yearns to do is one and the same. The wholeness of living in one moment- mind, body and soul- where neither the past nor future has any room to occupy one's thoughts. That's what being alive is..."

The Ronin blinked once or twice before her eyes shifted away from imperceptible memory and returned to the present moment; meeting the bard's eyes for the first time since they set off from the Inn.

"You'll have to pardon my ramblings, bard. Eloquence was never a strength of mine."

Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy
Last edited:
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Hm... if you say so..." Is that not what a celebrity is though? If you asked Seira, she'd probably wager that his name was more than just a seed in the wind, but she didn't feel like pressing it so she hopped onto the wagon behind Okami. Looks like she was in for another few days of travel, not like it was anything new to her. But it was a good change of pace travelling in a wagon. It definitely beats walking from one side of the country to the other, being both faster and easier on her legs.

Seira spent the first part of the journey staring off into space, eventually closing her eyes to rest them. She could feel herself start to doze off as time passed, the tranquil sounds of the nature around her not helping keeping her awake. In those moments where she teetered on the edge between consciousness and unconsciousness, it was just then she realized how sore her body was. It seems like the fatigue from travelling on foot to Ryke from the Empire was catching up to her. She very well might have fallen asleep entirely if it were not for Reed's question and Okami's response reaching her ears before she drifted into unconsciousness.

"And what do you care, patchwork?" Was her immediate response to his inquiry, but after letting out a sigh, she eventually relented. "...Well, whatever..." She started, grasping and opening the locket around her neck to look at its contents. Inside was a single picture: a family of 4 consisting of a swordsman and his wife as well as 2 almost identical girls, the only difference being one twin had emerald green eyes while the other had sky blue ones. Her intention wasn't to show the contents to her fellow passengers, but she wasn't exactly stopping them from looking either if they so wanted. Instead, it was more for herself, to remind herself and cling on to the memories of a life that seemed so far away.

After a long pause, she finally spoke. "If you had asked me that question a few weeks ago, then perhaps my answer would have been different... as would I..." A pained smile formed on her face as she ran her thumb over her twin in the picture before shutting the locket. "It's a natural thing for people to desire a place of their own with people they could call close... you could say I have that same desire..." Seira then turned to face Giovanna. "I suppose you can also say I have a desire for power, like you, but perhaps... a different kind of power for different reasons than whatever ones you probably have..."
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur

Sitting along for the ride, Giovanna hoped that the trip wouldn't prove too difficult. Though with the fact that they weren't carrying any merchandise or such, they shouldn't attract uncivilised attention that would have reason to attack them... unless Reed has some particularly unsatisfied fans to his words and songs. Or perhaps people who were too satisfied and really urgently desired to get to meet him. Listening in to the Ronin's opinion on the question, their input seemed a lot similar to hers where there was a lot of reasons for what she was seeking for. Overall, being capably set up or powerful enough to be able to handle or achieve whatever one may desire was a goal to attain for probably anyone. It was just a matter of that people went about it in different ways, though Okami's desire sounded like it was much more focused on having companions through thick and thin. A nice thought, people's company was always great. But then again, others could prove unreliable or even untrustworthy at times. A double-edged blade, the concept of friends. To also have the power where they wouldn't even think of failing you? An even more desirable thought than just the allies alone.

"An understandable thing, who wouldn't want everything they could end up desiring? To attain a name or hand that allowed all those things to be in reach is a difficult merit though, but one hopefully people like us will soon enough rise to acquire one day. Perhaps not soon, but one day at least... " Giovanna answered softly in thought, clasping her hands together and pondering to herself as she turned to hear from the other sword wielder amongst them.

Her ears twitching at her voice, Giovanna's attention was briefly attracted to the sight of the locket Seira was looking at. Sometimes the deepest secrets or most impactful history were so blatantly left within the mere confines of one's locket on many an occasion that the minotaur was only more curious what lied inside it. Though, deciding not to pry too indepth for the moment, she gave a small nod of her head when she was addressed.
"You could say all of our goals are rather similar for different reasons, either way whatever we choose to do it might not be so obvious as to how we're getting closer to that goal. Even for this, it may just be sitting in transportation to go elsewhere, but perhaps that's the most important thing for any of us to achieve anything right now? Maybe it'll ever be... " she considered.​
Maggot Corpse
Time: Morning
Mood: Ghoulish
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


Maggot Corpse had not seemed to suffer the same ailment of soreness and weariness that beset the other adventurers when the morning reared itself. The vocalist mustered minimal energy in order to make it through the night. Heeding the siren to join the roving band him & Bloatfly were among the final two to clamber aboard. Two things of note distinguished Maggot Corpse from his usual getup. In addition to the microphone stand strapped around his neck he was carrying the mop and broom from the clean-up the night prior. Having not realized the tools were not meant to be imparted to Maggot as a gift he could now be seen dragging about the things which he aptly referred to as spaghetti spear and long hairbrush.

While the others were opting to share verbal articles about their backstories Maggot was losing himself somewhere in his mind fortress. Maggot was enthralling himself with the long hairbrush by running the bristles along his face and Bloatfly's backside. The entire trip would be corresponding to the sound of scrubbing and the occasional slapping of the mop onto the carriage floor. Maggot would make his rounds jerking the rod back and forth, leaving the long and dry noodles of the spaghetti spear to occasionally caress against one of the adventurer's feet. This carried itself as an awkward backdrop to the conversations at hand.

Truthfully, Maggot would have zero stake in the conversation even if he could enter it. The vocalists goals were ruthlessly simplistic and mundane, if not utterly irrelevant. Of the things that made Maggot Corpse who he was least important among them were his goals. The first half of Shotgun Blowjob simply existed as a force of nature; wildly unflinching to the politics and happenings of the world around him. The entirety of his existence in this plane were in destitute homelessness; scrounging around and being the subject of all manner of egregious events.
On the Road

He turned to Okami first. "Your words carry a depth of experience, Okami. It seems you’ve found a rare harmony in the chaos of battle, a unity of purpose that many seek but few truly find. It's not rambling at all—rather, it's a glimpse into a soul that has known true camaraderie and purpose. May you find moments like those again on this journey."

Turning to Seira, Reed's gaze softened as he spoke. "Seira, the weight of your past is evident, and the desire for a place to belong is deeply human. Power, when sought for the right reasons, can be a means to protect and create such a place. Your journey is one of resilience and hope. Let those memories be your guiding star and may this road lead you to the solace and strength you seek."

As the wagon continued its journey, the landscape around them shifted. Fields of wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze, giving way to dense forests where sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the path. Birds flitted among the branches, their songs mingling with the steady rhythm of the wagon wheels.

Eventually Reed tapped his pipe, releasing a puff of sweet, woody smoke into the crisp air, before stashing it away. He then slid over to Maggot Corpse and Bloatfly Incubator, smiling disarmingly as he pulled out a small, well-worn book.

"Your music is a sound all its own, my boys. But you won't get far with that alone. You'll need the knowledge of the book, and I think I know how to make you look," he said with a grin, flipping the pages open to reveal a chart of symbols. "These letters are of the common language."

He pointed to each letter in the chart, making a sound for each one and encouraging the boys to repeat after him. They hesitated at first, but slowly began to mimic the sounds. Reed's patient and melodic voice guided them through the unfamiliar terrain of the alphabet. After a few moments, he tore the page from the book and handed it to Maggot Corpse.

"Practice those sounds and memorize the symbols. When we set up camp, we'll go over making words with them," he said warmly. The landscape rolled by, changing from open fields to patches of dense forest. The wagon passed by a bubbling brook, the sound of water adding a serene counterpoint to Reed's lute. The sky gradually shifted from the golden light of morning to the bright blue of midday, with occasional clouds casting cool shadows on their path.

Reed then shuffled to the front of the wagon and leaned out to talk to Tom, who was guiding the horses. The sun climbed higher, warming the cool morning air and casting long shadows on the road. Birds sang from the trees, their songs mingling with the rhythmic creak of the wagon wheels.

After a brief conversation, Reed moved to sit at the opening of the wagon, his legs dangling over the edge. He began to strum his lute again, the notes blending with the ambient sounds of the journey. As the day wore on, the sun climbed higher, casting a bright light over the rolling hills and forests. The travelers continued to share their stories and dreams, the wagon carrying them steadily towards their destination. Reed strummed his lute, filling the air with music, while the horses trotted along the winding road. The landscape around them shifted from lush greenery to rocky outcrops, each change marking the passage of time and distance on their journey to the capital.

Reed's fingers danced over the strings of his lute, the gentle, melodic notes weaving through the crisp morning air. He glanced at his companions, each lost in their thoughts, and decided it was time to share some wisdom.

"The road ahead, my friends, is a tapestry of choices and paths," he began, his voice carrying the cadence of a storyteller. "Much like the strings of this lute, our journey is woven with decisions, each one contributing to the harmony or discord of our lives."

He strummed a few chords, the music rising and falling like the hills they traveled through. "We travel not just through landscapes of fields and forests, but through the landscapes of our hearts and minds. Every turn, every fork in the road, is a chance to explore new facets of ourselves, to challenge and redefine our destinies."

Reed's eyes sparkled with the light of the midday sun. "Consider each step as a note in your personal symphony. Some notes are bold and loud, others soft and subtle, but all are necessary to create the masterpiece that is your life. The road may be long, with unexpected twists and turns, but it is in the journey that we find our true selves."

The wagon creaked gently as it rolled onward, the horses' hooves a steady rhythm on the path. "As we move towards Ryke, let us not forget that the journey is as important as the destination. Embrace the experiences, learn from the challenges, and cherish the moments of joy and camaraderie."

He paused, letting the music speak for a moment, the lute's melody a soothing balm to the soul. "In the end, it is not the road we take, but how we travel it that defines us. So, let us journey with purpose and heart, knowing that each path we choose shapes the story we leave behind."

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the landscape, the day drew closer to its end. The golden light of late afternoon bathed the world in a warm glow, and the travelers felt the air cool slightly as evening approached. The wagon creaked gently as it rolled to a stop, and Tom slowed the horses, pulling off to the side of the road.

"We'll camp in the grove tonight," Tom announced, gesturing to a nearby cluster of trees that offered a sheltered spot for the night. "We should make it to the next town by tomorrow afternoon. If you find a wagon quickly and keep moving, You'll reach the capital by the late hours of the night tomorrow. But be warned, the night road is more likely to be filled with monsters."

Tom paused, letting the implications sink in before he set to work tending to the horses. Reed spoke up after a moment. "Alternatively, we could stay the night in another tavern and earn our keep like last time. Singing and cleaning might be a safer way to spend the night. But for now, let's make ourselves useful and decide what we'll do to help. I'll cook a mean stew if someone can catch a rabbit or two. "

Okami found herself chuckling as she heard everyone's answers. Her conclusion? Everyone here wanted power, safety, a feeling of belonging and to be loved.

Truly an eye-opening revelation, if there ever was one.

If nothing else, The Ronin appreciated everyone's honesty. Admittedly the musician from Shotgun Blowjob was still a veritable mystery but wanting to learn to read was a worthwhile goal in and of itself. Shortly after, the bard began to serenade the group once more. After that, the carriage driver offered them all a choice. Now, Okami was going to stick with the group regardless of the final decision made.

But it wasn't much of a choice to make as far as she was concerned.

"I vote we find another wagon and press on. I've no interest in performing a second time. And while my dance with Steelwind was fun, the opportunity to fight something in earnest has its own appeal. One's skills grow dull when not put to use."

Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur

A sudden camping trip throughout the night wasn't something she had been expecting at all, with that they didn't seem to have the supplies or such in preparation. Contemplating her options and that Okami had already voiced her distaste of wanting to stay within indoors at the cost of a little performance or so, she would much rather be comfortable than on bare dirt.
"If that's where we'll be sinking to for a night, then so be it... " she mumbled, having thought such a trip would have been better planned out beforehand. A good meal or such did sound rather pleasant right about now, they'd just have to go about the difficulty of finding something edible. Though, while they did have two swordswomen on hand that would probably enjoy wanting to hunt or kill something...

"I can assist with trying to catch something to cook, I at least won't have to get right close to a target and can freeze them in place. It'd make putting them down much easier, unless there's any better suggestions" she spoke openly, not entirely convinced the other sword-wielders had a better way for catching prey than just running at them. While they had said... 'musicians' present, Reed didn't seem at all like the type to get his hands dirty and the other two...

Well... in the most genuine way possible, didn't feel like they would be able to be sneaky at all. It probably wouldn't help if prey targets knew they were coming or around and said two were probably the most likely to get noticed from her own opinion. At least, from the 'civilized behaviour' they had demonstrated so far.​
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

To the other's reactions to her little vague life story and goals, she offered them nothing but silence in response, instead directing her gaze over the horizon to no where in particular while the bard started to teach the 2 band guys written language. A task she can't say she really envied.

“I’d rather not do another one of those ‘performances.’” Seira said when the topic of the conversation moved to what they should do the following day. “Besides, I’m no stranger to being on the road these days. And like Ookami said, my sword arm could use more opportunities to be put to use. As for what to do tonight, I suppose I could help gather some wood and get a fire going.”

Journeys End

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the travelers set up camp in the grove. Tom guided the horses to a sheltered spot, while Reed began to gather the firewood Seira and Okami had collected. With practiced ease, he arranged the logs and kindling into a small pyramid, striking flint to steel until sparks caught and the fire roared to life.

Reed and Tom worked together in quiet harmony, the pot bubbling with a hearty stew. The rich, savory aroma of the stew mingled with the woody scent of the campfire, filling the grove with a sense of warmth and comfort. Reed stirred the pot, adding spices and tasting the broth with a satisfied nod.

While the stew simmered, Reed strummed his lute softly, the melody weaving through the night air. He glanced at Maggot Corpse and Bloatfly Incubator, who sat nearby, watching the flames dance. Smiling, he grabbed a stick and began to scratch letters into the dirt.

"Let's continue our lesson," he said, his voice carrying a gentle encouragement. "These letters form words, and words have power. Just as your music has power."

He carefully drew out simple words, sounding each one out slowly and encouraging the boys to repeat after him. The crackling fire provided a steady rhythm to their learning, the glow casting flickering shadows on their faces.

As they worked, the stars emerged, twinkling like diamonds against the deepening night sky. Reed’s lute provided a soothing backdrop, the notes rising and falling in a melody that spoke of distant lands and grand adventures. He began to sing, his voice rich and full, telling a tale of wanderers on the road, of challenges faced and triumphs earned. The song painted a picture of the journey ahead, both physical and metaphorical, a reminder of the paths they chose and the stories they would create.

Tom, having tended to the horses, joined the group by the fire. He tasted the stew and gave an approving nod. "It's ready," he announced, serving the stew into bowls. The travelers ate heartily, the warmth of the meal and the camaraderie lifting their spirits. Reed continued to play, his music a comforting presence as they shared tales and laughter under the starlit sky.

As the fire burned low and the night grew late, the group settled into their makeshift beds. Reed’s final notes drifted into the night, a lullaby for weary souls. The fire's embers glowed softly, casting a warm, orange light on the sleeping forms of the travelers.

Morning came with the gentle light of dawn, the sky painted in soft pastels. The travelers stirred, packing their belongings and preparing to continue their journey. Reed and Tom moved efficiently, ensuring everything was in order before they set off once more.

The wagon rolled into a small town as the sun climbed higher, casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets. The town was quaint, with small shops and bustling markets filled with townsfolk going about their daily routines. Reed hopped off the wagon, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He greeted the locals with a friendly nod, taking in the sights and sounds of the town.

He paused by a market stall, exchanging pleasantries with the vendor and inquiring about potential caravans heading to the capital. The vendor, a kindly old woman, pointed him towards the far end of the town where caravan drivers often gathered. Reed thanked her with a charming smile and made his way through the bustling streets, his lute slung over his shoulder.

As he approached the gathering spot, he saw several wagons lined up, their drivers engaged in conversation and preparation. Reed took a moment to observe, noting the various banners and insignias that marked different caravans. His eyes settled on a burly man with a kind face, overseeing a particularly well-organized group.

With a confident stride, Reed approached the caravan leader. "Good day, friend," he began, his voice warm and inviting. "We're looking for a way to the capital, and I hear you're in need of some hired protection. What do you say we join your caravan?"

The driver, after a brief moment of consideration, nodded. "We could use some extra hands. Welcome aboard."

Reed thanked him, quickly making his way back to the group with the good news. "We've secured our spot," he announced, a note of triumph in his voice. "We'll be traveling with this caravan as hired protection." He glanced between the gathered. "The road they're taking is a straight shot to the capital. But it goes through a fairly dense forest. Probably going to be quite a number of monsters on the way. So you'll be putting your instruments to work tonight girls!" Reed laughed, as he moved to climb up on to wagon. Once everyone had climbed onto the last wagon of the caravan, they would start to roll down the road. Reed began to strum his lute, already making himself comfortable on a bale of hay. There were members of the caravan. Some riding on the wagons Infront of the one which Reeds party had climbed up on. They seemed to be merchants of some sort. With talk of transporting goods to a few different suppliers.

Okay guys. I'm sorry it's taken much longer than it should have. I feel like we've stretched this out perhaps more than we should have. We'll wrap this up here quickly. Next round will introduce some monsters attacking the caravan. Once we get through the monsters, They'll likely reach the capital and we can say the end there.

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur

Giovanna spent the evening in peaceful silence, trying to focus on the ambience of the surrounding wilds as she took to enjoying freshly made stew and letting the instructional lessons going on pass the time for the others partaking in them. This hadn't been as productive or helpful as she hoped so far, but maybe the next day would have something better. The tones of Reed's lute helped ease into the outdoor sleeping much easier, passing into slumber until the next morning for where their trip continued further into a small town. Whilst poking around the markets might've proven a little intriguing, getting to the Capital was the more important matter at hand as she continued following along to the gathering of caravans.

"Hm, I suppose escort missions are likely more both of your things, I can assume you'll both be able to handle it. Though, you still likely won't be on your own if difficulties requrie such assistance... " Giovanna softly spoke in consideration, giving a small look to Seira and Okami. Climbing onto the wagon and taking a seat, she was silently hoping that there would turn out to be no troubles at all along the road and that she'd be in the Capital in no time. Although, if the trip were to already be over that simply then things might have proven unlucky on her finding direction and guidance on what to do next and that she'd have to hope her chances faired better at her destination. For once, this might've been more about the destination and not the journey.​

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