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Graded [ Norroburry/Frontier] The Road of the Rambling Rover


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)
♫ Rambling Rover ♫

The Road of the Rambing Rover


Nestled in the eastern reaches of Ryke, near the undulating embrace of mountainous terrain that borders the Empire, Norroburry village stood as a testament to resilience and prosperity. Its lifeblood flowed from the veins of the earth, where mines teemed with valuable materials, coveted throughout the country. The clatter and clang of mining tools, the lifeblood of the village, resonated through the air, mingling with the distant sounds of the bustling marketplace.

The local militia, a sturdy presence in the village, patrolled the streets with an air of casual vigilance, their eyes sharp and their hands resting lightly on their weapon hilts. They were the unsung guardians of this secluded haven, ensuring peace and order amidst the backdrop of potential wilderness threats and the ever-looming intrigue of border politics.

In the heart of Norroburry, a large boarding house loomed, its sturdy structure a hive of activity. Here, seasonal workers from across the lands found solace and camaraderie after long hours in the mines. Laughter and tales of the day's toils spilled from its open windows, weaving a tapestry of shared existence and transient lives intertwined by hard work and hope.

Beyond the immediate hustle and bustle, the serene beauty of Norroburry Lake offered a tranquil counterpoint. Its waters, glistening under the sun’s waning glow, reflected the village and the surrounding mountains, painting a picture of natural splendor and peaceful coexistence. This picturesque view provided a momentary escape for the weary and a scenic backdrop that captivated visitors and locals alike. As the sun was just passing its zenith, casting an orange glow over the small village. The day’s heat began to wane, giving way to a cooler evening breeze that carried the sound of closing shutters and the soft buzz of the tavern's growing business. Just the soft buzz of everyday life drawing to a close. There was a posting board right outside the boarding house, with a small crowd around it. two or three local adventurers looking for easy jobs.

"I don't know it seems kind of suspicious." One young woman spoke, tugging her oversized witch hat over head as she leaned in and squinted at a paper that had been tacked to the board. The armored man beside her nodded, crossing his arms. He seemed about to say something when a man seemed to pop up from behind the board. He had salt and pepper hair, and grey eyes. Emerging with a flourish and a broad, disarming smile he started to speak. His words pouring out like honey. Drawn out and flowery.

“Ah, my keen-eyed observers, your wariness does you credit in these unpredictable times. But let me assure you, what lies behind this humble piece of parchment is an adventure of a lifetime, not the suspicious plot you fear. Imagine traversing the roads less traveled, where each bend reveals a story untold, each town a melody unheard. I, Bramblethorn Reed, am merely a bard seeking companionship and shared tales on the journey to the illustrious capital. What say you? Will you let suspicion cloud the chance of a lifetime, or will you step into a story that will be sung for ages to come?” His lips curled up in a charming smile as he looked almost hopefully at the pair. However, his words fell upon deaf ears. The pair looked at him nervously before waving their hands and shaking their heads, hurrying along their way. He sighed, pulling the lute from his back and leaning back against the post. shutting his eyes, he began to let his fingers strum. A voice like honey carrying a tune. Steady and sweet, a gentle tenor that accompanied the soft picks of his lute.

"I am a bard of wandering ways,
I’ve known the road since early days.
I left behind my home so dear,
The place I dream yet shed no tear.

For many a year I’ve roamed alone,
No hearth to call my very own.
Through lands unknown I’ve made my bed,
With naught but stars above my head.

Farewell, I say, to love once known,
In distant lands, I’ve grown, I’ve sown.
I travel paths where shadows play,
And think of those now far away."

His voice wavered with a slight vibrato as he sang his song. His eyes still closed and seemingly unaware. Fingers dexterously plucking at the strings of his lute. His melody carried through the area with a fast and surprisingly upbeat tempo despite the lyrics.

"Beneath the moons, I lay me down,
In fields unknown, in thistledown.
Should you remember me one day,
Know that the rover’s heart did stay.

Though friends and kin may think me lost,
A lonesome trail forever crossed.
I carry with me all I’ve known,
And roam the world, forever blown."

As the man in the patchwork cloak's final note lingered in the air, he gestured subtly towards the posting board, where a parchment fluttered slightly in the evening breeze. His voice, ever persuasive and tinged with a hint of mystery, carried a new layer of invitation “Curious souls and wandering hearts, if the whisper of adventure stirs something within you, cast your gaze upon the parchment that adorns yonder board. For there, in ink and earnest, lies an invitation to journey beyond the ordinary, to seek the extraordinary in the company of one who has traversed the realms of tales and tunes.”

He stepped back, allowing the sign to take center stage in their collective view, “It’s more than mere words on paper; it’s a portal to a future unwritten, a call to those brave enough to step out of the shadows of routine and into the light of adventure. If your spirit seeks the thrill of the unknown, if your heart beats in rhythm with the world’s hidden songs, then read, consider, and decide.”

With a smile, Reed concluded, “For in the journey to the capital, we shall not just travel, but we shall weave our tales, sing our songs, and perhaps, learn the secrets that only the road can teach. Let the sign be your guide, and my words, your map to destiny.”

Location: Norroburry Village in Ryke.
Time of day: Evening/Dusk
Goals: For Boatfly incubator and maggotcorpse to learn to read. To reach the capital of Ryke.

Okay guys I'll be trying to do postings for this one maybe.... once maybe twice a week depending. I'll try and post on Tuesdays. And if you guys get your responses in quick enough, I'll make another post on Friday. Please be sure to post your character sheets with your first post. Looking forward to your posts.
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[Character Sheet]
[Titles: Human, Buged, Punker]


Over the month or so that had passed since Shotgun Blowjobs misadventure in the bug hive Bloatfly Incubator had taken a liking to the now evacuated cavern. With the bugs dead and the disgruntled adventurers leaving Bloatfly had stayed. Residing close to the mouth he had turned the quite disgusting cave into, while still disgusting, his disgusting home. The various glowing eggs which decorated the rocky walls had turned into their ambient lighting. The bodies of the various bugs left behind was the natural supply of food. Bloatfly had attempted to decorate although it had little effect on the atmosphere of the bug cave. A makeshift 'window' sat above what would seem to be his bed. A simple square made with twigs with two in the middle, one vertical and one horizontal. However the window didn't actually reveal anything as it was attached to a cave wall. However Bloatfly didn't seem to care, spending several hours of the day staring out the manmade window of his.

Beneath the window laid a simple pile of rotting viscera with a grass bed haphazardly thrown on top. The rest of his part of the cave was filled with his various 'instruments'. His guitar and amp took the center stage however his various drills, broken plates and other assorted items were strewn around the cave floor. What time wasn't spent looking out his window or eating the long dead bugs he spent practicing. Either with or without Maggot Corpse. Truthfully it mattered little, if Bloatfly wanted to make music he'd make music.

The various weeks out of the sun and living in a cave had changed Bloatfly's outward appearance greatly. His long greasy black hair and grown far past his shoulders. His skin turned to a sickly pale with various spots of yellow and deep purple. Incubators hands were covered with callouses, opting to leave behind the idea of walking all together. Copying the fallen bugs by crawling across the ground on all fours. The black band t-shirt was now mere rags hanging off his revealed chest. What pieces of cloth that had fallen off being added to his bed

Where Bloatfly was slightly comprehensible he had lost all grasp on the English language. Deciding to mock the Bugs he had fought months earlier by communicating in chirps and chittering. Yet despite his rapid deterioration in mind and body his ability to craft music had only increased, with what little time he had to spend maintaining himself and travelling he dedicated towards his craft.
Seira Steelwind
ImgCreator.ai A girl in a field, short hair, silver hair, green eyes, young adult, fantasy clo...png

(Click FC to go to CS post)
Interactions: Bard ( Moonberry Moonberry )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Wandering through a patch of mountainous woodwork was a young woman, short silver hair blowing in the breeze, gazing at the locket in her hand. If anyone were around to see the look in her eyes, it could be described as one of great pain and sorrow, yet for those more perceptive in reading the emotions of others they could gleam the fire that burned behind her eyes, a fire of determination fueled by sorrow and hatred for those who inflicted that pain on her. It had been several days, maybe weeks, since she had fled her home back in the Empire after the slaughter of her family at the hands of a handful of spineless cowards, identities concealed under the dark of night. As much as she wanted to turn back, she kept sure that her emotions did not cloud her judgement to the best of her abilities. To go back now would most likely mean she would just be joining the family this new life had provided for her in their graves. She will return eventually and give everyone who carried out and orchestrated her family's murder their justice, but right now she needs to move forward and master the blade that hung at her hip.

Seira closed her locket and let it hang around her neck as she continued walking through the mountainous terrain down a path that, if fortune smiles upon her for once, would lead to civilization. It's been a good handful of days since she last stumbled across a village, so when she spotted a few buildings up ahead it was a welcome sight indeed. She'd been heading towards the direction of the setting sun for her entire journey away from home, so hopefully she's made it far enough to cross out of Imperial territory, which means it should put her somewhere in Ryke if her geographic memory serves her right.

It took a few more minutes of walking for Seira to enter the town proper. It was a strange feeling walking around a town after days of walking through the wilderness, but it wasn't an unwelcome feeling to be sure, especially in comparison to when she would happen upon civilization back in the Empire. She had no idea how far the reach of the group that wanted her family dead was, leading to a sense of paranoia whenever she was in an Imperial town in her early days on the run. But if this truly was a Ryke town, then that would ease her nerves a bit. And just so it happens, a good opportunity to confirm presented itself in the form of some bard guy talking in some grandiose fashion.

She didn't really care about most of what he said, but what did catch her attention was the word 'capital.' Seira approached the man. "Oi." She looked him in the eyes, no apparent emotion being conveyed from her own. "Yes or no, are you looking to head to Ryken?" She was looking to find her way to Ryken eventually, but without a proper map it'd probably have taken her a good while. She just hoped that this guy wouldn't give her too much of a headache if he did end up knowing the way.
Maggot Corpse
Time: Evening
Mood: Abandoned
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


Maggot Corpse had been holed up in the cavern for a meager three days whilst subjected to Bloatfly Incubator's rapid deterioration. Bloatfly had become subject to a delusion wherein they had been a part of the cave for months. They had in the recent past came to blows with the dissidents that preoccupied the cavern prior. It had served as another point of bizarre tension that consistently held its bandwidth between the two band members. This time the aura of the cavern had come to wholly consume Bloatfly Incubator. The infatuation with the queen had deviated Bloatfly and impaired him in a matter unbecoming to Maggot Corpse. Maggot, prone to his immature irritations had been steadily growing angrier as he found himself perpetually abandoned and ignored by his bandmate in the walls of the cavern. Maggot had found himself engaging in shouting matches with Bloatfly Incubator which found Bloatfly steadily unbothered.

Despite their unkempt appearance they were not creatures of the undead, a shade of humanity was still apparent in Maggot Corpse albeit wrought with disgruntlement and rebellion. Without the essence of humanity holding Shotgun Blowjob together their anarchic vision would never be fulfilled. In haste, Maggot Corpse identified an issue in their inability to read or write. The concept of reading and writing was evident to Shotgun Blowjob after interacting with the rest of the adventurers guild, he established a connection between people looking at things and comprehending objects with scribbles on them. While Bloatfly Incubator busied themselves with modeling himself after the bugs that were little more than husks and bodies, Maggot had dedicated himself to intense ritual study in the cave.

This consisted of observing the barren rock wall. A long gross splatter of insect blood from the adventurers fight with the queen carved an interesting pattern. It spelled out nothing, however, he had spent hours attempting to decipher the pattern to make out the 'writing on the walls'. It frustrated Maggot Corpse indisputably, causing him to attempt to learn through a series of shrieks and screams at the wall. Unfortunately, Maggot's ability to become literate was doomed as no amount of physical stimulus could make a connection to understanding any of the 'words' that appeared on the wall. Maggot Corpse's inability to read and write was failing him into restoring Bloatfly Incubator's purpose.

What ensued thereafter was a series of targeted meltdowns meant to reason with Bloatfly Incubator, it was promptly not working. Their instruments became relics of an unwritten history as Maggot Corpse scampered all across the cavern picking up assorted baubles and returning to Bloatfly Incubator. Maggot Corpse would delve into impromptu performances which consisted of him drilling into glass plates. Bloatfly's indifference to the noise punk in favor of chitting and chirping as a beatle does forced Maggot into a bloodshot gaze. The shock quickly turned to anger as Maggot subsequently went to gather their most vital belongings. Consisting of the microphone stand, guitar, and amp he began to howl as he pressed the drill against Bloatfly's kneecap. It would do no harm and only serve to gather Bloatfly's attention before Maggot began wrangling with him and dragging him out of the cave toward an unspecified location.

"It's better to only have one bird in your hand than ten in the sky!" Maggot Corpse said, seemingly oblivious to the actual meaning of the euphemism.

The journey was marred by frequent stops as the two fought among themselves. Every fifteen minutes was a break in the trek so that one or the other may have began to slap, poke, or wrestle with the other in protest. Maggot seemed to find success only because the pitiful smacking was steering them toward a direction that was not the cave. They were in fact growing ever closer to Noroburry. Additionally, they seemed oblivious that they were walking into civilization, consumed entirely by their wish to fling glass plates at each other like projectile frisbees they spent more time than was acceptable in giving each other otherwise unnecessary bruises. Still, it was progress.
Minashigo no Ōkami
Okami Isekai Hell.jpg
Languages: Common​

On a journey with no destination, even the subtlest of pleasures can alter one's course.

A beautiful face.

A delectable scent.

But, today, it was a soothing melody that drew The Orphaned Wolf away from the endless roads and into town. The proposition that followed convinced her to stay. A laugh escaped from her lips as his promises grew ever-loftier. Though her mind abounded with skepticism, the ronin found herself intrigued. She walked right on up to the captivating bard with a soft smile; eyeing him down for a moment before she spoke.

"Were I a little less travelled, you'd have me convinced that that song was written just for me," Okami could only imagine how many times he'd heard that line, though, "But if that song really is about you, then you and I carry similar scars."

Another who'd been drawn by the man's melodies asked about Ryken. It was a place that Okami hadn't heard of before. The supposed capital of this strange, foreign land.

"What say you, oh travelled bard? Is Ryken a place where a hired hand can find good work and a warm bed? You see.." she placed her left hand over her sheathed sword a brought it forward. Just enough to draw an eye to it, "I'm not quite as talented as you. This here's the only instrument I know how to play."

She relaxed and let the weapon fall back into place.

"But I haven't yet found a song worth playing."

Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Moonberry Moonberry Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
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♫ New Beginnings ♫

New Beginnings


As the shadows of evening stretched across the village square, painting long, soft patterns on the cobblestones, Bramblethorn Reed watched intently as figures approached, each carrying the weight of their own stories. The first, a woman with silver hair that glimmered like moonlight, bore the posture of someone who had endured countless storms. Her voice, though devoid of emotion, resonated with a tenacity that cut sharply through the ambient noise of the bustling marketplace.

"Oi. Yes or no, are you looking to head to Ryken?" she asked, her directness striking a refreshing chord in Reed’s heart.

With a broadening smile and a twinkle of intrigue in his eyes, Reed responded warmly, “Indeed, to Ryken we are bound, and what a stalwart companion you would make for such a journey. The road always appreciates a resolve as fierce as yours.”

Before he could delve deeper into conversation, another presence captured his attention—this second woman, whose laughter rang clear like a bell, brought with it a dance of skepticism and curiosity.

"Were I a little less travelled, you'd have me convinced that that song was written just for me," she declared, her eyes shimmering with a mix of jest and earnestness. "But if that song really is about you, then you and I carry similar scars."

Reed chuckled softly, his gaze reflecting the last rays of the setting sun. “Ah, perhaps the song indeed sings of us all, as every path is wrought with its own trials and tribulations. And Ryken—ah, Ryken is a land where both tales and talents such as yours can truly flourish. There, a blade can serve as both burden and beacon, depending on the hands that wield it.”

Noticing her gesture towards her sword, Reed's eyes briefly followed the motion, acknowledging the blade as more than just a weapon, but as a keeper of untold stories. His reply was crafted with the delicacy of a skilled bard.
"Ah, a most noble instrument indeed, one that resonates with the key of steel and survival. Yet, the most profound songs are those not merely from the need to protect or to battle, but those that emerge from a quest that stirs the soul and challenges the heart," he mused, his tone reflective.

"Perhaps, dear warrior, the song worth playing has yet to find you not because the melody is absent, but because it awaits the right moment, the perfect ensemble to give it life. In Ryken, amid its echoing halls and vibrant streets, you may just find the chorus where your blade’s song can resonate. There, surrounded by allies and new challenges, you might discover the melody that truly echoes the depth of your spirit."

As their exchange unfolded, the arrival of two more souls—bickering musicians clad in threadbare garments—added a discordant yet strangely harmonious element to the gathering. Reed’s eyes lit up with both amusement and opportunity.

Approaching the quarreling duo with open arms, his voice harmonized the chaotic atmosphere, “Gentlemen, what curious twist of fate brings us together! In your discord, I hear a symphony waiting to be born. Let us not drown each other's notes but instead blend them into a crescendo that only such a unique ensemble could achieve!”

Turning to address the group collectively, his arms encompassed the eclectic assembly. “You see, my new friends, together we are not merely travelers, but a caravan of courage and curiosity. From the sharp whisper of a blade to the soft sigh of a lute, our stories shall intertwine, leading us towards Ryken and perhaps even beyond. Join me, and let us not just traverse roads but forge new paths under the banners of destiny and song.” He paused, to turn and look up towards the sky. The sun now hiding behind the mountain peaks. He hummed a few notes before his candor picked up again.

"Though, as the curtain of night draws near and our tale awaits its next verse, I propose we make preparations for a dawn departure. Tomorrow promises not just a sunrise but the beginning of our shared journey to Ryken," Reed announced, his eyes sparkling with the anticipation of the road ahead.

He gestured gracefully toward the welcoming glow of the boarding house, its windows aglow with the soft light of oil lamps, the hum of evening activity beckoning them. "Tonight, let us seek shelter within yonder hospitable abode. I shall offer up a melody to warm our spirits and perhaps, with a touch of bardic charm, earn us a night's reprieve from the chill embrace of the ground."

With a conspiratorial wink, he added, "And should our hosts require persuasion beyond the allure of song, I am not averse to lending my hands to the noble art of dish scrubbing. For what are a few plates when weighed against the comfort of a bed and a meal shared among soon-to-be comrades?"

Reed's voice lowered to a warm, inviting cadence. "Join me, my friends, inside these welcoming walls. Let us fill the eve with music and merriment, forging bonds not just of necessity but of genuine fellowship. As we lay our heads down tonight under this humble roof, let it be with hearts lightened by song and stomachs filled by the hearth’s bounty."

Stepping forward, leading the way with a confident stride, Reed concluded, "Tomorrow, we set forth at first light, but tonight, let us weave the prelude to our adventure, ensuring that the first chapter of our story is penned not just with intentions, but with laughter and shared tales of the paths that have led us here." With that, Reed led his eclectic group toward the boarding house, his lute ready at his side, prepared to strum a tune that would not only charm their hosts but also cement the foundation of their newfound fellowship.

The boarding house of Norroburry, a sturdy edifice wrought from aged timber and fieldstone, stood as a beacon of respite for the weary and the wayward. Its broad facade was lined with windows, panes glowing like amber jewels set against the encroaching dusk, casting pools of warm light onto the cobblestone path that led to its welcoming front door. The roof thatched and well-maintained, whispered tales of many winters braved and many storms weathered.

As Reed and his companions approached, the scent of woodsmoke and roasted meat mingled in the cool evening air, an olfactory invitation that promised warmth and nourishment. The heavy wooden door, marked by years of comings and goings, swung open with a friendly creak, revealing an interior alive with the bustle of transient life.

Inside, the boarding house was a tapestry of activity and rest. The main hall doubled as a dining room, where large, rough-hewn tables were scattered haphazardly, some crowded with miners and seasonal workers sharing hearty meals and tales of the day’s toil. Their voices, a symphony of laughter and camaraderie, filled the air, accented occasionally by the clink of tankards and the scrape of wooden chairs.

In one corner, a small group of travelers lingered over a game of cards, their faces illuminated by the flickering light of a nearby hearth. Shadows danced across the walls, thrown by the fire that crackled merrily, its glow painting the room in hues of gold and orange. Above the mantle, various artifacts from the village’s mining heritage were displayed, each item a relic of the earth’s bounty and the human endeavor to extract it.

Reed, with the confident stride of one accustomed to making entrances, stalked towards the counter where a middle-aged woman, her hair streaked with silver and her apron dusted with flour, presided over the evening’s commerce. Her face, lined with the soft wrinkles of smile and squint, spoke of years spent in the service of others, and her eyes sparkled with a keen sharpness as she appraised the newcomers.

Beside her, a burly man with arms like twisted oak boughs wiped down the counter, his movements methodical and sure. He nodded to Reed, a silent acknowledgment of one professional to another. The air around them hummed with the energy of stories being spun, deals being struck, and lives momentarily intersecting.

Ooc Okay guys ! Feel free to have your characters do whatever here. Reed is going to try and secure lodging and a meal. Find a table or interact, or both. Whatever! Give everyone a chance to get to know each other.
Mentions: Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Okami watched Reed make way to the tavern, shrugged, and followed him in.

She would come to a stop just at the front entrance and lock eyes with the back of Reed's head. The bard was busy procuring food, drink and lodging for everyone, so she decided to leave him be and scan the area for open seats. There were a few dotted about, but the one that caught her eye was right beside the other swordsman in the group. Without a word, she sauntered on over to Seira- the rhythmic click-clack in the girl's ears marking The Wolf's approach- before stopping at her side and greeting her with a light bow.

"It's nice having a second sword by your side for a long journey, isn't it?"

She pulled out the seat next to Seira and joined her at the table. Hopefully Reed join then and draw in the other two.

"So why Ryken? Something important waiting for you at the capital?"

She leaned back in her chair; floorboards creaking gently below.

"I saw the way your eyes lit up when you he said the word. It certainly wasn't the bard's lyric that brought you here this evening."

Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707

[Character Sheet]
[Titles: Human, Buged, Punker]

Bloatfly's self imposed delirium would quickly fade as he was dragged out of the cave, his senses turning to what was considered normality for Mr Incubator. Maggot Corpses distractions in the form of violence to keep Bloatfly Incubator moving was fairly effective. While most of his traits obtained from copying the bugs, like the chittering, were now gone the crawling had seemingly stuck. While this wasn't entirely uncharacteristic for the volatile guitarist it seemed the action had only been perfected upon spectating the bugs form. The duos tumultuous journey would quickly be halted upon the arrival of the bard and the Swordswoman in their path. Bloatfly, switching his attention from attempting to rip Maggot Corpse hair from his scalp and instead was now looking at the bard and Minashigo.

The Guitarist immediately took a liking to the bard. Perhaps it was the way the man was able to match the musical duos chaotic rhythm, or it could be the fact Bloatfly liked the various colors stitched into his outfit. Maybe the bard simply got lucky. In all actuality Bloatfly Incubator didn't particularly know why. The guitarist promptly removed himself from the ground. His bones cracking as the elongated mass of muscle and flesh stepped in front of the bard. Seemingly taking lead for this interaction as he stepped in front of Maggot Corpse.

There would be several eerie seconds of silence that would pass as Bloatfly inched his way uncomfortable close to the bard. The smell of rotten flesh still lingering, after several more moments of uncomfortable silence Bloatfly opened his mouth. Speaking a simple phrase he picked up from the various other adventures.


The pronunciation was mediocre at best, screaming the hell section of the word at the bard. It should be clear that Bloatfly was attempting to say 'Hello' however it seemed the guitarist lacked the ability to truly speak unless it was screeching into the air. Despite the horrific display of attempted socialization he slowly turned his head to Maggot Corpse. The joints in his neck making a noise that could only be compared to that of a rickety old door slowly squeaking open, slowly his face contorted into a wide smile. His chapped lips cracked and bleeding slightly. Bloatfly Incubator was quite pleased with himself

Slinking back to the floor Bloatfly returned to crawling. Listening to the bard spin his tale Bloatfly seemed more than happy to follow him, its not like they had anywhere else to go. The guitarist would be easily led towards the tavern, occasionally belching out incomprehensible screamo lyrics to keep himself entertained. As they neared the Tavern Bloatfly stood outside for a moment as the rest of the party went in. Pausing for only a half a second before he came crawling on in. The musky smell that followed Bloatfly would be sure to turn some heads however he didn't care much.

The Guitarist scanned the tavern for a moment before spotting the Woman Swordsmen out from the crowd. It seemed she had found a table with extra seats. Crawling across the tavern Bloatfly would clamber himself up onto a free seat. His overall disheveled appearance not matching either of the two women. However Bloatfly wasn't some creature from the depths of the cave, he flashed them the same disturbing smile he sent Maggot Corpse way and spoke the one word he kinda knew.


This time he really emphasized the 'low' part.​
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Does this guy not know what "yes or no" means? That was her immediate thought after hearing his response. Well, at least her base assumption was right, she was finally out of Imperial territory. Things then got a lot more noisy as a pair of guys seemed to come out of the woodwork that seemed at each other’s throats, not long followed by another swordswoman. While the swordsman did pique her interest, Seira was seriously beginning to question her decisions when the bard approached the 2 guys, inviting them. She let out a sigh, sucked it up, and followed as he made his way into the boarding house. Beggars can’t be choosers after all.

Seira took a seat at a table as the bard began talking it up again. "Do you just not have any money?" Was her response when she heard the part about the 'noble art of dish scrubbing.' She couldn't say she was entirely surprised, given his patchwork apparel, but the short remark did remind her about her own money situation. Seira took a moment to check her coin purse, the contents of which were mostly Imperial bills, now just ordinary pieces of paper with little value outside the Empire, along with a decent amount of Rykes, maybe good enough to keep her going for a few more days before needing to find a new source of income.

Not too long after finding herself a seat, the other swordsman from earlier approached her and took a seat next to her. "Not really," She said to the other swordsman. "Just looking to find work as far from home as possible." She placed her hand on the pommel of the sword that hung at her hip, conveying what kind of work she meant without wasting any more breath. Seira looked the woman over, her eyes particularly being drawn to her sword. "That's a fine blade. Your business in Ryken the same as mine?"

Before she could get a response from the other swordsman, one of the two bickering, disheveled guys from earlier literally crawled his way onto another seat near the two. ...What the heck...? Seira blankly stared at the guy for a few seconds before the only word she could think of saying as a result of what she just witnessed left her mouth. "...Right..."

"Hmm. In a sense," She replied to the young swordsman, "Though I'm less running from home and more trying to find one in the first place."

As soon as she heard Seiras answer, Okami was convinced that her entry into this world was far more natural than her own. Whether or not that was something to be envied was something that she was just going to have to find out.

"So, what's so bad about ho-"

Bloatfly might not've noticed it from where he was, but Okami's hand would race over to the tsuka of her blade; fingers hovering centimeters away from the handle. Tensed legs ready to erupt into motion. Eyes locked on the thing that had crawled into the seat opposite him. His hideous visage did very little to draw her hand away from her blade. But, with the passing of a few seconds, The Orphaned Wolf came to realize that the... "man" was less a threat and more just... awkward.

And maybe ill.

"Hello." She spoke slowly. Her eyes narrowed. Her hand slowly drifted away from her weapon. A lingering skepticism as she continued to take in his disheveled appearance, "Do. You. Understand. Common?"

The appearance and smell were one thing, but foreigners struggling to work around a language barrier was a sight she'd seen a few times before. And depending on how rough of a neighborhood this was?

It might've actually explained everything else going on with him.

Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk
Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

It seemed that the other swordsman was a bit jumpy, seeing as how she reached for her sword when whoever this guy was crawled up and took a seat across from them. Can't really say she would blame her, guy looks like the word "bath" isn't even in his vocabulary. And from the way her fellow swordsman was talking to him, it seemed like him even having a vocabulary itself was a question. While the woman was trying to communicate to the guy, Seira's mind still lingered on what she said in response to her question.

She let out a soft sigh. "It's not like I can go back..." A brief moment of sorrow flashed in her eyes as she said that under her breath, her grip on her sword's pommel tightening. In a way, the woman's goals could be said to be very similar to her own. Before she let those thoughts consume her, Seira cleared her throat and refocused on the attempts to talk with the guy.

"Don't you think this guy would know Terran a bit better? Guy's a human." She said to the woman sitting beside her before turning to the disheveled guy. "[Oi, you understand what I'm saying right now? Terran. Do you speak it?]"
Maggot Corpse
Time: Evening
Mood: Frenzied
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


The thrashing ceased upon the bard's greeting. It was to Maggot Corpse's relief that Bloatfly had discontinued his bug mannerisms for the most part. Standing at the billboard where the calls for adventure were posted Maggot Corpse took another chance in an attempt to decipher written language. With bloodshot eyes he pierced the lettering with his pupils and attempted to digest the information to no avail. This hurt Maggot Corpse who had been steadily becoming more aware of his own illiteracy. Maggot Corpse had well defined issues with how most language was completely inept at displaying information through pictures. The hieroglyphs which spanned out in front of him were disgustingly foreign.

Maggot Corpse turned away from the billboard to resume shrieking at Bloatfly condescendingly before finding that he was crawling inside with the bard and the swordsmen. Irate by the lack of commitment from his partner he forced himself after the group. Pressing through the double doors the estranged vocalist was met with the gale of smoking meat. A seasoning of lumber tickled his nose as his eyes darted around the room in search for his bandmate. Discovering his silhouette hovering over the bard he studied as Bloatfly made conversation. It dawned on Maggot Corpse the moment Bloatfly turned to Maggot for validation that the time for education was in the present.

Maggot Corpse began clapping, the rickety sound of skinny bones rattling into each other as palm kissed palm. Maggot watched a second time as Bloatfly approached the pair of swordswomen to harass them with another 'hello'. Maggot cackled, hopping from one leg to another as he flailed his arms in the air. It would now be Maggot's initiative to engage in speech. Frankly, he was better at slinging together sentences than Bloatfly and wished to communicate the band's desire to learn to others. Maggot barreled toward the table where the rest of the group communed.

Many empty chairs were desecrated along Maggot's rampage to the table. Engaged in full sprint it made the seconds of frenzy feel like an hour to those that sat at the table. A racket stirred as mugs, people, chairs, and any miscellaneous object came to blows with Maggot as the moronic vocalist collapsed, kicked aside, and leapt over whatever appeared on his singular path. Appearing before Seira and Minashigo with a nose that began to bleed and a ghastly stare marred by irritated red eyes, the vocalist stopped to think of an acceptable greeting. Maggot only recalled one from their experience fighting within the cave.

Maggot Corpse's hands went to grip at his hair. Certain tufts fell out, the product of Bloatfly's prior yanking, and his jaw began to detach. Maggot's lower chin hung at an astonishing low as the gape in his mouth widened. Suckling a maelstrom of air he prepared for his most 'human' greeting.


One could hear the high groveling from strained vocals all throughout the village square. The inhuman gargling overlaying the shriek bellowed from the lowest register. Irrespective of the crowd reaction Maggot's jaw would snap back shut as his stare twitched from one woman to the other. Maggot expected some similar reaction from the two women seeing how the incessant shrieking seemed like a common greeting inside the cavern, a typical human greeting. After some tense moments of socially inept patience Maggot Corpse would follow up his display with an actual conversation piece.

"We don't know how to fucking read!!!"

Despite the uncouth mannerisms, Maggot Corpse was capable of speaking; his nature as a vocalist required him to do so. However, the roadblock of illiteracy had become an issue in many ways beyond just inconvenience. Maggot Corpse's expectation after divulging this unwanted information was some amount of assistance. This was made evidently clearer as Maggot Corpse had somehow managed to distance himself only three inches from Okami's face. The caustic redolence from Maggot Corpse's body odor would be sure to impale Okami's nostrils. Stinging red eyes similarly consumed their periphery as a river of maroon filtered from his nose.
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♫ A Learning Curve ♫

A Learning Curve


Upon Maggot Corpse's enthusiasm to join the conversation, the entirety of the common area took a moment to speculate the clatter and writhing of the odd man. When he finally came to stand at the table and unhinged his mandible; the boarding house fell silent for a few heartbeats. A collective pause gripped the room, patrons and passersby alike turning their heads as if witnessing the unfolding of a peculiar play.

As the uproarious echoes of Maggot Corpse’s primal greeting subsided into a tense quiet, Bramblethorn Reed approached the motley gathering with the grace of a seasoned raconteur, his eyes glinting with both amusement and a spark of resolve. The boarding house, alight with the warm glow of oil lamps and the murmur of fireside tales, formed the perfect backdrop for the bard to weave his next narrative thread. With a disarming smile, Reed slid into the vacant chair next to the eclectic ensemble, the wood creaking under his seasoned cloak of many patches. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the scarred tabletop, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper that somehow carried the warmth of the hearth.

“My new-found comrades,” he began, his gaze sweeping over the group with an inclusive charm," the road ahead, as you know, is fraught with marvels and mysteries both grand and minute. And while the strum of a lute or the clink of a sword may carry us through many a door, the power of the written word opens gates to cities and souls alike.” Reed’s eyes then settled on Maggot Corpse with a gentle seriousness. “The ability to read, dear friends, is no less crucial than the sword one wields or the notes one plays. It is the map that guides us, the spell that binds us, and the legacy we leave behind.”

The bard reached into his cloak, pulling out a tattered, well-loved book. The cover was faded, the corners bent from many a journey tucked close to Reed’s heart. He laid it gently on the table, as if presenting a treasure. “This humble tome has been my companion as much as any living soul. It has songs to soothe the weary, tales to inspire the downtrodden, and lore to guide the lost.” He looked at Bloatfly and Maggot Corpse with a sincere offer. “If you will journey with me, not only as fellow travelers but as pupils in the grand concert of life, I will teach you to unlock the stories held within these pages. In return, we shall play music together in the taverns we visit, earning our keep with melody and verse.”

Reed then turned to Seira and Okami, including them in his vision. “And you, brave wielders of blades, your swords will guarantee our safety, and perhaps, in our shared travels, find songs worthy of your steel.” Settling back in his chair, Reed spread his arms wide, encompassing the dimly lit corners of the room, the walls hung with relics of the village’s mining heritage, the fire casting dancing shadows that played upon his features. “Imagine it, my friends! Each tavern a stage, each town an audience awaiting our tales and tunes. Together, we can turn necessity into spectacle, hardship into harmony. Let us bind our fates not just by the roads we tread but by the songs we share and the words we learn.”

His voice dropped to a soft, compelling cadence. “Tonight, as we rest under the roof of this generous boarding house, let us dream of the morrow. Tomorrow, we set forth at dawn, but tonight, let our plans weave together like the intricate harmonies of a well-composed symphony.”
As Reed's words gently settled over the group, weaving a tapestry of anticipation and camaraderie, the boarding house's atmosphere thickened with the rich aroma of a meal being prepared. Moments later, the proprietor—a middle-aged woman with hair streaked with silver and an apron dusted with flour—approached the table with a generous platter laden with steaming food. Her face, lined with the soft wrinkles of smiles past and squints from a life of hard work, brightened as she neared.

"Here we are, a hearty meal to fill your bellies before the night's revelries," she announced with a warm, maternal tone, setting down the platter with a practiced grace. The spread was a rustic feast: thick slices of roasted meat, hearty loaves of bread still warm from the oven, and bowls of stew that sent up curls of steam into the cool air of the inn. She wiped her hands on her apron, her sharp eyes twinkling with a mix of businesslike acumen and genuine hospitality. "Two rooms upstairs have been prepared for your troupe. We expect a bit of music and merriment in return, once you've had your fill," she added, her voice carrying the unspoken promise that their performance would be as warmly received as the food she provided. "As soon as you're ready, just come on up and let one of the lads know. They'll show you where you can set up to play. The folks here could use a good lift of spirits, and it sounds like you're just the ones to manage it," she continued, casting a knowing glance at Reed's lute and the diverse assembly of his companions. With a final nod of approval, she turned back toward the bustling kitchen, leaving the group to their meal and the bubbling anticipation of the performance to come.

Mentions: Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Okay guys! Another round. Reed has acknowledged that the two band brothers can't read. He's officially asked the characters to join him on a vagabond journey to the capital. And it's become clear the group will be expected to provide entertainment. Albeit I'm certain the chaotic duo will provide no end of that ! haha! Looking forward to the wonderful posts and interactions ! Remember you may post more than once a round, so long as it is not back to back. Meaning wait for someone to post after you before you post again.
(sry, short post to bad busy day)
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur
Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Taking a wander through the quaint village of Norroburry, Giovanna was quite pleased with the change of pace since travelling from home. The peaceful atmosphere of new surroundings with no troubles or responsibilities anywhere to be seen were rather relaxing, and left opportunity for thought on planning on how to pave her own future with her own decisions. While her mind pictured and dreamed of the idea of luxurious estates, plentiful wealth and an influx of pawns to do as she commanded, the peace of a quaint little village nestled away in the corner of the country had its own gracious feel that she couldn't help but enjoy so much.
"Ah, one day, I could imagine having something nice this far out. No people or troubles, just to enjoy myself and whatever lucky people might find company with me. This town might be a bit rustic, but I like it. Maybe I'd like a cute village of this of my own among other things" Giovanna hummed with a quaint smile in pondering thought, wondering what she was going to do for the day as she found her peace interrupted by the most blatantly noticeable shrieking out of nowhere, which both surprised and struck the joy off her face with a rather disappointed frown.
"And there it goes, I can never just have nice things and enjoy them... " she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose and groaning softly in annoyance as she turned to try and get where such a thing even originated from. Looking to a building near to her, she found herself looking at a boarding home.
"Well, I guess a place of respite isn't too bad. Hope that the dying animal they must have gets put out of its misery soon enough. That or it's a very obvious sign that they're closed" she considered as she put said idea to the test, only to find that the boarding home was very evidently open and filled with people. Glancing over people's focus on one specific person over at a group of guys and girls, she both wondered what everyone's focus on them was and what even created such an obnoxious noise not having a clue how either of them could correlate in any means necessary. Taking a seat by her lonesome to ignore and avoid the attention of mere common villagers as much as said other group was attracting, she toyed with a coin in her hand and looked to see if there was a free patron. While she'd probably distract her and their time with asking about food and drink, it felt only an opportune time to ask questions and get an idea on what was going on with the village and the boarding home's rather stand-out visitors.
"Excuse me, may I have some service? There's perhaps a thing or two I'd like to ask, if one would so please~" Giovanna asked with a smirk, gently holding her hand in the air with the coin held pressed between two fingers. Surely if there was anyone who had answers to tell about any kind of questions, it'd be the ones who meet all kinds of people coming and going. That, and she'd be able to hopefully pry for knowledge and gossip from someone local to give her a bit more idea and guidance on what to be doing.
1. Try to convince the attention of someone to answer her request and questions, using Good Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Seduction (F), Energized (F) - Sweet talk and charm a target by 'playing Good Cop', acting all nice and kind to convince or get what is wanted - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Before the disheveled one could answer both her and Seira's questions, a second, equally disheveled man confirmed that they were, indeed, illiterate. She began to question if there were more of them in the area, and if whatever made them this way was in any way contagious. Okami glanced over at Seira once more.

"You know, I'm not entirely convinced that they are human."

The bard returned not long after; yet another spiel to draw in more wanderers for his quest to visit Ryken. And the Ronin listened to his colored words as one often did when a bard spoke. And, for the longest, she interpreted his speech as allegorically as one could. She had started it, after all. A misconception for which the swordsman would pay deeply. The barkeep spoke of an impending performance in frank as he delivered their food. And she quickly began to entertain the possibility that the poet hadn't been waxing poetic this entire time.

"Bard? A word?" Okami locked eyes with Reed and leaned towards him, "I'm beginning to think that you've taken the 'instrument' metaphor far too literally."

A horned, blue-skinned woman entered the room shortly after. Her voice carried through the area and, no doubt, her curves would draw a few eyes. But Reed would find the gaze of The Orphaned Wolf unwavering-brow furrowed in sharp skepticism- as she awaited whatever colorful reply he had in store for this one.

Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Femboy Femboy

Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Seira covered her ears with her as the other guy who left a trail of chaos behind him started yelling at the top of his lungs. "Are you trying to deafen us?! Fuck, my ears!" She looked over at Okami as the other swordsman made a comment on the humanity of the two "guys" in front of them. "Yea, you can say that again."

Not long after nearly having her eardrums being blown out, the bard came to the table, once again spouting some stuff in that frivolous vocabulary of his. Seira could only half listen to the stuff coming out of his mouth. Something about weaving a symphony from intricate harmonies. She didn't really pay much mind to that stuff, since it seemed like it was more of the lofty stuff he was spouting earlier out in the streets. What did catch her attention out of the corner of her eye was the arrival of a blue woman with horns. Seira looked at the blue new comer for a couple of seconds. Now what does a person like that have in a place like this, she sticks out like a sore thumb in here. Well, apart from... He glanced at the 2 guys sitting across from her, letting out a sigh. With how they acted simply getting to the table, she really isn't in a place to talk about sticking out like a sore thumb when she's now being associated with those 2 by proximity.

Her attention was brought back when a woman brought some food to the table. How long has it been since she'd had a proper meal, she wondered. She'd been on the run for what felt like an eternity, her normal family life in the Empire feeling like it was yet another life altogether despite being not too long ago. Though, the food wasn't the only part of the woman's arrival at the table that caught her attention. She said something about some lads being able to show them where to set up to play.

Similar to Okami, Seira also closed in on Reed. "Oi, Patchwork. You never said anything about putting on a show. You better not expect me to do some dance or something." She glared daggers at the bard as she awaited his responses to both swordswomen.
[Character Sheet]
[Titles: Human, Buged, Punker]

Bloatfly's disconcerting smile lingered as the two swordsmen attempted to communicate with him, his gaze floating from Okami to Seira. For several unnerving moments Bloatfly said nothing. If Bloatfly did understand what they were saying it didn't seem like it. However, after several painful seconds of silence from Bloatfly he spoke again. A fog seemingly to lift as the gears turned in that thick, rancid and putrid skull of his.


He spoke, pausing for half a second before continuing

"Am....Bloatfly Incubator"

There was another pause as Bloatfly's heart rate quickened rapidly and as his fingers bore into the table the nails peeled and cracked. His two bloodshot eyes widening as his fingers ripped back across the wooden table, a slick stream of blood slowly tracing the path Bloatfly's fingers.


He repeated, quite loudly this time.


Bloatfly stood as he screamed his final declaration of who exactly he was. Now a keen observer would notice that this didn't actually answer either of the Swords-women questions, in fact it was hard to tell if Bloatfly actually understood what they even asked of him. As the food was placed in front of them Bloatfly's now blooded hands ripped into it, shoving various pieces of food into his mouth before he turned towards the bard. Grabbing him by the shoulders and in turn imprinting some of the freshly drawn blood onto his clothes.


With his final demands vocalized Bloatfly grabbed Maggot Corpses collar with one hand and his guitar with the other. Dragging the duo towards the bar to find their stage.
Maggot Corpse
Time: Evening
Mood: Stunned
Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Moonberry Moonberry


Maggot Corpse felt properly introduced following his display of screeching. The vocalist for the band had began to uncomfortably open his jaw and clinch his teeth repeatedly, causing an awkward and bony clack each time tooth met tooth. Oblivious to the ill tempered distraction he had caused everyone else he began hovering around the bard as he began spewing the usual aloof monologue. Not too dissimilar to Seira he seemed to have trouble paying much attention to most of the verbiage. Throughout the majority of the entry dialogue Maggot Corpse was repeatedly pushing and pulling a wooden chair, causing an erroneous creaking sound that assaulted the ears.

The vocalist's attention was captured by the dusty tome planted on the table before him. Maggot's hands instinctively lurched to massage the leathery covering that tranced him. The miscreant fiddled with the pages and began to snort the smell of mildew that clung to the book. Fascinated he imagined himself suddenly understanding the words that had manifested in front of him. In spite of his illiteracy he pretended to know what was being said, arcing his upper back and craning his neck forward to observe the knowledge within. Goo goo eyes bulging in relentless curiosity.

"A boobooboo! Bee-beee-booobobobobo! Boobaleeboobaleeboobalee! Heebebebeehafhafhaf" he whispered.

It was a gross imitation of what reading actually was. The obsession was apparent as well as he made a slew of unnecessary movements during his pantomime. Hopping from one side of the book and pressing one eye to the page before doing the same from the other side. All the while engorging the air with his nonsense gibberish. In this, Maggot Corpse was rapidly becoming the most irritating presence in the room. Perching over the material he was determined to know all there was about the parchment that his eyes glazed over.

The rare time that Maggot Corpse stopped defiling the bard's property was when food had arrived. As soon as a bowl of stew had touched the top of the table Maggot Corpse double fist punched the liquid casserole of meat, vegetables, and embellishments that garnished the fine food. A crescent folded over the edges of the bowl and stained the oak that held the table together. Maggot's fingers gripped at the mixture of ingredients before his nerves flared with a cacophony of painful prickling. Maggot yanked his hands away instinctively and howled. Immediately he began searching for anything to cool the impact. Maggot's irises spotted the pages, the soft and supple wave of papers appeared to be the perfect cure.

Yet, he was torn away before he could desecrate the source of education. This would certainly be to Shotgun Blowjob's future benefit, but would brand Maggot with a sour opinion of his bandmate. The second best thing that Maggot could get his hands on was his microphone. It did not dull the vocalists pain rubbing the microphone stand. Tears had begun to pour down Maggot's face. Curiously enough, Maggot's face did not contort to the pain or emotional unraveling that had plagued him. Maggot merely maintained his veiny stare with the rest of the bar as he was dragged on stage.

Maggot would slap Bloatfly Incubator across the cheek for his rough handling before assuming his position on the stage. Standing atop the slab of wooden elevation Maggot had the opportunity to meet face with the audience. It was not Shotgun Blowjob's usual crowd, he could tell outright as he did an assessment of the patrons. The band stood in resolute silence for thirteen seconds, any audience members with the patience to care for the two at this point would find themselves awkwardly waiting for a response from the duo. It was here that Maggot was unsure of whether or not the bard would accompany the act, or if the entire group was meant to accompany the act, or if it would just be Shotgun Blowjob.

"We're Shotgun Blowjob!"

Maggot eked out with a high shrill, the vocalist clearly took little care to prevent future harm to his vocals. Surviving the violence of his vocal chords simply through the potency of his ability. At this point in the introduction Maggot Corpse's mind went blank, expecting nothing of what was to occur next. It seemed as if the band was looking for some cue or permission to begin their opening act. As he patiently waited, Maggot's eyes began to linger over to the strikingly blue figure that had spawned into the tavern. Without thinking, his instinctive response was echoed into the microphone.


The microphone carried an awful echoing of Maggot's voice that pinged across the tavern four times. The noise from that alone would be an indicator to the audience of what uncanniness lay in wait when Shotgun Blowjob performed.
The Show Must Go On​
As the bustling boarding house thrummed with the energy of newcomers and the promise of an impromptu performance, Bramblethorn Reed caught the subtle cues of apprehension among his new companions. The warmth of the hearth cast flickering shadows across his face, enhancing the mischievous sparkle in his grey eyes as he addressed the group.

Seated at the sturdy oak table laden with the evening’s hearty fare, Reed’s laughter gently rose above the din of conversation, a soothing balm to the tension that had momentarily crept into their gathering. He leaned in towards Okami and Seira, his voice a soothing blend of encouragement and playful persuasion. "Fear not, my courageous companions, for the stage calls not for song from those unwilling to sing. Yet imagine, if you will, the spectacle and delight a sword dance would bring to our humble gathering. Your blades, swift and graceful, could dance a tale as enchanting as any ballad I might offer." His lips curled in a mirthful smile as he folded his book back up before Magggot could get stew on it.

Turning his attention to the blue-skinned minotaur woman who had entered, a new melody began to form in his mind. Her distinct appearance, a stark contrast to the rustic ambiance of the inn, piqued his curiosity and stirred the bard in him. Reed’s fingers itched for the strings of his lute, which lay beside him, its wood gleaming under the glow of the oil lamps.

With a graceful motion, Reed picked up the lute, the room’s ambient noise dimming as anticipation built with the two young men already taking the stage. His fingers strummed a gentle introduction, a soft, inviting tune that spoke of mystery and allure. He stood, stalking over towards the boys with a relaxed and gentle smile. The chords flowed seamlessly from his instrument, a sonic tapestry that wrapped the room in enchantment. He looked to the two young men once with a smile.

As the initial notes faded into a melodic line, Reed’s voice lifted in song, the lyrics spinning a tale of a lass so blue, her sorrow deep as the ocean, yet her spirit as free as the winds. The lute’s strings hummed under his skilled touch, each note a brushstroke painting the lass’s journey through seas of turmoil and shores of tranquility.

"O’ hear the tale of the lass so blue,
Whose tears could fill the sea.
Yet in her heart, a fire true,
Burns bright for all to see.

From azure shores her song did rise,
Upon the salty breeze.
Her spirit free beneath the skies,
Her sorrow found its ease."

Reed’s gaze drifted to the boys, Bloatfly Incubator and Maggot Corpse, encouraging them with a nod to join in the unfolding narrative, their unique talents adding layers to the performance. The bard’s eyes then swept across the audience, capturing their rapt attention with the allure of his tale, weaving them into the fabric of the night’s enchantment.

The woman who had served the table earlieer made her way over to the Blue lass with a warm smile on her lips. Her eyes twinkling with a bit of mirth. "What can I help with Lass? Sorry for the noise. Some are a little rowdier than others." She chuckled as Reed continued to sing about the blue lass.

Femboy Femboy Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk

Even with that new nugget of information provided by the bard, Okami still wasn't happy about this situation.

She was glad that she could spare everyone in the room the agony of enduring cacophonous singing voice. And, in truth, she could've cared less about having the eyes of the crown upon her. The principle of it all irritated her. This was a bad practice that needed to be nipped in the bud before Reed decided to unwittingly enlist the group in a service with far higher stakes.

"Don't make a practice of volunteering us for service without permission, bard," she began, "But this? This is... fine today. I am no performer, but I am well-trained with my weapon. I know how to use my sword without risk of serious injury. I can't promise a satisfying performance-"

She turned to Seira. There was only one person at that table who gave The Ronin any reason to believe that they could join her in this particular dance.

"-but I can promise that no harm with come to whoever joins me on stage. That is... only if she's comfortable joining me on stage."

Unlike their benefactor, Okami chose to give the swordsman a choice. If nothing else, the two other... "humans" in their group seemed eager provide entertainment to the inn. In fact, it looked like Maggot Corpse and Bloatfly Incubator would be doing them the service of carrying the first act and giving them time to prepare. And unlike the two experienced musicians who probably did this kind of work for a living...

...Okami and Seira were probably going to need it.

"And while we've got a moment to figure out what we're going to be doing, let's get introductions out of the way. They call me Minashigo no Ōkami. Okami is fine. Wandering Swordsman and Hired Hand; at your service."

She gestured for Seira to follow, then Reed. Best to know who you're travelling with before you're stuck with them on the road.

Moonberry Moonberry Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy

Seira Steelwind

Interactions: Reed ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Bloatfly Incubator ( Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 ), Maggot Corpse ( Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk ), Okami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy )
Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Tch..." Seira clicked her tongue at the bard's response. At the very least, at least the guy wasn't asking for a song or dance out of her. There was a time in her life where she did sing on occasion with her mother and sister, but her singing voice was no where to be found in the present. Were her circumstances and reasons leaving the Empire different, and if the company were different, then perhaps she could entertain his little game for a bit.

But asking for a "sword dance?" Here? In the middle of all these people? Seira breathed out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever... if you really want to see a clash right here, don't blame me for whatever happens."

Seira then turned to her fellow swordsman. "I should be saying that of you." She said in response to Okami's willingness to do this charade if Seira was comfortable. "I do not have that much degree of control over my blade, so no promises on harm. Naturally, I'll hold back. Both our sakes, I do hope your deflections are good."

Seira was taken aback when the swordsman introduced herself. "Minashigo no... Okami..." She repeated the woman's name, mostly to herself. It was a language that she hadn't heard in a long, long time and one she had never thought she would even hear again. She cleared her throat, as it was seemingly now her turn to do the same. "Seira Steelwind." With her introduction out of the way, she followed Okami as she gestured her to do so.

However, there was one thing she wanted to test out. "So? What do you have in mind, Ms. 'Orphaned Wolf.'"

Call it a kind of litmus test, translating her old mother tongue into this world's Common. Perhaps there are others in this world that are not of it, like herself.
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur
Moonberry Moonberry Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

The peace that was, at least from entering, was rather quickly interrupted from the audible sound of two men with a lack of subtlety when it came to performing. Hearing a very evident announcement of the colour she was, Giovanna gave a look of concern to them unsure of their sanity as the bard amongst them appeared to be more mentally stable. Though having not expected to receive such attention, she didn't feel like it was any such coincidence they would begin talking about a 'blue lass' all of a sudden. Resting her head on her hand as she gave the bard a small, thoughtful smirk, she peacefully listened to the performance for a little moment before a server had come to answer her request. Humming softly, she gently clasped her hands together resting them on the table.

"Ah, hello my dear. Please, anything light or cheap that you can offer to eat or drink? I'm quite fine for the moment, but I'll indulge in a little while I'm here. As to ask, well I'm probably asking about your little rowdiness topic" Giovanna asked, her gaze drifting to the other members of the table prior as well as their bard, looking to try and meet his eyes to see if he would look his way as she remembered what she wished to ask.

"Who are these people performing here exactly? I've never heard of any group or band that goes by such a crude name with... interesting ways of acting, but I suppose the charmer with the lute has his head on straight. I'm simply just taking a quaint little look around the country" she asked with a smile, thinking that a bard would probably be one to know much about tales and stories, especially if he was with a party for reasons unknown. If she had to get interesting information about the local area or for ideas, his brain might have been one to pick at.

"Is the bard a usual, or staying here perhaps? Maybe I'd like to ask him a few little questions, do you mind if I ask if you know if he's gonna have a little free time for conversation after he's finished, or maybe which room is his? I'm sure if you just gave me a little point in his direction, we can have a nice chat. Don't worry, I won't bite, I'm just looking to make some friends who might provide me with some answers, or perhaps some fun benefits" Giovanna hummed, with a smug toothy grin.

1. Good Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Seduction (F), Energized (F) - Sweet talk and charm a target by 'playing Good Cop', acting all nice and kind to convince or get what is wanted - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

As the evening warmth of the boarding house mingled with the scent of seasoned wood and the anticipation of the gathered crowd, Reed, the bard of many tales, prepared to weave a spectacle of sound and steel. His lute rested against his shoulder, a familiar weight that resonated with potential. Tonight was not merely about his performance, but about orchestrating a symphony of talents, each contributing their unique voice to the harmony of the night.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Norroburry," Reed began, his voice carrying through the room, drawing all eyes to him and the stage behind. "Tonight, we are graced with the presence of warriors and musicians alike, each masters of their craft. What better way to celebrate such a meeting than with a performance that melds their arts into one?"
He turned, gesturing invitingly to Seira and Okami.

"We have among us two swordsmen of unparalleled skill, whose blades tell tales of courage and resolve. Tonight, they will not fight but dance, their swords weaving patterns that speak of their journeys and battles." Then, nodding towards Bloatfly Incubator and Maggot Corpse, Reed continued, "Accompanying their dance, we shall have the raw, impassioned melodies of Shotgun Blowjob. Their music will not merely be a background but a driving force, matching the swordsmen's every move with a chord, every strike with a beat."

Reed’s lute strings hummed as he strummed a few inviting notes, setting the tone for the evening. "Imagine, if you will, a dance where each step and note are intertwined, where the clash of swords and the strum of guitars craft a story together. This is what we offer you tonight—a fusion of melody and motion, a ballet of blade and beat."

As he stepped back, Reed's eyes swept across the room, filled with patrons whose curiosity was now piqued, their conversations quieting in anticipation. "I invite our performers to take the stage, to fill this space with the artistry of their crafts. Let each movement and each note draw you into the tales they have to tell."

With a flourish, Reed plucked a resonant chord, the sound hanging in the air like a promise. The stage was set, the invitation made. It was now up to his companions to step forward and take their places in this impromptu ensemble. The boarding house's atmosphere bristled with excitement, the audience eager to witness this unique blend of talents.

As the room buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming performance, the proprietress, a robust woman with laugh lines marking her eyes and a streak of flour always present on her apron, approached Giovanna. Her expression was warm, her voice rich with the timbre of someone used to telling stories and sharing news.

"Ah, my dear," she began, her eyes twinkling with mirth and a hint of pride. "The folks you see gearing up to perform? They're a rare bunch indeed. That bard, Reed, he's a wanderer at heart, travels all across the lands. Seems to have a knack for finding the most... interesting souls along his journeys."

She leaned in slightly, lowering her voice as if sharing a cherished secret. "He's not one to stay put for long, always off to the next adventure. But when he does stop by places like this, he brings life to them, stirs up the quiet a bit, you know? And us? We don't mind putting them up for a night, especially if there's entertainment to be had. It keeps the spirits high and the ale flowing."

She straightened, casting a glance towards Reed who was tuning his lute, preparing for the performance. "As for speaking with him, dear, I'm sure he'd welcome a chat once the night's festivities wind down. Reed's always eager to meet someone new, exchange stories, or just share a quiet moment of reflection. He doesn't have a room per se—he tends to sleep where the road takes him—but he'll likely be around after the performance. Just look for where the laughter and the music gather; that’s where you’ll find him."

The proprietress gave Giovanna a knowing nod and a smile. "Enjoy the show, and who knows? Maybe you'll find a bit of inspiration tonight yourself." With that, she returned to her duties, leaving Giovanna to ponder the possibilities that an evening in such company might hold

Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk

Okay guys that week outage was a little hard, but we'll get back into the groove. Reed is setting up the scene for everyone to perform together. Musicians make music for the girls to dance to. Can't wait to see the show!
(sry short, irl stuf)
Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus


Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur

Paying some attention to the words spoken by the bard along with whatever the band was about to play... assuming you could consider it as music, of which she hoped she wasn't about to just be deafened by complete nonsense. Giving a small glance to the two swordswomen that the bard had gestured to, Giovanna found herself in company with the proprietress as she heard out what the woman had to say. Humming softly with a small smirk, she responded.

"Thank you, m'lady. I'll be sure to wait and keep an eye out for him after his little show and that's all over for the moment, I'm sure he'd make great conversation in telling a thing or two... " she spoke, leaning forward and resting her arms on the table as she nodded.
"Oh, I'm sure inspiration will truly come flowing for me, maybe I'll have some ideas soon enough... " she agreed, letting the proprietress go on her way as she simply smiled and waited for the performance and all to be over, hoping it wouldn't be as bad or as questionable as the two strange boys on stage had shown themselves to be. Perhaps she could check to see what they were up to tomorrow, or if the bard had somewhere to be, it would give a chance to keep picking his mind for information and stories that might prove useful.​

Okami's brow furrowed for the briefest of moments before her lips curved into a wide smile. It appeared as though she had more in common with this swordsman than her choice of weapon.

And she was clever enough to let her know that without informing the rest of the crowd.

"Well, I suppose we do what any good warrior does during times of peace," she rose from her seat and put a hand on Seira's shoulder, "We spar so that we're ready for when those good times come to an end. I choose to see this as a blessing in disguise. It is true that I haven't gotten much exercise in today."

The clever Seira Steelwind would probably hear it in her voice. At some point the Ronin had stopped talking to her and began talking to the crowd. An inside voice meant for only them grew ever louder with each word to draw in the attention of the crowd and establish some faux rivalry to garner their interest. Of course, to say that The Orphaned Wolf had no interest in seeing her fellow swordsman's skills would've have been completely honest.

And, perhaps, Shotgun Blowjob would take a hint and serenade her approach to the stage with song.

"Come, Steelwind..."

Okami walked upon onto the stage and took her place to the left. Then, she lowered her stance, levelled her sheath with her left hand, and brought her right just over the tsuka of The Wolf's Red-Blood Fang. Ready and waiting for her dance partner to take her place on the right side of the stage.

"Let's get to know each other."

Moonberry Moonberry Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Femboy Femboy Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707

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