No Rest For The Wicked


New Member
The year is 2149. Democracy has crumbled, and the world's crime rates have sky-rocketed. Gangs and rogues of all kinds rule the streets, now, since they have overrun the law enforcement. One of the worst criminals of them all is Hedir Sakario; a twisted psychopath who'd kill a person for the most menial of things.

Where do you stand? The law? Or the criminals?


No Godmodding.

No excessive violence (It can't be too over the top...)

Basically, if you wouldn't post it somewhere else, think before posting it here.







Name: Hedir Sakario

Age: 28

Gender: Male


Personality: A complete psychopath who loves to play games with people's plans. He rarely acts as if he has a plan, but in reality, he's probably about fifteen steps ahead of everyone else, when it comes to planning. His bandaging covers the horrifying scars he's gathered over the years, but it also serves another purpose: to terrify the innocent. There is only one true King of Anarchy.
Name: Relen "Deus Ex" Arcel

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: B O Y S/1694941.jpg

Personality: Relen is a cold person, as a whole. He doesn't have friends, just a list of people still of use to him. He kills all who get in his way, often in unusual ways, hence his nickname. He has a softer side, but getting him to show it is potentially very dangerous. He has a no sas attitude, and believes very strongly in hierarchy. A great deal is to said about him based on his goal: he plans to surpass Hedir through a vast army of connections and lead a revolution of the city. Lastly, he's a planner. Everything has a cause, and if he can help it, the cause is him. His goal to reinstate order isn't benign in nature, but rather a very real incarnation of the Illuminati, with himself at the head.

Abilities/Traits: Relen usually fights with situation as his weapon. An oiled staircase, a burning building, anything he can set in motion is his weapon of choice. However, he isn't defenseless on his own. He is quite skilled with a blade in his hand, from a knife to a sword.
Name: Aaron Wesson

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Light Blonde Hair, Caucasian

Personality: Very easily excited. Wants anarchy to rein. Very protective of the little he has (to the point of paranoia).

Abilities/Traits: Since he was little, growing up in the city's shadow, Aaron has always been good with guns. He has gotten very good with rifles and can land a bull's-eye from a mile away. He lacks ability in hand-to-hand weapons and often has to flee when someone closes the gap between them and his gun. He is a skilled tactician and thinker.
Name: Rosalind Griffe

Age: 24

Gender: female


Personality (her history shapes her personality): For many years Rose lived on the streets and got to see first hand how crime worked. Her mother was a prostitute and her father was some nobody looking for a thrill. As she got older Rose followed in her mother's footsteps and eventually began to take on con jobs for her clients. At the age of eighteen she got caught conning a man out of a thousand dollars. This was not her biggest job but it was the one that put her in jail. She was released from jail when she was only twenty due to good behavior and a promise to help in the world of crime. Since than she has become a bit of a rogue officer not accepted by the law and not accepted by the crime world.

Abilities/Traits: She knows how to throw some punches and is pretty good with a knife however the police prefer her to use a gun. She can also be a bit of a seducer.
Name: Romeo Day

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: but missing one Arm.

Personality: sly and manipulative, but also very protective of who/what he cares about, his father, who was insane, cut his left arm off when he was little.

Abilities/traits: Likes to use his missing arm to his advantage, as a way to get easy help with things, or get sympathy from others. But in reality, his missing arm doesn't alter his way of life, or fighting ability's what so ever.

Where he stands with law or crime, changes depending on what's convenient for him at the time.
Both of you are in~

Sakario pulls up in a car, parking right outside of a mall. Two men with backpacks exit the vehicle, and head into the mall from the sides, while Sakario enters from the front. As soon as he enters, he pulls a small machine gun from his holster, and fires into the air, getting the people's attention. He screams, "Alright, NO one move!"
(YAY my 1st RP on here :D ! parentheses means ooc right?)

Romeo, who had been trying to annoy customers and workers out of boredom, now looked towards where Sakario was.

Maybe today would prove to be more interesting then he thought.
(That's what I use them for, and I've seen others use them for this, too~ :D )

Sakario spots someone trying to get their phone, and almost instantly, he shoots them in the arm. "I SAID stay still! Now, I've got some very important friends coming to this little party, so I want to start it of with a little bang. In about fifteen minutes, this place is going up! Now, the only way I will stop that, is that someone will have to volunteer to execute the manager of this little hole-in-the-wall! Any takers?"
(Yay! just making sure, thank you!!!)

The mall was silent.

It wasn't that Romeo was afraid, or didn't want to associate with the criminals, he just liked to keep up a nice facade until it was necessary so show his true colors, so he would pretend to be like any other average shopper.
Sakario checks his watch. "Five minutes, until this place goes up!" Soon enough, he hears sirens. He shouts, "Cops?! Who called the damned cops?! Oh, well! Just for that, I think I should give you a little preview of what's to come!" He pulls out a small switch, and hits it. A part of the mall gets destroyed as a result of a blast...
Screams came from people in and near that section.

Romeo chuckled in his mind, but said aloud "What are you doing! you're going to kill someone!"

though though this was obviously their intention . . .
Sakario nods, and says, "You're right. Someone IS going to die." He aims at one of the customers, and fires. He then says, "Until the cops get here, for every minute that runs up, someone will die. Unless someone volunteers to bring me the body of the manager." He points to Romeo, and says, "My personal choice is you, Mr. Hero..."
Romeo's expression was a mixture of false fear and false surprise. "I'll get the manager!" he said "just stop hurting people!" He wondered if he was beginning to sound to fake, or corny. . . none the less, he ran off in search of the Manager.

Once he found him/her , he brought him/her back to Sakario.
Sakario, while Romeo had been sent to gather the manager, had executed nearly half the people there. He spots Romeo, and says, "Hey, look who decided to join the party!" He pulls out a second weapon, and tosses it towards Romeo, then grabs one of the people, in case Romeo decided to try something. Sakario then asked, "So, Guy, what're you going to do?"
Romeo caught the weapon with his left, with his only hand.

He pretended to be torn between the killing someone, and letting people be killed.

when In reality he was debating weather he should just try and shoot Sakario and the others, or weather he should hold up his facade a bit longer . . .

(off to bed! see you tomorrow!)
Relen looked out of the cappuccino shop to the spectacle going on. He laughed lightly to himself at the antics the crimelord went to. Relen preferred a more subtle approach to getting what he wanted, and used direct force only when necessary. Not that Relen opposed force, dear no. Indirect force and sleight of hand was how he earned his name "Deus Ex". However, he could respect the beauty in the way Sakario executed his plans: often literally at that. He looked forward to how things would occur through out the night.
(OOC talk? And here I thought we were just comunicating tlepathically)

Spaceman, as he was calling himself today, was nearly thrown to his feet at the sound of the explosion. His mind went racing as soon as his vision and concept of sound slowly came back to him. It didnt take this criminally wicked individual to realize what was going on. The sounds of gunshots from within helped quite a bit. It was easy to stay hidden (though no one was looking for him0 through the crowd of people outside the mall. "Its not fair for these guys to have all the fun," He whispered to himself as he gripped a small object in his pocket. "Yes, not fair at all when they could have even more fun"
One of Sakario's men approaches Spaceman, gun at the ready. He says, "Into the crowd, come on!" He then prods the guy, without even thinking about what's in his pocket...
A wide smile krept onto his face. Step 1: Confrontation. Step 2: Application.

Spaceman began to steadily space around the gentleman with the gun with ease a steady calm that allowed him to handle any situation to his liking.

"Ive come to ask you a simple question and depending on how you answer, we can all survive this." As he spoke he raised his right hand out of his pocket holding what looks like a small switch. He held the switch at an odd angle purposly so a small black wire could be seen on his wrist entering into his long sleeved. Under his dark jack were enough explosives strapped onto his chest to send the entire mall scaling towards the sky.

That was why he called himself Spaceman today. At that thought, he began to laugh hysterically.
The man smirked, and said, "You clearly didn't hear the boss' tactics. This whole place is wired. So, if you want to waste yourself and only cause a couple of people's fear..." He then aims at Spaceman's head, "...go ahead." This person spoke as if he was soulless inside, he didn't care if he died, or what happened. It didn't matter to him...
Another smile spread across his face. Step 3. Surprise.

"It appears my plan has failed. Well I guess I have to... Now wait a second...." He krept closer. And even closer, until the barrel of the mans gun brushed right against Spacemans forehead. "I want to tell you a little secret. But first I need you to tell me if you expect to survive this little opperation of yours." I glanced over the man and then stared into his eyes for a moment. "It would be a waste for someone like yourself to die on something so meaningless. Maybe you need a new job. Or a new employer." He winked and then glanced over towards his new friends boss.

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