Ninja inn!

Kyrie was thinking about how fluidly Hiro ran, of all things to think of. She wasn't bouncing as much as she thought she would. Then a thought hit her, "Wait... You guys are ninjas...?" The thought really wouldn't register with her, so she just laid on his shoulder, brow furrowed.

Kyo was staring ahead and holding Tao to his chest, curled in his arms bridal style. He hopped from branch to branch, flash-stepping in a way. He spoke as he did this, answering Kyrie's question, and addressing Hiro, "Yes... It will be explained to you in a little while Kyrie... Hiro? We have to take them back home. The elders will know what to do. They always do. They know, and are in danger. They aren't safe elsewhere."
Tao looke up at Kyo then looked at her hands,"what's going to happen to us now?"she mumbled looking down sadly. Hiro glared,"I know that!"he said. They soon got to there village hopping on houses so other men wouldn't see them yet. Hiro jumped into the elder house and set Kyrie down,"you can walk from here"he said then began walking towards the elder room.
Kyrie twitched her ears, curious about what would happen next. She wasn't really scared, which was good for her, "Thank you for saving us. Thank you both." Kyo simply nodded to her, acknowledging her thank you, and set Tao down gingerly. He looked down at her, into her eyes, "Don't worry, ok? Everything will be fine." He motioned for her to follow Hiro, and then followed behind her.
Tao nodded and followed she took deep breaths and slowly smiled,"yes thank you...."she said touching her neck as her ears folding down then they perks back up and she smiled. They walked inside and Hiro sat on a cushion. Tao jolted as he motion for the girls to sit down. One of the old men jolted,"how many times have we told you don't bring your prostitutes here!"he yelled. Another smacked the back of his head,"listen to them before you just to the conclusions"he said. Tao blinked and brushed her hand through her purple hair feeling nervous again. Hiro blinked,"we saved them from an inn we were staying at.... Men saw us with them so we had to take them here"he said. The elders looked at each other then one sighed looking at the young Kyrie and elegant Tao,"they are both very pretty...."one mumbled and they continued to talk amongst themselves. Tao jolted at the words.
Kyo looked at the mumbling men, and cleared his throat, "You know full well I have say in this as well. I am older than you, and you are aware of my condition, and why that is." He paused, letting them remember before continuing, "I say they stay here for the time being. Their home was destroyed, and we are responsible. If we were not there, this wouldn't have happened. Yes, they are both quite beautiful women. That shouldn't affect your decision." Kyrie was siting on the cushion, then moved to Tao, and curled into her like she was cuddling. Tao was like an older sister to Kyrie, and all she had. The realization that her home was gone finally hit her, and she wanted comfort.
The old men sweat dropped and Tao couldn't help but chuckle,"fine but you are responsible for them at all times.... "One said. Tao hugged Kyrie and slowly got up with her and so did Hiro,"lets go girls"he said and walked ahead with Kyo,"what are we going to do the other guys will attack them surely"he whispered. Tao hummed to calm Kyrie as they walked,"we're going to be okay..... I know we are....."she said and smiled,"think of it as an adventure"she said smiling.
Kyo looked at Hiro, and sighed inwardly, "Hiro, we will need to keep them safe then. The men will have to meet them eventually. Half of them will probably be in shock, and the other half will try to make a move on them, so to speak." He ran a heavy hand through his white hair, showing his own stress at the situation as his ears twitched.

Kyrie wouldn't speak for a short while, then let out a long breath and smiled at Tao, "You're right... It is an adventure. This will all work out for the better..." She looked up at Kyo and Hiro, "What are you guys talking about?"
Tao smiled,"I don't think we should interrupt them they look a bit upset"she said softly then jolted tripping and falling onto Kyo's back with Kyrie. Hiro stopped Kyrie from falling not really having the time to catch Tao or even caring,"I'll take Kyrie to my room and hide her there then slowly let her go out so guys will get used to seeing her.... You try your attempt with Tao lets see who can get them settled easier"he said then picked up Kyrie and disappeared.

He reappeared in a big home and set her down in a room,"do you want any new kimono's since you couldn't grab any to take with you?"he asked.

Tao looked up at Kyo,"I'm sorry to be such a bother.... P-please teach me how to be stronger"she said blushing a bit.
Kyo chuckled, catching Tao with ease, "Don't worry. The men... they will be interesting... but most are afraid of me. I should be able to fend them off." He stood her back up, and smiled at her, "All will be fine. I can teach you how to do some things I have learned over the years. Are you a good learner my dear Tao?" His smile was handsome and infectious as he picked her up again, and disappeared, reappearing in his room, "By the way, this is my room." He motioned around the fairly large room, his eyes never leaving Tao.

Kyrie looked at Tao, a little annoyed, and sighed, "Please. We aren't part of some game though Hiro." She looked around the room, "What's wrong with the guys here anyways? Why do you seem so worried? I mean, they are just guys after all. Right? Ninja or not."
Hiro blinked,"your still a woman.... But then again your in your teens so I guess you wouldn't understand...... And that was a joke"he said.

Tao nodded determinedly not carrying about the changing surroundings,"yes! Please teach me!"she said the grabbed his hands,"I want to be strong enough to protect the ones I love!"she announced.
"So enthusiastic Tao," Kyo said, smirking, "I will teach you soon then. There are other things to do first. Such as, would you like to meet the others?" He took her hands happily, waiting for her response.

Hiro was sort of getting on Kyrie's nerves, but she shook it off and smiled instead, "Nice joke. So now what? You offered me a kimono, and I said please." She sighed and looked down.
Hiro blinked and nodded,"sorry for being a bother"he said and bowed then got up and opened a closet with feminine kimono's."choose one"he said smiling.

Tao blinked then nodded smiling,"please"she said. When they walked out she jolted already getting swarmed,"hello"Tao said with a graceful smile."my name is Tao"she said."she's pretty!"one said."she seems nice!"said another."what is she doing here"said a grumpy guy."is he your wife?!"one asked Kyo."ew no that's be pedophilia"one whisphered but was still loud. Tao giggled and hugged Kyo's arm slightly overwhelmed by the quick questions.
"Oh..." Kyrie said, blushing lightly and smiling. She looked at the kimonos, "Wow. You have pretty ones here..." She looked at him, and smiled big now, "You aren't a bother by the way. Not at all. You actually seem pretty nice!" Kyrie snatched a purple kimono, and dashed into the restroom. She changed, then came out again after a short while. The kimono fit her perfectly, and she twirled, "What do you think?"

Kyo kept a close eye on Tao, and responded to the many men, "No, she is not my wife. I am not so lucky." He pet her arm happily, "She is very pretty and very nice. She is my guest." His gaze moved to the crowd, honing in on the one who said something about pedophilia, and he glared at the person, "And if any of you have issues with me or Tao... Please let me know at a later time."
Tao smiled a bit,"oh my Kyo it would be me who would be the lucky one"she said."you are very kind and strong and can protect people.... i think thats very nice...."she said."aw she already likes Kyo!"one said."what about his looks? Do you think he's handsome?"another asked. Tao blinked,"looks have nothing to do with it.... If you can't hold a conversation with your wife then your married to the wrong woman! You must be able to conversate and have things in common or your love will fall apart!"she said determinedly."wow she's smart too!"one yelled and they whistled. Tao blushed,"I just know a lot about this"she said blushing slightly. The men bowed,"be our queen!"they said.

Hiro thought,"it looks nice but hold on"he said and grabbed two yellow ribbions with a pink stripe on them. He put one think ribbion around her waist then put the other thinner ribbion in her hair complimenting it with a pink flower,"there"he said then put lip close on her. The kimono looked very faltering now and he put her infront of a mirror.
Kyo laughed, "A ninja queen? Now now, I doubt that that would be the best idea. I mean... it would be very sweet..." He thought on it for a moment, and thought of Kyrie as well, "Well. Alright. We can call her our queen, but we would have to have two. Or one queen, and one princess. You will meet the other girl later. Hiro has her at the moment." Kyo smiled down at Tao, "What do you think?"

Kyrie beamed, "Oh I love it! Where did you learn about this stuff Hiro?" She turned to face him, a little closer to him than she expected to be, and she blushed brightly.
Hiro blushed too then backed away looking away and covering his mouth,"erm I just know what colors look nice together...."he said then glanced at her."do you want to go outside now?"he asked regaining his composure.

Tao blinked then smiled,"if it makes you all happy"she said and bowed,"can I look around more I would like to see more of the area"she said smiling. They guys raised there hands,"let me show you around!"one said then they all each said it. Tao jolted a bit overwhelmed and hid behind Kyo,"I-I'm sorry I change my mind I'm tired"she said clinging to him.
Kyo turned and picked Tao up swiftly, then was gone, and appeared in an empty area at the edge of some woods. He set her down, then leaned down to her level, and kissed her forehead, "Do not be afraid Tao, they just really like you." Kyo smiled and held her to himself tightly.

"Sure!" Kyrie said, excited, "Will people be all weird and attack me or something? Or will they ask me tons of questions? Or..." she shut up and blushed, just smiling instead, looking at Tao happily.
Tao blushed allowing him to hug her,"t-thank you..... Erm can you teach me now? To be stronger?"she asked excitedly. She gracefully moved her hand to his shoulder in hopes he would let her go.

Hiro blinked,"I don't really know how they'll act... Lets go and find out"he said and began walking to the door,"if you get scared hug me and I'll teleport us out of there"he said.
"Of course," Kyo said, letting her go. He looked around at the trees, and ran a hand through his hair, "Well. You would probably do best with speed... Umm... Ok." He looked at her and smiled, "Focus on me once I move away. You have to really focus, with all your might. Imagine yourself there, next to me. You have to will yourself to move without moving in the normal way. Usually there is a lot of training put into this, but who knows. Maybe you are a natural. I have never seen a girl do it." Kyo smiled, then disappeared, reappearing a short way away, still looking at her.

"Alright!" Kyrie said quickly, walking past Hiro happily. As soon as she walked out the door, she saw a man, then more, and more. A small crowd had formed in no time, saying things like, "Ooo a girl!", "Pretty!", "Oh come on! Hiro got that? How the hell?", and "Why is she here?" Kyrie's smile never faded though, she seemed almost happy with the attention.
Tao smiled,"okay ill try"she said thinking it was a bit advanced. She then closed her eyes thinking about where he was then dissappeared and reappeared in the air above him then fell on him,"s-sorry"she said rubbing her hair and her tails swayed.

Hiro twiched he didn't like this much noise,"your ninjas shut up!"he yelled. He then rubbed his temples,"it's the same as what Kyo told you because I bet the other girl came out"he said."oh yeah the queen!"one yelled,"so this is our princess!"another announced and Hiro blinked,"princess?"he mumbled confused,"ah I don't care just don't rape her"he said. He was a lot more comfortable with other guys around.
Kyo thudded to the floor, one Tao on top of him, and he actually blushed lightly, "...Good job.... Though, were you thinking about just me? Or the place near to me?" He smiled and pet her head, his fingers running through her hair as he did so, "You are a natural at that, only work on aim, dear Tao."

"Rape me? Would anyone here actually do that??" Kyrie looked over to Hiro, then back to the men, her expression startled and unsure, "Well... A princess...? Sure why not I guess." Kyrie's smile returned to her face then, and she clung to Hiro.
Tao smiled slowly and gracefully got up dusting her kimono,"I was just thinking about you.... I'm kind of a quick learner what else?"she asked holding out her hand to help him up then blushed as he ran his hand through her hair. She jolted her ear twitching.

Hiro blinked,"I would like to show her around please leave us alone"he said then took Kyrie to a beautiful Lilly pond with pink Lilly's that matche the pink on her kimono and bows.
Kyo took her hand and shook his head, "Dearest Tao, tis the man who should help the lady up. Before we go on though, I think we ought to get some food. It is nearly lunchtime." Kyo smiled down at her, and petted her twitching ear, "What are you thinking right now miss Tao?"

Hiro was being so sweet, and Kyrie really found it attractive. She was looking at the lily pond, a smile on her face, "This is really beautiful Hiro... I have a question though... why don't you have any girls here? Oh! And another question, can I learn to be a ninja?!" She stood, at the edge of the pond, but slipped on her kimono, and fell towards the water.

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