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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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From the Depths of Hell
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! Glad to see you're interested! Do NOT start in IC until I give the all-clear! Thank you!~


  1. No godmodding, of course!
  2. Romance is permitted, I quite enjoy it! ^^
  3. You must have good spelling or grammar! If your language is not originally English, I will understand.
  4. No one-liners. I require a minimum of three good-sized sentences for each IC post (if you're having difficulty, PM me)
  5. No OP characters or any of that stuff, please!
  6. Your characters CAN be based off of evil characters from fairy tales or stories or whatnot (if they are, include that in your cs)



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(I apologize for lack of starting this rp. I've had a lot of life going on. I'm working on it now.)
Nocturne Khokhan stood at entrance to the location she had mentioned in her request letter, an old train station, tapping her high-heeled foot against the concrete ground impatiently. It was 8:00 p.m., and none of her new students were here, which annoyed her greatly. She looked around, hoping one would appear out of thin air, and slumped her shoulders when she spotted nothing but the empty sky and an empty parking lot. Why were there no students? Surely there must be some interested in my school.. She thought to herself, losing hope. She looked at her watch again with a frown, before looking around again. 8:02 p.m.. Was there some traffic holdup I missed? Something going on? She let out an exasperated sigh, before she began pacing back and forth.

Nocturne was wearing a short, gray, pencil skirt and a button-up white blouse, which was tucked into her shirt somewhat loosely. She wore gray high-heels, and her silver hair was tied in a bun, much to her displeasure. She preferred to have it let out loosely around her shoulders, but it was extremely long and that would impede on her responsibilities as headmistress. Her gold eyes continued to search the parking lot, desperate and annoyed at the same time.

Hello, my future student. You have been offered an educational experience at Nightmare Academy, a new school opening up in a private location. You have been chosen because of your exceptional abilities to work in the realm of the nightmare, and have intrigued me, your headmistress. I am Nocturne Khokhan, daughter of the "Boogie Man". Please do not take my position lightly, for I am far worse than any nightmare you could conjure.

Either way, you are formally invited to attend my academy, and it is highly recommended if you qualify for any of these qualities:

  • Enjoy killing
  • Can travel the realm of the nightmares
  • Want to become stronger
  • Or feel that improvement in your abilities is necessary

If you qualify, please meet at the Lineard Train Station within the city. Everyone who received this letter lives within close proximity of the location, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Meet there at 8 o'clock. Sharp.


Nocturne Khokhan, Headmistress of Nightmare Academy

Umbra watched the headmistress scan the lot and pace impatiently. Why is she not greeting me? He wondered idly. He had been standing there since 8:00 sharp when he suddenly realized that she might not have the keen darksight to see him. Umbra Coughed and approached the headmistress. My apologies Headmistress, he spoke in the deep raspy tones of his kind. I was not aware that I blended in so well with the shadows here. As much as he hated it, and as much as it might pain him, he stepped into the light of a nearby streetlamp, there was a faint hissing noise as his form was revealed, an impossibly dark figure, standing twice as wide as a man, and half-again as tall, even before accounting for the massive horns that sat atop his head. Two great bat-like wings were folded behind him, and his hands rested by his sides with great wicked claws. He glared out of his single eye in the middle of his forehead, and wore a simple, sleeveless robe coming down to his knees. His legs ended in tufted hair about great hooves. He bowed in respect to the the headmistress. I am called Vhisthianx in my native tongue, but as our words are difficult to be pronounced by others I have take on the name of Umbra.
Nocturne smiled as a particularly tall and large student approached her. He bowed with respect and greeted her, and was quite a sight to see.

"Vhisthianx," Nocturne spoke in a pleasant, lilting voice, saying his name with ease, "It is a pleasure to meet you face to face. I am your headmistress, Nocturne Khokhan (pronounced Zocksan, normally spelled Xoxan), but you may call me Ms. Nocturne for I am only going to have a small amount of students at my academy, and I want to get to know you all." She bowed in return, grateful for his respectful entrance. At least one of them is respectful, she thought to herself as she continued looking around the parking lot. "Also, no need to be in the light anymore, my pupil. I can see that it pains you."
Umbra bowed and stepped back into the shadows. He turned about adjusting his eyes to see if there was anyone else who came to this academy.
Lilith sighs heavily entering one's dream. Andy Nicholas Mann age 37. Cause of Death: Overdose on alcohol. Lets do this. Her skin melts slowly away her bones and organs appearing before the organs themselves disappear leaving her just as a skeleton. She puts on her tattered but silky black robes and places her scythe on her shoulder. She appoaches the lost soul. "Hello." She voice changes to a monotone tone the hood of the robe covering what should of been her face. The man jumps back in surprise but he quickly turns angry. "Who the hell are you? Where am I?" He barks at her but she is not phased at all. Continuing in the blank voice her hollow eyes glow blue. "Come with me. I will lead you to the next step." Getting more angry he shouts at her. "Where the hell am I!?!" She picks her head up showing her face. "You are in between life and death. You have overdosed on alcohol and no one cared enough to get help and left you to die." The man pales and shakes his head quickly sobering up. "No! I can't be. I-I just can't." Her skeleton face shows no emotion and she takes her scythe off of her shoulder and slams it to the ground. Shaking, the man gulps, truly realizing what has happened to him. Quietly he asks, "What do you mean by the step." She turns around and beakons him with a single bony finger. Silently he follows and she leads him to a door. "Here is the next step, go through the door and what lies ahead is what your life and your choices give you. Torture or greatness. You no longer have a choice in with you go." The man hangs his head and walks through the door not knowing what is on the other side. The dream ends and she is teleported out it ending in death. Appearing in the train station she turns into her human form and checks her watch. "Crap." She says to herself speed walking to the head mistress. Slowing down stopping right in front of her. "I am sorry. I lost track of time sending a soul to their death." She explains catching her breath.
Nocturne eyed another student who had arrived, then closed her eyes. "I understand, my dear. You are... Lilith Darkwood, correct?" Nocturne opened her golden eyes and stared at the girl. "I am your headmistress, Nocturne Khokhan. It's a pleasure." Nocturne says with a smile as she offered her hand to the girl.
Surfruaa huffed and puffed tiredly as she trudged her way to the train station, a lit cigarette dangling befween her dry, cracked lips. Tugging the letter out from her pocket she scanned through the information and peered around, eventually finding the right spot. Once she made her way over she let out a faint gulp, glancing around and shivering faintly whilst exhaling a small cloud of smoke.
Nocturne noticed another student approached and raised an eyebrow, dropping her extended hand rather than waiting for a response from Lilith. She turned to the girl and narrowed her eyes at her. "Excuse me, dearie, but smoking is not permitted nearby me or at my school." Nocturne snatched the cigarette from the girl's lips and threw it to the ground, then stamped on it with her gray high heels. She hated smoke. Hated smokers. She shook her head, not wanting to be negative towards a new student.

"I apologize. I am your headmistress, Nocturne Khokhan. You may call me Ms. Nocturne, miss..." Nocturne closed her eyes momentarily before opening them again and smiling. "Surfruaa." She held out an offered hand to the student, hoping this one would accept her handshake.


(Btw everyone, tag whomever you interact with so they will get notifications. Thanks!)
Surfruaa flinched and cocked her head back as the cig was plucked from her lips, furrowing her brows. She exhaled the rest of the smoke and shuddered all over before glancing up at the woman through her white eyes. "A-Apologies, ma'am." The young woman stuttered, reaching out to shake her new headmistress' hand. "And thank you for the letter. This means alot..."

Kane or Anabell best known for the split personality's of the nightmare Xenomorph was running on the wall's in the shadows in it's Xenomorph appearance. In this appearance it was way faster than a normal being but it wasn't the fastest since it still needed to evolve and train all the way up to a queen but right now it was a simple hunter Xenomorph and needed to go through a couple of evolutions. While thinking it was in the range of the vicinity to meet up at so it jumped off the building and skidded across the sidewalk on some loose rubble so it slipped and fell on it's side scratching it's beautiful purplish black Exo-skeleton as light green acidic blood came out, it looked listened around to see if anyone was there since if she used thermal in the middle of the day it would hurt it's sight. From what it could tell it thought it was alone and sighed a little relaxed since it thought no one was there.


Blake sighed as he watched the other students greet the Headmistress from his spot in the shadows. So far, his classmates seemed to be quite interesting.

He was quite glad to be moving again. Blakes' human form had recently contracted a sickness, and his throat was still so and he hadn't been able to change into his nightmare form for the past week because of the lack of energy. He had his letter in the back pocket of his jeans, and he fiddled with his hoodie strings. Blake walked towards the Headmistress, stopping right as he stood into the light and pulled his hood over his head. He never was used to the light..

He had waited until the Headmistress had finished greeting one of the students before approaching her.

Nocturne gave Surfruaa a warm smile before seeing another student approach her. "Ah, you must be Bla-" Nocturne stopped mid-sentence as she saw one of her other students slip and fall on the pavement. She rushed over to them, concerned for their well being.

"Are you alright, dearie?" She asked, not wanting to touch the student for fear of scaring them or touching their acidic blood that was burning through the sidewalk. She looked back at the other students and motioned for them to stay there. "You must be Kane..or Anabell? Forgive me, I'm not used to those with a split personality." She said with a nervous smile, her eyebrows creased in worry. She offered a hand to the nightmarish xenomorph, hoping they would accept help.

(How am I doing with the whole 'they' thing? @Aqua)

@Oliverfan @Aqua
It looked up and hear a female's voice and the two voices in its head went off saying "see Kane I-I knew someone was here" the girl sounded embarrassed past anything else inside it's head the male voice said "calm down or your going to force change us.." But before he could finish it was to late. What the Xenomorph did was blush widely before turning into a female that was blushing harder than anything she was reader than a ruby as she said "y-yeah m-my name is Anabell the female gender" she said as she got up with the hand as she awkwardly moved trying to stop embarrassing herself.

(Your doing great don't worry. xD @Anaxileah
Surfruaa nodded lightly before wandering off to light another smoke, being sure to keep her distance from Nocturne. She respected her new headmistress, but right now she needed to keep her stress levels low and her nicotine flow high. She took a long drag and shook her head a little, gritting her teeth as she exhaled. "Uuurgh..." She sighed, rubbing her eyes and licking the tips of her fangs idly.

Nocturne smiled at the student and shook her head. "It's nice to meet you in person, Anabell." Nocturne nodded at the student and chuckled as she blushed bright red. Nocturne then turned towards the rest of the students and watched as the student who smoked walked off a little bit to smoke some more. The student looked...stressed. Nocturne sighed and decided to let it slide just this once, so she approached the student who had attempted to speak to her beforehand.

"I apologize, Blake. I wanted to make sure the other student was alright." She told him with an apologetic smile and offered her hand. "My name is Nocturne Khokhan, you may call me Ms. Nocturne. I am the headmistress of the school you've been accepted in." I hope he's not offended... Nocturne thought to herself, slightly worried.

@Aqua @Oliverfan

(By the wayyyy~ I'm going to be creating a student of my own in a moment~)
Emily Rose

I woke up, my light having turned itself on automatically, realizing I was late for class. Shit! I ran through my apartment, grabbing the things I would need for the first day of school. I brushed my teeth, braided my long, white, hair, and grabbed my backpack. Rushing towards the train station, I realized how much traffic there was. Goddammit! I finally arrived at the station, but stayed hidden in the dark, hoping the headmistress wouldn't see me.

(She's permitted to use first person mainly because I know her~ Just sayin. And my character is ready and is in my first post on the cs!)

Headmistress Nocturne Khokhan

Nocturne turned her head slightly as she noticed another student hiding in the shadows. Her white hair made it easily visible, but she decided not to let on that she knew the student's whereabouts and focused on the student in front of her. She continued to offer her hand to the male student in front of her, but was beginning to become impatient.

Emily Rose

I realized the headmistress was doing something else, so I quickly sat down in the shadows. I looked around but didn't say a word since I didn't think I was in trouble. No one saw me. I sighed in relief, but then I realized the headmistress was looked in my direction. Please don't say anything, just keep talking to the guy, lady. I kept my head down and my eyes on the ground.


Blake had never interacted with people or other things, so to prepare for school, he had hidden in the shadows, studying conversation.

He shook the Headmistress' hand. "No need to apologize, Ms. Nocturne. I understand you needing to help the other students. I'd like to thank you for inviting me to your academy. I'm sure I will be able to learn and expand my abilities under your supervision."

Blakes' voice was a bit hoarse from being sick the previous week. His voice was usually soft spoken, though people rarely heard him speak.

He had hoped that he had made a good impression on his Headmistress. He had heard that first impressions are very important.​

Liliana Blackthorn

With a yawn and a stretch, Liliana awoke from her slumber, her brown hair askew. She looked up from her pillow to her clock, the one that rested on her bedside table and squinted at it, her vision still partially blurry. It's not...is it? The clock read 8:30 p.m., and Liliana bolted upright and jumped out of her bed. Late! On the first day! She panicked, running around her apartment and grabbing everything necessary. Headphones? Check. Hair ties? Check. Pen? No! Liliana rummaged around her room, searching for her favorite pen. She used it everywhere, and simply could not go anywhere without it.

"Aha!" Liliana exclaimed as she found the pen underneath her bed. She got up quickly, hitting her head on the bottom of the bed. She made an exclamation of pain before getting out from under the bed, then changed into appropriate clothing (clothing in her cs pic). She headed out the door, locking it behind her. She bounded down the hall, the residents near her shying away from her as she continued to the exit. Liliana began running towards the train station, even though it was only a two minute walk away. She quickly arrived, but didn't want to be noticed by the headmistress. She walked up to another student, one with white hair.

"Hey, everyone's new here, right? I didn't mean to arrive late, slept in." Liliana smiled a goofy grin as she thought about the previous night, in which she had eaten another soul. It was that of a child, and it was oh so ripe. Delicious. She licked her lips slightly, thinking about her last meal.


(other students, interact with one another
xD )

"Yes ma'm, I'm alright. I had finished recovering from a cold a week ago, and my throat is still hoarse, though it is better than it has been. And thank you, I'll be sure to notify you if I need anything." Blake smiled at his Headmistress slightly. She seemed to be worried about others, which is always a good trait to have.

Nice people are always good and deserve respect, at least Blake thought so. He already liked his Headmistress.

He glanced at the student who had arrived late. 'Oh well.. It's only the first day. Not everybody is perfect.' Blake thought.

Blake planned to try and talk with some of the other students once the Headmistress was done talking with him.​


Emily Rose

I looked up at the girl who was standing next to me. "Yeah, I guess, I don't really care about time. I choose when I arrive." I turn my head back towards my lap, having opened my book, but looked up again. "I'm Emily." I said in an awkward manner, "What's your name?" I looked annoyed, even though I wasn't, and kept my eye on the headmistress in case she came over.


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