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Fantasy Nightingale [closed]


The pierced Brood takes you to the stairwell and unfurls her wings to full length. You hadn't realized until now she'd been making a conscious effort to make them smaller, to fit better into the close crowded space. Her relief at being able to stretch out is plain on her face.

“If you got upstairs and back already you probably have some idea how this works.” She winks and opens her arms for you to hold onto. “Don't worry, I won't bust you for snooping around before your time. You're not the first and pro'lly won't be the last. I did some of that sneaking when I was fresh too. I'd say it's a sign you're cut out for great things once you're blooded. Then again things weren't half as strict when I was a fledgling.”

Flying with this girl is a lot surer than with Goose. She's more practiced, more self-assured. She points you towards Dhalion's, as if you needed the direction, but she can't stay long.

“Gotta get back with the rest. Not everyday they let someone like me show off to the newbies. I'm not really good with kids.” She doesn't look any older than seventeen, though that doesn't mean much anymore. “I'm sure you'll be ever to figure stuff out on your own from here, and if you need anything,” She jabs a thumb towards herself. “Ask for Vulture.”

As much the Brood is hiding, as many of them seem determined to impede your investigating, you have come across some who genuinely seem to want to help you. Vulture doesn't even seem to consider that you won't join her ranks, as if it weren't even a possibility. They all say the choice is inevitably yours, yet they have such faith that you'll choose them.

Vulture especially seems to see something in you, something familiar to her that strengthens her certainty. As if reading your mind, she stops before leaving and rolls up her pant leg to reveal a nimble metal prosthetic tucked into her sneaker.

She shoots you a crooked smile and says, “I've got your back.”

@Yoruko Katsumi

You walk carefully into the dark. For a while there seems to be nothing, but the further you go the more your eyes acclimate to the darkness and the less empty the place seems. You hear a noise, humming and grinding like the cogs of a machine.

It's hard to trace the sound. It almost seems to be coming from everywhere at once, but that's probably just an echo. The more you walk, the louder it gets, until you're right upon it. Quite literally. You nearly trip over the source, a machine not much larger than a microwave oven, one of them at least. The impact causes the machine to hiccup and spark, but it must knock something back into place because then a single lightbulb overhead flickers into life.

The clunky geometric outlines of the generators become visible. There must be half a dozen of them in this room alone. Individually a portable generator such as these could power a house for maybe a week tops if you used the power sparingly, which explains why there are so many and why electric light is used so sparingly in the Nest. Some of them are in poor repair, spitting a few tiny sparks and they sap up their last drops of fuel, but they're hanging on.

This close it's hard to ignore the smell of fumes, but clean air whistles through a door to your right, making it possible to breath. Still, probably shouldn't inhale this stuff too long. Ahead there is another opening which is cold to the touch. One of these passages has to lead to the way out.


Redtail flies off. The hunter wastes no time leaping into the fray. She doesn't even question the idea, though she also doesn't immediately make to off you. Whether she's trying to give you a fighting chance or just toying with you, it's an advantage, no matter how small, not to take lightly.

You draw your knife. If the hunter objects to you bringing out a weapon she doesn't show it. You try to go for the wings, and narrowly miss, though you clip a few feathers with your attempt. Your opponent seems mildly surprised you were even able to get that close.

You try your flute with a much greater success. The effect hits her much harder than it did with Goose, despite her guard being up. She staggers and tries to clear her head, but she's at your mercy. This is your chance! With knife in hand, there is dangerous potential in this situation.
Amelia actually felt surprised. She was thinking "Is it really going to be this easy...?" as she was about to go back for the wing again, but she felt uneasy. "Could I actually have beaten one of these all along? Are these things seriously just girls with wings and a scary face? Why is it when something happens I only get more questions!? Well, assuming this is all she's got, I'll win easily. I just need to look out for strange magic shit. This is getting weirder as it goes, so I won't be surprised if something strange happens".

She aimed her knife at the wing again knowing this isn't a fight to the death. "It would be nice if I just up and won from this but I can't help but feel like this is to easy... I hope that doesn't change because that will mean I might not win. However, this thing has obviously taken down people from what I've seen with that guy they were carrying. I can really only hope this girl doesn't have any tricks up her sleeve."

She attempted stabbing the wing hoping it would end the match. "Hopefully after stabbing the wing she won't be able to fly. That should end the match supposing this is a serious wound. I just want this over so I can find resplendent and my friends. This journey is really just to find answers since this has been insane. Well anyways, let's hope this isn't like werewolf rules. I don't want to become one of these by being bitten. Seeing as these are bird people, I'm sure it's something they would do".
Dysis saw the relief on her face as she unfurled her wings, she didn't realize that she was making an effort to make them smaller. Most likely easier to fit in a crowded space.

“If you got upstairs and back already you probably have some idea how this works.” She held out her arms as Dysis grabbed hold of them. “Don't worry, I won't bust you for snooping around before your time. You're not the first and pro'lly won't be the last. I did some of that sneaking when I was fresh too. I'd say it's a sign you're cut out for great things once you're blooded. Then again things weren't half as strict when I was a fledgling.” This made some relief and a bit of self confidence return to the fledgling, hearing this from someone who was most likely much older then her was quite comforting in one way or another.

Flying with someone as practiced as her was stark in comparison to when she had been with Goose. Not as unsure and more smooth.

Once they arrived at the top, she pointed Dysis in the direction of Dhalion's area, though she really didn't need to the help.

“Gotta get back with the rest. Not everyday they let someone like me show off to the newbies. I'm not really good with kids.” She doesn't look any older than seventeen, though that doesn't mean much anymore. “I'm sure you'll be ever to figure stuff out on your own from here, and if you need anything,” She jabs a thumb towards herself. “Ask for Vulture.”

As much the Brood is hiding, as many of them seem determined to impede your investigating, you have come across some who genuinely seem to want to help you. Vulture doesn't even seem to consider that you won't join her ranks, as if it weren't even a possibility. They all say the choice is inevitably yours, yet they have such faith that you'll choose them.

Vulture especially seems to see something in you, something familiar to her that strengthens her certainty. As if reading your mind, she stops before leaving and rolls up her pant leg to reveal a nimble metal prosthetic tucked into her sneaker.

She shoots you a crooked smile and says, “I've got your back.” Nodding Dysis replies "Thanks Vulture. Name's Nightjar by the way." Turning in the direction of the clinic, she walked away from the staircase.

After avoiding all the holes and almost falling through at various points, Dysis knocked on the door.

As fast as the music takes hold of your opponent, it's lifted even quicker. She's still effected, but not enough to simply stand still as you make another go for her wings. Her boasts about her skills, it seems, were not only empty threats.

She evades, and though her body is still sluggish and her expression still reveals a dopey druggedness, her wings move with a sort of instinctual agility that surpasses their owner.

“So the name isn't just for show,” she jeers with no real surprise. “You're a natural songbird.”

Whether it's still the effect of the song stilling her or just her predisposition towards taunting over action, you are granted another opportunity to strike at her wings. This time it connects. Her left wing takes damage. The feathers closest to the prone joint mat with blood. However she seems surprisingly unbothered by this.

“You've got talent with that thing,” She points at your flute. “But I'm gonna hazard a guess and say you don't really know what you're doing. Siren Song is a luring technique, to pacify prey and make them numb to what's happening. Hunters barely even use it on humans anymore, and there's no point using it in a fight like this. All you'll do is slow down the inevitable.”

She lunges at you, connects, and makes a scratch on the arm holding the knife deep enough to mirror the cut made on her wing.

“Hold on tight to it though, songbird. Nightingale likes the girls with the pretty music. I'll probably get double the praise.”


You knock on the door, slightly ajar, but no one answers. Inside, the room is as you remember it, undisturbed from your last visit, but empty. The infirmary beds outside and around it are also empty. It occurs to you that, judging by what you've seen and know, beings such as the Brood probably don't need much medical attention. Convenient, since there's only one medic, and now even she is absent. But she said she never left the infirmary, and seemed pretty adamant about it too. It must have been something urgent to make her leave her post.

You find your prosthetic on the side table beside the cot you had woken up in. Dhalion probably left it out for you. Maybe that's where she's gone, to go look for you. But then why would she have left the arm here?

On the table, there's a small cleared away space among otherwise endless clutter, bottles and bundles of everything from dried herbs to more of that mysterious brew Dhalion had given you. It's gone cold and congealed, looking even less appetizing than it did before. Still you remember how it healed you up like it was nothing. What could be in it?

In that little free space there is a small piece of paper, a letter which reads simply, “Emergency. Be back soon. -Dhalion” in rough, rushed script. Next to it, some kind of plant wrapped in plastic is marked with another note in someone else's handwriting. This longer message reads,

“Dear Dhalion. Sorry I missed you. Here is the latest sample you asked for. This one was grown using the seeds from the asphodel and daffodil hybrid, planted in the grave soil, saturated with the-” This part is smeared over and rewritten. “-fluid excess like we talked about. Let me know how it works. With love, Parson. PS I know it's your job to take care of everyone, but please take care of yourself. You can say no if she asks you to go down there again.”

The letter ends there, left purposely cryptic supposedly so no one but the intended recipient could understand. Down where? And what of the plants? They look untouched, rough leaves and pale petals perfectly preserved by the careful bundling.

Well, you came up here to get your arm and you at least succeeded in that. It's undamaged and in fact looks very well tended to, kept with care in wait for your arrival. That was kind of Dhalion, but where is she now? What kind of mess could someone like her possibly get mixed up in?
Dysis walked over and took her prosthetic, attaching the end of the arm to her stump. It was slightly painful as it reattached to the nerves, slowly coming back to life as she commanded the claw to rotate, open, close and other motions of the sort. Looking into the cup, the disgusting liquid now jelly like. Lifting the cup up and looking at t in a better light, she wondered what the hell could have been in it. Healing someone so fast, it couldn't have even been some hospital strength medication. Hell, she was expecting it to be

some sort of odd concoction of vile shit.

Setting it back down on the bedside, her stomach turning a bit after having looking and smelling the substance, Dysis wandered over to her desk. In a small cleared area was a note in a hurried script. 'An emergency? Must've been pretty damn serious due to how resistant brood are.' Then she notices a plant wrapped in plastic, a longer note accompaning it. Scanning that as well, she rolled her eyes 'And I thought they were done being all cryptic.' The plants looked well perserved, and the note said the were a cross between two different species. 'Hmmm...I wonder what they do...' Then again, the fledgling continued to think a bit more 'But...Dahlion never leaves, she was even trying to avoid the topic of having too. And if someone was injured, wouldn't they bring them here?' Frowning, Dysis muttered "Gah, damn it Dhalion. What kinda shit are you messing with here..."

Looking back to that plants, she was extremely curious. And, even though curiousity killed the cat, she began to look around a bit more. Wondering if anything she found could be related to the medic's rushed disappearance.

Amelia had been surprised the brood could get away. She became confused after hearing "So the name isn't just for show, your a natural songbird". "What does that mean? What is a songbird?", her thoughts were interrupted by the brood discovering she didn't know what she was doing. Then the girl made another confusing comment. "Hold on tight to it though, songbird. Nightingale likes the girls with the pretty music. I'll probably get double the praise."

She got her mind back in gear and stabbed the girl in the wing. It didn't take long for a cut to end up on her to mirror the one she just made. "I've got to pull myself together! I can't think about who's or what is Nightingale. I can't even think of why this thing likes whatever songbirds are. Okay, what do I have on me? Just this cloth I used for a disguise and my rations really..."

She had a worried look on her face. "I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Hell, I'm probably about to lose. I guess all that's left is to use the cloth somehow... Aha! If I throw it at her, it might work as a distraction. But If I lose, I lose, then this whole thing was for nothing.". She quickly threw the cloth off her back and at her opponent. She put the knife in her other hand, and then she tried to stab the same wing again. Amelia was convinced she was going to lose even with a couple advantages, but knew she had to at least try.
Kathryn continued down the corridor carefully. She clenched her knife for comfort as her eyes acclimated to the darkness. Surprisingly, the space wasn't as empty and large as she first thought. A noise leaked into her ears.Kathryn's eyes widened at the humming and grinding like noise from some sort of machine.

It's hard for Kathryn to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. It seems to be coming from everywhere at once. Probably an echo. Kathryn thought as she walked. The noise is increasing rapidly until she nearly tripped over the source. It was a machine not much larger than an average microwave oven. The impact causes the machine to hiccup and spark, but it must have knocked something in place. A single light bulb overhead flickers to life. Kathryn let out a grateful sigh of relief for the blessed light.

The clunky geometric outlines of the various generators become visible. There had to be at least half a dozen in this room alone. Kathryn was familiar with these portable generators. She had one once in the slums when her good friend was ill. They could power a house for about a week tops used sparingly. Are these whats been powering this place? No wonder everything flickers. Kathryn thought inspecting a few.Some of them were pretty banged up and in poor repair. Sparks were spat as they sapped up the last of their fuel, but somehow, they were hanging on.

This close to the machines the fumes got pretty strong, but clean air whistles through a nearby door on Kathryn's right. She covered her nose and mouth with her free hand, trying to filter the air a bit more. It's a bad idea to try and breath this stuff too long. Glancing around her eyes fell on another opening ahead that was cold to the touch. One of these has to be an exit. Right? Well here goes. Door number one, I choose you.. Kathryn mumbled to herself as she approached the door on her right, bracing herself for what could be next.

You continue to snoop around Dhalion's quarters, particularly the other herbs and plants that litter her working space. Some of the stuff hosted in various jars and bowls is helpfully labeled, but even so the names don't mean much to you. There are some homemade informational pamphlets pinned up by the door, as well as a portable camping lantern. She didn't even bother to put it out before leaving.

In one of the desk drawers you find a mixed set of small combs and other grooming tools, plus some sharper tools of a more surgical nature. There's a space in between the medical instruments as if some are missing. You probably don't want to mess around with those.

There's a paper mask the same color as Dhalion's scrubs and a half empty bottle of antiseptic (or half full depending on how you look at it). Overall there's very little in this room that feels unique to its inhabitant. It all feels very professional, in a cobbled together found-object kind of way.

The only real personal effects are limited to a crate in the corner, in which there clothes, some light reading books (paperback young adult literature mostly), and a journal. It's one of those kid's ones with the tiny lock and clasp. You could probably break it off if you really wanted to, but it'd be a terrible breach in Dhalion's privacy. Er, more of one. You are already rifling through her things.

Come to think of it, even if the fledglings all know about the Brood now, getting caught in this position probably wouldn't be the best thing. Some of the things here could definitely be helpful, but you can't carry it all. What should you take with you? And where should you go from here?


You throw the cloth in an attempt to distract the hunter, which works for all of five seconds. You don't waste an instant of it. This time when you swipe at the wing you make a good solid cut, one that can't be so easily shrugged off even in the hunter's lightly drugged state.

She retaliates with a more solid punch in the gut, hard enough to let you know that she's getting more serious. Her injured wing hangs limp, slowing her down. Doesn't weaken her hits any though. She lashes out again, and again, growing more feral in her movements.

Her teeth are gritted; she's desperate, and that could either be your way out or your death sentence. Figuratively of course. She needs you alive and in tact for this Nightingale person, though who knows what that could bring.

“Pick up that knife one more time,” she snaps. “And I'll bite that hand right off.”

Things aren't looking good.

@Yoruko Katsumi

You select the door to the right and come into a room that looks pleasantly more basement-esque, and less creepy underground doom chamber. The fresh air is coming in from a small cellar window propped open from the outside by a brick. It's not nearly large enough for a person to squeeze through, but you could maybe get an arm or even a head out to look around and get your bearings.

Underneath the window there are some assorted crates and barrels. The floor is matted with flattened cardboard boxes and plastic. The walls are barely walls at all, more like impromptu barriers made of propped up plywood, supposedly to keep this part of the basement separate from the rest.

Through the walls you can hear something, a muffled clunk like something heavy being gently set down on a hard floor. There's movement, the shuffling of feet and wings. With a hand against the flimsy barrier you can feel faint cold seeping in through the cracks. The sounds pause, and then pick up with redoubled speed and effort, becoming something wet and ragged. The noise it makes... let's just say you're lucky not to have picked that room.
Thinking for a brief moment, Dysis looked around the room. Various things would be extremely useful, but how would she get away with taking them? And getting caught here AND stealing wasn't the best way to thank Dahlion or make a first impression on someone else who happened to wander inside.

First she turned her attention to the drawer of surgical tools. A few were missing, she had noticed this upon her previous inspection. It took quite a bit of self control not to take one, seeing as if someone needed to get surgery done(though I wouldn't trust someone cutting me open here)her taking a tool could be the main cause of a permanent injury or worse.

Next, she looked to the portable camping lantern. Dysis was in need of some form of illumination for exploring the basement. But this was much larger than a scalpel, how would she get this downstairs with no one asking questions? Letting her gaze sweep the room, the fledgling frowned before taking the lantern. Turning it off, the room was swamped in darkness, the only light coming from the faint rays that lit the rest of what she now assumed was the attic.

It was smaller than she expected, able to be hidden under the sleeve of her hoodie. Yeah she felt bad for taking it, but this was more of a need instead of want situation. Heading to the door of the medic's clinic, Dysis prepared to ask someone to help her back down, il with as little questioning as possible.
Amelia felt like she was running out of options. "I don't have much left to do... Not to mention moving my knife might provoke this brood. I might have to rethink this. For now I should just keep my distance". She tried to think of a plan while watching the beast in front of her. "Maybe if I purposely provoke her, she might be desperate enough to lunge at me. That's something I can use. If I position myself in front of these rides and do something aggravating, I just might have a chance."

She slowly moved in front of a nearby ride hoping to get an advantage. "Since these monsters are faster than me, I'm going to have to dodge her at the perfect time. Which means it's a gamble." She began making a fake smile as she passed the knife between her hands. She began saying "I still have two hands. What are you gonna do about it little birdie?" In a mocking tone of voice.

Amelia watched the brood awaiting her reaction. " After hitting the ride, she'll be stunned long enough for another slash at the wing. If anything goes wrong, that's it. I'd be down in five seconds. I guess it's just insert motivational thought here and try out this incredibly improvised plan. Maybe I'll even survive long enough to get punched after a couple seconds of my plan. Well without any delay, let's get ready for the bull."
((back! again.... i dont know how many of you guys are still around but i thought i'd go ahead and post this anyway. hoping to come back strong! for convenience's sake, and because this last day's been going on for a pretty long time, i'm putting this down as day 5. hope you dont mind.))

Day 5


You employ some discretion and take only the lantern. A little light may go a long way when exploring the basement. Though the surgical instruments tempt, more interesting by far is the ones that are absent. Nothing else looks so out of order, though you wouldn't be out of line to suspect Dhalion had snuck out in a hurry, adding another layer of mystery when you know she'd never leave unless the situation absolutely demanded it.

Without the lantern the infirmary looks more definitively unoccupied. That should at least prevent anyone else from coming to investigate. Perhaps you've actually done the medic a favor. It's as good a rationalization as any.

You'll probably need some help getting back down to the ground floor, never mind delving into that creepy basement. Maybe that Vulture girl who helped you out is still around somewhere. Another thought comes to mind: those fledgling girls you first came here with. Already that feels ages ago, instead of just a few days. The last time you saw them... it must have been right before you first climbed up the fire escape. Wonder what the odds are they've had a time half as crazy as yours.

As you leave the infirmary, you hear a commotion down the hall. People are coming this way, and they don't exactly sound happy. What else is new. Speaking of that fire escape, you might need to make use of another one, with special emphasis on the “escape” part. It's either out the window, down the clear but as of yet unexplored hallway to your left, or straight ahead into whatever new dilemma awaits.


Trapped in a fight for survival and superiority, you hurl taunts at your opponent, baiting her for a timely slip up. As you back up to the dormant ferris wheel, the feral brood mistakes your movements for retreat. After being at first cowed by the blows of your knife, she once again grows bold, or maybe she's just not all there.

There's something with these girls. They're powerful in more ways than you dare to test out, but with the right push, they seem to lose their coherency, becoming wild and careless. It's not the first time you've seen this phenomenon in action. Hopefully it'll be your last.

As predicted, the hunter girl lunges for you, looking to use her bloodied wings to give her the upper hand and pin you to the empty carriage of the ferris wheel. You dodge and thrum with victory when you hear her smack headfirst into the carriage, hard enough to make it rattle and creak on its rusty hinges.

Her wings, once an advantage, now aid in her capture. Any human would be unconscious, probably concussed, by now, but still she struggles, feathers caught in the latches and machinations of the carriage. She reels and rolls helplessly on her back like a flipped beetle on a hot sidewalk. There's something in her eyes, desperate, almost human. Blood from a nasty scrape formed on her brow drips slowly onto one eye and she shuts it. She cries out.

“Redtail! Boss! Are you watching somewhere? I'm sorry! I'm sorry I failed!”

The pouring rain is soaking you to the skin. The knife is cold against your palm.

“Nightingale! Someone? I know someone's there! I can hear you! Nobody sneaks up on me!”

Is it you she hears approaching, or truly some savior come to settle the score? In this moment it seems hard to believe. She must feel it too- the hopelessness, the impending end- because she turns her good eye back to you as she continues to struggle in the too-small space. She puts her hands up.

“Mercy! Uncle!”

As if she would've given you mercy if the situation were flipped! Recognizing the futility of this request. She turns her eyes back up to the inky sky beyond the canopy of the carriage. She presses her palms together and against herself as if in prayer. Her wings stop their flailing. She says one word.

“Mother.” And again. “Mother. Broodmother.”

She closes her eyes. It's all in your hands now.

@Yoruko Katsumi

After what seems like an eternity, the noises finally cease. There are a few lingering shuffles and splats of sound, but it passes without event. The lights overhead flicker and there's a muffled curse from the someone or someones on the other side of the partition. However there is humor in the voice, as if this is all some silly everyday inconvenience, some inconsequential quirk. The things you heard... you can't be sure, but it sure didn't sound like anything to take lightly.

The unseen stranger finishes whatever they were doing and moves along, thankfully passing the room you're in without so much as a curious pause. If the shaky blinking of the lights is any indication, they're probably going to check on those generators you saw.

This is your chance. Under cover of the poorly lit basement, you might be able to get the drop on them, or to make it past them into the other room. Do you even want to get into the other room? Without the dumbwaiter there seems no other way up, and if someone came down through there then there must be a way back. But what else waits for you there? This one matted basement room may be the only place you've found so far that could be called relatively safe.
Glancing towards the window, Dysis wasn't about to risk her life upon yet another fire escape nor run straight into a flock of angered, inhuman females who were most likely either here about Dhalion or her herself. If caught she could play the innocent, lost fledgling though after that lil' show that she wasn't sure how many had seen before hand and the fact that one couldn't get up here without some form of flight...it wasn't going to cut it. So, Dysis settled for going down the unexplored hall.

Whilst beginning her somewhat hasty trek, it occurred to her that this would probably just bring more questions that had yet to find answers. But sacrifices must be made, no matter how unpleasant they may be. So with a hefty sigh, the fledgling continued down the passage.
(Nice comeback Cranboggle, can't wait to do some more Nightingale!)

Amelia fell to her knees in relief thinking "I won. That's something I honestly didn't expect... Well I guess I won't be captured today at least". However, she felt the weight of her actions fall on her in an instant. The scene of gore the girl was in put Amelia back into her senses. "I just brutalized a girl... This is wrong! I can't even imagine the pain she's in right now. I don't care if she cut my arm, even if it fells like it's on fire! I can't, or rather I wouldn't even consider killing her!"

She stood up, laid down her knife and said "You don't have to beg for mercy. This wasn't a battle to the death in the first place. If anything I should be sorry for bringing a knife to a fist fight". She quickly looked around for the cloth she threw and picked it up off the ground. Swiftly attempting to patch up the brood's wing with the wet cloth.

As Amelia tried to patch up the girl's wing she thought "I'm not like these girls. I couldn't bring myself to kill an innocent. Not to mention she was never going to kill me. Especially since she needed me for her glory. Now then, after I'm done here, I'll move back so she doesn't have the chance to attack me". The moment she finished Amelia walked about a foot back from the brood and sat down thinking "Wow. What a turn of events. Now all I need to do is wait for the other brood to be amazed so I can say Ta-Da! But seriously, I'm out of it."
The horrible sounds churn Kathryn's stomach. Good thing she is running on empty, otherwise her contents might have ended up on the floor. After what seems like eternity, the noises finally cease. Some shuffles and splats of sound, but it passes without event. The lights overhead flicker and there's a muffled curse from someone or someones on the other side of the partition. However there is humor in the voice, as if this is all some silly everyday inconvenience, some inconsequential quirk. What is wrong with these people?! How the hell am I going to get out of here without being noticed? Damn it. Kathryn thought to herself trying to put together some sort of plan. The things you heard... you can't be sure, but it sure didn't sound like anything to take lightly.

The unseen stranger finishes whatever they were doing and moves along, thankfully passing the room Kathryn was hiding in without so much as a curious pause. If the shaky blinking of the lights is any indication, they're probably going to check on those generators she saw. Kathryn gave a sigh of relief, knowing she is still safe, if just for a moment. Her stomach ached from hunger. She couldn't remember the last time she ate. But that didn't matter right now.

This is Kathryn's chance. It's too risky to get the drop on whatever is on the other side of the door, even with the aid of the poor lighting. It would probably be safer to look for another way out through the adjoining side of the room. Kathryn didn't want to see what might be there but she forced herself to move anyway. She knew she was running out of time. Taking a deep breath Kathryn braced herself as she crept silently out of the "safe room" and into the lions den so to speak.

You book it down the unexplored hallway just in time. Behind you you hear someone calling out for Dhalion, calling out for medical service, but they haven't seen you and have no reason to pursue you.

The hallway is quite unlit. There are windows all up and down the left side, but other than the ordinary lights of the city nightlife nothing comes through. Time really flies in here. You're becoming quite nocturnal through all the excitement, the adrenaline keeping you from feeling the drag of time.

You come upon another open chamber, another apparent cornerstone of the building's layout. There's music. Strange that you didn't notice before but there's so much music and the thumping of bodies in motion. Winged girls in various states of dress play and sing like street performers all striving to be heard over the other. It should be like noise all together, but there's a strange harmony, as if between the lines of every sheet of music is the same underlying rhythm.

It really doesn't seem like the time for celebrating. And that must be what they're doing. Maybe they're ringing in the arrival of fresh blood. Did the other fledglings really buy into Grackle and the others' little sideshow, tempted by their extraordinary abilities? But as you look around you don't see a single familiar face.

There's another exit across the way, but as you move through the rickety imitation of a vintage ballroom, the planks and beams that make up the very foundation seeming to strain with the collective jumping and swaying, strangers of all different frames and faces, winged or wingless, drunkenly try to drag you into their merrymaking.

The urgency of your mission draws you towards the next passage, while the music and spellbound bodies pull you back into the masses, playing tug o war in your mind.

That's when the lights go out completely.


You reach out to fumblingly make amends by patching up the girls wings, crooked and bowed in the tight confines of the carriage. She jerks reflexively away, but she doesn't have far she can go. All at once she is active again, a tightly contained spark of frustrated energy.

“Don't you get it? No one's coming. I surrendered and no one came to end it. It's a ruse. If I lose, we both lose.” She tilts her chin as far as possible, jimmying her shoulder against one trapped wing. “Listen, I remember what you said, and there's no way Redtail's really going to help you on your nutty little quest. Everyone knows Resplendent is gone. We've lost others before- strong brood, hunters. Mystics are all flash and no substance. She probably got scooped up by some-” She snarls and curses. “Outsider. Human. It's no use. I'm a failure of a hunter, and you're a crazy fledgling, and when Redtail gets back we're both done for.”

The hunter- or soon to be ex hunter by her approximation- goes limp again. She huffs, anger and fear giving way to simple frustration.

“You're something else though, songbird. You hold your own almost as good as one of us, and you fight like you really believe anything's gonna come of it. I think you're gonna be deadmeat either way, but if you really wanna survive for a little longer, don't put your faith in Redtail. You'd be better off playing dead. That way you at least stand a chance.”

The hunter's distrust of her leader's good word seems strange. Could this whole battle really have just been a setup? It's not hard to figure that the leader of a band of brood who call themselves hunters- and no prize for guessing what it is they hunt- would be ruthless, but can you really trust her lackey any more?

“Well, whatever you do I guess I'm screwed either way. So if it's any consolation, I don't get any kicks from knowing we're in the same boat.”

She frees one hand, stained red from staunching the flow on one torn wing. She doesn't seem overly bothered by the injury for some reason. You can't quite say the same. Even injured and haven surrendered, approaching her seems as iffy as following her “play dead” plan. Still she beckons as if it were her dying wish. A little theatrically. You didn't hurt her that bad. You couldn't have.

@Yoruko Katsumi

You successfully sneak out and into the other room. The brood goes to fiddle with the generators and hisses softly as one sparks and sputters, giving off heat life a furnace. It's a handy distraction, but it doesn't seem like the lights are gonna be fully functional for a while.

The first thing you notice entering into the other room is that it's freezing. It's like being in an igloo in here! You had braced yourself for a real horrorshow and, okay, it's still not a pretty sight. The dark might be a bit of blessing here. But it's clear of other life, it's safe, for now.

From what you can make out it looks like some kind of storage room, loaded up with crates and coolers of all sizes. There's a, hm, dampness, and like the shared bathing rooms there's some sort of aqueduct system draining down from above. The pipes are dry, if slightly tacky to the touch, like an old bandaid just short of actually sticking, except for one which shines with slickness even in the dim flicker of light. It smells like salt and metal and cold.

Your eyes follow the slope of the ducts up up up where trail up a narrow shaft with rungs like a ladder affixed into its tiled walls. The ducts follow the round curve of the shaft and disappear into where it's too dark to see. Still a tiny sliver of light shines from above the last rung, two perpendicular lines of light, as if there's a lid to this place and someone forgot to put it all the way back on.

That's your way out. You hear something dripping, and even with the rungs calling to you, it taunts something in your mind. All these boxes and pipes, what are they for? Why are they here, hidden away? Even knowing the strangeness of the brood (and that's probably putting it mildly) this place was definitely built to be hidden, even from the Nest's other inhabitants. How many of them even know what's down here?
Dysis was glad to have started down the hall due to the group asking for Dhalion. Something medical related must’ve been needed but at least they didn’t see her and had no need to follow.

The hall is until, yet she doesn’t want to take any chances by turning on the lanturn. Windows lined the sides of the wall but the cities night lights weren’t doing her any favors. Speaking of which, Dysis realized she had no idea what time it was or how much had passed. But with the constant action, excitement, and doses of adrenaline, she didn’t feel the heavy weight of fatigue or hunger just yet.

Then as she thought the hall could possibly be endless, music. Entering another open room, the motion of bodies as well as tunes so loud it was quite hard to believe that she hadn’t heard it before hand. Brood, winged or not sang joyously. As if trying to overcome one another’s voice with their own, yet despite all odd mix, it was harmonic in a way. The rhythms of many different pieces complementing one another in ways that the fledgling didn’t think possible with the large variety of songs.

But what bothered her was why this was here in the first place. Dysis didn’t really feel a need for celebrating at the moment, if that's what they were doing. Was if for the amount of fledglings they were bringing in? It still amazed her how all the other fledglings were so gullible. Yeah you get eternal youth, wings, possibly magic, and greatly improved physical well being but something of that price is going to have to cost you. And to the brood, that was apparently your humanity as well as freedom. Bloody lovely, aint it? Being a slave to some mysterious being you can’t even see let alone know that they even exist in the first place. But, being here most likely meant you had no choice so….was this really a better option than her old life?

Blinking herself out of an internal rant, Dysis scanned the room and realised she didn’t see a single girl that she recognized. Odd… but there was an exit upon the other side so she decided to enter the room. The planks and beams swayed dangerously under the pressure they were put under though those lost in song held to mind to it as they continued with their song. They did however pay attention to the newcomer.

Trying to drag her in, Dysis tried to continue on her trek, through her mind began to numb. The song’s hypnotic ring embedding itself deep into her mind, the flawless motion of bodies seeming to pull her in the opposite direction. A battle between her will and their merrymaking

The music still rang out clear in her skull as the fledgling lost the war that she had stumbled into.
Amelia grabs her knife off the ground and replies to the brood with "I guess I should've known this would happen. You brood don't seem to be all that truthful. In any case I think you just might be right about me being screwed. When your boss gets back it's going to be with quite a few brood, and I can't even tell if your lying to me. How lucky am I?" She grabs her arm in pain. "Wow. That stings a lot more now that I'm not focused."

"Well in any case I'm screwed. I can't even get proper insurance from this brood if I listen to her plan. I would leave everything to her, making this unpredictable. Mostly because at any moment she could betray me. For all I know she could be lying, but why wouldn't redtail come back to break up the fight? If she does come back to screw me, she'll come back with more hunters. I barely managed to take down one! How would I take down one more? Everything I do would be a huge risk. Honestly my best bets would be to listen to her or run away, and both can end horribly."

She sighs before saying "I guess I have no choice in the matter. No matter what I'm going to do I'll be captured, but if I go along with your plan I have the chance of being conscious, or alive for that matter. I guess I'm going to have to trust you." Amelia approaches the brood with a hint of unease. "I don't like this... Who's to say she won't throw me on the ground and knock me out? Well I still don't have much of a choice, so I'll just have to do this.

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