
Is Sylar a villian? If so then can you tell me who he is attacking? I'm not too sure on which person he's going after.
Sylar is a villain, but he doesn't ally with anyone unless they are loyal. He's more of a "chaotic-evil" on the alignment chart, just looking for fun. He probably will help the hero unless someone intervenes or if the hero is super frickin op.
Hey woofers, how does the Sylar's exo work? Don't need to give it away if it's secret, I'm just curious. Also, back again sorry @Jesters Court that I took so long
Sylar is not exactly the most buff guy around. He needs to be agile, but still small so he is stealthy. His exoskeleton can be activated to work in unison with his muscles, making him jump higher, run faster, and just be more op in general. It uses hydraulics so that it doesn't need to be charged but still is powerful. It has three knife holsters, all bolted to the exoskeleton. They are located on his upper legs and on the back of Sylar's right shoulder. They are all concealed by his clothes. Also, he has four hidden blades, two one the bottom of his wrists, and two on the outsides of his elbows. These can be retracted on command, using the exoskeleton's interface (located on the hand areas, just a series of triggers. Sylar has the controls memorized. Attached to the skeleton is an manacled that can be switched between heat and infrared sensing. This covers his right eye and swings over his head when he activates/deactivates it.
Hmmm.... tempting... But I might take my own angle. Ryan is a little inventive himself (>>)
After this is all over Sylar will lend Ryan a couple blueprints if he wants. Designing an exoskeleton isn't exactly the easiest thing.
Well then... I'm starting to get concerned for Ryan's safety lol. So many powerful characters.. he'll have to step it up before he gets himself killed!
Don't worry about Loretta. She won't kill you if she doesn't know you're a hero or villain. She tends to be peaceful unless she she has her suspicions or finds out.

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