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Fantasy Nightfall


One Weird Winker



Nightfall is the place where criminals dwell. It is where all the twisted and such come out to play. As the day rises, the appearance of the city is normal. Cafes open up and shops start their day. The civilians put on facade, going to their work, socializing with one another. Then as dawn edges near, the lights come out, their is less civilians around. Shadows start lurking around. Night hits the city, the lights flash on, it is now the Villain's playground now. The true leader steps out; The Count. Glowing yellow eyes, paper white skin and dressed in a cloak dyed at the bottom with blood, he roams the city. He is the best of the best, the grade A meat, the top of ladder. Destroyer of millions, the face that appears in peoples nightmares, when it comes to Nightfall this is his Kingdom.

Heroes who heard of his terror sought out to find him, brave and foolish in their attempt, as the city could corrupt angel. Turn one good saint into child killing psychopath. Every hero who came never left again. As they tried their swords and guns; can you guess who would've won? The Count stood mercilessly slaying those who opposed him. Others seeing their companions fall, saw that their own throne was not so tall. They let themselves feel the power, or fall from the tower.

No matter how much you try to save this city you can't.

Take a gun, a knife or two and join the city of Villains.

The City in Daytime


The city at Twilight


The city at Night


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The city of NightFall was filled with the sounds of people. It was daytime and the shadows had dissapeared. It would be another normal day....


Current Time: 4:30 am

City Mood: Friendly

Shops open now: Farlen's cafe, The Happy Go-Mart, Alad's Mechanics Shop and Bank



Noah Hemlock - Streets of Nightfall, en route to Happy Go-Mart

Noah wakes up with a yawn and stretching in his bed. He hears joints popping and cracking, reminding him of his growing age. Grumbling, Noah got out of bed and began his usual routine. Take a bath to wake up,meat breakfast, prepare for the day at the Happy Go-Mart, etc. The house is otherwise silent without Noah's chores. Sometimes it does get lonely, but what use would it be to have a spouse? He was not old enough to need assistance yet. Noah packed his satchel and made sure his equipment (weapons) were on him before stepping out into the street. Another day. What opportunities may arise?
Hunter just arrived at NightFall, and could already tell he was gonna have a load of things to fix this place. "Oh, well. Time to get to work." He said grabbing his gear, which was in two duffel bags. Hunter started walking down the streets, watching for unusual things, but everyone seemed like they were ok. So, he continued down the street to the nearest motel. He needed somewhere to stay and a small motel room was perfect.
After coming home from what felt like a long nightshift, young expecting mother Carla Farron enters her Apartment after a long, terrifying walk home. Exhausted, she walked over to her bed and sat down, stretching out her legs as she got ready for bed. She put one hand over her swollen belly, where her baby was resting, and smiled. Carla knew well that Nightfall was not a place to raise a child. Not to mention she still needs to find the Father if he hasn't been killed yet. She took a deep breath before turning off the lights and laying down on her left side. Caressing her ever-growing belly, she tried her best to fall asleep as the sun was about to rise.
As the sun began to rise, Marc stood a few meters in front of the gates of the Count's castle. He looked up at the rather dark and daunting castle and wondered how he would get in. He assumed that people couldn't just casually walk in there and greet the Count, but...he hasn't tried it yet. Not that he would. After all, he wasn't the type to carelessly put himself in danger. He let out a soft huff and turned around to make his way back to wherever he came from. He would return another time...

Farlen's Cafe/Grelle's Shots


The door displayed the words; Welcome we are Open! Waitresses and Waiters stood by the side awaiting the usual regulars to arrive. The chef in the kitchen fired up the stove, in preparation and started preparing the ingredients. The atmosphere was friendly at this time of the day.

The Happy Go-mart/Weaponary and crafts shop


The Happy Go-Mart was lite brightly, sounds of chatter surrounded the place, as the local produced arrived. The smell of fresh produce enveloped the shop. It was time for it to open.

Alad's Mechanics Shop/Smuggler's Glove


A sign was placed on the front door on it's wooden face were the words; Open! Stray cats wandered around the alleyways nearby. It was a dank and smelly sort of place.



The bank was always opened, set directly in the centre of the city, many civillians passed by it.

The Count's Castle


Closed off to everyone besides villians. To enter this place alone is a death wish, either day or night it is always like this. The count lives here, if you dare enter..why don't you say hi?

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Silas slipped on his black jacket in his room at the castle. His ever apparent unamused and dull look on his face showed as he left his quarters. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he wondered the corridors. He eventually found his way to the front doors and exited. His footsteps tapped on the ground as he walked down the winding road that led to the city. He passed Marc and gave him a look that was all sorts of venomous. 'What a fool to come to this place, a civilian or a hero. Who cares, all I know is he's not suppose to be here.' Silas thought to himself. He stopped in his tracks and glared up at the man "Well, well. What brings a nice fellow like yourself to this part of town. Surely you aren't a fool?" he grinned. His hand in his left pocket closed around his switchblade in case of an emergency.

Interacting with: @AddictedtoPaper

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei perched from one of the trees from the castle, her ears pricked to the sound of two footsteps; the Count's son, "Silas" and another new person. She felt a little excitement, "was it a hero?" She gently landed on the ground. Her hands grasping onto her Scyth Gun. She swung it around herself saying, "Hai Silas of to see my brother again?"



Hair colour: Pitch Black

Skin colour: Paper white

Hairstyle: Always in two pigtails with a ribbon

Eye colour: A mix of purple and pink

Height: 155 cm


Unpredictable in nature, she is the most quiet of the sibling and most residents in the city tend to avoid her. She is appears to passive, but the next moment could be stabbing someone. Does not have good social skills, and is therefore always alone, with the exception of her older brother.





Handles the Scythe Gun as if it's her own arm

Can sense a presence nearby

Has a good aim

Is extremely fast


Is blind and therefore unable to see her background or people, so only able to recognize someone because of their voice.

When confused she becomes vunerable.

When she goes too fast she can get dizzy and has to have at least 5 minutes before she can continue


Mei and her brother had grown up in the city of Nightfall and now works under the Count,to take out the "heroes" who have come to this city. They have no parents and she has only two people she looks up to, The Count and her brother.


(stuff I may have missed out)


Zheng Xun


"If you want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

His hands wavered when he was holding the melon, causing him to nearly drop it. No shouts of surprise left his lips, his nature prevented him from becoming too emotional. Zheng heaved the melon up and placed it on one of the racks, then went to the counter to await any customers.


17 years old


The oldest of the two Xun siblings, he is quite protective of his younger sister, Mei. However unlike his sister he does not actively participate in Committing evil deeds. He manages the shop, The Happy Go-Mart during the day.


He is quiet and doesn't speak much. His emotions aren't clearly shown on his face, he tends to speak one sentence in response to situations.


Manager at the Happy Go-Mart


Carries around a spare hand gun

Marc was a bit surprised but amused when a young boy gave him a not-so-friendly look as he passed by. When the boy stopped a few footsteps in front of him, Marc also stopped. "I wanted to see the Count." Marc flashed a friendly smile at the boy. "But unfortunately, I couldn't find my way in. Perhaps I am a fool." He then added, lazily shrugging. This boy was rather intriguing. Marc was sure that the boy came from within the castle though. Perhaps this was an opportunity?

Marc then noticed another presence and in a few moments, a girl jumped down from a tree. Perhaps it was his lucky day...to meet two people from the castle. Oh how he wanted to see the Count....

Interacting with: @Nico @ScarletHood
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After Hunter got all his stuff set, he decided to go shopping. He suited up a posed as a villian. "Hopefully this works..." he mumbles as he leaves the motel room. He had his dual pistols on his sides and AR/SMG on his back. Hunter then went to the Happy-Go-Market to buy food and drinks so he wouldn't starve as he done his job. When he made it there he didn't grab much, some simle things.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She turned her head to the sound of the other voice. She stayed silent, she didn't want to give away that fact she was blind, to this stranger.

@Nico @AddictedtoPaper


Zheng Xun


"If you want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

A customer came in, "oh a newbie" he thought to himself. He shrugged the thought of what his younger sister could be potentially doing, after all she was at the Count's castle how much trouble could she get into?

As Hunter finished grabbing the things he needed, he then got his money ready and put his things up to the cashier. "This is all." He said in his usual deep voiced tone. "How much will it be?" Hunter asked the boy at the cashier. Hunter felt the prices might bite him in the butt, so he pulled out a few more dollars just in case. He then waits for the boy to tell him his price.

Interacting with:

@ScarletHood /Zheng Xun
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Zheng Xun


"If you want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

He scanned the items and said, "$19.95." He packed them into a plastic bag and resumed his train of thoughts.

Noctis woke up real late. People were already active and he didn't do crap yet. "Eh. Hobo by morning. Can't expect good sleep." He left his alley and walked around the city to find a good spot to beg. Like that ever worked. The castle wasn't too far. Maybe he would see what idiot is trying to get inside this time. He stopped when a saw a hero. Seeing a hero around Silas is not good. But then again the kid's crazy. Also the Xun girl is there so the hero is at more risk then I normally am. He walked past Silas and shut the gate completely before leaving the area. "Hey Silas. Have a good day. Tell your father the hobo is still wanting that money he promised me." He laughed and walked back to the city. Damn heroes always trying to get into the castle. Hopefully he thought I was serious and thinks the Count leaves his castle. Hopefully Silas knows what I tried to do. That would suck.
Hunter gave the guy his money and took his change. As he walkes out the store he looked both ways down the sidewalk. "So far, so good." Hunter mumbled to himself, "The guys needed help to fix a city that seems perfect enough. Or is it just night time?" He asked himself. He stopped trying to answer his own question, and walked into his motel room to finish setting up his stuff. After that he lost the bad guy gear he had on and went to sleep.
Although she wanted to sleep, Carla's insomnia started to kick in, which meant that she won't be able to sleep. For some strange reason, she just wasn't tired. But she really wanted to rest, mainly because she worked really hard last night. Pregnancy and being a Bar Hostess doesn't exactly mix either. But she really needs that Job, because she has no where to go. Carla also got decent tips and it helped pay bills, so she wasn't anywhere near complaining;. The only thing she'd complain about at all is the fact that she has to stand for a long time. As she continued to lay down resting in bed, she felt her baby kicking her hand as she tried to close her eyes.

Great, not only she has insomnia, but her baby is active too. She sighed before getting up from bed and sitting down on her chair by the window, where she had a nice view. She sighed, cradling her belly as she decided to watch the sunrise. Maybe afterwards she could settle in for a nap. Then get ready for work the next night.
The sunrise found Ryan getting ready for the day in his small apartment as tendrils of light inched between the cracked blinds into the room. His outfit from the previous night lay strewn between his bed and the door, the grey hoodie and sweat pants surprisingly clean next to his grimy sneakers. The man paid them no mind as he got dressed, humming cheerfully and slipping on his work shirt - a navy button up, plain save for his name tag sewn above his heart. Ryan moved to his cluttered desk to pack his lunch and equipment into his dusty backpack. A black, furry head poked out from under the bed and meowed softly, gaining a smile from the young man.

"Good morning Sunshine." Ryan greeted the cat, who meowed again in response before being scooped up and carried to the kitchen. He placed Sunshine next to his bowl, filled it with dry food, and left the cat to eat. "It's about time you got up for breakfast," Ryan chided the feline jokingly. "I've already eaten and we're about to set out. It's still the first week, so I want to get to work early."

After a couple more minutes Ryan could be heard banging out the door and down the stairs. Perched between his shoulders and backpack - and clinging on for dear life- was Sunshine. The duo made their way through the streets, Ryan slowing down once they'd cleared their apartment's block. "It sure is nicer during the day." He noted aloud. Sunshine moved to sit on one of his shoulders; he reached up to pet the cat out of habit.

Ryan's eyes darted around, eagerly taking the city in as he moved. His gaze automatically shifted to the Count's castle as he neared and his pace involuntarily slowed. "Well, except the castle. It always looks eerie."

To most civilians, the castle was completely off limits. Ryan always wondered what the inside looked like though. And especially about the Count. His feet stopped and he between his path to work and the castle. Now's as good a time as any, he thought, shrugging. "We've got a couple minutes." Ryan shifted his feet and started towards the gate, moving his stun knuckles to his back pocket as he did so. It didn't hurt to be prepared. As he grew nearer, the young man was surprised to see not just one, but four people in front of the gate.

((Ryan has a cat, failed to mention that... I'm just all over the place.. Should I put it in the "Other" section on his character sheet?))

@Nico @ScarletHood @AddictedtoPaper @TheSaiyanKami
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Hunter woke up, he was groggy from some drinking he did last night, "Holy crap.... my head is killing me." He said as he stood up. Hunter stumbled into his bathroom, holding his throbbing head. "This is...*Yawn* horrible." Hunter said grabbing some medecine. He geared up and stood outside, hoping someone would cross him. Hunter smiled and popped out a cigarette and started to smoke it. "This place ain't so bad..." he mumbled to himself.
Noah Hemlock - En route to Happy Go-mart

Noah walked down the side of the street on his way to the Happy Go-Mart. One of his hands lay on his satchel while the other pulled behind a small suitcase. Inside was his work stuffs he needs. At day his shop at the Happy Go-Mart sells tonics and elixirs that aid with health. Mixes that help with headaches, pills that fight constipation, etc. The vials of different ingredients clink together inside of the bag. Slightly audible by people who Noah passes by. Noah saw a man ahead smoking outside his house. (@Roman ) He thought it was probably someone new and thought nothing more of him. Noah simply looked straight forward and continued him morning commute.

@Roman if you wanna interact with him, you can.
Hunter watched as the guy passed by, "Hey you." He said in a deep voice. Hunter threw his cigarette to the ground and sighed. Hunter looked at the guy and wondered if he was here for trouble or was he going to help the 'few' heroes this place has. "Your walking around bad turf. Are you a good guy or bad guy?" He asked slipping his hand behind his back, reaching for a concealed pistol.

@Noah I'd love to iinteract with ya.
Noctis saw another person walk past him. Hero. He didn't bother saying anything so he went to see the old man at the store. Maybe there would be someone there. Hopefully someone new.

As he saw the old man, he saw another person. Is he a hero? I feel like I've seen him before. The new person was reaching for somerhing. Maybe it was a gun. Maybe it was something else. He looked at the new guy as he heard his question. "You're asking an old man if he's bad or good? That sounds like a hero who doesn't know what he's doing to keep his identity safe."
Hunter smirked, "Not sure what anyone is here." He said putting his hand by his side. It remained empty, "He could be someone in disguise." He said looking at the old guy then the other one. "Ya know. This place is dangerous. I could.be anything, but a hero is my last choice." Hunter lied. He knew he'd have to keep the fact he was a hero a secret for a while. "Who are you anyway?" He asked pulling out another cigarette.

Noah stopped and sighed as the man he was walking past stopped him. The man began to ask him about being "bad" or "good." Another person also joined in chiding the man. From the conversation the might be a hero, maybe not. No hero yet has done well in Nightfall. "Young man. I was heading on my way to the Happy Go-Mart." Noah said. "I don't understand how this is bad turf. I've always taken this path to my shop at the Go-Mart. Yes, this city is dangerous. So you shouldn't be acting all tough and getting into peoples faces." Noah said doing his best to hide his irritation. "Now do you have any other questions you particularly interrogative man? I must be heading to my shop to open."

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei walked away from the two, she knew if she got into any more fights her brother would be dissapointed with her. "A blind girl like you shouldn't pick fights like that willy nilly!" he would say to her after she had come home with slight bruises. She sighed walking down the pathway, then she stopped. She could sense there was a another presence ahead. She drew out her gun scythe, shifting into a defense positon.

@Syfyre/ Ryan Casures


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