Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural


Reach for the stars
@Soul OMU, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.











Name: Elizabeth Van Steen

Age: Unknown, but old.

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire



Personality: she's very cold, strict and indepedant, she doesn't need anyone to make her happy or to help her. She is very self confident and collected. She likes when everything is in order and gets very dark when things don't go as she planned or anticipated.

Powers: Super speed, strength, blood manipulation, Hypnotism, Mind control and Control over the school, time, durability (can withstand a lot of hits, is only put in a sleep state when staked), Master Swordsman.

Weaknesses: her hunger, when things don't go as planned.

Other: she is the headmistress of the academy.

Name: Lucy Eclair

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Demon





Personality: she's very quiet and mysterious, she never talks unless spoke to and often tries to avoid conversations when she can. She likes being alone or somewhere quiet where she can concentrate.

Powers: Blood Manipulation, Shadow Control/Manipulation, Fire, Smoke, Death, Darkness.

Weaknesses: touching other people, doesn't have control over her powers of death and fire, scared of hurting others.

Other: loves to draw and paint.

Name: Ren Seas

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Siren





Personality: she's very shy and quiet around people she doesn't know but she can't help but be kind and helpful as well. She is very modest and doesn't ever ask for anything in return when she helps someone else out.

Powers: hypnotism by singing, water, sea creatures, any form of water and charms

Weaknesses: not being able to sing without hypnotizing people, talking to people.

Other: she loves to dance and sing but wishes she could sing without hypnotizing people.
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I'll post my characters as I get home, I'm afraid it'll take a while. But I'll hurry as much as possible!! ^^
Name: Kent Bane

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/th.jpg.95fd889090aac23d9da1f3f60ae4c6da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/th.jpg.95fd889090aac23d9da1f3f60ae4c6da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shifty and calm. He learned to control himself most of the time but his anger can sometimes get out of hand.

Powers: Animal Shapeshifting, Telekinisis (but only in wolf form)

Weaknesses: Cats, anger,

Other: (Will start with on character to see how it goes)



  • th.jpg
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Name: Isabella Van Fen'rir

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Half Breed. (She's mixed between several things. Legitimately me and my friends rp chars did the one know who and then generations later it let to her.)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/02c74896da90d1579135debad327ca98.png.9fa7f8f9183a0ea5078239f1e2502145.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/02c74896da90d1579135debad327ca98.png.9fa7f8f9183a0ea5078239f1e2502145.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Normal)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6e009b97960fe91e25dd20b4a230a2c7.png.7e9de35b0eae3eb00557f0ab6cbd4944.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6e009b97960fe91e25dd20b4a230a2c7.png.7e9de35b0eae3eb00557f0ab6cbd4944.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Her Dark split persona.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/56c42f5d40a49ccdefc55b3cee48303a.png.ca0ae4b8bb93e6316f6981e35009bc84.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/56c42f5d40a49ccdefc55b3cee48303a.png.ca0ae4b8bb93e6316f6981e35009bc84.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Her witch form.)

Personality: Short tempered. Rowdy. She can be quite the queen B. She gets serious and unreadable in the times she needs to be. She's someone full of lust but only driven to go after one person named Simi. She's a kind person at heart and doesn't notice most of her actions are kind. Suffers from PTSD from past abusers.

Powers: She can use deity slayer flame. Sound magic, environmental magic, and she can summon things that she's contracted like demons. She can also turn into a dragon.

Weaknesses: Holy water. Holy Light. Witch hunters. Bibles. Anti magic users. Dragon Slayers. Churches.

Other: She's mixed with Dragon from her gandmother. Pure blood Demon from her father. Deity's blood from her great grandfather. Cat Shape shifter from her mother, other grandmother, and great grandmother. Witch from her great grandmother.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-08-01-00-30-08-1.jpg.75cf666509340122db59411629356ad1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-08-01-00-30-08-1.jpg.75cf666509340122db59411629356ad1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Dragon form.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/567f7ae95827c2507d996b7b39190b5f.png.8546958a3f532ecd067950e682317932.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/567f7ae95827c2507d996b7b39190b5f.png.8546958a3f532ecd067950e682317932.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (One of her demon summons. Carnificis.)



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Light said:
Name: Isabella Van Fen'rir
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Half Breed. (She's mixed between several things. Legitimately me and my friends rp chars did the one know who and then generations later it let to her.)

Appearance: View attachment 93057 (Normal)

View attachment 93059 (Her Dark split persona.)

View attachment 93061 (Her witch form.)

Personality: Short tempered. Rowdy. She can be quite the queen B. She gets serious and unreadable in the times she needs to be. She's someone full of lust but only driven to go after one person named Simi. She's a kind person at heart and doesn't notice most of her actions are kind. Suffers from PTSD from past abusers.

Powers: She can use deity slayer flame. Sound magic, environmental magic, and she can summon things that she's contracted like demons. She can also turn into a dragon.

Weaknesses: Holy water. Holy Light. Witch hunters. Bibles. Anti magic users. Dragon Slayers. Churches.

Other: She's mixed with Dragon from her gandmother. Pure blood Demon from her father. Deity's blood from her great grandfather. Cat Shape shifter from her mother, other grandmother, and great grandmother. Witch from her great grandmother.

View attachment 93066 (Dragon form.)

View attachment 93067 (One of her demon summons. Carnificis.)
jacunliffe said:
Name: Kent Bane
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

View attachment 93056

Personality: Shifty and calm. He learned to control himself most of the time but his anger can sometimes get out of hand.

Powers: Animal Shapeshifting, Telekinisis (but only in wolf form)

Weaknesses: Cats, anger,

Other: (Will start with on character to see how it goes)
Both accepted~!
if you'd like you can start now? I posted intros for my characters.

Name: Alezander Eclair

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Demon



(on the right)


Personality: He's very chilled and relaxed, he is very laid back and doesn't care much for rules, he hates following the rules but has to since he is a teacher and has to follow the guidelines.

Powers: Anything to do with Ice, the cold, Frozen things, water and glass.

Weaknesses: Being told he's wrong and smoking.

Other:Teacher of Defenses.

Name: Sebastian Eclair

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Demon



(On the left)


Personality:Always the one to follow the rules, is very strict and stuck up sometimes and often likes to be alone and is always studying. He is the complete opposite of his brother and a hard ass.

Powers: Earth manipulation, Plant manipulation, Ground manipulation, rocks, minerals and poisons.

Weaknesses: Other people, cute guys.

Other: Teacher of Herbology and Dangerous Plants.

Name: Angelo Corvino

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel





Personality: Quiet, calm, and sometimes kind. He quietly takes care of students or helps teachers who need his help. He often gets his remedies from Sebastian since Sebastian is the Potions and Herbology teacher. He likes to read and often can be found sitting in his office chair, reading.

Powers: Corruption, Flying, Shadows, Birds, Archery and Music, Healing.

Weaknesses: Blank

Other: He has a pet raven named Diablo and he's the school doctor.
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Name: Mairu Lemaire

Age: 15-16 (In appearance)

Gender: Female

Species: Spirit, Mage (Artificial)



Mairu is soft-spoken and distant, though she doesn't overdo it when she wants to avoid people. She dislikes crowds of people, but joined the school so she could get over her indirect fear. She is calm and rather slow to react in situations out of danger, even if she is intelligent. Her replies may seem strange as well, since she has her own 'pace.'

Mairu is someone who is said to be "neutral," or without an opinion of her own most of the time. She is better at following orders and giving them rather than giving orders. If you find her staring at you, it it perfectly normal, since she observes people often, and thinks rather deeply, often getting lost in thought. She also has a sense of curiosity, so she may poke her head into random situations just for the sake of satisfying her need to learn about the world.

Powers: Water, Ice, Mist (water forms), Illusion Magic

Blue powers are ones that are known, but are unstable

Black powers are the ones that are unknown, or never used before

Purple powers are ones that are controllable, and in use

-Mairu can manipulate water and ice, but it must be within 15 meters from where she is located

-She can also change the moisture into air into a liquid state, but this requires a lot of energy--she may be unconscious afterwards)

-As a mage, she can cast illusions from her imagination, and this applies only to the sight sense (ex: making an indoor area appear like a beach), but this magic is very fragile, and a disturbance can shatter this (ex: an injury to the caster, a powerful force, etc.)

-Mairu can call forth clouds or storms (it has to be rain or snow) for weather, but she cannot make it clear again--it must be done naturally (also, this ability takes a lot of energy)

-She can create a large structure with water if there is a body of water nearby (ex: water from a river turns into a large wave), but this will also cause her to be fatigued

-She cannot control her own health--it depends on the health of her home (a lake in the forest in the mountains), and is depends on the physical condition of her body as well (her physical body's health is fragile as well)

-She is not someone who should be a leader, or lead people

-Even though she may appear calm and emotionless, she actually has a fragile heart, and can lash out unpredictably if provoked to a certain point (though this remains a secret)

-She has trouble expressing herself, which is why she is quiet and distant with others

-Her hair color changes due to the angle in which the light hits her hair or her lake, though her lake is quite isolated (her hair color outside of a body of water is usually a dark color, such as black, but when using her mage powers, it turns into a bright purple)

-She can instantly tell if a body of water is nearby

-She loves music, which is why she plays the piano, and is attached to animals

-She is often mistaken for a 12-year old due to her small stature

-She has an obsession for food and sweet things
Name: Aria Waltz

Age: 16 (In appearance)

Gender: Female

Species: Angel



Aria is kind, and has a generous heart as an angel. She loves nature and animals, always going out of her way to help them, and the same goes for the people around her. She is someone who can be oblivious to betrayal, and is keen on befriending everyone she can. She is supportive and a little clingy, but she can be serious if she needs to. Aira is rarely sad, and is seen with a positive emotion most of the time.

When she sees a large amount of blood, she has an instant polar personality switch. In this "Dark" version of her, she is merciless, ruthless and violent. She has dark thoughts around her, and won't hesitate to harm anyone, even those she loves. Usually, this would happen if someone terrible happened to her (ex: loved one is murdered in front of her), and usually used against an enemy, but she may harm someone close to her, even if she doesn't mean to in reality. Also, this side is more powerful than her normal self, and very destructive. This side will wear off after she has caused enough destruction, or someone knocks her unconscious. Other methods can stop her, of course, but people tend to knock her unconscious rather than kill her.
Powers: Sound

-She can hide and reveal her wings to fly (she cannot fly without her wings)

-She can heal severe and fatal injuries, but it will drain her if she does it more than one time a day

-Things that happen to be dying (ex: wilting plants) tend to grow back to life if she is near them

-She can use sound waves destructively (ex: blast away a large structure)

-She can mimic someone's voice as long as she can remember exactly how it sounds

-Aira is physically weak, and is clumsy on her feet

-Her mental state is unstable, so she may suddenly have outbursts

-She has a low amount of concentration, so it is hard for to to keep focus

-She hates any sight of blood, and will have a polar personality change if she sees a large amount of blood

-She cannot control her polar opposite personality

-Aria loves spicy and sour food

-Things that Aria touch seem to brighten up in color, or have a small leaf/vine somewhere on it

-Her hair tends to get a little unruly, which is why it tends to get into her face a lot

-Aria jumps a bit higher than the average person

-Aria's wings are usually large and feather, but when her polar personality is "on," her wings become large spike-like structures
(Sorry I'm late. x( Thanks for tagging me--I appreciate it. ^^)
(It's okay and your welcome. ^^)

macaron said:
Name: Mairu Lemaire

Age: 15-16 (In appearance)

Gender: Female

Species: Spirit, Mage (Artificial)



Mairu is soft-spoken and distant, though she doesn't overdo it when she wants to avoid people. She dislikes crowds of people, but joined the school so she could get over her indirect fear. She is calm and rather slow to react in situations out of danger, even if she is intelligent. Her replies may seem strange as well, since she has her own 'pace.'

Mairu is someone who is said to be "neutral," or without an opinion of her own most of the time. She is better at following orders and giving them rather than giving orders. If you find her staring at you, it it perfectly normal, since she observes people often, and thinks rather deeply, often getting lost in thought. She also has a sense of curiosity, so she may poke her head into random situations just for the sake of satisfying her need to learn about the world.

Powers: Water, Ice, Mist (water forms), Illusion Magic

Blue powers are ones that are known, but are unstable

Black powers are the ones that are unknown, or never used before

Purple powers are ones that are controllable, and in use

-Mairu can manipulate water and ice, but it must be within 15 meters from where she is located

-She can also change the moisture into air into a liquid state, but this requires a lot of energy--she may be unconscious afterwards)

-As a mage, she can cast illusions from her imagination, and this applies only to the sight sense (ex: making an indoor area appear like a beach), but this magic is very fragile, and a disturbance can shatter this (ex: an injury to the caster, a powerful force, etc.)

-Mairu can call forth clouds or storms (it has to be rain or snow) for weather, but she cannot make it clear again--it must be done naturally (also, this ability takes a lot of energy)

-She can create a large structure with water if there is a body of water nearby (ex: water from a river turns into a large wave), but this will also cause her to be fatigued

-She cannot control her own health--it depends on the health of her home (a lake in the forest in the mountains), and is depends on the physical condition of her body as well (her physical body's health is fragile as well)

-She is not someone who should be a leader, or lead people

-Even though she may appear calm and emotionless, she actually has a fragile heart, and can lash out unpredictably if provoked to a certain point (though this remains a secret)

-She has trouble expressing herself, which is why she is quiet and distant with others

-Her hair color changes due to the angle in which the light hits her hair or her lake, though her lake is quite isolated (her hair color outside of a body of water is usually a dark color, such as black, but when using her mage powers, it turns into a bright purple)

-She can instantly tell if a body of water is nearby

-She loves music, which is why she plays the piano, and is attached to animals

-She is often mistaken for a 12-year old due to her small stature

-She has an obsession for food and sweet things
Name: Aria Waltz

Age: 16 (In appearance)

Gender: Female

Species: Angel



Aria is kind, and has a generous heart as an angel. She loves nature and animals, always going out of her way to help them, and the same goes for the people around her. She is someone who can be oblivious to betrayal, and is keen on befriending everyone she can. She is supportive and a little clingy, but she can be serious if she needs to. Aira is rarely sad, and is seen with a positive emotion most of the time.

When she sees a large amount of blood, she has an instant polar personality switch. In this "Dark" version of her, she is merciless, ruthless and violent. She has dark thoughts around her, and won't hesitate to harm anyone, even those she loves. Usually, this would happen if someone terrible happened to her (ex: loved one is murdered in front of her), and usually used against an enemy, but she may harm someone close to her, even if she doesn't mean to in reality. Also, this side is more powerful than her normal self, and very destructive. This side will wear off after she has caused enough destruction, or someone knocks her unconscious. Other methods can stop her, of course, but people tend to knock her unconscious rather than kill her.
Powers: Sound

-She can hide and reveal her wings to fly (she cannot fly without her wings)

-She can heal severe and fatal injuries, but it will drain her if she does it more than one time a day

-Things that happen to be dying (ex: wilting plants) tend to grow back to life if she is near them

-She can use sound waves destructively (ex: blast away a large structure)

-She can mimic someone's voice as long as she can remember exactly how it sounds

-Aira is physically weak, and is clumsy on her feet

-Her mental state is unstable, so she may suddenly have outbursts

-She has a low amount of concentration, so it is hard for to to keep focus

-She hates any sight of blood, and will have a polar personality change if she sees a large amount of blood

-She cannot control her polar opposite personality

-Aria loves spicy and sour food

-Things that Aria touch seem to brighten up in color, or have a small leaf/vine somewhere on it

-Her hair tends to get a little unruly, which is why it tends to get into her face a lot

-Aria jumps a bit higher than the average person

-Aria's wings are usually large and feather, but when her polar personality is "on," her wings become large spike-like structures
(Sorry I'm late. x( Thanks for tagging me--I appreciate it. ^^)

(Both are accepted)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](It's okay and your welcome. ^^)
(Both are accepted)

Thank you~ :3



Marshall Sudbrock






Blood Demon


Muscular build



Hot headed and cold. People that are close to ihm say the opposite. He is rude and seriosu at times for those who he doesn't know. His short-temperedness makes him dangerous, so they sent him here. Even tough he is nice and kind on the inside, people see him as a monster.


Blood Manipulation

The only way to activate this is to spill his blood, at the sight of his blood, his body acts in a defensive manner, having blood blades coming out of his wrists, as hard as titanium. He can manipulate his blood, making shields, armors, and sometimes even weapons. His senses increase drastically, giving him faster reaction speed and strenght


Loud sounds are his biggest weakness, his hearing is so sharp a loud noise like a giant bell ringing, can devastate him. Bright lights hurt his eyes too, making him lose half of his powers. Every time he uses his blood, he obviously loses it from his body, making him weak after battle.




Name: Jorah Hazule

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Anubian

Appearance:With a mask 7'2" Built like a brick house. Carries an Egyptian sword or two edged Egyptian pole arm at all times. Almost always wears a cloak to hide himself but is careless.

With out a mask


Personality: Though he seems vicious he is actually very softhearted. Is easy to anger. Guys that act bad ass annoy him, he'll make em nut up, or shut up. (Zombieland Reference) Likes to be around other people who aren't mean. Loves animals and beasts with a solid passion.

Powers: Canines, felines, reptiles, and flying mammals see him as a god, they follow him and protect him if it comes to the occasion. Super Strength ,heals fast, very strong senses when applied, fast reflexes. Can surround someone in sand to protect or capture them. Can see weaknesses in all things, whether it be a easily breakable leg or a soon to fall chair.

Weaknesses: Water, it burns his skin like acid. The cold, slows him down. Eating Meat, good and bad. Good: He rampages on natural instinct like a tank you have to be extremely, EXTREMELY strong to take him down. Bad: He will kill on natural instinct, will kill friend and foe.

Other: Loves exotic fruits and plays with cats and kittens when ever the chance presents itself.
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jole875 said:
Name: Jorah Hazule
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Anubian

Appearance:With a mask 7'8" Built like a brick house. Carries an Egyptian sword or two edged Egyptian pole arm at all times. Almost always wears a cloak to hide himself but is careless.

With out a mask


Personality: Though he seems vicious he is actually very softhearted. Is easy to anger. Guys that act bad ass annoy him, he'll make em nut up, or shut up. (Zombieland Reference) Likes to be around other people who aren't mean. Loves animals and beasts with a solid passion.

Powers: Canines, felines, reptiles, and flying mammals see him as a god, they follow him and protect him if it comes to the occasion. Super Strength ,heals fast, very strong senses when applied, fast reflexes. Can surround someone in sand to protect or capture them. Can see weaknesses in all things, whether it be a easily breakable leg or a soon to fall chair.

Weaknesses: Water, it burns his skin like acid. The cold, slows him down. Eating Meat, good and bad. Good: He rampages on natural instinct like a tank you have to be extremely, EXTREMELY strong to take him down. Bad: He will kill on natural instinct, will kill friend and foe.

Other: Loves exotic fruits and plays with cats and kittens when ever the chance presents itself.
Accepted but 7'8 is a bit extensive...
He's not even remotely human, but I get it. I thought it was a tad bit ill lower it half a foot.
I'll post my character in about an hour or so. Still doing some Christmas stuff.


(Sorry this took so long!)


Simi (Vel’tira of the Venari)


  • Biologically: 20
  • Chronologically: Unknown




Charonte Demon

  • Known for their strange, overly luminescent eyes and the ashy white, almost grey pallor of their ice cold skin (caused by their black blood, which gained it’s colour by the raised amount of carbon in their blood), the monarch-ruled Charonte demons are an incredibly rare race of demons who inhabit the ninth layer of Hell. Each Charonte receives a single special capability at a random age, which can vary from turning invisible to raising golems out of rocks or inanimate objects. Their eyes are a result of the inky darkness of the layer, and they have perfect vision in the dark. However, the Charonte are also known for one another, somewhat odd factor; they lure in their prey by shapeshifting and posing as children. Amongst demons and some more knowledgeable humans, they are known as the ‘Peter Pan children’, as they can hold their child form indefinitely.
    other info:
    Charonte, for the most part, eat souls, but many (Simi included) will devour the physical body of their prey.
  • Each Charonte receives a single special capability at a random age, which can vary from turning invisible to raising golems out of rocks or inanimate objects.
  • Their eyes, which will glow in and out of the dark, are a result of the complete lack of light of the ninth layer, so they have perfect vision in the dark.


Height: 5'9"


Note: Simi has black tendril-like tattoos from the right side of her waist, over the right part of her ribs, and covering her right arm and shoulder. They turn red if she is manipulating her blood.


Simi is, for the most part, calm, composed, and seeming very formal and respectful to those that offer her the same respect. She speaks politely, but can be very harsh if she thinks someone is looking down on her or disrespecting her or Isabella. However, if Simi is upset, it is not only hard for her to calm down, but her explosive, near psychotic bursts of rage and violence are hard to handle and harder to contain. She is fiercely protective of Isabella, and Simi always will step into a fight if she thinks Isabella is threatened.


  • Incredible strength and speed (capable of easily shredding apart metal with her bare hands, but she is much stronger than she is fast)
  • Capable of seeing in complete darkness
  • Can easily remain in very cold temperatures for an indefinite amount of time
  • Hand to hand and sword combat
  • Can manipulate the carbon in her blood to mutate her limbs
  • Advanced regeneration (She could heal a large gash in a few days)


  • Fatally weak to holy objects to the point where she can’t walk into the grounds of a church without getting violently ill
  • Heat, fire and bright light weaken her, as the ninth layer is a pitch black, arctic wasteland.
  • Incapable of anything involving magic
  • Water of any kind will cause her skin to burn and char
  • Mentally unstable and prone to flashbacks
  • Blind in her right eye


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Name: Karia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Alchemist

(she is the one in red)

Personality: She is the silent type but could care less as long as she is the higher up of course she cares deeply for her sister as long as she is out of harm everything is fine.

Powers: She is able to transform one object to another by taking the particles of that object and re-arrange them into another object so an branch can become an sword if she wishes.

Weaknesses: Her greed for power will always make her weak for she wishes that she had both powers to help her and her only find the philosopher's stone for eternal life.

Other: She has the transmutation circle already tattooed on her hand because drawing it would take too long.

Name: Sabrina

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Alchemist

(she is the one in blue)

Personality: She requires a lot of entertainment and is sort of an free sprit and very happy go lucky you can feel the vibes of excitement coming off of her and she is not afraid to become up close and personal with you.

Powers: She holds the power to change the age of an object like ice into water back into ice or an camp fire into ashes.

Weaknesses: She cant use these powers for life or death of living beings so she is limited on what she can use her time arc powers for .

Other: She has paper charms that she can either throw at or place on the idem to cast her power.

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