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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))


Everyone and Everything is John. But John is Jeff.
This roleplay takes place in medieval times, you do not do need to be a human. For I'm a shape shifter, only being able to shift into the reptile species. All my reptile are covered in a dark purple color almost black-like. Under belly is covered in a light amethyst color with blazing gold eyes. My character is a outlaw, assassinating towns people, stealing their treasures and killing off of their bloodlines. Only is being able to shift when is outraged or in pain. You can be something incorporated with mythical creatures if you like. I can shift into dragons, hydras, sea serpents, etc.

-the dark silhouette of a dragon would sit upon a cliff. Its wings slightly curved out as blood dripped from its talons. Shaking its massive head, scales clicking together and spikes alone spine spreading out slightly. Its blazing gold gaze would search the town below the cliff. Looking for its next victim. Spots a young farm boy going to into his fields to check the amount of crops grown the past month. A smile creeps over the dragon's long muzzle as glares down at the innocent boy-
Katlyn was inside her small home, she walked over to the window in the corner. It was raining lightly so she had to squint her eyes against the fog. Her brother had gone out to check the crop supplies and she was trying to watch him like mother had told her to do.

. . .
-The silhouette shifts slightly, seems as if growing larger as wings spread out wide. The moon casting through thin membranes. Rises from spot muscles bunch together as pushes off of cliff. Flapping wings steadily as heads toward the farm. Shakes out scales slightly, eyes tightening into hair thin slits-
Katlyn looked up, seeing a dark shadow moving across the foggy night sky. I wonder what that is..?
He sat atop his horse with a steely look, his lips set in a grim line, and handsome face creased with a frown. He was bloody, dirty and covered in sweat from fighting, he wiped his forehead and sighed. Bloody bandits. He jumped off his horse, leading it over to the barracks stables before walking inside, stripping off his armour and washing the mud and dried crimson from his skin. How he hated leading men on those blasted patrols, not knowing whom would come back alive. He pulled on a clean, white tunic, hide trousers and black leather boots that reached mid-calf.
-Nears a forest right at the edge of the farm and flies to it landing heavily on the soft grass under-talon. Folding wings back walking out breaking from the tree. The boy looks up at eyes spreading slightly with fear. A low chuckle came from muzzle sounding ruff and unused. Looking down at lowers head to meet his fearful gaze- My, My look at you -chuckles huffing smoke into his face.- Its awfully late now isn't it? -smiles showing rows of teeth-
As the beast came into full view, Katlyn screamed, getting her parents' attention and probably a few people's outside. "Dragon! I saw a dragon!!"
He sighed, it was just his luck to be posted in the middle of nowhere. In a simple town outskirts of peasants and farmers. How exciting. He stretched, and yawned looking out the open window to see the shadow cover the moon before dissapearing. "...dragon?" He murmered, narrowing his eyes, cursing as it dived down. There was only one way to know. He grabbed his sheathed sword, buckling it to his belt. He pulled a thick cotton cloak over his shoulders to combat the bitter wind, and walked outside. He once more mounted his horse, patting its neck "Sorry old boy" he murmered, spurring the steed into a gallop
-Smiles and pushes the boy down hard with talon. Lowers head to his tip of snout inches from his face. Golden eyes staring deeply into his scared eyes, his eyes welling with tears. He scream out for help. Chuckling softly- Now, there's no need for that. -Ears perk slightly- Oh my, did you hear that? I believe I heard the demon's of hell cheering for another life that I just ended -Smiles as presses talon deeper onto his chest, knocking breath from his lungs. Putting to much force for him to get breath back in to his young body-
Katlyn ran outside, bursting through the door. She stopped, seeing a man she hadn't seen before running on a horse towards the dragon and her little brother.
He brandished his steel sword, holding it aloft, his face masked by the hood worn. His cloak whipped out behind him as he gritted his teeth, with a gruttal war cry, he slashed the sword across the dragons snout. He pulled the horse to a skidding halt, and turned to face the giant reptile once more. "Let him go lizard!" he demanded.
-Looks down as sees snout bleeding from the cut. Slowly turning head to face him, a low growl erupting from throat- Or maybe it was you that I heard? -Narrows eyes slightly at him, raises wings. Slipping talons around the boy as pushes hard on air under wings. Taking flight. Flies high into the night's sky. A loud roar escaping through mouth as stares down at the knight and young girl over near the house.

Katlyn screamed as she witnessed her brother being carried away by the dragon. "No!! Stop! Someone help him, please!!!"
His eyes widened, he looked toward the small girl "Go home lass. I'll bring him back. I swear" he nodded, his horse rearing before setting off at a gallop after the airborne dragon. His amber eyes narrowed in concentration as the chase ensued.
-Ear twitch hearing the faint gallop of his horse. Shakes head focusing on where's going. Pushing hard on air under wings flying higher as soars further as well. loosens grip on the boy about to drop him on the large stones under self-
"NO!" he shouted, pushing his horse till it was wheezing for breath, foaming at the mouth. "A little further boy" he murmered comfortingly. His hand outstretched toward the young boy. His eyes wide, heartbeat thumping in his ears as he watched the dragons next moves intently.
April was in the forest helping some birds gather food when she had seen a Dragon fly over. "That's odd." she said as she set the food she had gathered down and followed the Dragon as it flew. It wasn't much of a challenge for her as she followed, though it was a challenge to keep her sight ahead and above as she followed. April was following more so for the safety of the animals, but also because she saw a boy. She hid after she came across many rocks, the rocks were sharp and long and would most likely kill in seconds. Wanting to learn more about this Dragon she went around them as far as she could so she could continue to follow the Dragon.
Katlyn was sitting the corner of her small room. She held her knees to her chest tightly, silent tears streaming down her soft cheeks.
-The boy shrieks in fear as loosens grip more on him. Chuckling softly as the boy struggles to cling onto talons.- Sorry little boy but here is where it ends for you - Smiles and drops him watching him as he nears the ground. Hear his cries as he gets closer and closer. Watching him fall to his death-
He watched as the young boy hit the sharp rocks with a splatter of crimson. His eyes wide and mouth in mid scream. He shook, in sadness and in rage, jumping off his mount to run to the corpses side. He brushed the boys pale cheek, shaking. "...You...YOU BASTARD! HE HAD A LIFE!" He screamed up at the dragon, mourning the child's death as if it was his own.
-Smiles down at the knight and chuckles softly. Looking around slightly as stays in midflight wings flapping heavily in air-
He glared with ferocity burning in his eyes, which had become luminescent orbs of yellow. He snarled "I will kill you, bitch" he threatened, knowing he had lost this battle... but not the war. He stripped off his cloak, wrapping the child's body in it, and hoisted him into his arms. "Gods be with you" he murmered.
-Smiles and thinks slightly- now who should be my next victim? - Ears perk up and chuckles softly. Flying back to the farm house-
He climbed atop his exhausted mare, spurring him into a fast trot back toward the farmhouse. The body of the young boy in his arms, wrapped in a long cloak.

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