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Fantasy Nexus Academy of Magic | OOC

ok great. I'll wait patiently

i like the idea that we are allowed to make our own spells but i guess that would be split up in your independent study and free time where you can either choose to practice spells that exists in your magic affinity or try to make a new spell for your affinity magic
Matr1x2er0 Matr1x2er0 yes the spells will be fun, or a terrible mess, or both. I mean they don't know enough to start experimenting on their own. Although I can totally see Iris going "I don't see how this could go wrong" and ending up burning half of the room
M Joc Casl M Joc Casl Iris has no reason to think she should explain it. In her mind, nothing happened that needed further talk, besides that's not her at all.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 we all believe in you xD
I'm ready to see what hijinks the familiars get into!
Archemis Archemis Best believe Marcus will be right there with Iris going "I believe this is the same spell I read about, should be pretty simple" *doesn't work like he thought* "OH MY GAWD OH MY GAWD OH MY GAWD! WE'RE GOING TO GET EXPELLED"

Archemis Archemis Matr1x2er0 Matr1x2er0 Do your characters know that all of Marcus' confidence is coming from his belief he's living his favorite book series?
I'm ready to see what hijinks the familiars get into!
Archemis Archemis Best believe Marcus will be right there with Iris going "I believe this is the same spell I read about, should be pretty simple" *doesn't work like he thought* "OH MY GAWD OH MY GAWD OH MY GAWD! WE'RE GOING TO GET EXPELLED"

Archemis Archemis Matr1x2er0 Matr1x2er0 Do your characters know that all of Marcus' confidence is coming from his belief he's living his favorite book series?

Xavier is personally considering something similar to that but isn't fully sure on that ^^
M Joc Casl M Joc Casl She understood he read something, probably fiction, given that sensational quote about the trials and dying. That would stick in her head. But besides that, she hasn't really stopped to think about anything she heard so far
Sorry guys that I haven't posted I've just been having things happen over here that have been keeping me away but I haven't given up on this.
I hope they are all good things that are keeping you busy! And if not, I hope they turn around for the better soon. We don't know you but feel free to dump and rant to us, I'll definitely listen!

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