News New Staff!

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the traitorous queen
So, after some serious consideration, it was decided to reorganize the staff list a little bit. How so? We are adding two new Super Mods and two new Forum mods!

Without further ado, we would like to welcome @AllHailDago and @Pine to the super mod team and @Atom as your fandom forum mod and @Ghost as your fantasy forum mod.

Please give them a warm welcome! Also know that they are still training in their new positions and may be a bit slow to start. (:

Want to learn more about the staff team and/or how each title functions? Read here.


@Mordecai, @Captain Hesperus, @The Dark Wizard
Congratulations and thanks for taking on the responsibility!

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
Laaaaaaame, jk never met you guys before but congrats on the position! :) I'm sort of new here so I hope I get see some of you guys roleplaying... if that's allowed.... hmmm...
*applies for mod, realizes it's probably not an appliation kinda thing so just goes back to creating characters and posts for RP's*

Also, congrats Jack! I'll be sure to take care of Butt Stallion for ya while you're busy doing mod work!
Thanks everyone! I'll do my best. ( #^ v ^ #)
The Confused Pixie] [CENTER] [COLOR=#B93B8F][FONT='Crafty Girls'][SIZE=12px][B]♪[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#B93B8F][FONT='Crafty Girls'][SIZE=12px] Yay for [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][URL=" said:
@Ghost[/URL] ! I'm so happy for you. <3

You the best, the one any only. <3

Ehehhe, aww, thank you so much! ( # V v V #)
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