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Fantasy New Spark

((Hope it's okay if I join, if not, it's fine ^^; @Mikahil ))

Name: June Belladonna

Personality/Backstory: June is, well, special. She's been alone for most of her life after loosing her little brother to a terrible accident. She took up drinking after the events. Despite her habits, though, she remains barely functional as she has built up a tolerance to the effects of alcohol, so it takes much more than her normal daily intake to cause her to get drunk. With a flask hidden in almost any outfit she'd be seen wearing, there isn't a time when she isn't drinking. She keeps to herself for the most part, until someone has the audacity to piss her off. It doesn't take much, a few wrong words or stepping towards her too quickly can cause an outburst. She has quite the history with police, well, running from them at least. Staying hidden isn't very hard when hardly anyone knows your name.

Power/ability/weapon(s): While she enjoys a good old fashioned fistfight, she uses her powers in order to help her in daily life. She calls most of her powers from the zodiac, and uses the different traits of each unique sign to give her what power she needs in specific situations.

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Gay as hell, m8~


No alternate form!

Pets/Partners: A fluffy, ragdoll cat that she named Cyrus after her little brother. She saved it from being taken by animal control, and it has followed her ever since.

Ivenora or Humanus?: Ivenora
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scaryyangell said:
((Hope it's okay if I join, if not, it's fine ^^; @Mikahil ))
Name: June Belladonna

Personality/Backstory: June is, well, special. She's been alone for most of her life after loosing her little brother to a terrible accident. She took up drinking after the events. Despite her habits, though, she remains barely functional as she has built up a tolerance to the effects of alcohol, so it takes much more than her normal daily intake to cause her to get drunk. With a flask hidden in almost any outfit she'd be seen wearing, there isn't a time when she isn't drinking. She keeps to herself for the most part, until someone has the audacity to piss her off. It doesn't take much, a few wrong words or stepping towards her too quickly can cause an outburst. She has quite the history with police, well, running from them at least. Staying hidden isn't very hard when hardly anyone knows your name.

Power/ability/weapon(s): While she enjoys a good old fashioned fistfight, she uses her powers in order to help her in daily life. She calls most of her powers from the zodiac, and uses the different traits of each unique sign to give her what power she needs in specific situations.

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Gay as hell, m8~


No alternate form!

Pets/Partners: A fluffy, ragdoll cat that she named Cyrus after her little brother. She saved it from being taken by animal control, and it has followed her ever since.

Ivenora or Humanus?: Ivenora
Good backstory, depressing condition, a cute pet, and a unique power. Accepted.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e22a08ef930c9e9e9ed37a5e63502ba6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e22a08ef930c9e9e9ed37a5e63502ba6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stands 6ft 10in weighs 325lbs

Name:Alveres De santo "Savage"

Personality:Savage is a very defensive creature who spends most of his time alone on account of his grotesque appearance. He is not a friendly beast but he will operate in groups for the sake of survival.

Backstory:Alveres Dr Santo was once a member of the Humanus, until they found out about his abilities. He was a member of their security team who was a very good soldier,but he was born with inhuman senses. When they found out they captured him and in an attempt to cure his abilities they wound up stimulating his mutated gene with radiation and chemicals treatments resulting in his ability morphing and reverting him to a primal state. He broke free and has been evading recapture by hiding in the great forest.


Class 3 super strength: he can lift up to 30 tons.

Class 3 durability: his body is very tough capable of easily withstanding small bombs, and non armor piercing rounds.

Heightened senses:he can actually taste the air and his senses of smell and hearing are ten times the average human.

Class 1 super speed:he can run at up to 65mph and is very hard to stop once he gets some momentum going.

No weapons and he has forgotten most of his military training.


Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual Preference:asexual (he kinda just wants to be left alone.)

Alternate form/super form:

after sustaining serious damage or being severely enraged his adrenal gland will engage and he will swell into this monster

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.5ad57907071591ccefc4cd77ade44834.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.5ad57907071591ccefc4cd77ade44834.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stands 9ft 11in weights 886lbs

All of his natural abilities grow much stronger and his senses increase as well

He becomes able to lift up to 30,000 tons,though that can climb to up to 100,000 tons with enough stress.

Can withstand nearly any damage short or a nuclear blast

And becomes more than twice as fast able to move at speeds of up to 200mph

However this comes at a severe cost he cannot maintain this form for long or his heart might explode...

Pets/Partners:yeah most things are either food or not food.

Ivenora or Humanus?:Neither but he hates Hunanus, he's indifferent towards Ivenora.



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Mikahil said:
@Alphaius Overpowered prick. Accepted. xD I was too lazy to give compliments, but just know he was good.
Fantastic and yeah overpowered prick is right he's a team effort take down. xD

But he's not to unstoppable high pitched tones will hurt his sensitive ears.
Well, well, well. Google all the different types of energy and then you'll know what my character is capable of. He just can't use it in a big way since it stresses his body. My character needs to balance his powers so it won't damage him.
Mikahil said:
Well, well, well. Google all the different types of energy and then you'll know what my character is capable of. He just can't use it in a big way since it stresses his body. My character needs to balance his powers so it won't damage him.
Don't need to buddy your power is one I am quite familiar with...

I even know the secret weakness of it ^.^

However I will wait to introduce savage until later.
Name: Justice Lokshire

Personality: Quiet but has a smart mind. She fights for what's right and doesn't give up. Determined and stubborn.

Backstory: After being abandoned in the forest at the age of 10, she has lived on her own and grown to love the forest (really only in the winter) She practiced her sneaking abilities on the animals (only when necessary) and believes she done pretty well. After 5 or 6 years in the forest, she left and quickly joined the Ivenora, seeing their message as right.

Powers: She can manipulate ice and sometimes snow. She usually covers her body with ice like a shield.

Ice Blast: Snow and icicles shoot out from her palms.

Snow Wings: Dragon wings form from her back and she can fly for a certain amount of time.

Snowy Slide: Platforms will form under her feet, usually facing downwards.

Ice Wonderland: Makes everything from 100 feet away from her snow and ice.

Weapons: Two short ice daggers.

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Homosexual

Regular Form:


Alternate Form:


Pets/Partners: None

Ivenora or Humanus?: Ivenora
Name:Kenisu Kisaragi

Personality:At first may seem cold,aloof,distant,merciless but later on shows kindness ,happiness,and will be much more caring.Is extremely loyal to friends and is pretty much selfless and will put others requests or needs ahead of his at times.Doesn't like reciving things much, he usually gets embarrassed as he rather give gifts then receive them.Is rather shy most of the time speaks to himself while alone or doing other things playing games or something.

Backstory: After losing his parents in a tragic incident he was sent to live with his grandmother which was his only relative who could take him but Kenisu couldn't stand her as she treated him horribly.Until one day he had enough if it and his grandmother starting insulting him and his parents, he yelled at her to shut up about his parents and in his rage transformed with a red aura around him.As his grandmother saw this she started yelling at him, a monster a freak, she went to grab a machete to try and kill him but Kenisu instinctively used his power to push the machete into her and killing her.After that he ran off,doing jobs sometimes stealing to survive,all while hiding his powers. He had heard of the conflicts between the humans and ivenora and tryed to see if he could join as he himself had seen how humans dispise others who are different to them.

Powers: Telekinesis,Energy Manipulation,Self taught sword skills/martial arts

Weapons: A katana he has on his back and a hand gun (Five-Seven pistol)



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/darkarmin2_by_sayuuhiro-d6l3pg3.png.3176cb125cd0cee225841e8a24a67c42.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/darkarmin2_by_sayuuhiro-d6l3pg3.png.3176cb125cd0cee225841e8a24a67c42.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Black Hair,Blue eyes,likes wearing hoodies and shoes or sports clothing,pretty much stuff like that as long as he feels he's ready for anything, likes blue a lot.

Clothes would be like this:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ACT1302.jpg.5812f6a7ecd3c2b66d41cd697c2c2c7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ACT1302.jpg.5812f6a7ecd3c2b66d41cd697c2c2c7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Though when he transforms his personality is a lot more dark and merciless his appearance also changes, his hair goes more silver or grey and his eyes turn red instead of blue.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2015-09-23-182124.jpg.928ff7691cf78ac5929ad3ec8b33969e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2015-09-23-182124.jpg.928ff7691cf78ac5929ad3ec8b33969e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Humanus/Ivenora: Ivenora



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