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Fantasy New Spark

@Thalia Raiz

Great and mean girl. I like the spice. Spices grow on plants CX

[QUOTE="The Wizard of Odd]O_O You won't be using first person, will you?

I will be using first person. I'll just use things like this for different people:

Person 1:"hi"

Mikahil: "Fuck off."

He won't actually be like that.
[QUOTE="Thalia Raiz]Ugh, first person. (=u=)(BP)

What wrong with the I's? xD It's a little easier for me. At least I'm not illiterate. (:'()(:3)


Gretchen A. Blackthorn




Ace is guaranteed to be the oddest child you will ever encounter. She's socially crippled, which makes her blurt out the first thing on her mind.... unfiltered.... Ace is kind and is ready to help anyone. Ace never had any friends because of her weird personality so she can be clingy towards anyone who's kind enough to talk to her. Although she's highly intelligent in the classroom, all intelligence seems to slip away when she's in the real world. Ace hates being rude, but she may say something rude not really understanding it's rude. When boys flirt with her she has a melt down. Her brain shuts down and she cannot communicate with others.


Tbr if that's alright


Ace has the ability to manifest objects out of matter. She can manifest small non-living objects, if she tries to make anything too large her nose will start to bleed, and if she pushes it: she'll loose consciousness. Her best creations are her weapons. Her weapons are beautiful and their almost thirty times stronger than a normal weapons, and their infamous for having a little something extra depending on who she makes the weapon for.



Sexual Preference:


Alternate form/super form:

This is her disguise for when she decides to use her ability in public or rebel:




This is her pet Zeeki


Ivenora or Humanus?:

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First person is a major pet peeve of mine. I just find it so odd and tacky, but I suppose script format will be fine.
I'm sorry if it's odd, but third person is a bit too hard for me. I'll get things confused because I have a horrible focus.


Great backstory, interesting power, and a unique personality. Accepted.
Besides, I think my full potential will be brought out with first-person. I get that it's sketchy and weird, but I'm a unique person okay? xD

But my sincere apologies for not living to your expectations.
Aww. You're makin' us sound like bad guys. We don't expect you to change anything, I was just wonderin'. It's chill. You're fine.
I sometimes get outta hand. I'm sorry. But I wasn't trying to offend you in any way.
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I believe we have all the peeps we need. Unless @The Wizard of Odd needs to finish the character(s).
*Standing in a dark corner* Uh... Is... Is my character accepted or nah? If not then that's fine
Yes it is. @Andie But please refrain from using stars as an action. It's in the overview tab, under rules; if you want more information.
Sorry, I just thought it was only for the actual roleplay not the out of character stuff...
Name: Novalee Rae

Personality: Mostly keeps to herself or her journal but when she feels like she can be herself, she is fun and outgoing. She mostly wears colorful clothing that seem to be from the expensive department.


Once she became of her 16th birthday, she felt different. She grew up in a normal family who mostly ignored her for blowing money on themselves. So she packed a bag and left knowing they wouldn't care if she was there or not.....especially after she accidently killed their maid who angered Novalee.

Power/ability/weapon(s): She can freeze or blow up objects to a molecular level to even the atoms are effected.

Gender: Female

Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual:

Straight but likes to flirt with girls for fun


Alternate form/super form:

(Please include a picture of what you look like, or please describe thine self. Not everyone may be accepted, but it doesn't matter since most of them will be, anyway. :P )


Pets/Partners: nope

Ivenora or Humanus?:

@The Wizard of Odd
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.555b67599a26056cd1ff3974f0246ea4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.555b67599a26056cd1ff3974f0246ea4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name:Anki Aboli

Personality:Anki is a bit of a dick on first impression and that doesn't really change to much as you get to know him, though he may not be a dick specifically to certain people. That being said he's still got a heart of gold. He is willing to put himself of the line for a total stranger without even really knowing them,Anki has been known to hold a distrust of people.

Backstory: For a long time Anki thought he could hide his abilities from people. In his world powered individuals were called the tainted,mostly because they attained their powers from a genetic disease that rarely was not fatal. Those who developed powers from the disease, we're considered it's carriers and they spread the virus. All but Anki his virus had bonded with him on a metaphysical level. He was not contagious, but the government of his homeworld caught him and spent decades attempting to kill him with everything they could. After forty six years they were nearly ready to give up but one had an idea...Anki was loaded into a particle collider and well...collided.

The energy released forced Anki into another dimension,no man would've survived. But Anki was no man,he was better,he was tainted. Upon arriving o. This world he quickly drew parallels to his old world and now uses his abilities to help end the subjective empire. His end goal is to go back home and put an end to the war on the tainted there.

Powers/abilities/weapon(s):fights with a UMP.45 sub machine gun with a scope and a silencer And a S&W .40 handgun with a laser sight and FMJ rounds.

Absolute regeneration:Anki possesess a seemingly indomitable healing factor,immune to all forms of damage he is virtually unkillable,even his mind and soul are subject to this healing and nothin can turn it off...

Shared healing:Anki can share his healing factor but each person he shares this ability with lowers the collective power of it, for example when he gives it to one other person, both he and the other person will be able to heal but only half as fast as originally,every split splits the effectiveness of the power. Until it can become hardly even active. This is the only way to lower his healing factor as it has often been shown to be resistant to any other form of attempted removal.However the splits are only so long as he wants them to be.


Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual Preference:Heterosexual (it's all that ever existed in his dimension, he finds any other form of relationship very interesting)

Alternate form/super form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.07190fad5fb1a24eb3a6d6f8b90afa20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.07190fad5fb1a24eb3a6d6f8b90afa20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not really a super form but he wears this mask in an attempt to scare his targets,and to hide his identity.(not that anyone in this world knows him...)


Ivenora or Humanus?:Ivenora



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