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Fantasy New Spark


The Avenger





Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual Preference:

Alternate form/super form:

(Please include a picture of what you look like, or please describe thine self. Not everyone may be accepted, but it doesn't matter since most of them will be, anyway. :P )


Ivenora or Humanus?:
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Tag me when the character sign-up information is up and I'll get here as soon as possible. I am off to bed now, however.
[QUOTE="The Wizard of Odd]Tag me when the character sign-up information is up and I'll get here as soon as possible. I am off to bed now, however.






Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual Preference:

Alternate form/super form:

(Please include a picture of what you look like, or please describe thine self. Not everyone may be accepted, but it doesn't matter since most of them will be, anyway. :P )



Elliot Jean Delp

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thL54AR5WR.jpg.e1207e94daf8829f561c7a2f021d1f84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thL54AR5WR.jpg.e1207e94daf8829f561c7a2f021d1f84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elliot Jean Delp is his birth name, but nobody really knows his full name, except for his first.






He is not interested in relationships whatsoever. He already has a girlfriend of sorts.




Elliot has the ability to manipulate and create bone, a very odd ability if I say so myself. He can change the shape of bones already in people's bodies, create skeletons and make himself appear as a skeleton, hence his nickname. This also gives him the ability to heal broken bones in people's bodies, but he can't do anything about the pain people feel when he does. It's still a very useful ability, though odd.


Elliot doesn't generally carry weapons, but he may craft a weapon out of bone real quick if the situation calls for it.


Elliot is an off-standish, quiet boy. He isn't necessarily shy, he just doesn't care enough to make himself known to people. If people want to talk, they can talk to him. He doesn't make the first move. Even when he is talked to, though, he will still be rather quiet. He holds a mysterious air to himself, never revealing much about himself or his past. People are always trying to find out about him, but he never reveals anything. He tends to be rather emotionless as well. He is never seen smiling, never seen crying, never seen angry or sad or mourning or anything such. Some people see him as strong, but others see him as a coward. But, to be frank, Elliot could care less about what people think about him.


Elliot may appear emotionless now, but when he was just a wee boy, he was very emotional. He was born with his powers and his single father, who had no abilities of any sort, was quick to notice this. Elliot couldn't control it at first, he was always creating little animal skeletons and leaving bones he accidentally created all over the little cottage they lived in, which both angered and made his father curious about this ability. So, his father, a little out of his mind, began breaking Elliot's bones. He'd crack his arm in two, making the boy scream and cry in pain. Mending his bone using his powers hurt even more than breaking in, but this happened day after day. Night after night. Soon, Elliot was able to get the hang of his abilities, but he grew distant and quiet. He became afraid of his father, the mad man who'd break his bones over and over again just to see the boy's miracle bone repair ability. After years of bearing the pain, Elliot finally, using his powers, crushed his father's skull, instantly killing him. He felt no remorse whatsoever.

Elliot ran away from the cottage that held such horrible memories in hope to start a new life, which he did. He discovered a village and quickly became a citizen of it. He was still distant and emotionless as he was today, but he did feel happy to be welcomed somewhere. And, at this village, he actually fell in love with a girl, which surprised both him and the girl herself. They became a couple and for once, he showed emotion towards someone other than his father. She loved him and he loved her. He told her about his ability and she accepted it. But soon, somehow, news spread throughout the village about his ability and they began to fear both him and the girl who was insane enough to stay with him. His girlfriend, whom he wished to marry, was killed in fear by the villagers and he was so ferocious that he fled the village with nothing but his girlfriend's skull. He inserted her soul into the skull and he holds it to this day, happy he can still talk with her.


After the situation with the village, Elliot didn't want to hide his ability any more. Hiding it only got himself and the people he loved hurt. So, he didn't hide it. He painfully replaced some of his body parts with only bone, so people would know and would be afraid before they hurt him. His right arm is a skeletal arm. His left leg a skeletal leg. His right side of his face, which he already destroyed in a battle before, he replaced with a skull. He covered his body in a shield-like set of rib cages so people know about his ability. And, of course, the skull of his darling girlfriend sits on his shoulder at all times. With this, he wears a colorful coat, which does not fit his personality, consisting of lively shades of red and pink. He wears a pair of bright red pants that hide his leg and black ankle boots. See the image.




The skull of his girlfriend, Maeve.



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Name: Evenora Lettoe

Personality: Cold, war like, but when she cares about someone she is loving and funny

Backstory: Evenora grew up like any human did. But one day, she developed the power to change into other people. She was in a fight with her mom, then her skin slowly changed into her mom's. She ran upstairs when her mom commented on this. She checked herself in the mirror. She was an exact replica of her mom. She slowly figured out how to turn back. She packed up and left home before anyone else could figure it out. She fled to the woods where no one could find her. She became a wanderer, learning to live off the land.

Power/ability/weapon(s): Shapeshifter with a simple iron dagger

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference:Males and females are fair game

Alternate form:Original self;
(But, might I remind you, she changes into other people, along with animals, so her appearance won't always be this.)

Pets/Partners: Open
@The Wizard of Odd

Good Bio, rich backstory, and a heartful past. Simply fantastic. Accepted. Can you also strengthen your bones? To get less hurt.

@Thalia Raiz

Great undercover ability, as well as a nice personality. Simply fruitful and calm.

But the real question is. Ivenora or Humanus?
Aww! You flatter me. I suppose he can, yes, but it's painful so he won't do it unless necessary.
[QUOTE="The Wizard of Odd]Oh! I forgot. Let me chose real quick...

All righty kind sir/Madame
Ivenora for me. Oh and a heads up for later in the month. From the 19th to the 24th I will be gone. Just wanted to give a notice just in case I forget.
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All right, all right, all right. Well, I'll post my Bio next and if you have anyone good whom can join then invite them please.
Hmm...well. How about a limit of three characters per person, but that does not include pets so go crazy.
Name: Mikahil

Personality: Quiet or loud, but doesn't really talk to strangers much. He's a good conversationalist and sometimes makes speeches that can make people silent.

Backstory: I lived happily and peacefully. At the age of fifth-teen I was kidnapped and experimented on by the Humanus. They changed me, tortured me, and after two tears if agonizing pain...I got powers. But it was not enough to escape the dreaded facility. I soon lost hope, but in the mists of my depression, came a lovely woman named Rosalia. Her real name is Aelita, but she got the nickname since she can control life. We soon fell in love and she gave me a gift. A sword that can react to my powers. She was with the Humanus, but her love for me got stronger by the day, so she eventually aided me in my escape. She...was killed unfortunately. By my brother. I swore that I would lead a group that has dealt with the same pain as me and take down Humanus. They called people like me an Ivenora, but that only made my pride stronger. I now lead a group of them; seeking more, and trying to take out small bases that can help us in the future.

Power/ability/weapon(s): I have the power to use energy (Magnetic, electric, Kenetic, etc.) I also have a sword related to a Katana.

Gender: Male

Which way do ya' swing mate? Sexual Preference: I'm straight.

Alternate form/super form: I have no form at the moment, but that doesn't mean I won't get one in the future.

Ivenora or Humanus?:Ivenora, duh.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o054o9WGq01szhku9o1_500.jpg.f9eb88021c305e31b0e6a888b0665689.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o054o9WGq01szhku9o1_500.jpg.f9eb88021c305e31b0e6a888b0665689.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I think I'll make my character depressed around new people.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.ad89c47a2e2d5724d3160f85b97aeac3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.ad89c47a2e2d5724d3160f85b97aeac3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This will be him most of the time. He's shy so he doesn't show his face.



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Name: Aniza Marlose (Pronounced: A-KNEE-Zah MAR-LOS-E)

Personality: Cold, loving towards the forest, hates humans, doesn't even try to develop deep relationships with anyone other than plants or plant lovers.

Backstory: She was born to the forest. She loves the forest. The forest is her family. She lives off the forest, and in return, she protects it. She simply became an Ivenora so she could kill humans.

Power/ability/weapon(s): Forest nymph. Can control plants, talk to plants, produce poison, very good at potions, spells and herbal remidies.

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Any way, as long as it is a plant or animal based person or a plant lover.

Alternate form/super form:

Pets/Partners:Pet tiger Nakill/ open

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