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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Elise Cutter
Overcast, In Saline
Post-Arc 3, July 7th
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Passeri, Eric, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante, Pei
Overcast, In Saline

The doors slid open to a figure in a black coat, its hood shrouding their features. With quick, purposeful strides, it approached the counter, its boots and the hem of its coat tracking a straight path of water across the reception. It placed a hand on the countertop. “Passeri Park. Now.” Its voice was quiet, almost a rasping whisper, and try as the nurse behind the counter might to muster up the courage to tell the hooded figure about the various procedures it had to go through to make a visit to one of their patients, especially one of such renown as a famous idol, she could not in the face of solemn intent from the unknown being.

The figure left immediately after receiving the directions to the Princess’s suite. Anyone who knew how she operated, would have known that this wasn’t how she usually functioned. She never left tracks, she didn’t exist, she was a ghost. But now, suffused with panic and worry, the white-haired wraith of the Tigers was too far gone to even think about hiding her presence. She maintained her quick pace towards the Princess’s room, and every second that she spent in the elevator on the way up, as the rainwater began to pool around her feet, felt like an eternity.

Not another one. Not another one. She can’t possibly lose another one. Having a Potential didn’t help anything. People around her still fell to threats like these. As a matter of fact, she wouldn’t have known about it, if one of her associates in the dreg heap hadn’t told her about it. Her disinterest in the news, outside of the things she required for her jobs, was haunting her now. She should have known. She should have been there. She should have been the one to have brought her to the hospital.

Her fist collided with the wall of the elevator, scattering more droplets of rainwater across the metal box. She sighed, and drew back the hood.

Whoever it was that did this will pay dearly. They will not die peacefully. What dreams they will have when she began her hunt will only be of her, in the shadows, her knife at their neck, her breath at the back of their necks.

The lift doors opened, and she stepped out, continuing her single-minded approach to the Princess’s room.

She pushed open the door, and her eye fell immediately on the Princess at her bed. Without a word, or waiting for Passeri to say one, she made a sound like a snarl, and fell over her, her arms wrapped around the woman’s neck, her black coat falling to the ground heavily.

“You’re still alive,” was all she could manage to say. Not another one. There will never be another one.

Maelstrom Tower, South District

Musai leaned back, resting his weight on one foot while chewing on the remains of his wafer-cigar. His eyes flicked between the trio, sizing up his potential partners in this venture. The air was thick with tension, and he could feel the weight of the challenge ahead.

"Regulus, huh? Killed your old man, Will? That's some heavy baggage, my man. But hey, I'm in it for the thrills and to pay my bills. So count me in," Musai declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And I agree with Saber over here, we need to know what we're dealing with. How many guards are we talking about, and what kind of firepower are they packing and how much are you paying us for this and where's the money at? I ain't 'bout to go through some dungeon crawl, risking my life and my limbs, only to find out you didn't have the cash all along. Suicide ain't cheap, you know?"

Musai took another bite of his wafer, savoring the chocolatey goodness while waiting for the details. His eyes flicked towards the Maelstrom Tower, its dark silhouette against the stormy sky serving as a stark reminder of the challenge that lay ahead. "Damn, this shit gettin' ominous...I hope it'll last." Musai smirks deviously to himself

Roda the Red Roda the Red Shugo Shugo
CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms

A Week After the Heist

Fifteen hours of flying first class from Amestria to Sankai, complete with unlimited champagne, fine dining, and the best private rooms on board one could ask for, had brought two distant travellers to the ancient land of Sankai. Within its capital of Toutori lay a megalopolis like any in the developed world: complete with highrises, high-tech advertisements and billboards, bustling streets practically packed with pedestrians and cars, and more. Yet, this was not the subject of the Tiger Queen's travels. He wasn't here for a business meeting or investment procurement as someone of his stature might usually come here for.

Work was not on the mind of Ryutaro Hashimoto as, instead, he had travelled all this way with his Ace to the countryside as they left in a luxurious transport. Gone were the glass, steel, and concrete vistas of urbanization, instead now to be replaced instead with ancient forests and weathered nature in their view. They were heading towards his family's ancestral home, the sleepy town of Katōre which was rich in history and culture and yet wholly unvisited by much of the outside world. It has, in essence, retained much of its connection to the past thanks to its relative isolation.

They were soon to arrive, though still some time remained until they were to disembark. And the Tiger Queen visibly ruminated, staring out the window towards the ancient forestry beyond the confines of his travel. It had been... quite some time since he had last visited. Or even spoken to much of what remained of his family. Especially obasan... who was getting quite old already by this point. He hadn't spoken to her in so long, not since he had completely engrossed himself in his own quest. He wondered if he should apologize. But he also wondered if he should confront her about his father.

It was after the Heist, his triumphant victory over G&G that should have been followed with celebration, that he had then suddenly uncovered something. In the archives of his father's old documents, Cal had found certain elements... discrepancies that brought certain facts into question. The image that he had held of his own father, the man he idolized and swore to avenge, was now in question. It put everything into flux about what he knew about the man that had such a profound impact on his childhood. Did he want to uncover that truth? Should he?

Rather than wallow in silence and doubt, Ryu turned to Samira with a smile: "What do you think of Sankai's more remote regions?" he asked, "Quite beautiful, isn't it? It differs from Amestria's forests greatly."

Beann Beann
CS Link
Searching for the Light
The Day After Get(ting) Help
Tommy's (Abandoned) Scrapyard, Outskirts of South District
Hitoshi, Charlie

Hitoshi had remained attentive to Charlie's own concerns, doubts, and needs that he had almost forgotten that he was part of the conversation too. When asked about his own health, Hitoshi blinked for a moment and looked surprised. "Huh? Oh. Uh... well... things are looking up I suppose. Though, the doctor was surprised how I was even alive after some health tests. Truth be told, I am too given how much I would party with." The term almost came out angrily, as if he despised the term now due to its association in his mind. But he remained composed as he put his palms on the metal underneath him so as to support himself leaning back a bit.

"But I guess I'm still here. Trudging along." the veteran then said, "But I got something worth fighting for now. To keep on keeping on. That's why I'm still here, being me. Or... I guess, trying to be me but better." He then turned to Charlie and said: "Like I said. Fuck 'em. If Hector's mad at you, that's his problem. Anyone who knows you should know that you aren't some bad kid. Or a traitor... or whatever the fuck is going on in people's minds."

He tapped Charlie's chest with a finger: "Your soul is what matters most. Without it... well, what are we but just a bunch of naked apes running around?"

Roda the Red Roda the Red
CS Link
To Live in the Shadows
Afternoon, Pre-Arc 1, June 11th 2020
Nameless Warehouse, South District
Charlie, Helva
To Live in the Shadows
Charlie's attack was met with a deflection, a dexterous flick of Revenant's hand placed her makeshift weapon in the way of the boy's attack. Sparks illuminated the darkened vicinity as steel clashed against still. Despite the blocking, his strike managed to get through for the most part, although part of the force had been taken by the defensive action. Revenant then dodged, attempting to move her way out of the fist's trajectory. Still, the his was able to partially connect with her side, not a full blown punch, but the edge of his reinforced knuckles was able to connect with her, a far cry from the damage a clean hit would have caused, but Charlie was willing to take whatever win he could get.

Revenant didn't take the attack standing, however, as her pipe found its way up, eventually shifting into a wide swing that connected with the challenger's temple. He could hear just how vigorously the weapon vibrated like a tuning fork from the brutal impact. He let out a cry of pain his eyes closed, gritting his teeth while attempting to resist through the pain. By now Charlie was fairly confident that, between the two, he had a big advantage in terms of strength and possibly also defense, certain that, should hit attacks land properly, they would prove quite effective. The issue lied on Revenant's blatantly superior skill, experience and agility, which made the previously mentioned prospect of a properly-landed hit to be quite the elusive and difficult task.

He opened his eyes, clarity and focus coming back to him as he assumed an offensive stance once more, lunging forward with an open palm forward, and his prepared fist back, delivering a powerful yet overly telegraphed punch. Regardless if the hit had landed or not, Charlie proceeded to take advantage of the momentum generated by his heavy strike, rotating his hip and transitioning into a side kick at her gut.

Peckinou Peckinou
Passeri Park
Overcast, In Saline
Post-Arc 3, July 7th [Late Morning]
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Passeri, Eric, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante, Pei
Overcast, In Saline
"O-oh!" If her body could've, Passeri would have jumped. As much as she'd been hoping for company, Elise's sudden embrace started her. It was just about the last thing she'd expected from the typically morose woman.

"Looks that way, huh?" She, awkwardly, wrapped her good arm around the damp woman's back, and gave it a gentle pat. She smelled like the rain. "Despite all the bandages, I only look like a mummy. No need for anybody to start preparing a tomb for me just yet."

This wasn't Passeri's first time in the hospital, but all of her previous visits had been for check-ups and minor injuries. She really had no idea how she was supposed to play patient. Try as she might've to keep up her usual bubbly demeanor, there was only so much she could muster. The vim that usually possessed her voice was dull, and the absence of her Potential's light from her eyes seemed to spread out to the rest of her features. She still smiled, as she ever did, but it was thin and tired.

"So, um, you can relax. Really. I'm fine." She was lying through her teeth. Just Elise's embrace, the press of her body against her own, was enough to make her ribs ache. "The doctors told me a lot of scary stuff, actually, but we've got our own alternative medicines, right? No worries."

She'd be lucky if she could walk within the year. That her arm was beyond repair. That she'd never dance again. There had been countless grim verdicts delivered to her within the past twenty-four hours, but nobody needed to hear about any of that. Broken bones and bruises, that was all this was.

Still, Passeri was glad that Elise couldn't see her face. Just smiling was already taxing enough, keeping it going while lying to the woman's face probably would've been more than she could manage.

"So... It really is fine, okay?" She hadn't spoken this much since the incident. Her breathing was already turning heavy. "Take a seat, if you want. I'm sure it was a pain to find the place, right? With how they've been keeping it out of the news. You must be tired."

A few uncomfortable-looking chairs sat not too far from her bed. She'd asked for them hours ago, though she'd been expecting the President, someone else from the studio, or one of the police to be using them, rather than anyone from the Tigers.

It was a pleasant surprise. She was glad that she'd been wrong.

Interacted: simj26 simj26
Relevant: gxxberkit gxxberkit
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Searching for the Light
Afternoon, Post-Arc 3, June 18th 2022
Phoenix HQ, South District
Charlie, Hitoshi
Searching for the Light
Charlie wasn't quite sure if he should feel relieved or worried by Hitoshi's confession over his health. One could assume that he was healthy for the most part, but there was no guarantee that everything was really okay, not to mention the permanent effects the substance abuse might have caused. To this day, Charlie was grateful for never never having falling to the temptation of such consumption, he hated to admit it, but it was probably thanks to his mother's strict teachings of abstinence and self-care: Always be at your best, always be presentable in front of others, lest you make a fool of yourself and earn their disapproval. But enough about that, last thing the rookie wanted right now was to think about that witch again.

"Something worth fighting for...huh?" He contemplated those words, repeating them a few times in his head, was the rookie asked such a thing a year ago, he would have spouted a loyal dog's answer without flinching. Nowadays, such question proved to be much more muddy and unclear. But alas, he felt little desire on keeping with the selfish thoughts, deciding to instead shift his attention to his friend once more. "Well, I like this better you! I know I'm not the only one who's proud about your recovery, I'll be cheering you on for as long as it's necessary, in fact..." He leaned forward, bringing his closed fists up to in front of his collarbone, with a fake aggressive expression on his face that came off more cute than anything else "If you ever feel any cravings or impulses, just imagine I'm right there, slapping that garbage out of your hands" He slapped down at the air, simulating the scenario, before smiling at Hitoshi once more.

"Aniki, together let's be strong, and keep close to our souls" He declared, offering a fist forward to the veteran, and dear friend.

joshuadim joshuadim
Keith Sullivan
CS Link
Hide & Seek
East District
Daytime, June 30th, 2022
Hiachi, Keith
Hide & Seek
Keith struggled to keep up with his runaway target once more, impressed by how a seemingly mundane girl was this athletic, although admitedly, the dragon himself was still far from being on an optimal physical condition, his rigorous training having only started less than twenty days ago. He wanted to avoid making any more of a commotion in the area than they had already provoked so far, but it proved necessary to swing through the buildings again. Claws dug deep into concrete and bricks, pulling the man forward with increased velocity.

The chase lasted for a while longer, just enough for the buildup of the entire ordeal to begin taking a toll on Keith's less-than-stellar stamina, his breathing getting sightly bated, and his forehead getting damp with the tiniest specks of sweat. It was noticeable how not only was the girl fast, but she also seemed to have some knowledge of the layout of the area, moving around with a confidence and foresight alien to a newcomer...Just how long had she been spying unnoticed?

Keith's determination was finally rewarded, as the moment they got past a plaza, the intruder found herself stuck againt the very edge of the district. This particular side of East was noticeably high in altitude, so the fall into the water would quite the distance. He leaped down on the ground, resting his body on his knee. He made his way up, vehemence and contempt were delivered to the girl throught his eyes. "We could have done this the nice way..." He cracked his knuckles, his abnormal limbs causing the sound to be even louder than a normal person's. "But you just had to make it difficult...I'm gonna have to do this the ugly way then"

miki miki
CS Link
I am (not) your Grandpa!
Calrissian HQ, West District
Babarutthoth, Samira
I am (not) your Grandpa!

The man seated in front of her not only held information that could give her competitors an advantage in the market but also information that could tarnish her reputation in the public’s eye. She fully expected him to demand a large payout to keep his mouth closed but instead, he requested to work for her. Samira frowned deeply, obviously not expecting such a proposal. She did not know him nor did she trust him but keeping him close to ensure his silence would be ideal if guns did not work on him — assuming he was even telling the truth.

There was also the matter of how he knew her late grandfather and the meaning behind him ‘wearing’ the name. Samira leaned back in her chair, her hand still resting on her weapon as she let out a sigh. “I’ll entertain you — why do you want to work for me? What are these conditions?” She turned the barrel of her gun ever so slightly away from him. If killing him didn’t work then perhaps just locking him up and throwing away the key would work just as well.

Vorifengrous Vorifengrous
Evening, Pre-Arc 1, August 2nd 2021
Maelstrom Tower, South District
Charlie, Musai, Sable
The Underground Fighting Ring, a name that Charlie had become familiar with since he joined the Scarlet Phoenixes, even if he had yet to really step into it, he knew of its nature: One of the many points of interest hiding within the underbelly of the New Oasis. A place for HPs all over the city to face each other in bloody combat, a sport of blood and gold for those with a grasp on violence, some seeking fortune, others seeking glory, and a wicked few just looking for a place to freely let their bloodlust run wild. If the man they were hunting down held the title of legend, then that could only mean their target held terrifying power.

W.L. nodded, holding his arms crossed as he shifted the weight of his body to one of his legs. "Yes, of course, it's only natural you guys want to know what...However, before I can explain that, I need to make things clear to you, because you see, this is no regular hit job" Charlie looked confused, wanting to know what the young man meant by that, but refrained from speaking up.

"Regulus knows that I'm here...That you're all here tonight" He fixed his glasses once more. "He thinks what I'm doing is amusing, and thus is humoring me, waiting at the top for you to arrive" He rose his gaze, his eyes darting around, sharing quick glances to the phoenixes. "Each floor of the tower is guarded by a number of Regulus' disciples, you see, it just so happens they aren't too keen on letting their master die, but as I told you in the original letter, you should avoid killing them at all costs...That was one of the conditions Regulus told me to accept the hunt, and also, it's very likely that these disciples will demand for fair fights, so no ganging up on them, okay? Choose your fights wisely, and you better work together, this is not a one-man job"

Charlie was having quite the hard time processing what he was just told...Regulus was fine with this? Was he aware of he was being hunted down? "Is this like...A game for him?" W.L. nodded in response, "I guess you could say that...It's the only reasoning I can see to his demented behavior".

The rookie had one more question to interject with, one that he hesitated for a moment to ask before winging it. "So...Regulus...Should we bringing back to you alive...What do you plan to do with him?" This time, it was W.L. who turned to confusion, quizzically looking back at the boy. "Why do you care about that? Are you worried about my father's murderer?" He laughed calmly, however it was only for a brief moment, his smile disappearing as the rookie refused to reply such a sarcastic question. W.L. Remained silent for a moment. "Well, I want that man to get what he deserves, and what I do with him afterwards is none of your concern"

The employer then turned to Musai, his smile having returned once more. "Now that's what I like to hear, a professional demanding a proper compensation for his services..." He raised a single finger, standing straight beside his cheek. "One-Hundred thousand total...Either dead or alive, and assuming you respect the conditions previously stated, you can split it however you want, I don't really care. Now, unless you have any more question, that should be about it for what you need to know" Charlie could feel how his jaw nearly dropped once he heard the earning they were dealing with. As someone who exclusive worked in the lesser-paying protection field, such a sum felt utterly alien.

He extended his arms wide in an inviting , his arm span perfectly matching with the width of the the tower from Phoenixes' perspective. "Well, gentlemen, what do you say, are you willing to take on the challenge?"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Shugo Shugo
Passeri Park
The Lion, The Witch, and The Cheque
Post-Arc 3, June 26th
Azwa Mariam, West District
Passeri, Markus, Lorette
The Lion, The Witch, and The Cheque
The best table, the best view, the best restaurant. Nothing less, of course, could be spared for the Albino Tigers' illustrious King, and yet it had been. Gestures of grandeur were common amongst the Tigers' upper echelons, and soon enough, even splendor became trite. By all means, the Azwa Mariam was no secret, hole-in-the-wall dive. Centerpiece articles and snobbish interviews were no stranger to the place, but it'd never quite caught on with New Oasis's most illustrious.

"Thanks again for coming early." For once, the King's presence had not completely soured Passeri's mood. If it were anyone else, she would've found it rather sad just how much of her time she'd had to invest in convincing the man to make a timely appearance, but her sense of satisfaction made deft work of smothering such pessimistic thoughts. His listening at all was a victory. That was a lesson that she, the pest of a micromanager that she was, had struggled for months to learn, and had still yet to fully accept.

After all, she had just spent half of the prior night convincing him to just leave his penthouse twenty minutes early.

"The invitation I drummed up asked her to be here in around five minutes... So I'm expecting more like ten." She offered Markus a smile, one which she had no expectation of being returned. "Turns out she's a pretty busy woman! I guess you don't get a reputation like hers by just laying around sunbathing, right?"

She didn't know much about Lorette Lècuyer. Among the most vicious of the Tigers' old guard, the woman's reputation preceded her. She'd found plenty of stories in her efforts to learn about the woman. Glowing testimonies and trembling warnings, she'd found tales on both sides of the moat aplenty, all trailing back to the same, golden piece of advice.

Not to get on her bad side.

So, then, it only made sense to get on her good one instead, right?

CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms

Gold-colored eyes stared out the slightly tinted windows, admiring the transition from Toutori’s bright lights and busy streets to the sleepy countryside, blooming with trees and native plants. Samira had traveled to Sankai before; with her new sake line in development, she was proactive with her research. The capital was the only place she was familiar with, having stayed for a week or two to sample any and all variations of sake. While both sake and wine involved fermentation, the two categories of beverages had their differences. Samira wanted to capture the authenticity that went into producing sake — she would not let her company sell cheap knock-off versions as sold in general stores.

Her visit to Sankai this time was not for further research though, she was accompanying her dear friend Ryutaro to his hometown. A well-earned vacation after their chaotic yet successful bank heist. It had only been a week but the events were still fresh in her mind. The fear of losing Ryutaro after witnessing the explosion he was caught in. The stab wound she received from Vile was still tender, stitched up, and healing well but present. The exhaustion that washed over her after everything was said and done. At the very least, the aftermath made up for all the troubles as she recalled the pizza Jack had brought over to her penthouse and the silly distraction she had fallen for prior to getting her thigh stitched up. Samira couldn’t help but crack a small smile thinking about it while continuing to look out the window. That cowboy had her feeling like a teenage girl fangirling over an idol.

Those giddy thoughts didn’t last much longer though as Ryutaro broke the silence with some light conversation. Samira turned her head to look at the Tiger Queen and nodded. “I’m more used to the busy cities and nightlife but I have to say the countryside is charming. I feel a lot more grounded…if that makes sense.” She smiled before glancing out the window again. “When was the last time you visited Katōre? I’ve been meaning to visit my family in Telabiim for some time but there is never a dull moment in New Oasis.”

joshuadim joshuadim
Walkies ("Dog" Walkers Needed)
Silva Residence, East District
Nero, Silva, Renjiro, Ottilie

Blissful and undisturbed. That was the impression that Renjiro exuded as he watched quietly, with a friendly smile, all the events that transpired. From Ottilie’s wardrobe struggles to the other young woman who seemed to have a touching moment turned into a panic attack with an owl… or bear? His head followed as he watched the unknown woman sprint for the front door, then watched ‘other brother Silva’ chase after. Once those two were out of view, he turned his attention back to the rest of the group and smiled. Since they were down one ‘professional walker’ did that mean there would be a pay increase?

“Open it,” he suggested as he eyed the abandoned backpack that Ottilie held up. Maybe there was a wallet inside? Or some form of identification and or address so that they could return it! Before the contents of the backpack could be revealed though, Renjiro looked down as he felt the ground begin to tremble. Then he heard ‘the other Silva’ shout something from outside. An earthquake maybe? Calmly, he rose to his feet, keeping a surprisingly good balance as he made his way over to the front door to see what all the commotion was about.

The ground outside was unearthed and he caught a glimpse of what he could assume was the tail of a shark? A Landshark! He glanced at a woman ‘the other Silva’ was offering his hand to. She appeared to have been caught on the spiked fin of the Landshark and was about to be dragged back to the earthly depths. Without much thought for his actions, Renjiro pulled out his shinobue and produced a simple tune with the intention of capturing the Landshark’s attention. If it stayed on the surface to listen to his music then the woman wouldn’t have to worry about being dragged underneath!

…Do Landsharks have ears to enjoy music?

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
"Too long. Eighteen years by this point." Ryu stated to Samira, gazing out the window to see the growing vista of the town gain prominence in the scenery. Its old stone buildings protruded conspicuously, surrounded by small farming homesteads at its periphery. "A part of me wonders if anything has changed, in a town so stuck in time as it. But at the same time, I feel... nervous. I haven't spoken to my grandmother for that long. I wonder what she might have to say." It was strange. For a figure so comfortable with criminality, business, and violence he seemed almost afraid over an old woman.

Instead, he changed the topic entirely over his family tradition - a point of self-indulgent pride - as he let out a huff. "My family traces its lineage to this very town for nearly 400 years. Local aristocracy for the region's daimyo during the Shogunate. Though, when the country liberalized and became more capitalist than feudal that family lineage was somewhat lessened. Still, my great-grandfather found success in politics - serving as Minister of Finance in his tenure. It was then only my father uprooted himself and went to Amestria. That makes me the first generation in the family born outside of Sankai, though thankfully I never lost my connection with it."

Ryu then refocused his attention back to Samira: "Sorry. Got carried away. What in Telabiim do you miss the most? Aside from family, of course."

Beann Beann
What the Cat Dragged In
Eric's Apartment, Central District
Eric, Katya, Siru

“Oh, yes! Eric is very nice, I told him you two would make great fri —”

Her words were interrupted by a sweet greeting from none other than Popcorn. Katya figured it would be just about time for the cats to start making themselves known to their guest. Usually at the sound of the doorbell and knock, they all go running underneath Eric’s bed but with time they investigate one by one. She smiled down at Popcorn as the feline stared directly at Siru. Katya giggled in delight as the cat deemed her significant other worthy by rubbing her face against his leg before exposing her belly in a welcoming manner.

“That is Popcorn! She seems to like you very much but that is no surprise there.” Not because Popcorn was friendly with almost every guest that had stepped foot in this apartment but because she found Siru to be extremely likable. “We have three other cats but they like to hide in Eric’s bedroom” she stated, pointing over to the door that was opened by just a crack. “I am sure you will meet the others within the hour,” she nodded confidently.

Gently pulling her hand away from Siru’s, she bent down to scoop Popcorn up, offering her chin scratches in return for some very loud purring. “Do you want any pets in the near future? Maybe you can take Popcorn!” Katya held her out for Siru to hold, turning her head to look at Eric who more than likely heard her offering. “I am just kidding!” She grinned before looking around.

There wasn’t much else to show Siru. The apartment wasn’t all that big, a good size for two roommates but nothing crazy. She figured Eric wouldn’t be comfortable with her showing Siru the inside of his room and there wasn’t much to show in her own bedroom either. She supposed he would be able to see it eventually should he need to use the restroom sometime tonight. “Oh! We have a nice balcony with a great view!” Katya exclaimed as she crossed the living room and pulled back the tall curtains to reveal a sliding glass door. Unlocking it, she slid open the door, letting in a cool breeze.

“It is especially beautiful at night.” She stepped out onto the balcony, decorated with two comfy chairs and a small table between. The sides were lined with plants of varying types and sizes, all healthy thanks to Katya’s care. The balcony of their apartment faced a park with a fountain at the center. At night, the lamps around the park illuminated just enough to reflect off the water fountain. Katya looked back at Siru, “One time I accidentally locked Eric out here.”

Roda the Red Roda the Red
Helva / Yizlo
Homecoming Headache
South District
Helva, Hide Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed and Yizlo
Homecoming Headache
Yizlo hasn't been the one to operate in the South all that often, those deeds usually falling to the one Helva called Zulin, but he was honestly more suited for this kind of thing than he was. Yizlo had been keeping track of a gang that had opted to try their hand in the South, even going as far as to be daring enough to get close to Phoenix's main base, not really the smartest move. But he supposed that after the Hurricane people would be even more daring to try their hand at the Phoenixes, Yizlo honestly had no intention of dealing with them unless they proved problematic, as Helva wasn't exactly in town yet and they weren't exactly important people of the organization. Their only real intention was to sit inside of the building they were in and use their equipment in order to spy on their conversation and track their movements, though they soon noticed another one join close by. At first Yizlo thought it may of been another one of their adversaries but he soon noticed that they weren't making any attempts to approach the group, instead opting to try and stay hidden. Curious Yizlo looked through the window of the building to see that it was indeed Hide someone he knew quite a bit about, and he knew that things were about to get more complicated. Cause he was sure that the group was going to notice him too, Hide was good at distractions from what he heard after all, not stealth or subtlety. Yizlo muttered under his breath as he left the window deciding to pay more attention to what was going on, he had no intentions of blowing his cover for Hide unless it was life-threatening, and it didn't take but a minute before the men's conversation stopped and they could see the others turning towards the location Hide was Hiding at, there being no doubt in Yizlos mind that things were going to take a turn for the worse.

Helva Linxal
To live in the shadows
Warehouse, South District
Helva, Zulin, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

Helva wasn't that surprised when she noticed that the boys' punch had managed to clip her in the side, though she had to admit that it hurt more than expected. The hit managed to cause her to wince a bit, though she was able to tolerate that amount of pain, though it did reinforce the idea that a direct hit from him wouldn't be ideal. Still she was quick to follow up with an attack of her own, trying her hand at maintaining their aggression against him in order to force him on the defensive. Though it was a vain attempt as she soon learned that it felt like his body was made of steel, as the pipe vibrated in her. She had to admit that this is going to be more annoying to deal with than anticipated, though she did note that the boy did feel the impact of her weapon at the very least, so it at least seemed effective enough. However, before she could follow up and continue her attack the boy had opted to go move forward in order to strike her, a strike that made her sidestep in order to dodge as quickly as possible. That was until she noticed him wind his leg up in order to kick her, without hesitation she brought down the pipe in order to try and block their kick, holding it this time with both hands as she used it as a shield.

Though it only was somewhat effective, the strength of the kick was enough to make them skid off to the side and pretty much busted the pipe they were using. After throwing the pipe to the side though, she was able to still manage to recover from the attack, she had felt worse pain before and it wasn't the first time she got rag-dolled to the ground either. Though she could say it wasn't exactly a fun experience as she got up and off the ground, she did a side arm stretch for both her arms before looking the boy dead in the eye and giving him a smirk before saying "Alright I think I got an idea of your potential now, well then that's it for warm-ups." she said those words sink in before continuing "What? Thought I was going serious? We are just getting started, in this room I'm not here to baby you or hold your hand, as soon as you stepped through that door your trial began. The concept of fighting fairly isn't something I care about, what I do care about though is efficiency and survivability, and to do that you need to have certain traits one of them being the ability to use your head. Think you're gonna win this with just your potential alone? Heh, I barely even started using mine yet, and I bet you still don't have any clue as to what my potential is." Helvas smile turned devious as she said that, their gaze zoned in on the boy as she continued, and as Zulin finally made their way behind him Helva added "But don't worry it's about time you found out, now, let's see if you can keep up."

To live in the shadows
Warehouse, South District
Helva, Zulin, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

The bout was quick and the boy was stronger than he looked, but still, he noticed that that pipe did manage to hurt him, Zulin couldn't help but smirk at that, as Helva soon began explaining how things worked in here. A good distraction if anything else, something that gave Zulin the chance he needed to draw his knife and slowly make his way behind the blue-haired boy, their steps dead silent as they took to the shadows, before then going on to lunge the knife towards his back, though making sure to not aim at one of his vitals. Though it didn't stop the devious smirk that appeared on his face as he had made the lunge, knowing Helva would be displeased at the fact he went for a lunge instead of a slash, but in all honesty, Zulin didn't really care too much and knew that Helva wouldn't make too big of a fuss about that during a trial like this unless he did something like really bad.

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[The Frog in the Well]
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Rem, Kisara,
| Melody,
Collapsed Worksite | Inside​
Rem, Kisara, Deirest

Rank waters, and viscous sludge dribbled down the sides of the rusted structure.

Despite the lack of rain, the humidity had covered everything with a thin wetness anyway. It wasn’t late, per se, but the sun was making its exit, having felt neglected by the fog that obscured both its shape and light. Only the incessant harping and buzzing of bugs dared to challenge the emetic squelching of mud and mush too disfigured to identify. And, like the latter, the mosquitos and mites were bloated, not with blood, but with silt and clay.

It was a good thing too—the lack of rain—considering the capsized skeleton of a building lacked a proper roof in many areas. The perimeter where this little gathering was taking place happened to be in a large spot that boasted the most stubborn bits of ceiling. Of course, that didn’t stop it from being cold. Those nipping chills were more free to bite than the mosquitos themselves, but demanded sufficient clothing just the same.

“Thanks for meeting us.” The black-haired girl hushed. “The both of you.”

That last bit didn’t sound as grateful, but that might have been expected, considering that the second person in question wasn’t—expected that is.

“So we’re all on the same page: you can call me Four-Eyes, and you can call the quiet one outside Sad Sack.” She motioned to Kisara and Rem respectively. “Otherwise, we’ve all met in some fashion so let’s not drag this out.”

She pulled the tarp off the table that stood between the three.

“New kill.”

Collapsed Worksite | Outside​
Melody, Angúo (NPC)

There really wasn’t much point in ‘guarding’ the entrance really, considering the place was lacking plenty of its walls, but Sad Sack did their job anyway. They had already been given an earful earlier for inviting someone else to the ‘investigation,’ so they weren’t planning on doing anything more that might irk the more clever of the two. They’d just sit in front of a half standing door, and growl at the few bystanders who got the bright idea to stick their nose in.

For the most part, it had been working, but it was more likely due to the dreadful smell, than their efforts. This wasn’t exactly a common place for people to stumble upon, so the few who did were ringing alarms that would be better left cold and still. Either they wanted to snap some pictures of the body, or were just looking to cause a ruckus.

Whichever of the two, Sad Sack wasn’t about to let these new faces in.

“...Flippity skippity.” They muttered pointing behind the pair.
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[Teeth For a Tail]
Post-Arc 3 | June 23rd
East District | Zenith Tower
Ayame, Cillian, Jesper, Jessamine, Keith
It was a windy day, but the bulk of the pressure was coming from the situation at hand, not the weather.

At the beck and call of the emergency, whichever members happened to be closest at the time had been gathered here in front of the colossal spire that towered above. This was a place for sightseeing among the common folk and splendor for those of a richer variety, but thanks to the many drones that surveyed the district, it was now the buzzing center of commotion.

The system had managed to clock traces of the kidnappers, and the majority of the premises had already been evacuated. Unfortunately there has yet to be any sign of Ryo Wilmar, nor related persons of interest—it would be up to the team to subdue the assailants and guarantee the safety of the remaining public, but more importantly the priority target himself.

[ === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ]​

Two vans had flanked the entryway of the building.

It was here where the group stood primed and ready for the operation that was beginning to unfold. It had only been mere minutes since each one’s arrival, but the nigh immediate debriefing let little time for introductions or idle chit chat. Functioning as a team would have to be learned on the fly.

“Afternoon, everyone.” Initiated the suited man. “My name is Morris, and I will be assisting with this operation as a noncombatant through the distributed earpieces.”

Gear had, in fact, been rushed into the hands of those present.

“So that you may depart as soon as possible, I will only cover the essentials.” He cleared his throat. “The Zenith Tower consists of three levels that are two floors each. The bottom two levels have been successfully evacuated, but the top most remains disconnected from surveillance.”

“I might advise you split into two teams and cover both floors at once, but I shall leave tactics to your own discretion.” He lowered his head. “I wish you the best of luck.”

And that was that.

The mission had been primed and only a long elevator ride was all that stood between fresh peril.
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Jacob Weber
June 3, 2022 | Post-Arc 3 [In the Tiger's Web]
Nameless Storefront, West District
Passeri, Dagger, Elias, Ezra, Jennifer
In the Tiger's Web
Since Passeri Park opened the door to his makeshift cell, Jacob Webber had discovered three things

One, Passeri Park had something she desperately wanted to prove.
Two, the white-haired soldier appeared to have a soft spot for the pop princess.
Three, Jennifer had long become a liability and it was time for him to cut his losses.

"Do it." He said. His voice was oddly crisp even from under the literal dogpile on top of him. "Drive that needle through her head. Fair warning, there's no turning back if you do." His words hung heavy in the awkward silence that followed. Was it a play on his part? Maybe. But if there was one thing the Stewards understood was that sacrifice was inevitable in their pursuit of balance. What was one life lost in exchange for saving an entire species?

"DO IT!" He screamed this time, an almost manic edge to his tone. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?"

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26 @QuirkyAngel @Lucem
Hiachi Ito
Return To Sender
Burger Knight, West District
Post Arc 2 | Night
Hiachi Ito, Passeri Park
Return To Sender

Ease was something Hiachi had forgotten. She wasn’t perpetually suffering, but that weightlessness on her chest was something she forgot. But she remembered.

Ease was the afterburn of ointment on a gash, the sip at the water fountain after running a mile, knowing that despite the years, her brother hadn’t locked her away in memory. Even if she had no one else, she could be at ease knowing Kenki hadn’t forgotten her.

Her next question was halted at her throat. She may have wanted to know the things he said more than anything, but she knew the consequences better. If she asked about what he said, maybe he mused on some less-than-pleasant moments—that was fine. But for the chance that he said something fond, that it would lurch her towards a connection that she could never have—it was far too great of a trade. She couldn’t know, despite how much she wanted to. She couldn’t touch him.

Knowing was enough.

Goddamn, Hiachi was terrible at lying to herself. Any money, any favor she could have asked for paled in comparison to the price of that information. What a little fool.

“What kind of stuff does he say…?” Hiachi asked, quiet yet assertive, as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Hiachi Ito
Art of the Deal
West District, Czar Restaurant
Hiachi, Ryutaro
Art of the Deal

Where the man looked at those dining among them, Hiachi looked to the horizon. Past the people this time, just to the iconic skyline of Central’s cityscape. Clouds hovered amongst the midpoint of the buildings. The towers towered above them, judging the heavens below.

He spoke his piece.

Freedom. A rather topical concept for Hiachi, as of late. Of which she had always been owed and no longer had. Freedom tasted like money. Her own money. Not her mother’s or her friends’, the chips and crisp dollars she had raked over for herself. She had wings of money, then. She could have gone anywhere, escaped in any manner. But she kept taking on more dollars, asserting that she needed more wingspan.

They took her wings. More specifically, he took her wings. It was surprising that his words didn’t ring hollow at all.

She had never been shackled by an institution, but she had been chained by a custom. Rather, an expectation. Two steps forward towards her true self was three yanks back towards someone else’s frame. Her HP blood and neurotic veins fit clunkily into the mold. She had no desire to sit in it, and yet she was jammed in time and time again. And she was chained, by petticoats and long hair.

But money is freedom. A life without chains of her own left her falling perpetually.

She wondered when she’d find the common ground. Or better, another platform that wouldn’t be stolen beneath her.

Hiachi nodded her head in passive agreement before taking another sip of tea. Invigorating.

“I agree, I guess. Freedom is good. And it’s not like I’ve got much better options.”

Melody Tucker
The Frog In The Well
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Rem, Kisara, Deirest | Melody, Areith
The Frog In The Well

Melody hadn’t realized she didn’t want to be there until she had gotten there. Which was strange, since she found herself feeling the opposite on most occasions. Most things weren’t nearly as bad as they seemed in her head.

But now that she was in front of the abandoned building, the concrete eroded and faded with grime, she realized she hated it. That no matter how eager she had tried to be about it, the stench of death looming from nearby took over everything.

When Angúo led her to the entrance of the building, she moved the basket she clutched in her right hand behind her back. Melody had promised she would carry weapons in it, but that wasn’t the whole truth. Melody had brought a couple jam sandwiches with her. With a nut-free and gluten-free option, in case anyone was allergic. She had thought it a good contribution at the time. It may have been a force of habit, but there was a reason it worked so well in the past.

Only now, she was feeling a bit silly for it. This was exactly the type of thing that made her unfit for her family’s old gang. Just what had possessed her, and made her think the second try was the charm?

That unease dipped into another category as a boy with a paper bag on his head pointed behind them with purpose. Only when Melody looked behind her and saw nothing did she get it—he wanted them to leave.

She felt embarrassed, in an odd sense. Despite not doing anything, she was certain that the issue was with her. Her appearance didn’t lend to much threat, after all. She looked like she crawled out of a toddler’s masterpiece.

“...Maybe we should go back,” Melody quietly suggested, “I really should check in on Cassidy…” Despite how she adored her brother, she had reservations about his family watching her daughter. She had no concerns about him hurting her. Rather, she was afraid Cassidy would hurt them. She spent so little time with anyone but Melody. The child wasn’t a fan of change, and wasn’t afraid to express it. She would never forgive herself if she returned to find her daughter had damaged any property or relationships.

But all that washed away. When Angúo didn’t answer, she braced herself for something.

The Frog In The Well
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Melody, Sad Sack (NPC)

A rapid, ninety-degree tilt of the neck. His neck collapsed and hung like a ragdoll as he assessed the creature before them.

Masks. Coward’s tools. Anonymity was for people who feared authority.

Surely, by the laws of rules, he’d have to bend to Angúo’s authority.

“Eh? Eh?” Angúo taunted, his fluid movement creeping up on the sack-headed man. “That’s how it is? You want us to skip away?”

He let his neck fall a full one hundred and eighty degrees, maintaining perfect posture through the power of his contortionist potential.

“I’m not here to play, little boy. We,” He said, yanking Melody’s free wrist, “were invited here.”

When his neck snapped back with a loud crack, it was clear. He was more tense than usual. And yet he grinned, mouth full of sharpened teeth.


Reminiscence Dedai
The Frog in the Well
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
Rem, Kisara, (Deirest) | Melody, (Areith)
The Frog in the Well
The soft chew of gum murmured below the droning of bugs. Its fruity smell was the only thing muffling the wretched odor of gunk and rainwater.

Green locs draped over the girl’s face, the red crosshairs peeking through and making Four-Eyes their target. With a nod, they shifted over to the pink woman beside her.

An accidental carry-on.

Rem wouldn’t have led her here if they didn’t have the same goal in mind, nor if she weren’t the Ace of the gang she was currently a part of, but it was clear Four-Eyes wasn’t appreciative of Kisara’s presence.

Luckily, she hadn’t just turned them back around.

They got to business quite quickly, as the tarp was peeled back and Rem finally got a look at the body.

Immediately, she was dumbfounded.

There was no mistaking it —the light color with orange undertones, the uncharacteristically unmarked skin aside from the small burn mark on the shoulder, the thin layer of dirt and grime that accumulated from not taking a shower— this was someone Rem had seen dead once or twice before.


Around the neck: quite obviously, a lack of head, but more importantly, the cut was unrefined and choppy— unrefined and choppy in a way dissimilar to other bodies she had seen. In fact, they were all a little different. Hm… Discoloration littered the sides of the neck, but nothing truly telling of the cause— not without the head. She looked up to Four-Eyes.

Only a couple other victims were lucky enough to keep their heads close-by. Was this one so lucky?

“No head?—”


She blinked. People were outside… and desperate to get in, from the yell. Unfortunate.

“D-does she have a head? Did you find it?”

Crosshairs awkwardly shifted back down to Deirest.

…What had she seen to be murdered like this?

BluEndings BluEndings simj26 simj26 The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit miki miki thebigfella thebigfella
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A Murder Under Starlight
West District
Passeri Park, Corvo Cordesco
A Murder Under Starlight
Corvo didn't even need her husband to let her know something was wrong. From the way Passeri almost jumped, the dips in tone, her forced calm; they betrayed the words pouring out her mouth. Then again, it could just as well have been work-related issues. Corvo imagined being an idol was tough work—it sounded exhausting for an ideal persona to be your full-time job.

Was a security guard supposed to pry on things like this? Corvo assumed not. Seven story building off Almerson's... The description reminded her the only purpose of this job: get the client from point A to point B. Simple as that, as her husband had put it. "I think I know where that is. I'll get you home safe and sound, Ms. Park." She offered an assuring smile.

Corvo's hand went to her holster when Passeri mentioned it. She nodded promptly. Stungun, yes. Also, a baton. And a real gun. She'd heard that in other places, security rarely ever had to discharge their weapons. But New Oasis was supposedly not among those 'other places.'

She turned her head in the direction they'd be going. Tonight felt fairly quiet. Here's to hoping it would stay that way. "Shall we head off, then?"

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

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