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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Robin Krantz
DAND,NBV,BBESCA11PM [July 10th, 2022]
West District
Robin, Takakazu, Hiachi
Driving At Night is Dangerous, Not Because of Visibility, But Because Everything Starts Closing Around 11 PM
"Huh. Sounds like Hiachi. Don't know her personally, but I've heard a little about her through Ryu." responded Robin, tilting her head slightly as she thought back to what Ryu had mentioned of the girl.

In regards to the snide comment about his jacket, she smirked. "I'm sure you'd come up with something. Maybe someone tried to mug you and you defended yourself. Maybe you got into an accident on your moped here... which seems more plausible based on how it looks." she responded. She then smiled wide upon hearing his next comment. “Hose me down, hmm? Sounds like you just want to get a pretty woman wet." she said, giggling slightly. "Eh, my line of work has me getting a bit bloody quite often. I don't mind. I'm usually not bloody for very long anyway. I just go back to my car and change clothes. If its on my skin, then I can just bathe later."

She simply listened and smiled as he complained about whomever towed her car. She certainly was going to do something in regards to whoever towed it, but that could wait till tomorrow. For now, she'd let the thoughts on that particular individual simmer.

"I live in a loft near the center of this district. Ryu gave it to me when I was hired years ago." she responded, in regards Tak's question about their destination. "And no. No servants or anything. I live alone. I like my privacy, but sometimes I entertain guests. Anyone that decides they want to visit me, that is." After a moment, she spoke again. "We won't be going directly to my loft, though. Instead, I have a special place where I stash some extra goodies. Out of the way, away from prying eyes. I have some clothes there. I can change there really quickly, to get rid of these tainted rags, and then we can head back to my loft."

She then gently leaned forwards, closer to his ear. "Tell you what... for all the trouble I put you through, and your feelings on the matter, I'll up it to ten grand. I'll even buy you dinner tomorrow, as an apology. I'll offer the same to Hiachi as well, considering she's going to have to deal with me tonight as well." she said, her red eyes drifting slightly to look towards his. "...Sound good?"

thebigfella thebigfella @miki
Last edited:
Christina Winchester
Young Blood [Post-Outbreak | July 21st, 2022]
South District
Christina, Hitoshi, Charlie, Musai
Young Blood
It appeared it was going to be a pretty normal Thursday for Christina Winchester. Better than how the week started, dealing with her mother yet again through her accountant Karina. Either way, she could focus on other things for the time being.

Like finding some cigarettes. The day before, she had ran out. Coffee seemed to stem the cravings, along with a toothpick hanging between her lips. Something to chew on, if she felt like it. She had decided to walk around a bit, taking in the sights and sounds of the South District while her car was getting an oil change just down the block at a Phoenix-allied mechanics shop. Neat little place one of the other rookies had pointed out to her before. Useful, honestly.

Maybe there's a small shop or something around here. Might get some Maelbaros. Been a while since I had some reds.

Her attention, however, was quickly drawn away from the thought of future cigarettes to something slamming into her thigh from the right. What the hell?

She glanced over and down. The impact really didn't even faze her. More of hard thump than anything. However, it seemed to have been traveling at considerable speed. She then noticed it was a kid! It also apparently looked as though he had spilled all his candy too. Shit.

“Hey, kid. You alright?” she said, squatting down slightly to help the boy up. It sounded like he was about to cry. Oh no. "Hey, don't cry now. You'll be okay. Just gotta watch where you're going next time, okay? I could have been a car or--"

She then noticed the sounds of people running up behind him, from the alley. She glanced up to see Charlie and Musai on the approach, as well as Hitoshi behind them. Hitoshi looked like he was about to pass out. Had they been chasing this kid?

"Hey guys. What's going on?" she asked, looking from them to the kid. "He do something wrong?"

joshuadim joshuadim Roda the Red Roda the Red Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Passeri Park
Life of the Party
July 16, 2022
Upper Central District
Passeri, Hitoshi
Life of the Party
Despite appearances, sipping champagne and chit-chatting with the New Oasis aristocracy wasn't exactly Passeri's idea of a night well spent, especially these days. She'd always been one to enjoy a night out, but only ever one in good company. That was the point of it, after all, so it was unfortunate that amongst the gaggle of New Oasis's business magnates and trust fund babies, Passeri had found that good company was a rare thing indeed.

So, in spite of the fine, silky perfection of her dress and the gossamer sheen of her hair, the exhaustion that hung in the back of Passeri's eyes shone through. Her step was devoid of enthusiasm, and though she looked the part of glassy-smiled partygoer just fine, to anybody who knew her, it wouldn't have taken much to gather that she would've rather been anywhere else that evening.

It was a good thing, then, that nobody here tonight knew her.

"Just Passeri is fine." Passeri thought it was a bit gauche, all of this. Glittering champagne ran down towers of crystal flutes, while meanwhile, feral chimerics still prowled the depths of Lower Central. She supposed that was simply the way these things went. Even as the earth fell away from beneath people's feet, those far above it all still went on as if nothing had happened. Charity, for these people, was just another expense. An exchange of their money and a little of their time for the sake of good PR. That was why she'd been invited, Passeri assumed. To play the role of a smiling, pretty young cat to adorn their photo shoots and purr for the press.

"And rehabilitation, I hope. For all of those poor souls afflicted by... Whatever it was that swept through Central a few days ago. I'm not sure what the city's government is planning to do about it, especially with what happened with the Mayor, but it seems a bit early to be giving up on them all, don't you think?"

This time, Passeri spoke of New Oasis's most recent disaster as a bystander. During the Earthquake, she'd been quite literally caught up in the heart of everything. She'd been there as the earth below the city started to rumble and split, and she'd very nearly been reduced to a smear of blood under the rubble during her escape from the minds. With the Outbreak, though, she hadn't been there. She hadn't seen the horrors that the formerly human beasts had wrought firsthand, sequestered away by Elise's will as she was.

"It's all a bit scary isn't it? First the earthquake, and now this. It makes you wonder if there's some new, terrible thing waiting for us next month, and the month after that, and..." Passeri's eyes, momentarily, went to the city skyline beyond the windows that flanked the penthouse. Just how many tremors could this city withstand before that skyline fell away completely?

She thought about that a lot, these days.

"...Sorry, that's a bit glum, isn't it? I think I'll go mingle, brighten the mood a bit, eh? If you'll let me, I could surprise everybody with a song, too. Maybe a love song for the couples to slow dance to? I figure a pop song wouldn't jive with the sort of atmosphere we're going for tonight, right?"

Passeri Park
Telephone Line
July 20th, 2022
North District
Passeri, Elise
Telephone Line
After her last words, Passeri was lost for any more.

For now, she was content to stew in Elise's embrace. Ever since she'd held her that morning, she realized, this was what she'd been longing for. To return to this- The warmth of her arms, and the slow, steady rhythm of her breath as she nestled her head within her neck. Right now, she thought, nothing else mattered. In the whole world, it was the two of them alone that shared this moment. The rays of the sun dancing across the horizon, and the buzz of her Potential, which for so long had been no more tool at her beck and call, tingling in reassurance within her back.

Silence ran through the van. Shared quietness which spoke a million words, but in Passeri's chest burgeoned a billion more. Love was a word more meanings than there were grains of sand on a beach, an ocean with tides that swelled in countless different directions. Passeri knew that Elise had never been one for words, but still, her greed ran deep. Even reassured by the press of the other woman's body into her own, even reassured by the familiar tingle of her Potential, she still wanted more, needed more. She wanted to know for certain, to not allow this moment to be stained by even a shadow of a doubt.

It almost hurt as she drew herself back, just a few inches out of Elise's arms. It would have been so easy to just let herself melt away there. She was tired. Exhausted from a long night and an even longer morning, but she didn't feel a bit of it. Her heart beat faster, more excitedly and nervously as she returned her eyes to Elise's, and as she reached to cradle her cheek within her palm. The cool touch of leather ran up her fingers as fingers brushed against Elise's eyepatch, chilling in contrast to the heat of her sunbathed skin, and she cherished both more than any of her riches.

The coarse tickle of her hair as she brushed it aside.

The damp beat of her breath as she drew their faces closer together.

The rare, buried spark of life in her eye as she gazed into it one last time, before she let her own flutter shut.

She was so happy that she got to experience all of it.

But there was still one more thing. One more thing she wanted, needed, and longed for.

She was still quiet, because she was afraid that if she spoke she was going to wake up from this dream. That this moment of bright, glowing bliss, so radiant that it drowned out the shadows of her past, would fade away.

Not yet. Love was a name for a million different things. She would show her which she meant.

Delicately, slowly enough for her to retreat, but quick enough that she couldn't hesitate, Passeri drew Elise's lips to her own. She pushed her way past that final, infinitesimal gap. And then, her lips brimming with more words than she could ever speak-

-She pressed her lips into Elise's.

Sang-Cheol Man
Ruined Bridge, North/East District
Bash, Shen, Kisara, Kanna, Sang-cheol, Celestine, Sabrina, Peyton, Raphael, Ruriko, Lloyd, Jesper [Guardian], Sylvaine

Master Negotiator Bash was on the case.

Sang-Cheol dug deep into his pockets and realized he didn't bring the emergency essentials to the meeting. A sigh of displeasure left his mouth and Sang-Cheol left the site to head back into his car. He could already tell that at best the negotations were going to be fruitless or fester into something worse.

The pure audacity for the Dragons to make claims while they were the agressors in the scenario. How absolutely shameless and thoughtless that degraded their symbolistic animal. Though at the end the day, they were gangsters after all. It didn't matter what shade of light they basked themselves in, everyone was as rotten as the shadow they painted onto the ground.

Sang-Cheol dug out his phone and began dialing a number. He needed to pull a few favors for the now and for the future. His progress would not be halted.
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Driving At Night is Dangerous, Not Because of Visibility, But Because Everything Starts Closing Around 11 PM
West District
July 10th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Robin ( Infab Infab ) Hiachi (@miki)
Driving At Night is Dangerous, Not Because of Visibility, But Because Everything Starts Closing Around 11 PM

A name kept coming up; even someone as dense as Tak started to put the picture together, someone called Ryu. For a brief close of his eyes, he tried to recall the name, but quickly, he gave up without giving much of a try to try and piece together his memory.

Oblivious, the Queen, to the world above him, Tak raised a question.

"Who's this Ryu guy you keep talkin' about? Your sugar daddy or somethin'? Giving you lofts and stuff must be nice," he commented with a grimace. He was so focused that he didn't even pay attention to Robin's directions of where they would be going; at the very least, he remembered where he would get Hiachi, one would hope.

Even scowling and digging for things to be mad about with this whole agreement, the sudden feeling of a breath against his hair made him reflexively twitch, taken off guard, but keeping his eyes forward to not betray his jumpiness, not understanding why something about the situation put him on edge. A tension swiftly stomped out by shock as promises began to leave Robin's lips, like a devil's whispers in his ears.

His body pulsed, flashes of lightning went through his body as if he had been smiled, his eyes rolling back as his neck flung backward, steam billowing out of his mouth, "T-Ten grand!?" He slurred out in a high-pitched voice like a kid who had gotten into their father's whiskey cabinet; the ride began to call Rocky, Tak's arms going limp as the thing began to rock around and swerve like it could topple over at any moment, before Tak pulled himself back with a deep breath as if he had died and been revived, turning his head away from the road to look Robin in the eyes, "Ya fo'real!?" Was the first words he could get out, leaning back to close the distance, "You don't mean fast food like Burger Knight, or WcDonalds!? Buffet or takeout!? Do you mean like rib-eye steak and lobster tail!? Foie Gras and Rangoons!?"

Through the dreams of food, childish sparkles of wonder glittered in Tak's eyes, "Are you a goddess!? Was this a test of kindness!?" He continued leaning closer, his beady eyes of innocence that came with the exuberant shaking of enthusiasm, "I get it! You're telling me to always help someone in need, right!? I'll repent, okay!? I'll change my ways!"

His energy finally pulled away from Robin, twirling his head back towards the road, but instead of focusing on the non-existent traffic, his head went into the clouds, mumbles of food dishes and desires coming from the waterfall of slobber leaving his mouth like he had contracted rabies. So lost in his dreams, he didn't notice as suddenly they were no longer alone on the road.

A dove cooed overhead, uncommon for the night, as it hung upon a passing streetlight, flapping its wings and flying away. A single feather fluttered downward, but before it could reach the ground, tires screeched across the stress: a sharp corner turn, the headlights trailing neon stripes, and a roaring engine as it sped down the street to catch up with the scooter.

It quickly came to its broadside. Tak's head turned away from the stars with a blink, looking to his side as he saw his reflection across a black window. Slowly, the window rolled down, revealing the unknown darkness inside the car.

Out of curiosity, almost instinctively, Tak leaned forward.

And then, from the window, with the sounds of clicking mechanics, the barrel of a rocket launcher was put right into his face, his eyes widening in response.


Tak quickly snapped his body backward, pupils dilating as the barrel of the launcher flashed to life, the rocket blasting out a blur flying right across his face, his head turning to follow it, the explosion bursting into a nearby building, the glass shattered, flames of red and orange burst out with shrapnel and rubble as it flew across Tak's face, his mouth hanging open as his lips twitched, his whole body going black and white as his hair stood up high on end.

And then came the mechanical clanking of another rocket being loaded into the chamber.


In an instant, the scooter had gone from fast to crazy fast, his staccato scream echoing through the night as his eyes were now wide open, "FREAKING PARTY TV!" He cried for no reason.

Tak shouted back at Robin, his body standing up straight as they began to drive downhill, quickly picking up more speed.

"You came to curse me! This is where I die, huh!? This is my punishment for keeping Thomas' copy of Grubby's Quest and telling him I lost it in 1st grade, right!?" Tak continued to ramble on like a madman before the loud sounds of an approaching sports engine drew his attention backward. The sleek black car quickly caught up with them.

"Shit," Tak cursed, "The hell do they want from me!? Did that Xian restaurant I dine in dashed send some ninjas after me!?" Tak somehow convinced himself he was the cause and not the walking crime scene he was currently escorting.

Robin Krantz
DAND,NBV,BBESCA11PM [July 10th, 2022]
West District
Robin, Takakazu, Hiachi
Driving At Night is Dangerous, Not Because of Visibility, But Because Everything Starts Closing Around 11 PM
Its not every day you're engaged by a guy with a rocket launcher.

Robin was grinning as Tak took in what she said, only to glance over and see the black car pulling up next to them. Mirrored glass. Someone doesn't want outsiders to see inside. However, the window would soon roll down, revealing the muzzle of a rocket launcher. Robin's eyes went wide. Holy shit.

Robin felt the need to pull Tak back out of the way, but it seemed that Tak had it under control. She leaned back as well, to avoid being slammed into when he snapped back. Now was the time to get the hell out of dodge. The moped sped up, as Robin reached into the small of her back and drew her pistol out. Tak was already yelling again.

"I'm no god or goddess! Just stay focused on driving!" she said, pointing the pistol back at the car. She let off two shots at the windshield where the driver would be, but noticed the two shots simply smash into it instead of piercing it. Bulletproof glass. Neat. This was going to be tricky to deal with.

She couldn't help but grin.

"I believe they might be after me, Tak. Associates of the ones I dealt with earlier." she said, before leaning off the side of the moped. She hung onto the vehicle as tightly as she could with one hand, and used the other hand to point her pistol towards the car again. "I believe they didn't like what I did with their friends."

As the window opened up, the rocket launcher being prepared to be used again, Robin grinned ever wider. All she needed was the car to jerk a little. She fired off two more shots, aimed at the front left tire. Thankfully, they weren't kevlar-lined, as the tire burst loudly from the .45 caliber rounds ripping through. As the car jerked, the rocket launcher's muzzle snapped downward towards the asphalt next to the car. The rocket was released, and the warhead collided with the ground a split-second later.

The blast almost flipped the vehicle, sending it up onto its side. It skid along, the passenger-side's metal grinding against the asphalt until it eventually collided with a street-side lamp post.

"There we are. They're not dead, sadly, but that particular bunch can't chase us anymore." she soon said, lifting herself back up onto the moped and slipping her pistol back into the small of her back. "If only that rocket had went off inside the car. Would have been quite the spectacle. Alas..."

There's probably gonna be more. Internally, she was excited. More blood to shed.

thebigfella thebigfella @miki
Bath Salts
Nov 18th, 2016 - Pre Arc 1
Burger Knight across Robin’s Apartment, West District
Robin Krantz, Eun Ji-Young
Bath Salts
It was the first time in a long while that Ji-Young had a Hwoper value meal at Burger Knight. The last time she went, she was considerably shorter, kinder, and happier. Now, clad in her only three-piece suit, looking out of place among the citizens in their casual wear, she could only stare forlornly at the burger in her hands. Wasn’t it larger in the past? Didn’t it have four pickles instead of two? Were the seats in front of her always this empty?

Whatever, at least she could afford something like this thanks to the money from her previous job. Of course, that one didn’t go the way she thought it would. But for her first time as an official debt collector it was… interesting to say the least. Smiling, she took a bite out of her burger. It wasn’t as good as she remembered. Not as good as seeing those eyes the color of carnations in bloom. Yet she smiled, reminiscing fondly that midnight. Perhaps she wouldn’t mind dropping in for another reminder.

For today, she had a different target: Robin Krantz, a fellow Tiger, working as a security contractor for Hashimoto Real Estate. Based on the dossier that arrived at her doorstep last night, she was in roughly the same position as Passeri Park – an up-and-coming rookie who borrowed too much from too many people until one of them got fed up with waiting. Funny how a lot of Tigers found themselves in that dark and damp pit called crushing debt; just this week alone, she’d heard of five others falling over themselves headfirst into that bottomless chasm.

Ah well, it wasn’t for her to know why they fell, only for her to rifle through their pockets for everything they have left before kicking them off the edge.

Ji-Young’s smile widened. She bit hard on her burger and savored the flavor of dry meat and cheap lettuce. Her first job left her a little wanting; Passeri had been too cooperative, too persuasive. Maybe Robin would be different. Maybe she’d make a little fuss, throw some punches. Maybe Ji-Young would have no choice but to retaliate. Purely for self-defense, of course.

Please, please fight back. Give me an excuse to let loose.


The hallway of the 13th floor stretched out before Ji-Young. Red carpets lined the middle of the marble-tiled floor, and the beige walls were adorned with various abstract artworks that were nothing more than squiggly lines on top of more squiggly lines. She could wax poetic about the superiority of classical art over modern art any other time, now she had a job to do.

She stopped before a door, with the number 1323 embossed in gold on the dark hardwood. Ji-Young straightened her jacket, pulled at the hem of both her gloves, and knocked three times. “Miss Krantz? Are you home?”

Interactions: Infab Infab
Robin Krantz
Bath Salts (Nov 18th, 2016 - Pre Arc 1)
Robin's Loft Apartment, West District
Robin Krantz, Eun Ji-Young YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Bath Salts
A trio of knocks. A voice calling out from the front door of the loft. A female voice, speaking her last name.

Robin had just slipped on a t-shirt and some simple black hotpants when she heard it. She froze, her red irises cutting to the corners of her eyes in the direction of her open bedroom door. Her mind soon was abuzz with a myriad of thoughts. Barely anyone knew she lived here, and even less would willingly visit her. Especially this late in the evening, unless it was of dire importance.

It seemed she would have someone new in her little den.

She stood from her bed, subconsciously reaching over and taking her knife from the nightstand. Her new pistol was in the safe in her closet. No time to get it, and too loud. Everyone on this floor would hear it if she fired it. As for her knife, her only regret was that it wasn't as small as the butterfly knife she used to have. No hunting knife worth anything was. She'd have to fix that issue, but later.

She strolled across the loft's second floor, heading towards the skeletonized metal staircase that descended in a spiral to the first. "Coming!" she said loudly. Best not to scare off whoever it is. You don't scare away prey. You make them stay put, if you can't make them come to you. Lure them into a false sense of security and peace, and then... you make your move. You take your time... savoring every single moment...

...Best to place those thoughts aside for the moment. We don't know what they want, Robin. It could be something genuinely innocent.

...I hope its not something innocent.

She passed through the kitchen area and den on the first floor, and soon found herself stopping at the front door. The hunting knife held tightly in one hand, pointed upwards as she held it behind her in the center of her back. She peeked through the peep hole, looking to see who was standing on the other side. A woman, dressed in a nice suit. She's wearing gloves. Leather, finely stitched. Nice and durable.

This didn't seem innocent. However, looks could be deceiving. Besides, she had a fine assortment of cutlery around the loft...

Robin quietly stepped to the side, pulling open a drawer on the table where she set her car keys. She placed the knife softly inside, before shutting it back.

"Just a moment, unlocking the door." she called out, so the woman on the other side could hear her. Which was the truth. There were three locks on the door she had to undo. A chain lock, and two reinforced deadbolts. One at the top, one at the bottom. All three she had installed herself.

Once they were undone, she gave the nob a twist and pulled the door inward slightly. Now she could look the woman over without having the peep hole's fisheye view of things.

"Yes?" she said. Give her a smile, Robin. Make pleasantries. Figure out why she's here. What she wants.

Perhaps bleed her afterwards.
Post-Outbreak, July 21st, 2022
Ruined Bridge, North/East District
Bash, Shen, Kisara, Kanna, Sang-cheol, Celestine, Sabrina, Peyton, Raphael, Ruriko, Lloyd, Jesper [Guardian], Sylvaine
Her eyes immediately looked over in the direction of where the music was coming from. Let alone being poor taste, it was also distracting and not helpful. It didn't take long for Kanna to identify where it was coming from.

Whoever invited Jesper to join them on this outing, the Jack would handle that later. But right now the priority was getting this meeting over with. Shen made the Dragons' stance clear. Now it was on the Serpents to either walk away, or perhaps blood would be shed tonight. Kanna preferred that didn't happen, but occasional glances back towards the other gang members from both sides told her that they were looking for an excuse to throw the first punch. In the back of her head, a small part of her twitched. While it wasn't visible, she too was getting impatient as well, itching to do something other than stand and wait. But she'd stand and wait as long as she had to.

The Dragon Jack maintained her close proximity with Shen, watching and waiting to see what Bash would say. It probably wouldn't be anything good, given how things were going so far.

Her muscles tensed as she tightened them, relaxing them after, doing anything to relieve the stiffness of her body as well as the quell the urge not to just sock Bash in the face.

Kanna was better than this. Than them.
Growing Pains
[Post-Outbreak] July 15th, 2022
East District
Jackson, Kanna, Renjiro, Isaiah, Chiyome
Growing Pains
Kanna was quick to follow behind Chiyome, pushing onlookers aside as they watched in shock and awe, processing what had just transpired. The Dragon Jack motioned or the others to follow as they gave chase to the man who had kidnapped Xuefeng.

Kanna wasn't fully aware of what transpired when Xuefeng was first found. She only knew that others were after him at the time. Maybe this man was part of that group that targeted the child back then, and this was their second attempt. She would not allow them to be successful, whatever it took.

Through the alleys and streets of the Market District, the Dragons kept pace until Chiyome was able to catch up and bring down their mystery man. Kanna was quick to arrive by her side. Her hand reached down, pushing the other Dragon's blade away from the man's skin before Kanna's other hand reached down, grabbing him by the shirt collar and heaved him up. With one fluid motion, Kanna flipped him around and pushed his back against the wall. Her hand shifted from his shirt to his neck, and immediately he'd start to feel significantly heavier, to heavy to move any part of his body.

The Dragon Jack's eyes narrowed as she spoke. Under the seemingly calm tone of her voice, there was a small sting of anger in the words Kanna spoke.

"Answer my questions truthfully, or you will not live to see the light of day. What did you do with the child? Where did you take them?"

Her hand squeezed slightly around the man's neck.

Once the others eventually arrived, Kanna gestured with her eyes to Isaiah, silently asking him to shroud them from the public eye with his illusions. If this man wasn't going to comply here, they'd have to take him back to the HQ.
New Phoenix Golden Age
Phoenix HQ, South District
Bolt, Hector, Helva, Hitoshi, Milo, Musai, Pei, YY

The sounds around Hector dissolved into one buzz as he stared ahead to where the interruption had been. His mouth twitched, slightly agape, as words fought to be released. Words that would surely ruin his claim if he were to let them win. A King couldn’t be beat by a few nasty words. You…


He had to keep composed, and he did, straightening his posture, and looking to Boltius, smiling with confidence. He’d deal with Pei later. Cut his tongue out, or something, or maybe it would be easier to just have him offed altogether. That was their thing after all. He realised how much pent-up rage he had been keeping in for the sake of appearances. Oh well. He sensed Boltius was finished, nodding at him approvingly. He always had the right energy for the crowds, thank God.

”Bolt’s right. It isn’t gonna be easy, it’s never been easy for anyone, but we never got anywhere being defeatist. It’s time we all get back up, fight like hell, and get what is owed to us. And that’s why…” The crowd fell silent, waiting for the words.

”That’s why I’m the King now.”

Very few appeared unsatisfied. Stern faces that hadn’t joined the celebration of their speeches before were overtaken by approving smirks and nods, finally pleased to have gotten to the point they’d been patiently awaiting.

Boltius couldn’t contain the mile-long grin stretching from one side of his head to the other. He’d been eagerly awaiting Hector’s reign, even forgetting his own reason for being upon that stage.

“We’re gonna take this fuckin’ city by storm,” he told Hector, slapping a hand down upon his shoulder with a tight clasp.

The doors to the building opened. “Did someone say storm?” An unfamiliar voice filled the room. Or, perhaps, unfamiliar to all but one. Heads turned to see the intruder. He was donned in dark attire, a fashion not unlike the norms of the East District, with sharp eyes and a mocking sneer, a sword on his hip. Long, bushy hair swayed as he stepped through the crowd, slowly making his way toward the stage, eyes locked on those of the new “King.”

“My apologies~ I tried to get here sooner, before you embarrassed yourself, but...” The man shrugged. “Some unruly brats got in my way.” Just outside, beyond the building doors, Phoenixes laid wounded.

The man stared unblinkingly at Hector, the pause between his words passing like nails on a chalkboard. “I had to teach them a lesson.”

Thunder exploded above them, the sound of something unimaginable, something monstrous growling with a deep rage, and the room darkened with the skies, the blue flash of lightning throwing shadows around the room. All the while, the man hadn’t ceased in his advancement toward the crown. Once close enough, he mounted the stage with a leap and leaned over Hector. “It’s been a while.”

Worried murmurs began to grow in volume among the crowd. Dramatics weren't uncommon in the Phoenixes, but the situation seemed far more a threat than just an act. Spotting the blade at the man's side, Hector created his own to match. Someone in the crowd gasped. Bloodshed on the first day? As he stepped closer, Hector stepped back, taking a brief glance at Bolt and then back at the newcomer.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

Not today. He wasn't going to let his moment be ruined further.

"You weren't invited."

Following Hector’s lead, Boltius readied himself for a fight. “Who the hell are you?!” He demanded from the towering man, who met him with a grim smile.

“Hector, you know this guy?”

“Thank you for asking,” the man responded, reaching across his abdomen to grasp the handle of his sword. “The name I was given is Sura. It’s decided that I’ll be your new King.” Harsh winds from the sudden storm outside rattled the windows, a nightmare teasing the Phoenixes within, threatening to enter.


A clap of thunder exploded overhead, the room going dark as the ground beneath their feet trembled, hanging lights putting their anchors to the test as they swung. Rain pelted down now, the sound of a million troops rushing into battle, drumming against the roof.

“You might want to step back,” he said to Boltius, but there was no time for the Ace to respond. Sura drew his sword, his spare hand drawing a line from the sky down as his metal clashed with Hector’s. Lightning followed his command, tracing the unseen line, and struck the building above the Ace. The roof collapsed and Boltius was forced to obey Sura’s counsel, an audible, “FUCK!” preceding his near entombment.

In that same instant, with barely a second between thought and action, the stage began splitting in two by the surgency of an abrupt earthquake small yet potent. Perhaps a miscalculation on his part, but Sura found his stance widening as the crack of the stage stretched between his and Hector’s legs, spreading briefly. “Oh,” he uttered, still smiling.

”Are you insane!?”

Hector strained, trying to gain ground on Sura as they clashed, but found himself being overpowered. Roof collapse or not, Hector was forced to back off, stumbling as the ground shifted beneath his feet.

”What’s your plan here? You’re not the first guy who’s tried to kill me.” Hector stepped back again as the gap widened, sword still held out.

“Kill you?” Sura laughed, leaping aside to avoid the growing maw of the stage. He steadied himself, corrected his footing, and puffed out his chest. “I could never kill you.”

Helva Linxal
CS Link
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts [July 18th, 2022]
Phoenix HQ, South District
Christina, Helva, Karina, Sheridan
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts
Helva only really had a few spots she frequented and most of those areas were either heavily defended or one of her homes, and as of right now she was in the former one. Being in Phoenix HQ gave her a feeling of safety that made her just about complacent in it as the main worry she would have to deal with is the occasional Phoenix horseplay, but she wasn't really here for simple hangout pleasure. She had just finished up a meeting with a Veteran Phoenix, a slight exchange of information if you will, it wasn't exactly planned but it seemed like a convenient enough time for them to have a little chat, besides it was on her to do list anyways. Though the conversation didn't take too long only about a half hour of her time, she still had a long day to do whatever else she needed to do that could fit into her busy schedule. Though she had to figure out if she should opt to leave Phoenix HQ and go somewhere else or stay and go to another place where she would be able to find certain individuals that she needed to speak to. But first she would have to think of what place that should be so she opted to take her time roaming the halls of the Phoenix HQ as she pondered what place she should pay a visit to next or which person she should track down and have a word with.

With Syrup being in central running her candy shop she planned to have a relaxed day one that didn't involve getting into dangerous combat as it would be too big of a hassle, but it wasn't like she was ever against changing up her plans if need be. Being from the Linxal family she had typically adopted to the family trait of being incredibly Fickle it had it's benefits and downsides but it was one of those traits that remained consistent and united their family together even if it made their life sometimes frustrating. She contemplated on going home and spending time at Linxal Manor or maybe even just going outside but instead she figured she would spend the next 30 minutes or exploring the Phoenix halls for maybe the ten thousandth time of her life, she figuring she would eventually find a wandering Phoenix that she needed to have a word with. This was a slow day after all, but with Phoenix HQ being the center place for all the Phoenixes to come together when needed she figured that she would eventually run into someone that had been on her radar to talk to, and if not she could always go somewhere else or maybe even check on one of her Sponsorees , employees or maybe even Syrup.

𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
They Tell You Not To Mix Chemicals Because You Can Make Mustard Gas, But Nobody Tells You How Mixing People Makes Something More Deadly
North District Rental
May 6th, 2022 || Post-Outbreak
They Tell You Not To Mix Chemicals Because You Can Make Mustard Gas, But Nobody Tells You How Mixing People Makes Something More Deadly
Lost as she was in the flavor of the curry, Naomi barely heard Tak's question of if she was going to finish the food. "Of course! Some of us like to savor our food, not just shovel it down as fast as humanly possible!" she chided, but there was a big smile on her face as she took another bite. It was so good! She didn't even notice Tak's "hidden" disappointment, as enamored as she was with her meal.

Her hand paused for a moment, the full spoon hovering in the air, when Arkar mentioned the West. It felt like an eternity to Naomi, but in reality was probably only half of a second. the West. Ugh, she was going to have to stop thinking about that or her high would be ruined. "If I ever find myself over there, sure!" she beamed at Arkar. She'd never find herself over there.

Sneakily, Arkar snatched the bowl back from Tak, leaving his hand grasping empty air. Naomi snickered, sticking her tongue out at Tak. "See? You didn't savor your meal and now you suffer for it," she teased, taking another careful bite of her curry. It was already halfway gone--she was going to be so sad when she finished it. Tak stood up, saying that he was going to go find a couple cold ones. "Mm, if you can find one, can you get me a wine cooler?" she requested, showing Tak her biggest puppy dog eyes. Arkar asked for him to get a few more, smirking at Nao. What, did he think she was a big drinker? Okay, maybe she was...but drugs were way more fun.

Arkar sat down next to Nao, extinguishing his cigarette on the concrete. Naomi watched the ash crumple as it collided with the floor, memorized. There was such beauty in small things, wasn't there? Arkar and Tak exchanged a few more words, and Naomi realized that that look might have been because Arkar wanted a beer. "He came all this way for you! The least you can do is get him a beer!" Naomi needled Tak, but he was already on his way inside.

And so, she was outside alone with Arkar. She looked up at the sky, carefully balancing the half-full bowl on her lap. This was a great idea. The cold air felt so nice. The curry was so good. The night sky was so pretty..."Hope Roach hasn't been giving you much trouble," Arkar spoke. Naomi's eyes turned to the man, focusing on his words. Tak used to be...worse? She laughed at the image of a younger Tak robbing people. "As much trouble as he gives me, I give right back, I promise," Naomi said with a smile. She followed Arkar's gaze back up into the sky. A puppy in need of validation? Naomi laughed at that statement too. "He really likes to pretend he's big and tough, but deep down I know that he just wants people he can be himself around," Naomi said with a wistful smile. Arkar fell back into the grass, but Naomi didn't join him.

"Put up with him for a little longer, will ya? I was tired of him spending every night brooding in my restaurant."

Tears misted at Naomi's eyes. Emotions really were so unpredictable when you weren't sober. "Of course. He's one of my best friends."


The sound of the door bursting open behind her startled Naomi, making her jump backwards into the grass. Her carefully balanced bowl, thankfully empty now, clattered to the floor. "Geeze Tak, we've talked about this! You're going to give me a heart attack!" Naomi chided, grabbing the bowl and glaring back at Tak. It was...a really funny image. People hanging from his ankles like toddlers while he carried a case of beer far away from there. Naomi's anger cracked, a smirk appearing on her face. And then a chuckle. And then a full laugh. Arkar asked if that wasn't a bit too much alcohol. "They can come outside if they want some," Naomi answered, not realizing the question was more about for their consumption than everyone else's.

"No wine coolers?" Naomi asked with a pout as Tak pulled the tab on his beer, downing it in big gulps. Nao didn't really drink beer. She was all about mixed drinks and cocktails and fun flavors. Omi and Noam were the ones who were more likely to take the beer and cheer alongside Tak before shotgunning it. "Eh, whatever. When in Rome!" she said, taking a can of beer and popping it open.

((ooc: ))
((Outfit: grey dress and sweater))

thebigfella thebigfella
Finest Hour
Post-Outbreak, June 15th, 2022
Red West Bar
Hector, Boltius, Hitoshi, Charlie, Sebastian, Mirka
The Red West Bar was closed today—at least, to people beyond the Scarlet Phoenixes. The owner and his family were out of town, sipping on martinis and good fortune. The one bartender had used this chance to spend his own time, and word is that there's someone he's sweet on recently. As a result, the famed bar of the South has been collecting dust in its darkness.

In other words, a perfect place for the Phoenixes to gather. With permission from the owner, a few temporary workers were brought in to spruce up the place. It was all for today, in which a small-scale celebration was in order for the stars of the gang! In particular, Hector Moses, the one who has been shaping as leader in the two's absences; and Boltius Beckman, who bravely led the assault on GCPD before the earthquake!

The organizer of this little party was none other than Vulken's rookie, Corvo. Having settled well into the gang, and noticed the sacrifices everyone had made out of loyalty, she left an open invitation to whoever. She was one of the first in the Red West, finishing up a call with her sitter. "If you need anything, you give me a call, okay?" Silvio must've been having the time of his life, being taken far from their apartment in the South. And away from the Phoenixes, too... "Ciao." End call.

"Got someone waiting for you?" The question came from the temporary bartender, a chippy blonde named Rita. The owner had referred her for Corvo, knowing no bar would be complete without someone at the drinks.

Corvo shook her head. "Not these days. I haven't had the time to come back, unfortunately," she admitted with a slight smile.

Rita nodded in understanding, wiping the bar for the umpteenth time.

"That's what everybody who comes here says." The deeper voice came from Bernard, a friendly and familiar face with the Red West—and in turn the Phoenixes—as its janitor. He finished his rounds not too long ago, but wouldn't turn down the time for drinks. "But it's for a good cause, I'm sure. Can always respect loyalty." The balding man took another shot with a relieved sigh.

But even though the bar was closed to all non-Phoenix members, one person still snuck his way inside. A dirt-stricken man with ragged clothes, unwashed hair and beard, sullen eyes, and few change to spare. The best part about this Phoenix party was that drinks were on the house, and the local homeless, Moe, was keen to take advantage of that. Still, it wasn't like he was bothering anyone.

Turning to all the attendees, Corvo felt a sense of ease. One by one, they were arriving, and gradually, this place would fill up. It was only a matter of time...

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean joshuadim joshuadim Roda the Red Roda the Red Lucem Lucem
Finest Hour
Secret Tunnel 🎶
Post-Outbreak, June 15th, 2022
Hector, Boltius, Hitoshi, Charlie, Sebastian, Mirka
It was only a matter of time before they reached their destination. Tatsuo kept a close eye on the map and notes. They had passed the boulder of quartzite, and now the blue graffiti of some unrecognizable symbol. That marked the 3/4ths point, if the notes were any accurate.

The Golden Chimeras and a dozen volunteering troops had descended into the tunnel system around 20 minutes ago, and the dampness of the tunnel pervaded much of their senses. From touch to smell, Tatsuo was about ready to get out, and she was sure the others felt the same. "Look!" She pointed up ahead at a marking of chalk. Much less deteriorated than the graffiti earlier. "We're getting closer. Make sure you're ready, everyone." She breathed a thanks to the undercover officers who explored this tunnel beforehand, marching forward.

"I want you all to remember: we must lead by example. We will strike with only the required force needed; no killing unless absolutely necessary. No unneeded violence..." Tatsuo had a slight feeling her words might fall on deaf ears. But someone had to say it, she felt... "Also, watch each other's backs, okay?"

Tatsuo slowed down, glancing across everyone with concern. "That being said, do any of you have concerns before we move on? Whatever you wish to speak or reveal, I am here for you..."

simj26 simj26 thebigfella thebigfella Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
The First Day
[Pre Arc 1] March 2018
East District
Kanna, Shen
The First Day
She was starting question what the true purpose of this outing was for.

Kanna watched as Shen began walking off elsewhere, before turning to Mister Chin and bowed apologetically. She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out enough money to cover for the fruit, and some extra.

"So sorry about that."

She didn't give the fruit stand owner any time to reject her gesture as Kanna moved to catch up with the Dragon King. There were many questions she wanted to ask him, but once again, the voice in her head caused her to pause.

This could all be a test.

But a test of what? Patience? Loyalty? It almost felt like she was taking care of a child. Kanna could recall the conversations she had with her father about his interactions with Shen. A man of resolve, fortitude, and determination. But Kanna wasn't seeing any of that before her. What changed? When?

The conflict in her mind continued as she debated whether or not to opening question her King. But that felt out of line. At the same time, it was her job to advise him, among other things, no?

Her eyes watched as Shen interacted with the children, playing with the ball before sending it back towards them and continued on his walk. Kanna was close behind him, walking just behind him to his right. With a deep breath, she went with her gut feeling.

"If I may frank, what exactly are we doing out here? So far, all we've done is wander around the area."
Finest Hour
Secret Tunnel
June 15th, 2022 | Post-Arc Outbreak
Hector, Ashley, Boltius, Hitoshi, Charlie, Sebastian, Mirka, Inigo
Sometimes Sebastian wondered what was stopping him from living in the sewers like a rat. It was the perfect place for a mushroom-- warm, moist, and dark. Ah. That was right. Nobody wanted to spend time with someone in the rat sewers, that was why.

"Right, no unnecessary violence," Sebastian said. He prepared himself by drawing out his hyphae whip, cracking it in the air. A mischievous smirk graced Sebastian's face, "But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to play bad cop."

Despite how he appeared, Sebastian was taking this all incredibly seriously. Having a firsthand account of the action would make prosecution efforts much easier. A successful raid would also prove that Yelena and her pack of lab dogs weren't necessary to govern New Oasis. And last, but certainly not least, it was important because it was justice. The New Oasis Central Police Department was the law and order, and they had a responsibility to enforce it.

But that didn't mean that being serious and having fun had to be two separate things.

"There may be a man named Milo Nagisa in there. Young white male, platinum blond, looks like he goes to university," Sebastian piped up when Tatsuo opened things up for concerns. He held up a citation, "If he's there, let me handle him. He's a good pup. We don't need to arrest him."

Admittedly, Sebastian did have a bit of a soft spot for Milo. He wasn't like a toy to Sebastian, but he was at least a point of contact for the Phoenixes, and it was important for Sebastian to maintain that friendship. That, and if they arrested Milo, they'd probably have to release him later. Sebastian wasn't sure if they had the evidence necessary to convict him. So a citation for disorderly behavior was much more realistic.

Sebastian took a moment to straighten his tie and make sure his wrists were properly cuffed, "Other than that, I'm golden."

joshuadim joshuadim AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Lucem Lucem Roda the Red Roda the Red simj26 simj26 thebigfella thebigfella WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Mentioned: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts
Post-Outbreak, July 18th, 2022
Central District
Christina, Helva, Karina, Sheridan
“Top of the morning to you, Karina,” says I in response to one of my best customers. The moment she enters the cafe my body begins moving on its own, pulled along by strings hidden in the darkness, held by a puppeteer wearing the golden Arlecchino. Oh wait, that’s me. That’s the mask I’m wearing. Golden filigree on black porcelain. Silly me. With the practiced movements of a maestro I can never be, I prepare her usual order – two blueberry scones on a silver platter and a flat white served on a porcelain cup with a silver trim. Where did I get these fancy things, you might ask? None of your business.

The hiss of steam, the ding of the microwave oven, the faint classical music floating from the surround sound system, all these help weave the ambiance of a quaint cafe where one can leave behind the chaotic world outside the double glass doors. Six tables with four chairs each, no one alike, stand atop laminated mahogany flooring. Strings of fairy lights hang above the ceiling, along with an upside down bike festooned with all manner of charms and masks. Various tasteful art depicting Mother Nature and her children adorn the umber walls, with one section filled with colorful notes from patrons past and present pinned on a huge cork board. The smell of coffee and pastries is an ever-present fragrance, underlined by hints of aged wood and sour berries.

And here, my work station, is the counter, humble in comparison to the rest of the cafe, topped by white marble. A rickety manual espresso machine stands between the manual grinder and the microwave, and all around it are my various knick knacks for the meticulous art of brewing coffee – your portafilters, your shot baskets, and your tampers. To the right of the counter is a refrigerated pastry display, showcasing the many scones, rolls, and croissants we have on offer. And to my back is the window to the kitchen, empty for now. Its usual occupant is out, somewhere, dealing with her own thing. Far away from me…

All these, gathered over and built up through the years, are my pride and joy. All these stand as testament that even someone as wretched as me can make something of himself. Make no mistake, everything can vanish in a split second, like the dew at dawn, or the lies I wear. But by then I may as well be dead, so no need to worry about it too much.

“Here’s your usual, Karina. Hope you enjoy,” I say, delicately placing the plate of scones and the cup of coffee on her table. Today, she sits on the one made out of reclaimed wood, something that looks too good, a little unnatural. Much like her. I trust neither of them, but both serve their purposes in the end.

I spend the next few minutes fussing about with the other customers that come in. There’s one with the rumpled suit and the tough demeanor of a Tiger debt collector. The woman sitting by the door moonlights as a drug courier to earn money for her ailing grandmother. And the one who just ordered four shots of espresso in a small mug looks ready to murder someone. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. Who knows? If the scars on his forearms are any indicator, it won’t be the first time.

Soon enough, the morning rush slows to a trickle, until there is only Karina left, still working on numbers and documents on her laptop. I’m making my way over to her when she beats me to it, and with a tantalizing proposition, no less. If I go, there’ll be no one manning the cafe. Then again, even if I go, the cafe can take care of itself. Even if she isn’t here. God, I hope she’s doing alright…

Besides, earning more favors from other people never hurt anybody. At least, not me. “Count me in,” I say, smiling beneath the mask. “Just leave your laptop behind the counter. Nothing will happen to it, I swear on my name as the proprietor of this humble establishment.”

Interactions: Breadman Breadman Infab Infab Peckinou Peckinou
Helva Linxal
CS Link
New Phoenix Golden Age
Phoenix HQ, South District
Bolt Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean , Hector WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten , Helva, Hitoshi, Milo, Musai, Pei, YY gxxberkit gxxberkit
New Phoenix Golden Age
The speeches weren't half bad, though Helva wasn't exactly thrilled with the promise of a New Phoenix golden age, of course she understood the need to boost moral but a promise like that would only work so many times. Helva fully knew full well the situation the Phoenixes were in and they were no where near on route to a supposed Golden Age, in order to even get into a Golden age they would first need to get out of the Dark Age. Being a King and Jack down with a new Queen and lowly experienced Ace, South district in shambles, nearly all their bridges taking damage though that one was a pretty minor set back to say the least since they had alternative options. Still any golden age promise should of probably been held off on, but it is whatever the speech was already given and the moral boost would help for a while at the very least. But if there was one thing Helva had to admit though was that Bolt was actually able to give a decent speech, a bit surprising since she had hard doubts about him, but he still had a lot to learn especially when it comes proper leadership.

Even though there was a bit of cheering Helva didn't partake in it, she instead leaned against a wall as she watched on her eyes were trained on both Hector and Bolt, she didn't know for sure if they called this entire thing just to boost moral. Though it didn't really work on everyone including the likes of Pei though Pei may have a bit of a brain he wasn't exactly socially smart, and though what he did say wasn't exactly wrong either. Hector was able to keep his composure something that was a bit surprising considering how he was, though she did admit she didn't exactly know him all to well as they weren't exactly on buddy terms, most of their knowledge about them comes from reputation and the few times she worked with him, which really didn't involve much interaction with him anyways.

But with Bolt being done with what he had to say, Hector soon stepped up to take the stand and deliver his own speech, Helva watched Hector she was a bit bored but was listening intently until Hector said something that shocked her to her core. That he was vying to become the King, Helva understood that the King and Queen were just about Equals within the Phoenixs and the only real reason Hector would move from Queen to King was monopolize power for himself. She wanted the King and Queen spot to be a partnership between two competent leaders
who could work together to guide the Phoenixes together not a one man rule who would likely lead them off a cliff just so that they can consolidate more power for themselves. If Hector left Bolt as Queen that would just be the same as Hector being Queen as she doubted Bolt would have the backbone to go against Hectors will especially if he was placed in the position only because of him.

It almost seemed like the Promise of a Golden Age would turn to be a promise of a Dark Age, with the only purpose to fulfill the ambitions of a single man through his way alone. That was not the type of leadership she wanted for the Phoenix nor did she think that any Phoenix that cares would want that either. She thought about speaking out against this but a rude disruption interrupted, the setting bursting through he doors their brazen display as they gestured to the wounded Phoenixes behind him, Helva wasn't sure what exactly was going on but that man sure wasn't in her list of contacts that was for sure. But he didn't seem to have any intention of killing so there was that, but the fact that he was able to break through a line of a Phoenixes should be considered a embarrassment on their part. Still with the Brazen display it seemed he didn't have any good will or peaceful means of achieving his goal, as he went up stage to antagonize Hector and introduced himself a Sura, a name that was similar to their past King Surya but they defintly no Surya. Helva blinked for a moment in surprise but quickly composed despite the flickering lights which were no real bother to as shewent on to say "Who in the bloody h-" her words were interrupted by the crack of lightning came bringing the roof down. Without any words she began telepathically contacting Syrup Ok, Syrup mind helping me out with this? there was silence for a moment but Syrup soon responded No.she clearly wanted no part in this business and it seemed that Helva had to try to convince her. Come on please sister, I'll give you a day whenever you want if you help. there was another moment of silence before she responded Make it two days. With a sigh Helva responded Fine , two days to yourself.

With Syrups support and the chaos that was being caused by the infighting between Hector and Sura, two people wanting to claim the spot of King, Helva was unsure if she intervene or wait it out or just try to get Syrup to bind them both. She could always profile Sura later, but as of now she needed to act and perhaps control the situation, with Syrups support she began to position herself at a distance from Helva keeping her eyes on her and using the Shadows to block anything that might try to hit her, evening bridging the gaps between the gaps in the for her to walk across before she went on to speak "You come in here cause a complete ruckus and think you can call yourself a King, just who in the hell do you think you are!" she spoke up angry at the destruction he was causing towards this place and the brazen act of the self-declaration without notable reputation. Syrup on the other hand made sure that the shadows surrounded her ready to help and protect her when needed, as she stood back a bit of distance with a handful of Phoenixes as she watched the scene unfold all while holding her own glass of wine for her to indulge in. Helva knew her position in the Phoenixes well she had her own support circle and quite a notable amount of influence within the Phoenixes being known as someone close to Lyric along with many other things, point and case she could get Phoenixes to listen to her when needed but these two weren't people that she could reasonably deal with, so she had to be prepared.

Christina Winchester
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts [July 18th, 2022]
Central District
Christina, Helva, Karina, Sheridan
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts
As Christina finished her cigarette, tossing the butt onto the ground and snuffing it out with her heel, she glanced up towards HQ. Maybe Helva was lurking around inside somewhere. She eventually sighed, checking her phone once more before moving across the parking lot towards the old bank. It surprised Christina a bit, the Phoenix HQ having been placed inside an old Bank of Amestria. She figured it'd have been somewhere else. Maybe a club or bar or something.

As she entered the building, she soon spotted her dark haired target. Luck seemed to favor her for now. "Hey, Helva!" she called out, as she strolled across the room towards her. "Got a sec? Need a bit of a favor, really, and you're pretty much the only one I know of that could help. You know more about dealing with wealthy family than most."

As soon as she got close, Christina took a look around the room they were in. Making sure there weren't any other Phoenixes in earshot. "I have to head up to Central for a meeting with one of my mother's accountants regarding something about money, and uh... I was wondering if you'd be up for coming with me as back-up." she soon said, her voice a bit quieter. "Reason I need back-up is I'm sure that my mother's accountant is likely a Serpent... because my mother's tied to the Serpents herself and they more than likely will have back-up themselves. I want to level the playing field, so to speak."

She paused for a second, softly sighing. "I... I know how this sounds, and I can give you a full explanation of things in the car. We're supposed to be meeting at the Bio-Link Pharmaceuticals Office around 12:30. Makes sense that they'd pick that because my mother owns majority stock in it... so in a way, its enemy territory."

Breadman Breadman YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Peckinou Peckinou
Last edited:
Helva Linxal
CS Link
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts [July 18th, 2022]
Phoenix HQ, South District
Christina Infab Infab , Helva, Karina Breadman Breadman , Sheridan YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Bloodlines & Bank Accounts
Phoenix HQ was a place that where Phoenixes frequented at a place that she used to meet up with many Phoenixes but yet she was taken a bit off guard by the sound of her name being called by a voice she didn't know all to well. It was only when she turned that she began to recognize the person, Christina a Phoenix she wasn't too familiar with but has heard about and has looked into a few times in the past. She knew about her affiliations and her Sponsor but she was a bit surprised that the girl would look for her, usually she was the one to look for people when she wanted them but she supposed by a stroke of luck the woman managed to find her here at just the right time, good for her she supposed. She supposed that it deserves the reward of her making time to listen to her pleas as a result of the good luck or fate that brought them together. So stopping in her tracks Helva turned towards Christina allowing her to catch up to her as she replied "Sure." it wasn't until she explained that this was the type of business that involved wealthy families did Helva begin to raise her eyebrow curious and concerned about what she was planning.

Though by the fact that Christina opted to look around to make sure that there weren't any ease dropping Phoenixes made Helva a bit suspicious but she figured that it might be a personal matter that she didn't want shared. Though as she explained things Helva couldn't help but raise her eyebrow at the information that she was giving her, being called upon on short notice into territory where they held the advantage of was not very reassuring especially considering the ties each of them have, with Christina being of the Phoenix and her mother being a Serpent. Though Christina hasn't been a Phoenix for long and this honestly felt almost like a trap of sorts, Helva wasn't the type of person to alienate others Phoenixs on mere suspicions
so against her better judgement she opted to play along. "Alright, I suppose I can go with you for this, but I'll be honest though I haven't put much time into studying your family yet besides the basics, I'm also a bit surprised you are still in contact with them considering your affiliations and your mothers affiliations, I suppose you might be a only child perhaps?"

As Helva said that she had turned towards the exit considering Christina seemed to want to get a move on and give her a full on run down explanation in her car, she tilted her head as if signaling her to lead the way as she opened the door that lead out of Phoenix HQ. While she wasn't really equipped all too well for a potentially dangerous mission but she did have a few weapons on her just in case and she already had Syrup in central she could at the very least contact Syrup and maybe convince they to switch out or atleast give them their location so that they will know what is going on and be able to contact her Sponsorees just in case something goes wrong. Of course she would keep that bit secret just in case it turned out to be a trap, "So this is so important that the accountant under the employ of your mother makes a demand to see you on such short notice in a place where they would have a advantage in? Sounds like such a obvious trap that it doesn't even seem like genuine trap." With a sigh she added "Your going to have to give me a bit of intel on the inner workings of your family because I didn't do enough research into what your families values were just yet." While Helva tended to know a lot of things mainly due to her own connections and her family connections she couldn't keep track of every family in the city and while their family was a bit newer to the game of wealth they had managed to establish themselves quite nicely, despite that they still had to prioritize the folks in which they were dealing with and prioritize who they kept tabs on. But even if Christinas family was one of those they kept tabs on she would still have to get in contact with either her families Secretary or her maid to get intel and even then it would take a moment to retrieve that information.
Drunk Walk Home
Central, Alleyway
Post Arc 3 | 1:27 AM
Hiachi, Tatsuo
Drunk Walk Home
Tatsuo tried not to let the frown show. Such an answer was commonplace for New Oasis. Far too many times, these victims lacked a reliable support system. She could only imagine what Hiachi's family was like, or the fates that may have befallen them. But if Hiachi was to get through this, she needed to focus on the now rather than dwell on imagination. Tatsuo accepted her answer with a nod. "The futon is much comfier than the tatami mats. Let me help you." Should Hiachi cooperate, she'd lead the girl back to the mattress.

"Hiachi... I cannot fathom what you must have gone through, but here you are safe. I promise that. And you are so, so brave to have made it through." Tatsuo went to a nearby counter, pouring a warm cup of tea. She placed it into a slot on an empty tray, bringing to Hiachi's side.

She sat beside the girl, making sure to keep steady eye contact (unless Hiachi wanted otherwise). "Would you like to talk about it?"

Hog in The Henhouse
Central Library, Central District
Corvo, Mercy [NPC], Musai, Pei, Samuel [NPC]
Corvo had set up in the library's dusty attic, providing a bird's view of the layout. The Canadestrian embassy was the focal point of today, swarming with above average security thanks to the target's presence. If the Piglets wanted him, they'd have to break through the same walls of security.

Sure, the life of a politician was no significant loss to these people, but yada yada morals and whatnot. Either way, their primary concern was the Porcine Piglets. A simple mission of wiping out rivals. An assassin targeting an assassin, if you will. The best way to go about this was to strike in the midst of their well-crafted plan—to become the wrench in their cogs. Then they panic, stress, and fuck up.

But as Mercy and Samuel's bickering bounced faintly into her hideout, Corvo had to remind herself that things could go either way with this group. She wasn't too familiar with Musai, Pei, or the others, but she at least hoped they donned the earpiece. "This is Carrion," she said into comms. "Perhaps we let the Piglets make the first move. Let them deal with the security and follow them inside. Take them out then. In the meantime, we can keep a look out for anything of interest."
CS Link
Finest Hour
Post-Outbreak, June 15th, 2022
Red West Bar
Hector, Boltius, Hitoshi, Charlie, Sebastian, Mirka
And soon enough the door flung open to announce the arrival of Hitoshi, whose boisterous presence was soon felt to the almost emptied bar. Given recent events, finding Hitoshi in a bar of all places that wasn't Shellac was out of the ordinary. The temptations of the bottle were plastered about in the establishment which often meant bad news for a recovering addict. "Haven't been in here in a hot minute." Hitoshi said loudly to Charlie, who had joined with him to get here in the first place. He took a deep breath of the bar's scent, before coming to a interesting realization: he didn't like the smell as he used to. It was the same as before, booze and cigarettes, but something had changed in his perception of it that made it more unappealing.

At least he wasn't partaking in any of those substance vices. He then saw the Phoenix who had set up this event at the other end of the bar and gave off a grin as he waved to her: "Yo, Corvo! How're you?" he then asked as he approached. "Me and Charlie here were just talking about you!" A white lie, as their actual subject of conversation prior to arrival was about whether or not a bear could be tamed and the actual logistics of owning and caring for a creature a big and ferocious as such. Hitoshi claimed that he could, in fact, 'vibe' with a bear and hang out with one rather than get mauled.

"So... how many more we expecting?" the elder Phoenix then asked with a grin as he took a seat nearby.

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Roda the Red Roda the Red Lucem Lucem AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

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