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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha was pretty ecstatic that she hadn't caused any major offense to Yona yet, though she still wasn't entirely sure about the woman she figured that if atleast half of what she said was true, then a friendship with her wouldn't be detrimental. She was after all kind enough to protect her stuff even though they were absolute strangers, so she figured that placing a little trust, in what she was saying would be a great courtesy. Seeing that Yona wasn't at all dissuaded by the mention of her last name, meant that she probably didn't recognize it all that much, something Welsha was totally fine with.

As Yona took out her phone to exchange their numbers, Welsha did much the same giving Yona her mobile number, before eventually pocketing her phone back into her pocket. It didn't take very long before both their names got called by the Baristas "Oh", Welsha supposed that she may of lost track of time when talking to their companion. Either way she wasn't really deterred by that at all, and followed Yona in order to get their orders, grabbing both the cup of Coffee and the bag of Pastries, before taking not of Yonas order which only seemed to consist of tea? A bit surprised that, that was the only thing she had order Welsha decided to offer one of her pastries "Oh, you only know I ordered a few pastries, that are pretty good you know, would you like to try one?"
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
"Huh? That's... not right." She said as she looked at what she was brought and her receipt. It had her tea listed and the side she knew she ordered and paid for. What was missing from the small slip of paper she has in her hand versus what's in front of her? She's missing the takoyaki. She raised her hand, calling over to the barista. "Oh, excusez-moi? I also had an order for a side of takoyaki?" She asked, wondering about the whereabouts of her missing side. The barista looked at her and apologetically spoke, soon making haste to finish the other half of the order. "Oh, sorry. I'll go get you some right away!" She said rushing back into the kitchen to make the takoyaki she missed.

Yona turned back to Welsha and chuckled a little. "Ah... Seems like I'll have to wait a bit." She said. "Perhaps we can exchange some of our snacks together. Well, once the takoyaki are done." She didn't want to refuse Welsha's offer, but she didn't want to take and not give anything back to this kind girl. Looks like they'll be waiting a little longer. Perhaps another conversation can be struck up.

"Speaking of, you mentioned that there were gangs in the city. May I assume that these... Tigers you speak of are a gang?" She questioned. "Are there also other such gangs in the city?" She asked curiously as the more information she can get from Welsha would be most valuable to her survival in this new place she called home. Especially knowing how the underworld culture was like. Considering she experienced it before, it was not a pretty culture. She needed to know what she was dealing with in order to keep to the peaceful side of things. Perhaps it'll give her an idea of what sort of first mission the Dragons intend to send her out on.

Yarne Dragomir

Scene: The Collection
Location: West District-Golden Leaf Café
Participants: Yarne Damafaud Damafaud Dyne
Time: Post-Arc 1, March 27th (Noon)

Yarne kept a close watch on Dyne’s movements to try and learn the nature of her powers and how to combat them. It was then he noticed her going flying to the side at an alarming speed before stopping herself. “Ah…..it seems you still need some practice. Yet still you challenged me~” he let out a dark laugh only for Dyne to use her powers once more and create a crushing force on top of him.

Yarne’s body was incredibly malleable given it’s gelatinous properties, so her attack made his entire form slam to the ground almost crushing him flat against the street with a loud, disgusting splat. He cursed loudly and slowly pushed forward to get out of this strong field she created. As he moved forward he left massive burn marks in the pavement as his body was constantly trying to melt it away. Once he managed to escape, Yarne shot up in the air, his body stretching like one massive tendril. “Who are you to resist me?!” The place where there would be a face began to contort and shape until it resembled the head of a python then lunged towards Dyne, snaking through the air and destroying any tree or lamppost that got in his path.
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha was a bit surprised that the clerks forgot their order, though mistakes happened she supposed though to be completely honest she never actually tried Takoyaki that Yona mentioned. She has heard of it but she had mostly stuck to the food that she was use to instead of trying new things, not that she was against it, it was mostly done out of force of habits and the lack of motive for it. Still Welsha watched as the lady ran back to get Yonas order, figuring that they would make it a priority and that it wouldn't take that long before she would be back with Yonus food. Though in the meantime Welshas attention went back to Yonu as she explained how they would more than likely be waiting a while longer, Welsha gave a polite smile before stating "Oh it's fine, I never really had Takoyaki before, though I do suppose I've seen it on the menu a few times, I just mostly glossed over it. "

Though when Yonu asked about the gangs within the City Welshas smile faded before turning into one of contemplation, she eventually opted to sate Yonas curiosity, figuring that it would help her better avoid the getting mixed into the wrong crowds. "Welllll I suppose I can tell you about them." Welsha took a deep breath before looking around the place before speaking "Well there are primarily four major gangs within the city, though there are also a bunch of smaller ones too, here in the West District it's the Albino Tigers are the most prominent, so I would advise you to be carful when it comes to money spending or acquiring money here, cause if it turns out you are dealing with the wrong person, then they might just force you into their services, it's kind of one of their recruiting tactics. Down South it's mostly ruled by the gang called the Scarlet Phoenixes, I would advise just not getting in their way, or just staying away from them altogether cause they can be really dangerous, they really take the whole birds of the flock stick together phrase seriously." Welsha really didn't think much of the Phoenixs a few years back, since she figured they were devestated by the Hurricane along with most of the South district , but after having some personal experience from dealing with them, she figured them to be a dangerous group especially when you mess with one of their own, plus she heard about their attack on the Tigers in retaliation. Though maybe she was giving them a bit too much credit as they did end up messing with their King of all people, not really the best target to mess with.

Though with the first two gangs Welsha mentioned she actually had Physical experience in dealing with them the other two not so much only really small encounters, but still she knew enough about them to understand how they operated and decided to continue and speak about the final two "The gang in the North calls themselves the Sabel Serpents, I would advise just staying out of the North altogether, as their gang is pretty big, dangerous and unpredictable, no real telling what they might do to you if you encounter them, I've heard some stories of them killing folks for no real reason and dealing in kidnapping people, I guess what happens to you could be subjected to that particular snakes mood. Then theirs the East District with the Gang that calls themselves the Azure Dragons." Welsha let out a sigh as she said that, before continuing on to give her take on them "They mostly operate the Brothels in the East and they like to advertise themselves as good folks, but their not, just like all the other gangs they cause a lot of destruction, kill folks and get innocents killed, kind of like that time they destroyed the Southern part of the South-East Bridge, when there were still innocent civilians on it, it was kinda hard for them to hide that little mess cause of all the witnesses and news stories. They atleast won't randomly attack you but they do like to play cop, cops that follow their own set of rules, so I would recommend staying away from them to, their just as much trouble as any other gang."

Welsha kept silent for a moment before eventually deciding to add on "So yeah, this city kinda does have a huge gang problem, but hey, atleast the cops mostly have a handle on Central Distract, still though, there are many gangs that do cause trouble there every now and then, just hope that you don't get caught up in their mess, even if your a innocent bystander you could end up getting hurt in the crossfire." the conversation had let out Welshas more serious side out, but after a while she was able to catch herself and mustered up a slight smile in her typical cheery voice that is typically common with them. "Anyways if you got any other questions though I'd be happy to tell you."
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha was a bit surprised that the clerks forgot their order, though mistakes happened she supposed though to be completely honest she never actually tried Takoyaki that Yona mentioned. She has heard of it but she had mostly stuck to the food that she was use to instead of trying new things, not that she was against it, it was mostly done out of force of habits and the lack of motive for it. Still Welsha watched as the lady ran back to get Yonas order, figuring that they would make it a priority and that it wouldn't take that long before she would be back with Yonus food. Though in the meantime Welshas attention went back to Yonu as she explained how they would more than likely be waiting a while longer, Welsha gave a polite smile before stating "Oh it's fine, I never really had Takoyaki before, though I do suppose I've seen it on the menu a few times, I just mostly glossed over it. "

Though when Yonu asked about the gangs within the City Welshas smile faded before turning into one of contemplation, she eventually opted to sate Yonas curiosity, figuring that it would help her better avoid the getting mixed into the wrong crowds. "Welllll I suppose I can tell you about them." Welsha took a deep breath before looking around the place before speaking "Well there are primarily four major gangs within the city, though there are also a bunch of smaller ones too, here in the West District it's the Albino Tigers are the most prominent, so I would advise you to be carful when it comes to money spending or acquiring money here, cause if it turns out you are dealing with the wrong person, then they might just force you into their services, it's kind of one of their recruiting tactics. Down South it's mostly ruled by the gang called the Scarlet Phoenixes, I would advise just not getting in their way, or just staying away from them altogether cause they can be really dangerous, they really take the whole birds of the flock stick together phrase seriously." Welsha really didn't think much of the Phoenixs a few years back, since she figured they were devestated by the Hurricane along with most of the South district , but after having some personal experience from dealing with them, she figured them to be a dangerous group especially when you mess with one of their own, plus she heard about their attack on the Tigers in retaliation. Though maybe she was giving them a bit too much credit as they did end up messing with their King of all people, not really the best target to mess with.

Though with the first two gangs Welsha mentioned she actually had Physical experience in dealing with them the other two not so much only really small encounters, but still she knew enough about them to understand how they operated and decided to continue and speak about the final two "The gang in the North calls themselves the Sabel Serpents, I would advise just staying out of the North altogether, as their gang is pretty big, dangerous and unpredictable, no real telling what they might do to you if you encounter them, I've heard some stories of them killing folks for no real reason and dealing in kidnapping people, I guess what happens to you could be subjected to that particular snakes mood. Then theirs the East District with the Gang that calls themselves the Azure Dragons." Welsha let out a sigh as she said that, before continuing on to give her take on them "They mostly operate the Brothels in the East and they like to advertise themselves as good folks, but their not, just like all the other gangs they cause a lot of destruction, kill folks and get innocents killed, kind of like that time they destroyed the Southern part of the South-East Bridge, when there were still innocent civilians on it, it was kinda hard for them to hide that little mess cause of all the witnesses and news stories. They atleast won't randomly attack you but they do like to play cop, cops that follow their own set of rules, so I would recommend staying away from them to, their just as much trouble as any other gang."

Welsha kept silent for a moment before eventually deciding to add on "So yeah, this city kinda does have a huge gang problem, but hey, atleast the cops mostly have a handle on Central Distract, still though, there are many gangs that do cause trouble there every now and then, just hope that you don't get caught up in their mess, even if your a innocent bystander you could end up getting hurt in the crossfire." the conversation had let out Welshas more serious side out, but after a while she was able to catch herself and mustered up a slight smile in her typical cheery voice that is typically common with them. "Anyways if you got any other questions though I'd be happy to tell you."
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
Yona was satisfied with how much information Welsha provided. While all of it just said that the gangs are all dangerous and that she should stay away, it's a bit late for her to do so. Especially when the Dragons had approached her already. She also spent quite a bit of money on clothes and products. She hopes she isn't the next target for the Tigers' recruitment. There's no way she can juggle those two gangs, especially if either side gets into conflict with one another. Perhaps she'll have to watch her spending sprees in the West District if she ever goes shopping again.

There was one piece of information that Yona was going to keep close to her. That was just about the information of the Dragons. They destroyed a bridge even with civilians still occupying it? Crazy. In turn, they got some blood on their hands. Even though out of the four, the Dragons seem the most reasonable. Tigers probably coming at a close third. If all it takes is money to be roped into its fray, then she wondered just how many were forced into debt because of them. At least they weren't like the Serpents or Phoenixes that seem to have... A more hectic background.

Yona gave Welsha a smile and nodded. "I see, thank you for the info. Seems I'll have to watch my skin out here. Can't have someone ripping my clothes right off my back." She said with a chuckle. The barista also came back with her takoyaki and apologized once more about the delay. "That's pretty much all the questions I have right now. However, doesn't the police have any power outside of the Central District? How come they haven't dealt with these gangs yet?" She asked out of pure curiosity. What sort of law enforcement would let four whole gangs dominate different districts? How could they lose control of a city?

Dyne Enjyre
Post Arc-1, March 27th, Noon
The Collection
Golden Leaf Café, West District
Dyne, Yarne
The Collection
SPLAT! Her nose wrinkled at the awful stench of melted asphalt and concrete, but the corner of her lips curled higher upward. The slime did not have the same strength as an HP's regular body; a good news for her safety.

Dyne utilized her Potential to her most familiar move; a spherical projection that repulse everything surrounding her. An HP with a concentrated force would be able to push through with some difficulty, but she was confident in repelling something as malleable as Yarne's slime. Her laughter rang as light as bell flowers.

"Really, I suppose you haven't traveled East often." Dyne smiled playfully. "Countess, a new recruit of the Azure Dragon. Why don't we end this farce, darling?"

She did not want to continue the fight, really. While she was confident in remaining unharmed, defeating or killing Yarne was another issue. The slime appeared unhurt when slammed with force, only changing in shape. She had no way to truly hurt him.

SpikeyMoth SpikeyMoth
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Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
Central District
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Takakazu, Dante (@Haze-), Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
Nina (@Haze- )
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again

Like he was back passing around gum in the back of class, Tak was left leaning in closer with his eyes wide as the eyepatched weirdo. His pupils dilated more as each stick was revealed in glossy wrappers with designs he had never seen before.

“The hell are those?” He questioned. He knew it was gum, but the flavors didn’t sound like any he had seen before, and as Nina popped a bubble of whatever she was chewing in his face, the piece of gum he was holding went limp like a pool noodle.

“Imported premium flavors?” Tak breathed out, trying to imagine how much such a pack would cost. 1 dollar a stick? 5? The thought made him visibly twitch, turning away from Nina to look at the opposing wall with beading sweat and bloodshot eyes.

“This bitch is loaded!?”

Even when his neck shakily creaked to look back at her, he was really looking at the gum. Then back at her, he had been around many rich types in his line of work, and the woman didn’t have any of that same air, not even the same atmosphere, but as he looked at this gum, he could only imagine it was a lavish brand, handcrafted overseas sticks of sugar, his imagination was self-sufficient in fueling a sense of jealousy.

He only turned Nina back in when she started making weird mouth sounds, Tak’s face visibly scrunching in confusion, “Marcel? I don’t know anyone named Marcel. Is he a friend of yours? Lost ’em in the crowd?” He questioned, eyes lighting up in understanding. Immediately, he stood up, walking over to the railing and leaning over to loom down the rest of the club, bringing his hands to his lips to amplify his voice.


Tak’s voice boomed over the music, a comedic record scratch as the DJ and everyone else froze to look up at the loudmouth with a dumbfounded look on his face. A mixture of “Who’s Marcel?” in their thoughts came with confused looks and shrugs.

Then the music kicked back on, and everyone went back to dancing, flirting, and partying like nothing had ever happened.

“Shit, I got bad news for ya,” Tak said, turning back to look at Nina with a cross of his arms, “Looks like you got ditched. Hell, he might be in the bathroom gettin’ a blowey joey right as we speak,” Tak shook his head, leaning back against the railing, “Don’t get too bent outta shape though. I’m sure there’s a buncha other freaks out there who’d be into the whole eyepatch thing.”

“I hate to intrude,” T
he voice of the bartender interrupted the idiocy of it all as he stood there leaning over the counter with a small smile, “But I believe your friend here was talking about ‘Miracle.’”

Tak reiterated the word, his head immediately cocking as a question mark visibly appeared above his head, “The hell’s that?”

As it turned out, Tak knew even less than Nina.

Before the bartender even had to answer the question, the lights dimmed, and the music faded out into nothingness. The dance floor died down to pure black, covered with silhouettes of the confused clubgoers.

Sounds of mechanical whirring filled the room, and a spotlight from overhead illuminated a wall as it rose to reveal itself to be a door. Smoke wafted from it into the surroundings; its sweet smell and calming essence left everyone who breathed it feeling a bit more relaxed, but not enough to stop their cheers.

A shimmer of glass within the darkness, a monocle placed upon white glowing eyes, and a sharp-toothed smile.

“Good evening!” The croaked voice of an elderly man boomed through the speakers as the mysterious figure’s white-gloved hands moved out of the darkness to spread his arms toward the crowd.

“To all you psycho party animals! It is a pleasure to have you!”

Nobody noticed as the front doors locked, and bouncers became apparent at the room’s edges, watching from within the dark corners.

“I am the Professor! The bringer of dreams! The creator of Miracles! And now, I have come to bring you something new! You all shall be the first to try my new narcotic!”

Men and women in suits came out of the secret door, flooding into the club with platters held in their hands. Small purple pellets are neatly spaced for people to pick up between their figures like hor d’oeuvres. Immediately, people started grabbing them; some even pushed and shoved to be the first; like a pack of hyenas, they rushed the servers, which simply extended the plate away from their bodies to keep from being dogpiled as determined hands scrambled.

“Miracle is amazing, I’m sure you know. Its ability to drown all the world’s problems within bliss is uncontended by any other drug. …But, It had one problem, a major flaw in its design.”

The pills were placed on tongues and swallowed right down gullets. Washed down with alcohol or taken dry, they reached the same point all the same.

A gloss across the eyes, a dilation of the pupils. Fingers went limp, glasses fell from hands. Postures slouched, while others fell onto the ground as their muscles went slack.

Smiles slowly grew on faces, more comprehensive with teeth of different colors and alignments. It rose up the sides of their face, curling upon their cheeks. Giggles erupted laughter, complete joy.

“That flaw was…that it would eventually end.”

The Professor raised his arms up high, a mad cackle echoing above all other laughter as he relished his success.

“Welcome to the drug that will save all your souls! Welcome to Paradise!”

Tak had used the chance to get into the bathroom during all this action and this critical moment. With his pants down to his legs and his slouched-over posture, he stared at the rusting stall door with a deadpan look on his face, as his skin had already started to grow pale.

“I knew I shouldn’t have had those leftovers I found in the back of the fridge.”

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You
South District District
January 8th, 2022 | | Pre-Arc 3
Hitoshi joshuadim joshuadim , Tak
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You

“I SHOULD BE ASKIN’ YOU THAT, ASSHOLE!” Tak shouted in response to Hitoshi’s outburst, repeatedly elbowing the Phoenix hard in his ribs, “Why are you attached to me like some kind of mating slug ritual!?”

He was so focused on shouting and attacking Hitoshi that he wasn’t even paying attention to his feet, not noticing as a root of a tree in front of him made him trip, sending him careening to the ground, with Hitoshi falling on top of him.

Tak grunted, trying to wrench his face from between the ground and Hitoshi’s weight, a big red mark on his face as he grimaced.

“I swear to god, if you don’t get the hell offa me, I’m gonna SHIT ALL OVER YOU! AND I HAD SOME SPICY CURRY LAST NIGHT, SO I KNOW IT’S GONNA BE GREASY!”

He shouted like a maniac. The stares and looks they were getting were only growing, and phones were starting to get pulled out to film them. It was only then that Tak turned away from his self-focused rage towards Hitoshi to look around at his surroundings, snarling like a rabid animal at everyone as he began to visibly froth at the mouth.


All he got were laughs in response, people finding joy in his torment. He was furious, but still, he was pinned to the ground.

“Oi!” He shouted back to Hitoshi, “Use those fuckin’ legs of yours and get up! I’m gonna fuck all these assholes up! It sounds like a damn good hangover cure!”

celestine renee cadieux
since when do they teach us to look up?
construction site, north district
vague shrug
asti, celestine
since when do they teach us to look up?
Celestine wasn't sure how to respond to Asti and their goading, so she chose to brush it off- Instead, taking note of how they reacted when she ruffled their hair, "I apologize, I will not do that again." Her hand recoiled and fell to her side, a sheepish smile forming. Celeste went quiet, standing there awkwardly for a moment until Asti piped up again with a challenge.

"One point each. Two for the HP girl. Loser buys everything the other one wants."

Celestine blinked, processing what they said.

"Get ready to order the fanciest takeaway from the objectively best noodle restaurant on the main street!"

Perhaps this could be fun? If it's what Asti wanted, who was she to say no?

"Alright, challenge accepted." The moment Celestine agreed, shots were fired and she felt the bullets sting as one grazed her arm, another hitting her square in the thigh. She frowned, turning to face the ones that had fired at her, "That was incredibly rude."

Then, Celestine ran at them. A few scattered, while the others tried to shoot her again. It proved futile, of course, as she grabbed the heads of the two shooting and smashed their skulls together. Unfortunately for them, Celeste had, once again, forgotten her strength and they fell to the ground with a thud, blood pooling around both of them.

"Oh... Oh no, that is not what I meant to do," Celestine looked at the others who were staring at her, mouths hanging open in shock, "I did not want to kill any of you." She frowned, nudging the bodies with her foot. Maybe they weren't dead?

Maybe that is foolish, wishful thinking, Celestine. A sigh left the tall woman and she turned her focus back to the matter at hand, eyes landing on the others who now had their guns trained on her. Again.

"I hope you are aware those do very little damage to me," Celeste informed them, pointing at the weapons in their hands. Instead of using their words, they shot at her; bullets hit her in the shoulder and chest, causing her to stumble. Celestine coughed, exhaling sharply, "Ouch."

While that did make her pause momentarily, it did little to hinder her movement; moving so fast that it looked as though she had teleported behind them. Knives in hand, Celestine drove them into the backs of her opponents- careful not to hit anything major, but doing enough damage that it would hopefully take them out of the fight.

Celeste felt bad enough about killing the other two, she didn't want these people to die, as well.

Eteri Eteri
CS Link
Young Blood
Post Outbreak || July 21, 2022
South District
Hitoshi, Charlie, Musai
Young Blood

Hitoshi walked down from the upstairs of Bar Shellac, ready for a new day as ever before, to the main floor of the establishment. What greeted him, was the usual sight of an orange cat sitting on the countertop. It was licking from a bowl of water as Anya visibly swooned over the feline visitor; she was scritching its head as it drank, only to then notice Hitoshi's presence and she perked up. "Oh! Hey there 'Toshi."

"...what's going on here?" the veteran Phoeonix asked with a small bit of confusion. "I thought you had a strict no pet policy."

"Well, Jackie was talking about the rodent problem we were having recently. Getting into the peanuts meant for the customers. So what better way than to have our own hard-working and non-salaried demouser?"

Hitoshi took a look at the cat, who had by now finished drinking and now observed the new human in its presence with its wide orange eyes. "Well... I suppose that's the economical way to deal with this."

"Isn't he just so cute?" Anya then said, petting the cat's head again. "I think I'll name him... Meowy!"

Hitoshi attempted to pet the cat, but was only met with a hiss as it narrowed its eyes and lowered its ears in response to the attempted intrusion upon its own territory. "Hey, what gives!?" complained the middle-aged man. "How come he likes you but not me? He doesn't even know me!"

"Cats are cats. They do what they do."

"Right..." Hitoshi muttered with the slightest bit of annoyance. He shot a squinted glare to the cat before turning attention back to the matter at hand. "Well, I'm off anyway - I got work to do. Gotta deal with some rabble messing up businesses in town." Anya, however, paid him no mind as she continued to spoil the cat with scritches and pets; this left Hitoshi alone enough to leave Bar Shellac and off to meet both Charlie and Musai.

Sooner or later, Hitoshi would meet up with both of the Phoenixes who had volunteered for this mission. Some people were going around on a shoplifting spree from stores that were already paying protection money to the Phoenixes. This was a problem for both parties, but especially for the Phoenixes as they were essentially *the law* in this place. If they couldn't enforce protection of business, then faith in them as an institution would falter. That was not good at all. In front of cafe sat Hitoshi, sipping on a already half consumed cup of iced coffee, as he waited for the arrival of his compatriots for this job.

Roda the Red Roda the Red Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
"It would have been an honour to meet me thirty years ago, when I wasn't a frail stick and still participated in Sankai aristocracy." Megumi said with dry wit as she shook Samira's hand before turning to the gates. Through voiceless command, as if through her magnanimous presence alone, the heavy doors opened slowly to reveal the inner courtyard of the estate itself. "But I digress. Come, I will make some tea."

Aside from the main home, there was also a small stream that flowed through the property and into a garden - where the water powered a small bamboo fountain, surrounded by lush flora. There were also intricately placed stone pathways that guided visitors to various parts of the estate itself. There was also an intricate sand garden, littered with moss covered rocks and boulders, with a large bonsai tree at its centre. The property also held a respectable host of cherry blossoms amidst its ranks, rounding out the natural beauty that surrounded the home itself.

There was also a small building, made of ornately carved wooden pillars and structure complemented by black clay tiles, that immediately caught Ryu's attention. "I will go and pay my respects."

Megumi turned to the shrine for a moment before nodding wordlessly, seeing the Tiger Queen walk off quietly towards the building. "He'll rejoin us when he's ready." Megumi then whispered to Samira as she led her to the interior. Taking off their shoes, the two practically glided along the polished wooden floors; the walls were adorned with cultural artifacts of Sankai, as well as historical paintings (some of which could even be considered to be musuem pieces) as well as a minimalist amount of furniture.

The inner courtyard of the building itself was its own pocket of natural beauty. A tree grew at its center, rising upwards even above the rooftop itself, to give both life to the area as well as natural shade. Additional stone walkways gave a pathway through the foliage and to a kotatsu that sank into the earth itself. "Please, sit. I'll be but a moment." Megumi implored to her guest, allowing Samira to partake in the coal-fed warmth underneath while the elderly woman fetched their drinks. She returned shortly thereafter with three cups as well as a kettle, a small obsidian box with matcha powder, and a bamboo whisk.

There was also a small pitcher of cream, just in case if it was needed, as she set the powder into both their cups before pouring hot water and stirring for the two of them. Shortly thereafter, Megumi sat on the side adjacent to Samira and covered her legs with the table's cloth so as to warm her feet. "You mentioned my boy being a tutor." she then commented, "Teaching you what, if I may ask?"

Beann Beann
CS Link
Get(ting) Help
Post Arc-3; 2 1/2 weeks later
The Old Dojo, South District
Hitoshi, Charlie, Ashley, Gideon, Hector, Kaede
Although helped to the floor by Ashley, Hitoshi wasn't coherent enough to respond as he sputtered labored breaths and clutched at his chest. His heart was racing at such a speed that - in that moment - he really though it would give out and leave him dead. His eyes looked out in Ashley's direction but not *at* him, rather it was focused on something far beyond the material plane. He couldn't even register Charlie's attempts to wave air onto him as he continued to pump out air from his lungs erratically. "You abandoned me..." he then managed to get out, though not directed to anyone in particular. "You left me... you left me... you tossed me into the waters..."

Not even parts of his own conscience could do anything to stir him out of such a stupor. He was stuck in the past, and his mind was powerless to work against such mental damage.

Oh good god... this is the worst episode I've ever seen.

Sire, can you hear me? Don't go into the light!

He's a goner. That's for sure.

None of these registered for the elder Phoenix as his internal empire remained fixated on that fateful night. But a thought managed to worm its way beyond the obstacles that had shut him off from the outside world.

I need to focus on what is around me. I feel the soft breeze of the clothing dissipating my sweat. Ashley has his arms under me, holding me up. His grip is strong and stable, and he won't let me fall. I will be alright. I have my friends with me, try to count down from 100 by 7s. That'll help ground me. 93. 86. 79. 72. 67...

"93... 86... 79... 72... 67..." Hitoshi managed to sputter out, repeating what Gideon had put into his head. In turn, he was starting to regain a foothold of control over the situation. "...60... 53... oh god I'm dying aren't I?"

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Roda the Red Roda the Red Lucem Lucem Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
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Yarne Dragomir

Scene: The Collection
Location: West District-Golden Leaf Café
Participants: Yarne Damafaud Damafaud Dyne
Time: Post-Arc 1, March 27th (Noon)

The unseen force easily repelled Yarne and his disgusting form back, pushing him back several yards away. He reformed back into a….sort of humanoid shape with head and arms but his bottom half still remained a puddle of noxious sludge. He stared the woman down quietly listening as she spoke. ‘A rookie?’ He thought to himself as he listened carefully. ‘How annoying….this is why I kill people like her in their sleep….’ One of his larger weaknesses was that he was unable to physically touch people with psychic or reality warping powers. He could usually endure their attacks but touching them was a whole other matter…

Yarne took this moment to take in his surroundings. Civilians fleeing for their lives, his favorite shop in ruins…again, and Dyne floating in the air looking nice and calm. The situation was annoying. She clearly knew what he could do before challenging him and yet still she came ready to throw blows? Were there others hiding and waiting to strike? Was this her trying to show strength to her superiors? A rookie proving herself? Or…..Perhaps her information on him was more limited than she previously let on. Very annoying indeed…

Despite Dyne saying she was done fighting Yarne didn’t let his guard down. After all he’s used that trick many times himself~ he growled deeply which sounded like a hideous monster was waking up in a deep dark cave. “A Dragon…..I should’ve guessed…it seems we are both at an impasse little dragon. Well then since we are both very busy people how about we settle this in other ways instead of wasting each other’s time by punching at the air?”
CS Link
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You
January 8, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
South District
Hitoshi, Tak
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You
"HOW SHOULD I KNOW!?" Hitoshi shouted back, elbowing back the mystery man he was attached to in response as the two waddled down the street like a post-alcohol amalgam of chaos. "OH YEAH!? WELL I GOT BOOZE STILL IN MY BELLY THAT IS JUST *BEGGING* TO BE PROJECTILE VOMITED OUT RIGHT AT YOU!" And then the man fell over, leaving Hitoshi on top with his back to the ground. He looked like a flailing turtle that was up on their shell rather than a normal human being as he looked around at the growing mockery from bystanders. The man he was conjoined to was now also working up an attitude, promising vengeance on the those passerby and demanding that Hitoshi get up on his feet.

"I. CAN'T." Hitoshi sputtered out as he planted his feet awkwardly and tried to push himself up. However, he lacked the significant upper body strength needed to achieve this and only got a centimetre up before falling down again. This situation was deteriorating fast from embarrassing to downright humiliating as people took pictures and videos on their phones of this mess. But the solution was rather simple, all things considered, as the gears slowly shook off the alcohol-structured cobwebs in his head. "Ok, roll over to your right onto our side! I'll roll with you. We can *probably* both push ourselves up like that then."


thebigfella thebigfella
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Jesper Albrecht
The Ties that Bond Us
Post-Arc 3
East District, Noodle Nirvana
Jesper, Charlie
The Ties that Bond Us
"Yeah... see you." His departure brought no closure to the mawkish rip he felt. They would see each other again; such was the only thing keeping Jesper from breaking down. A flimsy gluestick that could barely hold two slips of paper together.

Nobody ever taught Jesper how to handle these frail emotions. Sadness, guilt; all he knew was that they were troublesome, and impeded one's intelligence. It was in his bedroom, the basement, surrounded by things he loved and video games that he could shelter from those feelings. That he wouldn't need to deal with them, hopefully far into the future.

But now? Jesper was at a loss.

That was when he remembered what his father had taught him. He echoed those lines in his head, and his chest puffed, and he lifted his head. What he said to Charlie was not unreasonable. Not when he went off of the facts about those other gangs. Credit where credit was due, his father knew how to get him through these useless feelings.

Jesper finished his ramen, took a deep breath, and smiled. He had done no wrong.

And when the time came, he was sure that Charlie wouldn't do wrong, either.

Roda the Red Roda the Red
Swimming Amongst Water Lillies
Fog Grove, North District
Post-Outbreak || July 13th, 2022
Aerith, Asti, Damian, Khydnah, Peyton

To imagine, so quickly after the Outbreak situation and Peyton was already back on the streets patrolling. It was a familiar comfort though, as it reminded Peyton of the patrols he had done as a Dragon where he exerted his sense of order. That hadn't changed, his sense of order could've been easily mistaken as chaos, and so Peyton could still do his thing even though he was in a completely different gang.

The people he had been assigned to patrol with this time weren't people that Peyton was quite as familiar with. A ghastly looking woman who kinda s̸p̸o̷k̷e̷ ̶l̵i̴k̷e̶ ̷t̴h̵i̸s̸ , an abbess that made worshipping God look cool and edgy, and a delightfully cruel enby masochist. Then, of course, there was Damian, one of the first few Serpents that Peyton had initially met. It felt good to patrol with him again.

One of the best parts about Serpent patrols was the fact that there was no such thing as a "boring" patrol. There always was something happening, some sort of chaos that needed correcting. But this time around, they had caught bigger fish than just that-- almost literally.

When Khydnah diverted her path to a fetid part of the swamp, Peyton perked up and followed closely behind. He peered around Asti to watch as Khydnah and Areith fussed over the woman. Despite being Serpents, they were rather considerate. For just a moment, Peyton wondered what it might be like to be doted on by the two of them.

As the mud was cleared from the woman's face, Peyton's face was alight with surprise. Somehow, he found that he recognized this woman. It had been over half a decade since he had last seen her, but it would take a lot for Peyton to forget about the mute woman who was in charge of collecting his debt was he was a kid. But how did she end up washed up in the North? Peyton didn't dare ask, lest the others immediately killed her for who she was.

"What if we pushed you into the mud instead? Just kidding!" Peyton said to Asti. Teasingly, he nudged them closer to the swamp's edge as he moved to get closer to the woman. He squatted down next to her and commented to Areith, "I've got cookies if you need them!"

Peyton had meant for the cookies to be shared between him and Damian during the patrol, but giving them to the washed up woman also seemed alright.

Lucem Lucem Eteri Eteri Saturn_moon Saturn_moon thebigfella thebigfella Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha chuckled when Yona said that it seemed apparent that she needed to watch her back, giving a slight response of approval as she mentioned it "Yeah, Very much so.". Though as Yona next question went on to asking about the role the Central Police were playing within the city, Welsha couldn't help but have her eyes wander the ground a bit before adding her take. "Wellllll, There are quite a few issues with that I suppose, they are technically the Central Police department so they mostly concentrate their efforts into maintaining order within Central. But even if the did want to help the West, East , South or North Departments it would be really hard for them cause of the lack of HPs and resources. Meanwhile the gangs in the other districts mostly consist of like thousands of HP users, even if they wanted help out the other Departments from the other districts it would mean diverting resources to try to take back one of the districts, and if you do that then another gang would probably take that time to make a move on their on Central, and taking on all 4 gangs at once is not exactly feasible." She had said that mostly musing on the reality of the situation before snapping out of it and continuing on.

"But that's just my take on the situation it could probably be for different reason, the gangs atleast keep each other in check so that none of the other major gangs can really get a strong foot hold on Central anyways. Wellll, most of the time." She said that last part recalling the fact that the Phoenixes had gained a control of Central for a time, that was until the Hurricane hit them and pretty much made them lose control of Central. While she didn't say much about that time, she did sorta imply it to a extent, though she was also more than willing to say more about it if Yona asked. But as of right now it seemed that the Employee was coming back with Yonas takoyaki in hand, "Ahhh I think your food is ready, that was fast."
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha chuckled when Yona said that it seemed apparent that she needed to watch her back, giving a slight response of approval as she mentioned it "Yeah, Very much so.". Though as Yona next question went on to asking about the role the Central Police were playing within the city, Welsha couldn't help but have her eyes wander the ground a bit before adding her take. "Wellllll, There are quite a few issues with that I suppose, they are technically the Central Police department so they mostly concentrate their efforts into maintaining order within Central. But even if the did want to help the West, East , South or North Departments it would be really hard for them cause of the lack of HPs and resources. Meanwhile the gangs in the other districts mostly consist of like thousands of HP users, even if they wanted help out the other Departments from the other districts it would mean diverting resources to try to take back one of the districts, and if you do that then another gang would probably take that time to make a move on their on Central, and taking on all 4 gangs at once is not exactly feasible." She had said that mostly musing on the reality of the situation before snapping out of it and continuing on.

"But that's just my take on the situation it could probably be for different reason, the gangs atleast keep each other in check so that none of the other major gangs can really get a strong foot hold on Central anyways. Wellll, most of the time." She said that last part recalling the fact that the Phoenixes had gained a control of Central for a time, that was until the Hurricane hit them and pretty much made them lose control of Central. While she didn't say much about that time, she did sorta imply it to a extent, though she was also more than willing to say more about it if Yona asked. But as of right now it seemed that the Employee was coming back with Yonas takoyaki in hand, "Ahhh I think your food is ready, that was fast."
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
Yona nodded about the police situation. "Sounds quite rough for the police." She said before she picked up her small box of takoyaki, six pieces in total inside and headed back to the table they were using along with Welsha with their food and drinks in hand. She took a seat on one side of the table, leaving the other seat on the other side open for Welsha to take possession of it. "Just curious, how do you feel about the gang situation? Since... You seem to know that aliases are usually gang affiliated, I take it that you're part of one too? How is that like?" She asked curiously. She wanted to know if this person was part of the Tigers that she mentioned before. She could sort of tell that the topic did bring her some sort of displeasure.

It's not like she was trying to dampen the mood or anything, she just wanted to know if Welsha was in one and if she liked being in one. Was there benefits to it? Side effects? Curses along with it? She'd like to know just curious about the inner workings of each gang. Especially one pertaining hers. But she can't exactly ask that to Welsha. It's a gang on the other side of the city and she'd gander that Welsha has no knowledge on the Dragon's inner operations.

She also waited for the takoyaki to cool to a point. Once it did, she popped one whole into her mouth and chewed on it. She motioned to one of the other pieces when she deemed it good to eat without burning your mouth with fresh-off-the-grill food that is pretty much a ball of lava if it wasn't given time to cool. She was trying to offer Welsha one of them so she could try it. Who knows, she might like it.

Dyne Enjyre
Post Arc-1, March 27th, Noon
The Collection
Golden Leaf Café, West District
Dyne, Yarne
The Collection
Negotiation completed. Dyne released an internal sigh. At least the loan shark was as intelligent as her information said. Any lesser muscle head would insist on duking it out to no end but an awfully atrocious battle. They had attracted enough attention; the Police would arrive if they did not leave fast enough. She sent the $60,000 flying over, the wads propelled like baseballs down.

"I'll introduce you to some good women if you go East, darling, but I'd prefer not to see you again."

Dyne suddenly looked up and waved. Not one minute later, a man came flying down, a face Yarne would have found familiar; Jonathan Howls. The man stared down, but tension and fear remained palpable, even when he was far up. Still, he took a deep breath and raised Dyne into a bridal carry.

"Well, nice meeting you... The Bile."

With a giggle at the comic-esque alias, Dyne nudged her boyfriend and the couple zoomed away from the ransacked scene of crime.

SpikeyMoth SpikeyMoth
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha nodded when Yona mentioned how rough the police situation was, with her being the daughter of two military generals it really didn't take a genius to understand how bad it was to be encircled by enemies. Not exactly a situation that anyone would envy themselves to be it, but she supposed the Central Police Department has been able to handle themselves enough. Though as Yona grabbed her takoyaki, they soon returned back towards the table area, where Welsha ended up taking a seat across from Yona along with sliding her laptop case next to her, before placing her bag and coffee down onto the table. Welsha had opted to partake first in one of her pastries, taking a bite out of it before letting a smile crease her face as she savored the sweet flavor. Though it wasn't long before Yona asked her next question set of questions, at first they seemed pretty standard but when she mentioned that she figured that she was part of one, Welshas eyes widened a bit but she remained calm and collected for the most part.

Welsha swallowed the rest of her pastry down, before saying "Welllll I suppose I do know a few Tigers, but I mostly just do Secretary work and errands for them." Welsha wasn't really all for 100% confirming themselves as a Tiger, but after a moment she then looked around the to see if anyone was paying attention to what they were saying, before adding "Not really fond of most of the other gangs to be honest, especially the Dragons and their ideological beliefs, I mean if they really cared about bringing order they should of just joined the Department." her words hinted a bit of annoyance in her voice. "But it is what it is, best you can do is adapt to the system that is in place, and maybe use it if you really want to" Or figure out a way to change it, but Welsha opted not to say that part out loud. She wasn't planning to test the boundaries of what she could say without some wandering ear opting to tell others about what she is talking about. Though when Yona eventually beckoned her to take a try of her takoyaki, Welsha decided to offer to make it a trade between her Takoyaki and her pastry, figuring that she wouldn't want to take anything from her without her getting something in return especially after she helped protect her laptop from earlier.
Acid Reign
West District
Post-Arc 3, July 15th (Evening)
LazyDaze LazyDaze as Xixix, SpikeyMoth SpikeyMoth as Yarne, and Vorifengrous Vorifengrous as Babaruttoth.
Acid Reign

Babar checked his phone. No notifications. He peered desperately through the peephole of the front door. Nobody in the complex hall.

He paced back and forth through the apartment foyer, raising his phone and refreshing for new messages then lowering it to take a drag of his cigarette before lowering the cigarette in order to check his phone. Over and over he continued walking marathons without ever leaving the front room of the apartment.

Next to him was a standing TV tray which held a glass, an empty carton of cigarettes, a half empty carton of cigarettes, a bottle of liquor, and a gun. The glass was stuffed with the cigarettes he had already smoked. Next to the TV tray was a metal folding chair. At one point he had tried sitting down to calm his nerves but it was to no avail.

The vibrating of his phone stopped his heart. He held his breath and read the text. ‘No’

Babar held no expression. He dropped the phone. He dropped the cigarette. The ash broke off when it hit the ground and the remainder rolled until it got stuck in one of the grooves of the floor tiles. He sat down in the folding chair and turned to the tray he had assembled. Without hesitating he overturned the glass and emptied its contents onto the floor, some of the ash falling on his shoes and pants. He was unconcerned with making a mess. Babar opened the bottle and poured half the glass full before raising the glass into the air, towards the front door.

“Such is life.” Babar looked at the front door as though it were once a trusted companion who had deeply and personally hurt him. He sincerely toasted the door before taking a sip from the glass, which he immediately spat out on the floor. He glared down at the bottle of liquor, as though it too had personally hurt him.

He placed both the bottle and the glass back onto the tray and sat forward, his face sinking into his hands and his fingers digging through his hair. He bounced his knee anxiously as mounting dread crawled up over him like hundreds of tiny heavy bugs.

He was in trouble.

Cleo "PIXEL" Silva
The Welcome Wagon
Unsure — TBA
Dragon HQ, East District
Ruriko, Renjiro, Mirza, Pavel, Pasha, Dorian, Jessamine, Lloyd, Keith
There was already a lot going on when Silva and Kanna arrived. The meeting room was occupied by several with, expectedly, more incoming.

Cyan pixels wafted through the air, intangible as they were only specks of light, and they shifted with increases in distance from Silva—Silva who stood close before Ruriko and craned his neck to see her smile as she peered into the box of kittens he’d gifted her.

Qué hermosa. A hand came up to clutch his chest as he leaned back, metal foot scraping across the floor to catch himself. He was dramatic, that’s for sure, but it was nothing out of the ordinary from him.

Then, “Hi Silva!” A voice drew his attention and he whipped around to see Renjiro, the… younger brother, cousin, or sister of Ruriko. Silva couldn’t recall, but he responded with the enthusiasm of a long-time friend. Smiling wide behind his mask, “‘Ey-heh-heh-heey! How’s it go, güeeey!?” Silva opened his arms and- Renjiro reached into the box of kittens for a pick, unintentionally evading the landing hug.

Thankfully, Silva was incapable of embarrassment. And even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have had the time to be so before his short-spanned attention was drawn elsewhere by a voice all too familiar.

“Silva. I wasn’t expecting you,”

Through green-tinted lenses, Silva instinctively sought the voice’s source and spotted the horns—Mirza—and he perked up with a renewed burst of energy; though, that isn’t to say it had ever been depleted.

Letting his steel legs carry him closer, he chuckled. “You should ‘ave been,” he responded, more laughter on his words.

“Why did you bring cats?”

Silva looked back at the box of kittens in Ruriko’s arms and wiggled his fingers in waving at the mother feline, who poked her head in and out of the box with cautious curiosity. “Porque sí, güey.” He flailed his hands as he spoke, “What I was supposed to do?! They was all aloooone and they look at me with those eyes- MIRA!” Silva threw a finger at the kitten upon Renjiro’s shoulder to direct Mirza’s attention. “Only a monster-... Es monster, no?- Sí, only a monster can say no.”

Just then, Ruriko found a chance to address the room, and only then did Silva finally acknowledge the rest of the people around him. It’s true, several of the faces were unfamiliar. Rookies, huh? How exciting! Silva loved Rookies—but he loved everything, albeit with the interest and curiosity of a clueless hyena.

“This little get together is pretty much for you rookies to make connections with other rookies; Kanna and Silva were rookies with me,” Ruriko gestured to Silva and Kanna, and Silva waved to the group, his pixels condensing at once above him before bursting into a display of silent fireworks. “Hola, ‘migos!”

“And they've helped me out in more ways than one. So this is a perfect opportunity to… I don't know…make friends?”

Silva said after that, chuckling at the words before they even left him, “Do not worry about me because already Silva is your all friend.” His eyes passed over the faces again, stopping on a small character of auburn hair and green eyes of whom the parting of lips gave the impression that she would speak, and speak she did.

An introduction. “Jessamine Darkness.”

It was an interesting name, Silva thought, also finding it ironic that her outward appearance wasn’t dark at all. Her features were bright and striking. However, as she continued, Silva understood better—a quip about grinding the bones of their enemies wasn’t quite what he expected to hear. Nonetheless, it made him chuckle. He liked this one… He liked her in the same way a bored great dane might like a hissing kitten.

Already, it seemed there was some drama unfolding between a Rookie and Pavel, but not before Miss Jessamine Darkness could conclude her bow and individually address Ruriko, Renjiro, Mirza, Kanna, and—much to his enjoyment—Silva.

“And what if they ‘ave no bones, ah? Hahahahaha!” Silva wiggled one of his prosthetic legs. “You can grind steel, sí o no?” Asking that, he cocked his head to the side with hands on his hips, leaning forward to level his height with the girl.
— —POST RECAP: Silva talks to Mirza. Ruriko addresses the Rookies. Jessamine introduces herself, and Silva interacts with her.

— —WEARING: Goggles & Mask; White, long-sleeved shirt; Jacket as depicted; Blue jeans cut off and hemmed at the knees.

— —HAIR: Green this time. He smells harshly of chemicals.

— —PIXELS: Currently wielding some. No constructs in this post. The pixels are just floating around the room.

(Interacting w/ Ruriko, Renjiro, Mirza, Jessamine)
(Mentioned Pavel, Dorian)
Beann Beann WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten simj26 simj26 Jexon Whells Jexon Whells tityanya tityanya Roda the Red Roda the Red FabulousTrash FabulousTrash (I hope I got everyone)
Life After
Hospital, Central District
Post Arc 3
Jericho, Tatsuo
Life After
Even after all her time in the force, it never failed to bother Tatsuo. Loyal to the gangs only meant a life on a leash; a life where you attack when told to attack, and can only lick your wounds. They put their lives on the line, and for what? The betterment of someone who only wants to exert more pain and suffering and control?

She wasn't upset or frustrated at these people. Just... saddened. This case was no different. Tatsuo was on her daily patrol when she caught wind of a scuffle. One gangster and another. One of them started it, but in the end, it didn't really matter who. By the time she and some reinforcements got there to break up the fight, two people were on the ground, battered and bloodied.

In the hospital, standing in front of the bed whose victim was Kairi, Tatsuo pondered this. She wanted to talk more with the girl; plead and tell her about the life she could have without the gangs. Just like she did a hundred times before. But Kairi was fast asleep. And going their prior talks, Tatsuo didn't want to risk lowering her preconceived opinion of a "copper" by disturbing her dreams.

A doctor informed her that someone was on their way to pick Kairi up. Another gangster? A family member? Tatsuo didn't know. But she hoped to talk to them. And maybe, just maybe, spare a life from servitude to a violent gang.

angel doe angel doe
Who's Watching
A Back Alleyway, West District
November 13th, 2019
Sebastian, Xixix
"And a one, two, three!" Sebastian grunted as he lifted a limp, lifeless body up and over the edge of the dumpster, where it landed with a solid thud. The body left a streak of red on Sebastian's hand, and he absentmindedly lifted his hand to his face to lick the blood off. It tasted savory, almost umami in nature.

The back alleyway that Sebastian chose for his murder was dark and nearly abandoned. Sebastian had a pretty good idea of what the West looked like, so it was simple to find a secluded alleyway where Sebastian knew he wouldn't be interrupted. In fact, aside from a few stray cats and pieces of garbage floating in the wind, there was nobody. A perfect place to kill and dispose of someone.

Sebastian sighed as he looked at the rest of the murder scene. He was in a good mood today, and not even the exhausting cleanup could ruin that. His victim this time around had the most delightful screams, to the point that it was almost a waste for Sebastian to silence him. Even now, Sebastian was still thrumming with the pleasure of the kill. He knew that his body count was starting to get to a concerning number, but he couldn't help it. It was just too good.

The green-haired man wiped his hands clean with a cloth, tossing it into the dumpster along with the body. From his pockets, Sebastian took out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a drag from it. The West was beginning to become his favorite of the four districts. For one, the competitive industry meant that his cigarettes were cheaper. Secondly, it was where some of his most enjoyable kills came from, recent one included. And finally, it was where the casinos and their cheap food were, like the Railroad Casino, Sebastian's favorite place for mozzerella sticks. It was also where Sebastian got to hang with that eccentric masked figure, X, or however his name was pronounced.

Sebastian didn't know what to think of that X person. Unlike many of the men that Sebastian hung out with, Sebastian didn't feel the instinct to mutilate X. Was it because he didn't feel like he had any possibility of holding power over X? Or was it because the mask hid whether X had a pretty face or not? Whatever the case, Sebastian forced the line of thought out of his mind. He wasn't going to ruin his good mood by pondering.

The serial killer leaned against the brick wall of the alleyway, releasing a puff of smoke into the air. He was going to finish his smoke break before incorporating himself back into the streets.

LazyDaze LazyDaze
Since When Do They Teach Us To Look Up?
Construction Site, North District
17th June, 2022 | Post-Arc 3
Celeste, Asti
Since When Do They Teach Us To Look Up?
Asti whistled as Celestine crushed their skulls; their bodies soon joining the debris on the ground. They were awed, but more giddy than anything else. Her display of unhinged violence made their blood boil for more, so they responded in kind.

And that promptly. After all, wouldn't it be pathetic if they lost the challenge they so proudly announced?

Like a mad dog, they leapt at the next one, dragging them both to the ground as Asti carelessly ignored the bullets that rained down on their bodies in the process. The shots felt like needles in a pillow, tingling but ultimately meaningless. They were not even powerful enough to produce any sort of thrilling sensation when they hit their mark. Mostly just causing holes in Asti's clothes and a few bruises on their skin that healed in a blink.

Man, these guns were so unfunny. That's why they preferred fist fights.

They ripped the weapon out of the hand of the poor woman Asti had dragged to the ground with them, quickly turned it around and blasted the lights out of her eyes.

"Boring death, eh?" Words directed at a corpse, taunts for those still alive to hear. The barrel crumbled under their grip and they dropped the now useless weapon on her motionless body.

The following shot to their head felt a bit like karma, even though it only grazed Asti's cheek. A pleasant pressure spread from the wound as blood gushed from it. They didn't bother wiping it away.

Standing up, Asti looked over to their current partner. Their eyes narrowed as they studied the ones currently facing Celestine. It was glaringly obvious that she was trying to avoid major injuries, because, well, she wasn't even hiding it. Stabs that narrowly missed arteries and only prevented the thugs from ever wanting to get up again. Effective, but sooo boring.

Was she serious about the accidental deaths? Talk about being your own party pooper.

Suddenly, a shadowy appendage lunged for their throat, startling Asti out of their thoughts as they moved sideways to avoid being hit. Their plans to end up as a human-sized shish kebab were not supposed to come to fruition today. No thanks.

"You're on!" they called to the woman, whose arm had disappeared into the darkness once more. Asti's smile widened to murderous proportions, as if they couldn't wait to take a bite out of the hapless aggressor. It was well known that self-defence began with ending the life of the other, and that idiot would be a fine example of that.

Closing the distance, Asti dodged another tentacle that tried to grab their legs. They jumped again and hit the ground for another round.

Three times is an obvious choice. Throwing people and themself into the dirt seemed to be their pendant for the day.

Their hands searched for her throat, and once found, Asti pressed, hard. Of course, the woman tried to resist, not by clawing their hands in vain like the man before her, but rather by submerging both her arms into the shadows her own body created on the ground.

Her shadowy appendages rose from the darkness again. But instead of attempting to impale them, as Asti had originally expected, they wrapped themselves around their torso and one of their legs. Amused confusion spread across their face as they stared in bewilderment at the shadows, who were not immediately trying to impale them. "Did dying make you cuddly or something?"

Caught up in their own mockery and glee, they failed to notice the shadows rising above them. Like melted butter, they cut steadily through the supporting beams of a structure holding metal pipes in the air. And before long, the heavy metal tubes slowly rolled off their platform and came crushing down.

Something that went completely unnoticed by the Serpent kneeling directly below them.

angel doe angel doe

Yarne Dragomir

Scene: The Collection
Location: West District-Golden Leaf Café
Participants: Yarne Damafaud Damafaud Dyne
Time: Post-Arc 1, March 27th (Noon)

Yarne watched as the pair of them flew off into the distance, completely ignoring the sounds of sirens fast approaching. The police rarely had an easy time catching him so quite frankly their existence was irrelevant. But this woman….a rookie with that kind of moxie was tricky to deal with. It seems Yarne would have to keep her in the back his head, especially if he ever went into Dragon territory.

He let out a grumble, causing his gelatinous body to ripple ever so slightly, then the monster looked over his shoulder seeing the police cars rapidly approaching. Yarne wondered if these imbeciles even had a plan for handling him. Then again most ants tend to just fight on instinct and not think too deeply about the situation. Annoying indeed…

Yarne looked around for a moment before spotting a sewer grating by the nearby sidewalk. Time to head home for the day. His body shot towards the metallic grating like a snake scurrying away to it’s hideaway, he crashed against it with a loud sickening squelching noise and slipped through it’s cracks and into the underground world below. The Countess she said? Intriguing. Seems some research is required that way their next encounter is on a more level playing field.

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