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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Silith smiled as he leaned on him more and watched the movie happily. She clung to him ebery jump scare and burried her face into his neck every time sje got scared
The demon growled viciously at the ass hole of a guy that had interupted his conversation wit the woman. "You'd best leave before i take your life in my masters name." The demon said coldly and with pure seriousness

Dom actually laughed whenever he saw someone get killed. "This is amazing, the way they make the effects, such a beauty." He said to her. That might be weird but he didn't care.

Ryan shrugged off the insult by the I'm unculturedget and turned to the woman. "My apologies mademoiselle, only students are allowed inside the school, so please do keep your servant on a leash." He warned her with a smile. As far as he knew if you weren't a student, then get the Fuck off the school so he had to tell the woman. @
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Acelynn blushed a light rose color. "T-that does not answer my question..' She muttered, her face growing in color.

He smiled knowing she was blushing and continued to gently kiss at her neck as he pulled her closer just to tease her more

Acelynn's face turns bright red as she pulls at his hair once more, her stomach turning with bits of desire.
Dom actually laughed whenever he saw someone get killed. "This is amazing, the way they make the effects, such a beauty." He said to her. That might be weird but he didn't care.
Ryan shrugged off the insult by the I'm unculturedget and turned to the woman. "My apologies mademoiselle, only students are allowed inside the school, so please do keep your servant on a leash." He warned her with a smile. As far as he knew if you weren't a student, then get the Fuck off the school so he had to tell the woman. @
Silith looked at him with a childish glare then comtinued to cuddle him and use him as comfort from the scary movie

The girl looked up at the man as she was spoken to then took a couple steps twoards him then slowly put her hand to his chest were his heart was before she pulled her palm up so the tips of her fingers were the only thing touching him then she started and his skin began to slowly pale as she stared up at him. It was obvious he did not understand the gravity of the demons words, maybe he would understand if his life started to sloely be sucked away

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn's face turns bright red as she pulls at his hair once more, her stomach turning with bits of desire.
River smiled some more and kissed at her neck for another minuet before he pulled away and and looked up at her. "Yeah?" He asked her softly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River smiled some more and kissed at her neck for another minuet before he pulled away and and looked up at her. "Yeah?" He asked her softly

Acelynn had bitten her lip as he kissed, her face a dark crimson once he stopped. "Y-yeah?" She stumbled to speak as desire and want for him had taken over.
Dom clapped his hand childishly once one of the main people hiding got killed. The movie was so fun.

Ryan jumped back before landing on all four. He wasn't a werewolf, that was for sure, but he was being threatened by a girl and he wasn't gonna let that continue. "Killing a student is forbidden mademoiselle, I don't care who you are but read the school handbook if you're gonna come to school." He growled out with his once yellow eyes turned bloody red like it did when he was mad. "I'm being nice woman, I even told you the rules of the school yet you aren't listening, are deaf or something." He was nice to people but this was going too far. (The bandage girl has the same name as the arachnid Daniel, just pointing it out.) @Daniel reaving
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn had bitten her lip as he kissed, her face a dark crimson once he stopped. "Y-yeah?" She stumbled to speak as desire and want for him had taken over.
"Something wrong?" He asked her as he waited for a responce to his question and watched her

Dom clapped his hand childishly once one of the main people hiding got killed. The movie was so fun.
Ryan jumped back before landing on all four. He wasn't a werewolf, that was for sure, but he was being threatened by a girl and he wasn't gonna let that continue. "Killing a student is forbidden mademoiselle, I don't care who you are but read the school handbook if you're gonna come to school." He growled out with his once yellow eyes turned bloody red like it did when he was mad. "I'm being nice woman, I even told you the rules of the school yet you aren't listening, are deaf or something." He was nice to people but this was going too far. (The bandage girl has the same name as the arachnid Daniel, just pointing it out.) @Daniel reaving
Silith flinched and burried her fave into his neck when the man died

(0-0....... Shit ummmmm ok new name for my daughter of death)

She girl just stood there in his direction not answering his question. Was he a complete idiot, she is restricted to see and speak and yet he says the demon helping her is supposed to leave. A small low growl came from the girl before she just started to walk past him as if he wasnt even there. He wasnt worth the time to try and explain that the blinder and bandages were there to restrict her powers and that she was the last one you would want to piss off especialy at the moment. Her father and here have been hitting alot of rough patches lately, mostly the reason why she was even here in the first place. She looked to the girl they had origonaly spoken to and bowed as if apologizing for the demons rube behavior then started for were she thought the school was as the demon started to follow. "Idiot." The demon mumbled to the man as he walked past
(*blushes and looks away* im not cute!!! Im handsome! *crosses arms childishly)


Isabella sighed a little more as she slithered along before she looked up and a look of idiocy swept over her face as she had forgoten were the dorms were.

(No.... You're just being adorable now *smirks*)

Melly sighed as she heads back to the dorms. She looked up in time to see Isabella looking lost. "Isabella?"
DarkGoddess1621 said:
(No.... You're just being adorable now *smirks*)

Melly sighed as she heads back to the dorms. She looked up in time to see Isabella looking lost. "Isabella?"
(No im not!! *blushes more*)


Isabella looked around when her name being called pulled her fro her dumbfounded zone out and she looked around. "Hmm?" She said quickly as she looked around
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Something wrong?" He asked her as he waited for a responce to his question and watched her
Silith flinched and burried her fave into his neck when the man died

(0-0....... Shit ummmmm ok new name for my daughter of death)

She girl just stood there in his direction not answering his question. Was he a complete idiot, she is restricted to see and speak and yet he says the demon helping her is supposed to leave. A small low growl came from the girl before she just started to walk past him as if he wasnt even there. He wasnt worth the time to try and explain that the blinder and bandages were there to restrict her powers and that she was the last one you would want to piss off especialy at the moment. Her father and here have been hitting alot of rough patches lately, mostly the reason why she was even here in the first place. She looked to the girl they had origonaly spoken to and bowed as if apologizing for the demons rube behavior then started for were she thought the school was as the demon started to follow. "Idiot." The demon mumbled to the man as he walked past

Acelynn shook her head. "I'm fine just

..very..turned on.." She mumbled.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](No im not!! *blushes more*)

Isabella looked around when her name being called pulled her fro her dumbfounded zone out and she looked around. "Hmm?" She said quickly as she looked around

(So adorable you are *chuckles)


Melly blinked a bit before waving her hand. "Isabella? Over here."
DarkGoddess1621 said:
(So adorable you are *chuckles)

Melly blinked a bit before waving her hand. "Isabella? Over here."
(Im not adorable!!!! *pouts and sits on the floor* god im not a kid. *suddenly looks at a butterfly as it flutters by then scrambles to feet and trys to catch it*)


Isabella looked over when she heard her name again then squealed as she quickly droped her things then launched at melly tackling her to the ground happily as she coiled around mellys legs so she couldnt escape and hugged her tightly. "Melly!!!" She yelled happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Im not adorable!!!! *pouts and sits on the floor* god im not a kid. *suddenly looks at a butterfly as it flutters by then scrambles to feet and trys to catch it*)

Isabella looked over when she heard her name again then squealed as she quickly droped her things then launched at melly tackling her to the ground happily as she coiled around mellys legs so she couldnt escape and hugged her tightly. "Melly!!!" She yelled happily

(*laughs* adorable)


Melly yelped in surprise. "Isabella! Get off! You're crushing me!" She whimpers as she hears the bones in her body starting to crack
DarkGoddess1621 said:
(*laughs* adorable)

Melly yelped in surprise. "Isabella! Get off! You're crushing me!" She whimpers as she hears the bones in her body starting to crack
(*to busy trying to catch butterfly to react)


"Hey i am not fat!" Isabella said as she loosened her squeezing around mell's body and rolled so she wasnt being crushed but was still wraped in isabellas tail
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](*to busy trying to catch butterfly to react)

"Hey i am not fat!" Isabella said as she loosened her squeezing around mell's body and rolled so she wasnt being crushed but was still wraped in isabellas tail

(*smiles as I catch it*)


Melly groaned a bit begore rubbing her arms. "Do you always crush people you meet?" Melly tries to move her legs but realizes that she was trapped.
DarkGoddess1621 said:
(*smiles as I catch it*)

Melly groaned a bit begore rubbing her arms. "Do you always crush people you meet?" Melly tries to move her legs but realizes that she was trapped.
(*looks at you then your hand with the butterfly then back to you*)


"No your just weaker than every one else." She said to her with a pout as she contined to gently coil around her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](*looks at you then your hand with the butterfly then back to you*)

"No your just weaker than every one else." She said to her with a pout as she contined to gently coil around her

(*holds my hand out for you*)


Melly's face turned red. "I am not weak! Just don't like being tackled to the ground and.... would you not coil around me?! I feel like a prey...."
DarkGoddess1621 said:
(*holds my hand out for you*)

Melly's face turned red. "I am not weak! Just don't like being tackled to the ground and.... would you not coil around me?! I feel like a prey...."
(*smiles chidlishly and reaches for butterfly*)


"Ok first off if you were pray you wouldnt be speaking. Second no i wont stop coiling." She said as she hugged her happily as her tail continued to coil up to her waist
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Maybe i shouldnt have kissed at your neck then." He said before shrugging then kissing her neck again

Acelynn bites her lower lip. "Are you trying to start something?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"If you want." He said before he pulled away and then kissed her cheek. "Come on lets go turn that painting in." He sajd

Acelynn thinks on it for a minute then sighs softly. "Yeah. Lets do that.." She said and looked away from him before getting up and looking around for pants.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn thinks on it for a minute then sighs softly. "Yeah. Lets do that.." She said and looked away from him before getting up and looking around for pants.
River smiled then leaned over and gently kissed her cheek. "Dont worry ill give you what you wish to have later if you want." He said before he started for the bathroom to change
Jaime Sat in his usual spot on the bench in the court yard. He watched the birds fly around and listened to the sound of the slight breeze which rolled past. He tugged at his scarf slightly and lightly felt the the scars on his neck. 'i wonder what happened to everyone...' he thought.

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