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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn had felt a sudden shift in the school, like a dark aura had appeared. It was eerie yet interesting, something rare that never usually came along. Acelynn looked around below her, trying to find the dark aura.
River looked around some more before growling and appearing on a near by roof as he looked around with a cold sinister look before he looked to a girl that stood on the roof of another of the school buildings and looked her over as the aura increased as the shadows danced
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Annabel painted happily before she moved closer to him to continue painting her feuld of flowers before she looked at his part he was painting and smiled. "You paint really well." She said to him happily

"Thanks, but I honestly prefer your style. It seems much more free." He replied quietly, as though he was focused on the painting. When he realised how dark it had gotten, however, he awoke from his painting trance, and stepped away. The library would close in a few minutes, so he needed to go. "Hey, I've got to go. I'd suggest you head to your dorm as well, unless you want to be tired for lessons tomorrow."

((Sorry this is so late, I haven't been on.))
FictionalReality said:
"Thanks, but I honestly prefer your style. It seems much more free." He replied quietly, as though he was focused on the painting. When he realised how dark it had gotten, however, he awoke from his painting trance, and stepped away. The library would close in a few minutes, so he needed to go. "Hey, I've got to go. I'd suggest you head to your dorm as well, unless you want to be tired for lessons tomorrow."
((Sorry this is so late, I haven't been on.))
(No worries)

Annabel whined childishly before she looked at him and blushed in embarasment. "I-i dont know where my dorm is." She said to hi quietly as she looked away to hide her embarasment at how she had forgoten
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked around some more before growling and appearing on a near by roof as he looked around with a cold sinister look before he looked to a girl that stood on the roof of another of the school buildings and looked her over as the aura increased as the shadows danced

Acelynn shivered slightly from the increase in aura, but other than that didn't seem to be other wise affected by it. Normal people might have been freaking out or worried but she seemed to careless as she continued to draw. The drawing was of a tree and appeared to be dead with a noose hanging in the tree. It was an image from her past.
"We can head over to the dorms together then. Do you know which number it is?" He looked away awkwardly, beginning to tidy up the paint, and taking the painting off of the easel. "We should probably leave the painting in here to dry."

@Daniel reaving
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn shivered slightly from the increase in aura, but other than that didn't seem to be other wise affected by it. Normal people might have been freaking out or worried but she seemed to careless as she continued to draw. The drawing was of a tree and appeared to be dead with a noose hanging in the tree. It was an image from her past.
"Hey do you know were the dorms are?" A voice said to her as river appeared standing about five feet to the right of her. His voice was like ice and his expression even colder as he stared at the girl with his black empty eyes. He hopped this girl would at least show some kindness and point him in the direction at least.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Hey do you know were the dorms are?" A voice said to her as river appeared standing about five feet to the right of her. His voice was like ice and his expression even colder as he stared at the girl with his black empty eyes. He hopped this girl would at least show some kindness and point him in the direction at least.

Acelynn looked up to the person who called out to her. "You're currently standing on the roof of the dorms." She said with a soft chuckle, followed by a faint smile, not seeming to mind how cold his voice came off, but rather she was curious why his aura was so.. Dark.
FictionalReality said:
"We can head over to the dorms together then. Do you know which number it is?" He looked away awkwardly, beginning to tidy up the paint, and taking the painting off of the easel. "We should probably leave the painting in here to dry."
@Daniel reaving
She looked down a little. "I forgot." She said to him ashamed as she stood there with her hands held together down infront of her as she stood there waiting for him to call her forgetfull or something else to tease her forgetfulness
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn looked up to the person who called out to her. "You're currently standing on the roof of the dorms." She said with a soft chuckle, followed by a faint smile, not seeming to mind how cold his voice came off, but rather she was curious why his aura was so.. Dark.
"Thank you." He said before he started for the door then stopped. "Do you know were room 303 is?" He asked
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Thank you." He said before he started for the door then stopped. "Do you know were room 303 is?" He asked

Acelynn nodded. "Yup. That's my dorm. You must be my roommate." She said and stood up. "I'm Acelynn but most call me Ace or Blade. What's your name?" She asked him as she gathered her things.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn nodded. "Yup. That's my dorm. You must be my roommate." She said and stood up. "I'm Acelynn but most call me Ace or Blade. What's your name?" She asked him as she gathered her things.
He stared at her coldly before speaking. "Reaver." He said not wanting to give her his real name yet. Why was she so.... Happy. "So shall we head to our dorm?" He asked her in his normal cold tone as he watched her pack up
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He stared at her coldly before speaking. "Reaver." He said not wanting to give her his real name yet. Why was she so.... Happy. "So shall we head to our dorm?" He asked her in his normal cold tone as he watched her pack up

Acelynn nods and heads toward the door the the roof then inside and down the stairs. Her mind was curious as to why he was so cold, I mean..she was too at times but on a decent day like today was..there was no reason to be cold. "So...what's your major?" She called to him as she walked.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn nods and heads toward the door the the roof then inside and down the stairs. Her mind was curious as to why he was so cold, I mean..she was too at times but on a decent day like today was..there was no reason to be cold. "So...what's your major?" She called to him as she walked.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn nods and heads toward the door the the roof then inside and down the stairs. Her mind was curious as to why he was so cold, I mean..she was too at times but on a decent day like today was..there was no reason to be cold. "So...what's your major?" She called to him as she walked.
"Dark arts." He said as he followed behind her as he slid his hands into his pockets and walked with her. His head was down slightly as he walked and waited for her to show him to there new dorm
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Dark arts." He said as he followed behind her as he slid his hands into his pockets and walked with her. His head was down slightly as he walked and waited for her to show him to there new dorm

Acelynn finally arrives at their dorm, looking at the paper she placed over the actual number. The paper read: 666. It was a joke and number that brought her luck, minus people's beilef that it was bad. "So don't freak out, but I'm a Satanist and my half of the room is decorated accordingly to that." She said in a bit of a warning tone as she unlocked the door. The light was turned off, but the scent of Dragon's Blood incense with a little bit of sage was faintly in the air as she flicked on the lights. The room was painted black, her side being mainly the color black as most of her belongings were but had the same symbol on them, a satanic pentagram. "Uh..yeah..most people freak out.." She mumbled with an eye ro as she walked in and set her stuff down on her side of the room.
...?A sports car pulled over in front of the school's gates before the door opened revealing a white haired girl just on her laptop. She soon looked up and saw the door was open, she closed her laptop and put it in her small bag and stepped out. Once she was outside, she was looking at the school and the door closed before the trunk opened. She soon went over to the trunk and got her luggage. She assumed she was going to stay at a dorm here. The car soon drove off as she started to the office to pick up her schedule and dorm number?...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7e448d00_ElswordCELCostume.jpg.86155d9060cbe11bcc56a6e16981d6af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7e448d00_ElswordCELCostume.jpg.86155d9060cbe11bcc56a6e16981d6af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn finally arrives at their dorm, looking at the paper she placed over the actual number. The paper read: 666. It was a joke and number that brought her luck, minus people's beilef that it was bad. "So don't freak out, but I'm a Satanist and my half of the room is decorated accordingly to that." She said in a bit of a warning tone as she unlocked the door. The light was turned off, but the scent of Dragon's Blood incense with a little bit of sage was faintly in the air as she flicked on the lights. The room was painted black, her side being mainly the color black as most of her belongings were but had the same symbol on them, a satanic pentagram. "Uh..yeah..most people freak out.." She mumbled with an eye ro as she walked in and set her stuff down on her side of the room.
River chuckled at the word saitnist. "Wow you really worship him? Hes so weak." River said as he walked in and sat down on his side of the room as the walls darkened and shadow flooded his side of the room making his walls look like the night sky with no stars as he sat there looking at the pentagrams with some amusment at the sight of the devils symbols
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River chuckled at the word saitnist. "Wow you really worship him? Hes so weak." River said as he walked in and sat down on his side of the room as the walls darkened and shadow flooded his side of the room making his walls look like the night sky with no stars as he sat there looking at the pentagrams with some amusment at the sight of the devils symbols

Acelynn chuckles. "More like respect him and his principles. It also freaks out people to know there's a Satanist in the building." She said nonchalantly. "Is it a problem?" She asked, tiling her head to the side as she looked at him.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn chuckles. "More like respect him and his principles. It also freaks out people to know there's a Satanist in the building." She said nonchalantly. "Is it a problem?" She asked, tiling her head to the side as she looked at him.
"No i just feel that there are better beings to follow than he. But i am not you so i do not object to being room mates with a saitinist. If anything id preffer being room mates with one over any other besides my own kind." He said to her truthfully as he examined the symbols before looking to her and waiting to see how she responded to his words
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"No i just feel that there are better beings to follow than he. But i am not you so i do not object to being room mates with a saitinist. If anything id preffer being room mates with one over any other besides my own kind." He said to her truthfully as he examined the symbols before looking to her and waiting to see how she responded to his words

Acelynn took his words into consideration as she sat on her bed. "Hm. Well if not him, then who do you think is the better?" She questioned, adding one more after. "And why not share a room with someone like you?" Acelynn was now more curious than ever, but hoped that she wasn't being too intrusive.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn took his words into consideration as she sat on her bed. "Hm. Well if not him, then who do you think is the better?" She questioned, adding one more after. "And why not share a room with someone like you?" Acelynn was now more curious than ever, but hoped that she wasn't being too intrusive.
"Thanatos. The greek god of death would be one. And my kind are one's that make gods feel fear that is why. My kind do not get along with each other." He explained to her as he looked at her not minding her curiosity twoards him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Thanatos. The greek god of death would be one. And my kind are one's that make gods feel fear that is why. My kind do not get along with each other." He explained to her as he looked at her not minding her curiosity twoards him

Acelynn thought on this and nodded. "I suppose he could be ideal. It makes sense to worship him. But..if you don't mind my intrusion, what are you? Im a witch so..most people don't like us. Humans mostly and some others depending on what our ancestors did.." She said with a small sigh.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn thought on this and nodded. "I suppose he could be ideal. It makes sense to worship him. But..if you don't mind my intrusion, what are you? Im a witch so..most people don't like us. Humans mostly and some others depending on what our ancestors did.." She said with a small sigh.
He chuckled then started to tell her a small poem of sorts about his kind. "Fear the darkened day, fear the lightness night, fear thy darkest thoughts, and fear thy darkest fears, for one that lives in thy shadows, lives in thy mind, comes in thy night, to take thy fears, and bring them to life." He said before he looked to her to see if she had ever heard this little poem before.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He chuckled then started to tell her a small poem of sorts about his kind. "Fear the darkened day, fear the lightness night, fear thy darkest thoughts, and fear thy darkest fears, for one that lives in thy shadows, lives in thy mind, comes in thy night, to take thy fears, and bring them to life." He said before he looked to her to see if she had ever heard this little poem before.

Acelynn smirks. "Poetry? How lovely. By the sounds of those graceful words I'd guess you are what I have every night. A nightmare. Which..if so Is very interesting." She said, now every enthralled with him. No one before had ever quoted poetry to her, or at least no one at the school had. Poetry was Acelynn's weakness, along with a few other things, but poetry was one of the main ones. "If not a nightmare, then a being of the shadows that lurks in the darkness of people's minds. Consuming their deepest fears and inner most thoughts." She said, her golden eyes having a slight mischievous glint in them.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn smirks. "Poetry? How lovely. By the sounds of those graceful words I'd guess you are what I have every night. A nightmare. Which..if so Is very interesting." She said, now every enthralled with him. No one before had ever quoted poetry to her, or at least no one at the school had. Poetry was Acelynn's weakness, along with a few other things, but poetry was one of the main ones. "If not a nightmare, then a being of the shadows that lurks in the darkness of people's minds. Consuming their deepest fears and inner most thoughts." She said, her golden eyes having a slight mischievous glint in them.
"Im your first gess." He said with a small chuckle before he got up and the walked over to her side as he looked at a book with the saitanic symbol on it. "Am i the first you have met?" He asked her as he looked at the symbol
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Im your first gess." He said with a small chuckle before he got up and the walked over to her side as he looked at a book with the saitanic symbol on it. "Am i the first you have met?" He asked her as he looked at the symbol

Acelynn nods. "Yup. It's kind of pretty awesome too." She said as she laid back on her bed and took off her shoes with her feet. It felt good to take them off after a long day. "What about me, am I your first witch?" She asked as she stared at the ceiling.

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