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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*


Resurrected Darkness

*~ New Moon Academy ~*

Welcome, Welcome Students!

Here at NMA you'll get the finest education according to what major you want to take.

Our education system is based around the individual. We have majors ranging from The Arts to well just about anything you can think of.

Students will stay on campus until they graduate. Students are encouraged to find internships for their major, but it's not a requirement.

More details on the
Overview Tab.

((Always open and accepting! c:))
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It was a warm summer day, the sun beaming onto campus, seeping through curtains and windows of students' dorms. Birds chirped and sang as they soared through the sky, a cool breeze blowing throughout New Moon Academy. It was the first day of school after a long break, many students were returning, others starting for the first time. Orientation for the entire school was to start promptly at 9 a.m.

Acelynn had only just woken up, the time being close to 7:30 a.m. as her alarm was blaring in her ear. A groan of annoyance coming from her as she sat up, her long lilac hair sticking to her face and standing in the air. I certainly did not miss waking up this early... She thought to herself as she got up from her bed and began to ready for school. She didn't bother taking off her undershirt as she dressed the rest of herself then tamed her wild hair and put some kind of make up on her face, mainly dark eyeliner and a bit of a smokey eye look to make her golden eyes pop and a light red lip to match. Sure she looked a little punk, but she could careless as she grabbed her black messenger like bag and made her way out of the dorms.

((Her outfit:

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Every time Zoey got dressed, she contemplated whether it was too much. It probably was. Her style would both draw people in and push them away. Both had their ups and downs, but every day, Zoey wore the same style, telling herself silently that it was her outfit. Her decision. Even if the bullies continued to torment her. She was especially scared this morning because she had come to a new school. What would her new classmates think of her? She was scared, no doubt, but excited as well. Maybe she would meet someone who would understand her. One can only hope.... She thought to herself as she exited the dorms.
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In the building with the teacher's rooms, there was an alarm, ringing loudly, next to a bed with a large figure of a man in it, a brand new teacher. Out of the blue an arm flew out with a clenched fist, hitting the alarm clock and smashing it to pieces as the sound ground to a sudden halt. The figure sat up his red eyes beaming in the dark room with blackout blinds to keep the sun away, a grunt of irritation escaped as he got up and stretched, his long white dreadlocks hanging limply just blow his weist, he then begun to get dressed, putting on pitch black trousers with a buckled belt, a black shirt and boots to match, he then walked over and off a hook picked up a large full length, hooded, trench coat, he flung it over himself, putting his arms in as it flailed and fell down behind him. He then proceeded to his window and rolled the blackout blinds up slightly, squinting and slightly glaring due to his utter hatred of sunlight, as his cat like pupils adjusted to the light he peered out and gave a devilish smirk. "hehe......well, this will be fun at least" His voice was darkly twisted and distorted with an almost metallic ring to it.
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Camille had woken up just early enough to go for an early morning flight, it didn't take long for her to get to school. She sat in front of the main doors on the railing just to the side of the steps, legs kicking, wings fluttering to keep her balanced. Her hair bounced as she bobbed her head to her own song that she sang quietly. Cam was way too excited to meet her teachers, one in particular who she had learned was a Nephilim just like her!
Once out of the dorms, Acelynn headed for the cafeteria; hoping to get something to eat before orientation. Please have muffins..please have muffins. Her mind begged as she made her way there, her long hair blowing ever so slightly in the wind. As she entered the cafeteria, she noticed not many people had gotten up this early, or if they were they looked like zombies. Acelynn made her way to the breakfast bar area ad found the one thing she desired; muffins. She scooped up three, putting one in her bag for later. After than she made her way to the big metal and glass refrigerator and opened it up, taking out chocolate milk. Her favorite thing about this school was the fact that the students were allowed to have free meal, meaning no one went hungry. It was great. Acelynn walked over to small corner of the cafeteria and sat down, very clearly away from everyone else as she ate.
Ras was walking toward toward the school gates, his trench coat done all the way up, his collar hood obscuring his extremely strange and inhuman appearance, only two beaming red eyes could be seen behind the shadowed hood as the large man slowly made his way toward the entrance. He could practically feel the stares of the other students, the giggling of the girls pointing, the insults of the boys, obviously pointed his way, he did not care though, he was far too old and far too used to it to make a fuss anymore, it was almost natural to him. He finally made his way to be in sight of the main entrance, he looked around, observing the school buildings, and remembering the students faces.
Camille stretched and fully extended her wings for a moment, before she felt the presence of another Nephilim...she shuddered and quickly looked around. Folding up her wings she spotted Ras and blinked, tilting her head she got up and dusted off her white dress as she got the crinkles out she kept watching him warily since his presence felt strong...almost smug. with another shudder she rushed inside and off to the cafeteria to at least get some breakfast before she would meet this... other Nephilim
Ras's red beaming eyes followed her as she ran off, he knew from her scent what she was, in the shadow of his coat's hood, a wide sharp toothed grin stretched across his face as he continued walking. He made his way inside the school building and eventually into the staff room, as he began making a cup of tea before having to leave. He boiled the kettle and put a singular tea bag in the cup with three spoons worth of sugar, he liked his tea sweet, he poured the boiling water and got the milk from the small fridge mixed in the milk and waited a few minutes before removing the tea bag and throwing it away. He took the cup and sat down with it, one arm over the back of his chair lazily, he took a sip and looked toward the window, still not taking his coat off or even the hood, he hated the sun with almost a passion.
Diana walked into her classroom and began setting up her desk. Orbs floated around her and she captured them in a jar. She turned to the board and wrote the days lesson, "Harvesting An Orb.". Her dark wings shifted on her back and she looked around the empty classroom, waiting for students to arrive.
Acelynn finished her breakfast in no time, and got up from her seat. She made her way to the trash can then threw away her trash; looking around the cafeteria once more to see if any 'zombies' had moved. No one had really seemed to move, or much care as the time was fairly close to 7:55 A.M. The students today, since it was first day back from break, were allowed to wonder and sleep in until orientation, which Acelynn was quite happy about.

Acelynn left the cafeteria and walked to the little courtyard area of the campus and sat under a large willow tree. She pulled out her sketchbook and began to doodle, this being some way to waste time for now. I really hope the gym doesn't get overly crowded.. or I get stuck next to someone rude..I don't think I can take that on the first day. She thought to herself with a small sigh as she continued to mindlessly sketch on the paper.
Diana finished setting up her classroom for the new school year. She walked outside of the building and looked around, observing everything. She watched as students aimlessly wandered around the campus and smiled. She sighed and looked at the sky, thinking. She frowned and walked back inside the building and towards the teachers lounge to eat breakfast.
A platinum white haired girl strolled into the building in search for the cafeteria. "Anybody want to help a new girl?" She attempted to get her soft voice loud enough hoping someone would help her eventually.
After eating Camille had completely forgotten about sensing the Nephilim and now was back to her normal, self-perkiness, she weaved around people as she made her way back outside with her head down. Once outside she pulled out of the growing crowd and fixed her dress and took a step forwards only to stumble and trip from the foot of a guy who was passing by. With a squeak Cam extended her wings and caught herself on her hands and knees, she quickly got up, having the surrounding kids laugh at her she swallowed and retreated in on herself. folding up her wings, tight against her back she turned and ran, tears coming to her eyes as she raced across the front lawn till she rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. Though she was positive she had passed by a girl who seemed to be drawing.

[QUOTE="Moon Gideon]A platinum white haired girl strolled into the building in search for the cafeteria. "Anybody want to help a new girl?" She attempted to get her soft voice loud enough hoping someone would help her eventually.

((You need to make a CS))
Ras finished his cup of tea and put the cup in the nearby sink near the window, he walked toward the window and peered out, the random students walking around, the soft breeze floating by, and the soft sunlight as much as he hated it, he had to admit it was quite a pleasent scene. He walked out of the staff room and down the corridor, he left the building and found a quite and desolate spot in a large patch of grass. He lay back and looked up at the sky, watching the clouds move slowly, wishing to be one of them, being able to move where ever the breeze took him, free from troubles.
Diana walked into the teachers lounge and began making coffee. She grabbed an muffin and leaned against the counter, waiting for her coffee to finish brewing. She looked out the window and sighed. She heard the coffee pot go off and fixed herself a cup. She sat at the table in the middle of the room and began drinking her coffee
Acelynn looked up to a girl crying, running passed her. Alright the first of the year and someone is crying...gonna be a great year huh? She thought to herself as she arose from her spot and ran after the girl, hoping to find out what was wrong. "Excuse me." She called, her voice soft and melodic, but seemed to reach out toward the girl as if by magic; which is what helped. Acelynn was quite soft spoken, but having magic helped that a lot, but aside from that she hoped that she could help out the poor girl who seemed knew to the school even though Acelynn wasn't totally sure how to help the girl..she wasn't the best in these situations.
Camille glanced back to the girl who had spoken to her and she tensed quickly moving away she held her hands out to protect herself if need be " I-I don't w-want and trouble " she stuttered and closed her eyes tight to make herself stop crying as she backed away from the girl her throat was tight which made her voice sound strained. Suddenly, before she had time to process what had happened...she was in the ground again, flat on her back, wings crushed under her and her legs over someone. Her head had hit the ground pretty hard and she was dazed for a moment, but when she came back to her senses she winced hard and glanced at who she had tripped over....with a shudder she realized...it was a teacher...and not just any teacher, but it was the Nephilim

@xEmoBunnehx @Ras
Diana finished her breakfast and sighed. She refilled her coffee cup and walked out of the teachers lounge and outside of the building. She sat on the steps and stretched out her wings.
A young man with blue hair would stroll in with a sketchpad looking for a nice and quiet place to continue his drawing. "I hope this place won't be the last one I was in. I'd rather lay low and just stay in the shadows." He would whisper to himself, as he continued wandering around the area.
Acelynn winces at the girl as she falls, but shakes her head. "Please, I mean no warm..I just want to help." She said, this time no magic helping her voice be louder, it was just her regular voice. Acelynn looked over at saw who she'd tripped on and backed up just a bit. She knew this teacher, but couldn't place his name, which was odd as she always remembered people..kind of. Great. He's gonna think I was going to hurt her..ah shit. I mean who wouldn't..I am an upperclassmen. She thought to herself as she bit her bottom lip, looking between the girl and teacher.
Klaus would be seen walking up to the academy smiling as he thought to himself 'Man, this going to be interesting'. He was never much one for school but decided to give it a try again. Hopefully this academy would be much different then any of the previous ones he had been in. As he approached the front doors kf the building he could feel the presence of ras and would smile greatly due to the fact he would know someone here.
With a grunt, Ras sat up, the red beaming eyes shifting toward the girl in tears. From underneath the shadowy hood came a dark, twisted and quite distorted almost metalic voice "so, it's you again is it? It's the first day and someone's already in tears......gotta love school life, huh? So tell me, what's troubling you? Miss....?" His sentence drifted off, as if silently asking her name, as he rose, the seven foot giant. He held his hand out, although it wasn't quite a hand, more of a black, metalic and exoskeletal claw with protruding joints, offering to help her stand again.

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