New Game?

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Now that my daily dose is low again :mrgreen: I was thinking about maybe starting another game, except that this time I wanna hear from prospective players, if there are still some of those out there, what kind of game they'd like to play, or what kind of characters they'd like to play, and use that as a basis.

I guess the first question is whether there is anyone who is interested in starting another game...

I'll be the ST, if it wasn't obvious...
I don't know, but I'd potentially like a Sidereal (can't get enough of them), Solar (always have something in mind), or Lunar. I'm currently in the midst of working up a CMA that will make use of Axes and Scythes, so it might be something good for a Lunar or potentially anyone else.

BTW, considering the new free time I have now, I may also be moving ahead with STing the Shadows of Death game I mentioned way back.
I think I'd like to try my hand at a Sidereal game based mostly in Heaven, but frankly I wouldn't turn my nose up at any game I could get in at the ground floor.
Am kinda new to Exalted, so not too sure I can run an effective Sidereal game... Not to mention the fact that i don't even have the book.
I think a Terrestrial game would be good, and they are somewhat easier to run than Solars. I've had a few Terrestrial concepts for a while, and it would be nice if I could try them out.
I do hope to hear people's ideas for characters or for a chronicle, not just the tpe of Exalt you wanna play.

Maybe a game that revolves around Solars and their Lunar mates, set in some exotic locale, or based around trying to expand the borders of Creation, or battling the Fair Folk.

Or maybe a game base din the West, with the group trying to find lost places. There might be some islands of Creation, hell, maybe even a small continent, that was isolated from the rest of Creation when the Fair Folk invaded on the footsteps of the Great Contagion.

A Terrestial game is also a good option. but that would mean no Celestials in that game, unless you want to play the Wyld Hunt.
I'll wait for more people to respond with ideas, but if nothing else cathes people's eyes, I wouldn't mind running a Wyld Hunt game, feel free to throw some characater ideas around.

If I run with this the characters will probably be a bit experienced.
I have a concept for an Earth-aspected strategic mastermind that I think I'd like to use. He probably wouldn't be an Immaculate monk, more likely an officer in one of the Legions who was sent to the Hunt for whatever reason (one that I've yet to work up, of course :P ). With that, of course, I'd like to work out some fixes for the Dragon-Blooded War cascade, as well as some custom Charms.
I'd love to be in an Anathema hunting game. Filthy demonic body snatchers.

I'd probably play an overconfident secular Fire aspect who's in it for the glory and ribs all the immaculates for their piousness. Definately some Melee/Dodge goodness, along with some Socialize. Undecided on family, but probably not Cathak or Sesus. He should be trying to prove himself despite being the wrong aspect.

Lemme know about character gen rules, any houserules and other mods. I'll throw you a character.
Tikor said:
I'd probably play an overconfident secular Fire aspect who's in it for the glory and ribs all the immaculates for their piousness.
Sounds like our characters could have some things in common. :P
Even with cyl back I could run this game. I think a Wyld Hunt game could be fun, and it can certainly accommodate a fair number of players if need be.

Well, if people are still interested I'd be willing to start accepting character ideas
I was thinking about a Wood Aspect that had fallen in love with another Dynast who went on a Wyld Hunt and had died at the hands of the Anathema. Vowing revenge, the archer signed up against the wishes of the household
I'll post the chargen later today, they will mostly follow the CharGen rules in the book, but I might do some changes. Am certainly thinking on letting you guys maybe have some Backgrounds to be taken in a group, but I'll post that later.
I want people to build the characters as per CharGen, and then I'll let you guys know how much XP you've got, and advance your characters.

Just remember that it's not gonna be all about fighting, so social skills and such are still useful. And you certainly don't need to be Immaculates.
Ya' know, considering that the Wyld Hunt is usually made up in majority by Immaculates, I'd like at least a few of us to make some.... >_>

Maybe my Earth-Aspect will be one.
As for CharGen rules:

* You can use the rules for either a Dynast, Immaculate, or an Outcaste.

If you want to create a Lookshy character, you'll need to do lots to convince me. They don't really team up with the Realm on this.

* Some Backgrounds can be bought a bit cheaply, if they are shared by one or more characters.

Eligible Backgrounds are:





Family (only if you are both of the same Family, meaning you're siblings, or other such close relation)




First you need to decide how many points you want in these shared Backgrounds, and the cost of them is 3/4 of the normal cost. For example, say we have two characters who are siblings. They want the shared Backgrounds of Family 3 and Arsenal 1. Since these cost a total of 4 dots, each of them pays only 3 BG dots.

This may seem like it can make things easier, but remember that if one fo you does something in game whose consequence affects that Background, you will both suffer for it.

Also, if you and a player have a shared Arsenal or Backing it doesn't mean you can't have you private Backing or Arsenal Background, but you can't have both a Shared and Private Family Background.

Also, with the Family shared Background. If both characters are twins or full borthers, you might want to discuss how much Breeding each of you has. It's probably gonna have to be similar, or at least close to one another.

Also, Do people have any Direction or area they prefer to work in? you can also discuss how they view the Abyssals, maybe these are valid targets for the Wyld Hunt as well. Note that this will not be all about combat, though combat ability is important, since you will be fighting Lunars and Solars, and not all of them might be newly Exalted.
While cool in concept, the shared backgrounds are pretty inefficient for expendable or numbered resources (Arsenal, Retainers, etc). The issue is that unless you're getting a rating of 4+ dots for something, you are most likely spending more background dots for less of a benefit. In your listed example, the two characters are spending a total of six background dots for stuff worth only four. It's far more efficient to just split the backgrounds up between characters (you take Arsenal, I'll take Family) if it's going to be that way.

As far as a Direction goes, I'd say the East, but then we'd have to deal with Lookshy and all that crap, which is never fun :P . My vote goes for the South, as the Realm has a lot of visible public support in many major areas (An-Teng, Paragon, The Lap, Harborhead, etc)
Maybe, but they Both get the benefits of said Background, so basically, for three dots each, they gain the total benefits of 8 dots. Each of them can purchase up to 15 dots of minor equipment, and they have a total of 6 notable members of the family.

I believe that makes it actually more economoci than buying this by yourself, if you come up with a good enough reason for the characters to share that Background.

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