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Fantasy neverland (open not started)

Dark lane


No godmodding

Site rules

Romance is allowed.

If your not going to be online for a while tell me frist.

I will post the starter once we have enough people.

Plot: Long ago in modern time. There was a place called neverland with fairys,Dwarves,elfs,dragons,mermaids you name it. One day there was great evil upon us our ancetrys shipped our parents to another dimension called earth to be safe. They shipped us to a town they made up called Wayward Pines. They made sure that our parents powers and true forms never come out till today. All of a sudden all the adults died over night then on that same night our true forms came out. We have no clue what happened and why this happened. A fairy came crashing down hurt trying to tell us something....

(Not the starter just intro of what happened and whats going so you guys understand the plot of this roleplay)
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"CATCH HER SOMEBODY CATCH HER NOW! WE MUST KILL THE MESSENGER!" Yelled the guards as I heard them from behind me running for my life. I tripped on a log as I got straches and my legs were beaten up badly tried of running. I started to say some words in latin as light came from my feet and a big portale was open. "There you are" said one of the guards. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled as I made a light sheild blinding them for a couple of mintues as I jumped through the portal but as I was doing that one of the guards shot me in the shoulder as I blacked out falling through the portal.


I woke up sweating and trying to catch my breath. I looked around me. Oh thank goodness it was just a nightmare I thought sighing in relive. I looked at the clock as it was 10:00 am. Crab school I thought running towards the bathroom as my eyes went wide eyed and I screamed. I looked at the mirror as I had wings on my back. There were red like fire as I ran out of the bathroom to my paremts room. I turned on there light as they were dead blood everywhere. "NO WHY NO NO NO!!" i yelled.


I woke up to some screaming as I sat up looking out the window as certain kids came out of there houses. "Andrew" said zack rubbing his eyes. "I'm sleeply whats all that yelling" said zack as I heard jade scream next door. I got up as I put some random clothes on looking at zack. "I need you to stay here understand" i tell him serous as he nod. I ran towards jade's house as I knocked on her door worried. She ope ed the door crying. "My parents are dead oh my goodness" said jade as she gave me a miror as I saw dark wings on my back. "What the hell is happening here" i said serous.

(You can jump in waking up and seeing your true form and your parents dead)
Levvy slowly crosses the hallway in her light flimsy nightgown. Though she was sixteen, she resembled a small, lonely child walking to her parents' room. It had been two days since she'd returned to the house after her grandmother tragically died. For two weeks, she lived by herself on the streets. But the idea of her parents' mourning was too great to shake out of her nimble head. She knocked on the door. "Mama? Papa? I've got some water-" Levvy's droopy eyes widened at the horrific sight in front of her. Her parents, beautiful and white haired like her, where dead in a pool of their own crimson blood, blue eyes still wide with fear. She raced over to them, dropping the tray with two glasses of water. She knelt beside them and whispered while pumping their chests. "Wake up, wake up!" she screamed. But their chests didn't move. Levvy sunk into the corner of the room, waterfalls of tears streaming down her pale cheeks. It was grandmother's death all over again, times two. How could she ever cope with that?! She trembled in the shadows of the corner. She walked over to the mirror, tears falling from her eyes. "What do I do now?" she asked the mirror as she raised her head. The girl who stood before her was much paler, with icy blue eyes and her white hair tinged pale blue. She stood there in shock. Then, she did what she could only think of at the traumatic moment. Run onto the streets.
OOC:Please tell me if this is permitted. I was thinking he could be confusing mix of 3 different races. He would probably encounter some discrimination, ridicule and fear because he is a mix of 3 different races. He a hybrid of Pixie, a vampire subspecies & angel. That doesn't mean he has all of their three racial powers put together. He just has select few abilities and qualities from each group.
exp626 said:
OOC:Please tell me if this is permitted. I was thinking he could be confusing mix of 3 different races. He would probably encounter some discrimination, ridicule and fear because he is a mix of 3 different races. He a hybrid of Pixie, a vampire subspecies & angel. That doesn't mean he has all of their three racial powers put together. He just has select few abilities and qualities from each group.
(Yeah thats allowed)
I wake up feeling wonderfuly refreshed. I lay there admiring the sound of the birds chirping. I've always loved living in the forest but I cant explain why. It's so peaceful and quiet. I don't really like other humans. I have always prefered the company of animals to that of other humans. Other humans are really mean....

I am completely naked. I often sleep nude. I stretch out my body and arms, completely unaware of the fact that as I did so, feathered wings stretched out as well. I did not see them sprout out of my back in flash of golden light. I only felt a sudden surge of mixed emotions. Fear, joy, and everything other emotion possible. I felt a lightness in my whole being. My footsteps didn't seem as heavy now. Just as they came, they left. I had no clue that a halo had shown and faded from around my head. No idea that my skin had gone from glossy caramel to another color.

I head into my private bathroom to begin my morning routine. I take one one look in the mirror and see an unfamiliar face stare at me with frightened eyes. It was obviously scared of me too. Both our eyes begin to water and our bodies tremble in fear. This is ME. MY eyes are now BLACK. I had BLUE eyes yesterday! What's going on?! My skin is now no longer carmel colored. It's pale green! My lips are now looking like I rubbed beets on them! My hair is now fluctuating from black to brown, then back to black and it keeps changing! It even temporarily changes to blonde. I was originally ONLY a blonde! My hair seems to not be able to make up its mind on what color it wants to be. It keeps changing. I slowly open my mouth in horror, only to find that I have FANGS! I finally scream in fear. I run out of the bathroom to ask my parents what to do. But I feel a painful jerk as I bounce backwards from the exit just as I am thinking I have left. I land painfully on my back. More painfully than I ought to have fallen. I felt my body pinning something under it. In a paniced frenzy of trying to figure out what I had fallen on, I fall again. I finally see feathers in the air. Digusted with the implications that were forming in my mind, I touch the wings on my back hesitantly. I begin crying in tears for my parents to come help me. Noone comes. But they are always here. Today was bacon morning. I realized that this whole morning I had smelled absolutely no bacon. No food smells at all.... Not even SOUNDS! Only birds!


After lots of crying and wallowing in self pity, I realize that noone is coming to help me. I also realize that it was my wings that prevented me from leaving the bathroom. I don't want them. I don't want people to think me any more of a freak than I already am thought to be. 3 parents, isn't that freaky enough?

I get up and look in the mirror again. The wings are gone! Can I put them away at will and bring them back the same way? Yes I can! I had tried the process a few times. It can be summoned and undone upon will. But after the third repetition, I got a bit too excited. For some reason, after the third time, they were large butterfly wings instead. They were much smaller and more flexible than the... Ahem... Angel wings. They were a beautiful array of different colors. As I fluttered them, glittery sparkles came off. I began to think it might not be so bad if I can make them come and go as I please. I excitedly zipped out of the bathroom with my wings fluttering and my feet not even touching the ground.

If I could just find my parents, this would be even more amaz-..... I fluttered into my parents bedroom to see my three parents....dead....

The fact that they were lying naked in bed would have bothered me on some other occasion, but that was MINUSCULE compared to what else I saw. My wings slowly fluttered to a stop. They were no longer sparkly. They slowly receded into my back as I saddened at the sight in front of me. My feet are on the ground now....

My dad, a long wooden spike

sticking out of his chest. His head cut off, laying near his bloody stump of a neck, his mouth filled with garlic. My OTHER male parental figure, my FATHER, a knifehandle sticking out of his sternum. The wound oozed black tendrils of evil smoke. He had feathered wings like I saw of my own in front of the bathroom mirror. His were covered in evil liquid black ick though. They were also bent in angle that suggest they were dislocated. My mother, an axe sticking out of her throat, cuts all over her body. Her face was light forest green, darker than mine, but rotting away. She had butterfly wings like me. But hers were limp and floopy, raggedly looking.... They were all naked in the same kingsized bed....Murdered....together....but still murdered.....
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Lavana fluttered her eyelids open drowsily and rubbed at them while yawning. It was 10 am... Why was she awake? She rolled over and sat up, but instead of standing up, instead flopped over onto her face. She was too shocked to scream. Were her legs asleep? She rolled over again, and realized she couldn't move her legs at all. What the? She looked down, to see her pajama pants ripped and a huge fricken fish tail on her lower half instead of legs.

She stared dumbstruck for a second, then screamed.

"Mom!!" She wailed, frantically dragging herself out of her bedroom and into the hallway. She didn't hear anything downstairs so began army crawling to her parents' room to find her father on the ground, in a puddle of his own blood. Her mother was laying on her face in crisiom stained sheets.

"Mom... Dad..?" I croaked, my heart in my throat and my eyes going blurry with tears.

"No!" I screamed, rolling onto my side and letting all the tears pour down my cheeks. This had to be some twisted sick dream. My parents couldn't be dead. I couldn't be a fish.. Half fish... Mermaid thing.

It must have been a while, because when Lavana opened her eyes again she could smell the death, and she didn't have a fin anymore and her legs and feet ached like she had done an intense leg workout after not stretching for two years.

She wanted to keep crying, but her throat was dry and scratchy and she couldn't seem to summon any more tears.

Weakly, and cringing, she grabbed onto the sheets of the bed beside her and managed to shakily pull herself to her feet. She stared down at her mother laying on the bed, and covered her mouth and nose with her hand. No tears came at this point, and she knew she needed to leave; to find out what was happening and to find her parents' killers.

She hobbled down stairs and out the door, only clothed in a long T-shirt that went past her waist. Everything else had been ripped when she had the tail. But why was it suddenly gone now? She stumbled outside to find dozens of other kids and teens running around the streets, many screaming and crying, while others were testing out their new strange abilities. A few had wings. While others had elemental powers or tails and other various things. Lavana noticed a boy running around, asking people what had happened and writing down a few words, their name, and known powers. Suddenly he was in front of LAvana, looking at her expectantly. "W-What?" She croaked.

"I said, what's your name."


"What happened and do you have any strange abilities?"

"I woke up and my parents were d-dead in their room. I- I didn't have legs..A fin."

"Fin.. Like a mermaid?"

"I guess..."

"Ok. Thank you! good luck."

"Wait! What's happening?"

"No clue. But all adults are dead, only the kids were spared and all have new inhumane abilities. I plan to find out what's going on."

"Ok.. Good luck to you too then."

"Thanks!" the boy ran off again, questioning a few more people until Lavana turned her gaze away. Then, she walked back inside to put some clothes on and put herself together.


Lizzy woke to muffled screaming. "The heck?" She grumbled, rolling out of bed and walking to the window, to peer out at various people screaming.

But she didn't see any adults. Just kids in their pjs. "What is going on?"

She began making her way outside, only to end up flat on her back and a pain shooting up her spine. She made a hissing noise in pain and rolled over, noticing huge scaled wings sprouted from her back for the first time. She just stared. Slowly she rose to her feet again and tried to move the wings. The tips twitched, and soon both wings were going back and forth faster and faster until she had to stop before she blew over everything in the room or rose off the ground. She tucked the wings in to her back and hurried outside.She noticed she wasn't the only kid with wings, though everyone's seemed to be different.She went back inside to throw on a red and black T-shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans and combat boots. She went to the bathroom to put some make up on, only to see that her purpleish-blue eyes had abruptly changed into a striking, almost glowing purple. She took a sharp breath it, mesmerized by her bright hues. "Ok... So apparently im not human.." She muttered to herself. Shaking her head at her thoughts she put some make up on really quick, and went back outside to roam the streets and try to figure out what had happened.
One of the most sickening parts of this is that the blood smells good to me. I feel hungry and the blood smells tasty. What am I?! Am I vampire? Am I pixie? Am I an angel? I have traits from all three of them.

I rush out into the kitchen with disgust at my attraction to the blood. Hopefully I can stand eating regular stuff. I cook something for my breakfast while the bodies are left unattended. I feel sick and ashamed that I'm having breakfast while I should be running towards a constable to help. But my hunger is going to make me faint if I don't eat. I try eating different things to see if I can still eat normal stuff. I feel repulsed by the warmth of the food. After lots of trial and error I learn that any cooked or warm food is repulsive to....well....whatever the hell I am. My kind apparently are repulsed by eggs, dairy, bread, water, honey, molases, anything significantly processed, foreign cultured, most things not coming from forests similar to the one surrounding my house, cane sugar, anything cooked, and anything warmed. I feel disgusted at myself as I slurp the blood out of the raw chicken. I eat (and drink) raw chicken, blueberries, nuts, local treefruits, maple syrup with nothing else, a salad made entirely out of greens and herbs picked from the surrounding forest with not even dressing added and raw mushrooms this morning.

Then I put on clothes. I grab my mother's bow and quiver of arrows.

My father never let me come near it, but I think he'd tell me to take it with me for protection if he were still here. I wasn't even supposed to know about it. But I caught him secretly practicing with it one day. The sword's edges bursted into flames as I held it in one hand. I sheathed it.

I didn't dare disrespect my Dad's memory by leaving without a silver "muttdog killing" arrow. Wolvesbane too. My mother's wand in my cloak. My mother's satchel filled with all sorts of plant remedy goodies.

I zip through the forest with my pixie wings. My wings tire a bit just as I reach the mountain. I summon my angel wings instead now. I flap over and over again, climbing higher and higher. I rise faster than any bird ever. I fly to the top of the mountain and then leap into a gliding mode.

Everyones going to cower away from my freakish apearance I bet. I am beautiful yes, but they don't have my species in any stories. They've never seen my kind before. When I arrive into town they will see that I have hair that changes color constantly. I have pale green beautiful skin, blood red lips, black eyes, angel wings, a wrethe halo crown of golden leaves, vampire fangs, a forked tounge. I soar through the sky and land just inside the town boundaries. Just watch the first person freak out in 3,2,1-

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"Whats going on here?" Said Jade as we saw many different kids leaving there homes. "I don't know" I tell her serious. I saw a guy taking notes of everyone that came out of there homes. "Whats your name? What happened? Do you have stranage abilites?" Said a guy. "Will you just leave us alone for now" I tell him serious. I saw Zack ran out of the house. "Didn't I tell you to stay inside" I tell him serious. "Yea I know but look" said Zack as I looked up seeing a light portal of the sky as someone fell down from it. Jade just reacted without thinking as she flew towards the little girl catching her as she landed on the ground. Then the portal closed. "How did you do that?" I asked shocked. "I don't know but she needs help. Looks like she got shot in the shoulder" said Jade as I saw the blood on her arm. "NOBODY KNOW HOW TO DO FIRST AID!" I yelled looking around.

@exp626 @Lizzy @kurol @CelestialBunny
I wake up feeling very hot. It feels like 5 furry coats have been around me the whole night. As soon as I open my eyes I notice a set of paws infront of me. "A lion.." I say to myself. I never thought IΒ΄d wake up being in my soul form, but I wasnΒ΄t very suprised either. IΒ΄ve always known that IΒ΄m a human/lion hybrid.

I find it very hard for myself to be suprised. ItΒ΄s probably in my "lion" nature to be calm and collected.

I stepped off my bed trancing torwards my motherΒ΄s bedroom. In the beginnning it was kind of difficult to walk on 4 legs, but I got used to it quickly. I somehow was able to open my motherΒ΄s bedroom door. For the first time in my life I was suprised. Tears fell down my face as I stood there emotionless. My mother lying on her bed, a sharp dagger pierced through her heart. It felt like my whole word had frozen. I slowly walked up to her and placed a paw on her forehead. "Mother?..." I ask.. "Mother!?" I roar through my sorrowness. I promise myself whoever did this will pay and end up just like my mother ended up. When I regain my sanity I walk out of my motherΒ΄s room. Before the door is a large mirror. I look in the mirror and what I see is a large lion. I stare for a few seconds and then move on.

IΒ΄ve decided to leave the house. I thought about it, and decided to go through the window. I jump out seeing a lot of people out of their houses. A man is questioning them. I look into the heart of that man and I see cruelty and darkness. I choose between attacking the man or just avoiding him. Being the strongest predator, I charge at the man crunching into his neck and biting a big piece out. The only thing I thought at that moment was "Why not? It canΒ΄t go worse from here. My motherΒ΄s dead.."
Lavana had been standing nervously on the pavement, just scanning the area in front of her home. A few houses down she spotted some kid that looked her age and some younger girls and who sh figured was his younger brother. Someone was shouting about first aid. Something clicked in her mind and suddenly she ran inside again, grabbing the first aid kit she had under the kitchen sink. She rushed back outside to the small cluster of people. "I got a kit," She exclaimed, coming to a halt besides them, the said kit in her hands and her cheeks flushed. She didn't know if she could actually help someone other than offer the kit. Well, she had taken a few lessons about CPR and stitching a wound and some other stuff, but a bullet wound? It seemed easy enough.. Just take the bullet out, put some anti-infection stuff on it after you stop the bleeding and seal it up... But she was no doctor. Just a 15 year old girl that woke up an orphan and with a mermaid tail.

@Dark lane


Lizzy had been jogging up streets all over the neighborhood, not really having a destination in mind. All over the city it looked the same. Helpless kids rushing about and crying over the loss of their parents and the sudden abnormalities to their bodies and minds.

After nearly 20 minutes of just jogging Lizzy began to slow as she neared an empty school playground. She came to a stop, breathing a little heavier than normal. She remembered her wings, and figured now would be as good as any time to try them out. Flying would sure beat running.

She began flapping her wings, trying to get a running start and leap off the ground and into the air, but she only got a few feet up before stumbling back to the ground. The girl let out a yelp, nearly biffing it for the 3rd time.

"New technique.." She muttered to herself, making her way to the jungle gym and climbing to the top. She put out her arms, tottering slightly as she aimed to balance herself. She set her feet carefully and slowly extended her windows. Flexing the muscles in them briefly she suddenly launched herself into the air, wings flailing a brief moment before straightening out and gliding her away from the jungle gym. She began to flap her wings like a bird, merely hoping she wouldn't crash into the cement. She leveled her body out to improve her aerodynamics and continued to flap wings to propel her forward, and then stiffen them out to help her keep gliding forward. A grin came to her face, the first real smile in a while.

She just kept doing this for a while, surveying people and buildings below her.

"thank you thank so much" I tell her serious as I picked the little girl up taking her inside my place to rest as I put her in my bed.


I watched as jade picked the little girl up taking her away. "where did that girl come from?" Said one of the kids. "did she kill our parents" said another one. "hey you don't mind helping me keep everyone calm do you?" I asked the girl serious.

Lavana surveyed the children nervously. She allowed the other girl to take the first aid kit from her, relieved she, herself didn't have to help any further. Making a mistake that could cost someone's life sounded awful.

She must have been awkwardly silent for a few moments too long because soon the guy her age was looking at her expectantly.

"Oh sorry.. Yea, sure." She said sheepishly, faintly aware of the children's comments about her. She nibbled on her bottom lip, not sure exactly where to lay her eyes.

@Dark lane
As I begin to speak panicdly I also wait for somebody to freak out about my appearance as I finally land there in town. In all my mixed-mutt but gorgeous glory.

I was extremely good looking before. I had gorgeous blonde hair. Beautiful light blue eyes in contrast with my lovely carmel colored skin. My lips were beautifully light pink.

I was still very beautiful. Just in a more exotic way. I was something they had never seen before. I was otherworldly gorgeous though. Hopefully they would see that instead of focusing on the fact that I look so different than anything in the fairy tales.

I see a lionlike beast murder a man as soon as I land. I freeze, mentally readying myself to reach for my silver arrow. I didn't though. Maybe that man was a bad man and deserved to be killed? Dad had told me stories about a creature similar to this one. Maybe it could be killed the same way?

I don't know. I always thought dad was just telling me stories to entertain me. I didn't actually think dad was serious when he told me these scary stories. Of course, back then I he was alive, errr, still animated I guess? Back then I didn't know he was a vampire. It explains why he didn't like sunlight. Garlic. He was a wimp when it came to splinters. He always had to take the longer way around a river because he said he didn't like crossing the bridge. He didn't like roses even. He always acted different around blood too. It explains why my parents would rarely eat meals at the sime time as me. They didn't want me to know what they were.

I go towards the injured man after receiving no signs of alarm from anyone about my appearance. I sure hope this would work.

"It's not fully healed yet. She is a good healer for a nonprofessionally trained individual. I have a bit more experience though. My mother trains.....trained me in wildman medicine." I say as I begin to cry tears of blood. I wipe away the freaktears quickly.

" may I try to heal you further?" I say as I take out my mother's wand and a handful of forest remedies. I approach slightly as I await the injured person's response.

@Dark lane

"sure go ahead. The little gurl is at jade's house" I tell him serious. Then i looked at the girl again. "ok I need you to round up everyone and tell them to go to the middle of the town do we can calm down everyone" I tell her serious.



(Andrew isn't injured it's the little girl and the little girl is at jade's house healing)


(She doesn't go into the portal yet no one does. The little girl fell from it and the portal closed cause she didn't have enough strength to keep it open. The little girl has a message for everyone so they can't go through not yet)
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Levvy wandered around in the lonely streets with no aim. It always seemed so happy, lively, joyous when she was out getting food and supplies for her parents and her Grandmother before then. But now the dark alleyway was deserted, shadows lingering and a sense of melancholy hanging in the gloomy air. Levvy's soul had been shut down; her body walked tirelessly, but the life had been drained out of her. Her eyes were wet yet dry, her body shivering yet paralyzed. Her eyes were emotionless, like icy steel. She cast her face down to the ground. Her ind was blank. Her heart ached with some sort of emptiness that couldn't be cured. Her feet kept walking. She was a lifeless marionette,pulled with strings of heartache and knowing all her family was dead now. She twirled a thin strand of hair with a thin, pale finger, and saw it was back to the normal wispy white.
I go to the little girl. After getting her permission, I place a rolled up leaf covered in green slimy stuff onto the wound and press it in. The sensation was similar to when you eat a delicious peach.

"Mmm....peaches.... This is magic isn't it? I taste peaches but not in my mouth....does that make sense at all?"

"To tell you the truth I didn't know this had any magic in it at all. I didn't even know my mother is....was a pixie." i say as I hold back the urge to cry again

"I always thought it was just sciencey stuff in the plants that healed. I never knew it ALSO possesed magic."

The feeling was numbing like stinging nettle, the remedy had some in it after all.

I hoped this worked or I would look idiotic.

I placed the clear quartz tip of my mother's wand on the wound after removing the poultice.

"This small sign of human kind's overuse of the sacred land shalt now be banished from this here wound! This stone that twas violated from out the Earth shalt now be shunned from her body! Spirits of the trees hear my plea!"

All the trees in the surrounding woods begin glowing bright green in color.

"Lendeth my thy arcanae!"

The clear quartz tip of the wooden wand begins to glow bright green as well.

"Sendeth me extended hands of wood. Oak, Birch, Ash, whatever be thy name!"

Tendrils of bright green energy slowly stretch and snake their way from the branches of the glowing trees. They eventually all condense inside the wand tip which is now raised high into the air. It shines beams of light all over the room. Anyone standing near the house could see the green light coming out of the windows. They could see the tendrils of nature energy going into the house.

"Heal this youthful one!"

I let my body's energy and spirit become one with the wand. One with the forest. One with the trees. One with nature. And one with this girl.

The glowing crystal tip floats from the end of the wand, and into the wound. A hologram-like projection slowly grows out of the wound. Slowly from the wound, green energy tendrils come out of it. They form a large tree shape which almost brushes the room's ceiling with it's highest branches. It looked akin to if a glowing green tree had slowly grown out of the wound. That IS BASICALLY what happened. It pulsed energy. The wand's crystal tip was the seed. Meanwhile I had been pointing the wand towards the girl, sending my magics to her. My pixie wings were fully showing now. I floated there working my magic, somehow temporarily not needing to flutter my butterfly wings.

"Iron, Lead, Steel, Aluminum, Metal! Whatever thou art, thou doth not belong in this body! By the power granted to me by the sacred forest, I demand that you leave this body at once!"

The girl's body which had also been glowing green energy, now had a silvert spot glowing in the wound too now. The bullet was being slowly but painlessly pulled out. It also seemed as if the bullet somehow had a consiousness. It seemed to slowly be leaving seemingly by it's own will.

Finally, the tendrils dropped it with what could only be interpreted as disgust onto the bedroom floor. It skittered covered in blood onto the floor.

I was feeling terrible by this point. Too much blood brought out his Dad's side of the family's weakness in him.

His eyes went from glowing green to bright red and he collapsed onto the floor, his wings beginning to look a bit unhealthy. All of the green energy in the room had blinked out and faded.

The artificially forged metallic bullet also made him drag himself away from the bed as in digust from the metal that his mother's kind disliked so much.

The girl began to bleed a little more. I tried to get over it all and return to my healing. But the trees were not responding to my pleas for more magical energy to heal her. Almost like they were sucked dry of energy. The heavier she bled over time, the more on the edge I got. I fainted for a little while from too much stress on my racial weaknesses.

A short while later a warm and good presence filled me with peace. I woke up with my eyes blue and my feathered wings out. I floated up into a standing upright position. My skin was glossy carmel again. My halo that was unique to me appeared. My lips were pink again. I glided to the girl and placed a hand on her heavily bleeding wound. My hand glowed with yellow light. She blasted one last burst of blood and stopped bleeding altogether. Her whole body was glowing a golden light. She giggled in joy from the divine energy's pleasant sensation. When I removed my hand the wound was gone.

There was little left of the wound but a lightly colored and barely noticeable purple bruise. She was sweating all over. The bed was soaked in sweat. She was red with a fever. But that's about it. She would need mostly lots of rest and regular fever treatment techniques. The bruise would eventually dissapear altogether.

I returned to my original hodgepodge freakish appearance and collapsed onto the floor in the lage pool of blood. Fainted from all of the energy drained from my system. My feathered wings covered in scarlet liquid like the rest of my body. Laying there in the huge pool of the girl's blood. Fainted....
"I wonder if I can get out of this form?" I said to myself. I sensed someone walking by, standing still for a bit, and then continuing walking. I took the decicion to follow. After chasing them for a bit I see a bunch of people aroung one little girl. I notice other people staying away from me and I soon found the reason. I still had some leftover blood on my teeth. I try to wipe it off with my tounge, but it doesnΒ΄t work very well. I walk to the nearest person, who happens to be a small child. I ask him for water, but he seems to be too frightened to move. I growl a bit, and he lets out a scream. I say with a lower voice "Water.. Now..!" The child runs to his house and brings 2 buckets full of water. I try to grab one between my paws, but it doesnΒ΄t work very well. I strike my claws into the bucket and throw the water on my teeth. IΒ΄m able to cleanse off almost all of the blood.


"Omg are you ok? Maybe he used to much engery healing the little girl" i said to myself. "ZACK GET IN HERE!" I yelled for him as he did what I asked. "Help me put him in the bed" i tell him serious as he did what I asked. He just fainted and the other girl with pixi wings had a fever. "Zack go get washcolths 2 of them in cold water" i tell him serious as he did what I asked. I put the washcloth on the little girl the other on the guy not scared at all of what he looks like. "What do we do now?" Asked zack. "Wait for them to wake up and ask the little girl where she came from" i tell hm serious.


(The little girl has already been saved by the way she isn't in the street she's at jade's house healing now from her wound)
Fiora Was in a ball. She was in the alley way and behind her was a scene that she did not want to see again. Her mother, the only one that had been her family, Was mangled and bloody. "Rest in pieces mother..." Fiora said silently with a tear in her eye. She got up and decided to go to her friend.

Fiora Wanted to be called Kio but would only tell others that she was close too her real name

"So what do we do now? Everyone's parents are dead. It seems that we all have awakened some kind of supernatural thing in us. What comes next for our village?"

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"I'll try my best.." Lavana said uncertainly, just hurrying away before the massive lion had joined the group. Many children on the streets and come together in separate groups, muttering and crying amongst each other. The 15 year old approached every kid she passed, telling them to pass on the message to others and get everyone to the middle of town. A few of the kids just looked at her as if she were nuts, but many instantly scampered away to tell others or get themselves to the middle of town, seeming to be eager to have a purpose. Even for a short while.

After nearly 10 minutes of walking around, telling as many people as she could, she soon headed back to where she had left Andrew.

"Hey again. I got most of the kids around here to pass on the message." She explained, going silent after that to get her breath back.

@Dark lane


After a while of flying, Lizzy began to notice something odd. Almost every street she passed over there were kids running about, but not like before. Most were on their way somewhere. And the shapeshifter soon found out where; the center of town. As the minutes past more kids gathered into the area, their voices rising up to Lizzy's ears as indistinguishable noises.

The girl made a sloppy landing, somersaulting after falling a few feet, and then ending up on her back in someone's yard. She was a couple blocks from the gathering and rolled herself back onto her feet, brushing herself off before beginning to make her way to the center of town as well. She wanted to know what was going on.

"I guess wait for the little girl to wake up and tell us where she came room and firgue out what to do next" i tell him serious. "Andrew is making everyone go to the center of town we should go too" said Zack. "You can go i'm staying here" I tell him serious.



"Ok good thank you. Now I have to firgue out a speech to calm them all down" I tell her thinking as I walked to the center of town trying to firgue something out.



(Ok I understand)

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