Never Surrender, Never Die!

@Thorn: am I still in time to apply for the first wave?

Uhm, I'm statting now... ^_^
"Hey! It's your lucky day, y'know?

I am just heading at Nox riiiiight now!

Uh? No, I don't care what I have to transport, I'll just bring it there for a fair fee!

100% guarantee is Breeze's guarantee!

You can pay me in firedust, gas or a night of love with your daugther, ha! I don't care.

World's a ssshit and anything goes!

Who else can bring your shit through the surface in two days, mmmh??

Only Breeze can!

One thousand times hired, one thousand times eff-fucking suxx-cessful!"

Name: Breeze

Concept: Free Trader

Motivation: Keep humanity together


+ Freedom and self-determination

- Demonspawns


●○○○○ Strength

●●●●○ Dexterity

●●○○○ Stamina

●●○○○ Charisma

●●○○○ Manipulation

●●○○○ Appearance

●●○○○ Perception

●●●●○ Intelligence

●●●○○ Wits


○○○○○ Archery

○○○○○ Firearms

○○○○○ Martial Arts

○○○○○ Melee

●●●○○ Thrown ●○○ Improvised Objects

○○○○○ War

○○○○○ Integrity

○○○○○ Performance

○○○○○ Presence

●○○○○ Resistance

●●●○○ Survival

●●●●● Craft ●●● Explosives

●○○○○ Investigation

●●●○○ Lore

●○○○○ Medicine

●●●○○ Occult

●●●○○ Athletics

●●●○○ Awareness

●●●●● Dodge

●●●○○ Larceny

●●●○○ Stealth

○○○○○ Burocracy

●●●●● Drive

○○○○○ Linguistics

○○○○○ Sail

○○○○○ Socialize


●●○○○ Compassion

●●●●○ Convinction

●●○○○ Temperance

●○○○○ Valor

●●●●● ●●●●● Willpower

●○○○○ ○○○○○ Essence

Ok, this is just a draft.

Probably investing all the backgrounds in a cool motorbike, a mortal-friendly artefact if possible.

If I knew I would use them, I'd spend some dots in socialize, linguistics and bureaucracy, but it doesn't seem the case for this game.
@ Xarvh, honestly JayTee's character is wave 1.5, so might be able to squeeze you in. The social skills aren't -entirely- useless, I just don't suggest investing more than a third of your points in them. Non-artifact bikes exist, if a bit rusted
Ow, that was a draft.

Since you seem to like it, more blurb and a complete sheet are coming. ^_^


The motorbike would be awesomely cool, but a larger vehicle could be useful to keep the party together.

Not actually accepting the third wave of recruits yet, but, at that point, Abyssals, Dragonbloods, and possibly Lunars will be accepted
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Just needs to be approved and then I'll request the forum

Game approved, you seem to have enough players, skipping awaiting players and heading straight to creation.

The storyteller may now visit the ST forums and have this game created!
Okay, hope I'm not too late!

In a town out-who-knows where, buried in charred earth, is where most of Ember’s history lies. She doesn’t talk about it, how the village she lived in was scoured from the map by demons and she finalized the act by setting fire to the tunnels with the attackers in it. How she lost her left eye to the poisoned claws of a creature in its dying throws.

Most people don’t ask anyways; just give her sideways looks, pretty as she is and never fitting in no matter where she goes. The looks only changed slightly after she got her new eye. No one asks questions about it, but she knows they want to. Even if they did, Ember couldn’t answer. She just woke up one hung-over morning with it stuck in her head and her sight returned. Creepier than any monster attack she’s seen, not as distressing, but definitely creepier. So when she thinks anyone might get a funny idea about how it’s any of their business, she puts on her old eye patch, even with it cutting her view in half. People just don’t care as much, and when people don’t care she’s free to wander unhindered.

Wandering is just what she wants to do even years after watching the ashes of all she knew puff out of a couple cave entrances.


Motivation: Find the one who shoved the artifact into her eye socket and get some answers. Or punch them a couple (dozen) times. Which ever gets the most favorable results.

(To be Night)

Strength: 2 Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 2

Charisma: 1 Manipulation: 2 Appearance: 3

Perception: 2 Intelligence: 2 Wits: 3

Archery, Martial Arts: 5, Melee, Thrown, War

Integrity: 2, Performance: 1, Presence: 1, Resistance: 1, Survival: 3 (+1 Woodlands)

Craft, Investigate: 2 (+1 tracking), Lore: 1, Medicine: 1, Occult

Athletics: 4, Awareness: 3 (+2 to her left side) Dodge*: 5, Larceny: 3, Stealth: 3

Bureaucracy, Linguistics: 1, Ride, Sail, Socialize


Artifact 3: The golden orb in her eye. No, Ember has no idea what it can do; however, she does know it’s an artifact of some kind because she can see through it like a regular eye.

Resources 1: Caches of valuables all over the place.

Contacts 1: (Caravan leader)

Essence: 1

Willpower: 10

Compassion: 1 Conviction: 3

Temperance: 3 Valor: 2



More on Breeze:

- I grew up with lovin' mom and lovin' pop in our li'l shop.

What we made in our li'l shop?

Ffucking bombs!

Ya know what they say, if life gives ya lemons...

Life gave us a shitload of firedust so... Ffucking bombs it is!

And we didn't lack the demonspawn to use them on.

To be honest, pop started with plates and ceramics and shit, but then we had to booby trap any cunicle around Sky...

No, Sky was the hole where I grew up, and didn't have any fucking sky, it was underground!

And didn't even had any freaking food.

We went on with rats and cats and stuff that came from outside, but we were fucking starving.

So I decided to go to Tierra, give 'em the firedust and see to get some of their hydroponic shit.

I mean, how hard can be to ride the surface?

Turns out, fucking hard, shit!

First of all, the goddammit searing sun.. You want leather cover and some good glasses.

Second, there ain't no damn roads up.

I swear, dammit, I had to freakin tune the whole engine, do ya hear me?

Godsdamm' motherfucking twenty-five inch steel-coated tires I salvaged from a harvester.

But it worked, and ya know... It was a dangerous and shitty and fucking awesome business!

I wore sunglasses, flattened my ass with hours of fucking saddle, and never looked back.
Thorn I will have my character fleshed out asap. I'll catch you on team speak to finalize a few minor details.
I really like this concept... maybe once the third wave opens. I'll play with ideas in the meantime. Maybe things won't be so busy on me then, because I really want to play in this. :D
Thorn Darkblade]-snip- [/QUOTE] This game is now live and maybe found here: [URL=" said:[/URL]

This thread has been moved to Our Roleplays and the Storyteller may set the status of this game by editing the first post and setting a prefix.

Yes, please submit character concepts here. Also, you may want to wait a tiny bit, as I may make Lunars, Abyssals, and Dragonblooded viable choices
@Seeker, for the record, the Deathlords are out of the picture, as far as everyone knows, and most Abyssals got sealed up with the Solars and everyone else. The few that are escaped are Independent Abyssals, with the alternate Resonance rules found in Shards of the Exalted Dream. They've currently allied themselves with a force of surviving Lunars, in an alliance of convenience known as the Black Sun Convention
well, chargen rules will be a little different than standard. Start off with a heroic mortal base, with 4 free specialties, and altered willpower/valor rules from Ink Monkeys
Currently, the ruins of the Scavenger Lands. Right now, the first players are in an underground civilization under Netflix. It's gonna be Creation-spanning, and rapidly ascending in exp and power levels.

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