Never Surrender, Never Die!

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
(Mostly) copied over from the original Interest thread


"We thought we could never fall. We thought the Yozis were doomed to failure. We thought Creation would stand fast, and humanity would always prevail.

We were wrong..."

-Alexander Silvertails, Lunar Storyteller

Creation has vastly changed. Technological progress continued even in the absence of the Scarlet Empress, even in the face of the unsurmountable dangers that pressed inwards. Automobiles, firearms, even computers, based off of the original design of I AM, become possible, if not entirely commonplace in the outer reaches of the Threshold. The release of the Solars from the Jade Prison delayed the inevitable, the fall of Creation was unstoppable. The Reclamation moved onwards, shattering the Yozis' prison, releasing them to remake Creation as they saw fit. The Ebon Dragon cackled, his plan finally coming to fruition, but, he could not predict Malfeas's betrayal.

By destroying and remaking She Who Lives In Her Name into a powerful artifact, the Crown of Dominion, Malfeas was able to restore his proper place as Theion, the ruler of Creation. The other yozis, still incomplete and cowering from his destruction of their brethren, bowed to his undisputable rule.

After bringing the gods into check once again, the Conquered Sun chained to the foot of Theion's infinite throne, their first course of action was the wholsesale purge of humanity. The Exalted Shards could not be destroyed, but, the traitorous Chosen of the Maidens had already provided a tool for humanity was purged, the Exalted were specifically targeted. Soon, all the weapons of the traitor gods had been imprisoned.

Or so Theion believed. The Ebon Dragon was not pleased to exchange one cage for another, and had already began to plot against his new master. The Jade Prison had to be repaired to contain the shards, but the Shadow of All Things arranged for there to still be flaws. It may take decades, even centuries, but the cracks would grow...

It has been nearly 4 centuries since then. Humanity is all but extinct, only surviving in remote pockets, often in abandoned and dangerous ruins, ancient wartime shelters, or pockets of Wyld energies. Mankind rarely steps forth onto the surface anymore, and most remnants of the past technologies are ancient and prized things. Even a simple firearm is only entrusted to the most worthy of a village.

The surface has been repopulated by a new lifeform to take humanity's spot, the Demonbred, human-like creatures with a few demonic features, but, without a soul, and thus unable to Exalt. intentionally designed so that there may never be another uprising. Most are capable of wielding Essence to some degree, but they have their limits. Theion grows content with the new world under his reign, and has not noticed the cracks that are slowly widening in the prison. Mankind just tries to survive as they can, but will soon face extinction...

That is, until the first Solar shards slip free...


Player Requirements:

-Access to Exalted 2nd Edition Core Rules and 2.5 Errata.

-Optional (but incredibly useful) sourcebooks: Shards of Exalted Dreams, Wonders of the Lost Age, Black & White Treatises, Oedenol's Codex, Scroll of the Monk. The various Terrestrial and Celestial Direction books will be more or less moot, due to massive setting changes, The Wyld, Malfeas, and Yu-Shan are still semi-useful, but still heavily altered.

-Thousandfold Facets of Enlightenment Charms will be allowed on a case-by-case basis

-A mature mind, able to grasp epic level storytelling, drama, and mature themes with an open mind. (I.e., able to resolve a romance plotline without giggling or half-cybering)

-The ability to post at least once every 3 days

House Rules and Such:

-Standard Starting Characters will be Heroic Mortals, but will Exalt into Solars. No other Exalt types will be allowed at this point.

-Chargen will be as Core Heroic Mortals, with Willpower/Virtues calculated as the new Errata'd Chargen Rules. No Ability is capped at 3. 4 Free Specialties will be granted as well. Scroll of Heroes CharGen will NOT be used.

-Limit Breaks are going to be redesigned. Theion has locked away the Underworld, and the Exalts are now the defeated, so, the dying curse of the Neverborn has weakened, and the very nature of the Solar Shard has mutated it into something heroic. More akin to Final Fantasy Limit Breaks, but, with a measure of emotional lack of control.

-Holy Charms will NOT function against demons and their kin without the Charm 'Should the Sun Not Rise', due to the now-conquered nature of the Unconquered Sun. Theion has permitted the Sun to declare the undead and fae as creatures of darkness to help other enslaved gods defeat them easier.

-Modern and Sci-fi Charms from Shards of Exalted Dreams will be allowed, although no player may start off with lasers or Starcasters yet. Firearms and Shellcasters are permissible.

-Drive and Firearms will be in use

-Essence will NOT be capped by age. This game will progress from mortal to Essence 6+ fairly quickly, due to generous exp rewards.

-Make characters survivable. It is suggested to make no more than 1/4 - 1/3 of your character build geared towards social aspects. The Yozis aren't interested in debating the extinction of man.

-Training times will be standard. However, there will be the ability to learn things instantly as dramatically appropriate. Simplified, this requires a stunt, and cannot be done more than (Essence) times each scene

-Some of the house rules will still be work-in-progress as this starts, especially the Limit Breaks. Please bear with me as those are developed.

I've already received several character submissions. How my selection process is going to initially work out is I'm going to start with 3-4 in my first pick, and after the first story arc introduce another 1-3 characters. Beyond that, more openings may come up as appropriate to the plot. Other Exalt types may or may not be available later on, so if you have your heart set on a Lunar or a Dragonblood, you can apply later, but no guaranties.

Group 1:

1: Donny Hachiman

2: Jax

3: Green Meadow

4 (optional): Isaac

Group 2:

1: Still Glass

2 (optional):

3 (optional):

Let the character submissions begin!!!!
Donny Hachiman



Nox is one of the few semi-successful towns of human habitation, located in the ruins of Nexus, and somewhat underground, there were enough natural resources for the population to eke out a reasonable standard of living. This relative safety is dependent however on the Guardsmen, a force of gunslingers who keep order and help protect the above ground areas from any demons or beasties that might threaten foraging parties.

Donny Hachiman, one of the rising stars and a squad commander of the Guardsmen, was effectively raised into such a position, being an orphan found and adopted by a squad of the Guardsman. Learning to shoot almost before he could walk, Donny learned and displayed great skill, which helped counterbalance the potential nepotism of the fact that one of his 'squad papas', Captain Zangi, now commands the Guardsman.

Though Nox is Donny's home, a rebellious part of the lad wants to leave and be in the world again, though at the same time he cannot abide leaving Nox undefended in such a perilous state. Little does he know, but the times may change on that score...


Concept: Guardian Gunslinger

Caste: [To be Dawn]

Motivation: To be the greatest gunslinger in history.


Captain Zangi (Respect)

His duty to protect Nox (Determination to keep)

The Squad (Loyalty)

The Outside World (Hidden Curiosity)

Anima Power: [Currently none]


Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3

Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Perception 3

Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2


Favored: Firearms

Athletics 3

Awareness 3 (Sensing Ambushes +2)

Dodge 3 (Fighting in Armor +2)

Firearms 4 (Pistols +3)

Integrity 3

Lore 1

Martial Arts 1

Presence 1

Resistance 2

Socialize 1

Stealth 3

Survival 1


Resources 2 (Guardsman's stipend)

Influence 1 (Popular in town)

Followers 1 (His Guardsman squad)

Mentor 1 (Captain Zangi, head of the Guardsmen)


[Currently none]

Essence and Other Traits

Essence: 1

Personal Pool: [Currently none]

Peripheral Pool: [Currently none]

WP: 8

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Dodge DV: 4

Parry DV: 3 (Unarmed Punch)

MDVs: Dodge 6, Parry 2 (Cha+Presence)

Join Battle: 7

Soak w/Armor: 5B/2L/2A

Health Levels: -0x1, -1x2, -2x2, -4x1, INC


Heavy Pistol: Speed 5, Acc 11, Damage 5L, Rate 3, Range 50, Ammo 9

Bulletproof Vest: +2B/2L, Mobility Penalty -0, Fatigue 1, Additional +3B/3L soak against bullets.

BP Log

Favored Ability +1 - 1

WP +3 - 6

Attributes +3 - 12

Favored Specialties +2 - 1

Non-Favored Specialties +1 - 1

Name: Jax

Archetype: Warrior

Concept: Underground Gladiator

Motivation: Survive everything and become master of his own destiny!

Possible Castes: Dawn or Zenith


Jax was born in a rather well off underground village. There weren't many forms of entertainment down there and he wasn't smart enough to help with manual labors beside looking for scraps of food here and there. So Jax joined the games, an underground gladiator combat arena, which rewarded people who were willing to fight against each other. Jax was strong and tough as an Ox, so the first few challenges proved to be too easy for him.

As time went on, the gladiator owners realized that Jax was becoming a celebrity facing challenges after challenges. So they kept throwing various challenges at him, mutated beasts by the Wyld energies and other underground horrors. Jax survived every fight and had enough money to bring back home and live decently. He was also always ready to put on a good show, making sure the public was entertained.

Jax had no idea that the gladiator owner was getting jealous of the attention that Jax was getting and how he became the most popular man in the village. So the gladiator owner has a plan, and is to bring Jax face to face with demonbreds. Jax had no idea of what kind of trouble, he was in. Meanwhile Jax wondered if Mankind could go back on the surface and survive his unfriendly terrain. He had no idea, that fate had something in mind for Jax and he was going to be part of the greatest revolution since the beginning of time.



Strength ????

Dexterity ????

Stamina ????


Charisma ???

Manipulation ??

Appearance ??


Perception ??

Intelligence ??

Wits ??



Martial Arts ???

[F]Melee ???? (Swords+3)




Performance ??? (Gladiator performance+3)


Resistance ???

Survival ???






Athletics ???

Awareness ?

Dodge ???





Ride ???




Face 3: A famous underground gladiator in the arena.

Resources 2: Money earned in the Arena.

Artifacts and Equipment:

Short Sword: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Defense +1, Rate 2



Join Combat: 3


Dodge DV 4

Parry DV 5

Soak: 4B/--L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 3


Compassion ??

Conviction ??

Temperance ???

Valor ????

Virtue Flaw / Flawed Virtue: Valor


Willpower: 10/10


Permanent: ?

Personal: -

Peripheral: -

Bonus Points 0/21 :

1 for specialty: Swords+2.

1 for Melee 4.

5 for Willpower 10.

1 for valor 4.

1 for temperance 3.

12 for 3 attributes.

Experience Points
Still looking for an image, sadly.

Character backstory, may be built on later

Isaac was born in the dark. Hunted by demons that he had no hope or possibility of fighting, he hid and avoided conflict whenever he could. Much like the rest of the people in the conclave in the earth, Isaac dreamed of the outside world, of the sunlit planes and clear skies. Sadly it was not to be, until a chance encounter with one of the few remaining Dragon-Blooded.

A Fire Aspect by the name of Dancing Swallow, the Dragon Blooded crash-landed in the cavern that housed Isaac's village while fighting one of the demons that hunted humanity. The battle was long and vicious, most of the cavern was destroyed. In the end however, Dancing Swallow was victorious, wiping the gore from her blades, she turned to the humans who had gathered to witness the fight. Speaking of a better time, before humanity was reduced to pathetic creatures who crawled around in the dark. She spoke of a resistance that even now fought to free humanity from the grip of the Yozi King, who fought to free the Sun God and his Chosen. Enraptured by her speech, Isaac, and a dozen others followed her to the Army of Illumination. There they were trained and tested, and eventually graduated as some of the finest mortal soldiers Creation would see.

Or at least, that's what they hoped they would be.

In reality, the truth became apparent very quickly. The honorable resistance in question was barely surviving, it's leadership having been decimated in an attack not three months before Isaac had joined. They were scattered and divided, desperately seeking to bolster their ranks before they were wiped out entirely. None the less, they fought on, because the only other choice was to lay down and die.
Character stats

Name: Isaac Myer

Caste: Zenith-to-be

Motivation: Restore humanity to it's rightful place as the dominant force of Creation.

Intimacies: Humanity (faith) Allies (trust) Anti-human races (hate) Battleground (home)

Anima-to-be: A series of sigles written in Old Realm, detailing the characteristics of the Solar Exalted (Perfection/Rulers/Holy/Champions/Strength/Heroes)


Str 2 / Dex 5 / Stam 2

Char 3 / Manip 1 / App 3

Per 3 / Int 3 / Wits 3


Dawn: Guns 5 +2 Rifles (F) / Martial Arts 3

Zenith: Presence 3 / Resistance 3 / Integrity 3

Twilight: Occult 2 / Lore 1

Night: Dodge 4 +2 Essence users / Awareness 3 / Athletics 3

Eclipse: Linguistics 1


Essence: 1

Willpower: 10

Personal Motes: 00/00

Peripheral Motes: 00/00

Compassion: 1

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 3

Valor: 2


Backing 2 (Resistance movement)

Resources 3 (Savings from resistance pay)


Assault Rifle

Heavy Pistol

Bullet Proof Vest

Social Combat

Join Debate: 6

Dodge MDV: 7

Physical Combat

Join Battle: 6

Dodge DV: 5

Parry DV: 5 (Martial Arts)

Soak: (Natural: 0L/2B) + (Bulletproof Vest: 2L/2B) = 2L/4B


-0 O

-1 O

-2 O




Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 2, Defense 5, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 3, Defense 3, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 2, Defense 4, Rate 1

Assault Rifle: Speed 6, Accuracy 11, Damage 9L, Rate 4, Range 100

Heavy Pistol: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 8, Rate 3, Range 50
Name: Green Meadow

Concept: Mission Control Getting Its Hands Dirty

Heroic Mortal Motivation: Establish Ancient Sijan as a human haven.

Eventual Caste: Night


During the age of modernity, Sijan gradually expanded below ground, but more of the population moved to the surface. More tombs were built above, where it was easier to move all the possessions that the deceased wished to bring into the afterlife. Some ghosts warned the leaders of the destruction that was to come. The city diversified in an attempt to strengthen its economy; to remain neutral.

Some tried to rouse their fellow citizens out of their stupor, but it was too late. Humanity was purged. Back the people retreated, down into Ancient Sijan. The crumbling scrolls and relics of of the past lie here somewhere, but no one has time to put all the pieces together. No one sweeps the graves or converses with ghosts, if they even exist.

Ancient Sijan is seen as the great folly of centuries past, obsessed with ancestral worship and mediation between living and dead. But its vast ruins still provide shelter. Several Forest-tongue and Riverspeak camps have formed. They all band together when the demonbred threat is too great, but the camps normally only work with those who speak the same language.

Green Meadow was born to a sizable Forest-tongue camp. Like others, her duties include foraging for food, patrolling the grounds, and keeping the demonborn from getting too close. When defending her camp, Meadow uses the ruined city grounds to her advantage, tripping up or trapping opponents before striking with whatever's on hand. With her memory and use of the terrain, she's a decent tactician.

Off duty, she also joins the scavengers looking for pieces of the past. The camps' scavengers search for (and sometimes fight over) anything to help them repel outsiders. Meadow is particularly attracted to scraps of writing. Most scoffed at this, as the paper itself is usually more valuable. But then she found a stack of old invoices, including one for weapons entombed with a modern general, before the land was purged. The problem was that the general's resting place was on the surface.


Ancient Sijan's Forest-tongue camp (loyalty)

History, Ancient and Modern (interest)


Compassion: 2 / Conviction: 2

Temperance: 3 / Valor: 2

Willpower: 5

Strength: 1 / Dexterity: 3 / Stamina: 3

Charisma: 2 / Manipulation: 2 / Appearance: 2

Perception: 4 / Intelligence: 3 / Wits: 2

Melee: 2

Thrown: 2

War: 2

Integrity: 3

Presence: 1

Resistance: 2

Survival: 2 (+2 Tracking)

Investigation: 3 (+3 Urban Ruins)

Lore: 2

Medicine: 1 (+2 Infections)

Athletics: 3 (+2 Improvising Traps; e.g. rigging up things that require feats of strength)

Awareness: 3

Dodge: 2

Stealth: 4 (Favoured)

Linguistics: 2 {Forest-tongue, Riverspeak, High Realm}

Socialize: 1


Influence: 1 (among comrades in in Forest-tongue camp of Ancient Sijan)

Resources: 2 (communal lifestyle)

Bonus Points 0/21 left

-5 specialty dots (given 4 free specialty dots)

-4 dots in Favoured ability (Stealth)

-12 for 6 dots in other abilities[/sheet]
How long are you going to leave recruitment open for?

I have a concept for a tinkerer who travels between villages, bringing word of the world outside and fixing things that they cannot fix themselves, or the child of such a person, to exalt as a shotgun weilding twilight.
Version 1 of my character. Still have some unspent backgrounds (and 1 on Savant if you'll allow it) and a weapon of choice, but otherwise only minor changes are likely.

Name: Still Glass

Motivation: Find something that can protect CC283

Caste: [Twilight?]


Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●●

Stamina ●●

Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●

Appearance ●●

Perception ●●●

Intelligence ●●●●

Wits ●●



Martial Arts




Firearms ●●● (Weapon of Choice ●)

Integrity ●


Presence ●

Resistance ●●

Survival ●●

Craft ●● (Fire)

Investigation ●● (Finding Concealed Objects ●●)

[F]Lore ●●●●● (Lost Technologies ●●●)

Medicine ●●

Occult ●● (Wyld ●●)

Athletics ●

Awareness ●●●

Dodge ●●●

Larceny ●●

Stealth ●●


Linguistics ●●






Resources ●●

Savant ●


Heavy Duster

Join Combat 5


Dodge DV 3


Armored 5 B/1 L/1 A

Unarmored 2 B/0 L/0 A


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ][ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6

Parry MDV 1


Compassion ●●

Temperance ●●

Conviction ●●●

Valor ●●


Technology (Interest)

{HOME} (Protective Love)

Demons (Fear)


●●●●● ●●●●●

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


Permanent: ●

Bonus Points 21/21

5 - Willpower 6-10

4 - Craft 1-2

5 - Lore 1-5

1 - Lore Specialty

4 - Dodge 1, 2

2 - Occult Specialty

CC283 (usually called 283 or The Shelter to its inhabitants) was one of a set of command and safety shelters started near the beginning of the war and envisioned as a series of self sufficient and interconnected holdouts from which to lead local campaigns. Whether or not any were ever finished or if they exist has been lost to history. As one of the last started it had only began to be outfitted when the front reached it. Fleeing civilians were directed inside and all prepared for a last fight that never came. By what most attributed to shear luck, the invaders were content with razing the city around them. So they waited for Creation's forces to arrive.

The outpost was quickly forgotten in the ensuing war and eventually those living in 283 went from waiting for the cavalry to trying to live, locked in by the constant movement of demonkind. As the years passed the little technology they had began to fail, and with it, any hope for rescue. Soon survival was the only thought left.

Centuries later Wyld storms had replaced demon armies but the outside world was too dangerous. The Shelter had become a stable, if small, civilization with its remote location keeping it hidden. Most were content with the life but they could not produce everything and so small groups were sent out. Eventually becoming known as the Scavengers. As a group the Scavengers worked to supply 283 with anything it needed. Occasionally some would disappear, whether to the Wyld or the Demons, but the necessity of the job kept them going.

Still Glass's worked with the Scavengers for as long as he could remember. His parents were never happy with the decision, but unable to keep him from sneaking out. As he grew he fed on the knowledge remaining in the few working computers and the scraps the ruins held. Between Storms Glass and his fellows looked for anything either the war or the Wyld left behind. It became second nature to pick out what 283 could use or where it might be found.

Through research led him to the origin of 283 and of the protections it was supposed to have. Soon he was the first out and the last in around the Storms. Every moment he wasn't gathering the necessities he looked for anything about the lost technology that was supposed to protect him home. He started to roam wider in his search, a few times almost being caught by the Demons or the Storms, but the promise of safety keeps him looking.
@Esbilon: probably will make first wave choices tonight. A surface wandering tinkerer will be better suited to the second wave
First act would let me get more familiar with the game quicker, but so long as I can eventually shoot a Yozi in the face, I'm usually happy with just playing the game.

I'm a very low maintenance player ;)
So I've got a character idea. Basically a knight riding forth to gain the favor of his lady. The Lady of the Thundering Horde noble fae. Protector of his home town.

In the end I'm planning on being an Eclipse caste as I figure we'll want someone for the oaths and that way Samuel can learn his loves talents one day.

When I was young I was told be good or the fae will eat you. Be cautious or the Fae will take you away. I grew up in constant fear of who the fae would take next. Of who the Wyld would consume. It wasn't until the demon born attacked that I realized that for all that we were there food, they were also our protectors. The Lady of the Thundering Horde protected us. Her army guarded us from those who would come and truly destroy us. It was when I was becoming a man that I realized my wish to be a protector. To be a knight decked out in crystal and armed with nightmares made real. A rider in the Thundering Horde.

It was a foolish dream but one I strove for anyways. It was one that I achieved. My travels were long and my trials were grueling. It is that forge where I learned to never falter. To never fear. To always go forward. I think it was my last challenge that gained me my ladies favor. The captain of her personal guards stood before me clad in armor that made me know fear. In his arrogance he allowed me to choose the last contest. He was sure he would win any I could think of. I chose a contest of luck. A simple coin toss, with a normal coin. A few seconds later I was able to stride past him into my ladies court. It was there were I made a bold demand to be one of her knights. It was there that she claimed me as hers till the day my soul died.

The first step of my legend laid behind me as I joined the ranks as a novice. One who was untrained and untested. My teachers thought me an oddity and strove to make me quit. My ladies smile gave me both the strength and will to continue on. A year and a day passed as I learned my trade. Where I met my partner Kip. A more mighty steed I could never ask for. It was then I was called to my ladies side again.

It was the second best and the worst days I had to endure. She elevated me to a full knight and granted me her favor. It was there that she cast me from her court till my legend can shine with hers. It was there that I rode out in armor comisioned from my home. With lance and sword no longer of nightmares. As a mortal I was sent forth and as such I shall triumph.

I am Samuel Brighton, knight errant to the Lady of the Thundering Horde. This is my legend.

I'll finish getting stats and explaining his backgrounds in detail later. Will also find a picture for him.

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