• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]


Procrastinating Perfectionist
(Note: If you use black text in your character sheet, more than likely it will not be very visible. I suggest using the grey just underneath white, but that's just me. ^^ Also, feel free to have as many characters as you want, as long as they are detailed and you feel you can handle them all!)

Character Skeleton

[border=5px solid darkred]
[border=2px dotted darkred]

[center][image here, realistic preferred][/center]


[border=2px solid darkred][h][name here][/h][/border]

[Row][column=span4][border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h]




Previous Occupation: (if any)

Family Members:

[/Row][/border][Row][/row][/column][Row][/row][column=span4][border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]PERSONAL INFORMATION[/h]

[+] Positive Traits [+]

[-] Negative Traits [-]



[border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]Personality, Bio, & Other[/h]

Written Personality Description
(At least two paragraphs)

Past Life
(Again, at least two paragraphs please ^^)

Theme Song
(optional, though appreciated)

(please be realistic)

Preferred Group
(1, 2, or 3... the road so far is listed in the Notes tab... this may or may not determine the position I place you in; I just want to know if you had a preference at all before I assign you a group ^^)



Code courtesy of Jaw Breaker (a user on this site that I don't want to tag as it seems unnecessary... idek)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/giphy.gif.de28cb7b395444512c62fd29bf37bdcc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/giphy.gif.de28cb7b395444512c62fd29bf37bdcc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reid Field


Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: N/A

Family Members: His father [missing currently], his mother [deceased, childbirth], his step-mother [deceased, car crash], his younger sister, Allie [alive, pictured below], and his younger half-brother, Weston [alive, pictured below]


[+] Positive Traits [+]







[-] Negative Traits [-]

?Emotion-driven at times


?Overprotective at times

?Will sometimes sympathize with the enemy

?Can be so determined that he will ignore his own physical needs

?Slow to trusting

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Typically quiet, though also occasionally sarcastic and almost always serious. Though he's been known to joke around every once in a while, it's always work-before-play for him, and he gets annoyed when people kid about something serious. Very stubborn and can be a bit rebellious at times (as in refusing to do something) whenever he feels he's out of the loop and usually requests a reason as to why.

Extremely diligent and hard-working (almost to the point of ignoring his own health and well-being), as well as a bit shy and awkward around girls. He is very humble and kind-hearted but is afraid to get too attached to people, telling himself they'll just leave again, like his mom, step-mom, and dad. His biggest fear is one of his siblings getting hurt... or worse.

Past Life

Reid grew up as the oldest son of the small family, with his little sister and father making up the rest. His mother died giving birth to Allie, but nonetheless, the three were happy. They lived in a reasonably sized town in Kansas, until his father was offered a job in the city. So when Reid was 7, the small family packed up for a road trip, and while the city was less than what they had imagined, they were still happy.

When Reid was 10 or so, her father met another woman, and the two were later married. 9 months after that, Reid earned a little brother. Unfortunately, when Reid was 12, his step-mother suffered fatal injury from a head-on collision, once again reducing the family's number by one.

When the outbreak hit, Reid's father tried to get them out of the country, but to no avail. When the kids came home from school (after picking up Weston from daycare), the man seemed to have vanished, and they weren't sure what happened to him, though they are determined to find out.

Theme Song

On Top of the World - Greek Fire



?Switch Knife

?5 Water Bottles

?Somewhere around 20 granola bars

?Cell phone (& charger, not that it will do much good)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2014-12-31.jpg.4b4fcb8e7cd8c56259146ac6814c0647.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2014-12-31.jpg.4b4fcb8e7cd8c56259146ac6814c0647.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Allison 'Allie' Field


Age: Barely 10

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: N/A

Family Members: Her mother [deceased, childbirth], her father [missing currently], her step-mother [deceased, car crash], her older brother, Reid [alive, pictured above], and her younger half-brother, Weston [alive, pictured below]


[+] Positive Traits [+]




?Small (can also count as negative)


?Fast runner

[-] Negative Traits [-]


?Overestimates allies and underestimates enemies


?Small (can also count as positive)

?Can get in the way while trying to help

?Can't swim

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Very optimistic, innocent, and sweet, Allie is the definition of a little girl. She loves animals, especially horses, and her favorite hobby is a tie between singing and making flower crowns (it's not as much a lost art as one might think). She can be a bit shy to strangers, but once you get her talking she may not stop.

She doesn't particularly like the dark, but as long as her brothers are with her (especially Reid), she feels safe. She is scared of deep water and drowning
since she cannot swim, but likes the rain... unless there is lightning or thunder. She is small and can fit into tight places, and also quick and agile. However, due to her stature, she is not very strong, and can be easily overwhelmed. She can be quite independent at times, and doesn't like being babied. However, she will do anything for her brothers, and sees them as her world.

Past Life

Allie grew up as the only girl and middle child of the small family, with her older brother and father making up the rest. Her mother died giving birth to her, but nonetheless, the three were happy. They lived in a reasonably sized town in Ireland, until her father was offered a job in the city. So when Allie was 3, the small family packed up for a road trip, and while the city was less than what they had imagined, they were still happy.

When Allie was 6 or so, her father met another woman, and the two were later married. 9 months after that, Allie earned another brother. Unfortunately, when Allie was 9, her step-mother suffered fatal injury from a head-on collision, once again reducing the family's number by one.

When the outbreak hit, Allie's father tried to get them out of the country, but to no avail. When the kids came home from school (after picking up Weston from daycare), the man seemed to have vanished, and they weren't sure what happened to him, though they are determined to find out.

Theme Song

Hot Air Balloon - Owl City


?Drawstring backpack


?3 water bottles

?A couple bags of chips

?Music Player

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ModernFamily_S6_About_PWallace.jpg.6e252f2dbc23843f5085606cd9cf4d6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ModernFamily_S6_About_PWallace.jpg.6e252f2dbc23843f5085606cd9cf4d6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weston Field


Age: Almost 4

Gender: Male

Sexuality: N/A

Previous Occupation: N/A

Family Members: His mother [deceased, car crash], his father [missing currently], his older half-brother, Reid [alive, pictured above], and his older half-sister, Allie [alive, pictured above]


[+] Positive Traits [+]

?Friendly towards people (can be viewed as negative)

?Smart for his age

?Good at sensing danger

?Small (can also count as negative)


?Continually trying to please others

[-] Negative Traits [-]

?Friendly towards people (can be viewed as positive)

?Extremely naive

?Tends to cause trouble, on accident for the most part

?Small (can also count as positive)

?Will wander off if unattended, especially when bored

?Can be clingy

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Weston is best described by picturing a puppy too small for its feet trying to kiss its owner and ending up knocking over a lamp. He is very genuine, and is insistent on keeping even the silliest of promises. He can be a bit too outgoing when it comes to strangers, but also has a keen sense of danger, and will steer clear, especially when his siblings tell him to.

Though he is young, he absolutely adores school and puzzles, and likes turning them into a game. He is easily fooled due to his innocent nature, and while he will always try to help his brother and sister, if they tell him to save himself, he will only slightly hesitate. He is scared of spiders and clowns, and doesn't like to sleep in a room by himself. Or be alone, period.

Past Life

Weston was born the youngest boy in the family, and luckily was welcomed by his two older half-siblings, Reid and Allie. Unfortunately, when Weston was only about a year old, his mother suffered fatal injury from a head-on collision, leaving him not remembering much about her.

When the outbreak hit, Weston's father tried to get them out of the country, but to no avail. When the kids came home from school (after picking up Weston from daycare), the man seemed to have vanished, and they weren't sure what happened to him, though they are determined to find out.

Theme Song

All the Pretty Little Horses - Becky Jean Williams



?Stuffed dog named JJ

?'Goodnight, Moon' book

?4 or so Capri-Suns

?A Dum-Dum lollipop



  • giphy.gif
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Awesome! (Also, I love We Bought A Zoo. Not sure if you knew that was where that picture of Colin Ford was from, but still!)


Luke Marlin


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight, but has a slight affinity for boys.

Previous Occupation: Student

Family Members: Mother, Father, Marvin, Harley and Chris: all deceased.


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Friendly, though wary of everyone at first
  • Very skilled with a Bow and Arrow
  • Strong
  • Humorous (Adds vitality to the group)
  • Smart
  • Nature boy

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Not very skilled with any sort of gun.
  • If he sees a better option than the group decision, he will always take it.
  • Emotional
  • Over-enthusiastic
  • Neat freak
  • Needs Glasses/Contacts

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Luke is an easy-going kid, always enthusiastic (Yes, even in a zombie apocalypse), and cooperates well with others. However, if he strongly believes his way is better, he will go out on his own and do it. Before this all started, he was a decently popular kid in school. While he may not have talked to everyone, they all knew his name, and was always cracking jokes whenever possible. Ranking within the top 30 of a class of 1,087, Luke was determined to learn all he could about the world: its past, its present and trying to help predict the future. Though no one saw this plague coming.

While he has many great qualities, there is a downside him, as there is to everyone. He takes what people say to heart, no matter if it was a joke. He's extremely emotional and his actions will sometimes reflect that. Due to his obsession of being constantly neat, blood can sometimes make him jittery in the worst of situations.

Past Life

Like almost every kid, Luke was a student. His family was middle-class, nothing too special. His father worked at a stair company, and his mother did housework. Luke loved the outdoors, he would constantly climb the trees around his rural property, interact with animals, and swim in the nearby lake. His three brothers went off to college, though he was close with all of them. When they all came home one day, the plague hit. For a little while, they all survived together; they had found a large house in the woods to hold up in.

However, one day a group of bandits were scouring the area for resources and they came across the house the Marlin's were held up in. It was a massacre. They had killed every member of the family, except one: Luke. While he heard the screams of his family members in his house, he quickly tried to find a way to get out. However, he was confronted by one of the raiders. With a gun to his head and an arrow pointing at the intruder, the older man lowered his gun. This guy was different from the others, it didn't seem like he wanted to be with the group he was with. When Luke lowered his guard, he was knocked out by the man.

When he woke up, he was being carried by the man. Though extremely furious about the entire event that had just transpired, he had gratitude for this man who had saved him. The man identified himself as Jackson.

He began to question whether being a live was worth it, but he decided he needed to try to survive in this world for he had no idea what the after-life, if there was one, even held.

Theme Song

Don't Stop Believin' - Journey


Strong Bow

Arrows x6


Picture of family

3 water bottles

8 cans of non-perishable food


Jackson Ekul


Age: 65

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Previous Occupation: Prison Guard

Family Members: None


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Strong
  • Knows how to deal with ruthless people
  • Good-hearted, though he doesn't seem it
  • Has a good sense of knowing what to do
  • Not overly emotional

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Seems soulfully lost
  • Not trusting
  • Looks ruthless and evil
  • Not overly emotional

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jackson was never one for talking. His physique makes him a strong individual physically, though he is also mentally strong. Though he comes off as someone who doesn't care about anything or anyone, he has a good heart.

He never truly found his sense of purpose in life, even after the entire world got messed up. Now he knows he only needs to survive.

Past Life

Jackson was never much. He was a prison guard for most of his life. However when he was younger, he was an orphan. He never knew his parents ever, he doesn't even know if they were killed or if they realized they couldn't take care of him, but to him it was all the same. He was a lone soldier.

After the entire world went to shit, Jackson found a gang of roustabouts. He never particularly liked them, but he decided it was better than being alone in the world as it is. One day, the leader, Jesse, came back from a scouting trip and told them about the house they were going to loot. He told them that there were at least 5 family members in the house so he told them all that it didn't matter whether they were dead or alive. Jackson didn't care, this was a normal day for him.

When he arrived at the house, he heard a noise coming from the outside. After peering around the outside wall, with the gun in hand, he found a teenager looking straight at him with a bow in hand, along with an arrow pointed right between his eyes. Jackson could've easily killed him, but he decided this kid was too skilled to let him die. He noticed a few tears come down the kid's face, though it was expected considering he could hear his family screaming in his house, along with gunshots and loud banging. Jackson lowered his gun, figuring the kid would do the same, which he did. Jackson quickly knocked him out the second he lowered his guard, and took him and ran away from the house.

Theme Song

Jamie N. Commons - Lead Me Home



Colt M1877

.32 Colt bullets x15

6 Water Bottles

4 cans of nonperishable food

9 granola bars

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ne6963WpqR1r61jhpo1_500.png.6573c984b465947beb3f8ebc28690028.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ne6963WpqR1r61jhpo1_500.png.6573c984b465947beb3f8ebc28690028.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ivy Maddison


Age: 16



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:
Mother and father (health status and whereabouts unknown), Archie (twin brother, pictured below).


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Sweet
  • Caring
  • Fast
  • Trusting (can also be viewed as a negative)
  • Organised
  • Brave
  • Creative

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Emotional
  • Unintelligent
  • Childish
  • Trusting (can also be viewed as a positive)
  • Weak
  • Holds grudges

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Ivy has always been someone who cares a little too much about others, and trusts very easily. This can be a bad thing, in the sense that Ivy oftentimes finds herself trusting the wrong person, and getting hurt because of it. She is quick to react to most things, but she isn't physically strong, nor mentally strong either. She is very emotional because of how much she cares about people, and if she sees someone she cares about get hurt then she can often act without thinking.

When she has trusted the wrong person, she will never trust that person again. For example, if a friend did something to hurt her, she would never consider them a friend again, and she does not give second chances. She isn't the smartest girl, but that's not to say that she doesn't know her finger from her thumb, I just wouldn't trust her to assemble something that needs to stay upright.

She can be creative in her ideas and in everyday life, and that often shines through. She may not know fully how to describe her ideas, lacking the words and the brain power to fully understand how to get there, but she does manage to think of things that her brother often can't.

Past Life

Ivy lived a quite life with her brother and her mother, her father having delivered the classic 'going to get a pack of cigarettes' line when she was around eight years old, and though she lived in a single parent household, she was raised just fine, even with the struggle. She dropped out of high school at sixteen to pursue her dreams in music and art, her brother by her side, and her mother backed this decision to follow what they loved, and not get shoved down a path of office jobs.

When everything went downhill and the world went to shit, Ivy and her brother were rushed out of their hometown, without being able to locate their mother. They had to leave her behind, and have not seen her since. Ivy wants to look, but she doesn't know where to start.

After wandering alone, Ivy and Archie found a group that welcomed them and offered them shelter, but things were not meant to be. Archie had been wary, but Ivy had trusted them, which turned out to be the wrong move when they woke up with knives to their throats, and had to watch as they emptied the contents of their backpacks and made away with it. Left with nothing, the two had to scavenge and search for things to keep them alive.

Theme Song

Hard Time - Seinabo Sey



An empty water bottle

Picture of family (was in her pocket)

A found kitchen knife

Old portable cassette player

Two cassettes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Daniel-danisnotonfire-32112943-960-640.jpg.b0bb46f06da40ef29b17ad4cf5f6ee40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Daniel-danisnotonfire-32112943-960-640.jpg.b0bb46f06da40ef29b17ad4cf5f6ee40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Archie Maddison


Age: 16



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:
Mother and father (health status and whereabouts unknown), Ivy (twin sister, pictured above).


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Honest
  • Daring (can be viewed as a negative)
  • Precise
  • Understanding
  • Outspoken (can be viewed as a negative)
  • Loyal

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Untrusting
  • Daring (can be viewed as a positive)
  • Pessimistic
  • Paranoid
  • Outspoken (can be viewed as a positive)
  • Has a low pain tolerance

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Archie doesn't trust easily, not since his father left him and Ivy with their mother, alone. If he trusts you, it's definitely something big, and it does take a lot to earn his trust. He is honest and outspoken, meaning he won't lie to your face if he has a problem with something you've done, or if he disagrees with something you have said or planned. This often loses him friends, but it is also one of the qualities that makes him able to keep things real, if you will, with others.

He is willing to do a lot of things to help others, and will sometimes be careless or do something that he may regret later on. Many times he does something without thinking, and he will often volunteer to do things that others do not wish to do. He often doesn't think that a lot of things are going to end well, including the outcome of working with other survivors. Finally, Archie has a very low pain tolerance, and will complain constantly if hurt.

Past Life

Archie lived a quite life with his sister and his mother, his father having delivered the classic 'going to get a pack of cigarettes' line when he was around eight years old, and though he lived in a single parent household, he was raised just fine, even with the struggle. He dropped out of high school at sixteen to pursue his dreams in music and art, his sister by his side, and his mother backed this decision to follow what they loved, and not get shoved down a path of office jobs.

When everything went downhill and the world went to shit, Ivy and her brother were rushed out of their hometown, without being able to locate their mother. They had to leave her behind, and have not seen her since. Archie naturally doesn't think that his mother is still alive, but doesn't voice this to Ivy as he does not want to upset her.

After wandering alone, Ivy and Archie found a group that welcomed them and offered them shelter, but things were not meant to be. Archie had been wary, of course, but Ivy had trusted them, which turned out to be the wrong move when they woke up with knives to their throats, and had to watch as they emptied the contents of their backpacks and made away with it. Left with nothing, the two had to scavenge and search for things to keep them alive.

Theme Song

Everything Is Going To Hell - Teen Suicide



A half empty water bottle

The tarot card 'death'

A baseball bat



  • tumblr_ne6963WpqR1r61jhpo1_500.png
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  • Daniel-danisnotonfire-32112943-960-640.jpg
    73.1 KB · Views: 212
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="The Jest]Awesome! (Also, I love We Bought A Zoo. Not sure if you knew that was where that picture of Colin Ford was from, but still!)


Luke Marlin


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight, but has a slight affinity for boys.

Previous Occupation: Student

Family Members: Mother, Father, Marvin, Harley and Chris: all deceased.


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Friendly, though wary of everyone at first
  • Very skilled with a Bow and Arrow
  • Strong
  • Humorous (Adds vitality to the group)
  • Smart
  • Nature boy

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Not very skilled with any sort of gun.
  • If he sees a better option than the group decision, he will always take it.
  • Emotional
  • Over-enthusiastic
  • Neat freak
  • Needs Glasses/Contacts

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Luke is an easy-going kid, always enthusiastic (Yes, even in a zombie apocalypse), and cooperates well with others. However, if he strongly believes his way is better, he will go out on his own and do it. Before this all started, he was a decently popular kid in school. While he may not have talked to everyone, they all knew his name, and was always cracking jokes whenever possible. Ranking within the top 30 of a class of 1,087, Luke was determined to learn all he could about the world: its past, its present and trying to help predict the future. Though no one saw this plague coming.

While he has many great qualities, there is a downside him, as there is to everyone. He takes what people say to heart, no matter if it was a joke. He's extremely emotional and his actions will sometimes reflect that. Due to his obsession of being constantly neat, blood can sometimes make him jittery in the worst of situations.

Past Life

Like almost every kid, Luke was a student. His family was middle-class, nothing too special. His father worked at a stair company, and his mother did housework. Luke loved the outdoors, he would constantly climb the trees around his rural property, interact with animals, and swim in the nearby lake. His three brothers went off to college, though he was close with all of them. When they all came home one day, the plague hit. For a little while, they all survived together; they had found a large house in the woods to hold up in.

However, one day a group of bandits were scouring the area for resources and they came across the house the Marlin's were held up in. It was a massacre. They had killed every member of the family, except one: Luke. While he heard the screams of his family members in his house, he quickly tried to find a way to get out. However, he was confronted by one of the raiders. With a gun to his head and an arrow pointing at the intruder, the older man lowered his gun. This guy was different from the others, it didn't seem like he wanted to be with the group he was with. When Luke lowered his guard, he was knocked out by the man.

When he woke up, he was being carried by the man. Though extremely furious about the entire event that had just transpired, he had gratitude for this man who had saved him. The man identified himself as Jackson.

He began to question whether being a live was worth it, but he decided he needed to try to survive in this world for he had no idea what the after-life, if there was one, even held.

Theme Song

Don't Stop Believin' - Journey


Strong Bow

Arrows x6


Picture of family

3 water bottles

8 cans of non-perishable food


Jackson Ekul


Age: 65

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Previous Occupation: Prison Guard

Family Members: None


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Strong
  • Knows how to deal with ruthless people
  • Good-hearted, though he doesn't seem it
  • Has a good sense of knowing what to do
  • Not overly emotional

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Seems soulfully lost
  • Not trusting
  • Looks ruthless and evil
  • Not overly emotional

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jackson was never one for talking. His physique makes him a strong individual physically, though he is also mentally strong. Though he comes off as someone who doesn't care about anything or anyone, he has a good heart.

He never truly found his sense of purpose in life, even after the entire world got messed up. Now he knows he only needs to survive.

Past Life

Jackson was never much. He was a prison guard for most of his life. However when he was younger, he was an orphan. He never knew his parents ever, he doesn't even know if they were killed or if they realized they couldn't take care of him, but to him it was all the same. He was a lone soldier.

After the entire world went to shit, Jackson found a gang of roustabouts. He never particularly liked them, but he decided it was better than being alone in the world as it is. One day, the leader, Jesse, came back from a scouting trip and told them about the house they were going to loot. He told them that there were at least 5 family members in the house so he told them all that it didn't matter whether they were dead or alive. Jackson didn't care, this was a normal day for him.

When he arrived at the house, he heard a noise coming from the outside. After peering around the outside wall, with the gun in hand, he found a teenager looking straight at him with a bow in hand, along with an arrow pointed right between his eyes. Jackson could've easily killed him, but he decided this kid was too skilled to let him die. He noticed a few tears come down the kid's face, though it was expected considering he could hear his family screaming in his house, along with gunshots and loud banging. Jackson lowered his gun, figuring the kid would do the same, which he did. Jackson quickly knocked him out the second he lowered his guard, and took him and ran away from the house.

Theme Song

Jamie N. Commons - Lead Me Home



Colt M1877

.32 Colt bullets x15

6 Water Bottles

4 cans of nonperishable food

9 granola bars

Both accepted! Dear old George haha ^^ (Also, yes! I actually really like that movie too and Colin Ford in general)

Jupiter said:

Ivy Maddison


Age: 16



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:
Mother and father (health status and whereabouts unknown), Archie (twin brother, pictured below).


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Sweet
  • Caring
  • Fast
  • Trusting (can also be viewed as a negative)
  • Organised
  • Brave
  • Creative

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Emotional
  • Unintelligent
  • Childish
  • Trusting (can also be viewed as a positive)
  • Weak
  • Holds grudges

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Ivy has always been someone who cares a little too much about others, and trusts very easily. This can be a bad thing, in the sense that Ivy oftentimes finds herself trusting the wrong person, and getting hurt because of it. She is quick to react to most things, but she isn't physically strong, nor mentally strong either. She is very emotional because of how much she cares about people, and if she sees someone she cares about get hurt then she can often act without thinking.

When she has trusted the wrong person, she will never trust that person again. For example, if a friend did something to hurt her, she would never consider them a friend again, and she does not give second chances. She isn't the smartest girl, but that's not to say that she doesn't know her finger from her thumb, I just wouldn't trust her to assemble something that needs to stay upright.

She can be creative in her ideas and in everyday life, and that often shines through. She may not know fully how to describe her ideas, lacking the words and the brain power to fully understand how to get there, but she does manage to think of things that her brother often can't.

Past Life

Ivy lived a quite life with her brother and her mother, her father having delivered the classic 'going to get a pack of cigarettes' line when she was around eight years old, and though she lived in a single parent household, she was raised just fine, even with the struggle. She dropped out of high school at sixteen to pursue her dreams in music and art, her brother by her side, and her mother backed this decision to follow what they loved, and not get shoved down a path of office jobs.

When everything went downhill and the world went to shit, Ivy and her brother were rushed out of their hometown, without being able to locate their mother. They had to leave her behind, and have not seen her since. Ivy wants to look, but she doesn't know where to start.

After wandering alone, Ivy and Archie found a group that welcomed them and offered them shelter, but things were not meant to be. Archie had been wary, but Ivy had trusted them, which turned out to be the wrong move when they woke up with knives to their throats, and had to watch as they emptied the contents of their backpacks and made away with it. Left with nothing, the two had to scavenge and search for things to keep them alive.

Theme Song

Hard Time - Seinabo Sey



An empty water bottle

Picture of family (was in her pocket)

A found kitchen knife

Old portable cassette player

Two cassettes

Archie Maddison


Age: 16



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:
Mother and father (health status and whereabouts unknown), Ivy (twin sister, pictured above).


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Honest
  • Daring (can be viewed as a negative)
  • Precise
  • Understanding
  • Outspoken (can be viewed as a negative)
  • Loyal

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Untrusting
  • Daring (can be viewed as a positive)
  • Pessimistic
  • Paranoid
  • Outspoken (can be viewed as a positive)
  • Has a low pain tolerance

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Archie doesn't trust easily, not since his father left him and Ivy with their mother, alone. If he trusts you, it's definitely something big, and it does take a lot to earn his trust. He is honest and outspoken, meaning he won't lie to your face if he has a problem with something you've done, or if he disagrees with something you have said or planned. This often loses him friends, but it is also one of the qualities that makes him able to keep things real, if you will, with others.

He is willing to do a lot of things to help others, and will sometimes be careless or do something that he may regret later on. Many times he does something without thinking, and he will often volunteer to do things that others do not wish to do. He often doesn't think that a lot of things are going to end well, including the outcome of working with other survivors. Finally, Archie has a very low pain tolerance, and will complain constantly if hurt.

Past Life

Archie lived a quite life with his sister and his mother, his father having delivered the classic 'going to get a pack of cigarettes' line when he was around eight years old, and though he lived in a single parent household, he was raised just fine, even with the struggle. He dropped out of high school at sixteen to pursue his dreams in music and art, his sister by his side, and his mother backed this decision to follow what they loved, and not get shoved down a path of office jobs.

When everything went downhill and the world went to shit, Ivy and her brother were rushed out of their hometown, without being able to locate their mother. They had to leave her behind, and have not seen her since. Archie naturally doesn't think that his mother is still alive, but doesn't voice this to Ivy as he does not want to upset her.

After wandering alone, Ivy and Archie found a group that welcomed them and offered them shelter, but things were not meant to be. Archie had been wary, of course, but Ivy had trusted them, which turned out to be the wrong move when they woke up with knives to their throats, and had to watch as they emptied the contents of their backpacks and made away with it. Left with nothing, the two had to scavenge and search for things to keep them alive.

Theme Song

Everything Is Going To Hell - Teen Suicide



A half empty water bottle

The tarot card 'death'

A baseball bat

Both accepted as well! ^^ (Dan ^u^)


Amelia Leigh Connor








Previous Occupation:


Family Members:

Mother - Unknown

Father - Unknown

Bexley - 4 - Sister - Unknown

Joslyn - 7 - Sister - Unknown

Gaige - 11 - Brother - Unknown

January - 14 - Sister - Alive

Quinn - 15 - Sister - Unknown

Kael - 18 - Brother - Unknown


[+] Positive Traits [+]

? Amiable

? Imaginative

? Versatile

? Empathetic

[-] Negative Traits [-]

? Unintelligent

? Hesitant

? Timid

? Over Thinks

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Amelia is seen as kind individual. She cares about others more than herself which can end up with her being injured depending on the circumstance. Because of her past, she isn't my most intelligent girl, and so you'd have to speak with smaller words that are easier to understand than some others. Even though she isn't school intelligent, she's more intelligent than others when it comes to animals, plants, direcitons, etc., which can be helpful. She's very versatile, which means if there's a change in anything, she can adapt easier than others. Such as, if they have to move camps, she won't be resistant in doing so, since she welcomes change. Amelia is also very empathetic, so if someone's crying, she'd often start crying with them. It's the same if they were laughing as well.

Amelia often over thinks which to her, is bad. If they were about to go the a supermarket to see if there's anymore materials there, she'd be thinking of bad situations that may happen. Such as, the building may not be secure, which means there could be the monsters in there, or it may be weak, so it could crumble on top of them. Because of her over analyzing, she is often hesitant to do a lot of things, this is also why she's quite timid. She's afraid something may happen to her sister, the others around her, or even herself.

Past Life

Amelia was born into a large family that had to fend for themselves. The jobs that her parents had didn't pay much and so hunting and making their own clothes was something they had to learn rather quickly how to do, and so she grew up and did so. Helping out the family through hunting. She sold their furs and saved the meat for her family. She was the oldest so she had to provide as if she was a mother to her younger siblings. Sadly, because of this, she didn't have a very high education since she didn't have time to attend school. Amelia cared to much for her brothers and sisters to go to school. Though it wasn't like she wasn't appreciated, everyone looked up to her for it which was all that she needed to keep going.

When the apocalypse striked, January and Amelia got seperated from the rest of their family because of a horde. From there on, they've been trying to find their family, wondering and hoping they were still alive. So far, they have nothing to go off of, so wandering around and surviving is the best they can do.

Theme Song

(No clue... ;w; Sorry)




She got this one for her 16th birthday

2 Magazines (18 bullets)



Bandages (9)

Gauze Pads (10)

Gauze Rolls (2)

Towelettes (2)

Pair of Gloves (1)

Scissors (1)

Tweezers (1)



Leather Jacket [she often wears it while hunting in the woods so that she doesn't scratch up her arms]

A Deck of Cards

Two Books (The Giver and The Outsiders)

Hygiene Kit [small bottle of hand sanitizier, two rolls of toilet paper, a small kleenex packet, and a small packet of baby wipes.]

Amelia is holding her rifle almost all the time. Her pocket knife is in the pocket of her jeans, the medical kit is actually quite small and so it fits in her backpack. The matches, hygiene kit, books, and deck of cards is in her backpack as well. She wears the leather jacket either A. Around her waist, B. On January, or C. On herself.


Amelia has a slight country accent

She also has a speech disorder: Stuttering.


January Elizabeth Connor








Previous Occupation:


Family Members:

Mother - Unknown

Father - Unknown

Bexley - 4 - Sister - Unknown

Joslyn - 7 - Sister - Unknown

Gaige - 11 - Brother - Unknown

Quinn - 15 - Sister - Unknown

Kael - 18 - Brother - Unknown

Amelia - 19 - Sister - Alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

? Level Headed

? Highly Intelligent

? Careful

? Straightforward

[-] Negative Traits [-]

? Cold

? Dishonest

? Sly

? Quiet

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

When you first see January, she seems like a very sweet girl. In a way, she is, but when she meetes someone, she's rather harsh. She will remain that way until she's warmed up to the person, which often takes a bit. She's this way befcause she wants to make sure that the person is who they say they are. She'll often watch how they act around others and how different it is for when they act with 'no one' around. Once she's sure that they person isn't bad, she'd slowly be a bit nicer. In bad situations, she's surprisingly calm and one of the first to take action. She'd probably start ordering others what to do. She kind of had an 'ability' that she calls an 'Eagle Eye'. Since she's quite observant and intelligent, she can calculate where the others are, where they need to be, and how it may go down. Of course, it's not like it's an actual ability, she isn't magic.

January gives her honest opinion about things if you ask her, althogh she won't talk unless they start the conversation first. She's also surprisingly good with winning arguments, normally with logic, but sometimes wiht nonsense that sounds like it makes sense, especially with her sister. January is really dishonest and a reallt good liar at that, she most wouldn't realize she's lying at all. She does this, sometimes for blackmail, sometimes just because she doesn't want others to know what she knows. Of course, she often wouldn't tell anybody anything anyways.

Past Life

January was the fourth oldest, falling as the middle child with three older and three younger. She never got any special attention, even if she did something good like get straight A's on her report cards or didn't cause any trouble, but it wasn't like she cared. She spent most of her time studying the habits of others, listening the people's conversations, just gaining any intel she wanted to. She listened and learned very quickly.

When the apocalypse started, nothing was really different, except for, you know, man eating monsters and her being closer to her sister, but besides that, everything was kind of the way it was before. She spent most of her time alone, listening, watching, and learning. The monsters only gave her more to learn about, which she was always happy with.

Theme Song

(I still have no clue >~<)



Two Notebooks (One containing the events going on from the beginning of the apocalypse, and one containing information about the Runners, Clickers, and Bloaters)

3 Pencils

2 Pens

3 bottles of water

2 cans of pinto beans

1 jar of peanut butter

2 bags of chips

2 cans of pineapples


January has a slight country accent as well

Corgi said:


Amelia Leigh Connor








Previous Occupation:


Family Members:

Mother - Unknown

Father - Unknown

Bexley - 4 - Sister - Unknown

Joslyn - 7 - Sister - Unknown

Gaige - 11 - Brother - Unknown

January - 14 - Sister - Alive

Quinn - 15 - Sister - Unknown

Kael - 18 - Brother - Unknown


[+] Positive Traits [+]

? Amiable

? Imaginative

? Versatile

? Empathetic

[-] Negative Traits [-]

? Unintelligent

? Hesitant

? Timid

? Over Thinks

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Amelia is seen as kind individual. She cares about others more than herself which can end up with her being injured depending on the circumstance. Because of her past, she isn't my most intelligent girl, and so you'd have to speak with smaller words that are easier to understand than some others. Even though she isn't school intelligent, she's more intelligent than others when it comes to animals, plants, direcitons, etc., which can be helpful. She's very versatile, which means if there's a change in anything, she can adapt easier than others. Such as, if they have to move camps, she won't be resistant in doing so, since she welcomes change. Amelia is also very empathetic, so if someone's crying, she'd often start crying with them. It's the same if they were laughing as well.

Amelia often over thinks which to her, is bad. If they were about to go the a supermarket to see if there's anymore materials there, she'd be thinking of bad situations that may happen. Such as, the building may not be secure, which means there could be the monsters in there, or it may be weak, so it could crumble on top of them. Because of her over analyzing, she is often hesitant to do a lot of things, this is also why she's quite timid. She's afraid something may happen to her sister, the others around her, or even herself.

Past Life

Amelia was born into a large family that had to fend for themselves. The jobs that her parents had didn't pay much and so hunting and making their own clothes was something they had to learn rather quickly how to do, and so she grew up and did so. Helping out the family through hunting. She sold their furs and saved the meat for her family. She was the oldest so she had to provide as if she was a mother to her younger siblings. Sadly, because of this, she didn't have a very high education since she didn't have time to attend school. Amelia cared to much for her brothers and sisters to go to school. Though it wasn't like she wasn't appreciated, everyone looked up to her for it which was all that she needed to keep going.

When the apocalypse striked, January and Amelia got seperated from the rest of their family because of a horde. From there on, they've been trying to find their family, wondering and hoping they were still alive. So far, they have nothing to go off of, so wandering around and surviving is the best they can do.

Theme Song

(No clue... ;w; Sorry)




She got this one for her 16th birthday

2 Magazines (18 bullets)



Bandages (9)

Gauze Pads (10)

Gauze Rolls (2)

Towelettes (2)

Pair of Gloves (1)

Scissors (1)

Tweezers (1)



Leather Jacket [she often wears it while hunting in the woods so that she doesn't scratch up her arms]

A Deck of Cards

Two Books (The Giver and The Outsiders)

Hygiene Kit [small bottle of hand sanitizier, two rolls of toilet paper, a small kleenex packet, and a small packet of baby wipes.]

Amelia is holding her rifle almost all the time. Her pocket knife is in the pocket of her jeans, the medical kit is actually quite small and so it fits in her backpack. The matches, hygiene kit, books, and deck of cards is in her backpack as well. She wears the leather jacket either A. Around her waist, B. On January, or C. On herself.


Amelia has a slight country accent

She also has a speech disorder: Stuttering.


January Elizabeth Connor








Previous Occupation:


Family Members:

Mother - Unknown

Father - Unknown

Bexley - 4 - Sister - Unknown

Joslyn - 7 - Sister - Unknown

Gaige - 11 - Brother - Unknown

Quinn - 15 - Sister - Unknown

Kael - 18 - Brother - Unknown

Amelia - 19 - Sister - Alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

? Level Headed

? Highly Intelligent

? Careful

? Straightforward

[-] Negative Traits [-]

? Cold

? Dishonest

? Sly

? Quiet

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

When you first see January, she seems like a very sweet girl. In a way, she is, but when she meetes someone, she's rather harsh. She will remain that way until she's warmed up to the person, which often takes a bit. She's this way befcause she wants to make sure that the person is who they say they are. She'll often watch how they act around others and how different it is for when they act with 'no one' around. Once she's sure that they person isn't bad, she'd slowly be a bit nicer. In bad situations, she's surprisingly calm and one of the first to take action. She'd probably start ordering others what to do. She kind of had an 'ability' that she calls an 'Eagle Eye'. Since she's quite observant and intelligent, she can calculate where the others are, where they need to be, and how it may go down. Of course, it's not like it's an actual ability, she isn't magic.

January gives her honest opinion about things if you ask her, althogh she won't talk unless they start the conversation first. She's also surprisingly good with winning arguments, normally with logic, but sometimes wiht nonsense that sounds like it makes sense, especially with her sister. January is really dishonest and a reallt good liar at that, she most wouldn't realize she's lying at all. She does this, sometimes for blackmail, sometimes just because she doesn't want others to know what she knows. Of course, she often wouldn't tell anybody anything anyways.

Past Life

January was the fourth oldest, falling as the middle child with three older and three younger. She never got any special attention, even if she did something good like get straight A's on her report cards or didn't cause any trouble, but it wasn't like she cared. She spent most of her time studying the habits of others, listening the people's conversations, just gaining any intel she wanted to. She listened and learned very quickly.

When the apocalypse started, nothing was really different, except for, you know, man eating monsters and her being closer to her sister, but besides that, everything was kind of the way it was before. She spent most of her time alone, listening, watching, and learning. The monsters only gave her more to learn about, which she was always happy with.

Theme Song

(I still have no clue >~<)



Two Notebooks (One containing the events going on from the beginning of the apocalypse, and one containing information about the Runners, Clickers, and Bloaters)

3 Pencils

2 Pens

3 bottles of water

2 cans of pinto beans

1 jar of peanut butter

2 bags of chips

2 cans of pineapples


January has a slight country accent as well

Both accepted! ^^ (Sorry it took so long; I've been in and out and haven't had enough time to read them over until now =P)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/female-army-personnel-2405690.jpg.4377d57824700a6a18c2dc734d2eefd4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/female-army-personnel-2405690.jpg.4377d57824700a6a18c2dc734d2eefd4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Caroline "Carrie" Lee


Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: War Veteran

Family Members: Her mother [deceased, brain cancer], her father [deceased, shot], and her younger sister [deceased, infected]


[+] Positive Traits [+]

  • Diligent
  • Hardworking
  • Not squeamish
  • Analytical
  • Great leadership skills

[-] Negative Traits [-]

  • Cold
  • Rarely shows emotions
  • Not great with children
  • Extreme perfectionist
  • Can be controlling

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Carrie is as good of a rule-follower as she is a rule-maker. While her time in the army made her subordinate to those of higher ranking authority, everyone else is fair game. She likes being in control, as she always has a feeling that everyone else will mess it up if they were to take over.

Due to her PTSD she previously suffered, she isn't great with children, always seeing them as too fragile to be around. She also doesn't like fighting the Infected if she doesn't have to, as it reminds her too much of her time in the military, though if she has to save someone's sorry behind, she won't hesitate, seeing them as brothers (or sisters) in arms.

She is very hard-working, putting in the most effort she can to provide for the group, though due to her being a perfectionist, she often sees the results of others' labor as 'incorrect' or 'worthless', often redoing them. Again, due to her PTSD, she has grown quite cold towards other people, and rarely shows her emotions, if at all.

Past Life

Carrie grew up as a single child for most of her life, with her father away at war all the time, and her mother becoming her best friend. A while after her father's return to the field after a brief home visit, Carrie's mom declared that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, Carries' father never got to see the baby, being killed in action shortly after receiving the news.

So, when Carrie as 12, her new little sister came into the world, named Kelly. Kelly and Carrie, despite their age difference, were actually quite close, and when Carrie turned 18, she left for the military.

When she was 24, while on the field, she received a message that her mother had developed a tumor in her brain, and she quickly returned home. Her mother passed away on Carrie's 25th birthday.

As Kelly was only 13 at this time, Carrie was discharged from the military to raise her, and took a job as a mechanic in a local auto repair place.

When the outbreak hit, Carrie tried to move her and Kelly to the west coast, but the younger girl was attacked by a Runner as they made their way to the car. Escaping the thing, the two tried to get into the hospital, but it was much too crowded for there to be much hope. Kelly started showing symptoms early on, and Carrie couldn't stand to see her sister undergo this transformation, though she knew she wouldn't be able to kill her.

So she left. Leaving what she knew was soon-to-be-an-Infected amongst crowds of people. It is one of her biggest regrets, and she will never forgive herself for it.

Theme Song

One Woman Army - Kate Earl


  • Duffel Bag
  • Double-barrel sawed-off shotgun
  • About 5 shells (60 bullets)
  • 20 cans of beans
  • Crowbar
  • 6 cans of rice
  • Lighter

(I figured I should make a character over the age of 18 haha ^^ ;)



  • female-army-personnel-2405690.jpg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/maternity-wrap-dress-petite-fashion-blog-style-by-alina-4.jpg.c52781c21ee56c08947e6b8405ef06ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/maternity-wrap-dress-petite-fashion-blog-style-by-alina-4.jpg.c52781c21ee56c08947e6b8405ef06ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vivian Tran


Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Nurse

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Veronica Tran (Older Sister, Alive)

-Victoria Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Deceased, Infected)

-Daughter (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Caring: She will always be there for you, whether you need a Shoulder to Cry on, a Sympathetic Ear or a Therapy Session. Just give her a call, she will answer unless she is using the restroom, at work or sleeping.

Family Oriented: Family comes first, above everything else. Now that she is a Mother-to-Be, Vivian will put her baby before anyone else, especially since she is a widow.

Focused: When it comes to her Career, she is focused and attentive on the job. She is not the type to fool around or slack off during work.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Cries Easily: Vivian is an emotional person, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is light-hearted. However, it does only take one rude comment to make her cry and it already doesn't help that she cries very easily.

-Depression: Over the past year or so, Vivian has been suffering from mild depression due to losing a large number of her Family, with her Husband and Parents passing and all her siblings disappearing.

-Grudges: If angered bad enough, Vivian can hold a grudge and it will last from a span of six months to a year and a half, sometimes even longer.

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Having been raised in a Strict Asian Family, Vivian had to give up many liberties that many would take for granted. While this left her bitter, she became very family oriented and caring as a result. As a result of focusing on School for most of her life, Vivian is very attentive and focused on her goals in life. As a Friend, she is noted to be very easygoing, nice and caring, as she will always be there whether a shoulder is needed to cry on, to vent or any of the sort because she leaves an Open Door Policy. However, she isn't the strongest emotionally and can be considered light-hearted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is.

One rude comment, depending on its severity can send her straight into tears. An Emotional girl, she also cries very easily compared to most girls. Whenever she is mad at someone, she can stay mad at them for an extensive period of time, with her longest grudge being at least two years long if not any longer, with her longest grudge having lasted up to eight years. Very unforgiving, she can lack empathy and compassion and due to a string of heartbreaks in her Teenage Years and Early Young Adult Years, Vivian used to believe that the best way to prevent her heart from being broken was to pretend that she does not have one. However, since meeting her late husband, that has changed rather drastically.

Past Life

Vivian grew up in a big Asian-American Family, the fourth child of six siblings, but had a fairly strict upbringing, so she gave up a lot of liberties that many would take for granted. For instance, she and her sisters weren't allowed to date at all while her Brothers were allowed to, which she found unfair because she and both her sisters had to give up many liberties that her Brothers would take for granted. Since third grade, Vivian was always very envious because her Brothers would always bring a girlfriend home and she grew bitter rather quickly as each year passed. Despite being bitter, she would simply focus on school and her attitude left her with very few friends. Her Parents eventually lifted the dating ban on her and her sisters when each one started High School.

In High School, Vivian went through at least five or six different relationships until the second half of her Junior Year. This string of heartbreaks would lead her to not want to date anymore and she started being rather cold and mean to others, pretending that she doesn't have a heart. While it was very horrible, Vivian saw it as a Safeguard to protect her heart from being broken any more than it already was. She went through senior year without dating, but still went to dances. Up until Senior Prom, she never dated, but Vivian relented before Prom because her Heartache was finally cured. This new relationship would travel with her through college and even her toughest times, such as the passing of both her parents. Where her Mother died in a Car Accident shortly after her youngest Brother graduated from College and her Father dying two years later, losing a battle to throat cancer as a result of smoking Opium.

When the Outbreak came, all of her Siblings went missing and were nowhere to be found, but she has yet to lose hope that they are still alive. Her Husband unfortunately got attacked by a Runner. With no known cure, he begged her to kill him as he would rather die than become one of the Infected.. As it was his dying wish, Vivian reluctantly killed him with his own gun. Now she must survive the outbreak and go through pregnancy alone and without his support.

Theme Song

Pride by GARNiDELiA


-Messenger Bag

-7 Cans of Canned Food

-Water Canteen

-Combat Knife

-Glock 17

-150 Bullets

-Zippo Lighter



  • maternity-wrap-dress-petite-fashion-blog-style-by-alina-4.jpg
    494.1 KB · Views: 192
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[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]

Vivian Tran


Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Nurse

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Older Sister (Missing during Outbreak First Wave, hopefully alive)

-Younger Sister (Missing day before outbreak, presumed dead but hopefully alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Deceased, Infected)

-Daughter (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Caring: She will always be there for you, whether you need a Shoulder to Cry on, a Sympathetic Ear or a Therapy Session. Just give her a call, she will answer unless she is using the restroom, at work or sleeping.

Family Oriented: Family comes first, above everything else. Now that she is a Mother-to-Be, Vivian will put her baby before anyone else, especially since she is a widow.

Focused: When it comes to her Career, she is focused and attentive on the job. She is not the type to fool around or slack off during work.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Cries Easily: Vivian is an emotional person, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is light-hearted. However, it does only take one rude comment to make her cry and it already doesn't help that she cries very easily.

-Depression: Over the past year or so, Vivian has been suffering from mild depression due to losing a large number of her Family, with her Husband and Parents passing and all her siblings disappearing.

-Grudges: If angered bad enough, Vivian can hold a grudge and it will last from a span of six months to a year and a half, sometimes even longer.

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Having been raised in a Strict Asian Family, Vivian had to give up many liberties that many would take for granted. While this left her bitter, she became very family oriented and caring as a result. As a result of focusing on School for most of her life, Vivian is very attentive and focused on her goals in life. As a Friend, she is noted to be very easygoing, nice and caring, as she will always be there whether a shoulder is needed to cry on, to vent or any of the sort because she leaves an Open Door Policy. However, she isn't the strongest emotionally and can be considered light-hearted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is.

One rude comment, depending on its severity can send her straight into tears. An Emotional girl, she also cries very easily compared to most girls. Whenever she is mad at someone, she can stay mad at them for an extensive period of time, with her longest grudge being at least two years long if not any longer, with her longest grudge having lasted up to eight years. Very unforgiving, she can lack empathy and compassion and due to a string of heartbreaks in her Teenage Years and Early Young Adult Years, Vivian used to believe that the best way to prevent her heart from being broken was to pretend that she does not have one. However, since meeting her late husband, that has changed rather drastically.

Past Life

Vivian grew up in a big Asian-American Family, the fourth child of six siblings, but had a fairly strict upbringing, so she gave up a lot of liberties that many would take for granted. For instance, she and her sisters weren't allowed to date at all while her Brothers were allowed to, which she found unfair because she and both her sisters had to give up many liberties that her Brothers would take for granted. Since third grade, Vivian was always very envious because her Brothers would always bring a girlfriend home and she grew bitter rather quickly as each year passed. Despite being bitter, she would simply focus on school and her attitude left her with very few friends. Her Parents eventually lifted the dating ban on her and her sisters when each one started High School.

In High School, Vivian went through at least five or six different relationships until the second half of her Junior Year. This string of heartbreaks would lead her to not want to date anymore and she started being rather cold and mean to others, pretending that she doesn't have a heart. While it was very horrible, Vivian saw it as a Safeguard to protect her heart from being broken any more than it already was. She went through senior year without dating, but still went to dances. Up until Senior Prom, she never dated, but Vivian relented before Prom because her Heartache was finally cured. This new relationship would travel with her through college and even her toughest times, such as the passing of both her parents. Where her Mother died in a Car Accident shortly after her youngest Brother graduated from College and her Father dying two years later, losing a battle to throat cancer as a result of smoking Opium.

When the Outbreak came, all of her Siblings went missing and were nowhere to be found, but she has yet to lose hope that they are still alive. Her Husband unfortunately got attacked by a Runner. With no known cure, he begged her to kill him as he would rather die than become one of the Infected.. As it was his dying wish, Vivian reluctantly killed him with his own gun. Now she must survive the outbreak and go through pregnancy alone and without his support.

Theme Song

Pride by GARNiDELiA


-Messenger Bag

-7 Cans of Canned Food

-Water Canteen

-Combat Knife

-Glock 17

-150 Bullets

-Zippo Lighter

Accepted! I really like her ^^ Do you at all prefer which group you're put into?
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
Accepted! I really like her ^^ Do you at all prefer which group you're put into?
Well, I don't know who's with who, so I will leave that one up to you. Whichever group you think would be best at tolerating or putting up with a pregnant lady.
@Shimakage Thunder The group list is currently somewhere in the OOC tab ^^

Group One (aka mostly boy group) is currently on the outskirts of the city, just meeting up and talking, etc. Currently has the Field siblings, Reid, Allie, and Weston, (ages 15, 10, and 3 respectively), Luke (age 17), and Jackson (age 65).

Group Two (aka mostly girl group) is on the other side of the city, nearer to the farmlands. Hasn't been any replies as of yet, but (soon to be) current members are Carrie (age 28), the Maddison twins, Ivy and Archie (both age 16), and the Connor sisters, Amelia and January (ages 19 and 14).

Both are equally numbered at 5 people a group, so it doesn't really matter which group you join ^^
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
@Shimakage Thunder The group list is currently somewhere in the OOC tab ^^
Group One (aka mostly boy group) is currently on the outskirts of the city, just meeting up and talking, etc. Currently has the Field siblings, Reid, Allie, and Weston, (ages 15, 10, and 3 respectively), Luke (age 17), and Jackson (age 65).

Group Two (aka mostly girl group) is on the other side of the city, nearer to the farmlands. Hasn't been any replies as of yet, but (soon to be) current members are Carrie (age 28), the Maddison twins, Ivy and Archie (both age 16), and the Connor sisters, Amelia and January (ages 19 and 14).

Both are equally numbered at 5 people a group, so it doesn't really matter which group you join ^^
I'll go ahead and take my chances with Group Two.
@Shimakage Thunder Alright! Starter post for Group Two is up, unless you want to wait for the others to jump in first ^^
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
@Shimakage Thunder Alright! Starter post for Group Two is up, unless you want to wait for the others to jump in first ^^
I'll go ahead and give the others a chance to post first.


Jack Monroe


Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Carpenter

Family Members: None Living


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Physically imposing

-Capable in hand to hand combat

-Crafty in building supplies and survival


[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Emotionally callous

-Usually works alone

-Slightly unstable

-Has killed other survivors before

-Angry person

Personality, Bio, & Other


Jack is a cold man. After seeing many die during the beginning of the apocalypse, it has resulted in him turning to more animalistic instincts in his effort to stay alive. He prefers to be alone, thinking if anyone joins him it will only result in their death. He is willing to kill other survivors to stay alive and has.

He was once a good man turned bitter from the events of war. Over time he has become better at fighting off hordes of the undead, and has no one to keep him company. Due to this he is a little socially stunted. He hasn't had the need to talk in months.


Jack was a happy man, having a wife and daughter and working to save up for a home. He was poor, but it didn't bother him. As long as he had his family, he was satisfied. His happiness was shattered during the events of the apocalypse, when he found out his wife had attacked and turned their daughter, having to kill both of them to live.

He had barely managed to survive in the beginning, having numerous close-calls. After bouncing from group to group and watching all of them slowly deteriorate and be killed off, he became alone. He won't work with anyone else. To him, it's better that way.

Theme Song



-Fireman's Axe obtained raiding a derelict Fire Station

-Gas mask (for face protection) obtained raiding a derelict Fire Station

-Leather jacket with hood, taken off of dead body

-Assorted buckles and supplies

-9mm Pistol with seven bullets



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JackMonroe said:


Jack Monroe


Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Carpenter

Family Members: None Living


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Physically imposing

-Capable in hand to hand combat

-Skilled in killing the undead ((How is this a skill..?))

-Crafty in building supplies and survival


[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Emotionally callous

-Usually works alone

-Slightly unstable

-Has killed other survivors before

-Angry person

Personality, Bio, & Other


Jack is a cold man. After seeing many die during the beginning of the apocalypse, it has resulted in him turning to more animalistic instincts in his effort to stay alive. He prefers to be alone, thinking if anyone joins him it will only result in their death. He is willing to kill other survivors to stay alive and has. He was once a good man turned bitter from the events of war. Over time he has become better at fighting off hordes of the undead, and has no one to keep him company. ((Umm... the Infected have only been loose like this for barely a month... how many people has he killed in that time?)) Due to this he is a little socially stunted. He hasn't had the need to talk in months.


Jack was a happy man, having a wife and daughter and working to save up for a home. He was poor, but it didn't bother him. As long as he had his family, he was satisfied. His happiness was shattered during the events of the apocalypse, when he found out his wife had attacked and turned their daughter, having to kill both of them to live. He had barely managed to survive in the beginning, having numerous close-calls. After bouncing from group to group and watching all of them slowly deteriorate and be killed off, he became alone. He won't work with anyone else. To him, it's better that way.

Theme Song



-Fireman's Axe

-Metal baseball bat
((I think one or the other is good; having both might make you a bit OP))

-Gas mask (for face protection) ((Where did he get this...??))

-Leather jacket with hood

-Assorted buckles and supplies

-9mm Pistol with seven bullets



So.. I highlighted some things ^^ Also, personality and bio need to be 2 paragraphs
4 sentences in a paragraph-8 sentences in both the personality and the bio.

I will explain the survivor he killed in the story. And sure, the axe can be gone. Being skilled in killing zombies is a good skill to have around these times, and I do think it is a skill as it's not easy.

EDITED. Got rid of the bat and explained how he obtained supplies
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@JackMonroe While yes, it is the length of two paragraphs, I'd actually like to see them. Just to see where you split stuff up; like in the rp as an example, so your posts aren't just walls of text =P

The killing zombie skill isn't a real problem in terms of how it's a skill, I was more interested in how he obtained the skill previously, as it is part of his personality traits...


[Elijah Castillo]


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Student/Highschool Dropout

Family Members:

-Mother: Carlotta Castillo (left the family when Eli was three, presumed deceased)

-Father: John Castillo (deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]


-Broad Minded




[-] Negative Traits [-]




-Self Indulgent

-Weak Willed

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

For the most part, Eli is a chill person. Even with the terror of the apocalypse about him he keeps his head. He lives from one moment to the next, a practice that began before the impending doom and will probably continue on if there is anything after. He doesn't form close personal relationships easily but is not hard to get along with. It's not hard to sway him towards a cause unless he is strongly emotionally invested in his opinion or ideal; he will follow a leader willingly and has little desire of his own besides to stay alive and make sure that his pack doesn't run too low.

He tends to be straightforward, which can sometimes make people dislike him. He is free with his speech and his opinions and often times doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut about certain things. He never means to cause harm, but sometimes ends up alienating himself. When this happens it often has to be spelled out for him otherwise he won't understand why people are upset, because he tends not to take everything personally and assumes that all others work the same way.

Past Life

Elijah grew up as an army brat. His father was a drill sergeant for most of his life, and they went wherever they were needed. Since his mother left the picture when he was three (presumably to go back to Mexico with her family; his mother and father were never officially married), he had to move around with his father. As such, he has no sense of permanence in his life besides his father, who was infected close to the beginning of the outbreak. Eli dropped out of school when he was 16, much to his father's disappointment. Because of this, he didn't have many friends growing up. He turned to books, movies, and drinking what he could pilfer from his dad's private stores in order to amuse himself. He never really saw this as a problem.

In school, he was never a focused student. The only class he enjoyed was English, and consequently it was the only class he managed to keep a B+ average in. He's a smart kid, but doesn't apply himself to anything he doesn't find worthwhile. He smoked a pack a day for a long time, but has cut down to smoking only when he's stressed (which, during the apocalypse, is all the time). Though he hasn't had any lasting romantic relationships, he is pansexual (attracted to people regardless of their gender identity).

He is an insomniac, and gets anywhere from 0-5 hours of sleep per night depending. His father used to give him sleeping pills every night to help, but he has long since ran out and wouldn't feel safe using them in the current setting anyway.

Theme Song

LGFUAD Motion City Soundtrack


-One large backpack

-Three packs of Marlboro Reds

-One zippo lighter with a kitten on the side

-One half full can of lighter fluid

-One water bottle

-Three containers of iodine purification tablets

-One metal crowbar, taken from his house before he fled (always on hand)

-One army issued medical kit including:

  • -Gauze
  • -Ibuprofen
  • -Bandaids
  • -Disinfectant spray
  • -Needle and thread

-Five army ration meals

-Harry Potter, book five

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JackMonroe said:


Jack Monroe


Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Carpenter

Family Members: None Living


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Physically imposing

-Capable in hand to hand combat

-Crafty in building supplies and survival


[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Emotionally callous

-Usually works alone

-Slightly unstable

-Has killed other survivors before

-Angry person

Personality, Bio, & Other


Jack is a cold man. After seeing many die during the beginning of the apocalypse, it has resulted in him turning to more animalistic instincts in his effort to stay alive. He prefers to be alone, thinking if anyone joins him it will only result in their death. He is willing to kill other survivors to stay alive and has.

He was once a good man turned bitter from the events of war. Over time he has become better at fighting off hordes of the undead, and has no one to keep him company. Due to this he is a little socially stunted. He hasn't had the need to talk in months.


Jack was a happy man, having a wife and daughter and working to save up for a home. He was poor, but it didn't bother him. As long as he had his family, he was satisfied. His happiness was shattered during the events of the apocalypse, when he found out his wife had attacked and turned their daughter, having to kill both of them to live.

He had barely managed to survive in the beginning, having numerous close-calls. After bouncing from group to group and watching all of them slowly deteriorate and be killed off, he became alone. He won't work with anyone else. To him, it's better that way.

Theme Song



-Fireman's Axe obtained raiding a derelict Fire Station

-Gas mask (for face protection) obtained raiding a derelict Fire Station

-Leather jacket with hood, taken off of dead body

-Assorted buckles and supplies

-9mm Pistol with seven bullets



Accepted now ^^ Like I said, I was planning on placing you in Group One
grabnok said:


[Elijah Castillo]


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Student/Highschool Dropout

Family Members:

-Mother: Carlotta Castillo (left the family when Eli was three, presumed deceased)

-Father: John Castillo (deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]


-Broad Minded




[-] Negative Traits [-]




-Self Indulgent

-Weak Willed

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

For the most part, Eli is a chill person. Even with the terror of the apocalypse about him he keeps his head. He lives from one moment to the next, a practice that began before the impending doom and will probably continue on if there is anything after. He doesn't form close personal relationships easily but is not hard to get along with. It's not hard to sway him towards a cause unless he is strongly emotionally invested in his opinion or ideal; he will follow a leader willingly and has little desire of his own besides to stay alive and make sure that his pack doesn't run too low.

He tends to be straightforward, which can sometimes make people dislike him. He is free with his speech and his opinions and often times doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut about certain things. He never means to cause harm, but sometimes ends up alienating himself. When this happens it often has to be spelled out for him otherwise he won't understand why people are upset, because he tends not to take everything personally and assumes that all others work the same way.

Past Life

Elijah grew up as an army brat. His father was a drill sergeant for most of his life, and they went wherever they were needed. Since his mother left the picture when he was three (presumably to go back to Mexico with her family; his mother and father were never officially married), he had to move around with his father. As such, he has no sense of permanence in his life besides his father, who was infected close to the beginning of the outbreak. Eli dropped out of school when he was 16, much to his father's disappointment. Because of this, he didn't have many friends growing up. He turned to books, movies, and drinking what he could pilfer from his dad's private stores in order to amuse himself. He never really saw this as a problem.

In school, he was never a focused student. The only class he enjoyed was English, and consequently it was the only class he managed to keep a B+ average in. He's a smart kid, but doesn't apply himself to anything he doesn't find worthwhile. He smoked a pack a day for a long time, but has cut down to smoking only when he's stressed (which, during the apocalypse, is all the time). Though he hasn't had any lasting romantic relationships, he is pansexual (attracted to people regardless of their gender identity).

He is an insomniac, and gets anywhere from 0-5 hours of sleep per night depending. His father used to give him sleeping pills every night to help, but he has long since ran out and wouldn't feel safe using them in the current setting anyway.

Theme Song

LGFUAD Motion City Soundtrack


-One large backpack

-Three packs of Marlboro Reds

-One zippo lighter with a kitten on the side

-One half full can of lighter fluid

-One water bottle

-Three containers of iodine purification tablets

-One metal crowbar, taken from his house before he fled (always on hand)

-One army issued medical kit including:

  • -Gauze
  • -Ibuprofen
  • -Bandaids
  • -Disinfectant spray
  • -Needle and thread

-Five army ration meals

-Harry Potter, book five

Accepted! You'll be assigned to Group One, who are currently in the middle of nowhere off the outskirts of the city, searching for shelter for the night ^^

@JackMonroe Actually, I can't, since I'm trying to keep the groups equal, and I have another member who asked if they could be placed in Group Two... sorry ^^;

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