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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]


Procrastinating Perfectionist



Where do you go when you've lost everything precious to you-- your family, your home, your possessions?

Where do you go when there are people who aren't really people anymore, coming at every turn?

Where do you go when you've lost all hope?

Well, anywhere.

You can go as far as you like...

...but you can
never go back.

Current Survivors


9 F ... 10 M)

Reid Field, M, 15, Student ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field, F, 10, Student ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field, M, 3, Student (kind of) ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Luke Marlin, M, 17, Student ----- (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul, M, 65, Prison Guard ----- (The Jest)

Ivy Maddison, F, 16, Musician ----- (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison, M, 16, Musician ----- (Jupiter)

Carrie Lee, F, 28, War Veteran ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Vivian Tran, F, 26, Nurse ----- (Shimakage Thunder)

Mitchell Greenich, M, 26, Paramedic ----- (PopcornandCaramel)

Adam Douglas, M, 41, Personal Trainer (Ex-Cop) ----- (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas, M, 14, Student ----- (DrTrollinski)

Yvette Rouselle, F, 27, Painter ----- (PopcornandCaramel)

Samantha Willis, F, 19, College Student ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Johnny O'Connor, M, 17, Farmer ----- (The Jest)

Jess Osena, F, 16, Pilot-In-Training ----- (JPax42)

Victoria Tran, F, 24, Auto Technician ----- (Shimakage Thunder)

Veronica Tran, F, 28, Career Criminal ----- (Shimakage Thunder)

Ben Bradshaw, M, 9, Student ----- (DrTrollinski)

Group One (8, 6M 2F) - Group Two (6, 3M 3F) - Group Three (3, 0M 3F) - [Waiting List (3, 2M 1F)]



0F ... 1M)

Jack Monroe, M, 28, Carpenter ----- (JackMonroe)


[Reserved for RP, please do not post here until it has started. Thank you!]

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Group One - On City Outskirts

Reid Field trudged through the dying, brown grass, one hand grasping to his sister's, the other to his brother's. The city they had called home for the past eight or so years loomed behind them, only a dying memory of what had been. Allie kept looking back, but Reid refused to do the same. It would just make this difficult. Not that the city was ever very homey to him, but still. There were eight years worth of memories there, and a lot had been happy. He silently thanked whoever was listening for letting them get out without much interference.

The... things, whatever they were, had been actually pretty plentiful in the city. Then, again, that shouldn't have been too surprising, considering the population count. So it was much more than just 'lucky' that the young trio were able to make it out without having to be so much as within ten feet of one. Still, though, Reid had a feeling that his younger siblings were a tad traumatized. Allie, especially. She hadn't said much since they had gotten outside and onto the sidewalk.

"M'hungry, Ree..." said a tiny, male voice. Reid turned to look down at Weston, whose other hand hand gone into his mouth in the few seconds it took him to register he was being spoken to. The chubby hand slipped down to poke at the equally chubby three-year-old stomach. "My tummy hurts. An' my feet too."

Reid sighed, pulling his hand away from Allie's and moving to pick up the toddler. "I know, buddy," he muttered, perching the smaller boy on his hip with his right arm, and taking hold of Allie's hand again. "I bet we'll find some place to eat soon."

He didn't mention his mental, 'I hope...' added at the end.

(( @The Jest ))

Group Two - Other Side of City, Closer to Farmlands

Carrie Lee was tough. She always had been, even since she was a little girl. Being in the military only made her tougher, and more prone to thinking on the run, or comprehending sudden situations. But this? This, even she couldn't comprehend.

She strolled down beside the backed-up street that led into the city, now devoid of patrons, duffel bag slung over her shoulder and a crowbar hanging loosely from her fingers. She had picked it up in the city, after having to trek through and escape those... things. She didn't like getting too close to them; they reminded her too much of what... her sister had become.

The road led through what appeared to be farmlands, with crops that seemed to be slowly withering away. "Not like the owners have anything better to do," Carrie muttered sarcastically, twirling the crowbar as well as she could. She heard a noise about three to five yards away, and the woman tensed, positioning herself in case it was one of the.. Infected.

(( @Corgi @Jupiter ))
~ Jackson and Luke ~

Jackson, carrying Luke, is running through the forest with him, hoping that the people he was with wouldn't follow him. "I... don't know what came over me, but I know the people I was with were not the people I needed to be around," he said to himself.

Luke was crying, hearing his family's screams that would forever haunt him at night, and even contemplated suicide. He quickly decided against it; he would try to live in this world.

Days passed, Luke is starting to somewhat warm up to Jackson, though not entirely, and they were about to leave the forest. They come across the field and Luke has stopped crying by now and Jackson put him down on the ground. Jackson has his gun at the ready, Luke using his bow. He climbed the tree, scouting the area. They see a few runners, which they've agreed to call them, but they're far enough away that it doesn't matter. However, Luke notices a few small runners: zombified children.

But upon closer examination, he notices that they are actually children, but they're trudging along the grass as if they were runners. "Jackson," Luke whispered down to him. "There's a few children over there. They look extremely hungry." Luke hears his stomach rumble. "Actually, I'm a little hungry myself..."

"You can hold on a little longer, you just ate 13 hours ago. You have to learn how to ration your food." Jackson simply said. "Go talk to them. I'll stand back here and cover you."

"What?! I just met you, you were with the group of people that killed my family. It's not th-"

"Just. Do it." Jackson said commandingly.

Luke sighs, and gets down from the tree. Jackson holds up his gun at the kids, though he's hiding behind a tree far enough away for them to not see him. Luke raises his bow with an arrow readied and approaches the kids, "Friend or foe?"

Group One - On City Outskirts

Reid froze, jumping slightly at the sudden noise. There was a... man, in front of them. Not one of the... Infected, a man. A real-life, honest-to-God, man. "Friend or foe?" the man asked, and Reid felt Allie's grip on his hand tighten. The man (who the teenager noted wasn't really a grown man, maybe a few years older than him at most,) had a bow in his hands, aimed straight for the young trio, with an arrow poised for the strike.

Allie took a slow step back so she was behind her brother, and his only response was to put his arm over her defensively. Weston stared at the stranger with wide, terrified eyes, before burrowing further into the crook of Reid's neck. It didn't take a genius to know the younger two were scared.

"Friends," Reid said slowly, though he didn't move. "If by 'friends' you mean not... one of those things." The teenager nodded his head at the stranger's weapon. "What about you?" he asked. "Are you clean?" He adjusted his hold on Weston, who sniffled into his shoulder as if on cue. "We don't want any trouble; we're just trying to get out of the city."

(( @The Jest ))
Luke holds his bow at Reid for a little while longer, but then puts it down. Clearly these weren't bad people, one of them was a four-year-old for God's sake, so Luke said "You guys came from the city? Yeesh, that's rough." Luke waves to Jackson, signaling everything was fine.

Jackson, still skeptical, walked over to them with his gun aimed straight at them, right up until the point he notices a four-year-old and then drops his arms to his side and holsters his gun. "Well you could've told me that they had a toddler with them."

"Well how was I supposed to know! They were far away. And hey, don't backtalk me. You told me to be careful of everyone!" Luke said, over-dramatically.

Jackson holds his hand to his head, "It's been three days and I'm starting to question why I even saved you."

"Yeah, like you're a walk in the park to be with. You barely say anything, and you don't even give me thanks when I saved you! I lost four arrows because of you, now I only have six." Luke realized that he's with other people that weren't Jackson. "... Sorry."

Jackson quickly asked, "What are you doing out here alone?"

Group One - On City Outskirts

After a moment, the stranger lowered his weapon, much to Reid's (and his siblings') relief. "You guys came from the city?" he asked, then made a face. "Yeesh, that's rough." This guy didn't seem to be Infected. Granted, they hadn't been around enough to claim they could see symptoms, but even still, this guy didn't look at all in pain or along the lines of 'I-have-an-immense-craving-for-human-flesh'.

The guy waved back behind him, and Reid tensed. Suddenly, an older man emerged from hiding, aiming a large gun right at them. Reid mentally cursed, trying to think of a quick escape route that avoided any of them being shot. He should have known going out in the open marked them as easy prey...!

"Well, you could've told me that they had a toddler with them," the new man said, catching sight of Weston, as well as lowering his gun and putting it away. Reid didn't move, though he felt his younger brother tense as well when he heard the word 'toddler'.

"Well, how was I supposed to know?!" the first guy spat. "They were far away. And hey, don't backtalk me. You told me to be careful of everyone!" The young trio merely stared back and forth as the conversation continued, unsure as to whether this was going to end in gunfire or not.

The second man, seemingly exasperated, placed a hand onto his forehead. "It's been three days," he sighed, "and I'm starting to question why I even saved you." Reid noted that, though he didn't make any indication of doing so. Apparently, these two had only been together for three days, and by the hand of the second man. What they had been saved from, or if they had known each other prior, he wasn't sure.

"Yeah," the first guy replied, "like you're a walk in the park to be with. You barely say anything, and you don't even give me thanks when I saved you! I lost four arrows because of you, now I only have six."

Reid took a step back, slowly. So these two didn't work too well together, he surmised. And the first guy only had six shots. Good to know. He just wasn't sure how many bullets the second guy's gun held. Also, they seemed to be even then, having both saved each other at least once. So neither had leverage on the other, as far as he knew.

Suddenly, the first guy turned to look at the kids. Whether it was because he'd finally realized how awkward the setting had become, or because he'd seen Reid move back was not confirmed. "...Sorry," he said. Okay, so maybe it was the former.

"What are you doing out here alone?" the second guy asked suddenly, seemingly directing it towards the Fields.

"...Are you two clean?" Reid asked again, wanting to make sure who these guys were before he told his whole life sob story. "Not infected, I mean." He felt Allie's grip tighten at the word 'infected', though pretended not to notice.

"Ree..." Weston whispered into his shoulder, "M'scared. I don' like dis..."

Not wanting to seem caught off-guard, Reid didn't reply, save for rubbing his thumb against his brother's leg as much as he could, signalling that he had heard, and that everything was going to be okay.

(( @The Jest ))
Its been several months since Vivi lost her husband and all her siblings went missing. With little support, Vivi has since fallen into depression despite now having company. Even though she really missed her family, she really appreciated having friends now because traveling alone, in her condition, was very dangerous. The last thing she needed was for her and her unborn child to become infected...and becoming one of those...things...She had to kill her husband, because he was bitten. As she looked into her Messenger Bag, she saw that she had a small number of food cans left and her Water Canteen was half-empty. Hopefully they could find some clean water soon. Without anyone working at the Sewage Treatment Plants, finding clean water was difficult and getting infected with Cholera was definitely not something she needed right now, not to mention Antibiotics could be hazardous for the baby...

Despite being heavily pregnant, being at least thirty-four weeks along and having gained nearly thirty pounds in that time period, staying on the road wasn't all that tough, but rest needed to be consistent because it was still tough for her to walk and stand for extended periods of time.

While following Carrie, Vivian placed a hand over her stomach, which has grown considerably. Considering how the pregnancy was going, Vivian was sure that she was expecting a baby girl, who was due in another six weeks. Despite being a Nurse, it was going to be difficult delivering the baby...The thought of childbirth alone weighed heavily on her mind. She would lose her Train of Thought when Carrie tossed a Crowbar and ended up hitting something because she heard a strange noise. "What the hell was that?" She asked, placing a protective hand over her stomach and pulling out her Gun from her Messenger Bag. She prayed that it wasn't another infected.

But it wasn't one of the infected, no. Ivy and Archie had found themselves in the farmlands, hidden in the crops. And do you know why? Because Archie really needed to go to the bathroom, but wasn't going to risk doing it on the road, for some odd reason. Despite the fact that, of course, no one would be around to see it anyway. Ivy had her back to him, protecting his privacy of course, and also keeping a look out for anything that might be coming her way. Except, she wasn't doing such a good job at it, was she? Especially if she didn't see those people walking down the road.

"Just keep a look out, okay?" Archie muttered to her, and Ivy sighed.

"What do you think I'm doing? What's taking you so long anyway?"

"It's hard to take a piss when you've got almost no water in your system!" He retorted, and then finally managed to begin relieving himself, going quiet.

Ivy sighed and messed with one of the overgrown crops, but then she heard the speech of another woman, and she raised her eyebrows, turned, and pushed Archie to make him hurry up before making her way out of the crops. Archie followed reluctantly, zipping his trousers up and readjusting his backpack. They came to the edge of the crop field, and Ivy pushed through them, looking over...

Two women, and one of them was pregnant.

Archie followed after her and made his way to the edge, and then looked over the two people with a slight frown on his face. Naturally, Ivy was the one to speak first. "Are... You infected?"
Group Two - Other Side of City, Closer to Farmlands

"What the hell was that?" Vivian cried from beside her, and Carrie closed her eyes in half-annoyance and half-relief. Sometimes, the older woman was so caught up in surviving, she could forget she wasn't alone. The pregnant woman was nice enough, she supposed. Sure, she could be a little emotional, and for that matter-- she was pregnant, but still. It wasn't like she was a pain to be around.

"Not sure," Carrie muttered, not really sure if Vivian had heard, and not really caring. She heard a noise from the crop-side of the road, and poised to strike. Two forms moved from the foliage, and Carrie was ready to shoot them if they were Runners.

But they weren't. They were teenagers-- one boy, one girl. The girl led, and the boy followed her, frowning at the two adult women. These two were just people. Kids, sure, but still people.

"Are... you infected?" the girl asked, hesitantly.

"No," Carrie replied simply, speaking for Vivian and relaxing. "You two don't look infected, either, but correct me if I'm wrong."

(( @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter ))
"If we were infected, do you think we'd still be here?" Archie muttered, and Ivy shot him a look before shaking her head at the older woman, a small smile making it's way onto her face. She readjusted her own backpack before looking down at the road, and then back at them. She hadn't seen another survivor in what felt like a very long time, but was really only one or two weeks. Archie of course didn't trust them at all, he didn't want there to be a repeat of the last time that they had trusted survivors, but it would seem like Ivy didn't remember that. "Come on, Ivy, let 'em pass, we'll just go our separate ways now." He mumbled to her, but she shook her head.

Great, stubborn.

"Where are you guys headed?"

"Ivy, please." He really didn't trust them. Ivy of course trusted them instantly, looking at the two of them she would say that they were good enough people to trust, a pregnant woman wouldn't be willing to steal all your supplies, not that she had any anymore. Her backpack was extremely empty, and they were starving. Actually being this close to crops, despite the fact that they were ruined and overgrown, was giving her ideas, but you know, she wouldn't really know what to do with them.

"What're your names? Are you in a bigger group, or is it just you?" She asked. "I'm Ivy, this is my brother, Archibald."

"Archie." He hissed, as a correction. "Stop asking them questions, okay?"

When she opened her mouth to speak again, Archie discretely pinched her, and she shut it almost instantly.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
Luke took notice of how the kids would react to certain words. Obviously they were young, young enough to be scared at what happened. Though the eldest looked only a few years younger than Luke, he seemed to be the caretaker of the group. It isn't easy for someone to escape the city, especially with two kids. He has to be at least halfway decent, or maybe luck was thrown his way.

While Luke was thinking, Jackson had said "Clean. That goes for the both of us."

"Hm?" Luke said, not really listening. "Oh, yeah we're clean. Actually, I'm always clean. Dirt or blood on my clothes will make me freak out a bit, though I'm getting more and more used to dirt because, well, I kind of have to." Luke sighed.

Jackson looked at look for a while, not saying anything, just mentally judging him. "What?" Luke said, not knowing why he was staring him down.

He turns his attention toward the group of kids, "Any of you infected?"

Vivian put her gun back into her Messenger Bag after seeing that the two teenagers were not infected. They didn't seem so bad. The Boy seemed to have trust issues. It wasn't like Vivian could do anything rash. Not in her condition. Unless she was starving, she wouldn't really harm them. From what she could tell, the two teens looked...hungry. Rationing food sure was difficult. Seeing that the girl...Ivy...was asking quite a bit of questions, Vivian figured that it would not hurt to answer. In terms of where they were headed, Vivian wasn't sure, since she was letting Carrie take care of that so she could worry about her baby. Still not really trusting of the teens, started holding her stomach protectively. "Vivian..."

The boy...Archie...Didn't really seem all that inclined on talking to her or Carrie. But she wasn't about to let them starve to death. "You guys should come with us, it'll be a lot better than going off on your own."

Because they looked hungry, Vivian couldn't help but feel sorry for them. She wanted to offer them a Can of Food, but was worried that they'd become aggressive, but she wasn't going to let them starve to death. She then looked over at Carrie, wondering what she'll do next. Vivian would then feel a sharp pain in her stomach. She would double over, but to keep herself from falling, she grabbed onto Carrie's shoulder.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter )
Group Two

Amelia and January followed behind Carrie Lee. They had been together since the start of it, and were slightly closer than before, but they didn't pay each other any mind.... At least January didn't. Amelia was different than her. She cared about everyone that was with them, and probably everyone that'd come along too, maybe not immediately, but her empathy wouldn't let her untrustingness last long.

January re-read 'The Outsiders' for probably the 6th time as Amelia lead infront of her, rifle in hand and pleasantly looking around at the farmland's scenery. Even though the crops were dying, it didn't take away the beauty of the clear blue sky.
"Y-yeah." She agreed, "But i-it's still b-b-beautiful, ain't i-it?" She asked, a small smile planted on her grime covered face.

The noise jarred Amelia from her gazing and made her raise her gun towards the noise. January only took her attention from her book for a second before walking behind her sister and continuing to read. Whatever made the noise, probably didn't peek her interest. Amelia glanced over at Vivian. She had always been worried about her child. There was a possibility that the child could be infected, or she may die during birth, her and the little kid, both. Of course, she has a filter so she would never say it.
"I-I-I don't k-know..." She whispered, keeping her rifle trained on where the noise had come from.

When Amelia saw it was only two teens, she slowly lowered the gun, not saying anything. Since she wasn't much of a talker herslef, she would let one of the other ladies deal with them. She was here to look out for her sister. January looked up with an eyebrow raised at the new comers.
This was what she enjoyed. They made her more cautious, but intruiged her none-the-less. She closed her book and kept her finger in the page as a bookmark and just.. watched.

Amelia was following the conversation and January was only staring at the two.
'Archibald? Ivy? Strange names.' She thought, staring at their appearances. She took note that the Ivy girl was too trusting and the 'Archie' wasn't trusting enough. She could tell, even though they didn't look too much like twins, they were. Their bone structure showed it all. Large eyes, same jaw and cheek bones, it was simply identical.

Amelia took notice of how hungry they looked and glanced at January, who was already going through whether or not they'd be okay for the group. She sighed and walked behind her, opening the backpack and taking out a ration of her chips and tossed them to the two. She had eaten a little bit ago and they probably needed it more than her.
"What are you doing? You can't comprehend what you did could cause a reaction and who knows what may happen!" January whisper yelled at Amelia, sending a few glares at the two teens. When she noticed her sisters confusion, she sighed and zipped up her backpack, putting her sister infront of her and pretending nothing happened.

When Vivian doubled over, Amelia ran over.
"A-a-are you o-okay?!" She asked, eyes widened slightly in worry that what she thought may be happening. January kept her eye on the two to make sure they didn't do something while they were taking care of Vivian.

@Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson
Group Two - Other Side of City, Closer to Farmlands

"If we were infected, do you think we'd still be here?" the boy frowned, and Carrie shot him a warning look. The kid turned to the girl... perhaps his friend? Sister? They seemed very close in age, if anything, and they looked similar. Yeah, they must have at least been related. Probably twins or something. "Come on, Ivy," he pleaded, while the former veteran took note of the girl's (nick?)name. "Let 'em pass; we'll just go our separate ways now."

The girl, 'Ivy', shook her head. "Where are you guys headed?" she asked, and the boy looked exasperated.

"Ivy, please," he said again, but again, Ivy didn't listen. She seemed pretty set in her ways.

"What're your names?" she continued, and Carrie heard Vivian mumble her name from behind her. "Are you in a bigger group, or is it just you?" She paused, then gestured to both herself and the boy. "I'm Ivy," she declared, "...this is my brother, Archibald." 'Alright,' Carrie thought. 'Siblings. Seemingly pretty close, too.'

"Archie," the boy corrected, glaring, then continued his insisting to leave. "Stop asking them questions, okay?"

"You guys should come with us; it'll be a lot better than going off on your own," Vivian said suddenly, and for once, Carrie was inclined to agree. While she wasn't exactly the 'let-every-stranger-into-the-group' kind of person normally, this was the damn apocalypse, and these were kids, for God's sake. So she nodded.

"Agreed," she said. "I'm Carrie. We were heading out that-a-way." She extended her arm down the packed street, away from the city. "Hoping to find a place to spend the night that wasn't, you know, crawling with monsters."

Suddenly, Vivian seemed to have a pang of... something.. and she latched onto Carrie's shoulder. The veteran stumbled a bit, then straightened, glancing at the pregnant woman. No doubt it was one of the joys of motherhood. "Y'okay?" she started to mutter, but it looked like that girl, Amelia, had it covered.

"A-a-are you o-okay?!" the kid stuttered, (a bit too loudly, if you asked Carrie,) taking hold of the nurse before she slipped again.

Carrie hadn't known the two girls for long (well, then again, she didn't know Vivian too well either, but that was beside the point), and while they seemed decent enough, they didn't talk much. Or at least, to her. They simply followed, like quiet shadows, the smaller behind the larger. Amelia was good with a weapon, though kind of flighty by the looks. Her sister (--named after one of those months... April..? May? January? Something like that--) was more of a watch-and-learn person, or so Carrie had deduced. Whether that was an act, was unconfirmed.

"Well, that's two more for the survivors," Carrie muttered, already continuing down the asphalt-paved road. "Come on, we've got to get out of here before sunset. I'd rather not be fighting zombies in the dark, thank you very much."

(( @Shimakage Thunder @Corgi ))

Group One - On City Outskirts

"Clean," the second man replied, then gestured to the younger one. "...That goes for the both of us." Reid nodded. He wasn't sure if that was true, but still. They seemed nice enough (as far as this world went), and they seemed pretty smart. He just wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

Meanwhile, the first guy didn't seem to be paying much attention. "Hm?" he asked, looking up when he heard the second stranger's voice. "Oh, yeah we're clean. Actually, I'm always clean. Dirt or blood on my clothes will make me freak out a bit, though I'm getting more and more used to dirt because, well, I kind of have to."

Reid just stared, and nodded a little. 'Well,' he thought. 'At least the guy seems pretty open about himself...' And he was a... clean freak...? Then again, it could always have been a trick. His dad used to watch a lot of apocalyptic movies when he was... well, before. And almost all of them had bandits in them. What the bandits were up to, was beyond him, but they were always the sneaky, never-suspect-that-guy type. So finding a pair of sane guys who actually seemed to want to group with them? ...These two almost seemed too good to be true.

Suddenly, though, second guy turned to the kids. "Any of you infected?" he asked.

Reid shook his head. "No, all clean here. We were pretty lucky to get out of there, though," he said, jerking his free thumb back in the direction of the city.

(( @The Jest ))
Vivian took a deep breath before standing up-right. The Joys of Motherhood were going at her again. If these were one of the perks of pregnancy, she sure as hell did not like it so much. "I'm fine...Maybe I've just been standing for too long. I don't think the little one likes that." she said, caressing her stomach to ease the pain that she currently felt. "Thank you."

When Carrie decided to continue on, Vivian stayed close. When the Military woman said that they were going to find a place to rest soon, Vivian couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief. Rest was very important for her, especially this far along. While walking, Vivian could see something in the distance. It seemed like a Cabin. "You guys think that Cabin is Vacant?" She asked.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter
Archie shook his head at the offer to go with them, but Ivy didn't. "If you're offerin' then sure, we could use the company!" She chirped, but then looked at Archie and the smile fell on her face and she bit her lip, before looking in the direction that Carrie pointed. That was the direction that Ivy and Archie were headed too, so that was a plus, wasn't it? They would gladly group up with them, well, Archie would do it reluctantly, but he was following his sisters orders, so.

When one of the girls at the back tossed them a ration of chips, Archie reached out and caught it, a small smile making it's way onto his face as he blurted out a quiet thanks and then shoved them in his backpack, Ivy looking at him with a smile on her face before looking at the girl. "Thank you! Seriously we haven't-"

And then the pregnant lady, Vivian, was hit with a pang of some kind of pregnant defect, and Ivy stepped forward to help, but Archie grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back, stopping her in her tracks. "Stop it. You don't know what could be an act, you really want to fall for something like that and get us killed? If push comes to shove, we'll step in, but they have this under control. We should just go with them now, and then go our separate ways in the morning, or something." Archie whispered to her, and Ivy looked at him with a hopeless expression on her face.

Great, Archie already knew that he was going to be stuck with these ladies for however long Ivy wished them to be.

And so they walked with them (Archie retrieved his baseball bat from the crops where he had left it), and when Vivian pointed out the cabin... Ivy just sort of shrugged. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, we're only going to find out by going in there." Ivy twisted some of the lighter side of her hair. She already had her natural hair going through now that she was in a world without dye.

"And none of us would rather be outside tonight, would we?" As they neared it, Archie twirled his bat around in his hand, before lifting it and pointing it in the direction of the cabin. "Shall I check it out? Ivy I want you to stay here, don't even think about going in there."


"No. You call if you need anything, okay?" He demanded, and Ivy nodded her head, exasperated. Archie looked around at the other girls, before settling on Carrie. "You coming with?"

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder ))
Group Two

When Amelia heard that they were going to be joining them, she smiled slightly before re-attending to Vivian.
"Y-you should b-be more c-careful.." She replied, steadying her. When she pointed out the cabin, she nodded in agreement. It was probably better than staying by themselves.

While Amelia was taking care of her things, January was taking care of hers. She was quite interested in both the girl, since they were new and twins. She has never actually met twins before so she figured she might as well try and get to know their 'twin ways'. When he mentioned going into the house, she put her book in her bag, grabbed Amelia's pocket knife and jacket before saying,
"I'll go." In quite the harsh voice. It would probably just look like she was trying to be friendly, other than the fact that she wasn't smiling... And that she immediately started off towards the cabin.

"J-January?" She questioned as her sister took her pocket knife and said she'd go. It was completely unlike her. She did know that she liked learning new things, but normally she wouldn't spout a single word. As anyone that knew her would be, she was surprised. She then slowly began to lead Vivian towards the cabin as well.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson@Shimakage Thunder
Group Two - Other Side of City, Closer to Farmlands

"I'm fine..." Vivian mumbled. "Maybe I've just been standing for too long. I don't think the little one likes that." She rubbed her ever-growing midsection, before smiling at Amelia. "Thank you."

"Y-you should b-be more c-careful.." Amelia replied, though it looked like she was smiling. 'Well,' Carrie thought, 'chivalry may be dead, but at least we girls have each others' backs.'

The military woman squinted when she saw something in the distance... it looked like a house, maybe? Perhaps a farm. Wouldn't be a surprise. They were close to farm country, after all. Vivian seemed to have spotted it too.

"You guys think that cabin is vacant?" she asked, glancing around at the fellow survivors. Carrie shrugged.

"Who knows?" she muttered. "Could've evacuated already. Might have someone holed up in there waiting for the fire and brimstone." Either way, she figured it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't," Ivy agreed. "We're only going to find out by going in there."

"It's got to have at least some supplies. And if it's full of creeps, we'll shoot 'em," Carrie said plainly, quickening her pace.

"And none of us would rather be outside tonight, would we?" Archie asked rhetorically, to which Carrie mentally rolled her eyes. Hadn't she just established they were trying to find shelter, anyway? ...Kids.

As they finally neared the small house, Archie hurried ahead, before aiming his baseball bat for it and glancing back at the women. "Shall I check it out?" he asked, and Carrie frowned as he continued. "Ivy, I want you to stay here; don't even think about going in there."

"Archie--" Ivy immediately persisted, but it was the brother's turn to have the final say.

"No. You call if you need anything, okay?" Ivy, though still reluctant, seemed to agree, nodding her head. Archie, meanwhile, returned to facing the girls. "You coming with?"

"I'll go." January said suddenly, from nowhere. She began trudging towards the cabin, as did Amelia, after calling her sister's name weakly, and taking hold of Vivian.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Carrie cried, though trying to keep her voice down. "You two," she said, jabbing her finger at both Ivy and Archie, "are staying out here with Vivian. Heaven forbid we throw a pregnant woman to the wolves. But, since you two are new... January." She whipped around to the youngest of the group. "You stay too. Amelia, come with me. You're a good shot, and no one should be going alone."

(( @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter @Corgi ))
Archie was happy to set off and go into the cabin to check it out and see if it was vacant or not, but before he had the chance to go inside, the woman who seemed to be the leader of the group, Carrie, told him to stay put. He raised his eyebrows, before holding up his hands in defence. "Fine. I was just trying to help out." He rejoined Ivy's side, who smiled at him slightly.

"What if they don't check it properly? What if they miss something?" He whispered to his sister, tugging on the sleeve of her oversized sweater. Come to think of it, it was a mans fit and Archie wasn't wearing one, so it must be that he had given her his sweater so that she didn't get cold, or so that she just stopped complaining, one of the two.

"Stop worrying... Everything is going to be okay, Archie. I'm sure they're capable of-"

"No! I can't stop worrying because I'm not in there and I can't make it safe, I can't make sure that everything is okay and make sure that you won't get hurt." He complained, and then took a deep breath and ran his hand over his chin, before turning to look at the house again.

"You don't need to make it safe. They know what they're doing, Archie, just calm down, stop worrying okay? Deep breaths..." She grabbed hold of her brothers arm and sighed, and his stiff posture loosened up slightly, took a deep breath, and then nodded his head at her.

"Fine. I'm sorry. You just... You know I worry about you." He turned to look at the pregnant one, Vivian, now. "You okay? Do you wanna sit down or somethin'?"

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
Jackson looked the group of kids, unable to tell if they were lying. No symptoms, he thought, looking for the feverish look on any of their faces. I don't know if I can handle looking after all of these kids... Taking Luke was spur-of-the-moment. He's good with his bow, but part of him is annoying to keep around. I don't know, I ha-

"Wanna come along with us?" Luke had asked, not even asking asking Jackson about how he feels on the situation.

Jackson shot a look at Luke that was seemingly an equal combination of fury and shock, but before he could say anything else, he and Luke heard a sound coming from behind. The duo both readied there weapons and aimed backwards, with Luke jumping in front of Reid, Allie and Weston to protect them if need be.

What they saw behind was...

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
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"I'm sure they'll be fine." Vivian responded to Archie.

The kid seemed to have trust issues. Typical of teenagers. However, she did understand because she behaved in a similar matter when she was their age, albeit a bit more angry. It was also good to see that Carrie cared about her safety, hopefully clearing the cabin out would not be an issue. After that, they may want to burn the corpses too so they don't get infected with the fungus or whatever is inhabiting those bodies. When asked if she would like to sit down or whatever, Vivian shook her head as she cradled her stomach, protective like a Mother would. She then looked down, worried about her unborn baby. "No, I'm fine. I can wait until we find a bed or something. That would actually be nice..."

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Corgi
Group One - On City Outskirts

"Wanna come along with us?" the first guy asked, and the second shot him a dirty, annoyed look. Reid guessed he didn't like being told what to do, especially by the younger guy. Then, he had said they'd only been together for three days, at least, so maybe the older guy had officially appointed and considered himself the leader.

Before anyone could respond, however, a noise sprang up from behind them. The strangers whirled around, at the ready with their weapons, and standing in front of the Fields, in a sort of... protective stance...?

Weston's head shot up at the noise, and Reid felt Allie move slightly so she could see from behind him. Both of the small hands clutched tighter to their brother, and Reid couldn't help but feel a bit useless. If whatever came out was dangerous, both his hands were occupied, and he had no way to defend himself or, more importantly, his siblings if worst came to worst. And he would feel like crap if he let these two guys do his job.

A lone, staggering form emerged from its hiding place, making grunting noises and clawing at the air. Allie gasped and clutched tighter to Reid's shirt, while Weston simply stared in a mix of terror and horror. The figure stopped suddenly, then turned to face the small group. Dark redness dripped from the creature's greying lips and chin, staining the filthy, once-white shirt, and its eyes were glazed over, almost white.

The thing screamed, and raced towards Jackson.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
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Jackson noticed it was coming for him. He took his aim, very steadily and began to pull the trigger.

At the same time, Luke readied his arrow and let it fly, though Jackson had already hit it, causing the arrows the fly way farther than Luke had intended. "Gah! I figured you had it, but I thought I'd shoot it just in case." Luke had said to Jackson. However, when he went to pick it up, he stepped on a branch that had alerted other nearby runners. Three, to be specific.

All three ran after Luke. "JACKSON!" He called out, looking for back-up. He jammed the arrow-head of the arrow he just picked up into the head of the first runner that came near him. The boy tried to take it out of the runner but it was somewhat lodged in there.

Jackson took aim, and took two shots. One of the shots hit the nearer of the remaining two right in the head, but the second just missed the head. Thanks to Jackson, Luke successfully managed to pull it out in time to stick the arrowhead into the other one as it got near. But when he tried to take it out, the arrow itself snapped into. Damn, down to five.

Luke looked up, and noticed some more in the distance though they didn't seem to take note of him. At least that's what it looked like. He ran back to the group, trying to get the blood off of his shirt, though it proved unsuccessful. "We have to go. Now."
Group One - On City Outskirts

The second guy quickly took the shot with help from his gun, only to be followed by the first guy's arrow. All three of the Fields jumped as the shot rang out, their grips on one another all tightening instinctively, if only for a split second.

"Gah!" the first guy cried, as his arrow flew much too far than he had initially intended. "I figured you had it, but I thought I'd shoot it just in case." He hurried past the dead Runner to retrieve it, though stepped on a stray twig in the process.

As quickly as the first, three more Infected rounded around from the same way. Whether they had been drawn from the shot, or the twig, Reid wasn't sure, but either way, they were in trouble. "Jackson!" the first guy called, before slamming his newly retrieved ammunition into the closest Runner's cranial cavity. It looked like he tried to yank it out again, but it must have been lodged pretty far in there.

"Reid!" Allie screamed, speaking for the first time since leaving their apartment. "They're coming!"

Meanwhile, the second guy, 'Jackson', had taken his shots, downing one of the other two Runners. The other was taken care of by the first guy, in the same fashion as before. The arrow must not have been as lodged in the first guy's brain as far as he thought. Unfortunately, though, Reid saw it snap as the first guy attempted to retrieve it yet again.

The first guy hurried back, eyes wide in concern. "We have to go. Now," he said, and surprisingly, Allie spoke up.

"Why?" she asked, eyes wide in fear. "Are there more coming?"

"What's going on?" Reid added, adjusting his grip on Weston. He really hoped they wouldn't have to run. He wasn't a weak runner, and neither was Allie, but he didn't think Weston was going to be easy to carry. And he sure as hell was not about to let one of these guys carry him. Not even if they offered, which he sincerely doubted anyway.

(( @The Jest ))
"Why?" Luke had heard the silent one ask. "Are there more coming?"

Before he could respond, 'Reid' as the little one called him, had asked
"What's going on?"

"I spotted a pack of them in the forest,"
Luke said, trying to urge everyone away from where they were. Jackson had his gun aimed at the back, in case more were coming. Luke, also aiming towards where he came, looked back at Reid. "Can the littlest one run?"

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