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Neow x LaFilleKitty

(Sorry for taking so long wehhh ;;; I've been ultra busy lately I'm sorry--)

"T-thank you..." Neow replied as he set down the glasses of milk for both of them, a small blush in his grey cheeks as he sat down, the delicious smell of the food overwhelming him as he smiled back at her, a pleasant, almost homely feeling filling his body and making him feel safe and relaxed...

"This looks absolutely amazing Roxi... But... Uhmm... I don't want to be rude or anything but before I dig in... Do you uhh... Pray for anything before you eat..? I-im not super religious myself but, My family when I was young we used to pray before eating dinners and stuff, and I know some people pray before every meal s-sometimes you know?"

He felt awkward asking this question as he rubbed the back of his head, but even though it was a safe guess Roxi wasn't religious, he had no intention of being disrespectful, especially in her own home...
Roxanne thanked him as he set down her glass of milk. Her smile still on her face and she looked at Neow seeing him blush. Her smile grew a bit big amuse and looked away gazing at the meal she made. She really hoped he liked it. Would make her day at a pretty good start. She blushed a little at his compliment and looked back at him hearing his comply. She let out a sigh feeling a bit generous that he asked her. "Neow I don't mind at all. My mother she a very religious women so under her roof it was mandatory to pray before eating." Roxanne held out her hand to him smiling warmly. "I haven't pray since I move out, but I don't mind doing it now.. With you..."

( Its alright. Ive been feeling writer block with a couple of the rps im doing. Sorry this is so short. )
"Heh.. Well uhh.. As I said, I'm honestly not too religious myself... The whole thing about spirituality..."

He drew a little silent as he looked out a nearby window now, the sun was shining in from outside, it was a clear and beautiful morning...

"Its... All a little difficult and confusing to figure out... Y'know? Its like you got all sorts of people all telling you different things and..."

He turned his head back to Roxi, realizing he just started rambling.

"Ahh , s-sorry! I didn't mean to suddenly spill that h-heh..."

He placed his hand on Roxi's though as she offered it, smiling back at her...

"Its uhh, honestly up to you hehe... I don't think I've actually prayed over food myself ever since I was a kid...

But uhh... If you really want to, I c-can say it or you can you want!"

He said kinda sheepishly, waiting for her responses.
Roxanne look at him watching him blab on. It made her giggle a little and she shook her head. "No its alright." She told him. She love hear people blab about things especially how they really feel, their real thoughts. Since she is a very curious cat, stuff like that intrigue her interest no matter what the topic is. "Me either. Been a long time since I've ever prayed.." She let go of one of hands to pull back a strandof hair that was annoying her eye sight. She held his hand once again andlooked down shyly. "You don't mind saying it.."
(apologies for the long waits on my part, things have been real darn busy)

(Also uhh, not entireeeeeeeely certain how heavily we're basing everything off real religion, but i suppose ill just write up what i would actually say IRL. Hope you don't mind--)

"Of course... I don't mind at all..."

Placing both his hands now on hers from acrossed the table, he begins, closing his eyes and bowing his head as his hands cupped over Roxi's:

"Dear God."

"Heavenly Father."

"We thank thee for this day and all thou has given unto us."

"We ask of thee to continue to bless us with all thou has blessed us with, and that we may have a good time togethor here today."

"We ask of thee to please bless those in need who were victims of... the... well... the attack today... help them and guide them and allow them to recover quickly."

"Please bless us and our families too wherever they may be and that we'll all be safe and happy and in good health, that we may overcome the challenges that come upon us in these coming days and times, and that we may be able to continue to better ourselves, and seek the answers and receive the guidences we need..."

"And we say this in the name of Jesus Christ..."


Neow finished, he looked up at Roxi, smiling.

A warm feeling in his body and heart filled him... He honestly didn't expect to be saying a prayer outside of his nightly routine, but... This certainly felt like a welcome change...

"Well, I suppose we can dig into this amazing looking stuff you prepared now... and... thank you... for the food that is."

He smiled awkwardly as he picked up his utensils and began to dig in, trying to think of topics to talk about with Roxi.. but he honestly came to a blank, but, maybe she'll have something to talk or ask him about?
Roxanne closed her eyes bowed her head along side with Neow she smile a bit hearing Neow nicely done prayer. "Amen.." she spoken after he was finish. She looked up at him smiling as she withdrawal her hands from him. Roxanne really enjoyed holding hands with him, it was soft and comfortable. Though the prayer felt nostalgic to her, as if she was back home with her mother eating breakfast together. Although there was a little twist in it this time

Her cheeks faintly blushed red at his comment about the meal she made. "Oh its nothing, really. I just hope you enjoy it.." she said softly while pushing back her bed hair from her eyes. She picked up her utensils and stared down at her plate wondering what to eat first. She decided to take a bite out of her pancakes. She grabbed the syrup and poured a good amount over her pancakes and cut out a piece taking a bit. A big smile spread across her lips satisfy with her own cooking and savor the delicious taste. She notice Neow was quiet and thought of something to say. She didn't want to bring up his job, but was curious what he has planned for the day, if he have any plans. It would be nice if he didn't. Roxanne actually had errands to do and going off to the park to perform some songs and maybe do a little gig at a stage bar if she have the confidence. "Or could do some couple stuff... To cheer him up mostly. Oh how is that going to cheer him or possibly agree with such a thing..."

"So Neow.. Do you have any plans for the days?" She asked him after swallowing down her first bite. She looked at him smiling a little.
(Again very sorry for the ungodly waiting times, I been very busy and very very unmotivated for Rp recently since a few of the others I participate in are dying out)

"I very certainly will enjoy it!"
Neow said, a little excited as his stomach growled at him, taking up his own utensils and immediately starting to cut apart some pancakes into smaller and more ediable bits after getting some syrup on them.

A very delicious taste filled his mother as he chewed with a bit of a dumb smile on his face.

God, since when was the last time I've even had a proper breakfast like this? He thought to himself as he dug in futher, now getting into some of the bacon and downing swigs of milk happily.

Neow didn't notice his own tail starting to wag back and forth, starting to make a faint "thump thump thump" on whatever was nearby.

He was broken out of his trance when Roxi spoke up now, pulling his eyes off the food and up to her. Swallowing what he was chewing and using a nearby napkin to wipe off his mouth, he sighed and looked down for a momment.

"You know I'm not entirely certain. Especially now with the situation at my work place this morning, since I was supposed to be working over the weekend actually..." He looked back up at Roxi, seeing the smile on her face he relaxed a little, pushing his glasses up on his muzzle...

At least it means I do get today and the weekend off, my boss should have found that back up by now, and they should be able to handle everything till the network's back up... I wonder if I should even mention to her I had a D&D session tonight...... Nah... I don't think she seems to care for that, the guys wont miss out on anything without me...

"I think I'm free to do whatever!" He said optimistically, giving Roxi a warm smile in return before getting back into eating...

After a few more bites, he asks something himself.

"What about you? You work on the weekends too, or you free on this lovely Friday? I think it's polite and fair I ask you too~" he chuckled a little bit. Taking another healthy swig of milk and eating while waiting for an answer...

In the back of his kind he still couldn't help but think about last night as well as the situation at work, but he did his best to forget about both for now, after all the food was quite a helpful distraction...
(( Its alright, everyone has their moments. Ive been unmotivated lately to reply to any of my RP myself too since most of them have ended within a week or so.. ))

Roxanne was relief and extremely happy to hear Neow didn't have any plans at all for the deal. She had a big smile on her face showing how happy she was, but quickly hide it as she continue to eat her meal. Her ears picked up a soft sound thumping and looked around a bit wondering what it could be. She stared at Neow having a feeling he was the reason for the sound, which she really didn't mind at all, and just let out a small peaceful breathe. She couldnt help to notice the expression he had on his face while eating the food she cook. It made her feel happy to see someone enjoy it other than her friend and mom. She really hadn't shared her food with others that much really. She wasn't that much of a socialite which was one reason to it.

She continue to stared at him, falling into a trance completely, with a small pleasant smile on her face. She snapped out her trance hearing gim speak again. "Huh?" She asked softly. She blinked twice cluelessly. Even though Roxanne was lost in her own mind she still had heard clearly of his questions. "Um I... W-well I'm free on the weekends and just work on the weekdays. Asked for a day off today since I have a lot of errands to do... Well it's not a lot, but I juat wanted some free time left." Roxanne reached out for her glass of milk to take a couple of sips, but paused noticing something she hadn't said. "You can accompany me if you want. I won't mind." She finally took a sip out of her milk feeling recharge already and smile at him.

She continue on digging in her meal savoring every bite and drink her milk here and then. Her mind had gone back thinking about the last night date. She enjoy it, despite falling asleep throughout the movie. "Well at least I had a chance to sit close with Neow.. pratically cuddling..."

Her cheeks then flushed red at the thought of them cuddling from last night. Then the thought of Neow walked in on her as she was chaning popped inside of her head causing her cheeks to turn even more red and feel flsutered. Roxanne tried to cool herself down, but none of that worked.

There was soon a loud banging on the front door startling her. She looked up and down the hall in the living room which where the door was located. She sigh, "Excuse me." She placed her utensil down and rose up from her chair walking towards the door. She glance down at herself knowing how inappropriate she looked, but she didn't care. It was early in the morning anyways. Roxanne one the front door and immediately frown in disgust at the one person she least wanted to see, ever.
(Well, even though our responses may seem slow, we're still goin, right?)

(Also i probably shouldn't be writing this out at 1am lol. Sorry if anything is unclear.)

Neow listened as he finished the rest of his food, his tail stopped thumping now as he wipes his mouth with his napkin and cleans his fingers to get the sticky syrup off.

"As long as it isn't standing in line at the DMV for six hours, I'd be happy to join you... if uhh... you wanted that is?"

He nervously rubbed the back of his head as he put on a smile, in truth, he actually hated doing errands or just going out in general really... But if it'd make her happy, he'd do his best to suffer through it....

He noticed Roxi's cheeks suddenly flush as she stared at him, he simply smiled back, absent mindedly and obliviously wondering what was getting her all flustered all of the sudden, But before he could say anything, someone was banging at the door suddenly, making his two grey ears shoot up at attention, cutting off his thinking about her for a moment.

He relaxed though, maybe it was her mother or her friend or something Neow thought.

Sure it's only been a week or so they've been "dating", but it was always nice to get to know family or whoever they hung out with.

Usually did make quite the difference sometimes when you know whomever your significant other was associated with, friend and family wise...

"Go ahead, i'll go on and start cleaning up if you're... uhh... done there!" He said cheerfully as he also rose from his seat, and picked up his plate and utensils to move and wash in Roxi's sink...

I wonder who it is though....

The wolf man would listen in from the kitchen as he cleaned his plate, sensitive ears attempting to pick up Roxi's voice and her visitor's...
"What the fuck do you want?" Roxanne asked rather rudely trying to hold back a growl. "How did you find me more importantly?" She stared up at the mild built red fox whom rested himself against her door frame with his arms crossed. His sharp cunning grey eyes focus on Roxi with a small smirk on his lips. "Oh Roxi that's not a nice way to greet your guest. Aren't you excited to see me?" Question the fox.

"No." She immediately answer.

Anger and annoyance slowly boil up in Roxanne. Her demeanor changed depending on the people who she was surrounded with and clearly this fox was a negative influence on her. This particular fox was an old friend of Roxanne, matter of fact he was the drummer in her band and was the one to rule her out. Roxanne had cut ties with everyone back in high school, wishing to never see any of them again, but to her surprise she least expected to this fox. She kept a from grip on the door knob and stayed in her place, blocking his only way of entering. She stared at him, mostly glaring with anger. He still dressed the same as they did back in school, laid back but with the mix of a bad boy. She began thinking how could have known she was living here. Then it dawned on her.. Her mother told. She looked down facepalm her forehead while letting out a frustrated breathe. "I'm going to have a serious talk with mom later..."

"Ace leave. Now. I have a guest." She didn't bother to look up back at him. For a moment she focus her ears, trying to hear the sounds from the kitchen wondering if Neow was eavesdropping. He could do cleaning his plates while listening. Roxanne didn't mind, she only saw it as him listening just in case something happen. But she as afraid if she said something wrong he would think less of her.

The fox, Ace, was taller than Roxanne, almost the same height as Neow and now stood closer to Roxanne eyeing her appearance which he enjoy starting at. "Well your guest is gonna have to wait." He stated. Just with that he pushed Roxanne to the side with ease and stepped forth into the apartment. He gazed around, sniffing the air a bit, before looking back at Roxanne. "So who's your guest?"

"None of you're business. I don't have time to talk with you right now, or ever, so what are you doing here?" Roxanne crossed her arms growing impatient with the fox. She really wanted to drag him out of her home, but she had to stay civilize. Especially since Neow is down the hall probably listening. Ace took a spot on the couch at his own wish and laid back comfortably with his arms out. "Clearly it is considering you're exposing yourself in front of your guest like that." He commented. Roxi ears twitch taking note of his comment which she was well aware of and felt embarrass that he even pointed it out. Her cheeks flushed a bit, but she still kept her cold look. Ace notice this and chuckle amusingly. "So what? That doesn't matter." She shut the front door not wanting the elder raccoon woman to hear her in case she lost her patience and start yelling. "Now for the last time why are you here?"

It was silent for a moment. Neither one of them moved their gaze. "I want to get the band back together." He finally answer. Roxanne blinked twice a bit surprise from his answer. She sniffle out a soft laugh soon later laughing loud finding his answer hilarious. Ace on the other hand was serious. He no longer kept the smirk on his lips and never broke eye contact with her. Roxanne soon came to realize this once she had calmed down. She frown and grew even more angry. "You have some balls to come and dare talk to me about that. Do you really think I would fucking agree? Remember who was the one casted out." She growl frowning.

Ace stood up from the couch and stood close to Roxanne. Barely any space between them.
"Yeah and that was a mistake. Without you we didn't make it. I'm sorry." He gently caressed her cheek but Roxanne quickly smacked his hand away. She had furious anger in her eyes. "Screw you. I'm not joining."

Ace wrapped his arms around her waist while still keeping eye contact with her. He give her puppy eyes pleading for her join and Roxanne shook her frantically refusing. "No no no, never. I object." She refuse while trying to pry the fox off her. She growing even more annoy. "Now get your disgusting paws off me!" She rasied her hand slapped him hard across his cheek. She even left a scratch on his cheek due to her nails which kept sharp. Ace had let go stepping back a few away from Roxanne holding his cheek. He was surprise she even did that.

(( Yeah I'm still very interested in this RP. Always have matter of fact, just don't have enough motivation yet haha. Decided to color the dialogues to make things easier. ))
(The coloring is really helpful to read, thank you!

Hrmm, I think i've got a bit of an Idea before i post, is it alright with you if i make it so Neow recognizes Ace and knows he is trouble from previous experiences at work, or maybe even think Ace is a criminal or mistake him for one based on what his boss told him about the attack?)
(( I think the he could be mistaken as the criminal but actually be it. That could raise a bit of tension between Roxi and Neow. Or could do both, Ace was only working there as a part of the plan for the attack. I don't mind either one really like the ideas. ))
Neow raised an eyebrow as he listened in as he washed the dishes and cleaned up.

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? He just barged in, and She clearly doesn't even want him here and-

The wolf almost instantly dropped what he was doing as soon as he heard Roxi cry out

"Now get your disgusting paws off me!"

With a small clatter Neow shot over from the kitchen and into the hallway to just catch Roxi taking a good swipe at the fox man.

"Roxi! Is everything-"

He stopped mid sentence as his heart dropped.

After getting a good look at the fox man, immediately Neow's worried and frightened look turned immediately into one of hate a disgust.


He said with a quiet, but sharp and piercing tone.

"Roxi. Call the police. Now."

Neow said as calmly as he could to her, taking a defensive stance and slowly approaching Ace with his hands raised and ready, still wet and soapy from the dishes.

"This Guy's a criminal and a suspect, ive seen his mug several times at my workplace. Always loitering and harassing the receptionists."

I need to pin him down and keep him from escaping until Roxi gets the Police... I really God damn hope he isn't as strong as he looks or has a weapon... This could end very, very badly...

"My boss says to keep an eye out for your sorry ass, saying you're a prime suspect in the attack this morning. I dont know how you know Roxi, let alone have the guts to show up after what happened today. But you're a god damn criminal, and like hell I'm gonna let you get away after hurting those people!"

The wolf said almost ferociously, putting himself slowly between Ace and Roxi, never taking his eyes off the fox and watching his every move.

"You'd better sit yourself down and be nice waiting for the police. Or I'll god damn make sure you do, whether you like it of not."

It was a bit of an empty threat, but If Neow had to tackle this asshole of knock him out, he would.

Even though Neow wasn't really built himself and has never gotten himself in a fist fight before, he sure hoped his quick reflexes and what he's seen from video games would help him right now or that this motherfucker would at least do as he's told.
Roxanne was a bit surprise that she hit Ace. From all her years of knowing him, she had once lay a finger on him, not even claw. This was the first and boy did she actually like it. A mighty grin proclaimed her lips feeling satisfy by her good hit. As for Ace, he just stood back at her shock by what she did.

The two looked at Neow simultaneously, Ace being the one to immediately recognize him and proclaimed his famous smirk on his lips. "Aren't you one of those cyber geeks that work at Cyber Security?" He asked Neow calmly. The tone in his voice sounding as if he was mocking him in a way. He had let go of cheek no longer feeling the stinging pain, but a bit of blood drew out from the scratch. Roxanne was completely confuse as of now. She question why Neow had spoken in such a way towards Ace. She also wonder how the two known eachother and especially wonder why Neow demanded her to call the cops. "Did Ace turn out to be an criminal over the years?"

Roxanne listen to Neow explaination. She frown not in disappointment, but something she expected from Ace. "Yup. He did... Or did he?" Ace shoved his hands in his pockets keeping an eye on Neow in case he decided to lung himself at him. "Loitering? I wouldn't call it that. Just think of it as a daily visit. As for the receptionists, they can't resist me. The come on to me, not the other way around." His gray eyes follow Neow as he stood between him and Roxanne. He didn't appreciate the wolf acting big and bad and not only that but insult him. Ace didn't not stand for such things like this and stepped closer to Neow standing over him. He glare down at him, but still had a smirk on his face. "Little wolf gone big and bad now, huh? Because of her?" He scoffed.

"Listen pal, I only came here to talk to a good ol' friend about something important till you butted in. Go ahead and call the cops, you don't have proof of me being the criminal to whatever crime you're blubbering about. But I won't stand here and allow myself to be insulted by a half pint wolf such as yourself..."

His hands slowly came out from his pockets balling into a fist. His voice was threating, ice cold with a soft growl. Ace had no problems tousling around with Neow. He could probably land a couple of good hits on the guy, maybe knock him out by chance.

He looked between the two with a knowing look for a moment; he had sense of the relationship now.
"So this is your guest, Roxi?" Ace asked. His gaze never left Neow sight. He then tilted his head to the side. "You could of certainly have done better.."

Roxanne frown at the two rowdy boys. She stepped out from behind Neow, certainly feeling safe and appreciated that he stood in front of her to protect her. She actually like it seeing this tough side of Neow, it was cute. But she knew well how to handle the fox. She didn't feel threatened by him at all. Well not yet.

She squeezed herself in between the two pushing them away from each other. She stared sternly at Ace,
"My relationship between Neow is none of your business Ace." She retorted. Her eyes didnt moved away from his gaze. "I think its best that you leave and never come back. I refuse you're reproposal and frequently my mind will never change so don't even bother coming back for that reason. Don't come back period!" Roxanne crossed her arms while tapping her foot waiting for an answer from him. If he refuse she wouldn't hesitate to claw at his face again. Ace lifted his hands up in defeat now smiling at Roxanne. "We both know I'll be back Roxi. I am a persistent fox after all."

He gently ruffle up her hair like he use to in the past, which she easily smacked his hand away. He then walked off to the front door, passing the two and now ignoring Neow's presence. He placed his hand on the door knob and opening it half way, but stop having a few last words to say before leaving. "Please think hard and reconsider my offer Roxanne. I know how much you miss us, me most of importantly." Just with that, Ace walked out the door slamming it shut behind him. Roxanne didn't bother to watch him leave since it would just remind her of unsettling memories. She turned around looking at Neow and tried to muster up a smile. She had a feeling Neow was going to ask how she knew such a guy like him. He even said not to long ago. "I... I can explain.. Of how I know Ace I mean."
(Ouch. That one actually kinda hurts because that's prolly what would happen IRL too ;n; )

(I'll post when i can tho soon hopefully! Bit busy this weekend as ive gatta few drawings to do and going out placessss)
Neow was just barely containing his anger, almost to the point of tears, and the need to burst out was to the near extremes after that shit eating fox just went ahead and walked out like that after insulting him like that like so many have done beforehand all throughout his life.

"W-why...." He struggled to find words as he was just nothing but fed up and frustrated with himself, trying tot ell himself to keep his cool as best as he possibly could...

He had to force himself to sit down on the couch now as he places his faces in his hands trying to calm down and hold back the tears of frustration.

"Why.. Did you let him go like that?" Neow said quietly, still doing his best to keep in the anger he was feeling.

"That... Man, He's a criminal!" Neow shook a little bit as he looked up at Roxi.

"Why did you just let him..." he dived his face back into his hands doing his best to hold back the fiery explosion within him...

"That fucking creep... what the fuck is with people like that, why do they even... arrghh..." He did his best to vent out whatever frustration he could, not even looking at Roxi now as he just kept bottling everything up and trying to contain himself in front of Roxi in her own home.
Roxi stared at Neow scared a little, but mostly felt gulity for as though she felt like his anger was all her fault. Well basically allowed the man who insulted him go, someone she obviously could tell Neow hated. She watched and listen to his small out burst. She could see how anger he was and how much he was holding up inside. At times like this, Roxanne would smile or laugh simply enjoying another person misery, but she couldn't with Neow. He was too close to her heart to do such a thing. She honestly felt bad and looked away from him as her ears and tail drooped down. "I'm sorry..." she apologize. Roxanne just had the urge, feeling, to apologize. Her little gulit was beating her up inside.

She walked over to the couch and sat down. She try to keep her eyes on Neow, but still felt a little frigten too. She fiddle around with her tail trying to find closure. "Please just listen to what I have to say and then you can lash your anger out on me.." she spoken softly. "Ace and I go way back, like kids.. We were pretty close at one point in our lives. I know he can be a creep and seem like a threat, but..." She looked up at Neow with determine honest eyes. "But from all my years of knowing the fox, I know he can never a criminal. Never..." she admitted. She knew that wasn't the answer Neow was looking for. She knew he would just be mad angry or hurt. She wonder what he would do or say. "Neow please sit down with me..." She reached out slowly gently grabbing his arm and directed him to sit down right beside her on the couch. She began to think of a way to calm him down, maybe singing but what song? Though she couldn't think straight to het negative thoughts.

"Oh great now I made him more mad.. or upset. He's going to yell, shout at me. Maybe hit me...No Neow wouldn't do such a thing... But maybe when he's mad.. Oh well he probably hates me now... Just grrrreat.."

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