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Neko x Human Rp

I flexed my chest muscles and gave a prideful smile. "I am a winner. Not only do I get the pretty girl, I can make her blush. Victory!"
I blushed and pulled away before sitting down and shaking my head. "No you get the weird girl with tails and ears," I said truthfully.
"True, but that's why I like you. Any one of my friends could get the Victoria's Secret fashion model, but I'm the only one who can say mines part cat!"
"If only that were even remotely correct. Cats and foxes aren't the same thing," I said, not bothering to hide the hurt in my voice.
"Come on. Don't be so stubborn. It was an honest mistake," I said as I softly tickled under her chin in hopes of lifting her spirits.
"That's more like it," I said playfully. I leaned over on top of her and pulled her head down to mine, kissing her while I laid on her lap.
I blushed a bit and kissed him back, giggling softly. I reluctantly pulled away and looked down at him with a goofy grin on my face.
"Wow. I see someone likes to jump the gun. Your taking away my manhood here. At least let me try and make the first move." I sat up and laid her down. I put my arm on the top of the couch and the other slightly under the small of her back. I bent over her and kissed her quickly. "Much better."
I blushed but couldn't help but laugh a bit. I smiled when he kissed me and giggled at his words before kissing him, letting it linger much linger. I smiled, finally forcing myself to pull away as I looked at him.
'Victory!' I thought. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap, laying her on the arm rest. I pulled back from my kiss and looked at her. "So do you want to talk about anything or just keep kissing?"
I thought silently for a few moments before kissing him once more. I pulled him back down so he was hovering over me once again and blushed bright pink and I deepened the kiss slightly.
I started laughing and I had to lean back. "I'm sorry! I don't know why, but I just can't take this seriously!" I didn't want to kill the moment, it just kind of slipped out.
I looked at him a bit shocked before using all my strength to push him away. "Nice to know you can't take my feelings seriously," I spat coldly before getting up. She rolled my eyes and walked out, slamming the door behind me.
I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing, even when she was mad at me. I, for one, didn't see what the big deal was. So what I had a random outburst. Isn't everyone entitled to those once in a while. I stood up, light-headed. I assumed that was a result of all the laughing. I opened the door after her. Still laughing, but trying to supress it, I called out to her. "Babe, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me!"
I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Don't call me that. Find me when you actually care," I said just as coldly as before. I crossed my arms over my chest and laid down on the concrete after I found an empty alley.
I didn't understand the emotions of girls. They overwhelmed and confused me. It was like a little hiccup turning into an earthquake. I left the alley for a second to get all my laughs out. I didn't want to offend her anymore.
I looked around, completely unaware of the tears that were flowing. I found several clothes and made a makeshift bed before hesitantly laying down.

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