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Neko x Human Rp

"Alright! I'll leave fashion decisions up to you! Up and at em' sleepy head!" I threw her over my shoulder and began running out of the apartment.
I was near sleep when I felt myself being lifted once more. Not having a grasp on reality, I began to scream and thrash around, not realizing that it was him. I began crying, wants nothing more than to be put down.
I looked at him and sighed in relief. "Thank you," I said with a small smile before going back inside. I laid back down and curled up into a ball, soon falling asleep.
I went out for my run and ran 3 miles before turning back. At my second mile on the way back, I stopped and looked at a flyer pinned to the window of a small shop. 'Open Auditions For Beginning And Advanced Musicians.' I ripped off one of the flyers and sprinted back to my apartment. She would be so happy to see this, I assumed. I threw open the door. "Guess what I found!?"
I looked up from a book I had started reading and stared at him weirdly. "Your long lost twin?" I guess jokingly as I looked at him with a smile.
I looked at him and took it, silently reading the flyer before looking back up at him. "What about it?" I asked curiously.
I silently shook my head and stood up. I walked out of the apartment without a word and headed down the street.
I wondered what that was about, but decided it best not to ask. I made up the bed she was sleeping on when it hit me. as it possible her guitar was destroyed in the break in?
I soon found myself standing outside my apartment. I hesitantly walked in and began to look around for anything repairable. I sighed and dropped to my knees, crying when I saw my guitar still intact.
I didn't know whether I should go to her apartment or not. I knew that was where she would be. I took a deep breath and walked oout of my apartment, but immediately went back in. I was forgetting something.
I silently walked back to his apartment and walked inside. I smiled and went up behind him, hugging him tightly.
I nearly stabbed her with the screw driver I was examining, but then sighed with relief when I realised it was just her. "You doing better now?"

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