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Fantasy Neko Neko Go!



Uh-oh. Everyone has bren teleported to an alternate world and turned into a Neko in the process! How will you cope with your new life and self?! Everyone has been turned into all types of Neko! Cats, Dogs, Insects, you name it! Can you get back home, and most importantly, can you get back before you become a Neko for all of eternity? :0
Neko Neko woke up to seeing a blue wulf hovering over her. Her eyes widened and she asked, What're you doing? and the wulf said Shhhhhhhh. and she did. The wulf then kissed her and she pulled away, Wait!, she said, Are u a pan? she asked, hoping eh wus cause he wus attractive.


Five Neko woke up inside the barn and rubbed her golden eyes, confsed on what she was doing here. suddenly, she felt her head twitch. She reached up to feel her head and felt ears instead. Huh!? She questioned, sitting up to see she had a lon black tail. What's going on?!??! She asks and she glred at the peple around hr.


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Ginger felt a dull throbbing in her head as she awoke, her heavy pink eyes slowly beginning to flutter open. Where am I she wondered, looking around. Only a few others were awake, but she noticed they ALL HAD EARS! She placed a hand on top of her head, feeling large, bunny-like ears on the top of her own head. "What am I?" She wondered out loud, a look of fear on her face.


Tiny slowly, but surely woke up. His was laying on something scratchy, and upon further investigation, he noticed it was straw. He felt a hot puff of air on his face and he noticed someone sleeping in front of him, ears and tail twitching in their sleep. He jumped up in shock, looking around wildly. Sure enough, he had medium-sized ears, and his outfit was even changed along with it...Where was he?


"Shhhhh" Lux told the cute broad as he began to sexually assault her. He just couldn't control himself. He had this overwhelming need to mate with something. Then she asked him if he was a pan. He clearly was not a piece of cookware. But he could tell by her tone that's WHAT SHE WANTED, NO, NEEDED in her life. "Of course I'm pan. Now have my kids!" he demaned with a sexy growl.


Neko blushed madly as she sat up and backed away, I'm too young. she said. She knew he wasn't a pan and she didn't like anything but pans, so she wouldn't, despite how attractive he looked. Find another mate. She said, standing up and dusting herself off. Right when she did, she felt a tail while dusting of fher skirt. What? She thought, turning ot look at it. She yelped lightly and whimpered, feeling her head that had ears. I don't know what's happening... She muttered, eyes widened. The wulf growled and prowled off to her liking.


Five Neko looked behind her to see a boy that resembled a little girl. She stomped over to him and demanded,
What's happening here?! as if he was suppose to know.

"Never too young for cubs...wait...kids...cubs?" The lion wulf felt his twitchy ears and his massive boner. This was unnatural and must be some kind of weird dream. Lux dipped out. "Aight, fuck you then, daddy," he said in a sensual voice and crawled out of her room. He came back in though like right after. "Yo where thw fuck am I and how did I get in your house?"


Ginger frowned as she heard some guy begin to yell about being in someone's house. "Hey, you! If you haven't noticed, we're all in the same condition here!" She squeaked, staring directly ahead at the guy with the lion ears and tail. "Now put away your massive boner so we can figure out how we got here!"


Tiny jumped back in surprise as some small cat girl came running up to him asking what was going on.
"I don't know! I don't even know where I am!" Tears began to well up in his pale pink eyes and he began to cry. Why was the girl yelling at him? Where were his parents? Where was his room?

Alright, so here's the deal. One sec, Auggie's chilling in his adorable little bachelor pad, probably watching some bro on bro BDSM when this weird thing happens. Fuck if I know what the weird thing is, I ain't God, but I do know one thing. Ya boy wakes up in LaLa Land, right? It's fucking apeshit. Kitty things everywhere. And I mean everywhere, only kitties. So he's sitting here like, Whaaa?, when he realizes something. He hasn't changed! He'd look hella cute with some kitty ears, but ain't nothing there! This bullshit made him notice that his bladder was gonna like, burst if he didn't deal with it, so he stands up all wobbly and totters over to some secluded bushes to do his business. Drops his pants a li'l, 'cause he isn't the weirdo who drops them down 100% in the potty, and moves to go at it.... and has to stop. OH, was his exclamation, as he looked at the weirdass tendrils where his beloved Hammer Brother once rested. I should have a funeral for him, he muttered, eyes dripping anime tears at the loss of his trusted companion.


Neko Neko looked around th ebarn, confused on where she was, when the wulf came back and asked how he got into her 'house', she shook her head, tHis isn't my hosue, it's a barn. She said, blinking at him. She was just as confused as h e was. When pink haired girl talked, she blushed lightly. R-right! She muttered. Een though she wasn't talking to her, she responded anyways.


Five Neko glared at the boy and folded her arms.
Suck it up! She telled at him, noticing hid tears. Weirdo... She thought, shaking her head.


Tsugu blinked as he stood on the rafters of the barn.
Wut.... He thought, his kitty meowing, annoyed of being disturbed. He heard yelling and panic down below and sighed, hoping down and drifting softly to land on a pile of hay. "EVEWYONE SHUSH!" When they did, he cleared his thoat. I dun evwen know whatchu're doin, bu t u need to getchurself into neko neko land or u'll die. have fun! He yelled, his kitty meowing as he disappeared.


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Lux's eyes shot over to Ginger. He lunged over to her and sat shoulder to shoulder with her. "Mmm you sound like you know what you're doing. Figure out why we're all pretty kittys yet?" Then some weird kid with a speech impediment came in and said some weird shit. "Hahaha what?"

Pikoko just stood in a dark corner with her arms folded studying the rest of the kitty cat/animal things.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/moe_mona_by_spittfireart-d6vjqoa.jpg.13c5916e3cecb6a06773270d8f1a4485.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79343" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/moe_mona_by_spittfireart-d6vjqoa.jpg.13c5916e3cecb6a06773270d8f1a4485.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stacy woke up to a bunch of yelling and instinctively covered her ears except she could't find them, only soft..."Fur?" she thought to herself.

Worrying she looked around to find a bunch of creatures talking and yelling.

Stacy slowly backed into a corner and buried her face in her knees. So many things were whizzing through her mind she just started crying softly to herself.



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"wow look at you all running around like lost sheep now let me make this all clear for you were al in this world where were al neko's each of us are efeccted in some way Your see some of us are cute and fwufy just wike meee" He said as he sat on the statue acing like a cute kitten he snapped out of it "and of course some of us are on heat ect ect. Now all we need to do is this" He said as he then dropped to the floor landing on his feet "we need to find a way out of here" he said looking a thtem
I hwate to agwree but... gwasses ovur here is wright.... Tsugu said, appearing on the hay stack again, the cat on his head. Ya need ta get outa here. It's weally swimple too. Just walk outa here. He said, the cat letting out a loud and annoyed meow before disappearing.

@drummerboi @Everyone

Neko Neko watched the strange people, ever so slightly confused until she saw her sister, Five Neko. Five! She yelled rushing over to her and hugging her, I'm so happy you're okay! Five growled and said, Yeah yeah whatever. She then noticed a boy cryin. Being the sypatetic person she was, she walked over to him and pattted his head. It's okay. She said, giving him a reshuring smile. Sorry if my sister was harassig you. She's a bit... Uhm... Anoyed.

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"Oh yeah??" Lux purred as he crawled on all fours toward Connor, quickly ditching ginger "In heat, huh? Well intelligence makes me HOTTER, big boy," he slunk behind Connor and wrapped his arms around the other male's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Hows about you have my babies?" the lion asked in a seductive, whispery voice.

"It doesn't work like that." Pikono said from her dark and mysterious corner of the room. "Two men can't have babies."

"You don't know that for sure. The rules are different now, we're cats."

A sharp and mean laugh escaped Pikono's lips. "Whatever you say,"

"Shut up...you smell that?" The blue lion's ears twitched and he began to sniff. "I smell...VULNERABILITY. PUUURRRFECT FOR FUCKING!" he released Connor and followed his nose to the soft sound of whimpering. He stared down at the racoon girl covered in fur. "Hey this isn't a cat...come to think of it," the slutty lion grabbed his tail and looked at it. "I'm a lion," he just now realized. He studied the racoon for a moment. It was covered in fur, unlike most of them. He really wanted to fuck it. He knelt down by the crying girl and stroked her hair. "Shhhhh, shhhh. Don't worry. It'll be alright baby. Let's just...produce viable offspring and pass on our genes to the next generation..."

@LolitaDarling @TerrinX @drummerboi

Ginger blinked in surprise as the blue lion guy came and sat next to her, saying that she seemed like she knew what she was doing. "In fact, I don't even know what's going on at all." She then heard some guy talking about Neko Neko Land, and another guy was acting like an actual cat for a short amount of time. "Well, this is a barn, so their should be a door."

@drummerboi @Vixifeir

Tiny began to cry softly, still not knowing what was going on or why everyone was freaking out and why this girl was still yelling at him.
"But I waanna goooo hooooomee," he said, sniffling softly as his large bunny ears folded in despair. Truth was, he was almost like a child in a way. He then paused once another girl came over and started talking to him, patting him on the head. His sniffling stooped, and he looked up. "Thanks..."


Tsugu appeared above Lux, floating over him upside down with the cat on his legs. Ur weally bwad at cherwing pwepol up. He said, disspearing and reapering above Jubilee. On da othur hand, dis gurl is gwood at it. Tusgu then looked at Jubille, upside down. It was odd because it looked like Jubilee and pink hair as a beard and eyes were a mouth shoul be. hehe... He giggled, disappearing as the cat meow iritated again.


Neko Neko smiled at him.
No problem. She said, standing and dusting off her skirt, not paying too much attention till the little Tsugu was gone. SHe turned around and asked, Do you want to come with me and my sister? Neko asked as Five Neko rolled her eyes, ititaded.

Hana, Yuuya and Nana

A sheepish hand raised upwards after a boy had finished his short speech, a shy and fairly embarrassed expression playing on Hana's face. "H-how do you know so much about here, sir...?" She asked the boy in a soft tone, but before he could answer, a girlish scream sounded behind the girl. Squealing in shock, she jumped before whirling around with wide eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO MY EARS?!" ... It was Yuuya. The tan male stared around the room with wide eyes, realising they all were in a familiar predicament. "Ooooooh... I don't like this..." With a sigh, he jumped to his feet, immediately at Hana's side. He placed a hand on her shoulder whilst raising a brow, "Have you seen N-"

"Oiiiiiii... First you want yaoi with that guy, now you're moving onto her? That's not very faaaaair..." The platinum blonde complained in an almost whiny fashion to the blue lion, leaning over from the waist. "'Sides, no one wants that blue dick inside of 'em, so I'd give up, honey." And with that, she sent him a wink and grin. Yuuya immediately placed both hands over Hana's ears, scowling. "Nana! Can you cut it out for a minute and help us figure what the heck is going on?" She released a groan, but complied to his wishes, quickly moving to his side. "You're no fun... But fine. Anyone know how they got here? Even recall what happened to them yesterday?" The question was addressed to the whole room, and with an attractive lady asking it, who wouldn't reply?

@ExpensiveStripper @everyone else really

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/moe_mona_by_spittfireart-d6vjqoa.jpg.e3ec08ba71b0359c305b0dd762983259.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/moe_mona_by_spittfireart-d6vjqoa.jpg.e3ec08ba71b0359c305b0dd762983259.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stacy cried harder, she was trembling exponentially.

"What the hell is happening?!" she screamed in her head, so much was happening so fast.

Stacy's mind was in shambled trying to piece everything together but to no avail.



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Lux poked the crying raccoon in confusion. "Is that a...is that a no?" he asked dumbly. Then a lightbulb appeared over his head. He thought he may have figured out why the racoon was behaving so strangly. "Hey maybe since we got animal parts this racoon got human parts! That's why it can't--" his ears perked up as Nana mentioned his blue dick. And how no one wants it. Then she called him honey. Lux blushed deeply. He turned to the woman and stared at her. The lion was so turned on right now that he couldn't even speak. Finally he approached Nana and took both her hands in his. "What I did yesterday doesn't matter. All I know now is that I'm a lion and that you're the hottest woman I've seen in the last five seconds. I've been a naughty kitty, mommy and I deserve a spanking..." his voice gradually progressed into a sensual pur as he spoke the words and lowered his eyelids.

Pikono sighed at all of the tomfoolery and left her corner to stand next to Connor, who seemed reasonable enough. "It's bit fuzzy, no pun intended but yesterday was a normal day. We can glean more information outside. There must be a reason were all placed in this barn."

@Leaf Fi @TerrinX @drummerboi
Connor compleatly ignored the boy and scooted to the side he then suddnly sat down into a sort of cat like pose "Well from all the data i collected it seem's are brains are being reconfigured to this state if we stay here for a long period of time were going to stay like this! Nyaaaan" He said as he then stood back up again "so we need to find a way to get out of here otherwise we will turn into are well selves we are now forever and personalty i don't want to have a split personality thank you" he said looking at them all "And plus if you ever do hat again i swear i will make sure you never speak again" he said looking at he blue fer'd boy
Pikono disappeared from existence and never happened and was magically replaced by a green tiger chick. Yay for imagination. She told the smart cat boy, "Woah woah slow down! I'm confused!" in a whiny voice. Near the back of the shed was a low growl and a sneer. A crazy tall bull lady was laying on the ground staring up at the ceiling. "And how do you know all of this four eyes?"


@anyone rly
"basicly if we stay here we turn into that" he said pointing to the blue boy who's practicly humping evryone he see's "and i would know because if you haven't noticed I keep changing personality's nyaaaan now let me introduce myselfe im Connor-Chan nice to meet you today nyaaan atculy my full name is Connor Gray nice to meet you yadayadayada anyway first off how do we get out of this barn i tried the door but it dosn't seem to work exactly" he said looking at the others
Summer was sitting on the ground oddly she was outside the barn, smells filed her nostrils she perked up her new ears and hear voices tucking her tail between her legs she slowly got up...only wearing pajamas which was just undies and a really big shirt she went to the barn door slowly pushing it open with a loud creak...her ears laid down flat against her head " H-hello? "
Hana, Yuuya and Nana

Nana blinked as her hands were grasped, brows furrowing in confusion. Then blue dick 'nd balls began to... Hit on her? She couldn't really tell. Only thing she could see apparent was the horror on Hana's face. 'Yuuya didn't cover her ears properly...' Rolling her uniquely coloured eyes, Nana lowered her eyelids seductively and smiled, taking a step closer to the lion. Leaning up on her tiptoes and fully leaning against him- GOD THAT THING PRESSING INTO HER WAS DISGUSTING- , she pressed her lips against his ear, "Call me mommy again and I'll do better than spanking, dear...~" She purred lowly before withdrawing her hands. By the tone, it might have seemed that she was highly interested to this horny lion, but that was far from the truth. To convey this, Nana swiftly raised her now free hand and gave Lux a swift, hard slap. "Buuut, I'm not interested. So fuck off.~" She turned, grabbed a hold of Hana's hand and quickly moved to the other side of the room. Not a complaint was made as they did so, and once out of earshot of the lion, Yuuya and Nana both released sighs of relief. "Thank God..." After the identical sentence left their mouths, a high five was shared, and just as it made contact the door to the barn had opened. Hana let out a delighted squeal, smiling widely as she began to point towards the now opened door. "Everyone, look! The door!" The small girl beamed. "We can leave now! Isn't that great?"

@ExpensiveStripper for the start @Everyone at the end
Lux was delighted by all of the negative attention he was receiving. Connor's threat to make him stop speaking was glorious. Will he...will he gag me? But he was still focused on the newest object of his affections, Nana! His tail swished back and forth as she spoke, elation transformed his face with her every word until SMACK!! "YES! Ohh YES!! IT HURTS SO GOOD, THANK YOU!!" the lion fell to the ground, in simultaneos pain and pleasure. Poor terribly confused Tana watched the scene go down after Connor pointed to the blue eared weird dude. She didn't quite understand what he meant, but there was something clearly wrong with that guy, so it'd probably be best if she didn't turn out like him. "Connor chan, it's nice to meet you! I'm Tana! Hello everyone," she turned around in a circle to introduce herself to the other barnyard animals. The bull in back snickered casually and muttered, "Call me El." The door to the barn opened and the tall buxom woman stood. "Thank God. I was wondering how long it was gonna take for someone to open that thing." she rested her hands behind her head and asked around the room, "Anyone else hungry?" Lux shot up and purred. "Now that you mention it, yeah!"

"How can you think about food in a time like this?!" poor Tana sputtered.

"Uh, cause we're hungry, dipshit?" El responded as she went for the now open door. She placed a hand on the top of Summer's head. "Thank you dear. Any idea where we are?"

"Also is there a....uhhhh....bathroom anywhere? I gotta handle some business," Lux said before turning to look at Nana with longing eyes as he rubbed his face. The lion stood on his feet and prepared to leave with the others.

Tana was still confused and now she felt like a dipshit because, well, she had been called a dipshit. She wasn't sure who was sane or who was a meanie. Connor was weird and he didn't make sense but he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, so she decided to stick with him.

@Wild Born @ anyone

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