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Fantasy Neko Neko Go!

Chichi yawned as she woke up,

Trying to lift her arms to rub her eyes. However, she was poked and prodded by bunches of tiny sticks. She looked up, realizing she was in a group of bushes. She looked up to see a half-naked tiger lady and an extremely hot cat guy. She stretched up, realizing that she was only in a shirt and thigh high stockings. Somehow, her other clothes had managed to disappear. She then felt a brush of something against her leg, and she looked down to see blonde tail swishing back and forth. And as she put her hands on the top of her head, she felt a fluffy pair of ears along with it. "So embarrassing, nyaan~~" She blushed, trying to tug the shirt down. "I never go naked in front of attractive strangers, nyaan~"


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in what seemed to be like a instinct connor grabbed the knife from her and begu to run towards teh cat girl. It semed his more seriuse personality was more into the surival of the fittest type thing he pinned her against the wall and stabbed the knife in a tree inches away from her neck "If you intend to hirt us or worse take are food to survive in this place i will kill you this isn't are world anymor no law's to tear us down it's survival of the fittest from here on out and no man or woman is going to stop me from getting out of here so would you cre to explain why your here" He said taking the knife away from the tree and putting it in his pocket

Chichi then began to cry as the random guy stabbed a knife about three inches away from her beautiful face. "I-I don't even know where I am, nyaan~ D-don't kill me for waking up in the bushes!" She cried out, covering herself up and pulling her shirt down. "W-why would I know w-where I am? I j-just woke up in those bushes!" She squeaked, wiping her face off with her arm. "A-also! I don't want your r-rotten rabbit! I just w-wanna go home!"


Summer was running back to the others when she tried to stop which failed and she came skidding into the clearing, she crashed into Chichi and Connertumbling with them a few feet and getting cut by the knife which made her yelp (like actually yelp like a dog) once they stopped she reached up and grabbed her bleeding arm, the cut was on her right bicep and it was pretty deep since she landed on the knife
A lot was happening at once. Same as Connor, Tana went into battle mode. She wasn't armed or anything, but she was ready to fuck someone up. But then the random bush girl started crying. Tana put a hand on Connor's shoulder and said, "Con-chan, maybe we should-- LOOK OUT!" Tana dived away with cat like reflexes as the dog girl came tumbling into Connor and Chichi. As the clumsy dog recovered, the thick scent of blood punched Tana's nose in the face. The girl's pupils dilated and her ears twitched. Her tail began to swing back and forth like a pendulum. Then, there was no going back. "YOU'RE MINE, BITCH!" she roared like Katy Perry and tackled the girl to the ground. Pure instinct took over and she bit into Summer's wound. She sucked the blood for a split second before regaining her senses. Tana wobbled as she stood up and rubbed blood off of her face. "Omigosh I'm so sorry!"

@Wild Born @drummerboi @LolitaDarling
Connor Growled a little a he looked at the two "Just go away okay we don't want you here jusst go away or you will die here" he said as he then begun to look at tan "Come on tana we'll find are own way home" he said as he then begun to walk away knowing if he stayed here any longer Tana might do something she'd regret After a while the two were far from the other's "I think here is where we should set camp and i swear to god if the other's interupt us again i swear...." he said as he then begun to re cook the rabbit again thankfuly it hasn't rooted
Sumer got up holding er still bleeding arm 'well their nice' she thought and peeled her hand back looking at her cut arm with a cringe she tore off a strip of fabric from her shirt and wrapped up her arm as best she could
Tana was using her shirt to wipe blood off of her face as she followed Connor. She was resisting the urge to go back and bite the shit out of the girl. "Connor-kun I really need foood! I can still smell that random bleeding dog chick and I reeeeally wanna eat her Connor-kun I reeeeally do!!" she whined but there was nothing she could do about it. The rabbit would be finished when the rabbit would be finished.

@Wild Born @LolitaDarling
" I got something you can eat" he said in a sultry tone he realised what he just said and it made him blush "Did i really just say that oh no i hope tana didn't hear that" He said realising what he said was kind of dirty. He hoped that she didn't hear that otherwise who know's he can eather be lying on the ground sweating or lying ont he ground bleading
"I know you have something I can eat, I caught it for yooooou, silly!" Tana responded dumbly. She thought he was talking about the rabbit. Her tail swayed as she sat by the rabbit as if staring at it would make it cook faster.

Kona forgot that she was dumb and didn't understand inuendos. "Well thank god" he said lokoing at her glad that she didn't get the inuendo "It need's a fire to cook Tana it isn't going to cook itself is it not unless you have heat vision" he said laughing lightly reconstructing there fire and cooking the rabbit until it's compleatly cooked he gave her one half and he got the other "Let's eat" he said eating his part of the rabbit
Tana devoured the rabbit ravenously and wiped her face with her shirt. Feeling somewhat normal again, she sighed and patted her tummy. "That hit the spot!" She laid on her back and looked at the sky through the trees. "Hey what were we supposed to be doing again?"

Connor begun to get on top of her "I don't know but i wanted to do something for a long long time" he said as he begun to lean close to her and kiss her. Damn she was hell of a women it was a risk but he knew it would be worht it. Or he would be kitty food at teh end but hay might as well die doing what you love. After he kisse her lightly he pulled back and looked at her "Oh and what i said about earlyer it wasn't teh rabbit" He wisered what he meant in her ear

Ginger gasped as she was walking and noticed that a cat man was forcing his way on top of a tiger girl. Another gasp left her mouth. "RAAAPE!" She screamed, foot flying into the cat man's face so that he soared into the air. She then rushed over to the victim, frantically looking her over. "Are you okay? Was that disgusting cis white male disturbing your peaceful meal?" She asked, eyes full of concern.


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