Neko Clans! ;3

Yoru couldn't help but to smile at his flattery "oh shut up... Im not perfect" those were strong words he was using "perfect" "beautiful" "attractive" he never thought he was any of those things... he muttered the last part shyly "M-me too..."
"Yes you are!" He whined childishly,running a hand through the mans hair and kissing his forehead

"I'm still in the closet too,to be honest and that's probably another reason as to why I'm so shy.." He said quietquiet
Yoru chuckled at that "if my parents knew they would've probably died of shock... they wanted me to be a doctor but personally I just think they wanted me to take care of them when they got old, but they died anyways so its kind of too late to tell them haha..." his parents wanted him to be perfect... he just wanted to be himself.
The taller of the two reached down an linked their fingers, before smiling and leaning in towards yoru,he gently met their lips and then pulled back swiftly

"Our mothers would be turning in their graves!" He giggled
((Really, I don't know.. ._. Should he have followed? Confused again... Also sorry for the late replies...))
(lol, no I was confused by it your fine Note) @Bree @Little Sister @stormhawk324

@<3Overlordofhearts<3 @Darth Pai

Yoru smiled at Yukio and leaned into the kiss he was so happy now that the world could come crumbling around him and he wouldn't notice a thing. Once he pulled away Yoru chuckled a little and ran his fingers through the leader's hair lovingly "Yeah, but who cares what they think anyway?" his heart beat through his chest and he cuddled up to the other tomcat purring as he nuzzled his side.

Xeon's ears perked up and he started walking toward the scent of freshly caught Tuna from the docks "hmmm...." he waved his tail happily passing by Cliff and the others and found himself a fish and he shut his eyes and started nibbling at it he was hungry because he didn't have any breakfast looking for Luna *NomNom*
"Yoru.." He spoke the name softly and kissed the tomcats forehead,reaching down and lacing their fingers and nuzzling his hair with his ears,making them twitch slightly and his tail flick from side to side calmly.

"Everything is so perfect when you're around,I fe so calm and at ease.. I too...yes safe, I feel like you're going to keep me safe when I'm with you, I've never let this way before and I like it, I like you." He finished in a whisper before hugging him tight. 
Cyrus whined softly when he felt his eyes open, he got up slowly and rubbed his poofy eyes, following the Neko he made out to be Xeon to the docks, before sitting down next to him and resting his head in the elder's lap.

"You're going to find her, right? It's going to be okay right?" He mumbled, clinging to his shirt.
Xeon petted the kit's head smiling brightly "don't you worry Luna is going to be fine she can't be too far and Lillian is trying her best" then he remembered that if Lily knew that he was as far from the capital as he was with his injuries that he'd be in trouble... "don't tell Lily I'm here okay?..."

Yoru's eyes grew wide and his ears perked up at his words "Yuki!" he called out the other neko's name ecstatically as he smashed their lips together "You don't know how happy you've made me!" he wrapped his tail around Yukio's waist keeping him right there and bringing him so close they could feel eachother's heartbeats
He nodded sweetly.

"I won't!" He giggled softly and dangled his hands in the water, giggling as he felt fish swim past him

"Oh Xeon! Would you look at that?! I can see so many fish!" He cried,pawing at them.

He squealed as he felt those magical lips touch his and lifted the other up off his feet,kissing him softly before letting him go and flinging his arms around him, running his hands through his hair again and again and kissing his lips, before reason the backs of his ears with his thumb

"Y-you know.. You're really pretty.."
(@Darth Pai Yukio, Yoru and Sparkz are new members of Valor and Xeon and Cyrus are at the docks, Lily sent a search team to find Luna)

Xeon sighed in relief that Cyrus wouldn't tell Lily. He pointed out a rather large catfish swimming by "hey, look at that one!" he took a closer look to notice it had scars along its back and it somehow made him think of Luna... poor girl she must be alone and afraid right noow wondering if anyone was ever going to find her

Yoru blushed deeper "Oh shut up..." he wasn't used to people complimenting him like Yuki was and he wasn;t quite sure how to feel about it but he thought it was a bit too much there was nothing so great about him he was lucky that Yuki cared about him so much
((4 new charries were added and Faru and Xeon are at the dock, ... or was it Cyrus? lol yeah sorry it was Cyrus. And three of the charries are from Valor cuz they weren't involved in the rp much))
(Well. I haven't posted in a while. ._.)

Sparkz lied down on the grass, watching a few clouds pass by. They weren't really in any familiar shapes he could recognize. Several minutes passed as his furry ears slowly wiggled up and down as he gazed at the sky. "Meow," He muttered with boredom. Later, he started shooting electricity from his paws into the sky, making it explode into tiny blue sparks. He smiled to himself as he kept making electric fireworks.

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