Neko Clans! ;3

((I'm just going to start xD ))


A black tailed neko sat down on the grassy ground with a soft thump. The gentle breeze tousled the neko's silky raven hair which framed his feminine face perfectly. The sun beamed down on the neko as he stretched and laid down on the grass, staring up at the blue skies and watching as the clouds passed by.

Oh! That one looks like a tuna fish! The neko giggled softly at the sight of a cloud shaped as a fish pass - or swim - by, it looked like it was trying to catch up with the rabbit cloud. Yawning, the neko felt his deep violet eyes become heavy as he thought it would be a great time for a cat nap. Letting his eyes drift close, the neko felt his soft pink lips stretch into a tiny smile as he fell into a great dream about salmon.


"You can't run as fast as Luna, chii!" A small platinum blonde neko ran through the camp, spotting the leader neko petting a little animal. Stifling a giggle, Luna crouched down and hid herself in the tall grass, which wasn't that hard considering her small size. Planning to pounce on the neko leader, Luna was making far too much noise for someone not to notice her.

Waving her tail up in the air, Luna jumped into Xeon's back, emitting an adorable laugh. "Mwahaha! Luna has caught big kitty! Big kitty must now take Luna for a ride!" The little neko child giggled as she wrapped her petite arms around Xeon's neck, holding him tight enough not to choke the other neko.
((I do have a question -- which I probably should have asked before we started the actual roleplay, but are they already in their clans or do they come to join together?))

Cliff wandered through the forest silently, taking caution not to attract the attention of any living creature, whether it was another neko or merely a squirrel. He was good at sneaking because he was really swift and quiet, plus he was rather short so it was easy to hide himself. Taking in the scent of his surroundings, seemed clear around the water bank which was exactly where he was heading. Quickly he leaned down on his hands and knees to lap up a quick drink of fresh river water.

Ritsu was up on a tree branch lazily sleeping the hour away like any other regular cat would.
Danye was walking through the park. She stopped to make sure her daggers were still in her socks and continued to walk looking at all the beautiful things growing. She stopped to pick a rose off a nearby rosebush. She took her dagger out and cut the thorns and stem and put it up to her nose savoring the sweet scent of the bud.
(Yeah, each Clan is like a kingdom)

Xeon laughed as the younger Neko caught him by surprise he giggled and spread his arms like wings and flew around the room "haha!, Weeeeee!!" Xeon smiled brightly waving his tail happily
Lilian walked towards Ethryn, as she left the kingdom to converse with the neighboring one on her leader's orders. She sighed in relief as she saw Ethryn in the horizon, so she adjusted her white backpack before continuing on her journey. Her bells jingling softly, as the breeze past.

Luna giggled as Xeon ran around with her on his back. "When Luna gets older, Luna's going to marry big kitty, okay?" The little neko pet Xeon's head affectionately, a bright smile on her soft pink lips. "Luna loves big kitty! Does big kitty love Luna?" Luna's ears perked as she anxiously waited for Xeon's reply. This little neko had always looked up to the neko leader, ever since her parents died from a bear attack. Luna loved this "big kitty" very much.
Xeon took the kit in his arms smiling warmly, he loved the little ones he twirled around happily along the forest path and he started singing to the child ~what if everyone skipped down, along the the streets that run all throughout the town~ ~imagine if they met up in the kingdoms heart, and one by one they held hands and looked up at the night sky~ he giggled "you know I love you Luna" he continued singing
Cliff lifted his head when he heard a pair of voices, of course he did, what did he expect? This was the home of his clan. Course there were others around. After wiping off his mouth he hopped back up into his feet, dusting the sort off of his pants before he began walking again. He couldn't help but glance over at the two. Looked like it was one of the children...and the leader!
Danye put the rose down and thought she would go hunting today in the forest. She was heading out of the park and back to her house to get her bow and arrows. Once she got them she started to head out to the forest hoping she wouldn't see anybody, she was to shy to talk to many people.
((@<3desuu;): Wanna have Ritsu talk to Danye since they're in the same clan?))

With a groan Ritsu rolled over in his sleep, unfortunately this only resulted in rolling over off of the branch and crashing down into the hard ground. But to his luck there was a fluffy bush waiting just below the tree to catch the clumsy neko. From a passerby's pout of view he probably looked like nothing but an idiot. "Ow...that was a dumb idea." He sighed and rubbed his head.
Xeon danced around happily of course he took the kits "I love you" statement in a fatherly way he did think of Luna as his favorite kit in his clan he kept singing ~if everyone could just look around from where they stand, and learn to give and take a chance, then that would be the hope to chase away my cries~ he took Luna by the paw smiling ~so don't you fret just live on with your head held high-ei-ei!~
(Sure @stormhawk324 )

Danye was walking through the woods her arrows on her back her bow in her hand when she heard a nearby rustle of a bush. She furrowed her brow and put an arrow in her bow and went towards the bush to see a man inside it. She put down the bow and looked at the man funnily. "U-um hi." She said shyly looking down at the ground.
((Ermagerd! So much adorable fluffiness!! Oh, and favourite kit? She's the only kit xD ))

Luna giggled and nuzzled herself closer to Xeon's chest. With an innocent smile on her face, Luna blurted out, "Big kitty's voice is a little pitchy!" The petite neko beamed brightly as she handed out her constructive criticism. "Luna suggests that you work on not jumping from note to note," Giggling cheerfully, Luna put a tiny hand to her chin and stroked her imaginary beard. "And after that big kitty will be like angel!" Luna exclaimed as she used large gestures as she spoke.
Ritsu was surprised to see someone approach at that moment. Oh great! The perfect moment to look absolutely stupid infront of a stranger, or anyone really! He scrambled up onto his feet. "Uh, hello. Don't ask me to explain the whole bush thing; just go with it." With a quiet sigh he rubbed one of his white kitty ears that felt sore now from that terrible landing. Cats always land on their feet? Not this cat. "I'm Ritsu. You are?" Might as well introduce himself. Who knows, perhaps he'll get a friend.
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"I-i'm Danye." She said playing with her ear. her tail flicking back and forth behind her and her bow still in her hands with the arrow still cocked back. "W-who are you?" She asked looking down at the ground once again.
(lol, well she's just that awesome)

Xeon smiled lovingly at the little kit petting her head "haha!, alright I promise to keep singing and getting better" he smelled a man close by... a hunter he thought "Cliff?" He looked around for him, he was the only hunter he knew that hunted regularly where he went for strolls...
"I just told you, I'm Ritsu. Oh! I'm a soldier. By the looks of your bow, so are you." Ritsu guessed as he placed his hands up on his hips. Sadly he had broken his weapon before he had the chance to even try it out; had a knife but accidentally broke the blade with a rock sort of problem.

Cliff nearly jumped when he heard his name. Instead of approaching like any other neko would, he quickly backed away into the shadows. Why was he hiding? It was only the leader, Xeon, besides he was a nice guy. His ears pulled back as he grew silent again.
"Y-yeah I am." She said quietly I her head cursing herself for being shy. She just looked at the ground not exactly scared, but just to shy to talk that much. She hoped he didn't think she was stupid or something.
Lilian walked through her clan's gates and walked towards where the leader might be. 'He's probably in the forest area' she assumed as the sun was still high in the skies. Lilian smiled at the people she passed by, her tail swaying back and forth.
((BTW if anyone's lonely, Rai's sleeping in the fields. :3))

Luna purred softly as Xeon pet her head, the kit leaned into his hand, rubbing her nekomimi against them. "Chii!~" the little neko said as she enjoyed the feeling of being pet.

When the neko leader had stopped petting her, Luna pouted and looked up, her olive eyes searching for the Girly Kitty #1. "Girly Kitty 1?" Luna called out for Cliff, using the nickname she had given him when she first met the hunter neko. "Girly Kitty! Luna demands that you show yourself!" Luna folded her arms over he chest and puffed out her cheeks, waiting impatiently for Cliff to show himself.
Ritsu lightly poked the girl's forehead. "You don't talk very much do you? No matter. Better than someone who won't shuttup, I'll say." He smiled in slight amusement. "We're you about to go somewhere? Patrolling the area, perhaps?" 
((@paipai900: girly kitty? X3 lol! It suits him.))

"I am not girly!" Cliff called out, practically refusing to remove himself from his current location. "And I don't care what you command. I'm staying over here."
(lol, girly kitty 1... whos girly kitty 2?)

Xeon giggled to himself at the two, "Cliff come on!, you know I dont bite!" the Neko giggled waving his tail happily

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