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Fantasy ♡ Neko Cafe ♡

Whale said:
"What's the strongest thing you got?" Tigger asked imidiatly. "I'll have two larges and a blueberry muffin." She said before the girl could answer he first question. @sprouhtt
"Two large what?" Asami asked as she wrote down the orders on her notepad. Asami looked at the girl who seemed to be angry and she wondered what was going on with the girl.
"Two larges of the strongest thing you have. And if you don't know what that is, ask the person who makes them." Tigger huffed. "And don't forget my blueberry muffin." Even though she was bgfeing extreamly rude now, after she had her drink and myffin Tigger will be much more agreeable. @sprouhtt
Whale said:
"Two larges of the strongest thing you have. And if you don't know what that is, ask the person who makes them." Tigger huffed. "And don't forget my blueberry muffin." Even though she was being extremely rude now, after she had her drink and myffin Tigger will be much more agreeable. @sprouhtt
"Okay right away," Asami said as she went back to the kitchen and she grabbed two of the strongest or largest meals they had and brought it back on a tray. Asami walked very elegantly while holding the tray of food, she took the muffin off first and then the two others meals and presented it in front of the girl. "Here you go dear," Asami said and smiled knowing that this girl literally had no manners but she never argued with a customer.
Thatonechillgirl said:
"And a bran muffin too!" he said to Kirai.
"I'll go get your stupid muffin." Kirai joked with a small chuckle, and went to grab his muffin from the small bakery setup on display near the front counter. She brought the muffin back to his table and set it on a pastel green napkin with the cafe logo on it, which was "Neko Cafe" underneath a pair of neko ears, and a tail coming out of the word "Cafe". She smiled and politely bowed to him. "Enjoy your muffin, ya dingus." She often made jokes like this with close friends.
"Thanks..." Rayischo looks very concentrated. 'Yo! Idiot! Don't date to fall asleep right now!' He thought and sighed. He took a deep breath and emptied his glass of water and ice with one gulp, but it had no use. After a few seconds, Rayischo's head slammed on the table and he fell asleep. 'Today is not ma day...'


Tigger nodded her thanks breifly to the girl before taking the drinks and the muffin. Digging in her backpack she pulled out a few bills and set them on the counter. "Keep the change" she grumbled before starting on her first cup. @sprouhtt
Rayischo said:
"Thanks..." Rayischo looks very concentrated. 'Yo! Idiot! Don't date to fall asleep right now!' He thought and sighed. He took a deep breath and emptied his glass of water and ice with one gulp, but it had no use. After a few seconds, Rayischo's head slammed on the table and he fell asleep. 'Today is not ma day...'
Kirai then looked to the table where Rayischo was sitting and noticed that he was asleep. "What the hell...?" She raised an eyebrow and walked away from Tobi ( @Thatonechillgirl ), then headed over to Rayischo and lightly tapped on his shoulder, then tapped a little harder.
Harutora made it back to his apartment as he gives his sister her mocha as he sits down on the couch with a sigh "I wonder if I should go back to the cafe and order some food this time..." He thought as his stomach growls in hunger as he sighs "I guess I can go back...." He thought as he leaves his apartment and went to go to the Neko Cafe....again.
Whale said:
Tigger nodded her thanks breifly to the girl before taking the drinks and the muffin. Digging in her backpack she pulled out a few bills and set them on the counter. "Keep the change" she grumbled before starting on her first cup. @sprouhtt
"Oh wow everyone sure is very generous today, thank you miss." Asami said as she left the girl to finish her food and began heading towards the cash register to put the change in.

Rayischo said:
"Thanks..." Rayischo looks very concentrated. 'Yo! Idiot! Don't date to fall asleep right now!' He thought and sighed. He took a deep breath and emptied his glass of water and ice with one gulp, but it had no use. After a few seconds, Rayischo's head slammed on the table and he fell asleep. 'Today is not ma day...'
Asami saw a young man passed out on the table, she was curious to see if he was alright."Uh sir?" Asami spoke in a sweet tone of voice when she walked towards him.
'Idiot! Get up!'

no reaction.

'This accident starts to ruin my love more and mor- someone's tapping on my shoulder...'

Rayischo raises an eyebrow. As the taping got stronger, his eyes opened and he stood up. He looks around, noticing some people staring at him. He puts 10$ on the table and leaves. "Thanks! Sorry for... this! Bye!"

Harutora made it back to the Neko Cafe as he sat down at the same table from before and looks out the same window from before and sighs to himself
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Harutora made it back to the Neko Cafe as he sat down at the same table from before and looks out the same window from before and sighs to himself

"Huh?" Asami said as she tilted her head to the side a bit confused as to what just happened. Asami heard the same chime go off and when she turned her head she saw it was Harutora, she made way towards him as her tail swayed left and right following the motion of her hips. "Hello Mr. Harutora, back again?" Asami asked with a small smile.
Rayischo said:
'Idiot! Get up!'
no reaction.

'This accident starts to ruin my love more and mor- someone's tapping on my shoulder...'

Rayischo raises an eyebrow. As the taping got stronger, his eyes opened and he stood up. He looks around, noticing some people staring at him. He puts 10$ on the table and leaves. "Thanks! Sorry for... this! Bye!"

"Allllllrighty then." She remarked with a shrug and happily took the money, then put it in the "tips" jar. She decided to check on the customer who was angry and try to make her feel less grumpy. She smiled and politely bowed before her (Tigger). "Hai hai!" She sang in a cheerful tone. "Are you enjoying your meal? Can I get you anything?" She asked with a cute smile.

Whale said:
Tigger nodded her thanks breifly to the girl before taking the drinks and the muffin. Digging in her backpack she pulled out a few bills and set them on the counter. "Keep the change" she grumbled before starting on her first cup. @sprouhtt
"Yeah I am, miss Asami" Harutora said as he smiles at Asami "Apparently I got hungry so yeah I came here to eat" Harutora said while smiling at her
Tigger looked up at the new girl with a slightly raised eyebrow. She swallowed a peice of her muffin quickly. "Yes. All I need is to be left in peacw for now." She grumbled. @ThugSama
Whale said:
Tigger looked up at the new girl with a slightly raised eyebrow. She swallowed a peice of her muffin quickly. "Yes. All I need is to be left in peacw for now." She grumbled. @ThugSama
"R-Right... I apologize..."Kirai bowed politely once again and awkwardly walked off to the kitchen.
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"Yeah I am, miss Asami" Harutora said as he smiles at Asami "Apparently I got hungry so yeah I came here to eat" Harutora said while smiling at her

"What would you like Mr. Harutora?" Asami asked as her tail swayed from side to side in a cheerful manner since she was very energetic from that class of milk she had consumed.
It was 9:00 PM, and both Kirai and Asami were closing up and cleaning before they went home. Asami was allowed to leave at 9:30 PM, though. She began mopping the floor, and picking up any trash she saw. @sprouhtt
Asami was exhausted and couldn't wait until she got home, "Hey do you need any help?" Asami asked as she took the broom and began to clean the floors of any crumbs or wrappers. @ThugSama

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