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Realistic or Modern Neighbors- RP here!


Luna smiled and uncrossed her legs.

"Oh yea totally! I love being outside, it feels to purifying for me. Maybe we should go to that 'uber place' sometime?"

She was about to crack a few flirtatious jokes when a commotion began a few feet away near the food. Some drunk words and then a crash onto the table.

"Party Foul!"

Luna called out with a frown and eyes the man who escaped from her new crazy neighbor. Then she looked back to her new acquaintance, her brows drawn together.

"You know that chick?"

Talking to:



"Maybe," Rebecca replies playfully, drawing out the word. "When you've proven yourself worthy." She laughs, eyes following Luna's gaze to a familiar man walking away from a girl who looked pretty damn drunk. "No, I don't know her. She must be new." A look over to the girl showed she was now slumped over and maybe even passed out and she felt a little lucky that the first new neighbour she met was Luna and not...her. "I know him though," she nods to the man who who settled not to far from them. "He's one of the old tenants." Lucifer seemed engrossed in his phone, so she didn't call him over. Instead she settled for a small wave when he happened to look up. Her gaze was drawn back over to the passed out girl and Rebecca hesitated, wondering she should help her out. Maybe she had a roommate?

@Jasil @ROUX

Mentions: @pixelated


"Hmm... maybe we should figure out if we can get her into her apartment. Cmon new besto, let's go save someone."

Luna stood up quickly and without invitation, grabbed Rebecca's hand and pulled her. 

"Let's pray the lightweight has her keys on her."

Luna waltzed over, her new friend in tow and then released her, bending down by the drunk girl.

"Heya darlin, wanna go up to your place? Maybe we can get you a shower? Snack? Nap?"

Luna let her voice soften to a sweet motherly tone and her country accent slipping through gently.

"Bless your heart, you need to get some rest love."



"Hmm... maybe we should figure out if we can get her into her apartment. Cmon new besto, let's go save someone."

Luna stood up quickly and without invitation, grabbed Rebecca's hand and pulled her. 

"Let's pray the lightweight has her keys on her."

Luna waltzed over, her new friend in tow and then released her, bending down by the drunk girl.

"Heya darlin, wanna go up to your place? Maybe we can get you a shower? Snack? Nap?"

Luna let her voice soften to a sweet motherly tone and her country accent slipping through gently.

"Bless your heart, you need to get some rest love."

Riley woke up and rubbed her head, she looked around a little confused before feeling her pockets for her keys, she had found her truck keys quite easily as they were in her left side chest pocket, but she couldn't find her apartment key maybe her roommate had it, she tried to remember if she had picked the key up that morning but couldn't, she did remember that the apartment door had locked behind her "n-no keys..." she stuttered  

Evelyn Grant


Evelyn was late to the barbecue because of her job. She wasn't complaining. She loved her job. Evelyn didn't really want to go to the barbecue anyways. Finding the thought of the food quite repulsive, she was never a fan of barbecues. If only they serve gourmet cooking. When she arrived at the barbecue, the smell of the food cooking made her nose scrunch up. It wasn't that Evelyn didn't like meat, she just didn't like it served in such an informal way. Just the way she was. She preferred her meals just a bit more elegant. She felt safer eating her food in a five-star restaurant then in someone's backyard. Some called it uptight. Evelyn called it caution, even though she knew it was a bit high-strung. 

She didn't even want to be here that much. Evelyn didn't need friends. She needed to do her best in her job. Friends were just a distraction, even if she didn't have any experience with having friends. Being a bit overdressed than everyone else here because of her work, she felt a bit uncomfortable. Deciding to just sit down, she thought if she should really stay here. She did need to work on some of her new designs. She had been doing very good lately with her inspiration and she didn't want to lose it. She looked at some outfits people wore, which almost made her laugh.  Evelyn had to admit the atmosphere was quite nice, so she started coming up with some new ideas since she had the time.



Luna bit her lip and looked around with a frown.

"Okay darlin do you have a roommate? Or anyone who can get in your place?"

She patted the girls back slowly in a rhythm, making sure she was alright. Her rainbow hair whipped in the wind and she tucked it behind her ear.



Luna bit her lip and looked around with a frown.

"Okay darlin do you have a roommate? Or anyone who can get in your place?"

She patted the girls back slowly in a rhythm, making sure she was alright. Her rainbow hair whipped in the wind and she tucked it behind her ear.

Riley points towards Krystin "she's ma roommate" Riley said before falling off the chair and taking the table with her, she landed looking up at Luna just giggling to herself, her cooler was now entirely empty of anything remotely alcoholic and was just had the melting ice left in it

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