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Fantasy Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)


Dead Like Me
Suggestions outline for new characters





Aspect: Once an Aspect is chosen by another character and approved by me it will not be selectable

Element: Mage based characters may have two basic elements or one advanced element. Basic being fire, earth, water, wind, energy, light, dark, ice, Advanced being anything but those.

Physical Appearance:

Physical capabilities:

Magical capabilities:

Detailed Personality:

Starting Equipment:





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Name: You don't need a last name, but a first is essential, even if your character has amnesia. No name, no chance of joining.

Race: All most anything goes, but gods and god likes are not welcome. Only dragons, elves and faeries are immortal, but not invincible.

Age: If you are non-immortal then you have to be at least 15 years old, and no older than 70. If you are immortal no older than 2,000 years old. Why? Because Aldurin is no older than 2,500 years old, and life didn't start until 500 years after that.

Class: Think of this as a classic RPG, each character has a class, whether it be a rogue or mage, trained assassin or alchemist. No dual-classes though. This is not Skyrim so no Master mage, warrior hybrid who can craft poisons and smith godly tiered equipment. Pick one thing, and one thing only.

Element: Your element is important, each non magic character gets to chose one element, and magic class characters get to chose two. Aldurin is a world were magic influences all most everything, but no normal being will have twenty different overpowered elements.

Starting equipment: You get to have one powerful item to start, the rest can be whatever seems reasonable for a character to hold onto.

Personality: Ever sentient creature has a personality, you are no exception! Do you like to smile or frown, are you a blood thirsty, logical, socio-path that has a hobby of murdering or eating people, or are you a patient saint that can't help but cry at the sight of a wounded animal. The best characters are the ones you remember, be original and memorable, and follow your personality.

Skills: Now in Aldurin, most characters both played and NPC's have a level of power that is usually above the standard of rp average, but no unkillable, intangible god mods. For example if you are intangible then it is not a toggle at will kind of thing, you can't turn invincible as soon as you are attacked, and solid when when you do attack. Your character can not raise the suns or moons, you can not control the minds of others, and so on and such forth.

History: Even if your character has amnesia you still have to write a history so that other people can better understand who your character is and where they come from, make it detailed and make it realistic.

Other: This is the fun part, write whatever you like, but make it realistic according to Aldurin lore.
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Name: Roxii Sicarius

Age: 19

Gender: Non-binary (Use "she/her" pronouns by default)

Sexuality: Demi-sexual, pan-romantic

Race: Lythari

Class: Assassin, thief

  • proxy.php
    Complexion: Pale white, littered with scars

    Eye Colour(s): Left: Striking, unusual silver, damaged; Right: Icy blue

    Hair Style: Medium length, tomboy

    Hair Colour(s): Pitch black

    Body: Mesomorph build; Inverted triangle body shape

    Height: 4'11"

    Weight: 94 lbs.

    Other: Due to her lycanthropic blood, she also has two black wolf ears on her head and a black tail sprouting from her backside.

    Roxii has two scars that never fade, due to being inflicted by silver blades. One is on her lower back and the other is on her face. The one on her back stretches across horizontally about nine to ten inches long. The one of her face goes along from the hairline above her right eye, down diagonally across her left eye, and into her left cheek. This laceration damaged her left eye completely, partially blinding her. These scars are accompanied with the two marks that were carved into her skin.

    She also has many tattoos along with her scars. She has
    fallen angel wings on her back, a ghostly wolf tattoo sleeve on her left arm, a dragon tattoo along the side of her right shin, and two small paw prints on her right wrist.

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Name Morgrim

Age 28 (Appears around 50)

Race Necrotic. Half Human, Half Undead

Appearance More than have his body had become a operational, but rotting corpse. He maintains full control, but the effect has left him physically weak. In large chunks he is missing flesh along most area's of his body, thankfully in mostly non vital areas. He often masks his appearance with the Visage of the Reapers, a robe and hood that will trick all undead creatures into thinking he is a full fledged undead, to mortals though it does little more than visibly hide ever part of his body from prying eyes, while enough to fool people from far away, the smell from his rotting body would give away the fact he is not quite entirely human. He is around 5'8'' and of a slim and frail build. His teeth have been mutated into sharp canine like teeth, and has a reptilian tongue so that the poison glands in his mouth don't dissolve his tongue in the process of using his poison based skills and attacks. He has short brownish-ish black hair, and pale skin. His right eye is a mundane brown, but the left is an acidic looking green. Notable areas of missing flesh are on his left cheek, showing off his teeth and tongue for any looking at him from that angle, completely missing flesh on his right hand leaving it as a skeletal appendage, and around his right eye, making it look as if it will fall out at any moment.

Personality He is socially awkward thanks to living in solitude for most of his childhood, and the entirety of his adult life. Most people he won't get along with, but he has a soft spot for people that share a similar history as his. He can also be as grumpy and rude as your average senior citizen.

Sexuality He is asexual

Likes Dark things and places, dead things, magic of almost all kinds, the exception being holy magic, meat, and strong willed individuals.

Dislikes Colourful things, holy magic, paladins and templars, veggies, the cold, cowards.

Other His powers are not natural, while his dark magic he is inherently attuned too, his appearance and skills in poison magic are thanks to binding with an artifact found in the vault of his collage of magic.
Jassur "Jass" Batal

Hair: Short messy cut raven-black hair

Eye color: Dark brown eyes

Skin Tone: Tan skin

Build: Lean toned muscle. Ears are slightly pointy.

Height: 5'11

Current Status: Injured - Broken Arm

InfoRace: Human/Elf

Age: 31

Class: Warrior/Tank -> Two-Handed Sword


Enhancer - He has the ability to pull magic into three attributes he focuses on: strength, endurance, speed. This aids him in battle, making actions possible that he couldn't do with his standard skills.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Other: Ambidextrous so he can wield his weapon on any hand.


Items Currently Carrying
  • The Book of Aspects
  • Magic Ring [?] - unknown if it will work again
  • Bag of Gold
Personality & Skills

  • Terrible humor and sarcasm. Persistent in getting what he wants if it’s in front of him.
  • Alert to his surrounds most of the time.
  • A pessimist who drinks his sorrows. He will never back down from a fight and if he trusts anyone close to him, will protect them with his life.
  • Years of traveling and meeting people has told him to never trust people.
  • Likes: Booze, weapons, money, exploring, treasures
  • Dislikes: People after his head, knights, undead, demons


  • Wield any type of sword - but prefers large blades
  • Passive Buff spells that boost his strength/endurance/speed - boost depends on how much mana left
  • Verdant Knight Skills

    unorthodox hand-to-hand combat
  • reading a battle's status
  • can do group cooperation


Offspring of a male human and a female elf. Mother died after birth and father sent him to knight training.

Inherited the talent for magic. He only uses his magic for basic healing and boosting his strength, endurance, and speed. The usage of magic helps lessen the amount of physical training he needs. When wielding his sword, he is able to use it with one hand even though he doesn't look capable.

A former Verdant Knight: A past quest operated in secret with his assigned group of knights ended up with them slaughtering a whole town. Turns out the higher ups, who were only a few, directed them to the wrong town and gave them the wrong information. After the disastrous mission, they try to sweep their mistakes onto his group, tracking down then arresting and publicly executing them on false charges piled on the slaughter of the town. Most of the knights didn't know of the secret quest so everyone thinks of his group as a couple of rogue knights. Jass escapes but now has a large bounty on his head. Currently, the bounty hunters after him has lessened and the incident's impact has died down.

Mercenary-For-Hire: After a year of moping around, he becomes a sellsword and travels Landfall to earn coin in any place while running away from hunters after him.

In-Character Posts About Additional Background
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Name: Ether Mesa

Sex: Male

Age: 684

Race: Vampire

Aspect: Wrath, God of War

Element: Blood

Physical Appearance:

Physical capabilities:
Ether has racial benefits that give him superhuman strength, tenacity, speed, agility, etc. All of his physical attributes are enhanced because of his vampirism. The man is also talented multitasker and can combine his swordplay with his magic, effectively making him a battle mage or he can focus on one or the other.

Magical capabilities: Ether uses his blood magic to enhance his combat prowess, debilitate his foes with blood born pathogens, heal allies (at the expense of his own life), siphon life blood, and could even forge temporary weapons out of it. Ether is far more skilled with magic than he is with swordplay but combining the two makes him a threat to be reckoned with.

Detailed Personality: Ether is a curious battle mage. He has a thirst for knowledge and wisdom that is apparent to anyone that knows him well enough. He's also a humor card. He tends to try and make fun of most situations with some dark humor or witty sarcasm. Ether likes to learn the details of almost anything, even if it's something silly or minor. Despite his natural talent with the dark magic, Ether is actually a kind hearted person. He likes to make friends and allies. He likes to make rivals to train with. He is also patient and charismatic, so people tend to like him once they get past the blood magic and enchanted dark cloak he wears to ward off sunlight. Of course, given his expertise, Ether is in a moral grey area. He doesn't really have any type of way he feels about the happenings in the world other than curiosity. His own form of magic is something that repulses others. If someone were to tell him a city of thousands were slaughtered he would chuckle and ask how the hell did that happen? He only truly cares about and reacts to those he cares about and deem worth protecting and fighting for. The blood mage is also a dangerous mixture of battle hungry and blood thirsty. The vampirism aside, Ether finds a thrill like no other when fighting a opponent worthwhile.

Starting Equipment: Enchanted cloak to ward off sunlight. 10 vials of blood for battle usage or for emergency feeding. A longsword strapped to his back made of enchanted steel. One dagger on his hip and two rings with hidden blades on the inside for emergency blood letting.

Goals: To create his own kingdom and make a place for all types of beings to inhabit without prejudice.

Likes: Battle, blood, rivals, close friends, stronger opponents, things he doesn't know, adventure, power

Dislikes: Betrayal, pity, weaklings, boredom, do-gooders, fanatics, racism, being helpless

Other: He has long, messy raven black hair. His eyes are the color of lava and luminescent. The hungrier he is, the more they glow. It also shines brighter with how excited he gets.


Ether was born and raised in the woods in a small cabin with only his mother and father. They lived secluded from civilization and lived off of what the forest offered them. While this would make most children introverted and socially awkward it actually had the opposite effect on Ether. He was hyperactive and loved running out into the forest and trying to find small woodland creatures he could draw. As he grew, Ether often went out with his mother to gather herbs, fruits, roots, and nuts for cooking and medicinal purposes. He learned early on how to make basic remedies for small injuries or sicknesses. This is what piqued his interest in the field of alchemy. He was often making messes at his mother's apothecary trying to come up with new recipes and ideas. He often got dangerously sick from sampling his own concoctions, which sometimes contained poisonous plants and insects within. When Ether became a bit older, he learned the art of swordplay from his father. His father had apparently been a rather talented swordsman in his younger years and wanted to teach Ether how to be like his old man. Given his natural curiosity and willingness to learn, he took to this art incredibly quickly. At 16, Ether began to question why they lived secluded and hidden away. He inquired about this and then he learned that his parents were actually runaway vampires, just like he was. Ether had never really seen any other people so he could never tell that he looked different in comparison to humans. Especially in the eyes.

Rather than be disgusted or grief struck Ether took to this with a passion. With his parents guidance, he became a prodigal alchemist and dark sorcerer. He learned to multitask and use his blood magic along with his swordplay. One night, when Ether was 18, he discovered some strange tracks in the woods. Tracks he had never seen before. His curiosity piqued, he followed them wherever they lead. His breath started to come faster as he realized these strange tracks were headed in the direction of his home. There he found his mother and father brutally torn to ribbons. Their bodies almost unrecognizable. As he later found out, ghouls had wandered into the area in search of food and one of his "failed" potions had a peculiar scent which attracted them. His parents were asleep and hadn't stirred until the ghouls were already upon them. Ridden with guilt and self-hatred, he buried the remains of his parents next to the cabin and locked himself away in study. It wasn't long when he had no material left to study and decided he needed to move on. He grabbed the carbon steel long sword of his father, the rings his mother used to use her sanguine magic, his recipes, and his journals and ventured off. . He wandered the lands, learning new recipes for his potions, new ways of applying his magics and creating new ones altogether. He honed his skills through combat with all forms of creatures and unsavory human beings. He often wandered into towns and helped out with any problems the village may have been having with creatures or bandits. He would actively search for challenges and engage in combat with renown fighters across the world. He has been doing this for centuries and has found himself no closer to achieving his goal. Still, this did not deter him and he continues to wander the realm with a grin on his face and a fire in his eyes.
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no slide
no slide
no slide

Element: Earth


-Heightened Sense of Smell

-Enhanced Agility and Speed

-Mild Manipulation of Plants (not strong)

-Resist Poison


-Lacks Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills

-Easily Cold (when too cold, can't move)

-Bad Hearing

-Loud Noises Cause Disorientation

-Motion Sickness

-Fears Thunderstorms



-Accuracy (with bow and arrows)


Daggers (2):


Bow and Arrows (Quiver holds 20 arrows):


Crossbow (10 arrows for crossbow):


Throwing knives (6 total): Shown in attire image.

Other: She carries vials along in a satchel wherever she goes, full of poisons, tonics, and healing agents.


"I don't leave my friends behind."
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Character Statistics

Name: Atraxia

Alias: Fang

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Tattoo: On his left is a black wing

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1

Weight: 130 Ib

Hair: Black

Eyes: Normally a icy blue, but when enraged or in combat they turn to a glowing red

Equipment: Dual energized daggers,

Crushed up dirt, glass, and other material in the shape of black balls that explode upon impact/touch. A useful tool to cover tracks, blind people, or injure their legs

Shuriken, and his claws/fangs.

Element: Void/Darkness

Class: Primal Assassin ( A fusion between being an assassin and an ancient Wendigo)

Race: Originally born as a human but now he is part

The Wendigo is the ancient spirit of cannibalism in Native American mythologies, only taking over when someone commits the at of cannibalism. Once the Wendigo takes over, not many people ever go back, they are turned into monsters that can only focus on killing and eating flesh. They skin becomes extremely tight, preventing most weapons from piercing its hide and gains amazing strength and speed, in return it is mostly blind. However, its senses are very good at tracking down pray and another one is added to its arsenal, as it has the ability to see heat given off by movement. The only way to severely harm a Wendigo is fire, as it loosens there skill to the point of being harmed. During the night, the Wendigo's spirit becomes more active and powerful, and so Atraxia must avoid touching moonlight directly (Which is why he carries a cloak with him wherever he goes) or else he will transform, but unlike other transformations he loses all control and conscious and the beast has all night to hunt and ultimately kill you. It does not care if it's host knows you or cares for you, it does not have ally or foe, you are only food for it that will satisfy the craving. The creature also taunts and pokes at Atraxia, trying to coax him into giving in and letting him take control. Anger is another way for him to transform, and Atraxia is brooding with an aura of hatred, anger, and bloodlust; it could not take much to push him over the edge.

Mental Characteristics

Allies: N/A: Will update

Enemies: N/A: Will update

Hobbies: When not in combat or combat training, Atraxia likes to explore and create maps for himself

Likes: Killing, Fighting, training, Map creating, mental note taking, being alone, gold, fresh meat, fresh blood.

Dislikes: People telling him what to do, Arguing with his judgement, bad jokes, not having all the information

Atraxia, or fang as some people call him, is very much a lone Alpha wolf figure; not one to take orders from anyone or be around other people, whether it be in combat or just being around people in general. He's not very good with dealing with people or emotions and so tries to stay away from them. He can get very aggregated quickly in certain situations, and that can lead to him snapping a lot and him starting fights a lot, but tries his best to control his anger from going over the edge. When he does get to that point, his primal instincts kick in and he goes completely feral for a while, unable to be reasoned with and unable to feel most pain (this doesn't make him invincible, he just doesn't feel it), and won't stop fighting until he is calmed down or he is rendered unconscious or unable to fight, which ever comes first.

Despite having a second side to him though, do not take Atraxia lightly, he shows no remorse for harming or killing anyone at anytime, in fact he looks forward to killing people. He likes to act like he is worldly educated and understands the "greater picture", and so likes to be bossy most of the time, acting like the older brother would; acting like he is always right and he knows more. Often time, fang is doing stuff behind people's back to help his image and ego. Another aspect of him is contracts, he will not help unless something is in it for him, whether or not someone likes it, but once a contract is started, he will complete the task no matter what, unless a more profitable contract comes up.

Despite so many undesirable traits in his personality, it is undeniable in how smart he is and how strong he is, able to quickly come up with strategies under pressure to secure him victory, even if they aren't the most honorable or the nicest; and his ability to detect details others would just dismiss or not even notice, for example anomalies in someone's speech pattern or disturbances in the earth.

Specialization: Besides for his talent of fighting, stealth, and killing; Atraxia has also learned several languages over the years and has built a deep web of connections throughout the world due to him being a well known killing machine for hire. Additionally, he has the power to transform into his Wendigo counter-part and the ability to turn invisible for short duration; but he cannot hide his aura of hatred/anger and bloodlust, nor the smell of freshly killed blood.

Strengths: Fang is great at close ranged combat and able to get around without being noticed or spotted due to his invisibility, making him great at scouting, assassinations, and finding out secrets from people without them knowing. He also is very calculating with what he does or says, always taking into consideration the situation at hand. Also he is quite strong despite his athletic build

Weaknesses: He is very condescending, angry, and cruel to others around him, often times making him more enemies then allies. If he gets to angry, he will enter a feral rage and go on a rampage until calmed or rendered unable to fight. If his eyes begin to glow a unnatural red or his voice begins to deepen, this is a sign to back off. His feral rage is basically a sort of second personality, giving him an unsateable desire for killing and fresh meat. At night he must stay out of midnight through either staying inside or wearing a cloak that covers his body for moonlight will allow it to take over till morning or defeat. Additionally during moonlight he is more prone to anger and transforming. Fang is also untrusting of others, he usually assumes the worst of others and assumes they either want something or are hiding something from him.

Secrets: One of them being his other form, another is N/A for now, just know he has a agenda of his own.



At the time before his birth, his village was under raid from a neighboring clan of viking-like warriors who lived and breathed war, their only real source of income.

During the slaughter of his entire village, his pregnant mother was captured and raped by multiple men before being hanged from a tree by her arms and left with others to slowly die off as they took the riches of war and left back to their home town. With her dying breath, Atraxia was born, falling down to the bloody grass below before she died.

After this, a clan of assassins known as
The Liberators came by to see the aftermath, the head of the clan found Atraxia and took him back to the clan to be raised as another assassin. And so at the age of 7, he began his training into the art of the assassin, the stealthy ninja designed to kill the target and not leave a trace.

It was rough for him in the start, they didn't have weapons for "babies" as they called him, and so he was forced to use weapons designed for the average joe, not a young kid. Atraxia was raised by one of the greater known families in the clan, the mother treating him kindly while the husband abused him as he trained him, often putting him down and physically beating him to discipline him. This went on for most of his childhood.

By the age of 9, he began to participate in missions and war, on missions he would act as the assassins child and take notes on what he was suppose to do (mental notes) and during war he would fight, earning his first kill on the battlefield when the assassins wiped out the viking-like clan that killed his family all those years ago, fueling his lust for killing.

At age 10, Atraxia had began to rise through the ranks of the assassins and learning multiple talents he would later use for his missions, one of the greatest came from a wise man of the forest that taught the assassin clan how to go invisible for a short duration. It took him two years to learn and many more years to completely master it, but now it is a deadly tool in his endless arsenal of weapons.

At age 12, he was put to one of the highest forms of testing for the clan, he and a group of four other assassins in training were brought to a mountain that was believed to be cursed by the local tribes, they assignment was to make it to the base of the mountain in tact, this made sure only the strong willed would be in their group.

Of the five assassins that went up there, only he came back. Why? He had killed each one in cold blood on the way down the mountain to feed the rest of the group, but unbeknownst to him; that decision had consequences. The curse of the mountain began to affect him, change his entire body. He became a personification of his anger for the rest of the world, growing claws on his hands and feet, some of his teeth becoming fangs, his skin turning a dark blue and his eyes gaining an unnatural glowing red when angered. Almost unrecognizable when he came back, only his tattoo saved him from being thought of as a monster. And at night, something happens to him if he touches direct moonlight, he transforms into the full monster, his anger and lust for meat takes over until morning; and so he usually had a cloak and hood on at night.

He continued his training for many years, constantly being abused while working to become stronger, stealthier, and all around better at what he did. At the age of 13, during one of his training sessions with his abusive adoptive-father, the father pushed him over the limits and he killed him in cold blood, two daggers to the back; fueling his rage even more. And on that day, the leader of
The Liberators died... people were shocked that he was able to kill him at all, let alone so coldly.

At that moment he had two options presented upon him, either become the new leader or leave and never return, he choose the third option: Kill everyone there. Well it wasn't his entire choice, something inside his body craved for it, demanded for the bloodshed. The anger and hatred took over, clouding his judgement, but not his memory. He went on a rampage, slowly killing each and every single person there in the cruelest of manner. When morning dawned, all were dead; blood everywhere. Atraxia then decided to leave and became an assassin for hire, collecting all the gear and loot he needed. He would kill anyone for the right price, even other assassins.


Other: He gives off a strong aura of hatred and a faint smell of bloodshed, on top of it when the spirit within him often talks and tries to tempt him to"have some fun" Atraxia will sometime speak in third person if he is angered. Additionally, do not be fooled by the weapons he carries, even though he does not use anything fancy, he is capable of using almost any common place weapon.

Theme Song: The Animal- Disturbed





Character Statistics

Name: Xophia Aswerlath

Title: Daughter of the Marquis and Marchioness of _____

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Element: Nature

Class: Marquise

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8

Weight: 115 Ib

Hair: Light Black

Eyes: Hazelnut

Equipment: None

Race: Human

Mental Characteristics

Hobbies: Gardening, Cooking, Playing, Dancing

Likes: Plants, flowers (etc...), wildlife, playing with others, making new friends, Fruit, Swimming, Music, making gifts, Dancing

Dislikes: Harming others, Nobility/Politics, Dressing Fancy, Meat (Or mutton).

Personality: Xochi is at a innocent and out going girl at her core, someone who will try to make friends with almost anyone she sees as long as they do not seem like they are bad. She is also very playful, often seen playing with the younger children around town and orphanages, along with others who are newcomers into any town she is in. The girl tends to make gifts for others, things like flower crowns, bracelets, necklaces, etc.. Xochi is also very curious, often getting herself into trouble due to her "spying on others due to her wondering what they were doing. She does not like hurting others, let alone killing people.

Specialization: Xochi has the gift to control nature, I.E being able to grow plants, flowers, tree's, vegetation, etc, at her own will. Note that she cannot do anything major, like create a forest, or create a wall of tree's; but she is also able to change some properties of what she grows, like color, taste, freshness, etc. She is also good at crafting items such as necklaces, bracelets, headbands, etc...

Strengths: Due to the way she acts, Xochi is quick to make friends with many people and that allows her to not be alone all the time and gives her great ties with the cities and people in general. She's very nice and trustworthy, not one to go behind your back and betray you. Additionally she is very sincere and dedicated, once she is dedicated not much will shake her from her belief.

Weaknesses: She is a selective-mute for one, meaning that she is not truly mujte but she cannot speak due to her being unfamiliar with it; so it is hard for her to convey what she really wants to say, so she either mouths the words or communicates through her actions. Onto her personality, since she is more like a little kid in her heart, her kindness can be taken advantage of along with her being slightly gullible. Physically, she is not strong, barely able to hold a sword, if she were to hold one that is.

Secrets: N/A


History: N/A for now due to circumstances, but it will be put up it time ;D



Theme Song: Mystery Girl, Again (Labyrinth)





Character Statistics

Name: Tai Loh

Alias: Monk of the Mountains

Gender: Male

Age: ??? There are tales of him from all over history, so its hard to pinpoint his age.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Element: Spiritual

Class: War Monk

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0

Weight: 120 Ib

Hair: Black hair (Of whatever is left xD )

Eyes: Wise Gray

Equipment: Metal Boa-Mace staff

Race: Semi-Immortal Human

Mental Characteristics

Hobbies: Meditating, Helping the Innocent, offering advice, Writing

Likes: Protecting the Innocent, Being Confusing, Meditating, herbs, tea.

Dislikes: Evil, Greed, Useless Violence, Being taken lightly

Personality: Tai is a simple old man, a monk from long ago in history who belonged to a shrine in the mountains. He holds true to the teachings of old that so many monks try and practice, yet at the same time has adapted to his new role and the modern times. Just as the legends state, he protects the innocent from evil during times of great need and is willing to put everything on the line to do so. Tai holds vast amounts of wisdom and shows it in how he talks, yet hides most of it through riddles and proverbs.

Skills: Tai is able to pull off many feats, his main skill being the ability to focus and harness the power of spiritual/mental energy, or ki. He is able to pull off feats such as moving objects with his mind, pouring energy into his surroundings to grow plants or cause a rain storm, teleportation for a few feet, etc.. He may also focus it for attacks, such as projectiles and energizing weapons to deal more amounts of destruction; along with a few other things. He is also unable to age any further and is stuck at his current age, hence being Semi-Immortal.

Strengths: Tai is good at what he does, being simple and wise; yet strong and dependent when needed to be. He will not turn a blind eye to anyone's need, no matter how big or small they may be.

Weaknesses: Due to him not being able to resist helping the needy, it can put him in dangerous situations and since he is not truly immortal, he is in risk of dying.

Secrets: He is thousands of years old



It is said a long time ago there lived a great monk in the mountainous regions in the north, belonging to a small village. Not much happened here as there was nothing to really gain from invading them, or so many thought for a long time; and so they were relatively peaceful. Since his beginnings of a child, Tai had shown he had great connections with Ki, and so became an excellent monk early on, and throughout the ages became even better. He lead a simple and humble life, often helping everyone in the village in between meditations.

Then a kingdom to the south of them invaded due to them finding out about the iron ore in the mountains and wanted to claim it for themselves, so they mounted their army and left to conquer. The village did not have any army and so had no way of defending themselves. Tai stood up alone in the front of the village, simply meditating as he waited for 7 days and 7 nights for them to arrive. Once they did, he simply continued to meditate as music played in the background, he not moving an inch yet still speaking in his meditating state. They tried to get in and attack, but a barrier prevented them from doing so, it was Tai using his Ki. They tried for 23 days and 23 nights, but neither side had to move an inch. On the dawn of the next month an Ethereal glow consumed Tai and scared off the intruders for good; he had ascended to godhood due to his actions, he would no longer age but still remain a man; allowing him to continue to walk among men and help those in need.

For thousands of years there have been epic tales and countless legends about a mysterious monk traveling the world, helping those in need, slaying monster, etc...


Other: He was hired by Xochi's parents to watch over here years ago, he has since been on volunteer duty

Theme Song:

Kami- Adrian Von Ziegler


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Accepted and accepted. Feel free to jump in whenever you like. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me in OOC
Name: Ryumi Ushima

Nickname: Ryu

Age: 17(looks)

Race: angel

Skills: He is also very good with dual swords.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/d0856d439fb4a52027527e72781988af.jpg.3a010c67c809b7b970a37f87df4c081b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/d0856d439fb4a52027527e72781988af.jpg.3a010c67c809b7b970a37f87df4c081b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is kind, forgiving, easy to anger, friendly, somewhat lazy, and brave.

Sexuality: straight

Likes: noodles, sugar cookies, long naps, fish, relaxing in the sun, and Tuso.

Dislikes: bullies, and being called Ryumi

Element: earth

Starting equipment:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/periel_DualSwords.png.79269a03a17431dbe49a7b1d2bea588c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/periel_DualSwords.png.79269a03a17431dbe49a7b1d2bea588c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: When he was seventeen he was reincarnated without any memory of who he was, only a name remained. He was taken in by Tuso then as well since his skills with two handed swords were still there, though he was going off by instinct alone. Tuso raised him and took care of him and Ryu in turn swore his allegiance to him. Though Ryu is unaware of Tuso's evil ways and thinks him as a kind and caring leader. The evilness of Tuso was hidden away from Ryu because of his strong moral code. He became what he is today by following his moral values. He has a strong moral code that involves kindness to the utmost forefront of life.

Other: Hi Javax!!!!!!!!



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Name: Himeros

Nickname: Hime

Age: 89

Race: Incubus, a lovechild between two demons.

Skills: Himeros has several abilities that he utilizes. Besides the magical skills, Himeros has some formidable intelligence. He is, though deceptive, able to pinpoint situations a lot quicker than mortals and has ancient wisdom passed on. He is also an expert on attractions, from the idea of love to pheremones. Has limited hand-to-hand fighting experience.

Pheremone Manipulation- Himeros has the ability to radiate pheremones that can affect his choosing, naturally, and can increase the potency exponentially. These pheremones can alter moods from intense life-altering desire to a soft comforting. The pheremones tend to disappear when he isn't close.

Mood Manipulation- Himeros has the ability to control moods, from a non-pheremone method. He is a natural empath and has the ability to change moods based upon his own or something foreign. He is an expert at love manipulation.

Glamouring- His final ability. Himeros has the ability to glamour himself or others. With this ability he is able to change in the mind of who sees him, into a form they are attracted to, wither it be sexual (which it is mostly), or platonic. He uses it often, but is more proficient with himself then on others.

Appearance: While Himeros is known to take on plenty of forms, his natural one Is a beautiful oddity. He is tall and leaned with a slight muscular build. He is slightly tan, an olive tone with soft skin. His hair is jet black and is worn messy or in a bun. His eyes are an intense pink, distracting and light of shade. He has a small nose, and flawless white teeth. He has the appearance of being 19 despite his age. Gorgeous, his biggest strength is shown here.

Personality: Himeros is fundamentally neutral, not alligning to either good or bad for an extended period of time. He is mor interested in himself or the affairs of love. He can be cruel, manipulative and seductive. Or sweet, alluring and vulnerable. In either form, love plays a huge part. Love is the center of everything he stands for. He is pretty protective over his sexuality as well.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Likes: Himeros enjoys all love-orientated things. He loves literature and sensual stories. Passion, relationships, adventures. He enjoys action and chivalry. He also loves cheese and olives.

Dislikes: Liars, being shorted, or bested. Homophobes.

Biography: Himeros was born by his two demonic parents who had fell in lust. Both were formidable enemies with each other, but fell into a homoerotic lust gave off by a witch one night and as mockery of it all, Himeros was conceived. He was a natural incubus, mythological beings who emit strong emotion and desire and who feast on prey. He was raised by one of the demons named Methesuela. The household was one filled with evil. Methesuela had a syndicate underneath her that was known to kill and seek men in a twisted scheme for a nation to be ruled by women and gay men. Himeros, being gay, was part of an elite group fighting and began being known as 'Hime' or 'Lust'. At the human age of 85, after a streneous relationship with his mother over alligning with good sometimes, Himeros left and decided to find adventure elsewhere, one filled with love.
Accepted, and I can't wait to see your character with some of the more animally inclined. Strong noses must be a weakness against Hime.
Name: Rai

Age: 17

Race: hylian

Skills: he is a master of any weapon and he can summon any weapon to his hand just by thinking of it from his pocket dimension


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/khdoc_link_keyblade_by_mauroz-d4n7iiy.jpg.3c478c05d5c1c9d82881ffe719227f67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/khdoc_link_keyblade_by_mauroz-d4n7iiy.jpg.3c478c05d5c1c9d82881ffe719227f67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I couldn't resist modeling him after Link in some way so I just took a fan made something and used it. Also he has pointy ears)

Personality: Kind, friendly, determined, brave, and stubborn

Sexuality: straight

Likes: weapons, milk, and meeting new people

Dislikes: spoiled milk and bullies

History: When he was little his village, which was mostly made up of hylians was burned to the ground by bandits and the same bandits killed everyone there, at least Rai thinks so. Rai's dad told him to run and so he did. He ran far until he could go no more. He ran into a forest populated by animals where a wolf pack, that had been friendly towards the hylians took him in and he lived with them practically becoming one. He learned to make his own clothes and weapons by watching people in a nearby village. He soon had a lot of weapons in his pocket dimension, including a sword he found in the forest that use to belong to the hero of old, the master sword. He has been living with his wolf family and still is living with them since that day. Though he knows how to speak english thanks to learning from some people he watched.

Element: fire

Starting equipment:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/18mk4fcyx7hygjpg.jpg.0c4c3ec7db496c90b905c7839184d9f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/18mk4fcyx7hygjpg.jpg.0c4c3ec7db496c90b905c7839184d9f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/download.png.85534bad1e560214e35503338e86b93e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/download.png.85534bad1e560214e35503338e86b93e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/792303-FrV-Cr7cjHAg39eJ.png.af9cb3eafe587d0c4f0dbe1e1edec191.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/792303-FrV-Cr7cjHAg39eJ.png.af9cb3eafe587d0c4f0dbe1e1edec191.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ZeldaKeyblade_zps50875a0f.jpg.52b4973e6ee3a40ff486d0ba24f801b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ZeldaKeyblade_zps50875a0f.jpg.52b4973e6ee3a40ff486d0ba24f801b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/hylian_shield_by_cencerberon-d65t39k.png.c4dbeb83254f7f2069b1b63fac6a47d7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/hylian_shield_by_cencerberon-d65t39k.png.c4dbeb83254f7f2069b1b63fac6a47d7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/axel_chakrams___eternal_flames_by_angeldad83-d41zxwz.png.84c44bc2e00f1c2e0cea0019ac365de6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/axel_chakrams___eternal_flames_by_angeldad83-d41zxwz.png.84c44bc2e00f1c2e0cea0019ac365de6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/metal_staff_001_by_moorgahaine.jpg.cca96dfd7e196d8e29625d364a517a89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/metal_staff_001_by_moorgahaine.jpg.cca96dfd7e196d8e29625d364a517a89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Auriels_bow.png.7af35cd4864f08f7fc0630b66a5aa5e9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Auriels_bow.png.7af35cd4864f08f7fc0630b66a5aa5e9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: he doesn't necessarily know how to use all these weapons but he did make them<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/il_570xN.288198644.jpg.0d699976c5fda430ea9d6ccc90833f3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/il_570xN.288198644.jpg.0d699976c5fda430ea9d6ccc90833f3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Lillif

Age: 17

Race: demon

Skills: lockpicking, sneaking, dagger, bow, and one-handed sword

Appearance: he has blond hair that he covers with a hood. He wears a black face mask, black hooded cloak, a black t-shirt, black pants, and black boots.

Personality: Lillif finds things rather amusing when people do something he finds interesting. He is sort of friendly, not to the rich or the kings though. His goal in life is to kill all the kings and help the people of the land. He is truly a kind hearted soul, caring for people in general providing that they aren't rich or kings.

Sexuality: straight

Likes: peace and quiet, silence, darkness, night, and the moon

Dislikes: kings, rich people, and seeing people suffer

History: Lillif, from an early age, loved every living thing and wanted to make the world a better place for everyone and still does. Though his way of going about it all changed the day his parents were killed. That day a brigade of knights went through his village, killing off any demon that was there. When they got to his home his parents told him to hide in the cupboard. He did so and heard his parents talking to the knights, trying to tell them they weren't causing any trouble, but the knights wouldn't have any of that they killed his parents on the spot and laughed about it right afterwards. Lillif noticed that no one had even dared to help any of his kind as well and those two things sparked something in Lillif. He took a bow and arrow, that he had been taught to shoot, and killed the three knights that had killed his parents with a shot to their head. He vowed revenge on the kings of the land freeing the people so no one had to be like his parents again. He knew that the townsfolk would have helped if they weren't so afraid of punishment so Lillif swore vengeance on the king.

Element: Electricity

Starting equipment: bow and daggers

Other: nothing
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Accepted, but if you could add additional info to let every know a little more about that character it would be helpful. The amount of info is a little scarce.
Yeah I tend to think up his history as I go along, don't worry all my characters will eventually be better, it's just I can't think of it automatically you have to give me a few before I am able to fully come up with everything

Darrius Vrag

  • Age:







    Hellfire/Demonic Energy


    He's a near-master of Hell Magic, which allows him to control hellfire and demonic energy. He's also adept at the use of a spike chain weapon and his father subjected him to intense physical training, so he's good at hitting things, he has no training in hand-to-hand combat, though, so he just tries to punch things without any strategy usually.


    He’s 6’3” and brawny with dark red skin, ram horns that curl over his pointed ears, black hair in a faux-hawk style, thick eyebrows, a chin strap beard around his square jaw, and a thick, 4 foot long tail with ridges running along the top of it that ends in a spade-like point. His completely black eyes are usually flashing mischievously and his mouth remains in a near-constant smirk, showing of at least one of his overly long canines all the time. He has a nose ring in his right nostril, and his left eyebrow also sports a silver ring. He has matching elegant tribal tattoos running down both arms to his wrists. His spiked chain is wrapped around his waist like a belt, and a dark hood is usually up over his head, concealing his horns for the most part, at least to those who don’t know what they’re looking for.

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