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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

Now it's time to start applying for jobs again.

First stop: Hot Topic
@Sheaon13 Hey, could you rephrase that last part of you last post? I can't tell if you are nearby Morgrim or away from him. If you did somehow got close to him and whispered to him then he should notice. If Rai can't tell if Morgrim will notice him, then he's at a distance.

Hey you can whisper to Jass if you want since he's only watching. Roxii's a bit occupied but Jass is staying quiet. Morgrim's busy with the other assassin.
Ugh. Applying for jobs is so stupid. Just hire me already. >:c

Anyway, I'm off to bed. G'night, guys~
@Javax night


*reads latest post while drinking a smoothie* DAYUM you know we r out in the open right? or did we move? causing to chaos aye
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yeah (and at least I am not laying siege to a city w/o communicating with others in the OOC *cough**cough*) But as I explained earlier, most people already know of Atraxia/Fang. They are either dead, a client, or too scared to do anything about it. After all, he murdered his entire clan for no real good reason ^_^
honestly idk, and Atraxia doesn't care either way. If he senses any of the guards try to approach him, there basically dead or he will just slip out. Probably the first option though. And the more blood he sheds the closer he come to his breaking point :3.

Hey so do you think you could copy past the code you used for your Cs into the OOC by chance? (If you don't know how then put a bracket then the word code then close the bracket). I'm doing a little project for the group that will be up shortly and it involves everyone's cs that is active ^_^ (Anyone else who is active and used bbq, can you do the same thing please?)
yahhh I'm going to let Morgrim deal with that (and if that is okay). For now, I'm setting the nearby cityfolk to run away from us. I'm going to try getting Rai acknowledged even though I'm a bit confused.

{slide=center | [bg=DeepSkyBlue][font=Waiting for the Sunrise][size=5][color=MidnightBlue][FA]hand-o-right[/FA] Appearance[FA]hand-o-left[/FA][/color][/size][/font][/bg] | open} [img=http://cdn.theblackswordsman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/golden_age_i_cap7.jpg?fd0dba]
Short messy cut raven-black hair and dark brown eyes. Tan skin, lean toned muscle. Ears are slightly pointy. Wears medium armor (iron plated) with a grey cloak trimmed with fur on its hood equipped with a stitched-in mask to cover the nose and down. He wields a large two-handed sword (obsidian) that is holstered on his back. He carries light while traveling.
{slide=center | [bg=DeepSkyBlue][font=Waiting for the Sunrise][size=5][color=MidnightBlue][FA]apple[/FA] Information[FA]apple[/FA][/color][/size][/font][/bg] | open}Name: Jassur “Jass” Batal

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Race: Human/Elf

Sexuality: Bisexual

Other: Ambidextrous so he can wield his weapon on any hand.
{slide=center | [bg=DeepSkyBlue][font=Waiting for the Sunrise][size=5][color=MidnightBlue] [FA]fire[/FA] Personality[FA]fire[/FA][/color][/size][/font][/bg]} [FA]cogs[/FA] Terrible humor and sarcasm. Persistent in getting what he wants if it’s in front of him.

[FA]cogs[/FA] Alert to his surrounds most of the time.

[FA]cogs[/FA] A pessimist who drinks his sorrows. He will never back down from a fight and if he trusts anyone close to him, will protect them with his life.

[FA]cogs[/FA] Years of traveling and meeting people has told him to never trust people.

[FA]cogs[/FA] Likes: Booze, weapons, money, exploring, treasures

[FA]cogs[/FA] Dislikes: People after his head, knights, undead, demons{/slide}

{slide=center | [bg=DeepSkyBlue][font=Waiting for the Sunrise][size=5][color=MidnightBlue] [FA]coffee[/FA] Background[FA]coffee[/FA][/color][/size][/font][/bg]} A former Verdant knight: A past quest operated in secret with his assigned group of knights ended up with them slaughtering a whole town. Turns out the higher ups, who were only a few, directed them to the wrong town and gave them the wrong information. After the disastrous mission, they try to sweep their mistakes onto his group, tracking down then arresting and publicly executing them on false charges piled on the slaughter of the town. Most of the knights didn't know of the secret quest so everyone thinks of his group as a couple of rogue knights. Jass escapes but now has a large bounty on his head. Currently, the bounty hunters after him has lessened and the incident's impact has died down.

Offspring of a male human and a female elf. Mother died after birth and father sent him to knight training.

Inherited the talent for magic. He only uses his magic for basic healing and boosting his strength, endurance, and speed. The usage of magic helps lessen the amount of physical training he needs. When wielding his sword, he is able to use it with one hand even though he doesn't look capable.

[Tab= Additional Background]
These tabs are full of text. Look at own risk, if willing to read large text.

[center][url='https://www.rpnation.com/threads/natural-selection-fantasy-open.149814/page-13']Casual - Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open) | Page 13 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum[/url][/center]

[b]A dream huh?[/b]

[i]The city of Doncaster is bursting with life. The sun's rays shines through the open windows of the tavern. Laughter roars from the tavern; a sign swinging above the door says, "Swords & Shields," in terrible handwriting. Inside the friendly tavern, is full of people, both adventurers and residents of Doncaster. A party of eight knights sit around a large wooden table with ale and food on plates scattered around its worn-out surface. A young Jass, age 18, sits on top of the table; he was telling a story about his small squad's victorious quest to get rid of a hoard of minor demons from terrorizing a mining town. At his side were two of his closest friends and the rest were fellow rookie knights. The eight of them all went through training together to become a knight and graduated at the same time; that was only a few months ago. They were already put into groups with other knights to do request sent by people in higher position. The eight naive knights thought they were doing great things for Landfill. The Jass here wouldn't even imagine the trouble he would be forced in a couple of experienced years from now and how him

"You know what one of the miners said when Gavin fell in a pile of coal?" Jass imitates a gruff old man voice, "Sonny, you look like the night."

"Ew Jass, that was a terrible joke," complains his female friend. Elizabeth was his friend when he first joined as a kid. She was skilled with a rapier and would poke multiple holes in her enemies before they could even lay a hand on her. The female knight scrunched up her face with joking disgust. Jass bats her playfully on the side of her arm. His best friend, Gavin, groans loudly, "Jassur Batal, you evil man. You said you would never mention about me falling in that pile of coal. Evil I tell yah. Evil." He chugs the last bit of his ale. 

"So sorry you can't see in your new expensive armor, Sir Gavin," mocks Jass in a voice that they knew sounded like their past instructor. His friend growls with a grin, "You bastard." Gavin grabs Elizabeth's drink and flings whatever leftover liquid was in it.

"Hey!" Gavin dashes away from the table but Jass is already behind him. The two try to pull at each other's faces. The other knights laugh at the two jokers. Elizabeth clears her throat and shakes her head, "You boys are like children. Knights? I say little boys playing with sticks and pretending to be hero."

Gavin clutches his heart, "You wound me, my love." She laughs coming to him as she pulls her into a kiss.

Jass makes a disgusted grunt, "Get a room you two." Elizabeth only winks at him in response. His friends have been dating each other for a year now. He swears he can see marriage in a few years.

The young knight remembered he has a task to do. He doesn't know that this task will earn him and Gavin consideration to become elite knights in a few years. Jass heads to the door. "Hey, Jass, you going off to get a partner of your own. I've seen you fool around with those maids that work in the Hall. Come on and tell meeee," says Gavin, still clinging onto his girlfriend. The young knight laughs, "Shush, man. Don't tell the others," motioning to the other knights bantering at the table. "See you around okay?" "See you, Jass!"

The knight opens the tavern door.[/i] [b]Man, did he missed them... Don't get sentimental.[/b] [i]The sky was filled with clouds pouring rain onto the cobblestone street. People were heading towards the square. Loud voices were being shouted. Hateful. Angry. Shouts. "You murdering monster!"
"Kill her!" "Where are the others?" Jass looks down at his hands, now rough from fighting and training for days and nights.[/i] [b]Why must the nightmare jump here?[/b]

[i]He follows the people towards the square, pulling the cowl over his head to shield himself from being known. Wooden scaffolds sit in the center. There, on the top, is Elizabeth - more mature and fully grown into a woman - on a chopping block. Her eyes were emotionless, not even looking at the crowd throwing insults at her. The man behind her yells, "Now, where are the others, bitch?" He pulls her hair up, "You and your squad have been deemed criminals against Landfill. You have mercilessly butchered a whole town of innocent people. What do you have to say in your defense?"

Her eyes come back to life with rage. She spits, then grinding her teeth at the man, "You are no heroes! Landfill has no heroes! No saviors! Nothing! People like you are false protectors of the people!" She scans the crowd, "Boys, if you are there! I have no time left but you can make things right! Remeber-" Her face is pushed down, revealing her neck to the executioner. The guy spares no time to swing down the blade, decaptiating the head cleanly off the body. The man pushes her off the chopping block and the crowd cheers. "Justice has been done!" "Bring more of the monsters!"

This city was full of monsters. Those people asking for bloodshed. They were no better than them. Jass holds back his want to scream and fight everyone in the crowd including the guards on the scaffold. He doesn't even know where Gavin is and here he is watching their one mutual beloved friend say her last words. Fuck them - those who believe they have the power to throw their faults onto others[/i].

Jass jolts out of his sleep when morning comes.
cool and thanks. (Yeah I personally don't know, if I remember correctly you guys haven't even been inside the city yet and there's a mofo siege about to lay down)
Oh no we got inside, it's just we haven't proceeded any further into the city. It's only been a mile from the entrance (literally making up the distance but I know we r a bit a distance from the entrance) and the siege is a possible way to interrupt the whole group I guess. Depending on @Morgrim 's approval but so far he has made any rejections to @RedZombieWolf 's posts so I believe its a yes on the siege? Ana's group is just outside the gates so and I believe Wilhelm's just a bit further from them? Anyone, correct me if I'm wrong.

And here I stay, glaring at my clock, and wishing there were no such things as different times. SCREW YOU SCIENCE
Lol. Somebody should give me sleeps. I don't want anymore school at seven in the morning.
...Wow, I missed some fun posts while I was asleep.

I'll come up with a post when I get the chance.

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