Nations of Men: Dawn of a Century


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Nations of Men: Dawn of a Century


My attempt at running an Nation Building Role Play game. Now in the Wayward Inn there has been a rise in Nation Building Role Play games, (or NBRPs) In these games the players are at the helm of nations and captions of history.

Now simple enough right? Well not really, NBRPs have a good history behind them and their development. These games have their own certain niche with players, but this can over come once there was a understanding of how the game works. This while my first real attempt at a game, it is also a first attempt at creating a simple NBRP.

NBRPs have developed since they were originally created (were who knows) to be come the advance time consuming monsters that what we have. While these monsters are fun, they take time and a good amount of dedication form both the mod and the player, so making it simple, is a way to get the player more involved.

So were do we start?

The date is 28th of June, 1920 one year since the end of the World War, nations of the world have gone in to poverty or civil war, the Empires that once use to keep check of the world are no longer, dissolved by war on their own home, as civil war and rebellion takes away their colonies. A darker future awaits all men in the world as it comes out of the ashes of the Grate War, only to learn that it never ended, for war never ends it only changes pace.

Earth has known war since the dawn of time. Form rocks, to arrows, to harden metal, up to new chemicals and explosives all in an effort to kill one another. It has only be one year since the end of the Grate World War, the war that is meant to end all wars, but in its wake it has left nothing but poverty and discord. Both powers form the Allies and the Central Powers are now in dept, empires of old, and even nations of new have been divided. Communism rises in the east, as Fascism replaces the hope of democracy. The World has be come a darker place for everyone as the War to End All War as been left in the history books. All while a new War boils underneath all Nations of Men.

Will you be the one to lead to a better future? A more divided future, or one were it united under the Master Nation? History is up to you and how you play.

General Information:

Genre: Nation Building

Starting in 1920, the Nations of earth are on the brink of war, once again as new nations rise out of the old. It is up to the players to take control of their nations, rise them up form the ash of the Grate World War, and be the next Super Power of this Century.

Type: Alternate History

Players don't have to go as the set course of history, who knows by the end of this there might be Nazis on the Moon, Americans on Mars, and Communists underneath your bed. History is not set in stone...

Mechanic Style:

Now this game is vary set up like a video game, as all good Nation Builders are. Now what dose this mean for an average player? It means that you will not see all the special data that I have working. What happens happens by your own action. I as mod will be the consequence of that said action as in any other traditional based RP.

Now while this game is traditional, and I will be giving player events, dose not mean the Player can not make their own events to happen for them. Technology advancements, military build up, propaganda, monuments, and even espionage missions can have grate ripples in this world. So even though you will be relying on me to see the outcome, you are free to do what ever action you see fit.

Number of Players: minimum of 2

Its happened were I once ran a game of 2, so really in this game thats all it takes, at least to keep it interesting. But this game is simple on purpose, so I would like to see a grate deal of new players, aside form the regular NBRP crowed.

Background Story:

The Grate World War happened, the game starts on the one year anniversary of the Grate World War as the nations of men try to rebuild out of the ashes.

((Explanation to the short general background. In Nation Builders, players play the nation, so the nation is as a character in any ordinary RP. We do not know the character intill it is created, so in this case, we do not know the nation intill it is created. Meaning is, you can create your own history, if you wanted you could have Bill Cosby as President and Ruler of your nation. As long as there is a good explanation behind it. You create your nation, you create your history, and so the backstory.))
Nation Sheet

"[Nation] Your Nation's Name"

Within the thread, use this template as the first post.

Nation Template

[u]Nation Name[/u]


[u]Leader[/u] (Whoever it is)

[u]Government[/u] (i.e., Fascist, Democratic, Monarchic etc.)

[u]Economic Tier[/u] (Decided by Moderator)

[u]History[/u] (The basic history of your faction depending on the round you're in. At LEAST two solid sized paragraphs. Remember not to make any direct mention of prior contact to the 'Forces' before the year 2010.)

[u]Major Cities[/u] (List the major cities of your nation, indicate which is the capital)

[u]Population[/u] (Decided by Moderator)

[u]Population Happiness[/u] (Decided by Moderator)

[u]Military[/u] (Decided by Moderator)

Of course, you are highly encouraged to add other flavor categories as you please, like national anthems and the name of your leader/main officials, and make this as detailed and as creative as possible.

As for history I would like two solid paragraphs minimum. I reward those who give more, then compared to those that give less.

IMPORTANT Communications between nations SHOULD NOT occur within Nation threads, Nation threads are for the player of that nation themselves to update and add new announcements or mobilizations/productions/whatever. Communication between nations and embassies should be done through Embassy threads or through PM.

As a player, it is very important that you conduct diplomacy as in real life. Diplomacy is a tool that can be your best friend in both times of prosperity, and desperation. Through the use of diplomacy, you may open your nation to trade with others, forge a vital military alliance, and rally nations (or NPCs) to whatever cause you feel to be worthy (any cause, all it takes is a silver tongue).

Diplomacy shall be conducted in your nation's Embassy thread, (or in PM if you see fit) Your Embassy will be located in the Diplomacy subforum. Every player will post their Ambassadors in the character thread.

In Nation Builders there are several types of pacts that can help the player. Ill list the basic list of pacts so you can get an idea of them.

-Free Trade Agreement: This is one of the more basic agreements. It simply opens trade relations between your nation, and the other player's nation. (Gives slight economic boost to both nations)

-Non-Aggression Pact: This is an agreement whereby both parties agree not to invade one another, thus securing neutrality.

-Mutual Defense Pact: If you agree to this pact, you will be expected to defend the other party when they are faced with an invasion. By the same measure, they will be expected to protect you from an invasion.

-Military Alliance: By far the strongest of all the agreements, an alliance will call for all consenting players to coordinate their military together in both offensive and defensive campaigns. Technology sharing agreements are often part of an alliance.

Of course nothing stops you of creating your own custom pacts

That having been said, let me remind you of something: None of these alliances/agreements are guaranteed, and if someone breaks the terms of the agreement, don't be surprised. Just as in reality, diplomatic ties are fragile, and can be severed easily. Just because someone agrees to a Non-Aggression Pact with you, doesn't mean that they won't attack you. If a player breaks an agreement, they aren't in trouble, because they have a right to violate it if they so desire.

NPC's in Nation Building Rps, are the nations around you. While not constant as they can always be picked up by a new player, they are every were. And at times will be your enemies, or your friends depending on how you do things. Just as actual players (your competitors) you can come to agreements with NPC's as well. The negotiations work the same way, except instead of posting in a Embassy thread, you PM your proposals to me, and I will inform you as to how the NPC responds.

It is inevitable that at some point your nation will be embroiled in war.

Sometimes you may face a non-player controlled nation, sometimes a fellow player, as you conquer or defend.

When you are contemplating attacking a nation, take in mind its population, size, and possible strength. You may utilize your Dogs of War to spy, scout, or sabotage a possible nation you wish to invade, or to simply discover the nation's true military strength before you attack.

Once you decide to attack a nation, PM me.

I will set up the map and the [War] thread, and you will tell me what troops will attack from which directions. Obviously utilize realism, 1,000 troops can't float magically float over an ocean. They need ships to be transported on, remember, naval forces will be a factor!

Once we have the army statistics together, the actual combat will begin, which I will assist you through. Most of it will consist of you moving your troops about and trying to capture enemy cities and crushing enemy numbers. The map will be a major part of it.

Reaction Time

Nations cannot just say 'Go!' and drop 3 full corps of troops on the enemy's doorstep, this takes time and effort. Transport boats are absolutely necessary to ferry units overseas.

Military Garrisons

Now, when you are invaded, your troops will not be there to instantly react. If the invaders are in some distant corner of your nation, it will take time to send your troops there, and it is likely that your infrastructure will be ravaged in the meantime. How can you stop this? Build garrisons. A garrison is a fortified center from which you can rapidly deploy troops, a military base of sorts. If you have a garrison nearby, you can deploy those troops to the frontier immediately. Garrisons also allow you to train troops at a slightly faster rate when you are being attacked. While this makes garrisons a target for invaders, they are still very important. Just PM me where you want your garrison, and I'll let you know how long the build takes.


Generals are military commanders that can be researched and produced for your Corps. Keep in mind no one just STARTS with them, they have to be "made".

Remember, you have to keep the General to his specific Corps. Corps without Generals leading them are significantly weaker. However, Generals can be killed in battle if their Corps is significantly destroyed. Each Corps can only have one General, and Generals can gain experience points with every victory their particular Corps wins (I'll announce your experience point gains in War/Battle threads).

* One star Generals, Corps overall power increased.

** Two star Generals, Corps overall movement increased.

*** Three star Generals, Corps overall power doubled.

**** Four star Generals, Corps has the ability to summon Partisans alongside them every turn, where feasible.

***** Five star Generals, Chance of enemy units disbanding and fleeing theater or war.

A General's information is to be stored within your Nation threads and will hold this general template-






Battle Experience:

-Victories (starts at 0)

-Losses (starts at 0)



Star Ranking- (starts at *)

Abilities - (starts at 'Corps overall power increased')

Once a General passes the Five Star ranking, whenever a General makes a significant victory enough to gain another star, I will instead PM the player offering them the choice to add a newly created and thematic ability to their General's profile.

Army Size Laws

Obviously, you can't have a disproportionate amount of military units. You can't have your whole population being part of the military, as that is just ridiculous. Your military can reach a maximum size of 10% of your population. This can be increased to a minor degree through certain reforms. And remember, your population may decrease if you encounter a famine, plague, or some devastating natural disaster. By the same token, you can increase it through conquest.

Standard Units

Ground units


Basic soldiers. Trained mostly for surviving battlefield conditions; armed with a rifle and basic armor and a combat knife. Vulnerable to vehicles, but adaptable, and very effective when used in conjunction with vehicles. [standard]


Metal Beast barly introduced at the end of the Grate War, they are heavily armored and have a powerful main gun. Good vs vehicles, vulnerable to aircraft. [standard]


Used to increase the firepower of infantry formations, and increase their effective range. Vulnerable to enemy fire if not protected. [standard]

Infantry Fighting Vehicles:

Lighter version of tanks, faster moving, and it armed with mainly machine guns, but it has less armor being vulnerable to anti-vehicle fire. [buildable]


Highly skilled intelligence operative that can conduct espionage and gather information in both Dog of War Missions, in spy missions, or on the battlefield. [standard]

Air units


New Age planes that specialize in dogfighting, and used for taking out enemy aircraft. [standard]

Heavy Bi-Plane:

Big versions of the Bi-Planes that can carry a payloads of bombs, these Bombs can be dropped on ground and sea targets. [standard]

Sea Units


Small, maneuverable boat that is used to defend larger vessels. [standard]


Powerful medium-sized vessels. Have sub detection abilities. [standard]


Powerhouses of firepower, Cruisers are effective against any vessel or aircraft, but are vulnerable to boarding or attacks by small craft. [standard]


Big and heavy ships of the time, the largest ships to set sail to sea. They are heavily armed as well as armored, Battleships are effective against any vessel, they are header to board then a cruiser, but to slow to be effective against aircraft.[buildable]


New experimental class, that was made famous by the Germans in the beginning weeks of the Grate War. Small ships that can take on water to submerge it self in the water. Using the element of surprise, these small ships can destroy Battleships. But they are lightly armored and are vulnerable to Mines, and Destroyers. [buildable]

Transport Ships:

Large vessels, that can carry Armies across the water, if you have enough of them. But they are vulnerable, and have little to no armor or weapons. [standard]

Static Defenses


Post troops and vehicles at this location, bringing in whatever ground units you like when attacked.


Post naval vessels at this location, brining in whatever sea units you like when attacked. Can be used to embark and disembark ground units quickly.


Post aircraft at this location, bringing in whatever air units you like when attacked. Can be used to embark and disembark ground units quickly.
Dogs of War

"The Dogs of War" is a feature in Nation Builders that utilize character roleplaying. Each nation will have a special agent, an elite soldier, a Dog of War. Create him/her on the Dogs of War Character Thread, using the template provided there. The way the Dogs work is you can (by PMing me) utilize them to sabotage or spy on other nations, NPC or player, but be careful, unlike NPCs, Player Nations have a chance to react to your mission and conduct Counter-Espionage. If successful DoWs can do major damage to the enemy on the inside, or just get you information.

Once you deploy a Dog of War, I make a [Quest] thread (this could be Public or Privet), wherein you control the Dog of War in an adventure yourself in roleplaying format.

Statecraft is another vital element of in Nation Building RPs. Through statecraft, you will determine the way your nation reacts to natural disasters, civil unrest, and other crises. As a player, you will create your nations leader, providing him or her with their own unique titles, history, and combination of leader bonuses. The decisions which you make here can be the difference between internal stability and a massive rebellion, so be sure to consider your options thoroughly before making a decision.

Now then, let's get to where and how you make your leader. Your leader's profile is to be posted in the Leader Signup thread, which is located in the Statecraft forum. You will post your leader's profile, and I or another moderator will reply, confirming whether it is approved, or if we feel you need to clarify something. Below is the leader template:

Leader Template

Name (Record the name of your leader.)

Title (Specify your leader's exact title. Is your leader a Consul, an Emperor, an Overking, or something else?)

Age (Record your leader's age.)

Sex (Record your leader's gender.)

Appearance (Describe in length your leader's physical appearance. No pictures necessary, but if you really want to add one, put it in spoilers. If it's obnoxiously large, don't bother.)

Personality (Detail your leader's personality, and overall character.)

History (Describe in depth, the series of events which led your leader to take power. If your leader has been in power for some time, describe their achievements, failures, and policies.)

Leader Bonuses (Choose two leader bonuses for your ruler, and record them here.)

Leader Bonuses

Leader bonuses are attributes possessed by your leader which give you a certain advantage. Every leader has two of ten possible attributes, and their respective nations shall benefit from them accordingly. The following is a list of leader bonuses and their effects. Choose the traits which are best suited to your method of playing, and remember, once you have chosen a set of bonuses, you are stuck with that set for the remainder of the game.

Ambition- Decreases invasion cooldown by one day. Slightly decreases the amount of time necessary to implement military reform.

Charisma- Makes it easier to forge alliances with NPC nations. Increases troop morale by +2.

Coercion- Decreases the chance that NPC nations will attack you. Reduces enemy troop morale by -1.

Discipline- Improves the organization, and morale of all troops by +3.

Industriousness- Reduces the amount of time necessary to implement economic reform and economic projects.

Insight- Reduces the time it takes to research new techs.

Organization- Allows the research of multiple techs, or reforms without a time penalty.

Protectiveness- Reduces the time it takes you to build garrisons.

Ruthlessness- Decreases the chance of civil unrest by -2. If your nation looses two or more battles in a row, increases the chance of civil unrest by +1.

Spirituality- Decreases the amount of time necessary to implement social reform and social projects.

Making Decisions

Now you may be wondering, "How is statecraft conducted?" The answer is very simple. After you have posted your leader, and the post has been approved by a moderator, you will create your capital thread. You will post your capital in the continental subforum in which your nation is located. This thread is your leaders place of administration. All capital threads will be in the following format: "[Capital] (The name of your ruler's building)". For example, "[Capital] The Thracian Imperial Palace". It can be a palace, or a Senate building or whatever. Just be sure to describe the building in detail in your first post. Once you have set this up, I, or another mod, will keep your leader updated on the affairs of your nation by posing as a courtier, or adviser. You will respond, and make decisions as your leader. The courtier or adviser will later inform you of the outcome, and we will continue from there. Your decision in Statecraft will have a great influence in the game so be careful.

If someone takes to much time to make an decision an private PM will be sent. If no answer is given, the mod will assume that your leader ignored the affair and things will proceed this way. If this is repeated several times, your nation will collapse.
Research, Reform, and Projects

In order to increase your nation in terms of its military, economic, and social stats, you will have to research new technologies and implement new reforms. Always remember that the key to research and reform is creativity. I am open to a host of ideas, and if you PM me your own unique ideas on research and development, I will inform you as to whether or not they are acceptable.

Note:When you send us a PM with your recruitment and research orders please include your stats and any other benefits you may have related to the orders.

Technology Research

The way that you research technologies in this game is very similar to the way you enlarge your army and navy. You will imply describe the technology which you research, and I will PM you the time it will take for your nation to research that technology. You will probably spend a lot of time researching new military units, and stuff. Just PM me and I will let you know the time.

Military, Economic, & Social Reform

You can also improve your nation through reform. Would you like to improve the organization of your army to increase discipline and morale? Or perhaps you would prefer to streamline your government's bureaucracy to give you a minor economic boost? You could also try to spread a singular religion through your country to promote unity and stability. Really, the sky is the limit with these reforms. Just give me a detailed description of your reform plan, and its intended effect, and I will tell you how long it takes.

Wunderwaffes (Wonderweapons)

Its the early 20th century, I am not expecting to see the Nuke for at least till end game, possibly. But while you can't do a Project Manhattan of your own, but I am giving the players to develop Wunderwaffes or Wonder weapons. Bordering on the realm of science fiction, I am going to allow creative idea to be allowed, that were not thought up at the time, or at the time were considered impossible, but here they might be some use.


But other then the Wunderwaffes there are plenty of other WMDs that can be created. Chemical weapons are the easiest to produce and limited in scope. Biological weapons are devastating but are capable of spreading uncontrolled to innocent nations (and your own). And of course, advancement in to bigger and better guns in general.


Monuments are very large projects which require a great deal of time and resources. Monuments are projects such as magnificent temples, forums, and other places of cultural and economic exchange. These epic projects shall at first provide you with relatively moderate bonuses which I shall inform you of when you complete them. But when you start to accumulate a few monuments, your nation will begin to wield a monstrous amount of power. If you amass a number of social monuments, you will become a grand center of culture, and in your golden age, people from neighboring countries shall begin to immigrate to your country in waves, forcing some NPC's to dissolve into your nation. If you choose to pursue a fiscal pathway, your economic power shall increase, while that of your neighbors decreases as you create a monopoly on trade, making it nearly impossible for any regional rival to keep up with your economy.

Be warned though, these monuments will likely have a tendency to draw the attention of many other players, so be prepared for battle. In addition if any of your neighbors begin to produce a good deal of their own monuments, your bonus will be taken away. So remember, it is important to be strong in all fields: Military, Economic and Social. Just as it is impossible to have a strong army when you are overwhelmed by rebellions or a crappy economy, it is equally impossible to maintain a golden age or trade monopoly without an adequate army.

So as with everything else be creative and have fun, if anyone has any questions please tell me and ill be happy to answer you.
Ground Rules

1. Moderator Word is Law, defile it and you will be punished.

2. Refer back to number 1

3. Have Fun and be creative, because anything goes, yes even Nazism... Its the 1920s after all...
Alright, I can not think of anything else, I am DONE....

I think I have enough players, Learo, Beail, Ren, I am hoping other will join in on this, but this is a good start. Lets get this thing built.
.... does this mean I can finally rule the world? Mwuhahah I'm so in

Oh yes... I will make the world tremble with my kangaroo shock-troopers, koala spies and wombat landmines (kidding of course - just pointing out that I call the great land of Ausieness :) )
I think I reserved something Russian in the original idea thread. I'll read all the stuff from spoilers over the weekend and prepare myself for the task at hand.
Did I say Russia? I meant, erm... Northern Russia? Kind of.

Although it shouldn't take me long to reunite the former USSR.
Just to clarify something for myself - is it possible to to take control of another country (non-player conrolled) via diplomatic means and not direct war?
Yes, but it take a long and daring proses. It has happened, it is possible, but it is hard but have grater benefits then just simple invasion.
Psh, diplomacy? Non-violent means? Who needs diplomacy when you have a powerful army at your command!? And tea to last a lifetime! I say! ಠ_ರೃ
Sometimes it's more humiliating (and funnier) to be talked in to defeat rather than beaten with a stick? :)

After a bit of thought I think I'm going to change my mind from Australia to Spain - I think Spain's closer proximity to the front, and their neutrality through WWI could make an interesting and challenging choice.
Indeed, but I must say - It is quite satisfying, to beat down all these barbaric ruffians of the world. Blimey! _ರೃ *Adjusts monocle*

And you know, you could make it so that Spain was right in the middle of the Great War - After all, we're the ones writing the history of this game. :cool:
Just every one remeber that this is a Nation builder set in the time period, and not a WW2 Nationbuilder. The Events of ww2 wont happen exactly as they really did if at all as players are the ones running it, and most deffinetly wont happen for the same reasons. And as I fully entend to play as Germany (as im rather fond of doing for ww2 ERA nbrps) I can garuntee you that while I will most likely find myself at war with the world (as I always seem to find my self) it will more then likely not be for the same reasons Nazi germany did.

So just keep an open mind about that sort of thing, dont just go instantly assuming that all nations were exactly what they were at that time.
Are you frickin kidding me? The USA is split 3 ways. I'm gonna get all Woodrow Wilson on their asses.

Actually I have no idea who my President is gonna be. Prolly not Harding. I thought about Ackerman again, but I don't think that would really work. Probably Pershing.
*Cough* 4 ways. 5, if Alaska went independent. /nitpick

Why not just go crazy and create a whole new U.S. of ? ;)
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]*Cough* 4 ways. 5, if Alaska went independent. /nitpick
Why not just go crazy and create a whole new U.S. of ? ;)

*cough* the U.S. is split3 ways, 4 if Alaska is independent *end cough*
Actually Lareo is correct.

And Alaska wasn't a State at this time, it was a territory. So if they went independent, they'd be rebellious injuns that need to be put down by the supreme powah of the Union >:^(

I might do something different. I have no thoughts on the matter yet.

Edit: Actually I think I might do a Heinlein democracy.
Uziel said:
Actually Lareo is correct.
And Alaska wasn't a State at this time, it was a territory. So if they went independent, they'd be rebellious injuns that need to be put down by the supreme powah of the Union >:^(
Well, what if I told you Canada took it :D ahh just joking...

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