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Nation Building Nation States: Empires of Valinor - Additional IC


A Servant of King and Country
This thread will now be used for correspondances between leaders.
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To the honorable Consul Karlyle

It is great pleasure that I am able to send this letter bearing the freshly printed seal of the Republic of Farfax. This is a time of great change in the world as our fledgling state takes its first steps into the future. However, I would not have it do so alone.

The Confederation of Luswestein has long stood as a shining example of progress in the free world and an example which helped inspire the republican movement. Luswestein has shown itself to be a bold explorer of the world and it is with that same bold spirit that I would see Farfax continue. It is my genuine belief that together our two young powers could achieve great things. With this in mind I wish to not only extend a hand of friendship from our shores to yours but to open the borders of trade between our two nations.

Should this be agreeable to you then I would also be honoured to invite you to join me in the Farfax Capital of Brightstone.

- From the office of President Barrows

Consul-Regent Leopold Karlyle

Confederacy of Luswestien

It has brought me great pleasure to see your response. In these perilous times, I think it may be wise to band together and extend ties of friendship. May I suggest an alliance that will benefit the both of us? Our nation has long remained aloof from the world in our relentless pursuit of science, but now we feel we should open our borders, and in exchange, some of our best scientists and researchers could collaborate and speed up the rate at which the realm of science progresses. What is your take on this, Consul-Regent?

High King Lenteer Perifin

The Kingdom of Ospiel

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To, President Barrows / Miss Stein

It has come to my attention, that the Kingdom of Praustein, is wishing to engage in conquest - of which no doubt, some of us, might be come targets or unwanted battlefields in these times.

As a gesture of goodwill, I wish to invite your dignataries to my home, Slonia. Where we might discuss politics, in the furterance of securing our people' fortune and security.


Astren Grace.


@General Deth Glitch

General Deth Glitch] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18776-bobisdead123/ said:

Dear Emeperor Kreig Vulkar,

It gladdens me to hear of your determination to free your people in Miklaburg, to this aim I have pledged my forces to your side and shall support your forces where it is needed with the Grand navy. After the loss of the old ships our forces are on the rise and our shipyards in full swing. Once we are done with the bloody task of war then preparation shall be made for the marriage of our mighty nations as I bind myself to your daughters hand in matrimony. I am sure your mighty army will need no aid in crushing the rabble that make up Miklaburg but should other nations, particularly those whom do not see the righteous might of monarchy as the only worthy leaders of men, see it as an opportunity to strike, know that my fleets and forces shall be fighting at your side. These are dark times and the tide of revolution is growing, it has already consumed three of the mightiest nations and so we should be on aware for it. Our Alliance will create a union in this world to rival the tide of revolution so that we may beat back its flames before it burns our nations.

-Signed King Heinrich II of House Valsparr

Dear King Heinrich II,

I am expressively grateful for you and your people's support of my righteous war to restore the power of a true monarchy within Mikalbourg. Too many well respected Monarchies have fallen to the quibbles of the peasantry in recent years. This trend of revolution and civil war greatly distresses me, and I fear the entire continent may soon be enveloped in civil war if we do no not assert the power of a true monarchy over it soon. With your support the already "democracies" will not dare defy our combined might!

The war with Mikalbourg is already nearing its end. The ruling monarch has rightly surrendered to ny army and it shall only be a matter of months before the remaining dissidents are killed. With the fall of Mikalbourg even more of the continent shall open up to mt armies and our influence will spread across the land.

As such I for.ally invite you to attend my court un Neuberlin to conduct the marriage and to discuss further details of our new alliance.

-Warmest Regards,

Emperor Krieg Vulkar


To her majesty, Queen Astren Grace

I thank you for your letter. I'll arrive shortly in five days in response to this letter.

Excuse me for the short response. We'll discuss our matters upon meeting one another.

- Head of State, Y. Stein

24 Mar. 1800​



Queen Astren Grace

Kingdom of Slonia

Greetings. For a long time, our nation has been wary of what we thought were foreigners and outsiders, but with a new monarch, come new times. We would like to extend a hand of friendship in these times, and hope that our peoples could interact and grow together, and for this purpose we would like to open our borders to your people if you also feel this might be a helpful alliance.

High King Lenteer Perifin

The Kingdom of Ospiel


Emperor Krieg Vulkar

Kingdom of Praustien

Greetings. Ospiel has taken a keen interest in the nation that is now leading the military actions in the land, and would like to offer a hand of friendship to the Kingdom of Praustien, a nation we feel is a strong and dominating military authority, and we could do much to learn from your people. As such, we would also like to propose an alliance where we open our borders to trade, and if you would so like to pursue research and technologies more aggressively, our scientists who are the best in the land could surely collaborate with yours and together, maybe we could further the fields both of war and research.

High King Lenteer Perifin

The Kingdom of Ospiel

To High King Leenter Perifin of Ospiel

I am extremely pleased to receive your letter, I myself was planning to extend the olive branch to your great people. As such I humbly accept your proposition as with my nations military prowess and your nation's scientific excellence we will be easily able to defend our borders from the aggression of other monarchs and these "common rulers". I hope this leads to a lasting friendship be twee our two nations.

Warmest Regards,

Emperor Krieg Vulkar

((We now have an alliance and open borders))

Dear Ms Grace,

It is with great honour that I accept your invitation. I shall depart for Slonia as soon as possible with hope that we might all work towards securing a brighter future for our people.

Kind Regards,

A. Barrows


High King Lenteer Perifin

The Kingdom of Ospiel

I accept, your proposal - I hope this agreements, proves to be mutually benefical and bring lasting peace between our two nations.


Queen Astren Grace

Kingdom of Slonia

To his majesty, Krieg Vulkar

I see things from two perspectives. You claim that these people are mad conquerors, liars and outsiders who have perverse these lands. From their eyes they see your society as an dishonorable covenant of rapists and murderers. The way you both view each other is already troubling enough but now you sent this letter to tell me to not meddle in Kasrul?

I have invested a bit in the alliance between the Kingdom of Slonia and the fourth republic of Rumanka. Throwing away my investments ill suits my position as Head of State and my nation's interests. You'll have to compensate and pay for our loss if you want us to not be involved in the conflict of the sovereignty of Kasrul.

We want [2 Treasure Points] and we'll completely focus our war effort to Bakallanden and leave the conlict between The Kingdom of Praustein, The Kingdom of Slonia and The Sovereignty of Kasrul alone.

- Head of State, Y. Stein​


To her majesty, Astren Grace

It seems this conflict is inevitable. I had tried to negotiate my way out of the conflict but the Kingdom of Praustein refused my offer and wants to see if I can mettle. I trust you are a more rational than King Vulkar and will accept this donation to help you in your effort to stop those crazed militarists. If things go out of hand, I'll come assist you with what available units I have under my disposal.

I give you a gift of [2 Treasure Points]and my nation is now officially involved in the conflict.

May the gods be with us to bless us this war.

- Head of State, Y. Stein​


To the ruler of Kasrul

Grettings friend, it appears your nation has unfortantely gotten stuck in a war between my people and Slonia. I know times may seem dark for you as nations fight over control fo your on land. I come her not as a self righteous outsider, indeed I intended to conquer your people. But seeing as your people are due to be slaughtered between my own men the the Slonians, I could not bring myself to let that happen without providing you with a way out, to minimize and even possibly prevent bloodshed. My proposal is mutually beneficial to us both.

I propose that our forces join together to repel the Slonians and their possible Romunkan allies. You will agree to join my Empire peacefully and without resistance and in return you will be allowed to rule your people as you wish, you would merely be required to have a standing army and lend it to me when I call for it. I urge you to accept this deal and help prevent the bloodshed that is about to unfold.


Emperor Krieg

(Triple lulz - the way you punctuate this, your giving them submit to me or else deal, bob)

Honored ruler of Kasrul

No doubt, the King of Praustein, has cooked-up another one of his lies, in an attempt to make it seem - that his current conquest of your nation, is some divine right or attempt and defending
your people. That your people, would be best served by joining his so-called banner - it is a blatant lie, to hide the simple fact, he wishes to simply subjugate you and the rest of this continent under his boot. One, has to simply look to Mikalbourg - to see, the Kingdom of Praustein, war against this so-called aggression.

He uses insults, and demeanors against my people - stating, that because, my ancestors were slightly different than his - that ironically we are the outsiders. When his troops march in, in-attempt to subjugate a sovereign kingdom to his rule - and he insults me as an outsider. Nobody knows this history for certain anymore, since my people, haven't had much chance in writing this sort of thing. As they say, history is written by the victor - anything, that the King of Praustein may promise is hollow, at its words. Racial background shouldn't lessen one' common sense and logic - he wishes to conquer your kingdom, plain and simple.

Having seen his actions, in Mikalbourg - I propose, a simple offer to you as well. My people, and the people of Rumanka - promise to uphold your right of self-governanace. We will help your people, and army throw back this attempted genocidal hound back to his domain.

You may, distrust my kind. If that is the case, then I implore you to trust the people of Rumanka - they are our allies in this. And neither of us, wish to see the joke of Praustein' boots, trampeling on our rights or that of our neighbours - as their bloodthirsty mercenaries had done years ago.

I ask for nothing, except that the people of Kasrul, defend themselves against this attempt at Prausteinian conquest. Your people will not be forgotten.


Queen Grace.
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Dear Heinrich Kinsparr,

Greetings in dark times my friend. Form such a joyous occasion such as my daughters marriage to warfare. Life is funny that way, isn't it? As you have likely heard, my people have gotten into a war with the Slonian scum and the Romunkan peasants over control of Kasrul. I fear this will determinant who has control of the entire mainland, not just Kasrul. I request that you immediately send your navy to y port in Praustein, form which we will commence attacks against their weak ports and navys.

Warmest Regards in dark times,

Emperor Krieg

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Dear Emperor Kreig,

During these times I have given my son, Prince Admiral Valais, permission to read letters on my behalf and wrote me a letter alongside sending this to me. He agrees and has sent his ship, which will arrive before the rest of our fleet to help aid you in the defense of your port, should something untoward come out of these aggressive nations and they would seek to press an attack against you over a mere war of unification and liberation. Should this small engagement of yours to reclaim your own peoples land and cultural cities get out of hand and they see fit to push their attack I have given my son orders to join the war alongside you and help protect the rule of Monarchy from these common courts. For now however we will only defend your port and maintain a defensive position is Alsbourg. We are on your side and know you are the righteous cause and will join you when it is not aggressive to do so. I also wish to write that Anita also wishes you well and hopes you keep yourself safe and away from the fighting, I care not so long as you survive and show the world the glory of your breeding.

Regards, King Heinrich II
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July 16th, 1800

To the great ruler of the distinguished nation of Ospiel,

I regret that I was not able to respond to your correspondence sooner, as I was stricken with an unusually bad case of fever and was confined to my bedchambers, bathed in icebuckets for a week and a half and have spent the interim time recovering from my illness.

Proceeding, I believe that an open borders agreement would be mutually beneficial, actually my finance minister has already issued that Ospielian merchants be allowed in with few questions. Trade will make our nations stronger together.

On the topic of research, we are currently pursuing a new technology which my advisors assure me is quite revolutionary, but I look forward to collaborating in the future.

Your humble friend, Karlyle

July 18th, 1800

To the noble president of Farfax,

I regret that I was not able to respond to your correspondence sooner, as I was stricken with an unusually bad case of fever and was confined to my bedchambers, bathed in icebuckets for a week and a half and have spent the interim time recovering from my illness.

My health being what it is, I regretfully decline your invitation to your nation, although I yearn to see how the grand old land has changed since I sailed there as a boy.

As to the open borders agreement, my finance minister has already approved those measures in my absence and I believe it will pave the way to a brighter future for our nations.


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Dear Queen Grace,

The war in Kasrul struggles on and I seek to end this hostile discord. It is disheartening to see you attempting to maintain this fruitless war and you attempts with your allies to steal this land from Praustein under the guise of freedom. I respect that you may not be knowingly partaking of this Romunken plot but I ask you to wise up and remove your troops for the good of Valinor and, more specifically, the people of Kasrul. I hope that your good judgement will encourage you to back down from this bloodied charade of the common lady Stein. You are a woman of breeding and intellect, do not let this backward lady, a mere farm girl, stain your honour. I beg you in the name of your family and your kin do not fall prey to her trickery.

I expect your answer soon, should you not free yourself from the chains of this witch then I shall be forced to take uncooperative actions towards your people. I hope this does not befall your mighty nation.

Regards, King Heinrich II

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March 1, 1801

Dear <his title here, I cant find it> Karlyle,

I know our two nations have had hostilities in the past and have something of a rivalry or even hatred between us, but I feel like we can look forward these feelings and begin a new age between our people. You likely have heard of my conquests and my dreams of uniting those of Prausteinian decent. You probably think it means that I wish to attack your nation. I can assure you this is not necessarily the case. There are tow ways to unite a people; through conquest or diplomacy. I was hoping we could do the later. Therefore, I invite you to my humble abode in Neuberlin to discuss resolutions to our hostilities.

Your humble friend,

Krieg Vulkar
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March 4th, 1801

I regret to inform you, your majesty, that I am ill once again with fever and cannot bear a long ocean voyage like you have asked. However, I am overjoyed that you have decided to come over to the side of peace and friendship. I must agree with your assessment (I have inferred this assessment, for you did not state it directly in your letter) that Rumanka and Slonia do seem to have amassed a frighteningly large military-industrial complex in the past few years. I also must speak to my reservations about your nation's intentions in Kasrul, Mikalbourg, and Halsbourg. Therefore, I am prepared to give you a small war loan of ----(4 Treasury Points) to be paid back in interest semiannually (one payment per turn of 1 TP) starting in the Summer of 1802 and concluding in Winter 1804.

Your colleague, Consul-Regent Karlyle of Luswestein
March 8, 1801

Dear Consul-Regent Karlyle,

I will graciously accept your offer. With these funds I have hope that I can hold Kasrulbourgh and perhaps even push the Rumankan and Slonian filth out of Prussian lands (Using Prussian to refer to anyone of Praustein decent).

I heed you concerns about our intentions, but I can assure you they are not amy worse (In fact they are justifiable and reasonable) than Slonia's and Rumanka's. Both conquer nation's filled with independent people they have no ties too. Ever since I came to power, Praustein ahs been seen as an opponent to peace, However, the real enemies of this fair land are undoubtedly Slonia and her ally.

Your humble friend,

Krieg Vulkar
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