Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

She is what you call I think the term is a Chuunibyou. Delusional if you want English. She's heard stories of life there, but she's actually never been there. It's a pretty funny joke in the RP when she claims to be from it.
@White Masquerade

Archer got Kaneki'd


Oh and the second part of the Swimsuit event is fucking rad. It's called Progress of Civilization and basically it's an extended Fist of the North Star parody with St. Martha as Kenshiro.
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Ya, well minus the one scene with Rei being stabbed, uness you count Dove's inevitable betrayal she's been going nowhere but up since her return. Granted I haven't gotten that scene done, which I really, really, really need to sit down and do already but I've been at the procrastination station for a while xD

But on the reals, Rei really has no where to go but up, because her only goals are to rebuild what she's lost, and if it's already gone then anything keeping her from recreating it is just a delay, but not a major negative event. I think the fun thing with Rei is she gets to be the true pacifist(despite the scene with the clones, it was only because she had to and she didn't actually enjoy it, despite on personally dispatching two of them herself she feels bad for allowing herself to fall into position to need to deal with all of them.)

That's another thing, given the time skip, I'm debating on having her learn one or two other jutsus, but they'll be the most non-offensive jutsus ever xD  Though keeping her with nothing but her current jutsu would be cool too. Ahhh decisions decisions,and I haven't done the family reveal for good old Rei either, which I think some people would really like.

Why do I have so much I still need to do... it seems like so much when I start listing it.
...does Chiaki even need a power up?

I've written nothing for either Chiaki or Shinsei, though I got a good idea of what Chiaki'll be doing. Shinsei...not so much. I want to wait for the end before I figure which path he'll take moving forward into the afterstory.
LOL. What. Never. This will be sweet, I promise. I'm not that kind of person anymore. Just want to have fun.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

I will stop hitting on Chiaki if Han gives Shirokko the Hiramakarei. That sword is bad@ass.

How about no i don't barter with shipping terrorist.  You can keep attempting faith by messing with Chiaki.  Because already won now,in both fronts 6/7 out seven swordsmen tools and her love of her life close at hand. 

With hope new generation of the seven swordsmen are to be refine. Ando to become even stronger depending on time skip new kids shall join the ranks 
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How about no i don't barter with shipping terrorist.  You can keep attempting faith by messing with Chiaki.  Because already won now,in both fronts 6/7 out seven swordsmen tools and her love of her life close at hand. 

Yeah but he didn't seem to mind the attempted murder very much.

Quirky can say he's just a nice guy till the cows come home I think that says mixed feelings.
Yeah but he didn't seem to mind the attempted murder very much.

Quirky can say he's just a nice guy till the cows come home I think that says mixed feelings.

He is a nice guy. Too nice. That's what makes him not nice. He very loyal to the people he cares for, and feels deeply for many things, but he's not passionate in the same way someone like Shinsei is. He's caring and considerate(if not a bit oblivious), but will let you go in a blink of an eye if he believes its for the best in the long run.   

He still considers Shirokko a friend from Kumo Camp(the few remaining ones) and Chiaki treasures those. He also knows Han almost sold out Shirokko to Daradei for a he's willing to let certain matters slide, since he's somewhat aware of their past animosity.

Regarding his feelings towards had, he is growing to see Han in romantic light after she confessed to him, but before then he'd never really known the difference platonic love and romantic love. That's why when Han confessed to him, he said he "probably" loved her too. He's also doesn't want to make a girl cry...because he's a wimp in that regard...but isn't particularly new to kissing women (lived in Eternal Night Palace). Having seen all sorts of stuff at Eien no Yoru pretty much jaded him to what romantic love means. Girls(geishas) have told him how adorable he was since he was kid wearing dresses. Chiaki wasn't so dumb he didn't notice Daradei's "attraction" to him...he just didn't think she was serious and lacks manly confidence to believe he could attract women in that way.    .

That's why I told White, that Chiaki was easy. The first girl that confessed to him seriously(didn't really matter who it was) would end up with him (tears is bonus). Whether he saw the girl in a romantic fashion initially didn't even matter, because he'll grow to love the good traits he sees in them regardless--being the nice guy that he is. And even if he did run into someone who makes his teenage hormones act up, he'll NEVER act on it, since he's very loyal and would NEVER do anything to hurt someone he cares for (unless it was for their own good).

Chiaki can go even further beyond. Let him grow in power.

...he is NOT implanting any special eyes. 
He is a nice guy. Too nice. That's what makes him not nice. He very loyal to the people he cares for, and feels deeply for many things, but he's not passionate in the same way someone like Shinsei is. He's caring and considerate(if not a bit oblivious), but will let you go in a blink of an eye if he believes its for the best in the long run.   

He still considers Shirokko a friend from Kumo Camp(the few remaining ones) and Chiaki treasures those. He also knows Han almost sold out Shirokko to Daradei for a he's willing to let certain matters slide, since he's somewhat aware of their past animosity.

Regarding his feelings towards had, he is growing to see Han in romantic light after she confessed to him, but before then he'd never really known the difference platonic love and romantic love. That's why when Han confessed to him, he said he "probably" loved her too. He's also doesn't want to make a girl cry...because he's a wimp in that regard...but isn't particularly new to kissing women (lived in Eternal Night Palace). Having seen all sorts of stuff at Eien no Yoru pretty much jaded him to what romantic love means. Girls(geishas) have told him how adorable he was since he was kid wearing dresses. Chiaki wasn't so dumb he didn't notice Daradei's "attraction" to him...he just didn't think she was serious and lacks manly confidence to believe he could attract women in that way.    .

That's why I told White, that Chiaki was easy. The first girl that confessed to him seriously(didn't really matter who it was) would end up with him (tears is bonus). Whether he saw the girl in a romantic fashion initially didn't even matter, because he'll grow to love the good traits he sees in them regardless--being the nice guy that he is. And even if he did run into someone who makes his teenage hormones act up, he'll NEVER act on it, since he's very loyal and would NEVER do anything to hurt someone he cares for (unless it was for their own good).

In a nutshell he's emotionally stunted (join the club) and thinks trying to please everyone is actually possible?
In a nutshell he's emotionally stunted (join the club) and thinks trying to please everyone is actually possible?

Yes. Though his character development throughout the rp (the war) has changed his views somewhat. Also time spent with Kabuto/Orochimaru. Hence his final post to Jinan. 
Yes. Though his character development throughout the rp (the war) has changed his views somewhat. Also time spent with Kabuto/Orochimaru. Hence his final post to Jinan. 

Well don't worry, Rei is probably the only character who's emotionally stable.
Well don't worry, Rei is probably the only character who's emotionally stable.

True. But emotionally stable characters aren't as interesting :x

Besides, I'm not sure being an all out pacifist is emotionally stable either.

Don't add sh*t to your post after I quote it you rascal! Pictures or it never happened.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Lol. Muah-Muah Tmo.

@Pequeno Burraidh

It's because there is a lot to do! Things will be changing and characters getting older! OF course there will be lots of things to sort out.


Time to take on the 9-Tails. RIP SHISOKOKU-SAN

@Lucem Tenebris

Lmfao. I don't know why, but I laughed so hard at your comment. It would be you.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Pfft. What's your prob, Kinzu? HAN DON"T HAVE THE LAST SWORD THOUGH! In your face! Anpan has denied you! Keep not apologizing to Shirokko. I can't wait for the match.


Don't think that explanation clears up the air or anything. I will NEVER forget it.


Lol. Emotionally, maybe. Mentally? Not a chance. Who tries to stop a war with no power?
There's a perfectly good Sharingan burning a hole in his pocket.

Does Kouki want it?


No need to reply, just have a look around. This is the afterstory of a RP we will be finishing this week. IT ran before the site update, so it looks ugly, but I am rebuilding the afterstory in this forum here!

Don't add sh*t to your post after I quote it you rascal! Pictures or it never happened.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Lol. Muah-Muah Tmo.

@Pequeno Burraidh

It's because there is a lot to do! Things will be changing and characters getting older! OF course there will be lots of things to sort out.


Time to take on the 9-Tails. RIP SHISOKOKU-SAN

@Lucem Tenebris

Lmfao. I don't know why, but I laughed so hard at your comment. It would be you.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Pfft. What's your prob, Kinzu? HAN DON"T HAVE THE LAST SWORD THOUGH! In your face! Anpan has denied you! Keep not apologizing to Shirokko. I can't wait for the match.


Don't think that explanation clears up the air or anything. I will NEVER forget it.


Lol. Emotionally, maybe. Mentally? Not a chance. Who tries to stop a war with no power?



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