Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC


Junior Member
The drops fell from the sky in mass, covering everything, steel, stone, people. The rain was the trade mark of this place, and the black cultists often called the down pour "The Tears of Jashin". Tensen Thought that was ridiculous, after all, you could clearly hear the laughter of the wicked god in the thunder, if you had an ear for it. He looked out from behind the glass door of his balcony, from behind one of the many rising structures which were being erected in Amegakure, the Village Hidden in The Rain.

This village had seen much fighting, and had been the battlefield for many countries during this terrible war, it was only right that what was about to happen, happen here. He turned back to his adviser and scribe, Tomilis, even then copying out the different letters which would be sent. Some called Tensen crazy for what he was planning, and sometimes he agreed with them. Still, he had to try, for the sake of his land, and every other.

He idly picked up a copy of one of the letters as he walked past the desk, inspecting it as he walked in a small circle.

Dear Kirino Takeda

I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of delivery did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


At the bottom of the letter were the instructions on how to reach Amegakure, and the date of the meeting. Tensen, or Mikoto, as he would be known to these ninja, placed the letter back. He would send it in a special envelope, one which could resist fire, force, and water, and hopefully it would reach where it was going. Each envelope was given to a group of a four outlaws. Each group of outlaws was tasked with killing and framing a certain ninja, or at least that was what they were being told. Each outlaw was to kill their respective ninja and plant the envelope on their bodies, never opening it or looking in it. For this they would be paid richly.

In reality it was likely they would all die, as they were intended to. All these men were generally good at was finding people, and so their role was less that of assassins and more that of delivery men. Rogue ninja did not pass up a chance to collect free supplies, and the bodies of the four men would likely be looted by the ninja, or hopefully they would at least be perceptive enough to notice the bright orange, nearly indestructible envelope carried by the men.

Then the rest was up to fate. Some would answer the call, some would take the money and leave, and others would likely burn everything, tags, cash, and all, expecting a trap. But hopefully a few would respond, and Tensen's design would begin to come into existence. Until then, all he could do was wait and watched from the land of endless tears. Soon he would know of his plans bore fruit.

(Feel free to introduce yourself, and display a bit of your skill as you "receive" the letters. Once everyone has an introduction post where they become aware of the meeting, I will move us forward to Amegakure.)
It wasn't even a day earlier that Kirino had received the letter and gifts that came with it. She was intrigued, to say the least. But what kind of idiot sends 10,000 Ryo and 15 explosive tags to a complete stranger? Let alone one with a criminal past? Hell, if she hadn't been in the neighboring "Land of Rivers" near Amegakure, Kirino would likely have taken the money and tags as a gift from on high and continued selling her services as a killer for hire. But since she was close and the reward was so significant, it was at least worth checking out.

It wasn't long before she was at the border between the Land of Rivers and the Land of Rain. This "Mikoto" as he or she called themselves had instructed her to be at a specific place at a specific time. Upon arriving outside the destination nearly an hour early, Kirino ignited the letter. If it was needed to verify who she was to this man, oh well. If it was unnecessary, then her tracks were covered as well as the tracks of this Mikoto person. After all, who was to say they weren't simply luring her to a trap and planning some sort of blackmail? Likewise burning the letter cut off her temptations to do the same.

The rogue kunoichi looked around for a snack vendor so she would have something to stave off her hunger before the meeting. Spying a sweet bun stand, she cheerfully walked over and purchased two of the treats with some of the money she had been sent in the letter. This would not only ease the hunger, but also keep the hot-headed Kekkei Genkai user in a more agreeable mood. After all, no one likes a massive explosion in the middle of a meeting.

For now, she waited. Anonymous to the crowd and possibly even to this Mikoto person. Hopefully something would give her away to them or give them away to her, otherwise this would be a short meeting indeed.
The old man trudged along the mud road, leaning heavily on his staff as he did. He was traveling in the Land of Rice Paddies, and the sun was shining down on his head. Everything seemed peaceful enough, around him farmers tended their rice paddies, bent over as they preformed the days work. The sky had barely a cloud in it, and the day was rather hot, lightened only by a light breeze which blew occasionally from the east.

It was just about mid day and the old man expected to reach the next town by dinner time at his current pace. He was bent beneath the weight of a large medical pack on his back, and made progress slowly as he took shaking step after shaking step. He looked to be in his sixties, and his clothes were loose and big on him, making him seem even more shrunken and feeble. No one seemed to pay the old man any heed at all, and he continued down the mud path, sandels splashing slightly in the liquid earth.

Then a rowdy group of five men appeared from up the path, walking down the same path in the opposite direction as the old man. They were clearly thugs of some sort, wearing an assortment of armors, and bearing spears, clubs, and crude swords. The Farmers did pay them heed, watching them with weary eyes as they made their way towards the old man. At first, Moe thought he would simply step to the side and let them pass, but when he saw their pointed stares, he knew he was already in for something.

They met and Moe stepped aside, but the men did not proceed.

"Hey, old timer, are you the man they call the Medicine man?" The lead thug asked, chewing on a long grass stem as he spoke and leaning his rusty Katana against his shoulder. Moe looked up at the men. They were all looking back expectantly, and none of them looked hurt or sick. Perhaps he should deny he was and let these men pass, perhaps they were only looking to make trouble.

But even at a glance it was easy to see that they were not tracker ninja, and if they were bounty hunters then they would have come a long way for a bounty they would have to collect two countries over. On the other hand, the men could be searching for him on behalf of someone else, perhaps they were what passed for some regional lord's

guards, and they were seeking the famed medicine man for their master. Could Moe turn down potential work?

"I am he." Moe said, against his better Judgement. The man looked back at the others and smiled. "Then we got a letter to deliver to ya." He said, stepping forward. His stance and the reaction of his subordinates betrayed their intentions, and Moe internally cursed himself for bothering to take such a risk.

"Just one problem." The man continued as he took his sword in both hands and smirked. "We got to deliver it to your corpse!" And with that he charged forward and slashed with his sword, trying to sever the old man's head from his body. Moe blocked the strike casually with his iron staff, displaying surprising strength and agility as he did. The man seemed genuinely surprised, but the other men quickly moved to surround Moe and had their weapons at the ready.

Moe moved quickly, Pushing the lead man back and off balance with his staff and quickly throw Three of his Kunai at one of the men to his right. Two of the Kunai bounced off his armor, but the third caught him in the eye and he staggered back with a cry of pain. Moe took the chance and ran toward the man as the others tried to close in. He ducked a club and side stepped a hand scythe, before jumping, his foot landing on the wounded man's shoulder, whose body Moe used to kick himself off into the air, throwing the man to the ground in the process.

The other man ran after him as he turned in the air and suddenly looked as though he were about to be sick. As he landed, stumbling a bit as he did, he released a cloud of dark purple fog from his mouth which fanned out in front of him and covered the pursuing men. They covered their mouths with their hands and ran forward, as though that would protect them. By the time they had taken four steps through the bank of purple fog, the first of them, their leader, dropped to his knees and began hacking up blood. The others followed one by one, until they were all on the ground, breathing their last, painful breaths as their lungs dissolved from the inside out.

Moe casually waited for the fog to dissipate, and watched as the men died and fell still. He wondered if he should have bothered using such a potent technique on such rabble, but decided that he was allowed to indulge himself from time to time, particularly when he was feeling lazy and was not expecting a fight any time soon. Besides, it would only take his body a couple of hours to produce more poison gas.

When he was sure they were all dead, he went to recovered his Kunai from the man he had attacked earlier, finding him to be the only living man alive, since he had fallen and not chased after Moe. He lay on the ground, holding his head, whimpering pathetically. Moe picked up two of his kunai from the ground and then went to the man in order to recover his third. He kneeled down beside him, shushing him calmly as he pried the man's hands away from his face.

He saw his Kunai and quickly removed it, prompting a yelp from the man. Moe let the man collapse to the floor where he cowered, and began to turn towards the dead. They didn't look like they had much on them, but they were still worth checking for supplies. He quickly searched them and could find only a strange, orange envelope. It had his name, his real name, on the cover. Moe remembered then that the leader of the group had mentioned having to deliver a letter, and curious but cautious, he opened the envelope and searched it. Inside he found 15 explosive tags, 10,000 Ryo, and a letter. He checked each tag, making sure they were legitimate and untampered with, and then did the same for the money, finding them both to be clean. Only then did he bother to look at the letter. He was intrigued as he read it.

Dear Tah Moe Deel Amagiri

I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of deliver did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


Moe's first thought was that this was a trap, but the more he thought about it, the less likely that seemed. If they had been hunting for him, then why try to lure him to such a distant place? Why pay him with explosive tags, and why risk so many assets? No, this was just convincing enough to grab Moe's attention, and the things promised in the letter were things Moe would have to look into. It was either that or keep living as he had, and though he had been surviving, he missed having a lab, he missed making progress, he missed being part of a village.

So, destroying the letter for good measure after marking down the date of the meeting and the directions on how to get there, Moe began his new journey, his pace brisker than it was before as he set off to see if there was still hope left to be had for a Rogue Ninja.
yuki was going about his normal routine, in the land of earth; iwagakure. he was sitting on an old wooden bench in front of a weapons shop. his pencil was flying across his journal page cluttered with notes on studies. yuki had been studying the different profiles and types of people that went into the weapons shop. a large smile stretched across his face as he took notes on everything he noticed about the costomers; clothing, height, age, clan, village, all of this interested him.

his studies were then abruptly stopped as he looked down at his journal, "no more room...." he uttered as he slowly stood looking around for a book store. "i cant believe it filled so fast." yuki said as walked forward, still looking for a book shop. 'maybe there are none here...' these words echoed through his head as he turned and began heading to the village gates. if there were no shops here, he would have to look elsewhere; but stopping his studies was not an option.

as he exited the village the guards eyed him, suspicious as to why yuki had his hood at full mass and his coat fully buttoned. but he didnt mind, he enjoyed the attention. he wandered aimlessly, looking for a village, person, merchant. so he could by a new journal. if he kept traveling at this rate he would arrive at the village hidden in the waterfall; Takigakure.

he continued down a long dirt road leading out of Takigakure, until he noticed his bugs beginning to act strangely. "what is it?" he said asking one of the insects that crawled on his face. he then felt a creeping presence on him, and his insects began to act up even more. "calm yourselves..." he said in a hushed tone to his companions. moments later four ninjas appeared, surrounding him. yuki did not panic, he just stood in the center, remaining composed. "ha, is this the guy?" one of the mercenaries asked what looked to be the leader. "definitely has to be" the leader said with a smile. "Mikoto said he would insane, and no one in their right mind would wear a cloak in this weather!" they all began in a hysterical laughter, and yuki did not like this. it reminded him of his child hood. the laughing, and especially when they called him insane.

"Well, weve got no time to waste. Kill Him!!" the leader yelled. they all quickly threw their kunai and shuriken toward yuki, but they were not quick enough. "fools..." yuki said as he rose his arm up commanding his insects to obey. the bugs then began swarming yuki, in a spiral like motion deflecting all of the projectiles. "ill give you this one chance to leave, or become my test subjects...." yuki whispered as he pulled his hood lower. "this has to be a joke boss! he expects to beat us with some cockroaches?? hahaha" one of the bandits mused. "times up..." yuki said as his body evaporated into a cloud of kickaku. (i think thats how its spelled, not sure.) his first target was the leader, 'like the old man used to say, crush the head of the snake and the body shall live no more.' yuki thought. the insects then created a large cloud in front of the leader, they dispersed and yuki was standing in their place. he just stared at the bandit leader, trying to create the essence of fear. "so did your contractor tell you why i was exiled from my village?" yuki said as he reached out and touched the leader on his forehead. "i killed a team of scientist, they called me.....insane...." the kichaku then fluttered out of yuki's coat sleeve and and onto the man, picking his bones clean.

yuki then turned around and saw one of the thugs trying to escape. he then slowly rose his hand as chakra formed around it. "chakra slicers!" he yelled as he cast his hand toward the ground, five blueish purple spike of chakra chased after the fleeing man. only one of them hit, but when it did it sent him flying into the air. yuki then began walking toward the injured soul, as he did the other thugs used this time to flee. as he approached the man he cowered in fear, sliding away the best way he possibly could. "please, p-p-please sir! dont kill me, i am only hear to deliver a message!" the bandit yelled pleading for his life. "where is it..." yuki asked still walking toward the man. "h-h-here!" the bandit tossed yuki the piece of mail then began running away, stumbling as he did. yuki picked up the message and began reading it.

Dear Yuki Aburame

I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of delivery did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


"hmph, interesting." yuki said as he collected the paper bombs and ryo. "i guess im off the the village hidden in the rain."
Here he was again, some miles away from his hometown, in the clearing where he had fully cast away the life of a Jonin, and started on the life of an exile. The river was as clear as ever, the water rushing past the rocks that had found their way down here from upstream. Ikari spun his kunai, pacing about the side of the stream, his mind wandering back to the days he had served the right side of the law. He kicked a stray rock into the stream and heaved a sigh of exasperation. Well, as far as ‘right’ went, tricking their colleague into stealing an object of high importance was supposedly part of it. He crouched down next to the stream and stared intently at the water, as if willing his eyes to penetrate the molecules of the water. His eyes shifted their attention to the trees nearby, but his head did not turn. It would seem that intruders were present in his sanctuary of reflection. From the sound of it, four of them. Ikari smirked and halted his spinning. They thought they could sneak up on a thief trained in breaking and entering, trained to watch and listen for anyone that could herald the failure of his heists.

“Hey. You might wanna get out of the trees now and show yourselves, guys,” Ikari called out, returning his attention to the stream. “It’s not funny anymore.”

Silence. The guys he was playing with today weren’t exactly fun to be with. He wondered if any of them was a girl. Maybe he’d get lucky today and scored some affection from one of them. Maybe a bit of a dance with the femme fatale. Ikari’s eyes dulled. What a romantic idea. He shook his head and returned himself back to the real world. With his to-be playmates so quiet, he assumed that they were just having a swimming time in the canopy above. Ikari stood up and dusted his trousers, and whipped out one free hand, sending a kunai tagged with his specialty slamming into the nearest tree.

In reflex, the hired nin deserted their hiding posts and landed in full view of the thief. Ikari noted that there were five, all gruff gentlemen. Ikari groaned- his skills were beginning to gather rust. He missed one of them. More importantly, his hopes of a female to flirt with were dashed on the ground. It was all too harsh for him to take in all of it at once. “Alright, guys. You’ve had your fun. Leave me be.” Ikari waved them away and brushed past them to retrieve his kunai. The tag had not been lit, serving only to chase the nin out of the trees through reflex.

“We were told to hand a letter to you, Dai Tozoku.”

“Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in quite a while.” Ikari extracted the tag from the kunai and stuffed it unceremoniously in his pocket, spinning around to meet his new friends. He directed the kunai at them. “It’s been almost a year, actually. What beef do you have on me?”

“A letter, Ikari Hanayoshi.” The frontman stepped forth, but did not present the letter in question. Ikari started to question him on this fact, but, as if his mind was being read, was met with a slash towards his face. Ikari just managed to step back slightly to avoid having his head sliced into half.

“Whoa there. Easy, buddy.” Ikari’s kunai began spinning, as he leapt back a few more steps to dodge the tanto, his opponent slashing wildly at him. With this sort of control, this guys were merely just chunin, with no experience at all, Ikari noted. What a waste of time. No girls, no rest, and no challenge. This was looking to be a bad day. Ikari sidestepped yet another slash and, with no more time wasted, lunged forwards and brought his own dagger slashing downwards on his opponent’s chest. “Well, guys? Ready to give up ye-“ Ikari cheerfully stated, looking up to the now-gurgling man’s companions, only to find them charging straight at him. “I guess not.”

Ikari lunged straight at the frontmost assailant, and ducked under his slash. With one deft move, he grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back. The kunai stabbed through his hand and into his back, pinning the man’s sword arm on his own torso. Skipping back a bit, Ikari spun out of the way of the next attack and riposted with his own longsword, slashing the man’s side. As he crumpled to his knees in pain, Ikari disposed of the next man with a single thrust into his abdomen. He released the sword just in the nick of time, as a katana dived straight down, its razor blade threatening to amputate his arm. Ikari responded to the threat by punching the swordsman in the face, sending him reeling. Relieving him of his sword and striking his face with its pommel was like taking candy from an autistic baby. With that done with, Ikari tossed the katana aside and extracted his sword. He sliced the air testily with it as he neared the nin who had his side sliced wide open.

“Alright, dude. The letter.” Ikari grinned as he placed the tip of the sword at the man’s apple.


“Amegakure? Really?” Ikari scratched his head. “Dang, I hate the weather there. This Mikoto dude better have a good reason for me to get my clothes wet. 10000 Ryo isn’t enough to even pay for my monthly laundry expenses.” Ikari whined, trudging his way to the meeting place. He did not question the author’s ability to find his name, however. In fact, this showed that at least some people still knew who the Great Thief really was. That’s right, Ikari Hanayoshi, Dai Tozoku. Ikari beamed with pride as he thought of this. Mikoto also sounded like a lady’s name. Maybe he’ll get lucky this time. Unable to control his newfound jubilation, Ikari pumped his fist into the air and set off straight for Amegakure.


Peering into his clutches, wafting the scent of his own filth, stood a walnut of a man burned bronze by the unruly rays of the heavens above met by the refraction of the natural bath below.


Genzai Kurage stood a top a stone in a pond violently scrubbing at his underworks which had suffered a weeks of unattended swamp-rump. The very odor soured the air around, instigating the micro-fauna to retreat in terror.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-ra-ge... Ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge GEN-ZAI!"

With each scrub, an improvised toon to match.

"Ku-ra! Ku-ra! Ku-ra! Ku-ra! Ku-ra!"


Snatching a pond frond like a bird biting bread, Kurage continued his hygenics by wedging the pond frond inbetween his legs and cracks, and forcibly pulling to-and-fro until the act was satisfied. Kurage watched his reflection below with immense humor as he tended to be his own entertainment. The shinobi moved from his side view of the reflection to do a frontal view. Even in his solace, the act of flossing his privates amused him so much that he made the rude gesture to hisself in the water. However, his reflection was less of that of a fat, squinted, blue haired juggernaut, and more of that of a wiry street rat.


Edging but centimeters away from his privates was an incoming kunai strike still being held in the hand of a watery assassin. Kurage's eyes opened nearly completely and he barely stepped back in time for the razor edge to wisp his manhood which flopped upwards in a mock attempt at maintaining its integrity.


It was as if the package had a mind of its own, skillfully avoiding dismemberment yet implementing Kurage's tumble backwards into the water.

"[cough] Did... I... get em'?! [huff]-[huff]-[huff] Held... breaf... five... minuh'..."

-burped the wood-be assailant. He lay slouched upon the rock, using a lot of strenght to pull up and out while burdened by completely soaked clothes. From a tree and two seperate bushes tumbled and stumbled three bumbling brigands.

They each looked at each other, wide-eyed and silent as if waiting to confirm with each other that they had just accomplished their goal swimmingly. Then finally...


And with the terror of a trillion damned souls did the four thugs falter before the site of something they had not expected in such a brisk amount of time. Pillowing from the pond globbed a globe of water that from it several squiggling tendrils wriggled freely. The wet bandit had already fell backwards unto the water again, but upon gracing the skin of the lake, his right ankle now had a watery tentacle about it which lifted him high in the air behind Kurage who faced his fellow ilk on the shore.

"I'll give you a hint... if you want my "hidden techniques" well... I'm sorry to inform you that you just can't take it and it'll work the kind of magic I make it work... It all comes from... the HIPS!"

Kurage then proceeds to pelvic thrust, simultaneously smacking the captured rogue upon the earth with every pump.

"And mistake number twenty-five... you should've followed my collapse with some attacks from those weapons yuh' got right there. But that does not supercede mistake number one... which is... COMING AT ME LIKE SOME CHUMPS!!!"

Kurage then uses his tentacles to grab the other three by the legs and continually smashes them on the ground while pacing and asking questiong with his hands behind his back.

"So... Was it those damn Uzumakis? Which Uzushio-baka decided that they could snuff me with sell swords like you?"


The four men could hardly understand Kurage, until he finally paused with all four of them dangling half-consciously from his extra arms. One of the men, whos face was rather fat now, muttered a "Ftttphph" as an orange envelope fell out of his shirt and onto the ground.

"What's this?"

Kurage tossed the letter holder behind him into the lake, opened the letter while slowly pulling out the page that had writing on it, dropping the rest of the envelope and ignoring the bits of paper twirling down from it.

Dear Kurage Genzai,

I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of delivery did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require-


He then crumpled up the letter and tossed it over his sholder, already having dropped the envelope. Upon walking away, Kurage collapses his jutsu and drops the four dizzied dolts. He then looked for his armor and supplies, but realized nothing is where he left it. Kurage turned to the four thugs and blurts out an accusetory snort.

"NO! No! No! No!"

-shouted one of the land lubbing interlopers while waving his hand in surrender.

"I-uh-we... we had to do it! Uhh..."

Kurage began walking towards the chatterer, who broke into whimper from anxiety.

"[huff] We... [huff] UHH... Look! LOOK! See?"

The wimpering mug pointed a trembling finger at the envelope that had been dropped to the ground. Kurage looked at the envelope, but soon had his eyes following a trail of explosive tags that led to his feet; three of the explosive tags now stuck to his leg.


Kurage's eyes widened almost fully again.


-shouted the flailing fop. The man continued to point at the envelope and then the letter.

"You said there was a lett- No, you were just reading a letter! Ju-Just keep reading it!!"

Kurage slowly peeled the stuck tags one by one. With the utmost caution he then backtracked, tip-toeing inbetween all of the tags that had fallen prior and then picking them up one by one before tucking them away by the rock he had initially left his things at. Kurage crept to the crumpled letter and opened it with severe delicacy as if it too was explosive. Now... To begin reading where he left off...

-high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


Kurage stood for a while in complete silence, the thugs now waiting in fear and anticipation of his next move; the thugs had in that time gathered together in an attempt to sneak away. Kurage in a sudden burst of wonton excitement jumped into the air, twisting towards the thugs with a giant smile, and shouted-


Upon landing back on his feet, he realized that he had stepped on a single tag he seemed to miss...

Ryuzoji wiped the sweat off of his head with his sleeve as he dropped his hatchet on the floor and picked up his canteen. He walked over to the cabin he had just built as he drunk some of his water. He pressed his hands against the walls and pushed to check how sturdy it was. He bought a cabin building guide 3 day before from a local village called Kimura Village near Konohagakure of the Land of Fire. He had taken an assignment from the Wazari Familly, which would last for about a week or 2. His mission was a recon/assassination mission in the building village of Kimura. He decided to assume the role of Takeda Hayashi, a cabin builder from Minoru Village of the Land of Fire.

"Looks good," he said as he walked around the cabin.

He entered into the cabin and looked up at the roof. He noticed some holes and gaps that weren't too bad, but wasn't of an efficient cabin builders standard.

He heard that it might rain today from a passing traveler, but he pushed that thought aside as he stretched and yawned. Exhausted from the days work, he decided to rest, but remembered that he needed to collect his tools that were outside and put the rest of the excess wood in a pile to burn later.

He got up and began to work again. He finished everything he had to do right before the sun had set. He sighed and removed his head wrap that he wore to hid his mark of the Takadori clan. He ran his hands through his combed down hair and noticed that the green dye was beginning to run due to his sweat. He had applied it for the mission 3 days ago conceal his identity. He decided to reapply at the river when he was going to take his bath.

"Hey you.....don't act like you didn't notice us"

Putting the head wrap back on, he looked at the people that stood in front of his cabin. He noticed their presence a while ago, but decided not to acknowledge them.

He walked over to them and pulled out a money pouch that held 3,500 ryo. He threw it on the floor in front of them and walked away.

"There is 5,000 ryo in the bag. It's all I have so please leave me alone," said Ryuzoji to the 9 men that stood behind him.

One of the guys picked up the pouch and tossed it up and down.

"It's only 2,000 ryo in here at best," he said tucking it into his shirt," but I'll take it."

"We're not done talking to you bastard," he said as he watched Ryuzoji walk away.

Ryuzoji didn't respond to him and continued to walk to the woods that circled his cabin when a knife flew past his ear. How interesting he thought as he looked back them. A little closer would of cut his ear.

"Hhahaha, Are you scared now?" asked the guy who threw the knife. Ryuzoji smiled and ran toward the woods.

"Please don't follow me if you want to live," he said as he entered the forest.

"Are you an idiot? We, the Grim Gang, aren't afraid of idle threats you fool. Now I'm really gonna kill you," said one the guys. They all sprinted after him with their weapons in their hands. Entering the forest, they began to search for the man with caution. A cold chill ran down their spine as they separated to look for their target. They didn't know how dark it was without the sun shining through the forest.

Ryuzoji watched them from atop the trees. His laughter began to fill the forest. Such easy picking he thought as he watched them from above. He could pinpoint each person with complete accuracy due to his Kekkei Genkai of the Takadori Clan. The night sky made his hunt much easier. One by one he drew them into the shadows, killing them instantly. He didn't allow any sound to be made as he killed each one. He left the one that through the knife for last. He respected his skill so he decided he should live just a little while longer. After enough toying with him, he appeared from the shadows and stood in front of him. He reached out to grab him when the thug screamed out wait. He pulled out an item and held it in the air. The moon light that pierced through the trees revealed the item that he held in his hands. It was an orange letter.

"This was to be planted on your dead body," he said as he trembled. Ryuzoji could smell the fear on him and knew he was telling the truth. He approached the man and drove a stick coated with chakra into his eye and it went straight to his brain. The thug walked about 5 steps before collapsing. He looked at all the body's and let out a huge sigh. Killing for no reason isn't as fun as he thought it would be. He opened the letter and began to read it content.

After reading over the letter, he grabbed all the dead bodies and pilled them all into the wooden cabin. Took a shower and washed the dye from his hair. He put his preferred clothes on (see character clothes) and laced all the bodies with exploding tags. He exited the building and put the ryo that he received from the letter into his money pouch. He set the outside of the cabin on fire with a match and dashed off toward Amegakure. He didn't care about what the mission entailed. He grew sick of the average risk missions and wanted something that would keep him on his toes. After a couple of minutes, a huge explosion occurred.
The forest was alive in the heat of the sun the cicadas chirped as a wind swept through this no name forest. As the breeze rustled through the branches it quickly dissipated and the forest returned to its still form.

"What do we have here?" Kirato bent over and picked up a note and a packet of explosive tags. Opening the note slowly he began to read the contents of it.

Dear Uzumaki, Kirato

-I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of delivery did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


Hmmm if he went through the trouble might as well go see what all the fuss is about. Kirato turned around slowly and headed for the Amegakure. after a few steps he flashed out of view.

The forest was quiet once again as the sun beat down through the tops of the trees. 4 men laid across an opening in the thicket. Blood splattering and painting the grass and bark of the tree's around them. Hundreds of black slivers of metals treating their bodies like a pin cushion. Stapling them forcefully to whatever was around them. Laying limp and lifeless they were corpses to this quiet forest fertilizer for plants that reside here.
Several weeks after the messages were delivered, the time finally came for the meeting. There was a large gap in time between the actual meeting and the deliveries, and this was done by design. In this way, the missing nin coming from far away would have time to make the trip, and those nearer would have the freedom to scout the location out for traps. If they did, they would find none.

The address and directions on the letter led the invited ninja to a half finished skyscraper with seemingly a single entrance and no windows at all. Though half finished, the building is already a towering structure, covered in a metal pipes and metal plates. No symbol adorns the structure, and if any of the ninja bothered to research the location before coming, either by questioning the locals or by other means, they would learn that the building is owned by one of the several weapon manufactures which operate out of the city, Tag Co. in this case.

Groups of men labor around the building, dressed in green and blue workers uniforms, and toiling to raise the tower to even loftier heights, the sound of their machinery filling the air around the building. An observant ninja might note that several of the men were merely pretending to work, and seemed more preoccupied by those moving around the tower rather than the tower itself. Look outs? Guards? Either way, they are most likely not unexpected.

One visible guard stands by the metal portcullis which leads into the building. He is a hulking giant of a man dressed in street thug clothing and strapped with two swords and a cudgel. Again, a perceptive nin, trained to recognize skill through stance and bearing, would realize that, despite this man's appearance and less than impressive weaponry, he carried himself like a warrior, a true warrior. The man was pretending to be a thug guard, but in reality he was probably something more like a Chunin or Jonin, though his stance was unfamiliar to all the ninja attending.

When approached he would regard the person without words, using only an intense stare, one meant to frighten away challengers. Upon asking about or mentioning in any way the meeting, the man would draw forth a slip of paper and hold it out to the Ninja, wordlessly insisting they take it. Refusal will only prompt silence, and the man will not draw back his hand no speak words, regardless of insults, mockery, anger, indigence, or anything short of violence.

Upon taking the white slip of paper, the paper will turn blue, and you own name will appear written across it. Upon seeing this, the guard will knock against the portcullis and grant you entry inside. Once inside you will find yourself in a half lit walkway. A man dressed in a simple tunic and sandals, armed with a wakizashi at his rope belt will greet you gruffly, simply saying,

"Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is right behind you."

He would then turn and begin leading the ninja deeper into the barely lit confines of the half finished spire. The man would lead his charge through many rooms, most of them empty, the walls bare of paint and chalk white, and up four staircases. He would not be very responsive to questions, carrying out his task like an annoying chore and just barely maintaining a civil manner.

Where are we going?

"You'll see."

Who are you?

"A guy."

Whats your name?


Who is Mikoto?

"I don't know, and thats the truth."

Why do you suck at answering questions?

"Because it dont pay to be chatty."

And so on and so forth. In any event, he would not be very helpful aside from taking his role as guide seriously. Finally, when the last staircase was behind them, they reached a bright red line which severed a hallway in half. He would walk across it and wait to see if the ninja did the same. If he did he would smile and keep walking, taking them to an elevator. He would open it, get in, and wait for the ninja, and once they were both in, he would select the bottom floor and take them all the way down beyond the first floor.

When the elevator opened its doors again, it revealed a very different scene. A hallway, the walls painted in colored squares and patterns, that led to a set of bamboo doors. The ceiling was painted blue liked the sky, and the lights down here were bright and modern, unlike the ones upstairs. The man would not step out, instead saying,

"The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck." And after that he would leave. The ninja could approach slowly or casually, searching for traps or trusting their host. Either way, they would find no nasty surprises waiting for them down the hallway, and what they would find at the end of the room was a small theater, with seats and a stage with the curtains drawn. There would be plenty of empty seats to take, and once inside the ninja would be free to observe any other ninja in the room, and possibly converse with them. Either way, it seemed they would all have to wait until everyone, or at least an acceptable number of people, arrived before they could begin.

(Feel Free to either write out your whole experience, from entering the city, to meeting the guard, to getting into the waiting room, or just pick up at entering the waiting room, either is fine with me, though I will tell you that you get points for good posts, so dont disappoint.) 
Moe entered the city six days before the meeting was due to occur, and he spent several of those days scouting out the city, testing for traps, and learning about the address the letter had led him to. He was a survivor first and everything else second, so he took his time and was careful as he explored the city and the situation. He learned nothing exciting, no new strangers of note had moved into the city, no army was nearby, and no hunters had been seen in the area. The tower was also unimpressive, and typical if anything. The weapon company that owned it, Tag Co., was likely the contractor mentioned in the letter, and it was likely they who were making these claims of reward.

Moe also noticed the signs of several Rogue nin moving through the area, and he began to wonder if he would be the only person at this little meeting. When at last the time came to enter the building and join the meeting, Moe did so with the utmost caution, and when he approached the formidable guard who stood at the entrance to the building, he did it as the medicine man, and not as Tah'Moe Deel Amagiri.

"Hello there." Moe said with a smile as he approached the guard. He was leaning heavily on his staff and appearing as feeble as ever. The guard only stared him down with icy cold eyes. Moe was undeterred.

"Hey there my friend," Moe said as he stepped up to the same level as the man, climbing the last stair that led to the entrance. Again, no response.

"Well, I dont know if you could help and old man out." He said, acting as though her were senile and not noticing the man's cold stare. "Me and some friends of mine were supposed to meet around here, and I was wondering if you knew where?" Moe finished with a broad smile.

At this the man did respond, reaching into a pocket and pulling forth a small slip of paper. He held it out to Moe, who hesitated for a moment before reaching out cautiously and taking it from him. The paper changed color and Moe jumped a little as his own named appeared on the surface of the slip. The big man saw this and knocked three times against the large metal door which led into the building. The door slid open, rising up and out of the way.

The man gestured inside and Moe obliged and stepped in. The door closed right behind him and he jumped for effect. There was another man here, this one looking much like the workers in the town square. He wore simple clothing and wore a sword on the rope belt around his waist.

"Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is right behind you." The man said, and then he was walking away. Moe pretended to have trouble keeping up, calling for the man to slow down a tad, though to no avail.

Finally Moe matched his pace and began to try to question the man, but each question he asked was answered with a non answer, everything from where they were going to what the man's name was, unless his name was actually Guy. So after awhile he simply followed in silence, watching carefully. He didn't like being lured into a building with no windows and only one visible exit, but he was already in too far, he wouldnt turn back now.

At last they reached the red line, and Moe crossed it without hesitation, not even stopping to mark that it was there. Then they were in the elevator, and Moe watched as they went down all the way instead of up. He wondered briefly what the point of climbing up was.

~If I had left before crossing the red line, then I would have thought the meeting was taking place at the top pf the tower, not at the bottom. Misdirection, in case someone tries to betray the meeting...~

Soon he found himself on the bottom floor, and the doors opened to reveal a startling sight. Clean patterned wall paper covered the walls, the lights did not flicker here at all, and at the end of the hallway was a set of bamboo doors. Moe stepped out but the man did not follow him.

"The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck." He said before the door closed and he left, leaving Moe Alone in the hallway. He walked down the hallway, entered the room, and found a darkened theater waiting for him, complete with seats for the audience. Currently the only bright lights were centered on the stage, where the white curtains were drawn and closed. Moe looked around the room and saw that he was the first person to arrive. He took a seat near the middle and tried to look as unassuming as possible, waiting for others to arrive or for the "show" to begin.
Yuki didnt take long to arrive in amagakure, considering how close the land of earth was. as he entered the gates of the village he wasnt suprised, he had always heard stories of how run down amagakure was, but never believed it. the town seemed slightly depressing to him.

he reached into one of the inside pockets of his coat and pulled out the orange envelope. he read over it quickly reviewing the contents and address then put it back into his pocket, to keep the rain from soaking it any more. yuki never liked the rain, and neither did his insects. he wasnt in a hurry to attend to this meeting, his first and main priority was to buys some new journals, because without them he couldnt continue his studies. 'so where is that book store?' he thought as he began walking down the main road.

he passed many locals on his search for this book store, none of them seemed welcoming to outsiders. and strange enough they all seemed to know he was coming before he even arrived, turning their heads to look before he actually turned down a street. 'hmm, i think i remember hearing of this in my studies. those in amagakure are bound to the rain by some strange force, so they have a detailed map of their surroundings in their head, almost like a sonar.' "strange...." yuki uttered, thinking outloud.

after about an hour of looking for this bookstore and no luck, yuki decided it was time to ask someone for directions, no matter how unwelcoming they looked. "excuse me." yuki said approaching a women sitting on a bench, sheltering from the rain under a cloak with her child. she looked up at him with a blank stare but did not respond. "can you tell me where the bookstore is, i dont often travel to amagakure." he said with a fake smile on his face. "there..." she said as she pointed from under her cloak across the road. "thank you" yuki said as he walked across the street, giving the woman a weak wave in thanks.

as yuki entered the store he was barraged by a large variety of smells and incense,"so its an herbal shop too.." he said to himself. he immediately walked over to the book shelves and began examining the various notebook sizes. he then grabbed two of the journals small enough to fit in his coat pocket and walked to the counter. as he aproached the clerk he removed his hood revealing, his face. "1200 ryo." the clerk said as yuki placed the books on the counter. he then grabbed a charcoal pencil and also put that on the counter. "throw that in too." the clerk looked down then replied. "you know people use ink nowadays..." he said in a questioning tone. yuki looked up with a blank stare, unresponsive to what the clerk just said. "1300 ryo..." the clerk said. "thank you." yuki put the whole 10,000 ryo on the counter, having no other use for it.

as he exited the shop he immediately turned left, heading down the road to the address in the letter. it wasnt long before he arrived, and was greeted by a large tower, with workers surrounding it. he immediately pulled out his new journal and began writing. "the workers are pretending to work....could be a trap." yuki said as he wrote down each word, trying to commit this observation to memory. he then noticed a bigger man, which looked like a guard in front of the tower. "would you happen to know what this is?" yuki said as he approached the guard, holding the orange envelope in his hand. the guard responded with a slight nod then handed yuki a small slip of paper. yuki shoved the orange envelope back into his coat pocket and accepted the paper. instantly yuki's name appeared on the paper. "interesting.." yuki said to himself. the guard then knocked three times on the tower and a section of it slid up, acting as a doorway. the guard continued looking forward as if nothing happened and yuki entered the doorway without hesitation.

when he stepped inside he was greeted by a man wearing simple clothes, much like the workers outside, with a short sword around his waist. "Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is right behind you." The man said, and then he was walking away. yuki briskly followed, being sure not to get left behind. "where exactly are we going?" yuki asked. "a place." the man responded. "hmph." yuki concluded that any further questions would result in the man running around them and giving him sarcastic answers, so he grew quiet.

as they reached the red line, yuki was slightly hesitant about crossing it. wondering what awaited him on the other side, torture, death? either way his craving to know what awaited him provoked him to continue. if it was death that awaited him, he was not fearful. yuki didnt see death as a punishment, rather as another scientific discovery.


the two entered into an elevator and began descending. yuki didnt wonder why they were going down and concluded it was just a way to conceal the meeting. when they reached the bottom floor, there were bright lights everywhere and the walls were painted brightly. yuki stepped out of the elevator expecting the guide to follow him, he looked back when he didnt. "The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck." He said before the door closed and he left, leaving yuki Alone in the hallway. he looked forward and saw a set of bamboo doors. upon entering he notices a very dark room. centered on what looks to be a stage surrounded by seats and a small audience.

yuki takes a seat and waits for the show to begin.
And so the day came for the fated meeting with Mikoto. Kirino had been in Amegakure for several days by this point, staking out escape routes if things went south, laying down a cover story as a small-time actress, and even picking up a fake boyfriend. Not one to go about things half-assed, she had even set down payment on a by-the-week apartment for herself and inviting her boyfriend over. Knowing some might still be wondering who this strange woman in the village was, and to ease her cautious mind, Kirino slept with the man the past two nights. Granted, it wasn't all bad... but it was all simply to reinforce her cover as just another nobody. It was an act she had come to know well over the past year or so.

But today was not a day for simply hiding behind the cover of her mediocre sex partner or the vague yet believable stories she told everyone she had come to know over the past week and a half. Today was the day she would meet the one who was promising her a ridiculous amount of money. But even now, she wanted to be cautious. She sent a Shadow Clone to the meeting location, rather than go in herself. Instead, she would watch from a vantage point not far away. She wouldn't be able to see too well, given the distance and height difference between the only door and her vantage point... but when being hyper cautious, one had to take what they could get.

Kirino's clone would easily pass for the real thing. For all intents and purposes, it WAS the real thing. It had her looks, her voice, her mannerisms, and even her chakra. And that was the beauty of it, as opposed to a simple clone jutsu. Shadow Clones, as opposed to the basic technique taught in academy classes, were solid and had chakra of their own. This was why the criminal used this technique far more often than any other in her arsenal. At least as of late. Back before the incident in Kusagakure she rarely bothered with subterfuge.

A two separate men had come to the location just before Kirino's clone arrived. And just as the second was led inside, she showed up on the scene. "So. This is the place? Gotta say I'm unimpressed. But I suppose it's a good place for such a meeting. Doesn't draw much attention." And almost immediately, the man produced a strip of paper and presented it to the kunoichi before him. As the men before her did, Kirino's Shadow Clone took the strip or paper. It reacted to her touch somehow, changed color, and showed her name. Seeing this, the man knocked on the door as he had done for the previous men.

He motioned inside, and Kirino entered just like those before her. And she was greeted by a new man. This man directed her to an elevator, and didn't answer a single question she asked. Kinda surprising, given the sex appeal Kirino possessed. Normally men were all about giving her what she wanted. Though it was no matter, really. At the bottom of the elevator, the man told her to head to the door at the end of the hall. The environment here was unexpected, really... it was well lit and brightly colored. Quite the opposite of what she expected. Perhaps more would be unlike she expected, as well.

Not caring if there were traps, the woman confidently strolled down the hall and to the door. Upon opening it, a bright light was showing upon a stage. The two men who entered previously were also here. Interesting, to say the least. It appeared as though they were to be entertained. That was fine. It would be a welcome distraction, if nothing else. "So boys... what are you in for?" asked Kirino's Shadow Clone in a somewhat suggestive tone.
Hogo had already read the letter and decided he would attend the meeting held in the village of Amegakure. The four Outlaws on the ground were supposed to be his entertainment and boy did Hogo have a thing for fireworks. A wholly genuine grin spread across his face and he laughed with mirth, these idiots were going to go boom in the most entertaining way he could think of. He took four of the new Explosive tags he had, ripped a rectangular piece of bark from the tree behind him and began writing on it using some ink he found on one of his assailants.

Satisfied with is work, Hogo released the four men from his Genjutsu and began practicing a new tune on Benzaiten, it was supposed to be a healing jutsu but he could never get the cords right for the jutsu to work, every time he tried he blew something, this time he didn't use any chakra and simply practiced the music itself. Slowly the four awoke startled and someone disappointed that their dreams had only been in their 'dreams'. One by one the men noticed him sitting at the bole of the playing his instrument. Their first instinct was to block the sound by shoving their fingers into their ears.

Hogo laughed when they finally figured out that he wasn't performing a jutsu on them. Frustrated their leader was about to say something but Hogo cut in, his deep voice was clear and loud enough for all of them to hear him.

"You have an envelope addressed to you in your vest."

The man began to protest but Hogo cut him off with a pointed stare and simply gestured to the man's chest where he had placed the envelope earlier. Curious and yet suspicious, the leader pulled the envelope from his vest and saw his name written there instead of Hogo's. He frowned and opened the envelope, he pulled out the piece of bark Hogo had written on earlier it read:

You are a fool to think you were going to live through this,

For now say goodby to your friends.



- BOOOM!!!

Hogo watched the Outlaw Leader's expressions closely, waiting for the puzzled look after reading the last word. Hogo jumped hi into the tree that was behind him and detonated the explosive tag on the back of the bark. The explosion was brilliant and the former Leaf ninja laughed manically, the other three were apparently smarter than their leader and had jumped away from their leader almost as soon as Hogo did.

Closest of the outlaws checked his own vest for any such nasty surprises, the other two did the same but saw the tag on their comrade's back. Their warning came too late and yet another out law exploded unceremoniously. The last two began to check themselves more fervently but couldn't find any tags, the whimpered momentarily and opted to run for the cover of the trees, Hogo's laugh echoed through the forest as he took chase.

He eventually found both of the remaining Outlaws running for the forest boundary, the Outlaw in front tripped over and his legs went flying as he tumbled, the second outlaw caught a glimpse of the tag on his partner's shoe. Hogo smile and used another snake hand seal to detonate the tag stuck to the outlaw's shoe. The resulting explosion was quite loud and managed to topple a nearby tree with the released force.

Last of them had given up, his sobs were ragged with exhaustion, Hogo jumped down from his perch once more and looked at the soiled outlaw. "For you, perhaps death will be a mercy." Anger flared in his prey and the beaten man began to swear at him, Hogo however sent one final burning tag flying at the outlaw whose face was open wide in surprise. Hogo stood his ground as the deafening sound, the heat and the concussive force sought to throw him to the ground.

"When did I start to enjoy the death of others?"

The question echoed in his mind.

The day of the Meeting:

Hogo stood at the base of the unfinished tower and held his hand out to the smartly dressed man who guarded its only entrance. The silent man proffered a piece of blank paper, Hogo reached out and grabbed it, his name appeared on the paper and he was allowed entry into the tower. The next fellow he met was just as silent, they both walked up the stairs and stood in the elevetor that descended into the depths of the tower. Hogo had not noticed the red line, he had no second thoughts and didn't hesitate to follow the prompt to go through the door.

He entered the room and noted its inhabitants, perhaps they would be colleagues. He looked at the stage and was most certainly curious, he took a seat without word and proceeded to wait for the fireworks.
"You're not a very sociable guy, are you? Well, your mother would be proud of you. Look at you, so big and strong...and big. And very very scary. Your own father would've been scared. Ever tried looking in a mirror? You mean you don't know what a mirror is? That's true. They must have broke when you tried looking at them."

Ikari was simply and positively crawling all over the hulk of a man, poking him and jabbing him all over the place irregardless of the stares he was getting from the passing citizens of Amegakure. "Hey, hey, are you even listening to me? Geez, big guy. I just need to get to some meeting place with some Mikoto person." Ikari had now clambered onto his shoulders and began hugging the man's head just to annoy him. The man did not respond to any of his taunts, and instead, chose to reach into his pocket and withdrew a piece of paper. He reached upwards towards Ikari with paper in hand. Curious, Ikari took the paper, which immediately changed colour and revealed his name.


Ikari was cut off as the big man, still with Ikari clutching tightly on to his head, spun around and knocked three times upon the door in front of the building. With another hand, the man hoisted Ikari from his head and placed him behind the door, which then slammed shut in front of him. Ikari stared at the iron door for a second, before rapping on it lightly. "Uh...dude. I'm sorry about what I called your mom, okay?" he said, praying his apology made it through.

His hand almost snapped for his kunai when someone touched his shoulder. If he hadn't spun around before doing that, he might've stabbed the poor guy behind him without mercy by now. Another man, perhaps a bit more sociable now. Ikari didn't query though, as he was soon dragged along to an elevator, to which he was gently nudged into. The doors clanged shut, and the elevator descended. Ikari thought for a moment, then smirked. Interesting. Was the tower all but a misdirection? This Mikoto person, Ikari really liked her way of thinking. Assuming that it was a she, anyway. The elevator soon came to a stop and the new guy motioned him down the hallway towards a door.

"Alright, Ryo, here I come~" Ikari rubbed his hands in anticipation and strode towards the room. He kicked open the door, hands outstretched in a motion of grandeur. The door promptly swung back and smacked him on the side of his face. Cursing, he pushed the door open much more gingerly this time. When he looked up from the floor, however, it was not the room that interested him, neither was it the other three men in the room, but only the female kunoichi in the room. What beauty, what marvelousness, such danger and mystery. A femme fatale, his favourite. Ikari regretted nothing. But now was not the time to socialize. Instead, he stumbled into the room in a confused daze, a false one of course, and took the nearest seat. There would be time later.
The rickshaw came to a sliding halt as both it and it's driver attempted to maintain integrity a top the hydro soaked plain. The driver took a peripheral glance back at his passenger while leaning forward with hands to knees and panting for scant throbs of air. The rickshaw dumped down and sprang up as a giant rag woven old man, attempting to conceal his face with the collar of his cloak and the brim of his worn sedge hat, hobbled out by the lead of his cane. The rain beat down upon the elder who attempted a glance at the structure that soared not fifty yards ahead of him; a windowless building still under construction.

"Keep the change..."

-the old man said as if expecting that statement to serve a suave exit. He tossed a few coins towards his driver after the statement, then made an anticipated advanced towards the building site.

"More! [huff]-[huff] More..."

The old man stopped abruptly as if surprised, and swung his shoulders back around to catch a glance at his driver while making outrageous looks.

"Wha- More? You're going to charge an old man who could barely walk, AND tipped you... MORE?!"

The old man lifted his cane and wove it about for dramatic effect.

"Too... [huff]... fat..."

-said the driver. The old man suddenly popped a vein on his forehead in response to this, and decided to lob a punch at the driver's cart which took it and the driver into the opposing wall, smashing the cart to bits and leaving him in the rubble at a daze. The old man then turned around and hunched forwards, grabbing his lower back and limping on ahead to the gap in the construction site barrier despite his recent display of agility. The old man bobbed and weaved through oncoming workers, as if the deafening blasts manufacturing provided him cover. As he meandered to the mouth of the giant, there in his path stood a daunting hulk of a man bearing two swords at his sides, and a massive cudgel upon his back.

The old man paused for a long moment, sizing up the doorman as if his were threatened by the fact that there was someone larger around than he.The old man inhaled a huge breathe and sucked in his gut, then pumping up his chest and bumping it to that of the man before him. The doorman did nothing but stare seemingly through the old man and far beyond. As the old man attempted to maintain his chest, his face began to turn a rosy red and squeaks seemed to perforate from unknown crevices on his body. The old man continued his bucking to no avail, eventually giving way due to the lack of oxygen he suffered in the stunt, his gut collapsing like mud slide with bursting toots of air and gas to compliment the display. As the old man sat there in silence, staring at the door man yet concealing his embarrassment under the collar. The doorman finally broke his stare to lock eyes a few inches below with the old man who was caught by surprise, gasped because of it.


As if to recover his bearings, the old man sucked in his gut yet again, bumped it to that of the doorman and waited in silence as they both simply peered into each other. After almost another two minutes of staring and the old man struggling to hold his breath, the doorman broke the silence with a slip of paper he held in front of the man's face. The old man frumped down with toots to follow, and tried to reclaim his breath before grabbing the paper and watching as it turned blue, the name of "Genzai Kurage" manifesting on its surface.

"Buh-huh-huh-huh! Young man, young man! I am not this "Kurame Gundai" you are looking for... just a measely old man looking to get excercise! My son owns this building... I just came for my constitutional! Buh-huh-huh-huh! But... I will take this just in case I run into your Kodami Banzai..."

The doorman allowed the old man to take the letter as he was seemingly unphased by the awkward encounter, watching as the slip of paper turned blue and the name appearing upon it. His eyes then sauntered up and away as they were in the beginning. The doorman stepped to the side and knocked a special knock, never breaking his silent stare forward.

"Buh-huh-huh-huh-huh! You young bloods..."

The old man sucked in his gut for a final time and walked passed the doorman into the hall, a toot of air squeaking for every step. As he limped on forward, he was greeted by the lazy smile of a humbly dressed swordsman. The swordsman gave the old man a nod with a closed eyed smile.

"Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is-"

"Buh-huh-huh-huh-huh! Little rag-a-muffin warrior... I am afraid I have a secret. For I am not a mere old man, NAY, I AM KURAGE GENZAI, THAT OF WHOM INFILTRATED YOUR BASE WHICH SERVES AS A TRAP FOR THE REAL KURAGE GENZAI, WHICH IS ME, BUT NOT ME!"

Kurage then ripped off his disguise, and tossed it over the apathetic pathfinder who reciprocated with a look of utter confusion. The scruffy warrior smiled at Kurage oddly, as if taken off guard by his unnatural behavior, but continued on with his preordained task.

"Right this way..."

The two trudged along throughout the building as Kurage sang a song he had made about himself and his exploits. The guide seemed to slowly have the life forced drained from him as he traversed farther in with the chanting shinobi, until finally he reached the end of a room and turned to stare at Kurage. Kurage had gotten lost in the soul of his own music and walked up to the side of the warrior. He finally broke his song to ask the warrior why they had stopped, but before he could, the guide walked into an elevator and said-


Kurage then poked his head in the elevator to search around for any traps as the warrior looked confused by his actions. Upon his scanning of the small lift, the doors began to close and shut right upon his neck, causing him to flail in an uproar and fling his self back.

"What is wrong with this DOOR??!!?! DON'T CLOSE IT ON ME!!"

Kurage approached the door again as it opened back up fully, this time crouching and tip-toeing towards it. He then took in a breath of air and lunged into the elevator, rolling hard on the ground and barely missing the guide. As he got up to celebrate his victory, the elevator sat for fifteen seconds before ever so gently closing. Kurage spit at the closed door and made a rude gesture towards it before nearly falling as the elevator jutted downwards. The guide simply rested his face in his palm at the site of all of this.

As the two got out of the elevator, they made way unto a room that reciprocated nothing they had seen in the building yet; patterns of different colored squares upon the walls, and a set of bamboo doors at the end of another hallway.

"The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck."

The warrior walked back into the elevator from which he came, leaving Kurage confused and exchanging looks of dumbfoundedness between the hallway and his fleeing escort. Kurage asked his guide to wait upon turning around towards him again, but saw that the guide was maniacally smashing the elevator buttons to get away from Kurage as quickly as possible.


-Kurage shouted as his hand smacked the closing elevator door. Kurage sighed before turning and looking at the bamboo doors. He then looked down at his slip, took in a long breath, and seem to center to himself words of encouragement. After looking up with eyes of determination, Kurage smacked his self, and began a limping sprint towards the bamboo doors. As he approached the doors that began to open for him, Kurage made a leap into the air, leading with his non-limping leg, and busted through the doors with a kick and a shout-


Upon breaking in and finishing his battle-cry, Kurage looked up in surprise as he saw a theater and several other individuals waiting below. He then stood there, keeping his pose in silence before breaking into a nervous cold sweat.
Ryuzoji tied up many loose ends before actually heading toward Amegakure. He received his letter 2 weeks and a half before the appointed meeting time so he had ample amount of time to do so. When he was done with his business, he went to Takumi Village, of the Land of Rivers, to prepare his scrolls for the meeting. He had a preferred weapons and tools dealer that he went to often. Ryuzoji was a regular to the weapons dealer and she often gave him discounts on the goods that he bought. For the meeting, he mainly focused on his diversion, engineer, and close quarters scrolls. He didn't know what to expect, but he knew that you can die at any moment if you don't try and plan for the unknown.

He hauled all his tools in a large bag and placed it on a horse that he purchased while in Takumi Village. He took all his items to his personal hideout, which is on the northwest end of the Land of Rivers. After he dropped off the bag that held the tools, he tied his horse to a tree and used his hidden door to enter his hideout. He entered his hideout with the bag over his shoulder. He quickly began to set up for his meeting. He opened his bag and laid out his different scrolls. He placed each of his respective tools onto the different scrolls so he could summon them later when needed. When he was down with this task, he tucked his scrolls into a small pouch that he carried under his clothing. He also made sure to put a case of senbon in the little pouch and tuck two small throwing knives into his sleeves for just in case purposes. He had thought of using two kunais, but he decided the throwing knives were lighter and easier to conceal. He exited his hideout, took off all the gear on the horse, and then allowed the horse to return to the wild. He then took off the Amegakure.

Once he entered Amegakure, he immediately went in search for an inn to reserve a room for the night. He didn't want to waste much time. He had 2 days to do recon on the entire city before the meeting took place. He bought a room then went to a street shop that was outside of the inn to the left. He noticed that they sold ponchos when he entered the inn. There were many designs of ponchos. He chose a simple black hooded poncho and left.

For his two days, he explored every nook and cranny. He thought that the architecture of the buildings were odd. He came to Amegakure once before on a mission for Void. He stayed only but a hour before leaving again. He took notes of all village gates and made rough sketches of all side roads and main roads in his mind. His Kekkei Genkai was quite useful when it came to reconnaissance. His main focus was the meeting place. He noticed workers working around the clock. Despite working diligently, you would always catch them looking around unusually as if they were being wary of something. Maybe undercover guards or workers paid extra to be extremely vigilant. He also noticed a large, metal door that that seemed to go up instead of to the sides. The door didn't match the building design, but he cast that trivial thought to the side. He noticed a large brutish man standing next to this suspicious door. He had an intimidating air about him. He was most likely their to scare the unwanted guest way.

(time skip)

It was time for the meeting, but he choose to wait a little before entering. He was definitely intrigued on what the meeting was about, but he didn't want to foolishly give his life away. He watched the door for a while. He wanted to see if anybody was going to enter or leave. The note said that there would be others, but he was unsure if they would be coming to the meeting.

There was no movement so he decided to go to the door. No use in wasting anymore time. He was about to cross the street and approach the door, when he noticed an old man walk up to the door. Ryuzoji sat on a bench that was next to him, where an elderly woman. His hood was pulled up and he watched as they conversed. He listened in on their conversation and noticed the large man pull out a white sheet of paper. He then entered through the door that the large man guarded. A couple seconds later a hooded man walked to the door and entered. 4 more people entered through the door and he made mental notes of their characters through his observations. He decided that it was his turn to enter this meeting. He asked for the note and his name appeared. The man knocked on the door 3 times as he always did and it opened. He stopped looking into the unknown that lied behind the door. He didn't have any bone in his body that showed signs of hesitation.

He walked through the door and met another man that dressed in a simple tunic and sandals, armed with a wakizashi at his rope belt. Before departing, he gave a speech that seemed to be rehearsed. After his speech, the armed man led him to the meeting place. Ryuzoji didn't ask any questions. He simply followed the man.

When he got to the bottom of the elevator, the armed man told him his last bit before telling him to proceed. Ryuzoji walked out of the elevator and continued down that corridor. He reached a door and opened it. Stepping in, he saw a theater with rows of chairs. The people that entered before him was sitting down in the chairs. Ryuzoji walked to the left and leaned on the back wall.
Moe sat and waited for the show to begin, pondering curiously what the point of this all was. Suddenly he noted something, a noise most people would miss, but any good ninja would pick up on immediately, the faint chime of an elevator. Someone else had arrived. Moe held his breath, listing for foot steps. the ground was orange tile, and it was easy to hear someone coming as they stepped on it, unless their intention was to remain silent.

At first Moe thought that if anyone was approaching, then they were trying to remain silent, but after a moment or two had passed, he made out the faint click of footwear against the floor. The man was light a on his feet, probably a ninja. The weathered man wondered if he was the only missing nin to be invited, and, though he tried not to make it obvious, he watched intently as a hooded man entered the room. The man paused for a moment, observing the theater and his surroundings, before taking a seat silently and without a word away from Moe.

Moe waited even less time before the next elevator chime to announce the next person to gather at the meeting, a woman this time. Moe noted that her footsteps were louder, and she seemed much brasher than the previous nin. When Moe saw her, he was reminded of a wanted poster he had seen not long ago, mostly by the distinctive red bangs in her hair. He couldn't place her name, but he did remember one word from the poster, her title of nickname. Tempest. Here was another, dangerous missing nin.

"So boys...what are you in for?" She asked, a hint of seduction slipping into her tone. Moe looked back smiled a fatherly smile. Though he knew he would not be fooling anyone, he planned to keep up his act, after all, he was a medical ninja, how fierce could he be?

"Hello there you missy." He said, his voice sounding slightly enfeebled, though his tone was that of a lively older person.

"Are you here to meet Mikoto as well?" he asked, moving aside to make space for her, if she chose to sit by him he would be kindly and civil, though he would maintain his act of a slightly senile old man. They wouldn't have much time to talk however, as the elevator chimed yet again, and a new ninja entered the room, this time a man with Shamisen, long hair, and a sword. He entered, looked around, and took his seat. Moe tried to recognize him but couldnt place the man.

Following him came another man, this one with brown hair and a blue outfit. He kicked open the doors only to have them smash him in the face on the rebound, and he stumbled into the room in a daze. Though he did not recognize the people at the meeting, so far he had sensed that they were at least capable ninja like himself, and so he suspected this was a ruse. Either that or this man was here for another purpose entirely. He took a seat right next to the door, seemingly unconcerned that one could not stare at people coming into the room from there without making it obvious.

Then suddenly, someone, or something, came running down the hallway and burst through the doors, flying through the air before landing between some seats in a ridiculous pose, "Genzai" resounding off the walls as he cried his battle cry. Moe suddenly stood up in alarm, at first fearing an attack, and only his self control kept him from whipping out a few kunai the moment the massive man barreled through the room. When it became apparent that there was no danger, he smiled sheepishly, trying to play the event off as though he had simply been startled, though the quickness of his reaction surely gave him away as a ninja if his inclusion in the meeting didnt already.

He paused then, recognizing the man who had leapt in through the doors. The man was Kurage Genzai, the annihilator of the Genzai clan, what used to be a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. Moe was unfamiliar with the details, but he knew that this man was credited with the slaughtering of his own kin, and had also escaped the clutches of the powerful Uzumaki clan. Moe quickly sat back down, but kept his eyes on the man. Such a ninja was of the most dangerous kind, unafraid to cross any line, kill anyone, commit any atrocity. Moe could only imagine what twisted, homicidal thoughts lurked in the depths of the strange man's mind. His appearance instantly made Moe more wary of the others. If such a man as Kurage Genzai had been invited, then what other monsters might yet lurk in this very room?

A man walked in then, Moe had not noticed him coming, Kurage's display having distracted him from the chime. He was a dangerous looking man shrouded in a black poncho, and though his face was obscured by the cowl, Moe could just barely make out his yellow eyes. He looked around, and didn't react, even to Kurage, who still held his pose in the center of the room. The man did not sit, instead leaning against the wall. Smart, unless the enemy came out of the wall.

He looked around at the people assembled, and then looked back at the stage. Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and a slow drum began to play somewhere out of sight. The curtains were not pulled back yet, but the show was clearly preparing to start.

(Note, this is not a GM post, this is just a character post. Posts centered around Moe and his observations are just me posting, and setting the scene. During GM posts, I will move away from Moe's point of view and take on a more neutral narrative)
yuki just sat there in his seat, frantically jotting notes in his journal. 'a robust man, an old medic ninja, a female ninja, a clumsy man it seems, the drums are begging to play' were the things he wrote in his notebook. a beetle then crawled up his sleeve, 'there are others,' he heard in his head. "yes i know, ive taken notes." yuki must have seemed like he was talking to himself to others, but he didnt mind.

'no, they are rouge like you..' the insect insisted. "how did you come across this?" yuki asked. 'ive seen their posters, not all of them, but some. and if some of them are rouge ninjas, as are you, it would only make sense to say that this is a gathering of rouge nin.' his insects were very smart, and observant also. it seemed that they grew more intelligent as yuki did. "yes maybe your right, but we should not jump to conclusions." he said to the bug. 'but-" yuki cut the insect off. "silence my trying to focus...." the bug then crawled into yuki's mouth, returning to its nest.

'now back to my observations..' yuki thought as he turned his attention to the stage. 'the drums....but nothing has happened yet. a prelude i suppose.' he then heard the old man speak, he wasnt really attentive to what they were saying, but he did hear something about the woman asking what they were in for. 'the term "in for" implies that they were under some type of persecution, that could be exile from a village, but theres no way to tell...' yuki thought to himself.

yuki then pulled the orange envelope out of his coat, reviewing it. especially the part on a series of missions. he was wondering what type of missions they were, and how he even qualified for this selection. was the only qualification being a rouge ninja, or was there something else? if so, what was it? he didint notice anything special about this group of people. he then shoved his envelope back into his pocket, returning his attention to the stage. "i really hope this starts soon....''
The kunoichi woman sat in the theater along with the rest. She'd actually been one of the first to arrive. Not bothering to make much conversation, she sat off to the far left of the entrance in the very back, keeping silent as others made their way inside. When conversation began to kick up, the sound of drums suddenly interrupted. Sumire sat back and waited. While waiting, she drifted off into deep thought, thinking about the day that she had received the summons to this place.

3 Weeks Ago

A lone samurai in his late 30's stepped into the massage parlor. The sweet scent of perfume lured him in further and further. Walking slowly over to the receptionist's desk, he rang a bell. A young, tan woman of 5'5 stepped out from behind the sheer white curtain to his left. With a smile, she greeted him, all too eager to please a potential customer. "Welcome to Umiko's Massage Parlor, sir, how may I assist you?" The muscular fellow stepped forward and began to take off his robe in front of the woman's very eyes. "I hear you have the finest sauna in Tanigakure ..." His robe then fell to the floor, revealing nothing underneath but his fundoshi. "...I trust that what I have heard wasn't a mere rumor?" The woman smiled, squinting her eyes as hard as she possibly could and trying desperately to not look down at the towering man's nether regions. He was handsome, charming even, and impressively tall at 7 feet.

The receptionist nearly choked on her words. "Uhh...umm...y-yes, sir. Trust me, you will not be the least bit disappointed in our services towards you." The husky fellow smiled warmly and then reached over to snatch his robe off the floor below, folding it neatly and then handing it over to the young woman before him. "Well, then I suppose I'll be taking full advantage of your services. I'll be spending an hour in the sauna. Afterwards, I'd like a full body massage. I prefer coconut oil. Inside of this robe, you'll find two thousand Ryo. I'm a generous man. Feel free to take it all." With a bow of her head, the blushing young woman retrieved the samurai's robe from him and pivoted on her right heel into an about-face, beckoning him to follow her behind the white curtain from whence she came.

It had already been an hour in the sauna. The towering hunk of man was relaxed and ready to proceed on to the second half of his stay. Standing, he walked across the steam-filled room to a wooden door, opening it and exiting the sauna. He proceeded down a long corridor. Passing each door, he heard the voices of other men getting on and about with their pampering.

"Ahhh. little to the left. That's it..."

"Harder! Harder!"

"You've extremely soft hands."

"So, how 'bout that happy ending, eh?" THWACK "SUMIMASEN! SUMIMASEN!"

He couldn't help but let off a deep chuckle at that last one. Halfway down his journey through the corridor, the samurai warrior stopped at his designated room. "This would be it, then. Room 49."

The samurai slid the shoji door back and entered. His eyes would greet a beautiful barefoot woman of 5'9, her soft beige skin pleasing to the eye, only complimented by her choice of makeup. She wore a traditional white kimono, her hair styled into a high ponytail while letting her bangs fall freely across her forehead. Her violet lips parted to speak, an echo of seduction on her tongue. "Mmmm. The receptionist told me that you were quite the real man. It's nice to see that she wasn't exaggerating. Are we ready to begin, sir?" With a nod, the man smiled and stepped forward, dropping his fundoji and laying across on the massage bed before him, positioning himself on his stomach. The masseuse took a dry bath towel and placed it over his lower backside, getting underway with her task. The samurai would attempt to make conversation with the highly attractive woman.

"So, how long have you been a masseuse?"

"Since my teenage years..."

"I've come through here time and time again. I've never seen such a beautiful woman as yourself"

"I bet you say that to all the girls"

"Only the ones I'd like to get to know a little better. May I ask you of your name?"


"Pretty name"

"You're too kind. I bet a big, strong man like you would know exactly what to do with a woman such as myself"

"Oh, really? What?"

"Well, first, you'd probably grab me by my hips, whisper into my ear and tell me how pretty I am..."

"Go on..."

"Then, you'd begin to remove my garments and proceed to trail your lips and tongue over my body..."


"And'd proceed to rape me like the dog you are, killing me afterwards...just like you did my sisters one year ago in Sakuragakure!"


The hulking mass of man would then feel a sharp pain in the back of his neck, a paralyzing injection shot now being lodged there. "Sorry. Can't have you screaming or trying to run away. It's taken me way too long to track you down and find you, after all." The contents of the injection shot seeped deep down into the unfortunate man's bloodstream, leaving him completely paralyzed. He couldn't talk. He couldn't move. He was left on his belly and facing the floor, terrified. Sumire untied her hair now, letting it flow freely. Pulling up a chair, she'd come to sit in front of the one whom she longed to meet face to face for the past year, crossing one leg over the other.

"Hiroki Subari, former second in command of the Crimson Samurai. It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance"


"I'm sure you'd be able to say the same for me had the circumstances been different and more in your favor"


"Try not to fight the toxin. It can be incredibly painful if you do so"


"Stubborn. Go figure..."


"You know, I imagined this going differently. I wanted to look into your eyes as you died, to see the life leaving from you. I also imagined this being a lot messier, but....this will have to do, I suppose. "


"So, just so you know what's going to happen to you. I've injected into you what is a highly potent toxin. As it runs its course through your bloodstream, you will eventually be unable to breathe. Death by asphyxiation. You're lucky. The other three got far worse. You currently have less than two minutes before you pass out. Is there anything you'd like to say?"


"The silent type. Always playing hard to get. Suit yourself, mister"

Sumire's lips curled into a smirk as she untied her kimono and let it hang from her body, descending to reveal her usual attire. She would then exit the room and make her way out of the massage parlor. It'd be about another twenty minutes before the receptionist would check on Hiroki to make sure that all was going well. Sumire would be gone within mere seconds.

The time she would spend bathing in the river was all too satisfying, the rushing waters putting her at ease. It had been quite some time since she felt such a calm. She was free. Free to do whatever she pleased now. But, what? The cries of a hawk approached from overhead. It carried something between its talons. A letter? Reaching up and prying the message from the hawk's clutches, the messenger bird continued to fly onward. She began to read.

Dear Sumire

I sincerely hope that this message finds you well, and that its method of deliver did not cause you any undue stress. I am called Mikoto, and though I suspect that you have never heard of me, you can rest assured, I have heard of you. I am contacting you in order to purchase your services in series of missions I will need completed. These missions will be high risk, and will require that you work with other members of the team you will be part of. I assure you that your hard work will not go unrewarded.

In exchange for these services, you will receive a reward of 50,000,000 Ryo, 10,000,000 of which will be paid upon accepting the contract, while the other 40,000,000 is to be paid upon the contract's completion. What you do with the money is none of our concern, and we will allow you inspect the sum yourself if you so wish.

In addition to the monetary gain that I offer, I also have another prize which is available for those who seek it. If you so choose to accept and complete this mission, then you will be accepted into the Village I represent, and your past crimes will be forgiven. You may live your life in peace after that, or accept regular contracts from us, as you would in any other village. This reward is entirely optional.

Due to the unreliability of letters, I can not send with this any letter any details on the jobs you will preform, other than what I have already disclosed. I have however, sent 10,000 ryo of your reward, as well as several explosive tags for your use, consider it a thank you for even reading this far. If you want more, if you are at all interested in what is being offered, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the letter, they will take you to your destination. There we can meet, talk, discuss your contract, and cover other formalities. There is no obligation, and if you are not interested then feel free to take the money and the tags and burn this letter.

But if you seek more, and I know you do, then come meet with me in the land where the endless tears fall.


In the letter, Sumire found an opportunity. The opportunity to start over, to no longer wander. Still, she was cautious. It only made sense to be. "If this is a trap, then I'm going to make someone sorely unhappy. However, if it's not then,...." Finishing up in the river, Sumire dressed herself, attaching the note to an explosive tag before mounting her horse and taking off for Amegakure.
Another presence woke Asuna from her sleep. She barely had time to get to her feet from her bed that someone knocked at her door. "Sorry ma'am? A letter for you." a woman's voice came through the door.

"Just a moment." Asuna grumbled as he loosely wrapped a bathrobe, unlocked the door and cracked the door open and peered through. A maid that worked in the inn was holding an envelope and package, handing it towards the half-awoken girl. She collected her package and shut the door, locking it behind her once more. Even if she was intrigued of the contents of the package, her mind was still hazy from the hot springs that she had been resting at.

After moving from place to place for a while, Asuna decided to stop along a hot spring for a week, enjoying herself in the warm waters, soothing her muscles as she relocated some of her joints that felt a little off. The source of the money was indeed hard, but a good savings could pay for a second-rate hotspring. The girl wouldn't allow herself to spend too much money on a bath, when she could eat or rent a roof to sleep under. Asuna made sure that she would be alone in the baths, as some would see her altered structure. The rest felt much needed however. She slumped back on the bed for a little as her mind slowly started up for the day. A good 15 minutes passes before she groaned and rose back to her feet. The girl ignored the package, got dressed and headed down to the local restaurant to enjoy some food. "Well... Here goes the last of that money..." She sighed to herself as she returned to her room with a small meal. As she arrived to sit at the table, the package and envelope caught her attention. The girl sat down and opened the letter, her eyes widening at the sum and eagerly read the rest. "Talk about perfect timing... It's better than being on the run constantly anyways." She sighed to herself. Putting the tags along with the rest of her equipment, she gathered her things and set herself on her way towards Amegakure. If anything, she held this opportunity optimistically. She had nothing to lose and much to gain. It sounded crazy and foolish to attempt, but it was just crazy enough to tempt the Kaguya girl to check it out, if anything.

The woman wore a straw hat to hide her face while she traveled. Those who knew of her clan would recognize her enough to have a reason to fear. Their reputation preceded them, she was aware of that. Attention was something she had ran away from for a year. The gates of Amegakure neared her and stood outside, unsure of where to head next. She kept to herself, distrusting many around her. A smile was on her lips, however, enjoying the sound of the constant rain on her straw hat, finding a calming rhythm within the pounding waters. Water had never troubled her, growing around Kirigakure. It made her feel comfortable, especially since it meant water in case she needed to resort to techniques. She pursued her way through the city to the spire of said meeting place and looked up to the warrior. "I received a letter telling I'm meeting someone here. Are you the guy?" Asuna asked, pointing up to him with her left index. Presented with a paper, she grabbed it and observed the change as her it turned blue with her name on it. The girl looked back at the thug. " And?" She asked puzzled. The man knocked on the portcullis and granted her access. She sighed a little as she had to leave the rain, but didn't make a fuss of it. She peered through the half lit walkway. A man dressed in a simple tunic and sandals, armed with a wakizashi at his rope belt will greeted her gruffly, simply saying,

"Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is right behind you." and proceeded to lead Asuna deeper within the the spire. She didn't bother asking questions, knowing they would be answered shortly. Finally, they reached a bright red line which severed a hallway in half. Asuna walked over it casually. She had nothing to lose in mind, the least she could do is get answers as to what this whole thing was about. The man opened an elevator, selected the bottom floor and take them all the way down beyond the first floor.

When the elevator opened its doors again, it revealed a very different scene. A hallway, the walls painted in colored squares and patterns, that led to a set of bamboo doors. The ceiling was painted blue liked the sky, and the lights down here were bright and modern, unlike the ones upstairs. The man stayed in the elevator saying,

"The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck." And after that, the elevator left. Asuna looked around at first, for anything that could mean trouble. She was content to find none and strode down the hallway casually and opened the doors before her. Somewhat surprised to come to a theater, of all things, the girl kept to herself, thinking she was possibly one of the last to arrive by the amount of people before her. The more, the merrier, the bloodier. She chanted in her own mind as she took an empty seat away from most and patiently waited for things to begin. Patience, however wasn't something she had been taught.
Ryuzoji watched the rather large ninja from the corners of his eyes. He was the notorious Kurage Genzai, the killer of his clan. His name was in the bingo book. He would of thought that this large, loud man would've been quickly captured and taken in because he didn't seemed like much. Watching him a little further, he put that novice thought to the side. Underestimating your opponents is what gets you killed in this violent world we live in. He made a mental note to watch him closely. He wanted to know of his abilities.

Ryuzoji was looking around at the other ninja.He watched the old man as he constantly looked around at the other ninjas. He seemed quite observant Ryuzoji thought. Maybe his age made him paranoid. He looked a little to the right and noticed a Kunoichi sitting near him. He didn't notice her come in. It must of been when he was distracted by a man who was trying to sell his artwork to him. He was quite persistent.

He assumed that they were all rogue ninja and based on the letter, they would all be teaming up together to complete some sort of mission. He couldn't come to trust these people. If they were truly rogue ninja, then the would all have moral issues. Betraying their kinsmen or slaughtering people for the fun of it seemed right up their ally. He would have to watch them closely and collect as much data on them. He could be betrayed by them at any moment and he preferred to have the upper hand. Being ready means staying alive.

Re-positioning himself on the wall, he wondered if people thought of him the same way as they looked at the wanted posters. He was the one that was betrayed by his clan.

The lights began to dim as the drums began to play. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He purged any thoughts that would hinder his focus. Anything could happen.

"Let the show begin," he whispered to himself.
The damp ground sunk under foot as Kirato made his way to Amegakure. A destination that would give him a new start and life after he finished this mission. Even if the promise is a lie I still have to try. Slowly tilting his head up to see under the rim of his sakkat which was used to hide his hair. He continued on down the road as the damp muddy ground changed into tile changing the tone of his steps as he reached the city gates. His black muffler draped to his knee's trying to be nothing more than a simple traveler. Kirato was aware of the price on his head in the bingo book's. Being that of a highly respected clan and a trained anbu elite put a stifling price on his head. One of the jounin on registration slowly moved away from the group of two he had just interviewed and moved to Kirato.

"What brings you to Amegakure?" The jounin inquired.

"Nothing more than food and shelter." Kirato raised his head and gave a large smile to the jounin. Almost taken back by the warmth of the boy he cocked his head back and gave him the okay to enter the hidden city in the rain. Kirato knew acting nice to people was an easy way to fool them.

As he proceeded through the gate large towering buildings were shot up around him as the life here was busy as if undaunted by the war. Children moved around in the streets running in the damp puddles and people chatted. Lowering his head he walked through the streets to his destination... to see the man who might change Kirato's fate as a traitor. He would bring the great and powerful name of Uzumaki to Amegakure. the water in the puddles dispersed with each step Kirato made through them as he came to a skyscraper that was under construction. Laborers building and moving tools around to finish this monumental structure. Kirato disregarded the eye's watching him peering from under the sakkat he made his way to an archway with a giant man. Tilting his head slightly to show his face to the brute, the large man extended his hand with a slip of paper. Moving his hand from under his black muffler he touched the slip sending a flash of blue and his name inked on the sheet. 3 loud bangs against metal sounded as the door opened and Kirato made his way past the brute and into a tight hallway space with torches slightly illuminating the dim stretch. Another man stood in his path

"Welcome and follow me. If at any point you feel you wish to turn back, you may do so. After we cross the red line, however, you must remain for the meeting and not leave until allowed. If you understand and agree then follow me. If you don't then the door is right behind you."

The mans monotone voice was met with a smile from Kirato. He would never turn back, he had no place to return to. Sliding the sakkat behind his head held on his neck by a string he made his way follow this man. Their steps reverberated off the walls as they silently went deeper and deeper. "Am I late?" Kirato asked as he moved his hands to rest behind his head. The man replied "No." it seemed to be said in a tone of boredom and with no emotion as they got to an elevator in which they both entered. "You don't talk much do you?" Kirato inquired "No." The man said as the elevator descended down and down. "Don't you get bored?" Kirato kept talking to the man "No." as the lift came to a low screech and moan as it stopped. Finally the doors opened and the man said something other than no to Kirato. "The door at the end is for you ninja. Good luck." Stepping off Kirato spun on his foot as he waved the man goodbye as the door closed and he ascended back up. "I make my own luck... Kirato drapped his hands back down to his side as he walked to the door and opened it up. "Hey sorry I'm late!" Kirato apologetically yelled as he entered the theater a large small on his face.
Genzai, Aburame, Takeda, Amagiri, Takadori, Fukujin....Ikari was finally aware of who these people were. Rumours were free game when one was a thief roaming for contracts to take up. Wanted, exiled, outcasts, just like him. The only problem was that he was just a thief. What were these people? Killers? Thieves like him? Those who performed forbidden arts? Ikari couldn't let his guard down. He knew he was not on par with any of these people, in fact, he was just like any other commoner to them. Only his smarts would save his sorry hide if he were to be set up to against them. He brought up a single explosive tag between his fingers, and wvaved it in front of him, acting as a miniature fan. He needed a back-up plan to escape if this turned messy. No way was he going to lose his life in this. Those properties weren't going to steal themselves. He leaned back on his seat and scanned the theatre again. This was too suspicious. A gathering of outcasts, a contract put out for all of them. No doubt have they been promised that they will be acquitted of their crimes, whatever they have been. Was this some glorified death sentence? No matter. Ikari needed to act to save himself.

He spotted a kunoichi, just hanging back from the crowd at the corner. When had she gotten there? How did he, a man who notices all women, not notice a woman? His skills were indeed getting rusty. Anxiety struck him, but he maintained a calm act. He would be chewed up and spat out like used bubblegum within an instant if his plans didn't go well. He would have to think everything over, every single detail, as long as he remained in the company of these men and women. What a waste, though. That Takeda lady would have been a catch. The new lady who appeared just out of sight was quite the looker as well.

As soon as the drums started up, he assumed the attention would draw towards the stage. He should be right. He can't be wrong. Not now. Ikari silently rose from his seat and backed towards the entrance, and pretended to examine the door in an obvious act of checking for traps. As he did so, he attached an explosive seal in between the door and its frame, almost out of sight. The incoming footsteps made him leap away instantly, just in time, too, to avoid having his face smashed in again by the door. He backed away from the newcomer, before pinning him as an Uzumaki. A branded thief and an exile as well, but not as qualified as Ikari himself. He nodded slightly at the Uzumaki's arrival as he queried on his tardiness.

"You're not late, dude. It's only just beginning." Ikari reassured him, before retaking his seat.
The drums that played resounded through the room, and though no drums were visible, the wall reverberated with their beating and the sounds of voices joining in musically. The lights in the already dim theater dimmed even more, and the curtain ruffled with movement. As the drums played, more people entered and took their seat, until there were thirteen people in the room left. Three of the newcomers were completely shrouded in robes and cowls, hiding their identities from casual observation. Once everyone took their seat, the curtains pulled back to reveal of colorful scene, and the drums died down.

A painted backdrop of a cherry blossom grove beside a street and some traditional buildings made up the scenery, and actors slowly made their way onto the stage from behind the curtains, dressed as artisans, farmers, merchants, businessmen, and other common citizens. They walked as though they were merely preforming an everyday routine, strolling through the avenue on their way to some place or another. The music is tranquil, cherry blossoms blow across the road in a gust of wind, and all seems normal.

Then, with no announcement, two other figures step on to the stage, these two very different from the others. They walk with defined warrior gaits, and their clothes are dark, blank forehead protectors strapped to their heads. Ninja. They start on opposite sides of the stage, slowly making their way towards each other through the crowd of people. Finally they met in the middle, trying to cross the other's path. The Ninja on the right, a tall, bulky ninja that wore no sleeves and clawed gauntlets, bowed to the other ninja apologetically, as the one on the left, a shorter ninja, with two katana, and bandolier of shuriken ringing his chest, bowed deeply as well, and offer to go a little to the left. The other insisted he go to the right, and with that they both parted, going around the other and continuing towards the opposite sides of the stage.

Suddenly, the shorter ninja spun and threw five of his shuriken at the back of the tall ninja. At the same moment, the tall one back flipped high into the air, either assisted by invisible strings, or chakra, as he dodged the Shuriken and began to descend on the short ninja;s location. He drew one of his two Katana, and blocked the clawed strike of the tall ninja, and with that they began to freely and skillfully exchange blows. To a normal audience, the stunts and movements of the actors on stage would have been breath taking, but to most of the true ninja gathered there, the moves would seem more showy than was necessary, and at times even look dramatically clumsy, or foolish, and it would not be difficult to see that the fight had been clearly choreographed and rehearsed. Still, it was not a bad show for men who were actors, and probably not ninja, though their weapons seemed plenty real.

As the two fought, the people on the street ducked and panicked, and many a dramatically missed blow managed to fell two or three of the scattering villagers at once. Soon bodies began to pile around the stage as the two ninja did more battle. The fight went on for nearly three minutes, and nearly all the running villagers were dead, though some huddled on the ground and remained alive. That was soon to end however, as the two fighting ninja made their towards one of the survivors, a young girl. The slash came up, the ninja dodged, and the sword began to fall towards her.

Suddenly, a new figure leaped from one of the buildings painted into the background, and blocked the blow with a short sword, another ninja. This one wore armor over his chest like a warrior, and his blank Forehead protector had long trailing ends which blew in an a wind the audience could not feel. He allowed the girl to run away and challenged the fighting ninja. The two looked at each other, nodded, and both turned to fight the newcomer. A vicious melee ensued, but the skilled new ninja managed to hold his own against both, and after about two minutes of fighting, the clawed ninja betrayed the katana wielding ninja in the middle of combat, nearly taking his head off, but failing to catch him.

Now the battle was a atrocious three way fight, everyman fighting for himself. Without warning, soldiers wielding spears and katana charged out from the sides of the stage, the village guards apparently, and they attacked all three ninja. The three didnt so much as stop fighting, instead turning as they fought and cutting down the peasant soldiers easily and quickly. Then, from nowhere, A spray of kunai made them all turn and block, not from one side of the stage, but from both. Two more ninja, the one of the right being a slender female holding two bladed fans, and the one on the right being a seemingly four arm individual with a kunai grasped in each hand. The two joined the fray, even fighting each other, their allegiances being their own.

As they fought, the scenery began to change, the painted cherry blossoms were sprayed with blood, and then lit on fire, burning sorrowfully in the background. The buildings also caught flame, and even more villagers and guards died. And yet still the battle raged, for five minutes the ninja dueled each other, dodging and cutting and trying to kill the others. At last, all the ninja lay mortally wounded or slain on the ground, and with that, the lights dimmed and the curtains closed.

Behind the curtains movement began to stir, and the sound of shuffling feet could be heard. Less than a minute later, the curtains draw back to reveal a cleared stage, bearing no background, corpses, or actors save for perhaps one. In the center of the stage was a bamboo and paper veil, on which could clearly be seen the outline of a person sitting cross legged. The shadow was indistinct and blurry, so no more detail could be made out other than a rough posture. The shroud was somewhat bent so that none of the ninja, no matter where they sat, could see who was behind the shroud. The figure did not stir, but instead, a strange, nearly monotone voice which resounded rather loudly in the room said,

"I am Mikoto." The voice was deep but distorted, concealing the gender of the speaker, as well as making the voice unrecognizable.

"I am sure you have many questions, about what you just saw, and about what you are doing here. I will explain only what I need to, and understand that what you just saw was the longest explanation I plan to give. You have been gathered because you are outcasts, you struggle to survive, you have no village nor clan, and are hunted as an outsider and criminal by even your own people, if any of them remain. You are here because you want the money I offer, or because you desire a fresh start in a place you can call your own. You were not misled, I offer all of these things.

"In the contract I am offering, you would be required to successfully complete several S rank Missions, 10 missions each, and then you will gain your reward. You need not concern yourself with the ultimate purpose of your missions, only know that if you complete ten of them, then you will be much richer and given a new home, one where you will be guaranteed safety and future missions, if you desire them. In a moment, I will hand out the contract, which you must sign with the pen we provide. You may study it or ask me any questions about it now, though if you ask about my purpose, all I can tell you is that you saw all that you needed to see already.

"So," Said the figure behind the veil. "Any questions?"
As the play began, Asuna rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her hands, uninterested. When the fight began, she perked up to observe more but noting the slight feel of rehearsal in their movements made her lose interest in the play. What they played before her was what she had grew up in. She admitted the effects were good for a play, but the girl never had the affinity for that kind of art. Her art was more the type of painting the land with blood. The idea brought a small smile to her lips, only for a second. The play continued on, the girl's attention slipping more to the others in the room. The dark was a place where she knew many would see a chance. And for all she knew, they may end up working together. She assumed they were here for the same reason. The battlefield yields many casualties, with a sum that high, it must be that he was afraid some would fail... Asuna thought to herself, returning her attention to the play as more foes entered, all losing her interest in a moment's notice of rehearsal. Idly leaning back into the chair, she reached for play with a small necklace with a bone, warped beyond recognition. It's shape was like a drop only the obvious twisting pattern in the bone showed the bone had undergone immense torsion without breaking.

Once the curtain opened once more to 'Mikito', Asuna sat up in her seat, peering though her straw hat. She frowned as she wasn't able to tell if what was sitting behind the veil was even someone. Could even be a puppet, for all we know... She grumbled to herself and listened. The condition is that we turn a blind eye at what we are doing... Asuna's lips twisted to one side, weighing the options. The reminder that she had nothing to lose made her choice for her and she contented herself of what was going to happen. High-risk jobs, but she gets to stop running and money to go with it. She crossed her arms across her chest and rested her back in her seat and waited for anyone else to ask question or for the pen and contract to come around. She didn't have many options anymore. If anything, it could be promising for her.
Looking at the new person in front of him who had assured him he was not late Kirato nodded his head in acknowledgement "Oh oka-." As the drums started for the play to start Kirato grabbed the boys arm and pulled him to a row of seats leading him to the chair in the center of the row in the back as he leaped down into it, wiggling a little to get comfortable in the seat as he leaned in gazing at the stage.

As Kirato watched the performance his eye's sparkled in excitement like a small child. He followed every movement and thrust with great enthusiasm. He would hold his breath during the fighting and release when they reposed for more. as soon as the play ended Kirato clapped his hands softly together. turning to Ikari he whispered to him "That was cool huh?"

A figure veiled in cloth appeared on the stage and began stating the conditions and reasons behind the contract that brought all the people here. As the figure kept speaking Kirato counted the heads in the room.

Kirato raised his hand as he had a loud voice that seemed to loud for this theater. "I have a few. You said ten each so does that mean we do not work together? Or are we a team or do we break off into cells?" Kirato moved his hand to his chin as he continued talking as he thought out loud. "And if we don't work together what is the purpose of bringing us all here? And if you are offering sanctuary in your own village why do you hide your identity?" Kirato was very oblivious to many things and had a poor time inferring what people wanted. He was known for his voice and carefree attitude just as much as his laziness. Even in Kirato's mind something was not adding up to the purpose of this meeting, bringing all these people here... "Can you really offer us Amnesty? Or do you expect us to die before we finish?" No matter the answer, Kirato had to continue on if he wanted to live a quiet and peaceful life he would partake in these missions even if it was almost near impossible.

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