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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

could I have a summery of everything that has happened? Ive started reading it but itll take me a little while to get caught up
Not sure about the Others but as for Infinities lover, Backlash and myself. We started in konoha, needed to escort a felon, turned sour real fast and now its Aime=KO, Back, Infi and Riku Vs two rogues/anbu guys.
@Kaine @backlash

I am so so so so so so so so sorry! I am a procrastinator, and I'm trying to break the habit, but its very slow going.

I was working today and started to think up a response, but it'll be sometime late tonight. I fell down a few stairs and twisted or sprained my ankle (one of those) and right now I cant reach my laptop which is in a tight space on the floor under a foot rest, away from my dogs.

Sorry again for the delay, tonight I swear!
this is what happens when you dont give me your soul
I THOUGHT I DID THAT GHOST! or I gave it to Pine...this is your fault ghostie why didn't you tell me

I'm okay. It only hurts now cause I had to hop up my driveway
did you? i cant remember

*starts searching through soul collection*

if you chop it off, it'll stop hurting forever!
No then a new party of my leg will hurt.

Eh it's okay. At least the box I was carrying was super light. Otherwise I might be in a lot more pain
I dunno, a party in your leg sounds preeeeettyy coool....
xD autocorrect can be such a pain sometimes
@Infinities Lover @backlash


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