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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World


im making my dad employ me, because i dont want to go through job interviews again...

its really easy simple office stuff that takes hardly any effort, which i love because im lazy af

other than i guess weekly cleaning his shop.....

which really sucked today because i hurt my wrist from playing too many videogames

i kind of needed a job though, because my parents refuse to pay for food for my snake...?

and on the 23rd I'm going to go to some meeting thing and schedule training in socializing with cats for a local shelter :D

I love cats, but my mom doesnt and my sister is allergic, so we cant get one

And I also love getting shy cats to love me.

so, i figured id get some volunteer hours in doing something i like with a bunch of adorable animals

i know im going to want to adopt all of them though
That's the same with me and my mom. She volunteers at PAWS and work a with the dogs and once they go over my application I'll be working with her. We already want to take every dog home
whAT the fuck is going on with your driver's ed

at MINE it was really clique-ish but that's okay because i basically hated everyone there lmao

also i think i have a reasonable excuse for having not cleaned my room yet sooOOOOoooO

*stealthily opens up ic tab*
Everyone was either diligently trying to work or sleeping. Or some just ignored the class and worked at home. I slept
well, like i said im honestly not sure pie

so on the first day, i didnt know where the room was but they had nicely put up a sign on the main doors (because the class is at my old and soonish to be not-old school)

so i went where the sign told me, and discovered that there was two different classes being held at the same exact time but they didn't bother to put up signs for the other one ANYWHERE

and i was supposed to be in the other class, and so was she

and the instructor there was like "the one you're supposed to be in is in Armstrong" because they name parts of the building

and since i havent been there for a year, i couldnt remember which one was armstrong so i just picked a direction and started walking

but then my New Friend™ had also gone to the wrong class, and i noticed that her and another chick were walking the other direction so i was like "lol guess i chose the wrong way" so i hurried my short lil legs over in the right direction and New Friend™ just started going on about "wow they couldnt pUT A FUCKING SIGN UP because they HATE US POOR PEOPLE THAT hAVE TO GO TO THE SCHOOL DRIVERS ED" which i didnt even know the school one was considered for poor people

but i just kinda laughed and complained about how the teacher was like "the class is way over on the end of armstrong" which was incredibly vague and you can only be late to class like twice and armstrong was big and has many ends....

and we ended up being sat so i was like behind and above her kind of to the right because its in a lecture pit

and the first video was like a super dramatic oprah one about people killing other people with their cars because they were texting and then we made fun of it because we're terrible i guess but mostly because the people that caused accidents were being so stupid and the victims families were acting so dramatic at first i thought the stories were fake because it seemed like really bad acting

and then we complained about homework idfk

and then on the way out after class there was this couple and one of them kept whining baby hold my hand so i looked at her and was like "bby will you hold my hand?" to which she responded by offering hers which i grabbed in both my hands and she was like omfg no hold my hand like this and did the whole interlocking fingers thing

and today was much of the same similar things, with the addition of smuggling froot loops in because "under no circumstances should you be eating in here" so of course, thats exactly what we did

and then she grabbed my hand of her own accord and was like yo you wanna hang out

and i was trying to think of what i was doing today and i was like uM i dont know i think im being trained for a job

and that was it

so basically its a huge coincidence that we even started talking and that she likes me so much for seemingly no reason?? like she keeps making comments in class and looking at me for approval i kinda love it tho

i havent talked to any of the other kids, and the ones sitting near us probably hate us and/or are offended

i want to save all the cats so much
Ghostie you're drivers ed seems great. I wish it was mine :<
its really only the one person, everyone else isnt really noticeable xD

but i guess having one person to joke about murder and satanic rituals with makes it much better
My last name starts with a fucking Z

I'm the last one and stuck next to alllll the wannabe bitches. I meet no cool people :<
usually i dont meet very many cool people either

the two years i went to this school, i met maybe one or two people i could stand for more than an hour xD

aaaand i gotta go eat :o

ill be BAKC
lmao ppl grabbing my had get it alright in a fIST TO THEIR FAEC

and i hate interlocking fingers nonononO

but congrats on earning the fan man
I know xD

ill remember to hold your hand the way friends usually do ;)

that reminds me i was going to complain about the pain in my hands tendons to you

buT yes i have a fan club again

and so far has been more tolerable than my Chicken Nugget Hoes

i was going to do drivers ed last summer, but then it turned out id signed up for am art camp on the same week, so i missed it

the summer before that, my mom wouldnt let me do drivers ed because she didnt want my older brother to feel bad if i got my license before him...
i had a sort of fan club, some of them had crushes on me and they could get pretty annoying/uncomfortable-weird sometimes, i tolerated them because i used them to get food

mostly chicken nuggets xD

pie knows about them
My dad is friends with someone who drives the McDonalds truck
There's this woman at my McDonalds who flirts with me all the time even though she's like 30...

Offered me free ice cream once but I rejected....
Seems like a smart thing to do....but at the same time....it was free ice cream xD

i wouldnt have taken the icecream either, but only because i wouldnt want someone like that to hit on me more
goats i will be sure to cRUSH YOUR HAND WITH MY MUS CLES

gilly i was about to get angry with you

but idk about mcdonald's ice cream either

also, why fourteen?

was that a special circumstances kind of thing?

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